Materi Dubbing Cookies

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“Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan cookies yaitu : tepung terigu, kuning telur, susu

skim, mentega, margarin, gula halus dan chocochips.”

“Langkah pertama pembuatan cookies yaitu pencampuran mentega dan margarin yang diaduk
hingga tercampur rata.”
“Kemudian ditambahkan dengan kuning telur dan aduk kembali.”
“Langkah selanjutnya yaitu penambahan bahan kering berupa susu skim, tepung terigu, dan
gula halus.”
“Tambahkan bahan kering sedikit demi sedikit agar adonan dapat tercampur dengan baik.”
“Setelah semua bahan membentuk adonan yang kalis, tahap selanjutnya yaitu proses
pencetakan. Letakkan adonan diatas plastik kemudian pipihkan dengan menggunakan rolling
pin hingga ketebalan adonan sekitar 0,5cm.”
“Cetak adonan dengan cetakan kue berbagai bentuk dan hias sesuai selera.”
“Langkah terakhir yaitu proses pengovenan pada suhu 150°C selama ±30 menit.”
When you slide the pan into the oven, you are setting off a series of chemical reactions that
transform one substance, dough, into another, cookies. When the dough reaches 92 degrees
Fahreinheit, the butter inside melt, causing the dough to start spreading out. Butter is an
emultion, or mixture of two substances that don’t want to stay together, in this case, water
and fat, along with some dairy solids that help hold them together. As the butter melts, it’s
trapped water is released, and as the cookie gets hotter, the water expands into steams. It
pushes against the dough from the inside, trying to escape through the cookie walls.
At 144 degrees, changes begin in the proteins, which come mostly form the eggs in your
dough. Eggs are composed of dozens of different kinds of proteins, each sensitive to a
different temperature. In an egg fresh from the hen, these proteins look like coiled up balls of
string. When they are exposed to heat energy, the protein strings unfold and get tangled up
with their neighbors. This linked structure makes the runny egg nearly solid, giving substance
to squishy dough.
Water boils away at 212 degrees Fahreinheit, so like mud baking in the sun, your cookie gets
dried out and stiffens. Cracks spread across its surface. The steam that was bubbling inside
evaporates, leaving behind airy pockets taht make the cookie light and flaky.
The temperature for Maillard reactions is about 310 degrees Fahreinheit. Maillard reactions
result when proteins and sugars break down and rearrange themselves, forming ring-like
structures, which reflect light in away their distinctive, rich brown color. As this reaction
occurs, it produces a range of flavor and aroma compounds, which also react each other,
forming even more complex tastes and smells.
Caramelization is the last reaction to take place inside cookie. Caramelization is what
happens when sugar molecules break down under high heat, forming sweet, nutty, and
slightly bitter flavor compouns that define caramel. Caramelization starts at 356 degrees

Tips :
1. If your ideal cookie is barely browned, you could have set your oven to 310 degres
Fahreinheit. If you like your cookie to have a nice tan, crank up the heat.
Caramelization continous up to 390 degrees Fahreinheit.
2. You don’t need a kitchen timer, when you smell the nutty, toasty aromas of the
Maillard reaction and caramelization, your cookies is ready.
A. Pada proses pemanggangan cookies terjadi reaksi kimia yang merubah adonan
menjadi cookies.
B. Reaksi pertama yaitu reaksi mailard,
C. Reaksi mailard terjadi ketika protein dan gula pada adonan rusak, dan
mengatur ulang kembali molekul mereka, dan membentuk struktur seperti
cincin yang dapat memberikan warna coklat yang khas pda cookies.
D. Selain itu pada reaksi mailard menghasilkan cookies dengan aroma dan rasa
yang lebih kompleks.

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