Strategic Plan 2017 2022 1

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Compass Mediation Services

“Discover the path to resolution”

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022

Table of Contents

1. Situation Assessment ..................................................................................................2

Background ....................................................................................................................2
Market Analysis ..............................................................................................................2
Provincial and National Affiliation bodies .....................................................................2
Key Trends..................................................................................................................2
Advisory Committee Feedback....................................................................................2
Competitive Analysis ......................................................................................................3
SWOT Analysis ..............................................................................................................4
Weaknesses ...............................................................................................................4
Opportunities ...............................................................................................................4
Threats ........................................................................................................................5
Strategic Issues ..............................................................................................................5
2: Strategic Direction ..........................................................................................................6
Core Values ....................................................................................................................6
Vision Statement ............................................................................................................6
Mission Statement ..........................................................................................................6
Goals ..............................................................................................................................7
Organizational Outcomes and Key Performance Indicators ............................................7
3. Action Priorities ..............................................................................................................8
Action Plan to Accomplish Objectives .........................................................................9
Appendix 1: Strategic Direction Summary 2017 – 2022.................................................... 11
Appendix 2: Business Plan ..........................................................................................12-13

Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 1

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022
1. Situation Assessment

Compass Mediation Services is a new organization seeking to establish itself as a provider

of separation and divorce mediation within the Calgary zone. With aspirations of opening
for business in the fall of 2018, this document serves to lay a foundation for operational
planning and logistics. Currently, the organization consists of one social worker trained in
conflict resolution and mediation.

Market Analysis:
Provincial and National Affiliation bodies
 Alberta Family Mediation Society1
o Includes mediation and parenting coordination
o Multiple levels of registration with minimum requirement of professional
 Family Mediation Canada2
o Offers three membership streams
o Recognized internationally
 ADR of Alberta (ADRIA)3
o Professional membership body for mediators and arbitrators in Alberta
o Provides training and designations for mediators and arbitrators

Key Trends

Mediation is lower on the continuum of conflict resolution and helpful in achieving

affordable and individualized solutions while preserving relationships.4 As a result,
mediating parties retain increased ownership of the process. Research indicates couples
with a judge imposed resolution are less satisfied than couples who participate in
mediation who experience a higher implementation rate of agreed on resolutions despite
its voluntary nature. Currently, in Alberta, separating couples are not required to
participate in mediation as a first step towards resolution.

Advisory Committee Feedback: (three member group Jeannine C, Martina B, James P)

 City lacks “one stop shop” services for separating / divorcing families
 Family Justice Services is too narrow in its service delivery with income eligibility
requirement of $40,000 or less
 Define target population to design service delivery model
 Women are often under educated with finances and are vulnerable to unfair
mediation outcomes with respect to finances
 Lawyers who mediate have minimal mediation training and are typically less
equipped to manage the emotional dynamics
 Lawyers have recently begun to dominate the mediation market for family law
4 An international review of early neutral evaluation programs and their use in family law disputes in

Alberta, 2016
Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 2
Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022
 Networking is key to developing necessary relationships for adequate referrals
 Education of local service providers critical for community level mediation referrals
(financial institutions, faith communities, non-profit sector)
 Mediation can bring reconciliation for separating families when parties finally feel
heard and understood
 Many separating families feel divorce will resolve their conflict and fail to
understand divorce is a reshaping of relationships and can either resolve or
intensify the conflict
 Separating families often require support in navigating a redefined life including
impact on communication, self-esteem, identity, and parenting

Competitive Analysis:

As a result of an online review, 26 local mediation establishments were discovered offering

services in Calgary. Of these establishments, the majority appeared to have one
individual providing the services. There were four organizations which included an
interdisciplinary team offering a broader range of programs and services. A review of
services provided was conducted; however, information including fee structure was not
readily available. Additionally, law firms were excluded from this research.

Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 3

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022
SWOT Analysis:


The following are existing strengths which will support Compass Mediation in leveraging
opportunities for growth as it seeks to establish itself in the local mediation industry.

 Credible social work background and education.

 Formal conflict resolution training and mediation qualifications.
 Established network for referrals.
 Professional and passionate about making a difference for separating families.
 Natural skill and ability.
 Positive reputation as a skilled social worker in the community.
 Demonstrated ability to form effective partnerships for future expansion.
 Professional mediator mentor for ongoing supervision and skill development.


The most significant impediments, which will require additional time and attention, include:

 Developing a positive mediation reputation and track record.

 Lack of marketing and communications skill (website, social media, google
 Time constraints with work, graduate studies, and family demands.
 Unable to provide services in multiple languages while situated in a diverse urban
 Limited financial and human capital.
 Advisory committee in development, yet requires more individuals and formal


Key existing opportunities include:

 Membership and accreditation with governing bodies to increase credibility and

 Contract a marketing specialist for web design, branding, and communication.
 Expand services to integrate financial analysis, court document preparation,
counseling, and supports for life transition.
 Develop strong collaborative and mutual referrals.
 Train under or with an established and well respected mediator.
 Research family law field in relation to mediation.

Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 4

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022

The known barriers to establishing a successful mediation practice include:

 26 other established family mediation practices that provide combination of related
 Small business start-up costs.
 Risk of liability with developing mediation skill set (do no harm to a client).
 Family lawyers marketing as mediators and increasing domination in mediation

Strategic Issues:

The following identified issues drive the need for action

 Consider enhancement of service delivery to develop a holistic interdisciplinary

team including financial analysis, psychology, and life coaching.
 Incorporate a family first approach that honours the uniqueness of each household
and works to preserve the financial assets and mitigate impact to children.
 Determine how changes in provincial regulation of mediators and family law
practitioners impact the future of separation and divorce mediation.

Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 5

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022
2: Strategic Direction

Core Values:

These values will provide the foundation for all future planning and decision making for
Compass Mediation. They will set the tone for who we are and how we do business.

1. Respect – Honour the inherent dignity and worth of all people and be welcoming of the
diversity represented in the urban setting of practice.
2. Safety – Ensure all clients are cared for emotionally and physically.
3. Fairness – Promote an environment of justice where known power imbalances are
4. Integrity – Be honest, be ethical, and accept responsibility.
5. Creativity – Design individualized agreements that capture the needs of each party and
collaborate to reduce barriers to service.

Vision Statement:

Compass Mediation is striving to become

“Respected as a service of excellence in supporting separating families to redesign


Mission Statement:

Compass Mediation’s core purpose and identity is

“To assist families in transition reach their own agreements through effective and
affordable means outside of the courtroom.”

Discover the path to resolution!

Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 6

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022

Within the next five years, Compass Mediation ideally will achieve the following goals:

• Engage future clients and community professionals

Branding, Marketing, through a comprehensive communication strategy and
online presence
Image • Attract and retain top talent

• Commit to continued learning and knowledge resources

• Expanded service delivery to support the multifaceted
Service Excellence needs of a separating family

• Provide service in a centrally located space

• Responsive within a timely manner
Accessible • Flexible fee structure to accomodate the financially
diverse household

• Maintain sound financial management

Financial Stability

Organizational Outcomes and Key Performance Indicators:

Over the next five years, Compass Mediation will know it has reached its strategic goals
by the following outcomes:

Growing Client Client Financial

Base Satisfaction Sustainability

•Month over •Google •Year over year

month, year Reviews and balanced
over year new Testimonials financial budget
client numbers •Percentage of •Fee for service
•Referral trends resolutions trends over time
from local outside of •Investment in
professionals courtroom human capital
and service •Success rate of
providers implemented
•Increased traffic resolutions
on website

Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 7

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022
3. Action Priorities
Identified objectives to address the strategic issues over the next five years

Goal: Branding, marketing, image

1. Develop a consistent, professional, and inviting image that engages separating
2. Incorporate an inclusive communication message which reaches families in
diverse social locations.

Goal: Service Excellence

1. Integrate a family first philosophy in each service delivery touch point.
2. Assess and determine service delivery needs to enhance and inform program
3. Develop a program evaluation framework for accurate reporting and

Goal: Accessible
1. Reduce potential barriers for prospective clients in the planning and delivery of
services including physical space, affordability, and diversity in family
2. Develop a strong referral network to navigate transitioning families to meet
additional needs outside of scope of practice.

Goal: Financial stability

1. Develop an efficient and effective financial management plan.

Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 8

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022
Action Plan to Accomplish Objectives

Goal: Branding, marketing, image

Objective 1: Develop a consistent, professional, and inviting image that engages

separating families.

Actions Completion Date

Design and implement a comprehensive communications plan

Assess and monitor changing trends with target demographic

Objective 2: Incorporate an inclusive communication message which reaches families in

diverse social locations.

Actions Completion Date

Ensure diversity is taken into account in communications plan

Connect inclusive philosophy to all aspects of service delivery

Goal: Service Excellence

Objective 1: Integrate a family first philosophy in each service delivery touch point.

Actions Completion Date

Develop a definition for family first philosophy and an
implementation plan
Become a Daring Way Facilitator to strengthen redesigned family
relationships and support emotional health of family members

Objective 2: Assess and determine service delivery needs to enhance and inform
program development.

Actions Completion Date

Establish a mentor / mentee relationship with a seasoned family
mediator to integrate learning into program development
Continue to research industry trends to inform program

Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 9

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022
Goal: Service Excellence (continued)

Objective 3: Develop a program evaluation framework for accurate reporting and


Actions Completion Date

Develop program goals, objectives, and logic model for the
mediation program
Design and implement a program evaluation calendar and
program dashboards

Goal: Accessible

Objective 1: Reduce potential barriers for prospective clients in the planning and
delivery of services including physical space, affordability, and diversity in
family composition.

Actions Completion Date

Integrate philosophy of accessibility into building location and
interior design
Create flexibility in a fee structure to accommodate the financial
diversity represented in the urban setting

Objective 2: Develop a strong referral network to navigate transitioning families to meet

additional needs outside of scope of practice.

Actions Completion Date

Cultivate relationships with professionals interfacing with
separating families including finance, legal, psychology, and the
non-profit sector.
Obtain membership within mediation profession including
provincial and national membership bodies for family mediation.

Goal: Financial stability

Objective 1: Develop an efficient and effective financial management plan.

Action Completion Date

Retain services of both a legal and finance professional for
organizational legal structure, insurance planning, tax planning,
and budget design.
Link service expansion plan to financial plan to ensure financial

Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 10

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022

Core Values:

Vision: Compass Mediation Services is striving to become

“Respected as a service of excellence in supporting separating families to redesign relationships.”

Mission: Compass Mediation’s core purpose and identity is

“To assist families in transition reach their own agreements through effective and affordable means outside of
the courtroom.”

Strategic Goals Organizational Objectives

Strategic Consider
Issues enhancement of • Develop a consistent, professional, and inviting image that
service delivery to Branding, engages separating families.
develop a holistic Marketing, Image • Incorporate an inclusive communication message which reaches
families in diverse social locations.
team including • Integrate a family first philosphy in each service delivery touch
financial analysis, point.
psychology, and life Service • Assess and determine service delivery needs to enhance and
coaching. Excellence inform program development.
• Develop a program evaluation framework for accurate reporting
and measurement.
Incorporate a family • Reduce potential barriers for prospective clients in the planning
first approach that and delivery of services including physical space, affordability,
honours the Accessible and diversity in family composition.
uniqueness of each • Develop a strong referral network to navigate transitioning
household and families to meet additional needs outside of scope of practice.
works to preserve
the financial assets
and mitigate impact Financial Stability • Develop an efficient and effective financial management plan.
of children.

Organizational Outcomes and Key Performance Indicators

Determine how
changes in Growing Client Financial
provincial regulation Client Base Satisfaction Sustainability
of mediators and
family law
practitioners impact • Month over • Google Reviews • Year over year
the future of month, year over and Testimonials balanced
separation and year new client • Percentage of financial budget
divorce mediation. numbers resolutions outside • Fee for service
• Referral trends of courtroom trends over time
from local • Success rate of • Investment in
professionals implemented human capital
and service resolutions
• Increased traffic
on website

Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 11

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022
Business Plan

Program: Operations
Director Responsible: Susan Herman

Strategic Pillar: Branding, Marketing, Image

Engage future clients and community professionals through a comprehensive
communication strategy and online presence.

Objective: Create a communication framework that will be inviting, inclusive, and


Action Completion Date

1. Solicit feedback from local small business owners for
recommendations on affordable marketing specialists and retain
one on a contract basis.
2. Design and launch a website.
3. Design and print business cards and brochures.
4. Set up a phone line and email account.

Strategic Pillar: Service Excellence

Commit to continued learning and knowledge resources.

Objective: Develop competence and confidence in providing specialized mediation

services as a small business.

Action Completion Date

1. Mentor under a well-respected family mediator.
2 Become a member of ADR Institute of Alberta and Family
Mediation Canada.
3. Design an intake package and intake process.
4. Create policies and procedures for client services.
5. Obtain status on university mediation coach roster.

Strategic Pillar: Accessible

Provide Service in a centrally located space.

Objective: To obtain an affordable and suitable location to provide mediation services in.

Action Completion Date

1. Solicit input from local mediators regarding physical space needs.
2 Research office lease and rental rates and within Calgary.
3. Secure a space anchored in philosophy of accessibility for diverse
4. Furnish office space.

Compass Mediation Services October 27, 2017 12

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022
Strategic Pillar: Financial Stability
Maintain sound financial management

Objective: Establish a comprehensive financial framework that manages risks and

promotes profit generation.

Action Completion Date

1. Determine appropriate organizational structure through legal
advice (incorporated, sole proprietorship, etc) and register same.
2 Obtain relevant insurance.
3. Open bank account(s) following consultation from a small
business accountant and lawyer.
4. Establish internal controls for accounting and bookkeeping.

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Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022

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