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Renewable Energy 29 (2004) 433–442

Technical note
Vectorial command of an asynchronous motor
fed by a photovoltaic generator
M.F. Mimouni a, M.N. Mansouri b,, B. Benghanem a,
M. Annabi c
Ecole Nationale of d’Ingnénieurs de Monastir, Avenue Ibn EL JAZZAR, 5019 Monastir, Tunisia
Institut Supérieur des Etudes Technologiques de Ksar Hellal, Avenue Hadj Ali Soua,
Ksar Hellal 5070, Tunisia
Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de Tunis, 5, rue Taha Hussein, Montfleury 1008 Tunis,
Received 10 December 2002; accepted 11 June 2003


In order to promote renewable energy, Tunisia has developed a large program to exploi-
tate photovoltaı̈c systems (PV) to provide electric power in rural electrification. These needs
increase continually following standard of living improvements, from lighting and media
communication (radio, TV) to motors, refrigeration and pumping. The fluctuation of solar
energy on one hand, and the necessity to optimise available solar energy on the other, it is
useful to develop new efficient and flexible modes to control motors. A vectorial control of
an asynchronous motor fed by a photovoltaı̈c system is proposed. In this case, the control of
the circulating current becomes an important objective in the algorithm design. This paper
presents an efficient current controller scheme that can achieve high accuracy and a fast
dynamic response of induction machine. This scheme uses voltage decoupling and pro-
portional integral controller loops (PI). Furthermore, to operate the PV array at its
maximum power point for every instant, the PV system must contain a maximum power
point tracking controller (MPPT). Good static and dynamic performances were obtained in
simulation of the proposed structure.
# 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Photovoltaı̈ic system; Vectorial control; Variable speed drive; Maximum power point tracking

Corresponding author.

0960-1481/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
434 M.F. Mimouni et al. / Renewable Energy 29 (2004) 433–442

1. Introduction

Photovoltaı̈c fed AC motors are increasingly used in the rural remote areas
of many developing countries for water pumping and other applications. To
avoid additional costs, the AC motors are coupled through an DC/DC con-
verter and DC/AC inverter to the photovoltaı̈c generator without storage
batteries. The system consists of the PV generator and an asynchronous
motor loaded by DC generator. The asynchronous machine, because it is
robust and easy to maintain, is used in industrial applications. It can replace
AC machines through the control of torque response. The development of
the new technologies of semiconductors and converters permits an increase of
commutation frequencies and thereby improved energy conversion. In the
same way, calculations are considerably decreased, permitting the application
of new algorithms of command assuring a decoupling of the flux and the
torque in machines to alternating current, in transient and steady-state
regime. The field oriented control has been usually applied to the adjustable
speed induction motor since the torque and flux linkages are highly coupled
with each other so that the complex nonlinear dynamics appears [1–3]. Fast
transient response is made possible by decoupled torque and flux control. A
conventional PI controller that is robust in terms of speed tracking can be
easily designed and implemented according to the choice of the overall
closed-loop transfer function. Since only the stator and rotor equations are
used to design controllers in this study, the flux, current and speed con-
trollers have relatively simple structures.
In most PV applications, the DC/DC converter is used to operate the PV
array at its MPPT, by controlling the duty ratio. The control of the duty ratio
can achieved by different algorithms. In this paper, the used algorithm is based
to track MPPT during periods of changing insulation by detecting the short-cir-
cuit current.
The first part of this paper is dedicated to the description and the model-
ling of a structure which consists of a photovoltaı̈c generator coupled
through an adapter (DC/DC converter) to an on-line inverter to an asyn-
chronous motor. A structure of a vectorial command is described offering an
interesting solution for the control of the stator current. The second part of
the paper studies the system in two regimes of working with, and without,

2. Mathematical modelling of the structure

To simulate the suggested structure, it is necessary to have a mathematical

model for the different components included in the structure.
M.F. Mimouni et al. / Renewable Energy 29 (2004) 433–442 435

2.1. Model of photovoltaı̈c generator

For an array with Ns series connected cells and Np parallel connected panels, the
array current may be related to the array voltage as [4,5]:
Vpv þ Ipv Rs Vpv þ Ipv Rs
Ipv ¼ Np Isc  Np IS exp A 1  ;
Ns Rsh
A¼ ð1Þ
All the symbols in Eq. (1) can be defined as:

Ipv , PV array output current, A;

Vpv , PV array output voltage, V;
Isc , light-generated current, A;
IS , reverse saturation current, A;
Rs , PV array series resistance, X;
Rsh , PV array shunt resistance, X;
n, ideality factors;
q, electronic charge;
K, Boltzmann’s constant;
T, cell temperature.

We assume that the array temperature is equal to reference temperature

(Ta ¼ 300 K). Since the shunt resistance Rsh is much greater and the series resist-
ance Rs is much smaller, the last term in Eq. (1) becomes
Ipv ¼ Np Isc  Np IS exp A 1 ð2Þ

2.2. Model of induction machine

The stator and rotor voltage equations of an induction motor in a synchronous

frame can be expressed as follows [1–3]:
dids 1 M2 M M
¼  Rs þ ids þ xs rLs iqs þ u þ xm uqr þ vds
dt rLs Tr Lr Tr Lr dr Lr
diqs 1 M2 M M
¼ xs rLs ids  Rs þ iqs  xm udr þ u þ vqs
dt rLs Tr Lr Lr Tr Lr qr
dudr 1 M
¼  udr þ isd þ ðxs  xm Þuqr
dt Tr Tr
duqr 1 M
¼  uqr þ isq  ðxs  xm Þudr
dt Tr Tr
dxm 1
¼ ðCe  Cl  f xm Þ ð3Þ
dt J
436 M.F. Mimouni et al. / Renewable Energy 29 (2004) 433–442

The electromagnetic torque developed by the motor is

C e ¼ np ðu isq  uqr isd Þ ð4Þ
Lr dr
In this study, the machine is assumed loaded by an inertia with viscous friction,
so that the load torque Cl is expressed as
Cl ¼ kl xm ð5Þ

where kl ¼ Ce max =xm max , Ce max is maximum rated torque, xm max is maximum
rated speed.
If the machine variables are transformed to the ones in the rotor flux reference
frame, the induction motor can be represented by simpler equations. Furthermore,
if the d axis of the reference frame is aligned to the rotor flux vector, the q axis
rotor flux becomes 0 [6]. Consequently the model (3) of this machine is changed as
dids 1 M2 M
¼  Rþ ids þ xs rLs iqs þ u þ vds
dt rLs Tr Lr Tr Lr dr
diqs 1 M2 M
¼ xs rLs ids  Rs þ iqs  xm udr þ vqs
dt rLs Tr Lr Lr

dudr 1 M duqr dxm 1

¼  udr þ isd ¼0 ¼ ðCe  Cl  f xm Þ ð6Þ
dt Tr Tr dt dt J
And the torque equation becomes

C e ¼ np u isq ð7Þ
Lr dr
These equations represent the basic principle of the field-oriented control: in the
rotor flux reference frame, a decoupled control of torque and rotor flux magnitude
can be achieved acting on the q and d axis stator current components, respectively.
As shown in Eqs. (6) and (7), the rotor dynamic is governed by direct component
ids and the torque by the quadrature component when the flux magnitude udr is
regulated to its reference.

3. Controller design of vector-controlled drives

The vector control is based on the field-oriented control method. For the regu-
lation of the main variables (current, flux, speed) to their reference values, reg-
ulators were used of the type PI. In the general form the transfer function of a
conventional PI current controller, flux controller, and speed controller has the fol-
M.F. Mimouni et al. / Renewable Energy 29 (2004) 433–442 437

lowing equation [7–9]:

RðpÞ ¼ ð1 þ Tc pÞ ð8Þ
Tc p
where p is the Laplace operator.
By (4) and (5), the transfer functions of the plant for the controllers of the vec-
tor-controlled induction motor drives can be derived as shown:

. d-axis Current controller:

ids 1
Gid ðpÞ ¼ ¼ ð9Þ
vsd1 Rs þ rLs p
. q-axis Current controller:
iqs 1
Giq ðpÞ ¼ ¼ ð10Þ
vsq1 Rs þ rLs p
. Flux controller:
u M
Gu ðpÞ ¼ dr ¼ ð11Þ
ids 1 þ Tr p
. Speed controller:
xm 1
Gx ðpÞ ¼ ¼ ð12Þ
Ce ðkl þ f Þ þ Jp

Since the motor plants of d-axis current control, q-axis current control, flux con-
trol, and speed control, are all first order system as shown in (9)–(12), the design
processes for these four controllers are similar. For brevity, the design process is
illustrated using the current controller only as an example in this paper. Similar
results for the flux controller and speed controller can also be derived via the same
design process.
Fig. 1 shows the control system of the current control, and the transfer function
of the associated plant is rewritten as
is 1
Gi ðpÞ ¼ ¼ ð13Þ
vs Rs þ rLs p
For a proportional-integral controller, the controller, Ci ðpÞ, is
Ci ðpÞ ¼ ð1 þ Ti pÞ ð14aÞ
Ti p

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the current control system.

438 M.F. Mimouni et al. / Renewable Energy 29 (2004) 433–442

By using the pole-zero cancellation method [5], the parameters of the controller are
shown as
Ti ¼ ; ki ¼ 4 Rs þ M 2 =Lr Tr ð14bÞ
Rs þ ðM 2 =Lr Tr Þ

4. Location of maximum power points

At a maximum power point,

ðVpv Ipv Þ ¼ 0 ð15Þ
Vpv þ Ipv ¼0 ð16Þ
Let Imp be the value of optimal current when power is maximum. By substituting
Vpv and dVpv =Ipv by their values in (16), we obtain the following equation:
Isc  Imp þ Is Imp
Ln  ¼0 ð17Þ
Is Isc  Imp þ Is
By solving (17), we obtain a linear relationship which is approximate by
Imp ¼ 0:94Isc ð18Þ
The proposed control system block diagram to achieve MPPT operation of the
PV array is illustrated in Fig. 2. The two voltage signals Vref and Vpv are derived
from Isc and Ipv such as
Vref ¼ 0:94Isc ð19Þ
Vpv ¼ Ipv ð20Þ
Vref is obtained from the short-circuit current of a cell module which is exposed to
the same insulation level. Vpv is taken across a 1 X resistance is series with the PV
generator current.

Fig. 2. Block diagram of the current loop.

M.F. Mimouni et al. / Renewable Energy 29 (2004) 433–442 439

5. Architecture of the structure

The structure of the rotor-flux-oriented induction machine, dealt in this paper, is

shown in Fig. 3. The main components of the proposed configuration are a rotor
flux estimator, a PI controller, that sets the appropriate stator currents command
in response to the rotor flux and rotor speed references, and a mechanism to adjust
the duty ratio aof the DC/DC converter. The scheme needs two rotation operators
to change from the stator reference frame to rotating one or reverse.

Fig. 3. Block diagram of field-oriented induction motor control system.

6. Simulation results

In order to verify the proposed field-oriented control law, including rotor flux
estimation, the control law (6–7), and maximum power point tracking regime, digi-
tal simulations were carried out. The test machine is a three-phase 1.5 kW , 4-pole,
380 Vrms (line to line); rated stator currents: 3.2 A; rated torque: 12 Nm and 50 Hz
squirrel cage induction motor having the following parameters: np ¼ 2;
Rs ¼ 5:72 X; Rr ¼ 4:2 X; Ls ¼ 0:462 H; Lr ¼ 0:462 H; M ¼ 0:44 H; J ¼
0:0049 Kg m2 . The switching frequency has been fixed to 5 kHz.
440 M.F. Mimouni et al. / Renewable Energy 29 (2004) 433–442

A first set of simulations is carried out to verify the performance of field-oriented

control law, without optimisation MPPT. Assuming that the flux command set
point is selected at nominal value /rn ¼ 0:83 Wb and after Dt ¼ 0:1 s, we apply a
speed command of xm ¼ 200 rd=s. The constant of the load torque kl is equal to
Fig. 4(a)–(d) shows the waveform of photovoltaı̈c current, photovoltaı̈c voltage,
rotor flux, and rotor speed response under the proposed controllers for 800 W=m2
insulation. The waveforms depicted through this figure prove the feasibility of the
proposed scheme. It can be seen in Fig. 4(c) that the flux magnitude is constantly
maintained and stays at a recommended value of 0.83 Wb. At time equal to 0.9 s,
the coefficient of the load torque has been set to (+10%) of its value. As can be
seen, the flux has been maintained as constant although the developed torque is
changed. Furthermore, at the same time, the rotor speed converges to its reference.
Also in spite of the step changes in the external load torque, the rotor speed and
rotor flux tracking are successfully achieved. It is important to note that, even
though the power provided by the photovoltaı̈c generator is lower than its

Fig. 4. Simulation response of the system to a step in the reference speed from 0 to 200 rad/s followed
by a step of insulation equal to 800 W/m2 without MPPT.
M.F. Mimouni et al. / Renewable Energy 29 (2004) 433–442 441

Fig. 5. Simulation response of the system to a step in the reference speed from 0 to 200 rad/s followed
by a step of insulation equal to 800 W/m2 with MPPT.

maximum, this result has motivated the use of DC/DC adapter for ensuring the
desired maximum power point tracking, which essentially keeps the convergence
power to its optimal value.
In order to test the efficiency of the proposed method, we also carried out some
simulations in the case that the photovoltaı̈c generator is able to function around
442 M.F. Mimouni et al. / Renewable Energy 29 (2004) 433–442

the optimal values. The result of MPPT is illustrated in Fig. 5. On account of the
availability of rotor flux estimator, the convergence of flux amplitude tracking to
nominal value is perfect without any additional control. The photovoltaı̈c current
and the associated voltage converge to their optimal values which are correspond-
ing to optimal power. One may also notice that in physical implementation the
parameters of the controllers should be adequately chosen.

7. Conclusion

For achieving better motor torque generating characteristics, the conventional

PI controller has been introduced in this paper for the vectorial control of an
induction machine fed by a photovoltaı̈c generator. A current control scheme
combining a decoupling control to achieve a fast dynamic response in a field
orientation-controlled induction motor drive was presented in this paper. The
induction machine drive with rotor flux, stator current and speed controllers has
exhibited good transient and steady-state performance. The results show the flux
magnitude has been maintained as constant an a torque exhibits a fast response.
In this paper to take advantage of the field oriented-control, the flux and cur-
rent controller have been designed using stator and rotor equations in the rotor
flux frame since the flux and current controllers have simple forms according to
the choice of the open and closed-loops transfer functions, they can be easily
designed and implemented. On the other hand, the control of the duty ratio is
achieved by using the integral controller. The use of this controller gives good
results for the maximum power tracking.

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