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Plot No-2, Knowledge Park –III, Greater Noida


Advertising, Sales Promotion Management & Digital Marketing

(Code: PGM01)
(No. of Credits: 03)

PGDM (BATCH: 2017-19, TERM: III)

(Dr. Arpita Srivastava)

Assistant Professor – Marketing
Introduction about the Course
About the Course:
All organizations; large and small, commercial , government or non government, charities,
educational and other non profit organization need to communicate with large range of
stakeholders. The fourth P of marketing – Promotions- has metamorphosed in the past two
decades to encompass a variety of consumer contact activities and communication
techniques. It is now termed “Marketing Communications and goes much beyond one way
communications such as Advertising.
In the hyper-competitive marketplace of toady, Marketing Communications have a critical
role to play in the success of organizations. Even the best of products cannot succeed in
market place without strategic and tactical support from marketing communication activities.
New technologies and techniques for customer contact and involvement have evolved. New
media are available. There is increasing emphasis on evaluating marketing communication
activities on a regular basis to ensure financial accountability. It is no longer enough to
advertise using mass media, with the occasional promotional offer to achieve quarterly sales
Why the course is important to be part of this program:
With a PGDM in Marketing, students would be able to understand the importance of
integrated marketing communication in today’s competitive world. The syllabus will
elaborate specialized topics Fundamentals of Advertising, Advertising Planning, Building
Advertising Programme, Message Strategy, Media Selection, Planning, Scheduling and
strategy, Fundamentals and Techniques of Sales Promotion and Emerging Trends in Digital
Marketing. From time to time students will be provided with necessary inputs in form of
latest development s in IMC field. They will also be encouraged to indulge in field research
to gain practical insight about the subject. Thus, it will help in developing marketing
professionals with well rounded business perspective.

Course Objective:
 To help students understand the concept of integrated marketing communication, its
process and impact.
 To help students in determination of target audience, developing advertisement goals
and applying DAGMAR approach for better understanding of advertisement
 To describe the types of media, media planning, media selection and applying Ostraw
model for media frequency selection.
 To understand the methods of advertising budget and estimating the advertising
 To explain the impact of sales promotion on sales, understating the related issues and
challenges involved in sales promotion, various techniques of consumer promotion
and trade promotion.
 To explore digital marketing mix, key words search through SEO, Meta tags, forms
of mobile marketing and social media marketing.

Course Learning Outcomes:

After the completion of course, students should be able to:
• Explain the concept of integrated marketing communication.
• Define the target audience
• Appreciate the strength and weaknesses of various media channels
• Understand how marketing communications influences consumerbuying behaviour
• Developing Advertising Goals
• Understand the types of media, media planning and media selection
• Prepare advertising budget and expenditures
• Understand the impact of sales promotion on sales.
• Explore digital marketing mix.

Pre-requisites for Course:

• Clear understanding of Marketing Management like consumer behavior, product life
cycle, segmentation, targeting, positioning etc.
• Clarity of Promotion Mix concepts and terms.
• Basic understanding of terms like marketing mix, media selection, planning and
scheduling, sales promotion and digital marketing.

Pedagogy will involve an optimum combination of Lectures, Case studies from latest
magazines, Journals or internet on the related areas, Group Discussions, Video Case
Analysis, Preparing Advertising Ready Recknor (latest news and updates) and Presentations
by students on related topics, Assignments, Quiz and Team exercises etc.

Lecture Design:

Course: Advertising, Sales Promotion Management & Digital Marketing

Sr. Topics No. of Lecture / No.

No. Sessions GD of
Unit I : Fundamentals of Advertising
1 Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communication. 1 Lecture 1.5
 Evolution of IMC
 Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
 Role and Objectives of Marketing Communication
 Barriers to effective IMC
 Impact of IMC on Advertising
 Process of IMC
2 Advertising as a tool of Communication 1 Lecture 1.5
 The process of communication
 Role of Advertising in Communication Mix
 Participants in Modern Advertising

3 Ethics in Advertising 1 Lecture 1.5

 Ethics in Advertising &
 Role of Advertising Standard Council of India Team
Team 1: Compare and contrast Integrated Marketing Presentation
Communication strategies of five E- retailers in last
two years for Indian market.
Team 2: Analyze 5 recent TVC from 5 different
sectors which you feel are not fulfilling the criteria of
Ethical Advertisement and Why?
Case 1: Coca Cola India IMC Strategies
Total Hrs 4.5

Unit II : Advertising Planning, Decision Making

and Setting Goals & Objectives

4 Advertising Planning 1 Lecture

 Determination of Target Audience & 1.5
 Market Segmentation Team
 Targeting and Theme identification Presentation
 Product Life Cycle (PLC) and Advertising.
Team 3: Compare and contrast communication
approach of 5 different brands of Hindustan Unilever
who are right now at the different stages of Product
Life Cycle.

5 Decision Making 1 Lecture 1.5

 Decision Process &
 Role of Consumer Behaviour. Team
 Types of Purchase Decision Behaviour Exercise
 Consumer and Competitor Analysis
Team 4: Prepare a presentation on Consumer Profiling
of five different brands from Consumer Durable sector
6 Setting Goals and Objectives 1 Team 1.5
Exercise &
 Advertising goals Team
 DAGMAR approach

 Types of campaigns
Team 5: Identify 5 latest TVC of SUV (sports utility
vehicle) and specify a set of DAGMAR objectives that
might apply to them.

7 Building Advertising Programme, Message Strategy 1.5

 Message Design and Positioning
 Message Presentation 1 Lecture &
 Advertising Message Format Group
 Message Appeals Discussion
Group Discussion 1: Is Advertising Marketing or
Cheating?/ IMC facilitates easy working relationship
between client and agency

8 Rational Appeals, Emotional Appeals 1.5

 Message Tactics- Creative Approaches, Lecture
Rational Creative Approaches, Emotional &
Creative Approaches Team
 Using an Endorser : Issues and concerns, Presentation
multiplicity of endorsers
Team 6: Compare and contrast Communication
Approach of Flipkart vs Amazon and Pepsodent vs
Colgate in last three years.
Case 2: Advertising Strategies : WATER BED

Total Hours 7.5

Unit III: Media Selection, Planning, Scheduling and Strategy

9 Media Selection and Planning 1 Lecture & 1.5

 Types of Media Group
 Media Planning Discussion
 Media Selection
 Media Strategy
Group Discussion 2: Whether Digital media has
taken over Traditional media for advertising?

10 1 GD & Team 1.5

Group Discussion 3: “Companies that spend the Presentations
most on advertising do not necessarily achieve the
highest brand value for their product.”

Team 7: Discuss the pros and cons of multiplicity

endorsement with the help of 5 Celebrity Endorsers,
who have endorsed endorsing different brands in last
two years.
Team 8: Analyze latest 5 TVC that uses Fear Appeal in
their advertising strategy.

11 Media Scheduling and Strategy 1 Lecture &GD 1.5

 Media Scheduling Strategies
 Challenges and Opportunities
 Ostraw Model for Media Frequency Decisions
Group discussion 4: Competitive parity as a budget
setting method promotes promotional wars.

12 Advertising Budget 1 Lecture and 1.5

 Waste in Advertising Presentations
 Control of wasteful Advertisements and Case
 Determining advertising expenditure and Analysis
methods of advertising

Team 9: Select 2 brands from FMCG and 2 brands

from Consumer Durable sectors who are using
traditional media along with social media for
advertising and why?

Group discussion 5: Cultural differences might

impact viewer’s perceptions of advertisements.

13 Team 10: Compare and contrast Media Planning 1 Team 1.5

Strategies of Ariel vs. Surf. In last 2 years. Presentations
and Case
Case Study 3 : Analysis
A Case Study on Misleading Celebrity
Endorsements and its Impact on Consumer

Total Hrs 7.5

Unit IV: Fundamentals and Techniques of Sales Promotion

14 Sales Promotion & Promotion Mix 1 Lecture, 1.5

 Introduction Sales Promotion & Promotion Mix Team
 Impact of Sales Promotion on Sales Presentation
 Related Issues and Challenges and Case
 Techniques of Consumer Promotion Analysis
 Trade Promotion
Team 11: Prepare a Presentation on Sales Promotion
strategies of five Smart Phones Players in India in last
one year.

Case 4: Promotional Strategies of the

Pharmaceutical Industry
( Oxford Publisher: Jaishri Jethwaney, Shruti Jain)

Group discussion 6: A Ship Docked in Harbour

cannot face the Storms ((Changing Role of Digital

Total Hrs 1.5

Unit V – Digital Marketing Mix and Emerging Trends
15 Digital Marketing Mix Lecture 1.5
 Brand building on the web &
 Pricing on the internet Team
 Internet as a distribution channel Presentation
 Affiliate marketing Online Advertising

Group Discussion 7: “Internet marketers have

been criticized as engaging in unethical practices”

16 Group Discussion 8 : Should celebrities be held Lecture 1.5

responsible for misleading advertisements &
Team 12: Analyze the social media practices of 2 Presentation
Banking Organizations and 2 Automobile companies.
(last 2 years) Do the social media practices vary from
sector to sector? If yes identify the causes.

Team 13: Compare and contrast 5 Travel websites/app

for Hotel Booking. Create a framework to establish
which website is more user friendly than other and

17 Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing: 1 Lecture and 1.5

 Search Enging Optimization Case Analysis
 Pay Per Click – PPC
 Digital Display Advertising

Case 5: Social Media : How Mahindra Two

Wheelers Used Social Gaming For Its Brand

18 Social Media Marketing 1 Lecture 1.5

 Social Media Marketing &
 Using Facebook, twitter and Youtube Video Group
 Building Brand Mobile Marketing Discussion
Group Discussion 9: Is Face book killing privacy of
consumer’s softly.

19 Team 14: “Social gaming, Customized you tube 1 Team 1.5

channel, Live webcast and Online communities are the Presentations
new buzz word for Online promotion of brands.”
Justify this statement with the help of 5 brands
practicing any of these digital marketing tools.
Team 15: Prepare a presentation on current Online
marketing strategies of Coke and Pepsi. How they are
using series of online platform and social networking
sites for proliferation of the brand in virtual domain
20 Quiz 1 Quiz 1.5

21 Group Discussion10: Digitization has disrupted the 1 GD 1.5

advertising industry.

Total Hrs 10

 Team 1: Compare and contrast Integrated Marketing Communication strategies of
five E- retailers in last two years for Indian market.

 Team 2: Analyze 5 recent TVC from 5 different sectors which you feel are not
fulfilling the criteria of Ethical Advertisement and Why?

 Team 3: Prepare a presentation on Consumer Profiling of five different brands from

Consumer Durable sector.

 Team 4: Compare and contrast Communication Approach of Flipkart vs Amazon and

Pepsodent vs Colgate in last three years.

 Team 5: Compare and contrast communication approach of 5 different brands of

Hindustan Unilever who are right now at the different stages of Product Life Cycle.

 Team 6: Identify 5 latest TVC of SUV (sports utility vehicle) and specify a set of
DAGMAR objectives that might apply to them.

 Team 7: Discuss the pros and cons of multiplicity endorsement with the help of 5
Celebrity Endorsers, who have endorsed endorsing different brands in last two years.

 Team 8: Analyze latest 5 TVC that uses Fear Appeal in their advertising strategy.

 Team 9: Compare and contrast Media Planning Strategies of Ariel vs. Surf. In last 2

 Team 10: Track the online presence of five brands from different sectors and discuss
their current online branding strategies.

 Team 11: Analyze the social media practices of 2 Banking Organizations and 2
Automobile companies. (last 2 years) Do the social media practices vary from sector
to sector? If yes identify the causes.
 Team 12: Compare and contrast 5 Travel websites/app for Hotel Booking. Create a
framework to establish which website is more user friendly than other and HOW?

 Team 13: Prepare a presentation on current Online marketing strategies of Coke and
Pepsi. How they are using series of online platform and social networking sites for
proliferation of the brand in virtual domain.

 Team 14: Prepare a Presentation on Sales Promotion strategies of five Smart Phones
Players in India in last one year.

 Team 15: “Social gaming, Customized you tube channel, Live webcast and Online
communities are the new buzz word for Online promotion of brands.” Justify this
statement with the help of 5 brands practicing any of these digital marketing tools.

Group Discussions:

 Is Advertising Marketing or Cheating?/ IMC facilitates easy working relationship

between client and agency
 Whether Digital media has taken over Traditional media for advertising?
 Companies that spend the most on advertising do not necessarily achieve the highest
brand value for their product.”
 Competitive parity as a budget setting method promotes promotional wars.
 Cultural differences might impact viewer’s perceptions of advertisements.
 A Ship Docked in Harbor cannot face the Storms ((Changing Role of Digital Media)
 “Internet marketers have been criticized as engaging in unethical practices”
 Should celebrities be held responsible for misleading advertisements
 Is Face book killing privacy of consumer’s softly?
 Digitization has disrupted the advertising industry.

Text Books
 Batra Rajeev; Myers, John G; Aaker, David A; Advertising Management.
 George E. Belch, Michael A. Belch, Keyoor Purani; Advertising and promotion.
 Chaffey, Dave, Chadwick, Fiona, Ellis Digital Marketing; Strategy, Implementation
and Practice, Pearson

 Kazmi, SHH, Advertisement and Sales Promotion, Excel Books.
 Shimp, Terence A, Advertising and Promotion, Cengage Learning
 Jethwaney, Jaishri, Advertising management, Oxford University press.
 Batra, Rajeev , Advertisement Management, Pearson education
 Greenberg Eric, Kates, Alexander. Strategic Digital Marketing, Tata Mc Grew Hill.
 Charlesworth, Alen. Digital Marketing: A practical Approach
 Strauss Judy, Frost Raymond, E Marketing, Pearson Education.
1. Journal of Advertising and Brand Managements
2. Journal of Digital and social Media Marketing
3. Journal o Interactive Marketing
4. Journal Of Digital marketing
5. Digital Marketing – The marketing Journal

1. Digital Marketing Magazine
2. Bloomberg Businessweek
3. Outlook Business
4. Brand Equity ( Economic Times)

Useful Websites:


Evaluation Criteria
Total Marks Assigned: 100

Activity Marks
Case Study Analysis with Group Discussion 10
Quiz 10
(Note: At least one Surprise Quiz must be
conducted in class)
Team Presentation 10
Mid Term Examination 20
End Term Examination 50

Assessment Map (Instruction: Kindly  mark the Assessment Tools used in your course
from the list given below)

Course A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
   

A1 : Quiz / Assignment
A2 : Group Discussion / Project
A3 : Open Book Examination
A4 : Closed Book Examination
A5 : Team Presentation
Teaching Map (Instruction: Kindly  mark the Teaching Methodology used in your
course from the list given below)

Teaching T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
   

T1 : Lectures
T2 : Seminar / Tutorial
T3 : Presentations
T4 : Case Discussion
T5 : Guest Lectures / Industrial Visits
T6 : Lab Session

Curriculum Map: (Instructions: Kindly  mark the learning outcomes of your course from
the list given below)

Learning L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9
       

Learning from Course related to Knowledge:
L1 : Understanding of appropriate techniques sufficient to allow investigation into relevant
business and management issues.
L2 : Awareness about current issues in business & management which is informed by
research and practice.
L3 : Ability to apply relevant knowledge to practical situation.
Learning from Course related to Skills:
L4 : Ability to acquire and analyze the information and data.
L5 : Improvement in both oral & written communication skills.
Learning from Course related to Attitude:
L6 : Understanding of organizations, their external context and their management.
L7 : Ability to work and lead effectively in a team based environment.
Learning from Course related to Values:
L8 : Being aware of the impact of their individual & corporate actions on society and
recognize ethical business practices.
L9 : Being sensitive towards the social economic and environmental responsibilities of

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