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Journal Reading

Propofol compared with sevoflurane general

anaesthesia is associated with decreased delayed
neurocognitive recovery in older adults
Y. Zhang, G.-J. Shan, Y.-X. Zhang, S.-J. Cao, S.-N. Zhu, H.-J. Li, D. Ma, D.-X.
Wang, and The First Study of Perioperative Organ Protection (SPOP1)

dr. Nunung, Sp. An

Dipresentasikan oleh:
Muhammad Tawfiq bin Zamri

Kepaniteraan Klinik Ilmu Anestesi & Reanimasi

Periode 24 Desember 2018 – 12 Januari 2019
Fakultas Kedokteran UKRIDA Jakarta
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tarakan

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