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A Research

Presented to the Senior High School Department

San Pedro National High School

In Partial Fulfilment of

the Requirements for the subject

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Carlos, Ryan Cholo P.

Damian, Lyka Marie P.

Santos, Jan Jerald T.

March 2018


The Problem and its Background


There is no doubt that today’s students are the future leaders for building the nation.

Students must study hard to enter school. However, poverty is the main barrier to finish

studying, so some of students are forced to work to finish their study.

Students’ time is a limited resource like other limited resources. Time can be more

or less effectively managed (Anonymous, 2016). Because of their part-time jobs, some of

the students has a limited time in their social and academic task.

Moreover, working during studying could be viewed as a way to get independence

from the family origin (Stephenson, 1982). Some students want to have their own income

to help their family to support their studies. Somehow, working during studying may have

negatively affected the students’ performance in school and workplace. Time management

is one of the hindrances that a working student may have because of the responsibilities

given by the teacher and employer that the working students should finish in a given date

and time. The students may get confused on which is more important and which among the

two should be prioritized the most. Improper time management can be a cause of delay in

graduation, lower grades, tardiness in school and in job area, drop out or being fired by the

employer (Triventi, 2012). Improper time management occurs when students cannot

handle their tasks of being a student and as a worker at the same time. Nowadays, some of

the working students cannot focus on their studies because of being tired and it could be

the cause of having low grades (Triventri, 2012). Students consume their energy in their

job so that when the learners need to study the students have no energy and it will be a

cause for them to fail.

The importance of the study is to inform the school to the situation of working

students. The students may not focus in their studying because of improper handling of

time. This study may help the other working students on how to manage their time in school

and in work effectively.

The main objective of this study is to have a broad understanding to the lives of

working students. This research aims to know if how being a working student may affect

the performance in school and in their workplace. The researcher wants to know how

working students were able to manage their time.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine the performance of the

working students from San Pedro National High School in Hagonoy, Bulacan during S.Y.

2017-2018 to identify if time management has an effect to the performance of working

learners in school and in workplace.

Specifically, this study sought answer to the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Grade level

1.4 General average

1.5 Schedule in work and school


1.6 Socio economic status

2. Is there a significant relationship between the time management and

performance of working students in terms of:

2.1 Academic Performance

2.2 Work Performance

Significance of the Study

This section states the contribution of the study and the usefulness of the study in

the society:

Working Students. A person who studies while working is called working student.

This study may provide the student with some knowledge on how they can manage their

time and how being a working student affect their performance in school and in workplace.

Parents. They are the people who give support to their children on their needs. If

they are able to read this study, they may know the possible behaviors and the performance

of their children in school, especially, if their children are working students. They may help

them to know if being working student positively or negatively affect their children.

Teachers. The one who teach the students. This study may help them to understand

the situation of their students who are also working for a job. Teachers may give advice,

support and considerations to help their students.

Department of Education. This branch of the government focuses on the

education system of the country. DepEd may use this study to understand the working

students in order to augment the gaps foreseen in the study and to improve the education


Future Researchers. It is an individual or group of people who makes a new study

about the same or related topic. They can use this study to serve as reference for the new


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study concentrated on three major variables: aacademic performance, work

performance and time management.

The academic performance of working students was limited through recitation

during class and their experience in school which was measured through the General Point

Average (GPA). Their gender and age were also identified. Work performance of working

students as a sub-variable was sub-divided into performance in workplace and exposure in

workplace. Lastly, time management was determined through accuracy and commitment

in the deadline. The performance of working students was analyzed in the study through a

survey questionnaire.

San Pedro National High School in Hagonoy, Bulacan was the school where the

study was conducted. Working students of San Pedro National High School in S.Y. 2017-

2018 from Junior High School to Senior High School served as the respondents of the



Theoretical Framework

This chapter includes critique literatures that gave support to this study. Relevant

theories were provided to deepen explanation in significant relation on how working

students manage their time. Furthermore, conceptual framework has been shown to show

the connection of variables.

Literature Review

Nowadays, working students face difficulties in time management. It can be a cause

of decline in academic performance and risk of dropping out (Heibutzki, 2017). According

to Kaushar (2013), time management is important, and it may actually affect an individual's

overall performance and achievements. However, some of the working students do not

have good time management skills that has negatively affect their work experience and

their school performance (Muhammad, 2015). According to Young (2017), setting

priorities which comes first is one of the factors that cause bad time management. The

learners get confused which is the most important and because of this confusion, the

students do not notice that their performance gets affected and it is a serious problem which

needs to be studied and understood.

This part of the study begins by describing the problem, definition and the

connection of time management in the performance of a working students before

undergoing to a broad review of the literatures. Using current knowledge and

understanding the focus of the various researches in the connections between the rendition

of the working students in school and in their working place and how working students

manage their time. This study will be held in San Pedro National Highschool.

The Effects of Being a Working Student in Academic Performance

Being a working student may affect their academic performance in school that is

why some of the working students may get a low grade because they cannot focus on their

studies because of being tired, late submission of their projects and they lack knowledge

and it may eventually affect their performance in school like fear of having recitation and

lack of confidence. The work is a stressor that upsets balance affecting the academic

performance. Actions that may require restoring the balance may require the dropping of

other subjects suited to their schedules (Arceo,, 2013). Moreover, in many situations,

the simultaneous condition of worker and student may involve overloading commitment,

increasing psychological stress and anxiety related to fear of studying (Triventi, 2013).

Students spend their strength in their job so that when they need to study, they lose energy

to give effort for the assignment and their task in school and it could be the cause of getting

failure. But these jobs help students to become more effective and organized and provide

important skills and students will naturally assume that working will be determined to their

academic success (Smith, 2016). The optimal strategy for students is to combine study with

professional part-time employment. In this case, work becomes additional source of

knowledge and skills, as well as a motivation to learn (Yambarisovaa, 2015). This is a

significant effect of being a working student because it may improve their skills and also

in multitasking and after their schooling they will not find it harder because they already

have experience working.


This study focused on the effects on academic performance of working students;

how to manage their task in school while working. This study is focused on the working

students in San Pedro National High School in Hagonoy, Bulacan.

The Relation of Time Management in Work Performance

Moststudents take job for the financial benefits to help them pay for education related

expenses (Levy, n.d). According to Cunha (n.d) students who work during their college

career may have better time management skill than their counterparts. In the other side,

being stressed in having a part time job is when students will face a decline in their studies

because their job will occupy their precious time (Chen, 2011). The most important matter

to focus on is when they can manage their time effectively to develop study habits and have

a to-do list. The following are some of the tips on how time management can be achieved


1. Prepare a daily or weekly schedule.

2. Schedule activities for after your school work.

3. Find a dedicated study space.

In relation to this present study, having a part time job can affect the life of an

individual who is studying because of being tired in his/her work and it can be a cause for

failing to pass all the requirements in their job on time.

Influence of Time Management Skills in Studying and Working

Improper time management is the main problem of most students. As a student, it

is hard for them to manage their time especially in school. It can be a cause of delay in

submission of projects and requirements in school and it can be a hindrance to finish

studying. Effective time management is a skill that many professional struggles to

implement and utilize in their daily lives (William, 2005). Students that apply study time

management will be able to beat procrastination and focus their full attention on their

studies (Mauller, 2017). Time management is arguably one of the most important life skills

that everyone must learn (Ultius, 2014). Moreover, time management is a skill that every

student must apply in their life to be able for them to focus their full attention on their study

and it is an important skill that they need to learn to be able to overcome their stress

although individuals within each generation lack effective time management skills

(William, 2005). The students nowadays are always stressed and there has been no enough

time because of lack effective time management skills

This research study focused on the possible effects and factors that may affect the

time management of the students.


Time management has a significant contribution in the academic performance of

working students. It can help to save their time and overcome their stress. Being a working

student may affect their academic performance in school; they may lack knowledge

because of being tired which may lead to having no energy to give effort for their tasks in

school. Moreover, by the simultaneous condition of a working students may involve

increasing psychological stress and anxiety related to fear of academic. Because of being

tired, it may affect their attendance in class which may cause to missing a lesson in class.

Relevant Theories

This study has a connection to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs and Expectancy theory.

The theories of Maslow and Vroom discussed the factors on how a working student

organize time and setting priorities.

According to Maslow (1943), The Hierarchy of Needs theory is made up of five

(5) levels:

1.Physiological- these needs must be met to a person survive, such as food, water,

and shelter.

2.Safety- includes personal and financial security and health.

3.LoveandBelonging- the need for friendships, relationship and family

4.Esteem- the need to feel confident and be respected by others.

5.Self-Actualisation- the desire to achieve an individual possibly can and become

the most person it can be.

Working students must meet the basic needs and safety to be emotionally healthy

and get self-esteem before they become motivated to achieve higher level of needs. The

hierarchy of needs is a step by step process, before you achieve the fifth level you need to

obtain first the lower levels. Therefore, some of the working students are focused on their

job than academic works because the students want to meet the fifth level of the hierarchy

of needs.

Moreover, Expectancy theory proposes that people will choose how to behave

according to its outcomes (Vroom,1964). In other words, people decide what to do based

on the rewards such as higher grades, higher salary and promotion that they expect to

receive as a charge of their outputs or service. According to Victor Vroom (1964)

expectancy theory is based on three (3) elements:

1.Expectancy- the belief that your effort will result in your desired goal. This is

based on your past experiences, your self-confidence and how difficult you think; the goal

is to achieve

2.Instrumantaly- the belief that you will receive a reward if you meet performance


3.Valence- the value you place on the reward.

Working students pay more time on their job than in schooling or vice versa. The

working students expect something in return or rewards when they get focused on job or

academic works. Somehow, it has a negative impact in the working learners' performance

in school or workplace.

Conceptual Framework

To present the specific concepts found in this research, Figure 1 shows the independent

and dependent variables.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Academic Performance
Time Management and Work performance
of working students

Figure 1. Independent Variable and Dependent Variable Model


The independent variable is the time management while the dependent variable

consists of the level of academic and work performance of working students.

Hypothesis of the Study

1. There is no significant relationship between the time management and work

performance of selected working students.

2. There is no significant relationship between the time management and academic

performance of selected working students.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance- As used in this research, academic performance refers to how a

student participates in school in order to pass or fail a series of subjects.

Hindrances- A person or thing that makes a situation difficult (Merriam Webster, 2017).

Operationally, it refers to something that makes an activity difficult for the working

students to study while working such as time management, workloads, academic tasks, and


Influence- These is the power to change or affect someone or something. The power to

cause changes without directly focusing them to happen (Merriam Webster, 2017). As used

in this study, these refers to how time management affect students performance. It is

included in the factors affecting the outcomes in the school and workplace.

Priority- This is something that is more important than other things and that needs to be

done or dealt with first (Merriam Webster, 2017). As used in this study, these pertains to

what is the most important for a working student and what should come first.

School- The study is situated at San Pedro National High School where respondents


Simultaneous- Existing or occurring at the same time (Merriam Webster, 2017).

Operationally, it pertains to the struggle of combined difficult work and educational

burdens that the students must face as a working student.

Time Management- As used in this research it pertains or how working students manage

or balance their time in school and workplace.

Working Learners- A person who should balance their time in school and in workplace.

As used in this research, these are the students who has a job while studying.


Research Methodology

This chapter contains the research methodology of the study which includes

research design, population and sampling, research instrument, data gathering procedure

and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study used survey approach of conducting a research. It utilized the

correlational survey and descriptive survey. The use of this study is to know the time

management of a working student and how it affects their performance in school and in

their job. The descriptive method is supported with questionnaire to describe their

experience in school and workplace.

According to Gay (1976) descriptive research is involving the current status of the

subject of the study this method of research is designed to gather information on condition

existing in a particular period.

A correlational approach was used to relate the effects of time management in

school and workplace. According to Calmorin (1995), the study aims to determine the

relationship of variables. It also indicates the extent to which different variables are related

to each other in the target population. It also ascertains how much variation is caused by

another variable.

Population and Sampling

This table represents the number of respondents of the study which came from San

Pedro National High school. All the working students from each grade level became the

respondents of this research because their number is less than 100. Based on Calmorin &

Calmorin (1997) which stated that if the population is less than or equal to 100, sampling

is not necessary, this is also called as universal sampling.

Grade Level Frequency Percentage

Grade 7 13 18.06%

Grade 8 11 15.28%

Grade 9 20 27.78%

Grade 10 10 13.89%

Grade 11 10 13.89%

Grade 12 8 11.11%

Total 72 100%

Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Working Students per Grade Level

Research Instrument

The instrument used in the study is the survey questionnaire. This instrument is

described as follows.

The researchers created survey questionnaire that was validated by the research

teacher and head teacher in English of San Pedro National High School. The survey

questionnaire was constructed for the working students. It contains 27 items. The first part

of the survey questionnaire is on recognition type it is composed of 9 items. The second

part of the questionnaire is on Likert scale; it is composed of 18 items. Likert scale is on a

graph form and they need to rate their answers for each item. The survey underwent pilot

testing before the actual distribution to the respondents of the study.

The purpose of the survey questionnaire is to know the time management of a

working student and if it is affect the academic performance and job performance.

Data Gathering Procedure

First, the researchers asked the permission of the school principal to conduct the

research study inside the school. Second, the researchers asked the approval of the class

advisers to know who are working among their students. Afterwards, the researchers made

survey questionnaires and approach the head teachers to check the validity and reliability

of the survey questionnaires. Lastly, the researchers distributed the survey questionnaires

to the respondents and asked them to return it for interpretation.

Statistical Treatment

1. Percentage- is the number or rate that is expressed as a certain number of parts of

something divided into 100 parts (Merriam Wester Dictionary)

Formula: Percentage= F/N ×100

where: F – frequency

N – population

2. Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient. According to Lane (2011)

the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient is a measure of the strength of

the linear relationship between two variables. It is referred to as Pearson's

correlation or simply as the correlation coefficient.


where: r – coefficient of correlation

x and y – scores/ interval

N – size of samples


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of The Data

This chapter presents the findings, analysis and interpretation of data acquired

whose main objective is to find out the relation of time management in academic

performance and work performance of a working student.

To facilitate the interpretation of the weighted mean score of the responses, the

upper and lower limit of scale was adopted using the 4-point Likert Scale as shown below.

Table 1.

Numerical Rating Interpretation

Numerical Rating Descriptive Interpretation

3.60-4.00 Highly satisfied, Strongly Agree, Very Good

2.60-3.59 Satisfied, Agree, Good

2.59-1.60 Dissatisfied, Disagree, Moderately Good

0.00-1.59 Highly Dissatisfied, Strongly Disagree, Fair

The respondents of the study are the working students from San Pedro National

High school, computed based on the Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient

Formula as presented from the previous chapter. The working students- respondents were

given questionnaire and the respondents ask to evaluate the study.


1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

Aged 10-11


Aged 10-11 Aged 12-14 Aged 15-17 18 Years old and above

Figure 1. The age of a respondents.

The graph shows that the highest age of working students in San Pedro National

High School is on the age of 15-17 years old which is the highest percentage of 50% and

on the age of 12-14 years old is 29.17%, Next is on 18 years old garnering 20.83% while

there is no 10-11 years old working students in San Pedro National High


1.2. Sex




Male Female

Figure 2. The sex of the respondents.

This graph shows the highest percentage of sex of a working student in San Pedro

National High School are Males with a total of 79.17% while Female has 20.83% .

1.3.Grade Level.






Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

Figure 3. The Percentage of grade level.

This Pie graph shows the percentage of grade level of a working students in San

Pedro National High School. Grade 9 is the highest level with 26.39%, Grade 7 with

18.05%, Grade 8 with 15.28%, next is grade 10 and grade 11 got 13.89% and lastly the

Grade 12 takes the lowest percentage of 12.5%.


1.4.General Point Average

Recent General Average of a Working

Student in S.Y. 2017-2018

74 below


Recent General Average of a
Working Student in S.Y. 2017-


95 above

0 10 20 30 40 50

Figure 4. The recent General Average of the Respondent.

This graph shows that the highest previous general average in S.Y. 2017-2018 of a

working student in San Pedro National High School. 84-80 is the highest percentage with

48.61%, 79-75 average grade level has a total percentage of 30.56%, 89-85 has a total of

12.50%, nest is 94-90 with 6.94 and lastly 95 above got the least with 1.39%.

1.5. Schedule in school and Work




Morning Afternoon

Figure 5. The percentage of class session where Respondents belong

The graph shows that the highest percentage of class session of a working students

in San Pedro National High School is on the morning session garnering 65.28% and the

least is on the afternoon session which is 34.72%.

How often a working students work per



1-14 hours 15-24 hours 25-34 hours 35 and above

Figure 6.1. Hours of a work per week of the respondents.

The graph shows that the highest percentage of hours does the working students go

to their job is 1-14 hours with 63.89%, 15-24 hours is on 18.06%, next 35 hours and above

gain 11.11% and lastly 25-34 got 6.94%.


1.6.Socio - Economic status

How many members of the family of a working

students are on their home


1-3 members of the family 54.17%

4-6 members of the family

7-10 members of the family 11 and above members of the family

Figure 6.2 Members of the family of the respondents.

This figure shows how many members of the family of a working student in San

Pedro National High School the highest percentage is 4-6 members of the family which is

54.17% , 7-10 members of the family with 23.61% next is 1-3 members of the family has

a percentage of 16.67% and the lowest percentage garnering 5.55% which is the 11 and


Monthly Income

5,000 below 5,001 - 10,000 10,001-15,000 15,001-20,000 20,001 and above

Figure 6.3 The monthly income of the family of the respondents.

This figure shows the monthly income of the family of the respondents. The most

percentage is on Php 5,000 below which is 45.83% follow by Php 5,001-10,000 has 20.83%

next is Php 10,001-15,000 which is 13.89% and Php 20,0001 and above has a percentage

of 11.11 , lastly the lowest percentage is Php 15,001-20,000 has a total percentage of


Reason why the working students taking a job


11.11% 26.39%

financial problem for extra income serves as a hobby obligation for the family others

Figure 6.4 The reason why the respondent taking a job.

This figure shows the reason of why the respondents having a job, the highest

percentage got 55.56% which is for the extra income, follow by the percentage of 26.39%

for the financial problem next is 11.11% which is for serves as a hobby, lastly the lowest

percentage got a 6.94% is on obligation to the family.


Table 2

Mean Distribution of Respondents Rating in Terms of the Work Experience.

Criteria Responses Mean Descriptive

4 3 2 1 Responses

1. I am interested in my job 31 38 2 1 3.38 Satisfied

2. I am comfortable with my 25 42 4 1 3.26 Satisfied

responsibility in my job.

3. I am satisfied to work 30 34 6 2 3.28 Satisfied

while studying.

4. I prioritize my work than 7 24 23 19 2.29 Dissatisfied

my studies.

5. I am happy with my 29 33 8 2 3.24 Satisfied

working condition.

6. Being a working student 7 21 38 6 2.40 Dissatisfied

affects my work in my job.

7. I can do my task in my job. 14 46 12 0 3.03 Satisfied

8. How would you rate your 18 46 8 0 3.14 Satisfied

ability in your job.

Total Mean 2.99 Satisfied

Table 2 shows the mean distribution of respondent’s rating in terms of the work

experience. “I am interested in my job” is the indicator with the highest weighted mean of

3.38 with an interpretation of “Satisfied” although the indicator, “I prioritize my work than

my studies” has the lowest weighted mean of 2.29 and taken as “Dissatisfied.” This

variable has an average weighted mean of 2.99 and interpreted “Satisfied.”

Table 3

Mean Distribution of Respondents Rating in Terms of the Academic Performance

Criteria Responses Mean Descriptive

4 3 2 1 Responses

1. I am comfortable with my 33 37 2 0 3.43 Agree

responsibility in school.

2. I am comfortable with the 21 39 9 3 3.08 Agree

take home chores from


3. Being a working student 8 19 39 6 2.40 Disagree

affects my academic


4. Being a working student 3 26 36 13 2.43 Disagree

makes me lazy at school.

5. How would you rate your 14 39 14 5 2.86 Satisfied

recitation in class.

Total Mean 2.84 Agree


Table 3 shows the mean distribution of respondent’s rating in terms of the academic

performance. “I am comfortable with my responsibility in school” is the pointer with the

highest weighted mean of 3.43 with a clarification of “Agree” although the pointer, “Being

a working student affects my academic performance” has the lowest weighted mean of

2.40 and taken as “Disagree.” This variable has an average weighted mean of 2.84 and

interpreted “Agree.”

Table 4

Mean Distribution of Respondents Rating in Terms of the Time Management

Criteria Responses Mean Descriptive

4 3 2 1 Responses

1. I am fine with my schedule 21 42 4 5 3.10 Good

in work.

2. I am fine with the 26 24 9 3 2.74 Good

deadlines given to me by my


3. I can finish my 13 40 17 2 2.89 Good

assignment/s in school on


4. I can pass my project on 14 39 17 2 2.90 Good


5. How would you rate your 10 47 12 3 2.89 Good

time management.

Total Mean 2.90 Good

Table 4 shows the mean distribution of respondent’s rating in terms of the Time

management. “I am fine with my schedule in work” is the highest weighted mean of 3.10

with an interpretation of “Good” while the indicator, “I am fine with the deadlines given

to me by my teacher” has the lowest weighted mean of 2.74 and interpreted as “Good.”

This variable has an average weighted mean of 2.90 and interpreted “Good.”

2.1. Is there a significant relationship between time management and academic


r T comp T critical Decision Probability Interpretation


0.31 2.73 2.617 Ho is P<0.1 Highly

rejected 2-Tailed Significant

Table 5. Relationship between Academic Performance and Time management.

This table shows that the Academic performance is highly significant to the time

management. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. The researchers computed this

table through the computation of Pearson's Product Moment Coefficient Correlation with

a value of r= 0.31. The result of this study is related to Heibutzki’s study that the cause of

declined academic performance is because of their difficulties in time management and the

working students are in risk of dropping out.

2.2. Is there a significant relationship between the time management and work


r T comp T critical Decision Probability Interpretation


0.32 2.83 2.617 Ho is P<0.1 Highly

rejected 2- Tailed Significant

Table 6. Relationship between Work experience and Time management

This table shows that the Work experience is highly significant to the time

management. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. The researchers computed this

table through the computation of Pearson's Product Moment Coefficient Correlation with

a value of r= 0.32. The result of this study is related to Cunha that the time management of

a working student affect the performance in their job because of the stress of having a part

time job and attending school.



Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary of the research work undertaken, the

conclusions drawn and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of this study.


The aim of this research study was to determine the effects of time management in

work performance and school performance of working students from San Pedro National

High School in Hagonoy, Bulacan.

Aligned with the statement of the problem, the research’ hypothesis is that there is

no significant relationship between time management, academic performance and work

performance was pursued.

The respondents of this study are the 72 working students from San Pedro National

High School. The researchers used the survey questionnaire as the main instrument of this

study. The questions used are on the Recognition type and likert scale.

The formula used in this study is Pearson-product moment coefficient of correlation

formula. It is applied to show the relationship of the independent variable and dependent

variable. The data were subjected to analysis to come up with the specific and integrated


The results were based on the statistical analysis of the data. The findings are

discussed as follows.

1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age. The major age of the respondents is on the range of 15-17 years old with

a percentage of 50%.

1.2 Sex. The majority sex of the respondents are male which is 79.17%.

1.3 Grade level. The majority grade level of the respondents is on Grade 9 with a

total of 26.39%.

1.4 General Point Average. The common General Averages of a respondents is on

84-80 with a total percentage of 48.61%.

1.5 Schedule in School and Work. The most class session of the respondents is on

morning session with 65.28 %. Moreover, most of the respondents spend 1-14

hours of their time on work every week.

1.6 Socio economic status. Various information were gathered regarding to the

socio economic status of the respondents. First, the members of the family, most

of the respondents has 4-6 members of the family which is 54.17%. Second, the

monthly income of the family, the majority of the respondents has a php 5,000

below monthly income with a total of 45.83%. Lastly, the reasons why the

respondents find a job, most of the respondents says that reason why they took

a job is for extra income with a 55.56%

2. The relationship between the time management and performance of working

students in school and work place.

Pearson-product moment coefficient of correlation formula is used to this

study and the result was the null hypothesis is rejected with a r=0.31in

academic performance and r=0.32 in work performance.



Based on the findings of the study following conclusions were drawn as:

1. The first null hypothesis of the study is rejected. Therefore, there is a significant

relationship between work experience and time management which is highly

significant to each other.

2. The second null hypothesis of the study is rejected. Therefore, there is a

significant relationship between the academic performance and time management

which is highly significant to each other.


Based on the findings of the study, the following suggestions were made:

1. Teachers may help their students who are currently working to easily cope up to

the lessons and the teachers may give some consideration to the working students.

2. Parents must motivate their working student child to do all the chores in school and

in their job on time.

3. The working students will know that the factors which affect their time

management. The researchers recommend to the working student to organize/make

a schedule in their school and in their job to properly balance their time, proper

time management can prevent/avoid procrastination like in random task.

4. The Department of Education may conduct and improve programs for working

students such as ALS and project EASE.


5. The researchers recommend to the future researchers that it they will conduct a

research about the time management of a working student they can use this research

as a reference to their work. They may expand on variables and to the number of

respondents for their future work.



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