Spark Shop Pedagang Item Dota

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Spark shop Pedagang item dota

Scavenging Guttle Slug 14

Eldwurm's Touch 9
Basher of mage skulls 35
Kinder Of the umizer crawler (infused) 20
Origins of Faith 35k origins of faith 35
acolyte of vegance 10
broken scale 8
infernal chief tain 38
latteran shards 39
solar forge 34
full-bore boonaza 9
Scarlet Raven 5k ardor of the scarllet raven 8
bracers of the cavern 21
ferocious toxicant 8
igneous stone 15
blessing of the crested umbra kosong
iron surge 15
bracers of aeons 32
jewel of aeons 18
Viridi Inanitas 5k viri di inanitas 5
Crested Dawn 5k bleesing of the crested dawn 10
crux of perplex 25
peregrine flight 21
adoring wingfall 6
chaos fulcrum 5
staff of gun-yu 7
sylan cascade 42
mulefic drake hood kosong
azure constellation 5

23000 Hydrakan latch 23000 1

15400 Virga arc 7700 2
25800 Inscribed moon fall 12900 2
10500 Inscribed atomic ray thrusters 10500 1
21000 Inscribed colossal crystal chorus 7000 3
42000 Hunter's hoard 42000 1
41100 Muh keen gun 41100 1
The lightning orchid 34700
49200 Focal resonance 24600 2
Thirst of ezthok 116900
153800 Empyrean 76900 2
Sufferd wood spalling 9000
Mask of confidant 6900
Pet almonds style 2 (adanya style 1 30500)
Peregrine flight 24300
Phantom concrod 11200
Dota oshore Toydota2
Scavenging Guttle Slug 30 Scavenging Guttle Slug 11300 1
Eldwurm's Touch - Eldwurm's Touch 6500 3
Basher of mage skulls 40 Basher of mage skulls 30700 1
Kinder Of the umizer crawler (infused) 20 Kinder Of the umizer crawler (infused) 16600 2
origins of faith 40 origins of faith 37800 1
acolyte of vegance - acolyte of vegance 9700
broken scale - broken scale 6700 2
infernal chief tain - infernal chieftain 37800
latteran shards 30 (gift) latteran shards 38700
solar forge 35 solar forge 33800 1
full-bore boonaza 20 full-bore boonaza 6900 1
ardor of the scarllet raven ardor of the scarllet raven 7400 1
bracers of the cavern 30 bracers of the cavern 20800 1
ferocious toxicant ferocious toxicant 11100 3
igneous stone igneous stone 12300 1
blessing of the crested umbra blessing of the crested umbra (kosong)
iron surge iron surge 14200
bracers of aeons 25 bracers of aeons 31800
jewel of aeons jewel of aeons 17400
viri di inanitas viri di inanitas 5200 2
bleesing of the crested dawn bleesing of the crested dawn 8200 3
crux of perplex crux of perplex 26000 1
peregrine flight 25 peregrine flight 22600
adoring wingfall adoring wingfall 7000 3
chaos fulcrum 20 chaos fulcrum 4000 2
staff of gun-yu 30 staff of gun-yu 6900
sylan cascade 40 sylan cascade 41700
mulefic drake hood mulefic drake hood 7400 2
azure constellation azure constellation 3500 1

Scavenging Guttle Slug 11300 1
Eldwurm's Touch 6500 3
Basher of mage skulls 30700 1
Kinder Of the umizer crawler (infused) 19200 2
broken scale 6700 1
solar forge 33800 1
full-bore boonaza 6900 1
bracers of the cavern 20800 1
igneous stone 12300 1
chaos fulcrum 4000 2
mulefic drake hood 7400 2
azure constellation 3500 1
crux of perplex 26000 1
Origins of Faith 35k 1
Scarlet Raven 5k 1
Viridi Inanitas 5k 2
Crested Dawn 5k 3

Scavenging Guttle Slug 11300 1

Eldwurm's Touch 6500 3
Kinder Of the umizer crawler (infused) 19200 2
chaos fulcrum 4000 2
mulefic drake hood 7400 2
azure constellation 3500 1
crux of perplex 26000 1
Viridi Inanitas 5k 1

Hydrakan latch 1
virga arc 2
inscribed moon fall 2
Inscribed Atomic Ray Thrusters 1
Inscribed Colossal Crystal Chorus
(Immortal Meepo) 3
Hunter's Hoard 1

wa indra
wa khery
wa khery indra
wa last paid
Thirst of ezthok 116900 1
indra wa Sufferd wood spalling 9000 2
Phantom concrod 11200 1
khery wa crux of perplex 26000 1
Peregrine flight 24300
infernal chieftain 37800
Mask of confidant 6900
Peregrine flight 24300
Muh keen gun 41100 1
full-bore boonaza 6900 1
iron surge 14200
bracers of aeons 31800
jewel of aeons 17400
Barrier Rogue Infused set tusk Barrier Rogue Infused set tusk
Big un set alche Big un set alche
golden profane union golden profane union
Pale Augur Pale Augur
Inscribed Vigil Signet Inscribed Vigil Signet
reef kyte rider set luna infused reef kyte rider set luna infused
Eye of the Beholder set medusa Eye of the Beholder set medusa
Daughters of Hydrophiinae Daughters of Hydrophiinae
crowns of tears crowns of tears
Inscribed Merry Wanderer's Brush Inscribed Merry Wanderer's Brush
Mantle of Grim Facade Mantle of Grim Facade
Mandate of the Stormborn Mandate of the Stormborn
The lightning orchid 34700 The lightning orchid 34700
Auspice of the Whyrlegyge Auspice of the Whyrlegyge
Gimlek Decanter Gimlek Decanter
Twin blade assasin set BH Twin blade assasin set BH
Fortune's Tout Fortune's Tout
Inscribed Sylvan Cascade Inscribed Sylvan Cascade

Aurora 2800 1 2800

harvest 5500 1 5500

moon beam 9300 1 9300

toy spark shop
indra 11300
indra khery leo 19500
wa 30700
wa indra 33200
wa 35000

wa indra 13400

wa 33800
wa 6900
wa 5000
wa 20800
wa indra willy
indra 12300

wa indra 10000
wa willy indra 15000
indra 26000

wa indra leo
wa willy 8000

wa indra 14800
LEO 3500
234200 65000

indra 11300
indra khery leo 19500
wa 30700
wa indra 38400
wa 13400
wa 33800
wa 6900
wa 20800
indra 12300
wa willy 8000
wa indra 14800
LEO 3500
indra 26000

indra khery leo
wa indra
wa willy
wa indra

wa indra
wa khery

wa khery indra

wa indra

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