WIDGB2 Utest Language 9A

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UNIT 9: Language Test


Name: ________________________ GRAMMAR

Class: ________________________
3 Use the list of things that Edward wants to do
VOCABULARY to make sentences about the things he has
1 Complete the words about landscapes, natural done so far in his life. Use the Present Perfect.
features and countries next to the definitions.
0 Swim with a dolphin 
0 A place where a farmer 1 Visit the USA X
keeps animals
2 Finish a marathon 
1 The place in a country
where the land meets the c____ 3 Have a go at windsurfing X
4 Spend some time in Australia 
2 An area with lots and lots
f_____ 5 See a volcano X
of trees
3 The place where two 6 Eat Indian food in India Never
countries meet 7 Learn how to speak Italian X
4 Land that is completely
i_____ 0 Edward has swum with a dolphin.
surrounded by water
5 A high piece of land that 1 _______________________________________
people like to climb
2 _______________________________________
6 The number of people
p______________ 3 _______________________________________
living in a country or city
7 What most people usually o_________ 4 _______________________________________
speak in a country __________
5 _______________________________________
6 _______________________________________
2 Complete the texts about outdoor activities
7 _______________________________________
using the words and expressions in the box.
There are five extra words/expressions. /7

helmet Kayaking goggles blow up 4 Complete the email with yet, just or already
plus the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
paddle camera find out wetsuit Use the Present Perfect.
bike give up Scuba diving lifejacket
We’re here!
come across map

Mountain biking – first you need a 0 helmet to Hi Joanna

We have 0 just 00 arrived (arrive) at our
keep your head safe. You need a to
holiday house by the sea. I have 1_________
ride, of course, and a 2 so you can 2
(unpack) my bag (I did it when we got
3 where you are and where you need here) and we have 3 4
to go. You can also take a camera in case you lunch so are now getting ready to go to the beach.
4 any interesting things you want to I5 (not put) on my swimming
costume ________ – I’m going to do it now. Mum
photograph. Don’t 5 if there are big
and Dad 7________ ________ ________ (finish)
hills – you can get to the top if you try!
making the picnic so I think we’re nearly ready to
Anyway, I must go but I hope you 8________
6 – you need a 7 to keep
(not miss) me too much !
you moving through the water and a
See you soon
8 in case you fall in the water – it Alicia
keeps you above the water if you can’t swim very

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

UNIT 9: Language Test



5 Choose the correct option, A, B or C, to 6 Use the words and expressions in the box to
complete the dialogue. complete the postcard. There are five extra
Laura: Hi, Emma, can I 0 a favour?
Dear amazing just We’re having
Emma: Of 1 , Laura, what is it?
has Lots surfing by
Laura: Well, I want to go camping and I haven’t We’re
on hope windsurfing
got a tent. You’ve got one, haven’t you? doing
yet PS Miss stopped
Emma: Yes, I have.
Laura: Well, 2 I borrow it, please? Just for a few
days next week? (0) Dear Grandma
Emma: No 3
! But it’s not very clean so I’m How are you? I (1) ____________ you’re well.
you’ll have to wash it before you
(2) ____________ a great time in France. The
use it.
weather (3) ____________ been (4)
Laura: That’s great, thanks. And you’ve got a little
gas cooker, haven’t you? Is it OK 5 me _____________ . The sun hasn’t (5)
to take that too? _____________ shining (6) _____________ so
Emma: I’m sorry, but 6
not a good idea – it’s we’ve spent a lot of time (7) ___________ the
broken! sea.
Laura: Oh dear! And do you have a warm sleeping Tomorrow, we’re going to try (8) _____________.
bag for me to sleep in? I don’t have one of The waves aren’t very big but it should be fun!
those either. Is it 7 right if I borrow that
too? Anyway, I must go – we’re going to the beach –

Emma: 8
, but don’t get it wet or dirty! again!
(9) ___________ you!
Laura: I promise I won’t. And Emma…?
Emma: Yes?
(10) ___________ : Tom says hello and sends
Laura: Is it 9 to take it all now? My dad’s outside
his love too!
with our car.
Emma: Your car? Oh, I see…Yes, OK, Laura, go /10
Laura: Thanks, Emma – you’re a really great /50
0 A ask B do C have
1 A ahead B yes C course
2 A will B can C would
3 A way B problem C sorry
4 A afraid B worried C frightened
5 A if B that C for
6 A this is B that’s C those are
7 A all B very C quite
8 A Certain B Thanks C Sure
9 A possible B good C idea
10 A along B ahead C forward

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