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Datalab Academy, 2018

SQL statements & PANTHEON database management boot camp, 18.10 –


Day 1

First part (1,5 hrs)

 Introducing Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
o SQL Server
 Connection (Database Engine, Analysis Services, …)
 Authentication (Windows, SQL Server)
 Start/Stop
 Pause/Restart
 Reports (Standard, Custom, …)
 SQL Server Properties
o Databases
 System databases (master, tempdb, …)
 Pantheon
 Tables
o Columns
o Keys
o Constraints
o Indexes
o Triggers
o most important tables of codes in Pantheon SQL
Server database (items, subjects, system
parameters, accounts, ...)
o most important tables of documents in Pantheon
SQL Server database (purchase and sales orders,
invoices, general ledger, salary, ...)
o Properties
 Views
 Stored procedures
 Functions
 Database Properties
Second part (1,5 hrs)
o Simple Queries
 Selecting data from tables
 Inserting, Updating, Deleting data in tables
Third part (1,5 hrs)
 Security
o SQL Server Logins
 Reports (Standard, Custom, …)
o Server Roles
Datalab Academy, 2018

o Database Users
Fourth part (1,5 hrs)
 Database maintenance
o Backup/Restore
o Rename/Delete
o Attach/Detach
o Online/Offline
o Import/Export data
o SQL Server Log
o Reports (Standard, Custom, …)

SQL statements & PANTHEON database management boot camp, 18.10 –


Day 2

First part (1,5 hrs)

 SQL Scripts
o Advanced queries
o Transactions

Second part (1,5 hrs)

 Maintenance plans
o Check database integrity
o Index fragmentation
 Index rebuild
 Index reorganize
o Update statistics
o Shrink database
 SQL Server Agent
o Jobs
 Creating
 Steps
 Scheduling
 Notifications
 Start/Stop
 Enable/Disable
o Job Activity Monitor
o Error Logs
o Reports (Standard, Custom, …)
Datalab Academy, 2018

Third part (1,5 hrs)

 Activity Monitor
o monitoring processes in Activity Monitor to find the head blocker
processes and other performance critical processes
 Extended Events
o analysing and finding blocked and blocking processes and deadlocks
Fourth part (1,5 hrs)
 SQL Server Profiler
o monitoring the execution of stored procedure and queries in SQL
Server Profiler and find it's execution time, CPU and I/O (reads and
writes) usage
 Query Store
o monitoring the execution of stored procedure and queries in Query
Store and find it's execution time, CPU and I/O (reads and writes)
o Prepared Queries for analysis

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