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(329) 661-1060 ease ret ‘Bashington, BC 20515-0530 HENRY A. WAXMAN {20m DisTcT, CALFORRA August 4,2010 The Honorable Lawrence E. Strickling ACTION OFFICE Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information COPIES TO. = U.S. Department of Commerce, Herbert Hoover Building 1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20230 SUSPENSE DATE. E a : REMARKS, 40 Dear Secretary Strickling, . . CONTROL#. - 1am writing in support of two grant applications submitted by the California Emerging Technology Fund (CEFT) to the National Telecommunications and information Agency (NIA). These applications are for Round Two funding for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP). The two proposals are for Digital Literacy for All (DLA) and Access to Careers and Technology (ACT). CETF has worked in partnership with other non-profits in California on these applications. In the 30th congressional district, which I represent, funds from these applications would go to Chrysalis and the Salvation Army, They would provide computers and training in technology to young people and to the unemployed to improve their ability to find employment. Funds from these applications would also support statewide programs of the ACME Center, the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers, California Resources and Training and Empowernet CA, which would help to close the digital divide in the 30th congressional district as well. Itis estimated that the two proposals would result in 2,864 jobs statewide enlisting 28 anchor institutions as training sites and broadband access points. The Digital Literacy for All proposal will help 28,500 low-income youth and adults gain digital literacy skills while the Access to Careers and Technology proposal would provide digital literacy skills for some 36,900 low-income youth and adults. Thope you will give these grant applications every consideration consistent with applicable laws and regulations. HENRY A. WAXMAN: Member of Congress December 11, 2009 DEC 11 a9 Lawrence B, Striceing ‘Administrator Brosdband Technology Opportunities Program ‘National Telecommunications end Information Administration United States Department of Commerce HCHB, Room 1874 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20230 Dear Administrator Strickling, As Members of Congress ftom the state of California, we write to eucoutnge you to give fill and

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