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This quarter has been very beneficial for my technique as a whole. More specifically, it

has been incredibly beneficial for my head-tail connection. Head-tail connection is what it

sounds like, connecting the head and the tail through the spine. This was usually an

afterthought for me. If I did focus in on it, it was only in certain movements. As technique

classes started and continued, I realized just how important head-tail connection is. It is one of

the most fundamental elements in contemporary and modern dance. Being able to hone in on

this skill has brought a new sense of understandment to my technique. I would like to think that

I have improved in this aspect of my dancing. I also think it helps in agility, which is another

thing I think I have improved in. Also, utilizing my plié, not only while working on technique, but

also in choreography has been very beneficial to my dancing. Deeping my plié is not a new

concept, but it was something I wanted to improve, and I think it has.

I am still trying to work on fluidity of movements in technique class. In choreography I

think that fluidity comes much more naturally to me, but as for technique class I occasionally

find it hard to allow my body to flow. This brings me into the next thing I would like to improve,

which is not being too uptight. I don’t mean being stiff while dancing, but I mean simply

relaxing into movements. I wouldn’t say that I am a stiff dancer, but if I concentrate too hard, it

shows. In the next quarter, these are the main things I would like to improve upon. Of course,

the little aspects to my technique always have room for improvement, but these are my big


Etiquette is polite behavior in society. Dance etiquette is polite and respectful behavior

within a class. In dance, I think that etiquette is shown by respecting the teacher and your

peers, applying corrections, paying attention, and giving combinations your all. I feel that the


aspect that I sometimes fall short on in class, is paying attention. I knew the combinations in

class and I did my best to listen to and apply corrections, but I know that my friends sometimes

distract me. I wouldn’t say that I am the one disrupting, but I do recognize the fact that I allow

myself to get drawn into some side conversations. This is something I definitely am planning on

correcting. I want to correct this to be more respectful, but also because it will be more

beneficial for me as a dancer and student.

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