Learn Honesty From Dalit Judge

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DALIT ONLINE – e News Weekly

Spreading the light of humanity & freedom

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.14..Issue.52........30 / 12 / 2018

Editorial : Judges , Advocates , Police – Learn Honesty

Life of illegally terminated judge Mr.Gwal is a lesson of honesty for
all judges & police. Inspite of being HONEST in his duties , Mr.Gwal is
suffering at the hands of powers that be & judicial mafia. Mr.Gwal could
have choosen the easy , luxurious path of favoring powers and could
have enjoyed luxurious life with his family. He rightly chose the path to
uphold constitution ended up even without money to pay his children’s
school fees. Even apex court didn’t come to his rescue.
SHAME SHAME . Except for few honest judges & police , many of
them are leading lifestyles beyond the sources of their legal
income. Few of them are successful in manipulating legal process to
continue in service , get promotions despite grave criminal allegations
against them. Some judges have even entered supreme court , what a
shame ? They must learn righteousness honesty from Mr.Gwal.
There are fake lawyers , advocates with uncle judge
connections who are leading life styles beyond the legal sources of
their income. These advocates are cheating the public & court as well
making contempt of them. Why not criminal prosecutions against those
guilty lawyers , advocates ?
Above all these type of corrupt people in gowns of judges ,
advocates & corrupt police preach others about honesty , integrity and
prosecute other criminals while they themselves are criminals. It is like
a PROSTITUTE preaching about virginity , chastity to a young girl.
Our whole hearted respects to few honest judges , police &
advocates in public service. It is an appeal to them to prosecute their
corrupt colleagues. We once again offer our conditional services to
SCI , to apprehend legally prosecutes criminal judges , criminal police
& criminals in public service. Is CJI ready ?
Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.

Your’s ,
Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi

An Appeal For Support To The Terminated Dalit Judge Prabhakar


Dear friends
This comes as an urgent appeal to you seeking support and solidarity for
Mr. Prabhakar Gwal. Gwal has been a well known people’s judge from
Chhattisgarh. Gwal a Chief Judicial Magistrate who was known for his
integrity was dismissed in April 2016. He was last posted as Chief
Judicial Magistrate in Sukma where from he was dismissed from his
services by state government.
Who is Prabhakar Gwal?
Prabhakar Gwal has been born in a Ganda community in a small village
namely Nanakpali, near Saraipali of Mahasamund district. A community
and region which has a history of bonded labour He has come up
through all the pains his parents faced and bore the burden of the social
system of caste in every day life from his childhood. After completing his
early studies, he joined for law and become a lawyer. He practiced for
10 years after which he joined the judicial service in 2006. Life as an
untouchable has given him the orientation on socio-cultural and political
patterns of Indian society, which reflected in his tenure as a judge.
Gwal had reputation of an upright judge who had become an eyesore for
the powerful politicians and bureaucrats, as he took cognisance of
corruption related complaints and took strong action. He has questioned
the manner in which the police have been indiscriminately arresting
tribals in the conflict zones of Chhattisgarh.
What was his crime for the termination?
Gwal came into limelight after his remarkable judgement in which he
sentenced five persons to six years imprisonment each in a case relating
to leakage of question papers of PMT, being conducted by Chhattisgarh
Professional Examination Board or Vyapam, in 2011. He passed the
order as Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Bilaspur.
In August 2015 he passed orders for to file an FIR and subsequent
investigation into the role of the then SP and current IG of Raipur,
Deepanshu Kabra and another police officer for their role in attempting
to suppress evidence in the case. After this, an attempt was made to
intimidate him by a local BJP MLA who had been a subordinate of the
He has had a history of exposing corrupt officials and politicians. While
Gwal was posted in Bilaspur, he had ordered an inquiry against
government officials and Police officers, for the infamous ‘Bhadaura
Land-Scam’. The land scam is known for involvement of a senior
minister of BJP (Amar Agrawal). Similarly, he had ordered for inquiry of
Bilaspur RTO officials. He was then transferred to Raipur, where he
rejected to accept Closure Report in the case of IPS Rahul Sharma’s
Gwal had filed a complaint of intimidation against the BJP MLA and
DeepanshuKabra in his personal capacity at the local police station.
After this all hell broke loose and instead of action against the BJP MLA
and Kabra, the High Court issued a show cause notice to Gwalwhich
claimed that he has violated rules under C.G. Civil Service Conduct
Rule, 1965, under which they claimed that he was required to seek
permission of the High Court before filing such an FIR against the BJP
MLA and the police officer. An adverse order was passed against him
without any inquiry and his one-year annual increment was cancelled as
As a punishment, Gwal was transferred to Sukma district as CJM, in
Bastar division. In September 2015, he took charges where he was
subjected to unfair treatment by police and administration right from the
beginning. The police and local administration did not provide him the
usual security allocated for judges in conflict areas. In his tenure as a
judge in Sukma, he realised early on how the police were carrying out
large scale arrests and surrenders of what seemed to be innocent
Adivasis. Not only did he conduct fair and speedy trials, he also brought
to the notice of the higher judiciary the conduct of the police in Bastar
In keeping with his fearless attitude and his adherence to the facts and
the law, Gwal also passed orders indicting a school in Sukma district for
taking inordinately high fees. After he took cognizance in this case he
received a call (of which he has an audio recording) from the District
Collector who said that he should consult him before passing such
judgments. After receiving this call, Gwal wrote to the District Judge and
Chief Justice of Chhattisgarh, notifying them about the phone call from
Collector where he explained that there was an attempt to interfere in
judicial process and to influence the court. No action was taken upon his
complaint. Instead he received multiple show cause notices as a
response to his complaints against some of the sitting judges in the
lower judiciary.
This was because this upright and dutiful judicial officer would insist on
asking the name, age, village, father’s name and all relevant details of
those arrested; mostly poor and innocent Adivasis who were produced
before him. Rather than accepting the regular practice till then of
permanent warrants produced by the police which contained no other
details other than the name of the arrestee, Gwal chose to stick to
procedure. He would also make it difficult for the police by cross
examining about the alleged seizures including weapons and their
activities. When it became obvious that the police could not establish
any crime against those arrested, he would conclude that those arrested
are ordinary villagers. Gwal went to the extent of communicating directly
to those arrested through a Gondi interpreter, the language the arrestee
This judge was so fearless that he would term the arrests of thousands
of people being produced before him as Maoists as fake arrests; he
wrote to the District Judge and even Director General of Police Kalluri
that the police is implicating innocent people. He went to the extent of
issuing warnings to Thanedars that he would send them to jail if they
framed innocent people.
In short, the BJP-led government in Chattisgarh prepared an all-out war
pro-people officials and Prabhakar Gwal turned out to be a victim of the
nefarious design. The people of Bastar viewed a ray of hope in Judge
Prabhakar Gwal, in otherwise bleak scenario of displacement and large
scale repression. In a conflict zone like the Bastar, where due systems
and guarantees, and law and order have been completely torn off, it
needs a great amount of courage to challenge the vested interests and
powerful sections to remain independent in a polarised atmosphere. The
casual removal of a district judge, in contravention of procedure appears
to reveal the interference of the government and the police in the
judiciary to the worst.
The Termination Process
On the April 4, 2016 Judge Prabhakar Gwal received an automated
message on his phone. He was in fact removed by an order of the High
Court on April 1, 2016. The message said he had been dismissed from
his post as Chief Judicial Magistrate, Sukma, Chhattisgarh in ‘public
interest.’ The official letter, that he later received, stated that the State
Government on the recommendation of the full bench of the High Court
of Chhattisgarh had dismissed him under Article 311 (2) of the Indian
Constitution. The order stated no reasons or charges for his dismissal
apart from that his removal was in public interest. Prior to his dismissal,
Gwal had faced a series of irregular transfers; show cause notices,
though what lead to this dismissal is still unclear.
The Present Crisis
Prabhakar Gwal’s plight did not end up with his termination. His woes
continued to haunt him on a consistent basis. Life is too difficult for him
and he is a person of integrity and self respect that he would not express
it to anyone in the world. Many of his dues have either not been provided
or got entangled in procedural circus. Financial crisis is haunting him day
in and day out as the day-to-day expense is turning out to be a serious
affair. His two children studying in schools are at the verge of being
thrown off the school. He appeal in the High Court has been dismissed.
This is the context under which this appeal comes.
I appeal to you to express your support and solidarity in terms of –
1. a) Legal support to pursue his case in higher forums and courts
2. b) Financial support for children’s education and his personal
Kindly contact him directly on the number and have further discussion
about his case +919479270390; +919826116714
I am also hereby providing the bank details of Mr. Prabhakar Gwal in
case you want to come up with some sort of financial support. No more
State Bank of India
For further details please follow the links listed below
Dr Goldy M. George
Chhattisgarh Nagrik Sanyukt Sangarsh Samiti
NP: Kindly speak to him in Hindi

DALIT Judge dismissed for being HONEST ?

- An Appeal to Honourable Chief Justice of India

Chief Judicial Magistrate of Sukma District in Chhattisgarh state of

India Mr. Prabhakar Gwal is a Dalit , from oppressed class. Being from
an oppressed class , he best understood the sufferings of oppressed
sections of society , sufferings of people , tribals displaced from
forests to make way for big industries , MNCs. He understood
the oppression of common public by police ,
state machinery resulting in common man’s human rights ,
constitutional rights violations. He understood the machinations of state
machinery to favor big industrialists , also he understood the misuse of
office by public servants all against the rule of LAW.
Sukma CJM Mr. Gwal sincerely did his constitutional duty , to
uphold rule of law and earned the wrath of powers that be , Criminal
Nexus , he was repeatedly interfered in his judicial duties , repeatedly
transferred and now unjustly dismissed from service without ANY
ENQUIRY giving a chance for Mr.Gwal to make out his case.
Whereas some other selfish judges turned their blind eyes to the
sufferings of public , violations of law by public servants , intentionally
failed to uphold the law and got smooth sailing for their own career.
Hereby , We urge the Honourable Chief Justice of
India to order the Chhattisgarh State Government :
1. To immediately reinstate Mr.Gwal into judicial service.
2. To make posting at the same place , same court of Sukma , so that
he can complete the cases concerning the powers that be to the logical
3. To initiate criminal legal prosecution against district collector ,
police officials , public servants who directly & indirectly interfered in
the judicial duties performed by Mr. GWAL.
4. To initiate criminal legal prosecution against Chhattisgarh High
Court Judges who instead of upholding rule of law , supporting Mr. Gwal
in his duties took sides with criminal nexus , powers that be and
repeatedly transferred him and now dismissed him from service
without enquiry.
5. To reopen all the buried cases which were dealt by Mr. Gwal and
buried by transfer of judge Mr. Gwal. To take action against ministers ,
public servants involved in those cases.
6. To initiate criminal action against sukma district collector , police
officials and Chhattisgarh High Court Judges on charges of Atrocities
against DALIT Mr. Gwal who was repeatedly harassed by them.
7. To initiate criminal prosecution under anti terror laws
, against present and past chattisgarh state government ministers ,
central government ministers , police officials , public servants
who were and are responsible for creation of terror outfit SALWA
JUDUM , it’s recent terror child salwa judum – 2. These public
servants have indulged in terror acts of salwa judum , by aiding &
sponsoring it , which is against law.
Date : 30.04.2016…………………………..Your’s sincerely
Place : Mysuru………………………………Nagaraja.M.R.

Atrocities on Dalits by Judges - SHAME SHAME

- An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India, National

Human Rights Commission & National
Commission for Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes

The track record of apex court is not clean. There is secrecy involved in
selection , promotion , transfer of judges to high court & supreme court.
Supreme court judges take huge pay , perks from public exchequer (
now on the verge of getting triple fold increase in pay ) but are not
accountable to public. They don’t give information to public , concerning
judges and national security , public welfare.

Consider the case of Dalit judge of sukma , chattisgarh , he was

removed for being honest , for upholding law ? Now, Justice Karnan a
whistle blower is being victimized. Apex court is not looking seriously at
issues raised by justice karnan but concentrating on silencing him.

When other high ranking judges ( having influence & belonging to

upper castes ) were accused of more grave crimes like involvement in
sex racket , sex crimes against women , national security crimes , etc ,
they were treated with kid gloves , cases hush hushed , white
washed. Inspite of fervent appeals even apex court didn’t bother
to conduct a public , transparent enquiry. Now apex
court has initiated suo motto “contempt proceedings “ against Justice
Karnan as he is a DALIT , without influence of powers that be.

When a poor dalit person or person belonging to weaker section ,

SC / ST builds a temporary hutment on government land , officials ,
police take suo motto action , evicts that person & razes down that
hutment immediately. Where as when a rich person belonging to upper
caste , having influence of powers that be builds huge buildings
usurping government land , lake bed , etc no suo motto action by police .
Officials , police don’t take action inspite of repeated appeals by
concerned public. The courts of justice instead of upholding public
cause , gives stay orders protecting rich land grabbers but in the same
fashion judges don’t come to the rescue of poor dalit hut
dwellers. Even when land grabbings were brought to the notice of
apex court at the very early stage itself, apex court instead of
preventing the land grabbing silently allowed the grabbers to
continue with their land crimes. The enactments of laws by various
state governments including government of Karnataka regularizing
illegal land constructions is solely to benefit greedy , rich land grabbers
belonging to upper castes. Inspite of repeated appeals the apex court
has not annulled those illegal laws of various state governments.

Just consider the prison population in india , 80% of prisoners are

under trials and majority of them are dalits, tribals , belongs to weaker
sections , SC / ST. Most of them cann’t afford lawyers , most of them
are implicated by their upper caste masters , land lords . Even within
the prison , their rights are not respected by authorities , are treated
worse than animals. Where as deadly criminals convicted of gravest
crimes ( but rich , belongs to upper castes) enjoys many luxuries within
the prison. It proves the vulnerability of the dalits , weakers sections in

So many dalits , weaker section people were cheated of their job

oppurtunities in mysuru university , KSOU , Various
Government Medical colleges , Government aided ITIs , Polytechnics
in Karnataka state by scheming upper caste officials. Inspite of
repeated appeals , why apex court has not taken legal prosecution to
logical end and ensured justice to aggrieved dalits ? What action
supreme court has taken against KPSC , VYAPAM members who
denied job oppurtunities to merited candidates , dalit & weaker section
candidates ? ? let alone take suo motto action . No action to logical

Day in day out there are rampant atrocities against dalits , weaker
sections of people by public servants , judges are not doing their duties
properly. Supreme court judges are enjoying lakhs of rupees pay , perks
, 5 star bungalows , foreign trips , weeks long summer /
winter paid vacations , proposed triple fold salary hike all at tax
payer’s expense. These judges must be first booked for “Atrocities
against Dalits , Weaker sections” under SC / ST Atrocities Prevention
If at all , Supreme Court of India is impartial , without bias , let it come
out clean :

1. To immediately stay contempt proceedings

against Justice Karnan and Order impartial enquiry
against judges accused of corruption , impropriety by Justice
Karnan and all other issues raised by him. Take the help of
Justice Karnan in collecting evidences.

2. Order impartial enquiry against almost half of

former chief justices of india accused of corruption by NGOs.

3. Immediately give justice to past Sukma Dalit

Judge who was unjustly removed.

4. Immediately give truthful , full information ,

answers to RTI questions sent to Supreme Court of India by
our publication years ago. Inspite of several appeals , majority
of questions are unanswered & for few questions got
ambiguous answers.

5. Immediately take action to protect fundamental

rights , human rights of whistle blowers , RTI Activists & Human
Rights Activists.

6. Immediately take action against KPSC ,

VYAPAM members responsible for illegal recruitments ,
cancel all those illegal recruitments and conduct recruitments
afresh with old candidates.
7. Immediately take action against KSOU , Mysuru University
, Government Medical Colleges , Government Aided
Polytechnics , ITI officials responsible for illegal recruitments ,
cancel all those illegal recruitments and conduct recruitments
afresh with old candidates.

8. Immediately annul laws enacted by various state

governments in india regularizing illegal constructions by land
grabbers .

9. Make public the names of all land grabbers , majority of

them belongs to upper castes and are rich , greedy.

10. Protect the rights of prisoners in india irrespective of their

caste affiliations.

11. Ensure speedy justice , legal aid to under trials belonging

to weaker sections , SC & ST.

12. Fix lower amount for bail surety or create a corpus to give
bail amount to under trials belonging to SC , ST , Weaker
sections , Dalits. Many dalits who are poor are unable to pay
bail amount and suffer in jail for years much more than the
legally stipulated punishment even if convicted.

13. Enforce uniform rules , uniform food , uniform health care ,

uniform prison cell to all prisoners irrespective of their caste ,
whether he is an ex chief minister , ex managing director of a
big company , ex religious guru or an ordinary person , a dalit ,
a tribal. Ensure equality , equal treatment in prisons , jails.
14. Why NOT criminal prosecution of guilty judges who
commited atrocities on dalits under SC / ST Atrocities
prevention act is not taken , till it’s logical end ? are judges
above law ? why such guilty judges are put behind bars for this
non bailable offence ? only transfer or resignation of
judges will not serve the purpose , they must be put behind
bars & legally prosecuted for their heinous crimes . Is the not
the apex court is also practicing double standards &
indirectly aiding atrocities on dalits ? Read following sample
cases of “Atrocities on Dalits committed by Judges”.

15. Immediately admit PILs presented before supreme court

of india by our publication . Read full details at following web
pages ;
Traitors in Judiciary & Police
Judiciary-Police ,

Crimes by Khaki

FIRST Answer Judges Police


“There is a higher court than the court of justice and that is the
court of conscience It supercedes all other courts. ”
- Mahatma Gandhi

“Contempt Proceedings” should not be used as a weapon to

silence voices seeking justice , accountability of judiciary. Respect
of judiciary doesn’t come out of fear rather spontaneously it comes
out of a person’s heart when he sees a honest judge doing his
duties honestly.

Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.

Your’s ,

Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi

45% Of Lawyers In India Are Fake: Chairman Of Bar Council

The Chairman of the Bar Council of India (BCI) told Supreme Court (SC)
judges that, according to statistics from the BCI’s ongoing verification
process, 45% of lawyers in India are fake.

The SC judges voiced concern over the prevalence of fake lawyers in the
country. The Chief Justice said “I am so happy that BCI has started the
verification process. But it is not only about people with false degrees, but
also those with no degrees. These people work without a licence. They
go to court and practice without any authority. We need to start much
before, right from the institutions.”

In August 2015, Mishra had reported that as many as 30% of lawyers

could be fake, adding that acquiring certain numbers would take some
more months. The verification drive was mildly controversial and
prolonged, even causing the postponement of BCI elections. The
Supreme Court had given the BCI till January 2017 to complete its
verification drive.

Public Prosecutor Appointment Scam

unearthed/ ,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAEBJsp_Zsg ,

Four Arrested in Delhi Police Recruitment Scam

delhi-police-recruitment-scam-2998152/ ,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vyapam_scam ,

KPSC , Scam
probe-exposes-jobs-marriage-scam-KPSC.html ,
report-confirms-malpractice ,

Judge Selection Illegal

sheets-Delhi-judicial-exam-2014-favouritism-complaints.html ,
collegium-shuns-selection-meetings/48804 ,
test-evaluation-HC-asks-for-registrys-views/articleshow/46470410.cms ,

Top police official in Kerala allegedly caught red-handed while

copying in LL.M. exam
handed-while-copying-in-ll-m-exam/ ,

Judges Suspended For Mass Copying

for-mass-copying-1434.html ,
JAIL Chief Justice Dipak Mishra

Mishra Threatens Complainant


Notice To Chief Justice of India

https://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/notice-to-chief-justice ,

Judicial Tyranny
https://sites.google.com/site/dalitsdiary/judicial-tyranny ,
Judges SEX crimes

A – Z of Manipulation of Indian Legal System

http://www.scribd.com/doc/187575206/A-Z-of-Manipulation-of-India-Legal-System ,

http://www.scribd.com/doc/173854541/Chief-Justice-of-India-A-Criminal ,

50% of higher judiciary corrupt, says ex-SC judge Markandey Katju


Eight chief justices were corrupt: Ex-law minister


In suicide note, Arunachal CM Kalikho Pul alleges graft by SC judges,

alleges-graft-by-sc-judges-congress-news-national-rcruamjjfdhhc.html ,
Calcutta HC Justice Karnan calls judiciary corrupt, brings up old allegations against HC judges


Traitors in Judiciary & Police

Police ,
Crimes by Khaki

FIRST Answer Judges Police


Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @ # LIG-2 No 761, HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP
WhatsApp 91 8970318202
Home page :

Contact : editor@dalitonline.in

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