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Casey The

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Just like his skateboarding idol Tony Hawk, little Casey is a
precocious little kid! He learned his flips, jumps and tricks
at a very early age. With his little red cap and his skate-
board, he’s ready for a totally awesome, exciting, and exhila-
rating adventure! Unlike your average turtle, this 5 inch tall
all about cutie loves the adrenaline you get from the speed of his lit-

casey and list tle skateboard. This little tyke also loves to just fool around
and play. He loves the color red as well! As can be seen with
of materials his cap and the outline around his skateboard.

He’s so excited to meet you all!

This pattern doesn’t only show you how to make little casey
but his skateboard as well!

His skateboard, was designed by my dad and we’re very ex-

cited to show you how to make this really simple but totally
fab skateboard.

4 ply acrylic yarn in apple green or your choice of green for the turtle
4 ply acrylic yarn in light brown/tan for the shell
4 ply acrylic yarn in red for the hat
4 ply acrylic yarn in white for the eye roundies
safety eyes with their locks - 12mm
tapestry needle
fiberfill stuffing
crochet hook in G
stitch markers
optional: embroidery floss in black if you want to put a facial expression


cardboard - you can just cut a flap from a cardboard shipping box or just use any thick
board - the size should be 12 inches by 6 inches

2 inner cardboard tissue roll - i’ll refer to this as the cylinders in the how to guide

coloring materials - you may opt for paint or markers





double sided tape

circular ruler or 2 different coin sizes that are both smaller the the size of your inner card-
board tissue roll

Before proceeding with the pattern, take note
of the following shortcuts that were used:
1. inc - this is basically making 2 sc in 1 st; if
stated hdc version, it’s making 2hdc in 1 st
2.dec - this is just making an sc2tog;
pattern PATTERN:

EYE ROUNDIES - using white

rnd 1: Make a Magic Circle, make 6sc in 2nd ch from hook [6]

rnd 2: Inc 6 times [12]

rnd 3: * Sc in next st, inc in st after** repeat from * to ** 6 times
[18] sl st to first st of the rnd to close

fasten off


rnd 1: Make a magic circle, make 7sc in 2nd ch from hook [7]

rnd 2: Inc 7 times [14]

rnd 3: * Sc in next st, inc in st after** repeat from * to ** 7 times [21]

rnd 4: * Sc in each of the next 2 st, inc in st after** repeat from * to
** 7 times [28]

rnd 5: * Sc in each of the next 6 st, inc in st after** repeat from * to
** 4 times [32]

rnd 6-10: Sc all around [32]

rnd 11: Sc in each of the next 14 st, inc 4 times, sc in each of the remaning 14 st [36]

rnd 12: Sc all around [36]

rnd 13: Sc in each of the next 14 st, dec 4 times, sc in each of the remaining 14 st [32]

rnd 14: * Sc in each of the next 6 st, dec **, repeat from * to ** 4 times [28]

rnd 15: * Sc in each of the next 5 st, dec **, repeat from * to ** 4 times [24]

rnd 16: * Sc in each of the next 4 st, dec **, repeat from * to ** 4 times [20]

Start placing the eyes with the eye roundies to the face. Make sure that the eyes line up between the 11th and 12th
row. To position the eyes, “flatten” the eye roundies making sure the end is just 2 sts before any of the increases of row
11 were made. Once you’re happy with the positioning, sew the eye roundies in place and fasten/lock the safety eyes

You may also start stuffing the head starting "om this point

rnd 17: * Sc in each of the next 2 st, dec **, repeat from * to ** 5 times [15]

rnd 18: Sc all around [15]

rnd 19: *Sc in each of the next 3 st, dec**, repeat from * to ** 3 times [12]

rnd 20: Sc all around [12]

rnd 21: * Sc in each of the next 2 st, dec**, repeat from * to ** 3 times [9]

rnd 22-24: Sc all around [9]

finish stuffing the head firmly and sew the ends together NOT weaving it together!! Sewing the ends together gives
it flattened end


rnd 1: With a magic ring, make 6sc in 2nd ch from hook [6]

rnd 2: * Sc in next st, inc in st after**, repeat from * to ** 3 times [9]

rnd 3: Inc 9 times [18]

rnd 4: * Sc in next st, inc in st after **, repeat from * to ** 9 times [27]

rnd 5: *Sc in each of the next 2 st, inc in st after**, repeat from * to ** 9 times [36]

rnd 6-9: Sc all around [36]

rnd 10: Through BLO, *Sc in each of the next 4 st, dec**, repeat from * to ** 6 times [30]

% % % Through the front loops of the same row, but using a different ball of yarn, i opted for the %
% same color as the shell, but if you want a brighter more unique color, it’s totally up to you;

% % % * Sc in each of the next 3 st, in in next **, repeat from * to ** 9 times [45] 

rnd 11: Continuing from the BLO-ed one, *Sc in each of the next 3 st, dec **, repeat from * to ** 6
times [24]

Before continuing on, start sewing the head to the she$. Make sure to align the flattened/sewn edge of the neck to
just above where you did the FLO she$ lining. Once you’re happy with the positioning, sew on the head securely.

rnd 12: * Sc in each of the next 2 st, dec ** repeat from * to ** 6 times [18]

rnd 13: * Sc in next st, dec **, repeat from * to ** 6 times [12]

rnd 14: * Sc in each of the next 2 st, dec **, repeat from * to ** 3 times [9]

fasten off but do NOT weave in all the ends yet, by doing so, you’re leaving a small opening just
enough for the tails of the legs to be fastened


FRONT LEGS - make 2 

rnd 1: With a magic ring, make 4 sc [4]

rnd 2: Inc 4 times [8]

rnd 3-7: Sc all around [8]

fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing

HIND LEGS - make 2

rnd 1: With a magic ring, make 5 sc [5]

rnd 2: Inc 5 times [10]

rnd 3-6: Sc all around [10]

fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing


rnd 1: Make a magic circle, make 7sc in 2nd ch from hook [7]

rnd 2: Inc 7 times [14]

rnd 3: * Sc in next st, inc in st after** repeat from * to ** 7 times [21]

rnd 4: * Sc in each of the next 2 st, inc in st after** repeat from * to ** 7 times [28]

rnd 5: * Sc in each of the next 3 st, inc in st after** repeat from * to ** 7 times [35]

rnd 6-11: Sc all around [35]

ROW 12: *Hdc in next st, inc [hdc style] in st after ** repeat from * to ** 6 times [18], ch 1, turn

row 13: Hdc all around [18]

fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing

1. Stuff the shell and all 4 of the legs. Sew the legs in place
to the bottom of the shell. Making sure that the front
legs are aligned to each end of the neck. And, that the
hind legs are positioned like the front legs, but just space
a tad bit wider
assembly 2. once the positions have been firmly sewn, fully stuff the
shell and weave in all ends

3. For the cap, simply take the fastened off tail and weave it
all the way to the other side of the last row and fasten the
little edge down to rnd 11 to make it have a more rounded

4.your little skater boy is all ready for his skateboard!!!!!!

5. the details of the skateboard is in the next chapter

Note that in no way can this skateboard move/roll. This
skateboard is simply for a decorative purpose. You may also
refer to the pictures on the next page for your choice of de-
sign for the board


1. Using the big cardboard, draw a box measuring 9 1/2

skateboard inches by 3 1/2 inches

2. After drawing the box, make sure to round the bottom


3. For the top part, measure 2 1/2 inches from the tip and
mark it with a pencil. After marking this, also look for
the center of the top part. Mark it. This will indicate
where you will have a tip. From the 2 1/2” mark, connect
it to the tip. Make sure to make it a bit rounded as you go

4.You may cut the outline that you’ve traced and start deco-
rating it according to how you want it to look like

5. Get one of the cylinder, a pencil and the remaining of the long piece of card board.
Trace the inside of the cylinder to get a circle for the wheel. Repeat this 4 times and cut
each of them. These will serve as the wheel decorations

6. Design your cut wheel covers. After designing it, stick one to each cylinder’s hole

7. After designing each piece, get your double sided tape and cut two 3 1/2” pieces. stick it
to the 2 1/2 inch mark at the top and the 1” mark at the bottom

8. Stick your cylinder to the respective double sided taped places.

9. Your little skateboard is done!!!!

If you want a more rounded skateboard, follow this drawing instead

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