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A Wandering Guide

to Rhode Island
short and long walks for all to enjoy

Lianna M. Blakeman
Published by Lianna Blakeman
89 Allagash Trail, Narraganset, RI 02882

Copyright ©2018 by Lianna Blakeman

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical
methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quota-
tions embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright
law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,”
at the address below.

Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data

Blakeman, Lianna M., 1996-
A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island: Short and long walks for all to enjoy / Lianna M. Blakeman
ISBN 978-0-0000-0000-0
1. outdoors - nature 2. memoir
First Edition

Printed in the United States of America.

A Wandering Guide
to Rhode Island
short and long walks for all to enjoy

Lianna M. Blakeman
Table of Contents
Map of Rhode Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5
Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6
King Preserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 7
John H. Chaffee Wildlife Preserve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 10
Canonchet Trail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
Long and Ell Ponds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16
Stepstone Falls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20
Black Point. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24
Lincoln Woods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26
Napatree Point. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28
Fort Wetherill State Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 32
Barden Reservoir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 34
Pulaski Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 36
Sachuest Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 38

4 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

Pulaski Park

Lincoln Woods

Barden Reservoir

Stepstone Falls

Long and Ell


John H. Chaffee
Wildlife REfuge
Sachuest Park
Canonchet Trail
Fort Wetherill State Park
King Preserve

Black Point

Napatree Point

Rhode Island Map | 5

A s a college student still trying
to figure out where I’m going
to end up, I am constantly wan-
about something, but I also put
it together into a comprehensive
book that people can physically
adventures. Without you I would
never have gotten the inspiration
to leave my bed in the morn-
dering. Through life, through hold. As a writer and aspiring ing. I want to thank my family,
classes, and through the grocery publisher, this is what I want to friends, and professors who have
store. It’s just me trying to make continue doing for the rest of my given me advice and inspiration
my way through this world and life. throughout the design process of
find my way out somehow. At the conclusion of this this project. This guide would be
Starting off on this project, I project, a number of thanks are an entirely different document
expected to discover new walking in orders. First and foremost without your recommendations
spots and expand my knowl- goes to my sponsor and mentor, and advice on the design. And
edge of design. What I didn’t Melissa McCarthy, the Director of finally I want to thank you, my
expect, though, was to just have the Office of University Research readers, who are taking a mo-
an incredibly fun and enjoyable External Relations. Not only has ment out of their days to pick up
time with it all. The walks I knew she stepped up at every chance my guide and see what I have
I would like, but the writing, the to assist me in my questions, she written.
reflecting, and the designing of has helped guide me in the right When reading this guide, I
this book brought me so much direction to ensure that my proj- hope that you can see through
joy that I never expected. From ect comes together in a timely my writing and photos the joy
picking out the photos to include and productive manner. that I found while completing my
with my writing to planning my Without her, this project wanderings and that it inspires
walks before I left, it was all a would never have made it past you to go out on an ad venture
new experience that I am forever the proposal. No amount of yourself. Because at the end of
grateful for accomplishing. thanks can ever be enough for the day, all that I want from you,
Seeing the final product in the friends and companions who my reader, is the desire to get
all its glory, I feel the greatest joined me on my wanderings, outside and find new wanderings
amount of accomplishment. particularly Lauren Black who for yourself.
Not only did I go out and write joined me on at least five of these

6 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

B eginning my first wandering
for this project, I came across
a caution sign: “Deer Season. Sep-
tember 15-January 31.” This was
a very necessary reminder to my-
self and all people in the area that
these hiking trails, though they
seem like simple, innocent wander-
ings through the woods, are prime
areas for hunting. It is important
to wear the necessary amount of
orange and bright clothing during
your wanderigns through the
woods to stand out from the foli-
age and animals around you. If
you don’t have the typical Blaze
Orange, try to wear as much neon
and bright colors as possible.

Acknowledgments | 7
King Preserve Saunderstown, RI
Easy to moderate trail | 1-3 hours | Boots necessary

O n an early Sunday morn-

ing, I picked myself out
of bed and made my way to-
out New England. The sign
next to the toil explained that
this single toilet is designed
best part was stumbling upon
such a beautiful spot at the
end of a lengthy 1.5-mile walk.
wards my first trail for the to save over 35,000 gallons of If I was more adventurous
semester: King Preserve. Just fresh drinking water each year. and the weather was warmer, I
a two-minute drive down the Not something you would ex- am sure I would have jumped
road from my house in Bon- pect to find on the side of the into the water to cool off. As
net Shores, Narragansett, I was road at a small trail in Rhode it was, though, I was slightly
hoping to have a nice, easy-go- Island, it made me excited to chilly from the wind and the
ing start into my project. see more interesting gems damp coldness in the air from
As I got out of my car, my like this along my wanderings. the rain the night before. De-
eyes immediately moved to a Beginning my trek along spite the brisk weather, the
small wooden structure to the Julia’s Trail, the beginning of walk was easy and comfort-
right of the trailhead. Walking King Preserve, I found myself able, allowing me to take in
closer I saw that it was a com- pushing quickly over the small the sights around me rath-
posting toilet. Instead of being rocks and roots that littered er than focusing on the cold.
a simple portable bathroom, a my path. I was excited to get to Finally making it to the wa-
composting toilet is environ- the end of the trail: The Nar- ter, I took a moment to calm my-
mentally friendly and is a com- row River Upper Basin. Last self from the walk. As it was a
mon sight among many hiking year, I walked this same exact cool Sunday morning, the water
trails, huts, and camps through- trail with a few friends and the was pristine and unobstructed

8 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

from any motorized boats or ly making it back to the main
people enjoying the water. It trail to take me back to my car.
was just me and the rippling After a morning of walk-
lake before me. Sitting down ing and taking in the nature so
on a step leading into the wa- close to where I live, I felt ready
ter, I was able to take a few mo- to take on the rest of the day.
ments to calm my breath from
the small exertion of the walk. Finding the Trailhead:
Getting back onto the trail, Heading North on Boston Neck
I decided to complete a loop in Road from Narragansett, the
the trails, going past a small wa- trailhead is about 2 miles north
terfall. Tall spruce trees framed of the CVS in Narragansett on
the trail leaving a soft bed of the left. If you’re coming from
needles at my feet. Crossing the north, take route 138 East to-
into the next trail, I found my- wards Newport and Jamestown.
self incredibly underwhelmed Get off at the Wickford/Narragan-
by the waterfalls. Since there sett exit and turn right towards
hadn’t been much rain re- Narragansett onto Boston Neck
cently, the waterfalls were very Road. The trailhead will be on
small. A bench was placed on the right about 1 mile down the
the edge of the trail, a prime road. The trailhead and parking
location to view the waterfalls area is right there on the side of
when they’re at their prime. the road. There is a large sign
While the beginning of the facing the road and a small dirt
trail was very easy and wide, parking lot with enough space for
this side trail looping back at least 10 cars and more along
to the beginning was much the side of the road if necessary.
more rough. I found myself
tripping a time or two over
the exposed roots until final-

I followed Ju-
lia’s trail until
the Stoney
Brook Loop
where I then
turned left
and walked
clockwise. This
took me to the
pond overlook
sooner, where
I could sit and
take in the
water and the
nature around

King Preserve | 9
John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge Narragansett, RI
Easy trail | 15 minutes | Sneakers necessary

W hile sometimes you want

a long, arduous walk to
pull your mind away from your
of my car. A golden retriever
was very excited to see me and
tried to pull its owner closer to
a picturesque view of a green
field with an old rock wall and
rickety tree, I was on a mission
troubles and life, other times me to sniff me out. to figure out what this entire
you just want to sit in a beauti- I made my way down a area had to offer.
ful, peaceful place and simply paved road leading off into Directly underneath the
step away from everything. I the wetland. I was hoping it main road’s bridge was a path
found that at the John H. Cha- would change to a rough, dirt that led down to the river and
fee National Wildlife Refuge. path, but I quickly found that wetland. It was a short 30-
As this was my first time that was not where I was go- foot path, but it opened up to
being in this refuge, I wasn’t ing. The paved road ended at a a beautiful view of sprawling
sure what exactly I was going cul de sac and I was forced to wetlands with birds chirping
to find. Quickly I realized that turn around. Back at the park- in the background. On such a
this is a very busy area… for ing lot, I had to accept the fact gorgeous day as this in Sep-
dog walkers! I passed two dog that I had gone in the wrong tember, people were out and
walkers before I even go out direction. And though I saw about through the river. Boats

10 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

were passing me by and a group ing up the last of the warm tem throughout. This spot off
of kids jumped from rocks into weather floating by me, and of Route 1A offers a great look-
the cool depths. Off to the side, simply being. I imagined what out over the refuge, but does
there were short rough paths this spot would look and feel not nearly give the entire space
through the woods that led me like without all the hustle-bus- justice. To see more of this
to a secluded corner looking tle of the boats or people in the refuge and the wildlife that it
out into the mouth of the wet- water when the weather turned protects, kayaking and boating
land. There sat a wooden log just slightly cool with the fall- along the river is recommend-
on its side, perfectly placed for ing leaves and coming snow. ed.
a calm reflection viewpoint. This refuge spans about But for those who just want
I sat out here in the heat of 550 acres around the Pet- a nice spot to sit down and en-
the afternoon sun, watching as taquamscutt Cove and Narrow joy a glimpse of nature, this is
boats filled with people soak- River, but there is no trail sys- the perfect place to do so.

Finding the Trailhead:

Not much of a trail, this is quite Notes:
easy to find. It is located right Due to it’s close proximity to the road, sound pollution can heavily affect the
on the edge of Route 1A in Nar- area. During warm, sunny days, expect to encounter a lot of boats crossing
under the bridge and cars going back and forth over the road. This will be
ragansett, Rhode Island. Going
much quiter and calmer during the colder months, but still expect some sound
north on Route 1A from the pollution from the road. But with its wide open fields and picturesque water
Narragansett State Beach, it is views, this is a haven for all people to enjoy.
about a one mile (or two minute)
drive to the entrance of the ref-
uge right after the bridge going
over the Pettaquamscutt river.
Heading south along Route 1A,
it is about 6 miles (or 10 min-
utes) from the exit for Wickford
and Narragansett off of Route
138. Parking is available on both
sides of the road.

John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge | 11

Canonchet Trail Narragansett, RI
Easy to moderate trail | 1-2 hours | Sneakers necessary

T here are some places that

you pass by every day but
never go to. Canonchet Trail is
walking over to the beach as
there wasn’t much parking to be
found in the main beach parking
outside noises immediately dis-
appeared and it was just me in
the woods. Immediately I knew
one such place for me. Situated lot. Walking up to the trailhead, that I was going to enjoy this
directly across from the Nar- I could still hear the sound from walk.
ragansett State Beach, I would the road and people going to The trail brought me through
always drive by and tell myself and from the beach. An 80-de- the woods and over wooden
to check it out “next time.” Well, gree, sunny day in the middle of boardwalks. Cutting through a
that “next time” finally came September was bound to draw side path I found myself on the
when I forced myself outside to a lot of beachgoers, but I was edge of a magnificent wetland.
discover what this hiking spot hopeful that the path wouldn’t Later I found out this was Pet-
really had to offer me. be as busy as the beach. taquamscutt Cove and was part
Most of the people who As soon as I walked into the of the Chafee Wildlife Refuge.
parked in the parking area were underbrush, though, all those I watched as a duck lifted off

12 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

Nestled just a quarter mile into the trail are trees filled with wooden bird houses. A nice and surprising touch to the
typical landscape of the woods.

Canonchet Trail | 13
from the water and into the air. While my time made it pos- dragged my feet and tried to take
There was nothing to say about sible to only walk along a short as long a time as possible before
this moment except that it was portion of the path, I could I had to face my reality. Then,
breathless. see how it continued on much out of the corner of my eye, I see
I felt that I could stay looking further. A sign about a half mile a small grey bunny scurrying off
out over this wetland for ages, down shows a little more back- into the woods. I crouch down
but then the bugs appeared. Due ground of the path you are walk- low to get a photo, but he ran
probably to a combination of ing along and some more infor- away too fast for me.
the late hour and proximity to mation about the types of plants Light on my feet after seeing
a wetland, a swarm of mosqui- and the area you are seeing right a bit of wildlife in this hidden
tos and other bugs attacked me now. These little additions to a oasis, I’m not paying too close
where I stood, forcing me to run trail makes the walk so much attention to my surroundings.
out back into the woods. There more interesting as you realize Suddenly, I find myself staring
I wasn’t attacked as much from that the trail is more than just right at a deer in the path in
the insects, but I still had to walk a stroll through the woods but front of me. The deer looks at
quite quickly along the path to enriched with history and soul. me, then I look at it. And without
avoid their biting attacks. On the way back to my car, I further ado it jumps off into the

14 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

Map courtesy of the Friends of Canochet Farm.
woods and races along.
I knew by coming to this place that I
would see some beautiful scenery, but I
didn’t realize how much of a world full to
bursting of wildlife, nature, and beauty I
was actually coming into one.

Finding the Trailhead:

Situated directly across from the Narragan-
sett State Beach, this is an easy parking lot
to find. Off of Route 1A heading south, you
will take a right down Anne Hoxsie Lane
and park in the large parking lot there. The
trailhead is nestled in the right edge of
the parking lot with a large wooden notice
board posted in front. There is another
trailhead at the opposite end of the trail at
the Narragansett Community Center locat-
ed off of the Kingstown Rd.

Canonchet Trail | 15
Long and Ell PondsHopkinton, RI
Moderate to difficult trail | 1-2 hours | Sneakers or Boots necessary

A fter travelling along winding,

dirt roads, I finally found
myself at the trailhead to one
At the North Road Trailhead,
where I started my trek, my
first step took me immediately
Not a typical Rhode Island path,
this one is much rougher and
involves more effort and experi-
of my favorite walks in Rhode into the trees and underbrush. ence like you might find in a trail
Island. Tucked away in the Arca- Rocks surrounded me and I up north in the mountains.
dia Mountains, I fell in love with found myself climbing, crawling, While not a very busy path,
this trail the first moment I ever and jumping over big and small there was a good amount of
stepped on it. While there are obstacles all around the path. hikers and walkers also enjoy-
many trails throughout Rhode Stepping along a small rock cliff, ing the trail. One group, a family
Island, not many make you feel to the right of me dropped 10 feet with young kids, was decked out
like you’re in a different place in and was filled with a green bush, in neon colors. Though the area
the way that this does. looking almost like a rainforest. we were hiking didn’t allow for

16 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

You can start the trail at each of the trailheads. This map is taken from the North Road Trailhead, where I started my
walk. Watch out for the rocks on the trail with moss, they can be slippery!

Long and Ell Ponds | 17

hunting, it’s important to be safe beaches of Rhode Island. Hopkinton. Head north on
just in case. Walking back down the boul- Woodville Alton Rd. Towards Rt.
Taking a left at the fork I der, I continued my walk deeper 3. After half a mile, turn right
was met with a large rock face. into the woods along the trail. onto Canonchet Road. For the
Signs lined the trees, forbidding Coming with a friend, our trav- first trailhead, drive 3.4 miles and
rock climbing up the face of the els were filled with stories and take a left down Stubtown Road.
boulder. On the other side of the good times. While walking by Follow that about half a mile and
face was a more manageable and yourself is always a great time for a trailhead will be on your right.
safer climb up to the top of the introspection and reflections, it is For the second trailhead, from
boulder. With hands over knees, important to also take some time Rt. 3, drive 2 miles along Canon-
I made my way over some rocks, to build your relationship with chet Road and the trailhead will
around short trees, and onto the new and old friends. Though the be there on the left. For the third
open baldface of the rock. Fi- trail was rough and slow at times, trailhead, the one that I took,
nally to the top, I could look out I found myself immensely enjoy- continue following Canonchet
over the pond below me and the ing my time challenging my body Road for about 3 miles from Rt. 3
green forest surrounding it. and showing a friend how Rhode and take a left down North Road
With a big deep breath, the Island is not just a simple ocean (or Old Rockville Road). Follow
whole world is able to slip away state. this road for another mile and
and I can take in the secret the destination will be on your
beauty of Rhode Island. Not just Finding the Trailhead left. All of these trailhead parking
an ocean state, here in this place There are three trailheads for areas are very small, but there are
I can take in the rugged beauty this path. For the North Road. some spaces on the sides of the
that surrounds the picturesque Take exit 2 off of 95 towards roads for parking as well.

18 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

Some parts of the trail have you maneuver over large rocks, sometimes reaching over crevices between boulders. At one
part of the path you wll walk along a rock cliff with an eight-foot drop just to the side of you (pictured here). Despite the
rough path at times, nothing can beat the beautiful view of Ell pond you’ll find at the top of the trail (pictured above).

Long and Ell Ponds | 19

Stepstone Falls West Greenwich, RI
Easy to moderate trail | 1-3 hours | Sneakers or Boots necessary

Keep your eyes peeled on your walks and you
may come across some of nature’s wonders. To
the left are some puffball mushrooms I discov-
ered during this walk.

unless you’re with professionals and
they say it’s okay, don’t eat anything
that you find walking in the woods.
You never know what you may be put-
ting into your body.

20 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

Despite sometimes looking like a fool, it’s important to remember to
always bring your blaze orange or neon colors with you when you’re
walking in the woods! Though it may not be hunting seasons, you can
never be too careful. I am pictured below wearing my neon vest.

P erhaps this is the worst

road I have ever driven on
in Rhode Island, but it was
entirely worth it. After taking
us down a steep, winding, dirt
road, we cautiously pulled over
right next to a small bridge. I
was with my best friend, Lau-
ren, who also happened to be
my favorite adventurer. Today
we were going to explore a
brand new trail and take in the
\1changing fall colors. After be-
ing stuck inside for our classes
all week long, this was a great
change of scenery.
There were a couple peo-
ple enjoying the day around

Stepstone Falls | 21
us, some families and a couple trail that kept going down and mysterious mushrooms (most
walking along the road and across the waterfalls. Wanting likely puffball mushrooms)
path. After we parked right to see where it would take us, growing on a fallen log, a trail
next to the river, we made our we decided to keep going and used for horseback riding, and
way down to the waterfalls. continue enjoying the changing a stone foundation probably of
Right next to the road, it wasn’t colors. an old farm.
too difficult to find the falls This unexpected path took It was a trail for slow walk-
and take in the rushing water. us deeper into the woods, far ing and long talking. Not a very
Though nothing like the Niag- away from people and civi- strenuous or demanding trail,
ara Falls, these small cascading lization. A gorgeous wooden Lauren and I were able to catch
falls had a petite beauty about bridge took us back over the up with what we had going on
them that pulled us and many rushing river onto a path lit- in our lives while taking in the
others in. Walking all around tered with fallen golden leaves. beauty of the changing world
the waterfalls, we discovered a Along the way, we came across around us. Spending most of

22 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

our time completing homework then back to the beginning miles and turn right onto Rt. 165
and walking around campus, of the falls and our car. The West. After 5 miles, turn right
finding ourselves deep in the trail kept going past where we onto Escoheag Road. Stay on
woods was a welcome change. turned off onto the road, so for this road for 2.4 miles and turn
Of course, we got lost. those more adventurous there right onto Falls River Road. The
While this trail was beautiful is plenty of more space to ex- beginning of the trail and water-
and a great experience, it’s not plore. fall is about half a mile on the
supposed to be a loop. Some- right. Parking is available on the
how, we actually made it into Finding the Trailhead: side of the road.
one, though. After pulling out From I-95, take exit 5a and con-
our phones to figure out where tinue onto 102 South. Turn right
we were, we were able to get onto 102 S and Rt. 3 South.
onto St. Park Road which took Continue straight on Rt. 3 for 1.3
us back to Escoheag road and

Stepstone Falls | 23
Black Point Narragansett, RI
Easy trail | .5-1 hour | Sneakers necessary

W hile this is the second

year that I’ve lived in
Narragansett, this was my first
developed specifically for the
high wind strength, salty air,
and sandy ground. They have a
you’re looking for is a nice
walk crawling over rocks and
exploring tidepools, then this
time ever walking at Black unique beauty to them in the is the perfect place for you. For
Point. Tucked away right before way that they twist and turn in myself, I simply wanted to walk
Scarborough State Park, this every which way. Though this along the rocks and trail, look-
little trail is a haven for those path took just a short few min- ing out towards the water. And
looking to take in the ocean utes to complete, it’s certainly that’s exactly what I found.
views and cast a line out into not something to miss. Though a rather warm day
the water. Starting at a little Getting back to the begin- for September, there weren’t
quaint parking lot, there are ning of the trail, I turn right too many people out enjoy-
two directions to go: left or towards the ocean and cliff ing this path. I came across
right. The left will take you on path. Along the path are rough a couple of runners, walkers,
a quick loop around tall, wind side trails leading down to the and fishermen, but for the
swept trees and the right will breaking water. Fishermen most part I was able to walk
take you down and around the sporadically dot the rocks cast- with minimal human interac-
cliffs to the ruins of a carriage ing out their lines towards the tion, which was exactly what I
house to an 1895 mansion. horizon. wanted. My walk brought me
I first went left and took If what you’re looking for around bends and out towards
the short loop around through is a nice rock crevice to crawl the beginning of Scarborough
the trees. These trees are not into and look out into the State Beach. Towards the end
large, sloping oak or pine, but breaking water, then this is the of the path lay ruins of an old
thin, sturdy trees that have perfect place for you. If what building. At the time I wasn’t

24 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

quite sure what the ruins were, Finding the Trailhead:
but I could imagine that the ru- Take the exit from Route 1 for Narragansett and Point Judith
ins used to be a part of a rich, and turn right onto Route 108 South towards Point Judith. Stay
expansive homestead. Taking on 108 for about 2 miles, then turn left onto Clarke Road. At the
in the ruins, I could see myself end of the road, about .7 miles, turn left onto Ocean Road. The
bedecked in a long 19th century destination will be on your right in about .2 miles. A one-way
dress staring out from one of parking lot, there is a large sign facing the road at the back of
the top windows and taking in the parking lot with Black Point on it.
the view of the ocean before
After an internet search, I
discovered that the ruins were
actually of a carriage house and
was part of the estate called
Windswept that was built in
1895. The family who built
this estate, the Davis family,
amassed their fortune from
selling a pain killer tincture,
which is believed to be the first
nationally advertised remedy
for chronic pain.
After crawling around the
tall weeds and shrubs growing
in and around the ruins, I made
my way back up the path and to
my car. It was a beautiful and
relaxing walk that was perfect
to de-stress after a long week of
assignments and responsibili-
Black Point | 25
Lincoln Woods Lincoln, RI
Easy trail | 1-2 hours | Sneakers necessary

O ne of the first places I

heard of after coming to
Rhode Island, I knew that Lin-
water’s edge, I decided to see
where it led and check it out. I
discovered a peaceful grove of
place would be if I needed to
get away from the world.
Despite the nature sur-
coln Woods needed to be in my picnic tables overlooking the rounding me, I could not en-
guide. This walk follows along water, perfect for any family’s tirely escape the real world. So
a paved road that circumvents getaway. A small path looped its close to Route 146, the sounds
Olney Pond and is a very popu- way through the trees around from the highway were clear
lar walk for many people. the bend of the pond. across the entire pond, remind-
Coming by myself on a late Feeling adventurous, I de- ing you at all corners that the
Saturday morning, I easily cided to see where this path real world wasn’t going any-
found a parking spot among led me. Coming around a cor- where. While not a complete
the cars along the road. All ner, I found someone enjoying nature getaway, for those hop-
around me I saw people walk- the nice day and looking out ing to find a quick escape, this
ing, biking, and running along on a blanket on the side of the is a perfect place given its close
the road. Quickly finding a hill looking out over the wa- proximity to Providence.
rhythm, I began my walk coun- ter. Seeing the peacefulness in Getting back onto the main
terclockwise around the pond. their manner, I could imagine road, I continued my walk up
Finding a path down to the how nice and comfortable this and down the hills, over the

26 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

fallen leaves, and around the ing area, but be careful of these
pond. Finding myself near the trails and be sure you keep a
end of the loop, I discovered a GPS device on hand in worst
small trail leading off closer to case scenarios.
the water, perfect spot to en-
joy the sunset. Here were large Finding the Trailhead:
boulders and rock outcrops From Interstate 95, take exit
looking out over the water: a 23 and merge into Route 146
perfect spot to rest and take in North toward Woonsocket.
the views. Continue for almost 5 miles
Back on the main road, I and take the exit for Twin River
finished out this short walk Road. Turn left onto Twin River
and found myself back at my Road and after a third of a mile
car. If you’re looking for a you will make it to the entrance
nice, easy stroll overlooking a of Lincoln Woods. Find park-
picturesque pond, this is the ing along the road or in the
perfect spot to be. Unmarked parking lots to the right when
trails surround this main walk- you enter the park.

While the road circling the pond is easily navigated, a few trails off to the side provide for a more challeng-
ing option for those not afraid to get their hands dirty.

Lincoln Woods | 27
Napatree Point Westerly, RI
Easy trail | 1-3 hours | Sneakers necessary

T his guide would not be

complete without featuring
a beach walk! Napatree Point
this 1.5 mile peninsula is home
to a bunch of wildlife includ-
ing the federally endangered
this was the perfect time to
reconnect with someone who
I haven’t seen or talked to
is a special beach for Rhode piping plover, deer, fox, osprey, one-on-one in a while. With
Island, as it represents more migratory birds and more. With the beach stretched before us,
than just a simple summer a long beach stretching along we spent our time talking and
destination - it’s also a wildlife one side of the point, the other taking in the setting sun. Our
preserve. It is the southernmost has a much different vibe as it conversation was lively and in-
and westernmost point for offers a more rustic and nature teresting and our silences were
mainland Rhode Island. Jut- feel to it. relaxing.
ting out towards Connecticut, Coming here with a friend, Though the wind was biting

28 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

at our ears and necks, the walk the colors of the sunset, but are everywhere. You don’t need
was easy and comfortable. A the waning rays as it came in to travel far to enjoy the beauty
few surfers were braving the and out between the clouds of this state. A walk along the
cold waves as they tried to take created spectacular views that beach is a perfect way to step
in the last waves of the day. were just as satisfying as a away from the world and take
A few others were like us and multi-color sunset would be. a few moments for yourself.
decided to take in the views Looking at photographs online, And you don’t need to wait for
of the beach, but for the most it is clear that this is a perfect the warm, sunny months of
part we were by ourselves. place for those searching for summer to enjoy the beauty of
We didn’t think we would beautiful sunsets and sunrises. Rhode Island beaches. Some
be there long enough to see As the ocean state, beaches might even say that the desert-

Napatree Point | 29
ed, crisp beaches during the town turn left onto Route 1A south, turn left onto Watch
winter months have an unpar- and Shore Road. From the Hill Road and continue for 1.6
alleled beauty that can’t be south, take Route 1 North to- miles. Stay straight onto Wau-
ignored. Whatever your pref- ward Westerly. After crossing winnet Avenue for .2 miles and
erence, any beach in Rhode into Rhode Island, turn right then stay straight again onto
Island is sure to make for an onto Main Street and follow Bay Street. After a quarter
incredible walk. this for half a mile. Then turn mile, turn right on Fort Road
left onto Beach street which which is at a large parking lot
Finding the Trailhead: will become Route 1A south. and small shopping plaza. Find
From the north, take Route 1 From Route 1A South, after 5 parking here or further along
South and right after Charles- miles coming from the north closer to the cabanas.
and 1.5 miles coming from the

30 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

Napatree Point | 31
Fort Wetherill Jamestown, RI
Easy to moderate trail | 1-3 hours | Sneakers necessary

P robably one of the busiest

destinations in Jamestown,
particularly among the most
seeing some great views over
the Bay, and exploring some old
ruins. We travelled to the end of
of nature in front of us.
Turning to the ruins of the
fort, we set off to do a little
adventurous. Wetherill State the park to the boat ramp. Im- exploring. While not incredibly
Park is a former coastal defense mediately after getting out of the busy, there were a few families
battery and training camp situat- car, we look out over to a little milling around the ruins and
ed across the bay from Newport bay tucked into the park. Im- rocks. It was very easy for us to
and Fort Adams State Park. The mediately we see two waterfowl find our own corner of the park,
ruins are covered head to toe in enjoying the calm waters. Not though, and not be distracted by
graffiti and is a prime spot for knowing for sure what they were, people around us.
many photographers in the area their long necks and dark bodies Walking up along an easy
to come. It is surrounded by tall told me that they were not ducks. path, we found ourselves on a
cliffs looking out over the water We stood on the edge of the rock cliff overlooking the Bay.
and is a perfect spot for a picnic rocks looking at these birds as These rock cliffs line all around
with friends or a quick getaway they dived in and out of the wa- the park over the water, creat-
from your reality. ters searching for food. With our ing a fun adventure for kids and
Coming here with a couple of lives so hectic and fast-paced, it adults of all ages. It was nice
friends, all we had on our minds was a nice change to take a mo- coming up here after a long week
was climbing around the rocks, ment and just enjoy the beauty and taking in the wide, beautiful

32 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

The fort is a popular spot for photographers all across Rhode Island. Make sure you take the
time to shoot a few memories inside the ruins and take a few portraits outside on the rocks.

world around us all. before the tolls and Pell Bridge. left onto Fort Wetherill Road at
Continue straight onto Conanicus the sign for the park. Parking lots
Finding the Trailhead: Avenue for 1.5 miles. After a slight are on the right side of the road
Heading south on Route 138 East, left, Conanicus Avenue turns into and the boat ramp is all the way
take the exit for Jamestown right Walcott Avenue. Continue here at the end of the road.
for about a half mile. Then turn

Fort Wetherill | 33
Barden Reservoir Foster, RI
Easy trail | 1-2 hours | Sneakers necessary

A new walk for me, I wasn’t

quite sure what to expect
when I set out on this adven-
signs surround the water for-
bidding people from fishing,
boating, picnicking, skating,
reservoir. Luckily I didn’t come
across many cars to interrupt
my walk, but when I did I
ture. A nice four-mile loop, this bathing, traipping, hunting, made sure to stand to the edge
is an easy walk travelling all smoking, building fires, and of the small dirt road to be as
around the Barden Reservoir. any other acts that may pollute safe as possible.
Though not a trail in the tra- the water or injure the prop- Luckily I found myself
ditional sense, don’t think that erty. Despite those regulations, walking with little to no wind,
this walk should be ignored. the views of the water and the which made the freezing tem-
This walk follows along four land surrounding it are quite peratures just a little bearable.
different roads: Central Pike, spectacular. While some of the Glancing down at the water,
Ponagansett Road, Hemlock road loops up into the woods you could make out a couple
Road, and Kate Randall Road. and around the farms dotting spots where the water had be-
Because these are functioning the area, some parts of the gun to lightly freeze over from
roads, its possible for cars to roads hug the water giving the 30-degree weather. Though
interrupt your wanderings. beautiful views over the reser- for the most part I was com-
Part of the Scituate Reser- voir. fortable in my walk, the next
voir system, the water and land I found myself enjoying the time I will be sure to bring
surrounding the water are off crisp, November air as it bit at along some gloves and a cover
limits to the public. Fences and my ears walking around the for my ears.
34 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island
One of the most distin- it the perfect spot for wildlife Hill Road, continue to the end
guishable marks to this walk is seekers to visit. of the road to the intersection
the man-made waterfall sitting While not a very challeng- with Route 14. Turning right,
at the bottom of the reservoir. ing walk in any regard, this head west for about .7 miles
Though pushed back into an walk is perfect for those look- along Route 14. Continue on
area not accessible to the pub- ing to get away from a busy life this for about 7 miles and turn
lic, standing at a nearby bridge and to talk in the simple beau- slightly right onto Route 102
will give you a great view of the ties of a back country road. North, careful not to turn onto
falling waters. Rockland Road. After 1.4 miles,
While I didn’t see much Finding the Trailhead: turn left onto Central Pike.
wildlife during my walk, I can From Interstate 295, take exit Follow this road for 1.8 miles
only imagine how busy the 7 onto Scituate Avenue. Con- and the reservoir will be on
area can be with nicer weath- tinue straight after .3 miles your left. Park along the side
er. Birds, fish, and small ani- onto Shun Pike for .7 miles. of the road just past the bridge
mals make their homes in and After a slight left onto Green over the reservoir.
around the reservoir, making

Barden Reservoir | 35
Pulaski Park Glocester, RI
Easy trail | 1-3 hours | Sneakers necessary

36 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

than worry from my surround- have a relatively good idea of
ings. direction and I knew that I
While a small dirt road wasn’t completely lost. It also
went all the way around the helps that my phone has GPS
pond, a shorter, rough trail and I had service. I knew that
connected closer to the water if I kept going right eventually
and provided a more difficult I would find myself back at the
trek. Wanting to escape from pond.
the human interference as After climbing up and down
much as possible, I decided a small hill I finally found
to take the smaller trail rath- myself back at the main trail
er than the dirt road. After as it crossed the Keach Brook.
jumping from rock to rock Taking a nice calming breath, I
and crawling over a fallen tree, continued onto the right trail
I found myself enjoying the and quickly found myself at
thrilling nature of the trail. the end of the trail.
Unlike other trails I’ve taken, This trail was probably one
this one seemed much less of my most favorite walks from
traveled giving it a rougher this entire project. The weath-
edge. A small bridge over a er was perfectly crisp from the
babbling brook was broken changing seasons and the sol-
nearly in half by a fallen tree. itude the trail brought me was
Luckily the tree wasn’t too a perfect way to close out the
large so the bridge was still end of a stressful week.
easy to cross.
Of course, this guide Finding the Trailhead:
wouldn’t be complete if I From Route 44, turn onto Pu-

D riving to the end of the

park, a small beach and
picnic area starts off the walk.
didn’t get lost at least once on
my walks. Trying to follow the
small path around the pond, I
laski Road. After half a mile,
turn right at the sign for Pulas-
ki Park onto Center Trail. For
Going either left or right from somehow found myself on an parking, continue along this
the beach, this 2-3 mile loop alternate trail crossing back road all the way to the end at
takes you up and around Peck over to the road. Luckily, I still the entrance to Pell Pond.
Pond and will even bring you
across the border into Con-
Coming here for the first
time by myself, I was immedi-
ately struck by how silent and
secluded the area is. Unlike
other walks I’ve done in Rhode
Island, I could barely make
out any human noise pollution
besides a couple rumblings
from planes overhead. I found
myself second guessing my
surroundings a couple times,
wondering if I heard some-
thing or not. Despite those be-
ginning worries, I soon found
myself taking comfort rather

Pulaski State Park | 37

Sachuest Point Middletown, RI
Easy trail | 1/2 - 1 hour | Sneakers necessary

C oming here for the first

time three years ago, I in-
stantly fell in love. Such a spe-
photoshoot of each other along
the rocks, we continued on
with our walk throughout the
passed by a myriad of different
people. Nature photographers
stepping off to the side of the
cial, beautiful place, it is always trails. trail, hoping to catch the best
on my to-do list when I cross “Walk silently,” my friend photo; a young couple tak-
over the bridge into Newport. said to me. Looking to the left ing their baby out for a walk;
With 242 acres of sprawling over a field, we saw a herd of an older couple stretching
fields and rock embankments, at least 10 deer munching away their legs; and runners of all
this national wildlife refuge of- at the tall grass. Usually at the ages taking advantage of the
fers 3 miles of flat trail perfect back of the national park at the smooth, flat trail. A place for
for those seeking a glimpse of Flint Point Loop Trail, it was all people to enjoy, I can see
wildlife or breathtaking views quite unusual to see them so why this place is so popular all
of the bay. close to the Ocean View Loop year long.
My friend and I found our- Trail we were walking. After We stopped for a few mo-
selves walking these trails at a taking a few moments to take ments at a bench overlooking
little after 3 p.m., during the in their cool, collected behav- the rocks and water to watch
Golden Hour. This is a time ior as they ate their dinner, we the final rays of sun disappear.
just before sunset and after continued on with our walk It was a silent time, we didn’t
sunrise when the sun gives off around the rest of the 3-mile need to fill it with conversation
a softer glow, making it perfect loop. or insignificant words. It was
for photography. After a fun Continuing along, we just us looking out over the

38 | A Wandering Guide to Rhode Island

big, wide world as it changed right
before our eyes.

Finding the Trailhead:

Following along Route 138 Easy, take
the Rhode Island 238 Scenic exit
toward Newport. Turn right onto 238
South. After a quarter mile, turn right
onto America’s Cup Avenue for .8
miles. Continue straight onto Route

Map courtesy of Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge.

138A and Memorial Boulevard for
1.7 miles. Go straight onto Purgatory
Road for .8 miles and straight again
onto Paradise Avenue for .1 miles.
Take a slight right onto Hanging Rock
Road for .3 miles. Continue straight
onto Sachuest Point Road and the
park will be at the end of the road, in
about 1 mile.

The refuge is only open sunrise to

sunset, so be careful to give yourself
ample enough time to get back to
your car.

Sachuest Point | 39
Created for the purpose of completing an Honors Project.

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