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Stocks & Commodities V. 35:09 (22–25): An Early Warning System, Part 2 by Mike Slattery

Swing Signals For the Day & Swing Trader

An Early Warning System

Part 2

Some trading signals are better than others. In this second Targeting the window of opportunity
part of a three-part series, we’ll describe a filter that’ll help The EWS produces two primary signals that flank this trading
identify optimal swing trading buy/sell points. window. The first signal serves as a warning or alert, indicat-
ing that your stock is approaching a potential turning point

by Mike Slattery (see Figure 1). The second signal serves as confirmation that
this turning point has occurred and that the stock or equity has
Traffic light: siridhata/shutterstock

ast month in part 1, I introduced my early warning crossed over or under the short-term moving filter that produces
system (EWS), which combines two indicators of the horizontal, center demarcation line for this indicator. These
different origins and defines a window of opportu- two flags define a window of opportunity. The distance between
nity for a trade. Here in part 2, I’ll introduce a swing these two indications define the size of this window, which can
trading system with the EWS as its foundation that be as small as one day and as large as several weeks.
produces relative reference points for a definitive Pattern recognition is utilized to identify when these two
and optimal entry/exit signal within that window. signals have been triggered within the array of columns pro-

Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 35:09 (22–25): An Early Warning System, Part 2 by Mike Slattery
trading strategies

duced by the EWS. Visually, these patterns can be all

but indistinguishable because of the small and subtle
changes that can trigger them. For this reason, I use
unique flags in the form of distinctive dots to visually
communicate to the trader when these patterns have
developed. A legend of these dots is provided at the
bottom of Figure 1.

The Goldilocks paradigm

The problem with the two EWS indication dots is by
design. The first dot often occurs significantly before
a trading opportunity and the second dot often occurs
considerably after the most profitable entry or exit
opportunity has passed. The Swing•Genie indicator
described in this article aims to fill this window of
opportunity, generating a “Goldilocks” dot that is just
right. Swing•Genie displays all three indicator dots,
providing the trader with a minimum of three signals
or flags that indicate to the trader:
1. A trading opportunity is on the horizon
2. An optimal entry/exit opportunity has
occurred, and
3. A buy/sell decision is confirmed as the trend FIGURE 1: EARLY WARNING SYSTEM. The dots were generated by the Swing•Genie early
continues, and your last chance for a profit- warning system and have been duplicated on the candlestick chart at the top to show the
able entry/exit opportunity is upon you. relationship between the indicator and the resulting entry & exit signal positions.

Each one of these three indicators is designed to incre- rocket on its intended trajectory. If you have ever watched a
mentally and progressively increase the trader’s confidence rocket take off, the control generated by the combination of
that the decisions he has made are correct by way of the ap- the COG calculation and vector-directed thrust produced by
pearance of the next indication dot. The appearance of each the rocket’s engines generates a path that often produces a
additional incremental signal validates the prior dot. perfect parabolic swing. (See the left side of Figure 3.) The
In the final article in this series I will provide you with a analogy here is that the buying and selling over time provides
structurally similar indicator utilizing volume as a final ad- the equity’s fuel, driving its vector-directed path, and the COG
ditional validation/confirmation of your trading decisions. provides you with an excellent indication of exactly where
This volume price projection indicator is shown at the
bottom of Figure 1.

Combining center of gravity and

Arnaud Legoux moving averages
Just as with the EWS indicator dots, the Swing•Genie
dot is also produced by combining several indicators.
And again, just as one indicator used in the EWS was
from the work of John Ehlers, for the Swing•Genie dot,
the first three indicators in the combination are from
Ehlers’ work.
The first is the center of gravity (COG) (Figure 2, gold
line) and it produces a moving filter indicator that heavily
weights the most extreme and most current values in
the stream of data within the window of the indicator.
The COG is an actual rocket science calculation that
is utilized to determine how the center of gravity of a
rocket is changing as its fuel burns off. This is a critical Figure 2: Center of gravity (COG). The COG indicator is shown for an eight-day
point of information because the vectoring of the thrust period on a daily chart of American Express (AXP). The COG calculation heavily weights
the most extreme and most current values in the data within the window of the indicator.
must constantly change, incorporating and adjusting The COG is useful for indicating where within a parabolic path a tipping or turning point
to this vital point of information in order to keep the has occurred.

Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 35:09 (22–25): An Early Warning System, Part 2 by Mike Slattery

• center of gravity (10) utilizing open + close / 2 as

the input
The goal of the filter is to isolate • center of gravity (6) utilizing only the close.
optimal swing/daytrading buy/sell The output of the results from the COG passband filter were
targets, which reside between then utilized as the input into the ALMA filter. ALMA set-
the early warning signals and the tings were as follows:
crossover (last opportunity) signal. • window size (4)
• offset float (0.67)
• sigma float (1.1).

in this parabolic path your equity currently resides. Where The result of driving two lengths of COG filters with two
COG really excels, though, is determining and indicating different inputs through a passband filter and finally smooth-
where within this parabolic path tipping or turning points ing that reactive output by using an ALMA filter provides the
have occurred (Figure 2). trader with excellent responsiveness within a smooth output
Ehlers’ passband is again utilized here by taking a longer signal with few artifacts or whipsaws, which, in my experi-
COG period of 10 days, utilizing the candle’s body size as ence, produce highly reliable trading signals that accurately
its input and then subtracting a short period of six days us- indicate optimal entry and exit points.
ing only the close of the day. The result is a tight tracing of The ultimate advantage of the ALMA component of this
the stock’s price with an emphasis on the extreme values, filter is it gives the trader the ability to adjust the data window,
that is, the maximum apex and the minimum vertex of each allowing the primary entry/exit signals to dial down more
parabolic swing. exactly to the optimal spot between the early warning indica-
Finally, the Arnaud Legoux moving average (ALMA) is tor dot and the crossunder/crossover dot. Because this system
utilized as a smoothing filter to slightly shift the weighting was initially designed for swing traders, whose timeframe is
from the COG passband filter in a selective and adjustable normally a few days to a few weeks, the lookback periods are
manner to more current bars. This is desirable because COG short. ALMA improves the system’s ability to dial in these
dramatically emphasizes the most current candle or bar as short timeframe filters with as few whipsaw trade indications
well as large candles and strong deviations from within the as possible. These same attributes also enable daytraders to
moving average. alter trading timeframes to effectively utilize this indicator.
Arnaud Legoux and Dimitrios Kouzis Loukas developed
ALMA. It’s a Gaussian distribution–shifted filter with an offset And still more to come
that is not centered on the data’s window, but instead slightly The goal of the Swing•Genie filter is to isolate optimal swing/
shifted to the more (not the most) current data. The ALMA daytrading buy/sell targets, which reside between the early
performs better in this situation because it takes into account warning signals and the crossover (last opportunity) signal. As
that the closer you get to the most current data, the higher the you can see in the chart of American Express (AXP) in Figure
uncertainty becomes. In this case, it’s true because the most
recent candle or bar is the one most heavily weighted by the
COG calculation and produces the most uncertainty about future
direction. Of course, we are also at a demarcation point between
what is known and what is unknown. This offset is adjustable so
the trader can balance between smoothness and responsiveness.
The data window size is also adjustable, allowing the amount
of data included within the filter to be dialed in.
The third parameter is sigma, which determines the filter’s
shape and is also adjustable, enabling the trader to widen or
shorten the filter’s focus. Another unique attribute of the ALMA
filter is the removal of small price fluctuations, enhancing the
trend by applying a moving filter twice—once from left to right,
and once from right to left. This process (called zero-phase
digital filtering) reduces noise in the signal, further reducing
the phase shift (price lag) commonly associated with moving
averages. Figure 3: ROCKET TRAJECTORY. This is an image from the Falcon 9 and SES-8
For anyone attempting to recreate this hybrid moving
launch from SpaceX’s launch pad at Cape Canaveral. If you have ever watched a
rocket take off, the control generated by the combination of the COG calculation
filter, the settings that were used to generate the chart in and vector-directed thrust produced by the rocket’s engines generates a path that
Figure 1 are: often produces a perfect parabolic swing.

Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 35:09 (22–25): An Early Warning System, Part 2 by Mike Slattery

1, intuitive and profitable trading signals are generated. [2013]. Cycle Analytics For Traders: Advanced Techni-
The third and final article in this series on the volume cal Trading Concepts, Wiley.
price projection (VPP) will offer another confirmational [2016]. “Super Passband Filter,” Technical Analysis of
indicator that helps to validate the signals provided by the Stocks & Commodities, Volume 34: July.
Swing•Genie early warning system. The combination of this [2014]. “Predictive And Successful Indicators,” Tech-
suite of indicators enables the technical swing/daytrader to nical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, Volume 32:
more confidently and profitably time and execute entry and January.
exit opportunities. Slattery, Michael [2017]. “An Early Warning System, Part 1”
Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, Volume
Michael Slattery is CEO of StockDot­, a technical 35: August.
analysis (TA) charting platform and educational website that ‡
aims to shorten the learning curve for new and novice trad- ‡See Editorial Resource Index
ers. He invests in equities based on technical, fundamental,
human, social, and Internet sciences. He can be reached at

Further reading
Ehlers, John F. [2001]. Rocket Science For Traders: Digital
Signal Processing Applications, Wiley.

Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.

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