RCM For Marine Applications

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Application of Reliability-centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry1

By: Robert M. Conachey, Randal L. Montgomery
Originally presented at Institute of Marine Engineers, India, November 2002

Abstract RCM is also a part of overall risk management so

that the risk of losses associated with equipment
Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) is a failures can be effectively managed by the
process of systematically analyzing an engineered maintenance program. This failure management is
system to determine: achieved by allocating maintenance resources to
equipment maintenance according to risk impact on
• system functions and impact of functional the ship. For example, RCM analysis can be
failures, employed to:
• equipment failure modes and causes that can
result in functional failures, • Identify functional failures with the highest
• optimal strategy for managing potential risk, which will then be focused on for
failures, including maintenance to prevent the further analyses;
failures from occurring or to detect potential • Identify equipment items and their failure
failures before a failure occurs, and modes that will cause high-risk functional
• spare holding requirements. failures; and
• Determine a maintenance strategy that will
The objective of RCM, of course, is to achieve reduce risk to acceptable levels.
reliability for the system in all its operating modes.
RCM has been applied in the airline industry and The remainder of this paper summarizes the basic
other industries (e.g., electrical utility, process principles of RCM and provides an overview of the
industry) for many years with notable success. RCM process that will be included in ABS
Therefore, there is no evidence to suggest that its SafeShip. Also a discussion on sustaining an RCM
application to the marine industry would not meet program is included.
an equal degree of success. Traditionally,
shipboard machinery and system maintenance has Overview of RCM Principles
relied on planned maintenance (based on a
prescribed time schedule), and to varying degrees Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) is a
on predictive maintenance (using condition- process of systematically analyzing an engineered
monitoring techniques). system to understand:
Specifically, this paper illustrates how risk • system functions and impact of functional
assessment techniques and the RCM analysis failures
process and tools (e.g., Task Selection Algorithm) • equipment failure modes and causes that can
can be used to provide a rational decision-making result in functional failures
process to optimize maintenance tasks, and hence • optimal strategy for managing potential
costs, while at the same time achieving optimal failures, including maintenance to prevent the
reliability for the system in all its operating modes. failures from occurring or to detect potential
This paper also argues that ship safety can be failures before a failure occurs, and
enhanced with such a rational approach to • spare holding requirements.
maintenance in place of the traditional time-
schedule based inspection and surveys. ABS This understanding is accomplished by applying an
SafeShip, a lifecycle total ship safety concept, is analysis approach that answers these questions:
now being considered for extension to cover also
lifecycle maintenance of machinery based on RCM. 1. What are the system functions and associated
performance standards?
Introduction 2. How can the system fail to fulfill these
By applying RCM principles, maintenance is 3. What failures can cause a functional failure?
evaluated and applied in a rational manner that 4. What happens when a failure occurs?
provides the most value to a vessel’s 5. What might the consequence be when the
owner/operator. Accordingly, improved equipment failure occurs?
and system reliability on board ships and other 6. What can be done to detect and prevent the
marine structures can be expected by applying this failure?
philosophy. 7. What should be done if a maintenance task
cannot be found?

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry 9


Typically, the following analytical tools are addition, RCM analyses may recommend design
employed in the RCM analyses: changes and/or operational improvements when
equipment reliability cannot be ensured through
• Failure modes, effects, and criticality maintenance.
analysis (FMECA),
• RCM task selection flow diagram, Next, to develop an effective failure management
Risk-based decision making tools (e.g., risk strategy, the strategy must be based on an
matrix). understanding of the failure mechanism.
In addition, the following system expertise is Equipment will exhibit several different failure
needed to successfully and efficiently perform the modes (e.g., how the equipment fails). Also, the
analysis: failure mechanism may be different for the
different failure modes, and the failure
• Design, engineering, and operational mechanisms may vary during the life of the
knowledge of the system, equipment. In addition, to understanding the
• Condition-monitoring techniques, failure mechanism, a basic understanding of the
• Other proactive maintenance practices (e.g., equipment failure rate and pattern is needed.
The RCM analysis process uses these tools and Equipment Failure Rate and Patterns
expertise to help establish the cause effect
relationship between equipment failures and One of the key concepts of RCM is that all
system performance (i.e., questions 1 through 5) equipment failures are not the same; therefore,
and then determine an effective failure failures may require different strategies in order to
management strategy (i.e., questions 6 and 7). successfully manage them. In fact depending on
To begin to understand RCM, a basic the dominant system failure mechanisms, system
understanding of equipment failures, equipment operation, system operating environment, and
failure patterns, and maintenance tasks is needed. system maintenance, specific equipment failure
The following paragraphs briefly discuss each of modes exhibit a variety of failure rates and
these topics. patterns.
Equipment Failure Basics First lets discuss the failure rate. The failure rate
or lambda (λ) (i.e., the conditional probability
A combination of one or more equipment failures failure rate) is the probability that a failure occurs
and/or human errors cause a loss of system during the next instant of time given that the
function. Specifically, one of the focuses of failure has not already occurred before that time.
reliability improvement is to manage the The conditional failure rate, therefore, provides
equipment failures that impact system additional information about the survival life and
performance (i.e., losses of system function). is used to illustrate failure patterns.
Therefore, an understanding of the factors that
influence equipment failures is needed. The Understanding that equipment failure modes can
following factors usually influence equipment exhibit different failure patterns has important
failure: implications when determining appropriate
maintenance strategies. The literature has
• Design error indicated there are six different failure patterns2:
• Faulty material
• Improper fabrication and construction • Pattern A - Bathtub Curve
• Improper operation • Pattern B - Traditional Wear-Out
• Inadequate maintenance • Pattern C - Gradual Rise with no
• Maintenance errors Distinctive Wear-out Zone
• Pattern D - Initial Increase with a Leveling
Note that maintenance does not influence many Off
of these factors; therefore, maintenance is merely • Pattern E – Random
one of the many approaches to improving • Pattern F - Infant Mortality
equipment reliability and hence system reliability.
RCM analyses focus in reducing failures resulting These patterns are shown in Figure 1.
from inadequate maintenance. In addition,
RCM aids in identifying premature equipment For most equipment failure modes, the specific
failures introduced by maintenance errors. In failure patterns are not known and fortunately
these cases, RCM analyses may recommend detail knowledge is not needed to make
improvements for specific maintenance activities, maintenance decisions. Nevertheless, certain
such as improving maintenance procedures, failure characteristic information is needed to
improving worker performance, or adding quality make maintenance decisions. These
assurance/quality control tasks to verify correct characteristics are:
performance of critical maintenance tasks. In

10 Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry


• Wear-in failure – dominated by “weak” maintenance tasks, condition-monitoring tasks

members related to problems such as should be considered first, unless a detect-
manufacturing defects and installation/ able potential failure condition cannot be
maintenance/startup errors. Also known as identified.
“burn in” or “infant mortality” failures. • Planned Maintenance Tasks - A planned
• Random failure – dominated by chance maintenance task (sometimes called preventive
failures caused by sudden stresses, extreme maintenance) is performed on a specified
conditions, random human errors, etc. (i.e., interval, regardless of the equipment’s
failure is not predictable by time). condition. The purpose of this type of task is
• Wear-out failure – dominated by end-of- to prevent functional failure before it occurs.
useful life issues for equipment. Many times this type of task is applied when
no condition-monitoring task is identified or
These failure characteristics are best illustrated by justified, and the failure mode is characterized
the failure pattern identified in Figure 2. By with a wear-out region.
simply identifying which of the three equipment • Failure-finding Tasks - A failure-finding task
failure characteristics is representative of the is a scheduled task used to detect hidden
equipment failure mode, one gains insight into the failures when no condition-monitoring or
proper maintenance strategy. For example, those planned maintenance task is applicable. It is a
patterns that do not have distinctive wear-out scheduled function check to determine
regions (i.e., patterns C through F) may not benefit whether an item will perform its required
from maintenance tasks of rebuilding or replacing function if called upon. Most of these items
equipment items. There may actually be an are standby or protective equipment.
increase in failures as a result of infant mortality
(pattern F) and/or human errors during In addition, the RCM analysis might indicate the
maintenance tasks. If an equipment failure mode failure does not warrant any proactive maintenance
exhibits a wear-out pattern, rebuilding or replacing and run-to-failure is acceptable. Also, RCM
the equipment item may be an appropriate analysis should also include routine servicing tasks
strategy. to ensure the assumed failure rate and failure
pattern are valid (e.g., failure rate and pattern for
Finally, a basic understanding of failure rate helps an unlubricated bearing is drastically different
in determining whether maintenance or equipment from that of a lubricated bearing).
redesign is necessary and provides insight into
frequency of maintenance tasks. Once one begins To help ensure that the RCM principles are
to understand how equipment fails and its failure consistently applied, a structured analysis process
rate and pattern, an understanding of maintenance is applied. The next section describes the ABS
tasks types and their relationship to the failure SafeShip RCM process.
characteristics is needed.

Overview of Maintenance Task Types ABS SafeShip RCM Analysis Process

One of the primary objectives of the RCM analysis The basic elements of the RCM analysis process
is to define a set of proactive maintenance tasks are:
needed to manage potential equipment failures that
can impact system performance. These tasks can 1. Defining systems
manage these potential failures by: 2. Identifying functions and functional
• Preventing the failures before they occur, 3. Conducting a failure modes, effects, and
• Detecting onset of failure with sufficient time criticality analysis (FMECA)
to allow corrective action before the failure 4. Selecting a failure management strategy
occurs, 5. Documenting the analysis
• Discovering and correcting hidden failures
before they impact system performance. The following sections briefly describe each step.

Recognizing these three different objectives, the Step 1 - Defining Systems

maintenance tasks can be divided into following
three task types: Each system must be thoroughly defined. This
activity involves (1) partitioning the vessel into
• Condition-monitoring Tasks - A condition- functional groups and then into specific equipment
monitoring task is a scheduled task used to items and (2) defining the operating characteristics
detect the onset of a failure so that action can for the ship as a whole and then for each system.
be taken to prevent the functional failure. These distinctions are needed to clearly define the
Condition-monitoring tasks are also referred to boundaries and operational intent of each system
as “predictive maintenance.” When choosing that is subject to the RCM analysis.

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry 11


Because a ship is made up of many complex priority for the analysis of the functional groups so
systems and subsystems, it is helpful to divide the that resources may be targeted most productively.
ship into functional groups and then into specific In general, one of the following methods is used to
equipment items within each functional group. select groups for analysis:
Partitioning a ship into functional groups is
accomplished using a top-down approach. For • Engineering judgment,
most ships, the top level includes these top-level • Simple analytical approaches, such as
functional groups: Pareto analysis and relative ranking, or
• Risk assessment.
• Hull
• Machinery and utilities Regardless of which approach is used to select
• Cargo handling groups for analysis; the following considerations
should be made:
In most cases, partitioning of these high-level
functional groups is necessary to identify major • The expected cost savings over the
systems for analysis. For example, machinery and predicted remaining life of the equipment
utilities should be further divided into the should be balanced against the cost of the
following functional groups: study.
• The human resources required to
• Propulsion functional group undertake each analysis must be identified
• Maneuvering functional group and their availability ascertained.
• Electrical functional group
• Ship service functional group (i.e., bilge, Once the systems have been partitioned and
ballast, firefighting, steam) selected, the operating characteristics are defined.
• Navigation and communication functional The operating characteristics of the ship are the
group foundation for RCM failure management strategy
decisions. Poorly defined or incomplete operating
Each functional group should be partitioned using characteristics will result in an improper failure
a top-down approach. This is done until a level is management strategy. To properly define
reached at which functions are identified with operating characteristics, the various operating
discrete physical units, such as a single system or modes for the ship must be identified.
equipment item. This is sometimes called the
level of indenture. The level of indenture is of An operating mode of a ship is the operational
vital importance as it significantly affects the state the ship is in. Cruising at sea, cargo handling
amount of time and effort required to complete a in port, entering and departing port, navigation in
satisfactory analysis. The level of indenture restricted waters, etc., are examples of operating
should be such that the following can be identified modes. Each operating mode influences the
for the functional group: manner in which the shipboard systems and
machinery are to be operated; this in turn dictates
• Physical boundaries the development of operating contexts for
• Functions and functional failures individual functional groups.
• Discrete equipment items
Next, the operating modes are used to define the
Once a satisfactory level of partitioning functional operating context for each functional group. The
groups has been completed, each functional group operating context of a functional group is the
is partitioned into specific equipment items. The circumstances under which the system is expected
level of indenture chosen for equipment items to operate. It must fully describe:
should be such that the equipment:
• The physical environment in which the
• Can be identified for its contribution to the functional group is operated,
overall functions of the functional group, • A precise description of the manner in
• Can be identified for its failure modes, and which the functional group is used, and
• Is the most convenient physical unit for • The specified performance capabilities of
which maintenance can be specified. the functional group as well as the
required performance of any additional
Figure 3 shows an example of partitioning of functional groups within which the
functional groups and their associated equipment functional group is embedded.
Some of the important factors that must be
Because of the number and size of systems on a considered in the development of the operating
vessel, it may be necessary to identify an order of context for a functional group are:

12 Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry


Failure Rate

Failure Rate
Time Time
Type A — Bathtub Type B — Traditional Wear-out
(4%) (2%)
Failure Rate

Time Failure Rate Time

Type C — Gradual Rise, No Wear-out Type D — Initial Increase, Level Off
( %) ( %)
Failure Rate

Failure Rate

Time Time
Type E — Random Failure Type F — Infant Mortality
(14%) (68%)
Figure 1: Failure Patterns

Infant Useful Wear out
Mortality Life
Rate λ (t )

Burn in Wear out Time

Figure 2: Equipment Life Periods

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry 13


• Redundancy performance standard. The performance standard

• Performance and quality standards is to describe the minimum acceptable requirement
• Environmental standards rather than the design capability. Performance
• Safety standards standards must be clearly defined or quantified;
• Shift arrangements they are used to define failure, which forms the
basis of the maintenance decision-making process.
Operating contexts are to be developed to different Functions are to be categorized as follows:
degrees of detail at each level. At each level of
functional breakdown, an operating context • Primary functions – These functions are
statement should be written for that level, the reasons why the system/equipment
amplifying the operating context written for the exists.
preceding level. At the lower levels of the
functional breakdown, more detail is included in • Secondary functions – Most systems/
the operating context statement because by this equipment will have secondary functions
time, the focus is on the systems and equipment that will generally be less obvious than the
that make up the functional group. Specific primary functions, although their failure
performance parameters are necessary to clearly may sometimes have worse consequences.
define functions for the functional group and then The following functional categories can be
to determine what constitutes a failure and what helpful in determining secondary functions:
effects such failures will have upon specific
equipment performance, overall system operation, Environment integrity
and ultimately the ship’s roles. Example operating Safety, structural integrity
contexts for the Propulsion Functional Group and Control, containment, comfort
the Diesel Engine are provided in Tables 1 and 2 Appearance
respectively. Protection
Economy, efficiency
Step 2 - Defining Functions and Functional Supplementary functions
Failures Once the functions are defined, functional failures
(i.e., different loss functions that can occur due to
Once the operating mode for the ship and the failures) are defined. Functional failures can reflect
operating context for a functional group have been the total loss of function (e.g., provides no
defined, the RCM analysis team uses this compressed air) or partial loss of function (e.g.,
information to define the functions needed for the provides compressed air at reduced pressure and
functional group to successfully operate so that all flow). Functional failures can be identified from
relevant ship functions are maintained. When functions by applying the following guides to each
defining functions for a functional group, the function:
applicable operating modes must be considered
because functions can vary with the different • No or none of the function
operating modes. It is important that all functions • Less of each performance standard
be identified. Failure to identify all functions can parameter
result in important failures (i.e., failures that affect • More of each performance parameter
system and ship performance) being overlooked. • Premature operation of the function
• Failure to cease operation of the function
One method for identifying functions is to develop (i.e., function operates too long)
a functional block diagram of the system. A • Intermittent operation of the function
functional block diagram is a graphical
representation of the system operation. It typically
contains (1) the inputs (e.g., materials, energy Step 3 - Conducting an FMECA
sources) entering the system boundary, (2) the
blocks representing the functions that occur within Once potential functional failures have been
the system boundary, and (3) the outputs (e.g., identified, the next step in the RCM analysis is to
materials, energy, signals) leaving the boundary. In conduct an FMECA. The purpose of this step is to
addition, arrows are used to depict the flow of establish the cause-and-effect relationship among
materials, energy, signals, etc., between functional potential equipment failures, functional failures,
blocks and into and out of the system. Within the and the end effect of the functional failures, and to
boundary, each block represents a primary or evaluate the criticality of the postulated failure
secondary function that must be provided for the mode.
system to convert the inputs into outputs. Figure 4
provides an example functional block diagram. This information is vital to determine the
Each function should be documented as a function
statement that contains a verb, an object, and a • When a failure management strategy is

14 Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry


• What type of failure management strategy is The top-down approach is performed by analyzing
best used to manage the failure mode (i.e., each function and its associated functional failures.
one-time change, proactive maintenance, or This approach focuses on determining what effects
run-to-failure), and different functional failures have on the operation
• The importance of the failure management of the system and then what equipment failures
strategy. (i.e., failure mode) can result in the functional
failure. The top-down approach determines
In conducting the FMECA, there are two basic whether the functional failure results in an end
substeps: (1) identifying the failure mode and its effect of interest and then determines which
effects and (2) assessing the criticality of the equipment failures can cause the functional failure.
failure mode.
Tables 3 and 4 show examples of bottom-up and
Identifying the failure mode and effects involves top-down FMECA's.
postulating different equipment failure modes or
system functional failures and then determining Once the effects of the failure mode have been
the following: established, the criticality of the failure mode is
assessed. The failure mode’s criticality is
• Local effect, which is the immediate determined by the failure mode’s risk. This allows
impact/effect that is seen when the failure the comparison of each failure mode to all other
occurs (e.g., alarm goes off, unusual noise). failure modes with respect to risk. In addition, the
• System effect, which is the system-level risk is used to determine the need for a failure
impact that occurs when the failure occurs management strategy and if one is needed, risk
(e.g., equipment stops operating shutting provides means to assess the effectiveness of the
down the system). This is the system failure management strategy.
functional failure.
• End effect, which is the ultimate The failure mode’s risk is determined by assessing
consequence that results from the failure the severity of the end effect(s) and the likelihood
(e.g., loss of system for a time period of the failure mode resulting in the end effect of the
resulting in loss revenue, release of material given severity. For most analyses, a single end
potentially resulting in an employee injury or effect (e.g., worst-case effect) (versus a range of
environmental exceedance). effects) can be used to assess the risk. The risk can
• Causes, which are the basic equipment be assessed either quantitatively (i.e., numerical
failures that can result in the equipment rating of the risk [e.g., injuries per year]) or
failure mode or the system functional failure. qualitatively (e.g., high medium, low).
• Indications/detections, which are the alarms,
sounds, etc. that can alert operations of the For most RCM analyses a simple risk matrix is
failure. (Note: Not all failures will have used to assess the risk. To develop and use a risk
indications/detections. These are hidden matrix, consequence severity and likelihood
failures.) (frequency) bins are established. The risk matrix is
then developed based on these bins and a risk level
There are two basic approaches for conducting an (e.g., high risk) is defined for each intersection (i.e.,
FMECA: a bottom-up approach and a top-down consequence and likelihood bin combination).
approach. Either method can be successfully used
in an RCM analysis, and each has its strengths and Once the risk matrix is defined, the team
weaknesses. The key attribute of both approaches determines the risk by determining which
is that they are an inductive analysis technique that consequence bin is descriptive of the end effect(s)
guides the RCM analysis team in establishing the and which likelihood bin is descriptive of the
cause-and-effect relationship needed to define failure mode likelihood. The intersection of the
maintenance requirements and discover other two bins then establishes the risk for the failure
improvements. mode.

The bottom-up approach is performed by explicitly Tables 5 and 6 provide example consequence and
analyzing each equipment item of interest. This frequency bins. Figure 5 provides an example risk
approach focuses on determining what effects matrix.
different equipment failure modes have on the
operation of the system. The bottom-up approach The criticality ranking (i.e., the risk) for each
determines whether the equipment failure mode failure mode/end effect pair is then used in an RCM
results in a local effect that causes a functional task selection flow diagram chart to determine the
failure that causes an end effect of interest. The proper failure management strategy. The example
bottom-up approach helps ensure that all equipment FMECA tables, Tables 3 and 4, include example
items are analyzed and all plausible equipment criticality rankings.
failure modes are considered.

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry 15


Step 4 - Selecting A Failure Management determining the applicability and effectiveness, the
Strategy following should be considered:

• Must be practicable to implement,

Selecting a failure management strategy involves • Must have a high degree of success in
three substeps: detecting the failure mode, and
• Must be cost-effective.
A. Applying an RCM Task Selection Flow
Diagram Next, the team must evaluate the potential risk
B. Allocating and planning selected tasks reduction resulting from implementing the
C. Determining spares holding condition-monitoring task. This is accomplished
by determining the reduction in risk that is
Applying an RCM Task Selection Flow Diagram anticipated if the task is implemented.
At the level of each system/equipment for which In general, proactive maintenance tasks will
FMECA has been conducted, the failure modes reduce the likelihood of the failure mode occurring
assessed to have high, medium, or low risks are rather than the severity of the consequence. The
evaluated in accordance with the RCM Task reduced risk is then compared to the risk
Selection Flow Diagram in Figure 6. The purpose acceptance criteria to determine whether the task
of the Task Selection Flow Diagram is to assist in should be selected.
selecting the most appropriate failure management
strategy to prevent or detect a specific failure mode. If the risk reduction does not achieve an acceptable
level of risk, the failure mode is further analyzed to
At the first decision point, the team must decide determine if other maintenance tasks or a one-time
whether the risk associated with the failure mode is change is needed to manage the failure.
the highest or lowest risk and determine the
confidence in the risk characterization. If the If condition monitoring does not provide an
failure mode had the highest risk, then typically a effective failure management strategy, the third
one-time change (i.e., a fundamental change in how decision point is evaluated. At this decision point,
the equipment is designed or operated) is needed the team must then use its knowledge of the failure
because an acceptable level of risk cannot be characteristics to evaluate the need for other
achieved through maintenance alone. However, a proactive maintenance tasks or one-time change. If
failure with the lowest risk is a low-priority failure the failure mode exhibits a wear-in failure
and, therefore, is acceptable without any failure characteristic, the team considers a one-time
management strategy for most organizations. change or redesign of the equipment item as a
means to manage the failure. If the failure mode
In addition, the confidence in the risk exhibits a wear-out failure characteristic, the team
characterization is also assessed. A high first considers planned maintenance to manage the
confidence indicates the team is relatively certain failure. Again, the team must select the task and
that the risk is properly characterized and, task interval.
therefore, can be used in the RCM flow diagram
without any further discussion. Low confidence Again, the team must evaluate the potential risk
indicates that the team is uncertain and that reduction resulting from implementing the planned
additional data (about the likelihood or maintenance task and the task interval just as in the
consequence of the failure) are needed before the condition-monitoring task.
risk can be used in the decision-making process.
To be conservative, the failure mode is then If the risk reduction does not achieve an acceptable
assumed to have a medium/moderate risk level of risk, the failure mode is further analyzed to
characterization and is evaluated through the entire determine if a combination of planned maintenance
RCM flow diagram. or condition-monitoring tasks can achieve an
acceptable risk. If a combination does not provide
The second decision point provides the an appropriate failure management strategy, the
maintenance task selection. Condition-monitoring failure mode is further analyzed.
tasks are first considered because these tasks
typically are the best choice technically and usually At the fourth decision point, the analysis team
the most cost-effective. In determining if the decides whether the failure mode is an evident or a
failure mode can be managed by a condition- hidden failure mode. If the failure is hidden and
monitoring task, the team must select a specific there is no condition-monitoring, planned
task and then determine an appropriate task maintenance, or combination of tasks that will
interval. provide an acceptable risk level, the team must
determine if a failure-finding task is needed to
For a condition-monitoring task to be selected, it manage the failure.
must first be applicable and effective. When

16 Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry


Figure 3: Example Partitioning of Functional Groups

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry 17


Table 1: Example Operating Context of Propulsion Functional Group

Operating Context of Propulsion Functional Group

The propulsion system consists of a MAN B&W Diesel Type 6S70MC MkVI low-speed diesel engine rated 16,860 kW
Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR) at 91 RPM, coupled directly to a shaft supported by one intermediate bearing and two stern
tube bearings, and driving a fixed pitched propeller.
Common Operating Modes
At Sea In Restricted Waters Maneuvering in Port Cargo
Environmental Nominal ambient air Depending on geographical Depending on geographical Not used
Parameters temperature: 25 °C. Range location location
from –29 °C to 45 °C
Manner of Use Propels ship at 20 knots at Propels ship from 2 to 10 Propels ship from 2 to 10 Not used
85% of MCR. Capable of knots, with reversing and knots, with reversing and
continuous operation for up stopping capabilities stopping capabilities, and
to 22 days. Single-engine assists in mooring
Performance To output 16,860 kW @ 91 To output at 30 to 85 RPM; To output at 30 to 85 RPM; Not Used
Capability RPM; controllable from reversing at 63 RPM, reversing at 63 RPM,
bridge, centralized control controllable from bridge, controllable from bridge,
station, and locally centralized control station, centralized control station,
and locally and locally

Table 2: Example Operating Context of Diesel Engine

Operating Context of Diesel Engine

The propulsion system consists of a MAN B&W Diesel Type 6S70MC MkVI low-speed diesel engine rated 16,860 kW
Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR) at 91 RPM, coupled directly to a shaft supported by one intermediate bearing and two stern
tube bearings, and driving a fixed pitched propeller.
Common Operating Modes
At Sea In Restricted Waters Maneuvering in Port Cargo
Environmental Nominal ambient air temperature: 25 °C. Depending on Depending on Not used
Parameters Range from –29 °C to 45 °C geographical location geographical location
Barometric air press (dry)
Nominal seawater inlet temperature
Cooling FW nominal temperature
L.O. max. supply temp.
F.O. supply max. temp.
Manner of Use Propels ship at 20 knots at 85% of MCR. Propels ship from 2 to Propels ship from 2 to Not used
Capable of continuous operation for up to 22 10 knots, with 10 knots, with
days. Single-engine installation reversing and stopping reversing and stopping
capabilities capabilities, and
assists in mooring
Performance To output 16,860 kW @ 91 RPM; To output at 30 to 85 To output at 30 to 85 NA
Capability controllable from bridge, centralized control RPM; reversing at 63 RPM; reversing at 63
station, and locally RPM, controllable RPM, controllable
from bridge, from bridge,
centralized control centralized control
station, and locally station, and locally

18 Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry

Start/Stop Signals

Control Systems
Interlock Air Starting System
Bridge Signal

C ontrol Air
Crankcase Clean Vapor
Speed Vapor System Oil Sludge to Sludge Tank
Engine Air
RPM Lube

To Propulsion
Torque &
Heavy Fuel Oil Shafting
Fuel System Vibration
Diesel Oil Pressurized Contaminated Cleaning System, Stuffing
Fuel Basic Engine Lube Oil Box Drain Oil
RPM, Pressure
Temperature, Level Lube
Oil Lube
Cylinder Lubricating Oil

Lube Oil
Scavenge Air To Lube Oil Sludge

& Heat
Lube Oil
Gasses Sump Tank (to waste)
Lube Oil & Heat

Lube Oil
& Noise
Cool Lube Oil
Cylinder Scavenge Air & Exhaust
Main Lube Camshaft Lube
Lubricating Oil Gas Systems, including
Oil System Oil System
System Turbochargers Lube Oil &
Cool Freshwater
Freshwater & Heat


Cool Freshwater Cool Freshwater

& Heat

Freshwater & Heat Freshwater & Heat

& Noise


Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry


& Alarms
Exhaust Gasses
Atmospheric Air

Central Cooling Water System

Alarms Readouts Lubricating
& Heat

Figure 4: Example Functional Block Diagram

Table 3: Example Bottom-up FMECA Worksheet

No.: 1 Description: Cylinder cover assembly, including the fuel injection and exhaust ports

Item Failure Failure Causes Local Effects Functional End Effects Matrix S UL UR Indications/
Mode Charac- Failures Safeguards

1.1 Exhaust Wear-in, Cylinder cover Release of Transmits less Potential Safety Minor Probable Medium Exhaust fume
gas leak Random, sealing ring exhaust gas than 16,860 exposure of odor and visual
(External Wear-out into the engine kW of power personnel to indications will
leak) Improper room to the exhaust fumes, alert operators
(evident) torquing of propulsion potentially to the failure
nuts on studs Exhaust gas shafting resulting in a
(HE) leak into single first-aid
Broken studs cooling water Reduce rpm case
Loss of power Partial loss of
Vessel out of Property Moderate Occasional Medium
Exhaust valve in the affected containment of
seal rings in service for a Damage
cylinder, exhaust gases
cover fail time to make
External leak reduced
of the exhaust engine
valve housing performance
(linked from

1.2 Cylinder Wear-in, Improper Catastrophic No Potential injury Safety Major Improbable Medium Engine noise,

cover Random, installation of release of transmission of of personnel if exhaust fume

the cylinder cylinder torque to the
ruptures Wear-out cover (HE) pressure, propulsion hit by shrapnel odor, and
(External causing shafting engine
rupture) Manufacturing/ shrapnel to be vibration will
(evident) metallurgical released in the No alert operators
flaw engine room transmission of
torque to the to the failure
Cylinder safety High engine control system
valve fails to vibration,
open on Partial loss of Damage to Property Major Improbable Medium
requiring a
demand shutdown containment of cylinder cover Damage
fuel and/or piston
Injection valve Rupture of fuel
fails open oil line, Partial loss of
releasing fuel containment of
Cylinder liner exhaust gases Vessel out of Economic Major Improbable Medium
crack allowing oil into the
engine room service for a
cylinder to fill Partial loss of
with water containment of time to make
during engine cooling water repairs

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry

Table 4: Example Top-down FMECA Worksheet

No.: 25 Description: Transmit 16,860 kW of power at 91 rpm to the propulsion shafting

Item Functional Failure Failure Local Effects End Effects Matrix S UL UR Indications/
Failure Causes Charac- Safeguards

25.1 No transmission External Wear-in, High engine Potential injury to Safety Major Improbable Medium Engine noise, exhaust
of torque to the rupture of Random, vibration, requiring a personnel if hit by fume odor, and
propulsion the Wear-out shutdown shrapnel engine vibration will
shafting cylinder alert the operator to
cover Rupture of fuel oil Damage to Property Major Improbable Medium the failure
(evident) line, releasing fuel oil cylinder cover Damage
into the engine room and/or piston

Catastrophic release Vessel out of Economic Major Improbable Medium

of cylinder pressure, service for a time
causing shrapnel to to make repairs
be released in the
engine room
Partial loss of
containment of
cooling water

Loosened Wear-in, Relative motion Engine damage Property Moderate Remote Medium Visual inspection
piston rod Random, between two parts, due to a loose Damage during normal engine
studs at Wear-out fretting piston rod shutdowns
crosshead Studs eventually Vessel out of Economic Moderate Occasional Medium
(evident) break if left service for a time
undetected to make repairs

Restricted Wear-in, Overheating of Damage to the Property Moderate Remote Medium

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry

oil Wear-out piston crown, piston Damage
passagewa potentially causing
y in the piston failure Vessel out of Economic Moderate Remote Medium
piston rod service for a time
(hidden) to make repairs






Fewer than 0.001 0.001 to 0.01 0.01 to 0.1 0.1 to 1 1 or more

events/year events/year events/year events/year events/year

Improbable Remote Occasional Probable Frequent

Frequency of Occurrence
High Risk – Redesign or one-time change required to reduce risk
Medium Risk – One or more maintenance tasks are acceptable to reduce
risk (e.g., condition monitoring, preventive maintenance)
Low Risk – Run-to-failure (no maintenance) is acceptable

Figure 5: Risk Matrix with Lines of Constant Risk and Action Levels Defined

Table 5: Example Consequence (Severity) Categories

Business Property
Safety* Environmental Reputation Damage Economic

Catastrop One or more Spill of 1,000 Worldwide press $1 million or Ten or more days
hic fatalities gallons or more exposure more of lost revenue
Spill of 100 to Nationwide or
One or more severe $100,000 to One to 10 days of
Major 1,000 gallons local press
injuries $1 million lost revenue
Multiple minor (first- Spill of 10 to 100 Involvement of $10,000 to Less than 1 day of
aid-only) injuries gallons regulatory agency $100,000 lost revenue
Spill of less than Notification of Less than Operating
Minor One minor injury
10 gallons regulatory agency $10,000 inefficiencies
* Safety losses are not intended to be compared to other losses to determine monetary equivalency.

Table 6: Example Frequency Categories

Frequency Category Frequency of Occurrence
Frequent More than 1 event per year
0.1 to 1 event per year
Probable (1 event every 10 years to 1 event per year)
0.01 to 0.1 events per year
Occasional (1 event every 100 years to 1 event every 10 years)
0.001 to 0.01 events per year
Remote (1 event every 1,000 years to 1 event every 100 years)
Less than 0.001 events per year
Improbable (Less than 1 event every 1,000 years)

22 Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry


Is the failure Is there high

Highest One-time
mode risk in the confidence in the
highest or lowest failure mode risk change
categories? Yes ranking? Yes required


Specify run-

1. Is there a condition-monitoring
task that is applicable and Specify condition-
effective? monitoring task at
2. Will the task reduce the risk to Yes 1/2 the P-F interval
an acceptable level?
Does the failure mode exhibit a wear-in and/or wear-out
failure characteristic?

Yes Wear-in

1. Is there a planned maintenance task that 1. Is there a one-time change that is

is applicable and effective? applicable and effective?
2. Will the task reduce the risk to an 2. Will the change reduce the risk to an
acceptable level? acceptable level? Yes


Specify planned
maintenance at the
Yes appropriate life limit

1. Is there a combination of condition-

monitoring and planned maintenance tasks Specify combination
that are applicable and effective? tasks at 1/2 the P-F
2. Will the task reduce the risk to an Yes interval and the life
acceptable level? limit


Will the loss of function caused by this failure mode be
hidden or evident?

1. Is there a failure-finding task that is
Specify failure-
1. Is there a task(s) that is applicable and applicable and effective?
finding task at the
effective? 2. Will the task reduce the risk to an
appropriate interval
2. Will the task reduce the risk to a acceptable level? Yes
tolerable level?

Yes Notes:
1. Applicable and effective means the task is technically feasible and is cost-
effective (e.g., meets budget constraints)
Specify the tasks at One-time change 2. Acceptable risk is the risk level that meets the acceptance criteria and
the appropriate may be necessary to requires no further risk reduction
interval to achieve a achieve a tolerable 3. Tolerable risk is the risk level that is marginally acceptable and for which
tolerable risk risk no further risk reduction is feasible

W:\Reports\2000\475-00\475-01-00\Graphics\RCM Decision Diagrams.vsd

Figure 6: RCM Task Selection Flow Diagram

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry 23


As for condition-monitoring and planned purpose, RCM task intervals may have to be
maintenance tasks, a failure-finding task must first adjusted to a shorter or longer interval depending
be applicable and effective to be selected. on the criteria given below.
Next, the team must evaluate the potential risk • Tasks with safety/environmental
reduction resulting from implementing the failure- consequences should only be adjusted to a
finding task just as in the condition-monitoring shorter task interval to ensure that safety
and planned maintenance tasks. and the environment are not compromised

If the failure is evident or it is hidden and there is • Tasks with operational consequences may
no failure-finding task that will provide an be adjusted to a longer or shorter task
acceptable risk level, the team must decide if risk interval. However, when adjusting to a
cannot be practically reduced to the low risk level. longer interval, the team should obtain the
Then the team determines which of the tasks (or approval of the responsible person in the
combination of tasks) provides the best failure shipping company.
management strategy. If the team determines that
the risk can and should be lower than what can be Finally, the Category B and C task intervals should
achieved with maintenance, the team should then be organized to derive an overall maintenance
consider one-time changes to manage the failure. schedule. This is done by adjusting the RCM task
To evaluate the effectiveness of one-time changes, intervals (Category B and C tasks only) using the
the team should determine the potential changes criteria specified in Category B, so that the tasks
and consider the following: can coincide with the ship’s port calling and dry-
docking schedules.
• Does the one-time change reduce the risk
to an acceptable level? Determining Spare Holdings
• If not, does the one-time change reduce For the proposed maintenance schedules to be
the risk to a tolerable level with no further viable, it is essential that the spares that support
risk reduction reasonably possible? the identified maintenance tasks are available in
• Is the one-time change cost-effective? the appropriate time scales. On completion of the
That is, is the cost reasonable for the RCM analysis, the spare holding requirements will
resulting risk reduction? be developed based on the following
• Are any of the other maintenance tasks considerations:
discussed more effective, or can they
result in more risk reduction than the one- • A list of the parts necessary to perform tasks to
time change? correct each failure mode identified in the
RCM study, along with the parts required as a
In addition, the team should examine rounds and result of remedial work to correct “on-
routine inspection tasks. These important tasks condition,” “failure finding,” and “run-to-
help ensure the failure rate curve for the failure failure” failures;
mode (that is the basis for the proactive • An evaluation of the effects on the system’s
maintenance tasks and risk characterization) is not operational availability if an out-of-stock
altered (e.g., premature wear-out of bearing condition occurs; and
because of lack of lubrication). • Assessment for those parts whose use can be
anticipated (preplanned). For the parts whose
Allocating and Planning Maintenance Tasks use cannot be anticipated, determine the
quantity necessary to achieve the desired
The maintenance tasks derived from the RCM operational availability.
analysis are to be allocated in accordance with the The purpose of Figure 7 is to assist the team in
following categories: selecting the most appropriate spares holding to
achieve the desired level of safety, protection of
• Category A — Can be undertaken at sea the environment, and operational availability.
by the ship’s crew
• Category B — Must be undertaken
alongside by equipment vendors or with Step 5 - Documenting RCM Analyses
use of dockside facilities
• Category C — Must be undertaken in a The information used in and the results from each
dry dock facility RCM analysis step must be documented. The
entire RCM analysis should be documented for the
Because the task intervals derived from the RCM following reasons:
analysis need not be in alignment with the current
calendar-based maintenance schedule, the team • To provide defendability,
should adjust and integrate these task intervals into • To provide auditability,
a common maintenance schedule. For this • To establish a baseline,

24 Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry


• To preserve corporate memory, and • Address new failure modes, and

• To ensure a living RCM program. • Improve overall efficiency and effectiveness
of the RCM and maintenance programs.
The analysis and program documentation should
include: Sustainment efforts should be organized such that
the results can be effectively used to support the
• Summary of the analysis proceedings and RCM analysis updates. Following are a list of
the decisions taken, RCM sustainment processes that can be applied, as
• Progressive improvements based on appropriate:
operational and maintenance experience, and
• Clear audit trails of maintenance actions • trend analysis
taken and improvements made. • maintenance requirements document
Once the analysis has been completed and the • task packaging reviews
RCM-derived tasks implemented, the RCM • age exploration tasks
program transfers to sustainment mode (versus an • failure analysis
analysis and implementation mode).
Sustaining the RCM Program Failure Analysis
A maintenance program that is based on the RCM One key sustainment activity is failure analysis. A
philosophy must be dynamic. This is especially successful RCM program has a process to address
true during the early stages of a new program failures (loss events) and other unpredicted events,
when it is based on limited information. The and to determine the appropriate response or
vessel operator must be prepared to collect, corrective action. An example of such a process is
analyze, review and respond to in-service data shown in Figure 8.
throughout the operating life of the vessel in order
to continually refine the maintenance program. A root cause analysis should be performed first to
The procedures and processes used to monitor, develop an understanding of the failure. By using
analyze, update, and refine the maintenance a structured process, the analysis can identify areas
program through RCM analysis will sustain the such as maintenance, operations, design, human
program. These procedures and processes are to factors, etc., which require further analysis. The
be identified in the RCM program plan. key steps in a root cause analysis include:
The basis for the decisions made during an RCM
analysis are not static. As the maintenance • Identifying the failure/loss event or
program experiences changes because of potential failure/loss event
equipment and system modifications and • Classifying the event and convening a
modernization, reviewing and refining the trained team suitable for addressing the
maintenance program must occur continuously. issues posed by this event
An organized information system is necessary to • Gathering data to understand how the
capture the data from the performance of the event happened
maintenance tasks (selected during the previous • Performing a root cause failure analysis to
RCM analyses) as well as from data from other understand why it happened
analyses, such as periodic root cause failure • Generating corrective actions to keep it
analyses. This information is used to determine (and similar events) from recurring
what refinements and modifications need to be • Verifying that corrective actions are
made to the initial maintenance program. implemented
Secondly, it is used to determine the need for • Putting all of the data related to this event
taking other actions, such as product improvement into an information system for trending
or operational changes. These two purposes are purposes
met by monitoring and adjusting existing
maintenance tasks, developing emergent The failure may be addressed by corrective actions
requirements, and periodically assessing RCM- for which an RCM analysis is not necessary.
generated maintenance requirements. Analysts use Examples of non-RCM corrective actions include
this new information to revise RCM analyses, technical publication changes and design
which subsequently may reflect a need for changes changes.
to the maintenance program.
The root cause analysis may reveal problems that
The objective of the sustainment process is to: may need immediate attention. Issuing inspection
bulletins, applying temporary operational
• Continually monitor and optimize the current restrictions, and implementing operating safety
maintenance program, measures are examples of interim actions.
• Delete unnecessary requirements,
• Identify adverse failure trends,

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry 25


Will the stock-out or the stock-out and No spares

further failure have an effect on one of the holding
following? required
or Yes

Safety or Operational Nonoperational

environment (e.g., equipment

1. Can the parts requirements be anticipated (i.e.,

can the parts be obtained before failure Order parts
occurs)? before
2. Does this strategy provide an acceptable risk? demand

No No No

1. Is it feasible and cost-effective to hold required

parts and quantity in stores? Hold parts
2. Does this strategy provide an acceptable risk?

No No No

Revise Review Review RCM

RCM tasks RCM tasks tasks as

W:\Reports\2000\475-00\475-01-00\Graphics\RCM Decision Diagrams.vsd

Figure 7: Spares Holding Decision Flow Diagram3

26 Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry


The results produced from reviewing the RCM provide justification for the continued use of RCM
analysis will be a factor that should be considered to management. Examples of effectiveness assess-
in determining a response to the failure. It is ments are cost avoidance, maintenance performed,
necessary that an RCM review be part of the and operational availability.
overall methodology. The RCM review and
update, if required, will determine if changes in Cost avoidance compares the operational cost
maintenance requirements are necessary. The related to the original maintenance or reliability of
review will indirectly aid in determining if an item with the operational cost that result after
corrective actions are necessary. Decisions not to the application of an RCM analysis.
update the RCM analysis should be documented
for audit purposes. During the RCM review the The man-hours expended in performing scheduled
following questions should be addressed: and unscheduled maintenance may provide an
indication of the maintenance program’s effective-
• Is the failure mode already covered? ness. Comparison of man-hours expended prior to
• Are the failure consequences correct? implementation of RCM-generated tasks with
• Are the reliability data accurate? man-hours expended afterward may provide a
• Is the existing task (or requirement for no useful measure. A similar approach may be used
task) adequate? for measuring the effectiveness of the sustaining
• Are the related costs accurate? efforts.

When new failure modes or failure modes The effectiveness of RCM-generated tasks may
previously thought unlikely to occur are also be measured by the availability of the equip-
determined to be significant, the RCM analysis is ment or system before and after implementation of
to be updated. The existing analysis for a failure the RCM program. Certain equipment operating
mode may also be determined to be correct or without the benefit of an RCM program may
inadequate. Inadequate analyses can result for require extensive unscheduled maintenance, which
any number of reasons, such as revision of negatively impacts availability. Also, equipment
mission requirements or changes to operator or that is subject to too much maintenance will also
maintenance procedures. affect availability.

Failures and other unpredicted events are available Other relevant maintenance metrics that can be
from several sources, including the following used to monitor the RCM program include:
• Compliance with the RCM maintenance
• Defect reports issued by maintenance plan
engineering or the vessel’s crew; • Safety performance metrics (e.g., number of
• Defects discovered during routine vessel recordable incidents, incident rate)
repairs in a shipyard; • Environmental performance metrics (e.g.,
• Vendor and original equipment manu- permit exceedances, average emission rates)
facturer reports related to inspections, • Miles/ton of fuel
rework, or overhauls; • Asset downtime
• Design changes, which may be in the form • Number of breakdowns
of a single item change or a major system • Port maintenance days
modification; and • Comparison of actual maintenance costs to
• Results of tests (such as certification tests budgeted maintenance costs
or tests performed during the course of a
failure investigation or some other
unrelated event) that may require RCM Overview of Alternative RCM
review and update. Analysis Processes
Assessment of the RCM Program As can be seen in this paper, a full-blown,
Effectiveness traditional RCM analysis is very detailed and may
require more resources and effort than a vessel
Another key to the sustainment effort is assessing owner/operator is willing to expend or is
the effectiveness of the RCM program. To warranted (e.g., why spend $10,000 to perform an
measure the effectiveness of the RCM program, analysis on a $1000 problem.) Therefore, many
performance parameters are identified and organizations pursue alternative or streamlined
monitored. The RCM analyses should have RCM analysis approaches. While there are
established the units of performance measurement shortcomings and critics of the streamlined
for the equipment under evaluation. The feedback approaches, they can be a cost-effective means for
from the effectiveness assessments can be used to improving maintenance.

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry 27


Root Cause
Failure Analysis

Non-RCM Yes Non-RCM

Corrective Action
Corrective Action


Interim Action Yes

Interim Action


RCM Review

RCM Update Yes

RCM Update


Document Results

475-00 RCM Concept Doc.vsd

Figure 8: Process to Address Failures and Unpredicted Events4

28 Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry


Streamlined approaches typically follow many of The analysis first begins with identifying the
the same steps, except they only focus on “critical” system functions and their associated functional
equipment items or equipment failure modes, or failures. Next, the analysis team uses their
the analysis assumes that the current maintenance knowledge and experience to determine which
tasks are in place. One streamlined approach that equipment items can fail and result in each
ABS is developing is called Knowledge-based
RCM™. functional failure.

The Knowledge-based RCM is intended for Once the equipment items that can fail and result
machinery systems in which all of the following is in a functional failure are identified, the risk of the
true: equipment failure is assessed to determine if it
poses an unacceptable risk (e.g., medium or high
• The vessel’s owners/operators have risk). The risk can be assessed using a simple risk
considerable operating and maintenance matrix, such as the one presented in Figure 5. The
knowledge and experience with the result is a list of significant equipment items (i.e.,
equipment to be analyzed; equipment whose failure can cause a functional
• The current proactive/preventive failure with an unacceptable risk).
maintenance program is satisfactory, but
possibly excessive; and
• The vessel’s owner/operator desires to Once the significant equipment items are
apply a streamlined RCM analysis identified, the failure modes of interest are
approach (as compared to a traditional determined. For the frequent equipment failure
RCM analysis approach). items, the failure modes of interest are those that
have been experienced and are considered
This approach focuses on analyzing the dominant by the team. For the low frequency/high
effectiveness of the current maintenance practices consequence events, the failure modes of interest
in preventing or detecting the dominant equipment are those that can conceivably result in the high
failure modes, but at the same time holds true to consequence event(s).
the basic principles of RCM embodied in the RCM
seven questions. Step 2 - Correlate current maintenance
tasks to failure modes of interest
To ensure that the basic RCM principles are
followed, this approach uses (1) some simplified Next, we begin to create the relationship between a
and less structured analysis tools that rely heavily vessel’s current proactive maintenance tasks and
on the team’s knowledge and experience and (2) the equipment failure modes. This is
some of the same analysis tools as traditional accomplished by creating a simple grid that
RCM. This approach also integrates risk-based correlates the equipment failure modes with the
decision-making tools to ensure that the team is maintenance tasks based on the team’s knowledge
analyzing the correct issues. and experience. The team must determine if a task
is an effective means of detecting and/or
A four-step approach is used. The Knowledge- preventing the failure mode. The team develops a
based RCM analysis steps are: grid for each equipment item that can fail and
result in a functional failure with an unacceptable
1. Identify significant equipment items and risk. Table 7 provides an example grid.
their failure modes of interest
2. Correlate current maintenance tasks to Step 3 - Perform an FMECA
failure modes of interest
3. Perform an FMECA In this step, an FMECA is performed on the
4. Select a failure management strategy and significant equipment items. Specifically, only the
package the maintenance tasks failure modes of interest for each significant
equipment item are analyzed. The purpose of the
The following paragraphs briefly explain this FMECA is to (1) finish establishing the
approach. relationship between equipment failure modes and
system functional failures, and (2) assess the risk
of the failure mode with the current applicable
Step 1 - Identify significant equipment maintenance tasks (identified in Step 2).
items and their failure modes of interest
A FMECA worksheet similar to the one presented
The objective of this step is begin to establish the in Table 3 is used to document this step.
relationship between equipment failures and
system functional failures with the focus being on
the dominant equipment failures.

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry 29


Step 4 – Select A Failure Management Summary

Strategy and Package the Maintenance
Tasks This paper has illustrated how the RCM analysis
approaches used in other industries can be applied
Once the FMECA has been completed (i.e., Step to marine machinery. While applying RCM to
3) and any current tasks which have not been marine machinery is a relatively new concept to
correlated to any specific failure mode in Step 2 vessel owners/operators and there is little data
have been identified, RCM decision diagrams are available to quantify the expected benefits from
used to select an appropriate failure management applying RCM to marine machinery, there is no
strategy. Since the current tasks were included in reason to believe that vessel owners/operators will
the analysis, the RCM decision diagrams must not see the same benefits of other industries that
assess the need for the current task and determine have embraced RCM. Some of the benefits that
if the current task can be altered (e.g., interval vessel owners/operators can expect are:
extended or task deleted). In addition, RCM
decision diagrams must account for failure modes • An integrated program to address safety and
in which there are no applicable tasks. The environmental concerns, as well as machinery
following are the four situations that must be integrity and reliability;
analyzed: • Increased life of critical machinery and
1. Current tasks that were identified as being • More cost-effective maintenance; and
effective in preventing or detecting a • Improved understanding of equipment failures
failure mode; and their impact on vessel performance.
2. Failure modes in which no current tasks
are being performed; In addition, RCM provides vessel
3. Current tasks that were identified as not owners/operators the opportunity to develop and
being effective in preventing or detecting a technically justify alternate maintenance plans to
failure mode (i.e., tasks in Step 2 that were classification societies.
not correlated to a failure mode); and
4. Current maintenance tasks for equipment References
items not identified as significant in
Step 1. 1. Concept Document – Reliability-centered
Maintenance, American Bureau of Shipping,
Three different RCM decision diagrams are used Revision 2, 30 May 2002.
to evaluate these situations. The traditional RCM
decision diagram (i.e., Figure 6) and the two 2. Reliability-centered Maintenance, US
decision diagrams provided in Figures 9 and 10. Department of Commerce, by F. Stanley Nowlan
The results of the decision diagram are and Howard F. Heap, December 1978.
documented in a worksheet (see Table 8). The 3. Adapted from the diagram in Ministry of
tasks are then planned and scheduled as in the full- Defense, Requirements for the Application of
blown RCM approach. Reliability-centered Maintenance to HM Ships,
Submarines, Royal Fleet Auxiliaries, and Other
Naval Auxiliary Vessels, Naval Engineering
Standard NES 45, Issue 3, September 1999.
4. Guidelines for the Naval Aviation Reliability-
centered Maintenance Process, Published by
Direction of Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, NAVAIR 00-25-403, 01 February

30 Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry


Table 7: Example Maintenance Task/ Failure Mode Grid

Equipment Item: Pump 1A
Current Maintenance Tasks Dominant Failure Modes
Task Interval Task Type External Leak Fails Off Degraded Head
Lubrication 1 month Servicing X
Vibration 1 month Condition monitoring X X X
Visual 1 week Condition monitoring X
Oil Analysis 3 months Condition monitoring
Rebuilding 1 year Preventive maintenance X X X

Analyze each failure mode

and its current maintenance

Are any of the current

maintenance tasks Consider deleting the
inappropriate for the failure Yes task

1. Is acceptable risk achieved with the

current maintenance tasks?
2. Is there a high confidence in this risk

No Yes

1. Can some tasks be deleted without

Consider deleting Estimate the risk assuming
increasing the risk?
the tasks the current maintenance
Yes 2. Is there a high confidence in this risk
tasks are not performed

1. Can acceptable risk be achieved by 1. Is acceptable risk achieved without

shortening the task intervals? the current maintenance tasks? Consider deleting the
2. Is it feasible and cost effective to 2. Is there a high confidence in this risk Yes tasks
Specify the tasks assessment?
with new intervals perform the tasks at the shortened
intervals? No
Yes 3. Is there a high confidence in this risk
1. Can some tasks be deleted and still
No achieve acceptable risk? Consider deleting the
2. Is there a high confidence in this risk Yes tasks
New additional tasks or a
one-time change may be
1. Can task intervals be extended and
needed to achieve acceptable
acceptable risk still be achieved? Specify the tasks with
risk (see Figure 6)
2. Is there a high confidence in this risk Yes extended task intervals


Specify the tasks

as they are

1. For a task type to be appropriate it must be technically effective and
must match the failure characteristic (e.g., planned maintenance for
wear-out failures.
2. Acceptable risk is the risk level that meets the acceptance criteria
and requires no further risk reduction.

Figure 9: RCM Diagram for Evaluating Current Maintenance Tasks

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry 31


Evaluate each current task

being considered for deletion

Will deleting the task alter

the failure rate or pattern Delete the
Is the task a servicing task?
Yes for the applicable failure No task

Brainstorm what credible

failure modes the task could Can the task interval be Specify task
be preventing or detecting extended without altering with new
the failure rate or pattern? Yes interval
and then evaluate each
failure mode

Does the task interval

Specify task
need to be shortened to
Update the RCM with new
Was the failure mode achieve an acceptable
analysis to include this Yes interval
included in the FMECA? risk?
No failure mode

1. Was acceptable risk
current task
achieved with the other Update the RCM
as is
maintenance tasks? analysis to include the
2. Is there a high confidence No maintenance task
in this risk assessment?

Can this maintenance task

provide more cost-
effective failure Delete the
management strategy maintenance task
than the previously No
selected strategy?

Update the analysis

to include the
maintenance task

Figure 10: RCM Diagram for Determining Current Maintenance Task Deletions

32 Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry

Table 8: Example Task Selection using Figure 9

Effects Risk Characterization1 Task Selection2

Failure Failure Hidden/ Local Functional End S CL CR Proposed Action(s) PL PR Disposition
Mode Char. Evident failure
External Wear-out Evident Release of Loss of Potential Maj. Rem. Medium Delete rebuilding task Rem. Med. Consider
leak hazardous containment severe deleting the
material injury to rebuilding task
employees 1. Reduce vibration Rem. Med.
analysis interval to 1
2. Maintain visual
inspection at 1 week
1. Reduce vibration Imp. Low 1. Reduce
analysis interval to 1 vibration
week analysis interval
2. Reduce visual to 1 week
inspection interval to 2. Reduce
daily visual
interval to daily
Fails off Random Evident Brief loss of Transfer time Brief Min. Occ. Low 1. Delete rebuilding Occ. Low Delete
flow until too long interruption task because it is rebuilding task
the spare in inappropriate because it is
pump is production 2. Other tasks remain inappropriate
started the same
Delete all tasks Freq. Med.

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry

Lubrication at an Prob. Low Lubrication at
interval of 1 month an interval of 1

Table 8: Example Task Selection using Figure 9 (cont’d)
Effects Risk Characterization1 Task Selection2
Failure Failure Hidden/ Local Functional End S CL CR Proposed Action(s) PL PR Disposition
Mode Char. Evident failure
Degraded Wear-out Evident Reduced Transfer time Production Mod. Rem. Low Delete all tasks Occ. Med.
head flow of too long rate
material reduced
1. Delete vibration Occ. Med.
2. Maintain rebuilding
at 1 year interval
1. Maintain vibration Rem. Low Team has low
analysis at 1 month confidence that
2. Delete rebuilding vibration
task analysis will
always detect
1. Maintain vibration Rem. Low 1. Maintain
analysis at 1 month vibration
2. Increase rebuilding analysis at 1
task interval to 2 month
years 2. Increase
rebuilding task
interval to 2

- Risk characterization abbreviations are: S is severity; CL is current likelihood; CR is current risk
– Task Selection abbreviations are: PL is projected likelihood; PR is projected risk

Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance Techniques to the Marine Industry

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