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Module 4

Rational Algebraic Expressions

What this module is about

This module is about equations and solving problems involving rational algebraic
equations. As you go over the exercises, you will develop skills in solving equations
and problems in real life which involves rational algebraic equations., You will also use
properties in simplifying rational algebraic expressions

What you are expected to learn

This module is designed for you to:

1. solve rational algebraic equations.

2. solve problems involving rational algebraic equations.
3. use and solve formulas for a specified variable.

How much do you know

Find or solve what is asked.

9 3
1. Solve for k: =
k 4

a4 a8
2. In solving = , we will multiply both sides by the LCD which is ___.
4 16

3. The value of a is _____.

4. An airplane flies 800 km/hr for t hours. It travels a distance of ____ km.
a. 400t b. 800t c. 400d d. 800d

5. If the airplane flies for 3 hours at the rate of 950 km/hr, find the distance it

Use this problem to solve # 6,7 and 8

Working alone, it will take Peter 8 hours to wall paper his room. Working with
Vhernie, Peter takes only 5 hours to wall paper the room.

Let x = time it will take Vhernie working by himself

6. What is the work rate of Vhernie?

7. What is the work done by Peter?

8. How long will it take Vhernie to finish the job working by himself?

1 1 1 1
a. 12 b. 13 c. 12 d. 13 hours
3 3 5 5

Use this problem to solve # 9, 10, and 11.

The rate of the plane is P km/hr in still air. The rate of the wind is W km/hr. Find the
rate of the plane under the conditions described. Express your answers in terms of P
and W.

9. Flying with the wind.

10. Flying against the wind

11. Flying against the wind if the rate of the wind increases by 15 km/hr.

12. Flying with the wind if the rate of the wind decreases by 20 km/hr.

13. Solve for Q in  Q 

What you will do

Lesson 1

Solving Rational Equations

Rational equations are equations containing rational expressions.

11 2 1
Example 1. Solve  
2x 3x 6

11 2 1
  The LCD is 6x
2x 3x 6

 11 2 1
6x     (6x) Multiply both sides of the equation by the LCD.
 2x 3x  6

3(11) – 2(2) = x Simplify

33 – 4 = x

29 = x

11 2 1
 
2x 3x 6

11 2 1
 
2(29) 3(29) 6

11 2 1
 
58 87 6

11(87)  2(58) 1

58(87) 6

957  116 1

58(87) 6

841 1

5046 6

1 1
6 6

x x
Example 2. Solve   10  x
3 4

x x
  10  x The LCD is 12
3 4

x x
12     10  x  12 Multiply both sides of the equation by the LCD
3 4

12 x 12 x
  120  12 x
3 4

4x + 3x = 120 + 12x Simplify

7x = 120 + 12x

7x – 12x = 120

– 5x = 120

x = – 24

x x
  10  x
3 4

 24  24
  10  ( 24)
3 4

–8+–6 – 14

–14 – 14

y y 1
Example 3. Solve   1
2 3

y y 1
  1 The LCD IS 6
2 3

y y 1
6    1 (6) Multiply both sides of the equation by the LCD
2 3 

6 y 6( y  1)
  6
2 3

Be careful to put parentheses around y – 1 ; otherwise an incorrect solution may

be found.

6y 6y  6
  6
2 3

3y – 2y + 2 = 6

y = 4


y y 1
  1
2 3

4 4 1
  1
2 3

4 3
  1
2 3

2–1 = 1

x 2
Example 4. Solve   2
x2 x2

x 2
  2 The LCD IS (x – 2)
x2 x2

 x   2 
(x – 2)      2  (x – 2) Multiply both sides by the LCD
 x  2   x  2 

x = 2 + 2x – 4
–x =–2

x = 2

x 2
  2
x2 x2

2 2
  2
22 22

2 2
  2
0 0

The proposed solution 2 cannot be a solution because 2 makes both

denominators equal to 0. The equation is meaningless and has no solution.

2b 1 2
Example 5. Solve  
b 4
b2 b2

Since b2 – 4 = (b – 2)(b + 2), use (b – 2)(b + 2) as the LCD. Multiply both sides
by (b – 2)(b + 2).

 2b 1 2 
(b – 2)(b + 2)  2   
b 4 b2 b 2

 2b   1   2 
(b – 2)(b + 2)  2  + (b – 2)(b + 2)   =   (b – 2)(b + 2)
b 4 b 2 b 2

2b + (b + 2)(1) = 2(b – 2)

2b + b + 2 = 2b – 4

b = –6

Checking is left for you to do.

Try this out

A. Solve each equation and check your answers.

1. _1_ _x_ 6. _2 _11_

4 2 z 5

2. _2 _5_ 7. _6 _4_ 5
b 12 e e

3. _9_ _3_ 8. _x _x_ 6

k 4 2 4

4. _15_ _30_ 9. _3 + _2_ 5

g 8 y y

5. _7_ _8_ 10. _4 + _2_ 1

h 3 c 3

B. Solve each equation and check your answers.

1. _9 5 _1_
a a

2. _3m_ + 2 _1_
5 4

3. _2d_ 5 d

4. _1_ + _2_ 1
2 q

5. _b + 1_ _b + 2_
2 3

6. _n – 4 _ n+2

7. _3p_ + p 5

8. _ 9 _ 3

9. _ 9 _ 3

10. _2a + 3_ _3_
a 2

C. Solve each equation and check your answers.

1. _2p + 8 _ _10p + 4_
9 27

2. _5y – 3 _ _15y – 2
7 28

3. _2b – 1 + 2 _1_
b 2

4. _d _ _17 + d 2d
2 5

5. _n – 2 + _n + 1 _10_
4 3 3

6. _r + 5 _r – 1 _7_
3 4 4

7. _4 _ _2__ 3
q q+1

8. _6 + _ _1__ 3
s s–2

9. __2_ + _1__ _5_

c–1 c+1 4

10. __5_ + _10_ 7

z–2 z+2

Lesson 2

Solve Problems Involving Rational Equations

Rational Equations are equations containing rational algebraic expression. We
can apply this knowledge in solving problems in real life like problems in work, uniform
motion and fractions.

Work Problem:

Example 1. The Mathematics Club of Matimyas High School is holding their annual
car wash to raise funds for club projects. Eva can wash and wax one car
in 3 hours. Ronnie can wash and wax one car in 4 hours. If Eva and
Ronnie work together, how long will it take them to wash and wax one


In one hour Eva can complete of the job.
1 2
In two hours, she can complete (2) or of the job.
3 3
1 t
In t hours, she can complete ( t ) or of the job.
3 3

Use the following formula to solve the problem:

rate of work (r) x time (t) = work done

or rt = w


In T hours, Eva can do of the job. r t w
1 t
Eva t
t 3 3
In T hours, Ronnie can do of the job.
4 1 t
Ronnie t
4 4
Together they wash and wax one car

t t
+ =1
3 4


t t
12    = 12(1) Multiply each equation by the LCD, 12.
3 4
4t + 3t = 12
7t = 12

t =
Eva and Ronnie can wash and wax one car in hours or about 1 hour and 43


 1   12  4
Eva does     hours
3  7  7

 1   12  3
Ronnie does      hours
4  7  7

4 3
Working together:  1
7 7

Example 2. One pipe can fill a fire truck water tank in 10 minutes and another can fill
it in 20 minutes. If the first pipe is open for 5 minutes before the second is
opened, how long will it take them to finish filling the water tank?


Let x = time to finish filling the tank

R t w
1 1
Pipe 1 x+5 (x + 5)
10 10
1 1
Pipe 2 x (x)
20 20


x5 x
 1
10 20
2 ( x + 5) + x = 20
3x +10 = 20
3x = 10
x=3 minutes or 3 minutes and 20 seconds

Motion Problems:

An object is said to be in uniform motion when it moves without changing its

speed, or rate.

distance = rate x time
d = rt

Example 3. Jack and his brother Jherz rented

a boat to fish in Calawagan
Island. The maximum speed of
the boat in still water was 3
kilometers per hour. At this rate,
a 9 km trip downstream with the
current took the same amount of
time as a 3 km trip upstream
against the current. What was
the rate of the current?


Let c = the rate of the current

The rate of the boat when traveling downstream, or with the current, 3 km/hr plus
the rate of the current.

3 + c = rate of the boat when traveling downstream

The rate of the boat when traveling upstream, or against the current, 3 km/hr
minus the rate of the current.

3 – c = rate of the boat when traveling upstream


To represent the time, t, solve d = r (t) for t

Thus, t =
t d r t
Downstream 9 3+c __9__
Upstream 3 3–c __3__

9 9
 where c  3 and -3
3c 3c
3(3 – c) = 9(3 + c)
9 – 3c = 27 + 9c
- 12c = -18

c= km/hr is the rate of the current

The three examples which follow illustrate three types of problems involving
uniform motion. Each is solved using a chart, a sketch, and the formula:

Motion in opposite directions

Example 4. Boy and Jay leave the same point driving in opposite directions. Traffic
conditions enable Boy to average 10 km/hr more than Jay. After two
hours they are 308 km apart. Find the rate of each.

308 kilometers

2x 2(x + 10)

Jay Boy


The problem asks for Boy’s rate and Jay’s rate

To represent the rate r, solve = r for r.
Thus, r = r t d
Jay x 2 2x
Boy x + 10 2 2(x + 10)


The sketch will help you write the equation

Let x = Jay’s rate
2x + 2(x + 10) = 308
2x + 2x + 20 = 308
4x = 288
x = 72 km/hr Jay’s rate
x + 10 = 82 km/hr Boy’s rate

Motion in the same direction

Example 5. Joseph begins bicycling north at 20 km/hr at noon. Luis leaves from the
ame place fifteen minutes later to catch him. If Luis bicycles north at 24
km/hr, when will he catch Joseph?

Make a sketch of the given facts. Since the rates are given in terms of kilometers
per hour, time must be expressed in hours, Fifteen minutes is of an hour.

Joseph 20x

Luis 24(x – ¼)


The problem asks for the time at which Luis will catch Joseph.

r t d
Joseph 20 x 20x
1 1
Luis 24 x– 24(x – )
4 4

When Luis catches Joseph, the distances both have traveled will be equal.

Let x = Joseph’s time

20x = 24(x – ) the equation to solve
20x = 24x – 6
-4x = -6
1 1
x=1 Luis will catch Joseph 1 hours after noon, or at 1:30 P.M.
2 2

Round Trip

Example 6. Gil walks from his home to the mall at 8 km/hr and gets a ride back
home at 40 km/hr. If his total traveling time is half an hour, how long did it
take Gil to walk to the mall and how far was it?


40( 0.5 – x )


The problem asks for the time and distance of Gil’s walk

r t d
To mall 8 x 8x
Return 40 0.5 – x 40(0.5 – x)


Let x = time of Gil’s walk in hours.

In all round trip problems, the distance going equals the distance returning. Thus, you
have this equation to solve:

8x = 40(0.5 – x)
8x = 20 – 40x
48x = 20
x= or 25 minutes It took Gil 25 minutes to walk

 5  1
8  =3 km about 3.3 km to the mall
 12  3

Fraction Problem

Example 7. Twice the numerator of a fraction exceeds the denominator by 2. If 1 is

added to both the numerator and the denominator, the resulting fraction is
equal to . Find the original fraction.


The problem asks for the original fraction.


Let n = numerator of the original fraction

d = denominator of the original fraction

Then is the original fraction

Twice the numerator of a fraction exceeds the denominator by 2.

2n = d + 2

If 1 is added to both the numerator and the denominator, the resulting fraction is equal
to .
n 1 2
d 1 3

Simplify the equation:

2n = d + 2 2n – d = 2 Multiply by -2 -4n + 2d = -4
3(n + 1) = 2(d + 1) 3n – 2d = -1 3n – 2d = -1
-n = -5
n =5
If n = 5, find d:

2(5) = d + 2

The original fraction is

Try this out

A. Work Problems

The formula: rate x time = work done or rt = w is used to solve work problems

Work rates are often expressed in terms of the job to be done.

1. It takes you 2 days to paint your garage and it takes your friend 3 days. How
long will it take you both work together?

2. It would take Mr. Go three hours to chop down the tree in front of his house. His
son would need 6 hours to do the same job. How much time would it take them
if they worked together?

3. Working alone, Betong can cultivate a field in 6 hours. If his brother Jelo helps
him, it will only take 3 hours to cultivate the field. How long will it take Jelo to
do the job alone?

4. One pipe can fill a gasoline storage in 15 hours, while the second pipe can fill the
same tank in 10 hours. How long will it take both pipes together to fill the tank?

5. Working alone, Joe can mow a large lawn in 3 hours, and Kevin can mow it in 4
hours. Suppose that they work together for one hour and then Kevin leaves.
How long will it take Joe to finish the job?

6. Valve A can drain a swimming pool in 3 hours and Valve B can drain it in 4 hours.
Find x , the amount of time it will take to drain the pool using both valves.

7. Working alone, Valerie can paint the house in 3 days and Anne can paint it 4
days. Suppose that Valerie works alone for two days and then is joined by Anne.
Find the time it will take the two of them to finish painting the house.

8. It takes Chuckie 5 hours to split a cord of wood, and it takes his sister 3 hours.
How long will it take them working together?

9. Paula estimates it will take her 4 hours to type a report but only 3 hours for her
brother to do it. If they both type at the same time, how long will it take?

10. Benny thinks it will take him 6 hours to replant the window boxes for his
apartment, and Becky thinks it will take her 4 hours. How long will it take them
working together?

B. Motion Problems

1. Jessica and Rosefer leave the same point traveling in opposite directions.
Jessica is walking, but Rosefer is biking and averaging 8 km/h more than
Jessica. After 2.5 h they are 40 km apart. Find the rate of each.

2. On a cross-country ski trail, exchange students from the Philippines Jaycel and
Sophie average 5 km/hr skiing back to the end of the trail, and 3 km/hr skiing

back to the beginning. If the total time spent skiing was 4 hours, how much time
was spent on the return trip? What was the length of the round trip?

3. On a shooting the rapids trip, Jackie and Joy paddled 10 km downstream on the
Pagsanjan Falls in two hours. However, It took them five hours to return
upstream to their starting point paddling against the current. Find the paddling
rate in still water and the rate of the current.

4. A commuter usually travels to work on the express train which averages 72

km/hr. She discovers that if she takes the local train, which averages 48 km/hr, it
will take her fifteen minutes longer to get work. How far does she travel to work?
How long does the trip take on the express train?

5. Tom and Lorena went to DOST – SEI, leave a toll booth at Bicutan Exit at the
same time. Lorena drives east at 90 km/hr and Tom goes west at 70 km/hr. After
how many hours are they 480 km apart?

6. A freight train leaves a railroad station at 7:00 A.M. traveling at 80 km/hr. One
hour later an express train leaves the same station on a parallel track, traveling in
the same direction at 120 km/hr. When will the express catch the freight?

7. Jose bicycles to school at 20 km/hr. After school finds that his bike has a flat tire
and he must walk home. If he walks at 10 km/hr and his total traveling time for
the round trip is one hour, how long did it take him to walk home?

8. Two planes leave Centennial Terminal at NAIA at the same time. Plane A is
traveling north at 850 km/hr and the other traveling south at 750 km/hr. In how
many hours will they be 4,800 apart?

9. Harry and Jun live 36 km apart. At noon each leaves his house and bicycles
toward the other. Harry bicycles at 11 km/hr and Jun at 13 km/hr. At what time
they will meet?

10. Using the butterfly stroke to swim the length of the pool, Carol averaged 1.5 m/s.
Swimming back, she used the breast stroke and averaged 1.2 m/s. The entire
swim took a minute and 15 seconds. How long was the pool?

Fraction Problems:

1. The numerator of a fraction is three less than the denominator. If 4 is added to

the numerator and to the denominator, the resulting fraction is equivalent to .
Find the original fraction.

2. The numerator of a fraction is four less than the denominator. If 1 is subtracted
from the numerator and from the denominator, the resulting fraction is equivalent
to . Find the original fraction.

3. The denominator of a fraction is 7 more than the numerator. If 5 is added to the

numerator and to the denominator, the resulting fraction is equivalent to .
Find the original fraction.

4. The denominator of a fraction is 1 less than twice the numerator. If 1 is

subtracted from the denominator, the resulting fraction is . Find the original

5. If 1 is subtracted from the numerator of a fraction, the resulting fraction is . If 5
is added to the numerator of the original fraction, the resulting fraction is .
Find the numerator and the denominator of the original fraction.

Lesson 3

Solve Formulas for a Specified Variables

Rational expressions and rational equations often contain more than one
variable. Sometimes it is useful to solve for one of the variables. Then you can find the
values of any of the variables.

Example 1. Solve for h in A = h(a + b) This is the formula for the area of a
A= h (a + b) The LCD is 2.
2A = 2 [ h (a + b) ] Multiply each side by 2.
2A = h (a + b)

2A h( a  b )
 Divide each side by (a + b)
ab ab

 h

The formula below applies to camera and lens systems.

Object lens image

a b

1 1 1
 
f a b

In the formula, f is the focal length of the lens, a is the distance from the object to the
lens, and b is the distance from the image to the lens.

Example 2. Solve for the formula above for f.

1 1 1
 
f a b

1 1 1
(abf )     (abf ) Multiply each side by the LCD, abf.
 f  a b

ab = bf + af
ab = f (b + a) Factor bf + af
 f

Try this out

Solve each formula for the variable indicated.

A. Science

1. a = , for t 4. v = r + at, for a

1 2 W V2
2. s = vt + at , for v 5. f =  , for R
2 g R

 Mn 
3. F = G  2  , for M
d 

B. Business

1. A = p + prt , for p 4. I = _365d_ , for d
360  dr

365 (100  P) P  100

2. I = , for P 5. c = , for P

3. a = 2 y – 0.25 , for y

C. Mathematics

1. y = mx + b , for m 4. S = (A + t) , for n

y1  y2
2. m = , for y2 5. A = r2 , for 
x1  x2

3. Q , for P

Lesson 4

Use Formulas that Involve Rational Expressions

Electricity can be described as the flow of electrons through a conductor, such as

copper wire. Electricity flows more freely through some conductors than others. The
force opposing the flow is called resistance.

The unit of resistance commonly used is the ohm. You will discuss the concept
completely in your science and T.L.E. classes.

conductor direction of flow


Resistance can occur one after another, that is, in series. Resistances can also
occur in branches of the conductor going in the same direction, or in parallel.

Formulas for the total resistance RT , are given at the diagram below.

R1 R2

RT = R1 + R 2

1 1 1
 
RT R1 R2

Example 1. Assume that R1 = 5 and R2 = 6 ohms. Compute the total resistance of the
conductor when the resistance are in parallel.

1 1 1
 
RT R1 R2

1 1 1
 
RT 5 6

1 65 11
 
RT 30 30

RT =

The total resistance is or 2.727 ohms

A circuit, or path for the flow of electrons, often has some resistances connected
in series and others in parallel.

Example 2. A parallel circuit has one branch in series as shown below.

R2 R3
Given that the total resistance is 2.25 ohms, R 1 = 3 ohms, and R2 = 4 ohms, find R3 .

1 1 1
 
RT R1 R2  R3

1 1 1 1 1
  
2.25 3 4  R3 9 4  R3
9 = 4 + R3
1 1 1
  R3 = 5 ohms
2.25 3 4  R3

Try this out

Solve the problems:

1. Resistance of 3 ohms, 6 ohms, and 9 ohms are connected in a series. What is

the total resistance?

2. Eight lights on a Christmas tree are connected in series. Each has a resistance
of 12 ohms. What is the total resistance?

3. Three coils with resistance of 3 ohms, 4 ohms, and 6 ohms are connected in
parallel. What is the total resistance?

4. Three appliances are connected in parallel: a lamp with a resistance of 60 ohms,

an iron with a resistance of 20 ohms, and a heating coil with a resistance of 80
ohms. Find the total resistance.

5. The formula in finding the Celsius temperature is C = (F – 32). (a) Find C if F
is 59o. (b) Express the formula in Fahrenheit temperature.


Let’s Summarize

Rational expression is the quotient of two polynomials with denominator not

equal to zero.

Rational equations are equations containing rational expressions.

An object is said to be in uniform motion when it moves without changing its

speed, or rate.
distance = rate x time

d = rt

Work rates are often expressed in terms of the job to be done.

The formula to solve work problem is

rate of work ( r ) x time ( t ) = work done

rt = w

What have you learned

Find or solve what is asked in the following:

1. Solve _3_ + __1__ _1_ . The LCD is ______.

x x–5 2x

2. The value of x is _____.

3. What is the distance traveled in 7 hours at 50 km/hr?

a. 200 km b. 250 km c. 300 km d. 350 km

4. How long does it take to travel 330 km at an average rate of 66 km/hr?

Use this problem to solve # 5, 6 and 7.

A fraction is represented by n. Express in terms of n and d the new fractions

obtained by following the given directions.

5. Increase both numerator and denominator by 3.

6. Decrease both numerator and denominator by 7.

7. Interchange the numerator and denominator and then add 5 to both.

Use this problem to solve # 8, 9, and 10.

A jet can travel 3,900 km from Baguio City to Tarlac in 3 hours with the wind. The
return trip of jet against the same wind takes 4 hours and 20 minutes.

Let j = rate of the jet in km/hr

w = rate of the wind in km/hr

8. Write the rate of the jet with the wind

9. Write the first equation, the trip from Baguio City to Tarlac.

10. Write the second equation, the return trip of the jet. Express 4 hours and 20
minutes in fraction form.

11. The rate of the still air is _____.

12. State the work rate: Lionel can vacuum his room in 8 minutes

Answer key

How much do you know

5 5
1. k = 12 8. + = 1
x 8
2. 16 x = which is b
3. a = 8 9. P + W
4. b 10. P - W
5. 316 km or 316.67 km 11. P – (W + 15) or P – W - 15
6. 12. P + (W - 20) or P + W – 20

1 PR
7. 13. Q =
8 D

Try this out

Lesson 1
1 10
1. x = 6. z =
2 11

24 2
2. b = 7. e =
5 5

3. k =12 8. x = 24

4. g = 4 9. y =

5. h = 8 10. c = 12

1. a = 2 6. n = –5

 25
2. m = 7. p = 2

3. d = –7 8. x = 2

4. q = 4 9. x = 5

5. b = 1 10. a = –6

1. p = 5 6. r = –2
2. y = 2 7. q = , q = 1
2 4
3. b = 8. s = ,s=3
7 3
4. d = 34 9. c = ,c = 3
5. h = 6 10. z = ,z = 3

Lesson 2

1. Let x = number of days required to do the job together

r t W
You 1 x 1
2 2
Your friend 1 x 1
3 3

Part of the job + Part of the job = whole job

You do friend does

1 1
x + x = 1
2 3
x x
6   = 6 (1)
2 3

3x + 2x = 6
5x = 6
x= or 1.2 days working together

2. Let x = number of hours it took them to do the hob together

r t W
Mr. Go 1 1
x x
3 3
Son 1 1
x x
6 6

x x
+ = 1
3 6
x x
6    61
3 6

2x + x = 6
3x = 6
x = 2 hours working together

3. r = number for Jelo

r t w
1 1
Betong 3.5 (3.5)
6 6
1 1
Jelo 3.5 (3.5)
r r
17 17
      1
6 2 r  2

7r + 42 = 12r
42 = 5r
r =8 hours or 8 hours and 24 minutes

Jelo worked for 8 hours and 24 minutes

4. Let x = time to finish filling the tank

r t w
1 1
Pipe 1 x x
15 15
1 1
Pipe 2 x x
10 10

x x
  1
15 10

2x 3x
  1
30 30

2x + 3x = 30
5x = 30
x = 6 hours

5. Let x = the number of hours it will take Joe to finish mowing the lawn

Kevin’s work rate : r t w

1 1
Joe x+1 (x + 1)
1 1 2 3 3
  2 2
1 9 9
4 Kevin 1
2 2 9 9

1 2
(x + 1) + =1
3 9

3( x + 1) + 2 = 9
3x + 5 = 9
3x = 4
x=1 hours or 1 hour and 20 minutes

It will take Joe 1 hour and 20 minutes to finish the job

6. 1 or 1.71 hours

7. days

8. 1 or 1.875 hours

9. 1 or 1.71 hours

10. 2.4 hours or 2 hours and 24 minutes

B. Motion Problems

1. J.essica”s distance + Rosefer’s distance = Total distance

Let x = Jessica’s rate.

2.5x + 2.5(x+8) = 40
2.5x + 2.5x + 20 = 40
5x = 20

Jessica’s rate is 4km/hr

Rosefer’s rate is 12 km/hr

2. distance out = distance back

r 1  t 1 = r2  t 2
5(4 – t2) = 3 t2
20 – 5t2 = 3 t2
8t2 = 20
t2 = 2.5

2.5 hr for the return trip

round trip equals15 km

3. Let r = the paddling rate in still water

c = the rate of the current

2(r + c) =10
5(r – c) = 10

r+c=5 or 2r + 2c = 10 10r + 10c = 50

r–c=2 5r – 5c = 10 10r – 10c = 20
2r =7 20r = 70
r = 3.5 r = 3.5

3.5 + c = 5
c = 1.5

The rate of paddling in still water is 3.5 km/h.

The rate of the current is 1.5 km/h

4. Let t = time on the express train

d = distance to work
72 t = d
48( t + )=d
48t + 12 = d
48t + 12 = 72t
12 = 24t

d = 72   = 36

She travels 36 km to work

The trip takes hour on express train

5. 90t + 70t = 480

160t = 480
t = 3 hours

6. 8ot = 120 (t – 1)
80t = 120t – 120
t = 3 hours or 10 A.M.

7. 20(1 – t) = 10t
20 – 20t = 10t
t= hour or 40 minutes

8. 850t + 750t = 4,800

1,600t = 4,800
t = 3 hours

9. 11t + 13t = 36
24t = 36
t= 0r 1.5 hours

12:00 + 1.5 hours = 1:30 P.M.

10. 15t = 1.2(75 sec – t)

15t = 90 – 1.2t
2.7t = 90
t = 33.33 hours or 33 hours and 20 minutes

1.5(33.33) = 50

C. Fraction Problems
1. n = numerator
d = denominator
d – 3 = numerator of original fraction

n4 3

d 4 4
d 3 4 3

d 4 4
4(d + 1) = 3(d + 4)
4d + 4 = 3d + 12
d=8 denominator
8–3=5 numerator

is the original fraction

2. n = numerator
d = denominator
d – 4 = numerator of original fraction

n 1
d 1

d  4 1 2

d 1 3

2(d – 1) = 3(d – 5)
2d – 2 = 3d – 15
d = 13 denominator
13 – 4 = 9 numerator

is the original fraction

3. n = numerator
d = denominator
7 + n = denominator of original fraction

n5 1

d 5 2

n5 1

7n5 2

n5 1

n  12 2
2(n + 5) = (n + 12)
2n + 10 = n + 12
n=2 numerator

7+2=9 denominator
is the original fraction

4. n = numerator
d = denominator
2n – 1 = denominator of original fraction

n 2

2n  1  1 3

n 2

2n  2 3

3n = 2(2n – 2)
3n = 4n – 4
n=4 numerator
2(4) – 1 = 7 denominator

is the original fraction

5. n = numerator
d = denominator

n 1 1
 or 2(n – 1) = d
d 2

n5 1
 or 3(n + 5) = d
d 3

2n – 2 = 3n + 15
n = -17 numerator
2(-17) - 2 = -36 denominator

Lesson 3

A. Science
1. t = 4. v = r + at

WV 2
2. 2s = 2vt + at2 5. f =
2s – at2 = 2vt
2 s  at 2 WV 2
=v R=
2t fg

3. Fd2 = G(Mm)
Fd 2

B. Business
1. A = p + prt 3. 2ya = r – 0.25(2y)
A = p(1 + rt) 2ya = r – 0.5y
1  rt
p= 2ya + 0.5y = r
y(2a + 0.5) = r
365(100  P) r
2. I = y=
PR 2a  .0.5

PRI = 36,500 – 365P

IR  365

4. I(360 – dr) = 365d

360I – drI = 365d
360I = 365d – drI
360I = d(365 – rI)
365  rl

5. cP = P – 100
100 = P – cP
100 = P (1 – c)
1 c
C. Mathematics

1. y = mx + b 4. 2S = n(A + t)
y b 2s
m= n=
x At

2. m (x1 – x2) = y1 – y2 5. A = r2

y2 = mx1 – mx2 – y1 = r

3. P = QD + R

Lesson 4

1. RT = 3 + 6 + 9 = 18 ohms
2. 8(12) = 96 ohms
1 1 1 1 9
3.    
RT 3 4 6 12
RT =

1 1 1 1 19
4.    
RT 60 20 80 240
RT = or 12.632 ohms
5. a. 15o
b. F = C + 32

What have you learned

d 5
1. 2x(x - 5) 7.
2. x= 8. j + w
3. d 9. 3(j + w) = 3,900
1 13( j  w)
4. 5 hours 10. 4 (j – w) = 3,900 or = 3,900
3 3
5. 11. 1,100 km/hr
d 3

n7 1
6. 12. job/minute
d 7 8


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