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2018 Albuquerque

Progress Report

Prepared by
the Indicators
Issued every two years
Did you
one civic plaza nw, 11th floor
albuquerque, nm 87103
505.768-3000 The original
spelling of our
city contained
Greetings Albuquerque the “extra R” you
Over the past year, we’ve hit the ground running towar
d building see in that of
a safe, inclusive and innovative Albuq uerqu e. Thoug h we have a our sister city—
long road ahead, we’re on the right track. Alburquerque,
When I took office, we began with a simple premise:
everyone in Spain. “Burque”
ahead and
our city deserves to feel safe, to have a chance to get became our city’s
needs of our
to have opportunities for our kids. We listened to the nickname during
ete steps
city and developed an innovative game plan with concr
and measurable goals to make it happen. While we imple
ment the World War II
Mayor Keller at
projects that move our city forwa rd, we remai n data-d riven and continue
National Night Out era and has stuck
ation as we forge a
to measure our progr ess, stayin g focus ed on our destin with residents and
path to a better Albuquerque. visitors alike who
means tackling crime from all sides and are fond of our
We are facing the challenges in our city head on. This
addiction and lack of opportunity.
addressing root causes like behavioral health challenges, beloved home.
with neighborhoods, local businesses,
We’re using community policing and working together
some positive results. Although crime
non-profits and faith leaders. And we’re starting to see
trends are turning around and crime is
is still unacceptably high, for the first time in a decade,
dropping in almost all categories.
Our economic plan focuses on six pillars to build an econo
my that works for everyone: buy One Albuquerque
making, smart recruitment and increment
local, international business, creative economy, place Albuquerque has an incredible amount
access to the tools to get City
of one. So far, we’ve been able to give local businesses of potential. Our communities are also
Yards , helped bring 1,600 new jobs to
contracts, began redevelopment projects like the Rail facing very real challenges.
and lande d Netflix in Albuquerque.
downtown, revived international travel at the Sunport One Albuquerque is about giving
stay safe and engaged is a key to our city’s
We know that providing opportunities for our kids to everyone a seat at the table to make
the number of kids participating in many
future, and in one year, we’ve significantly increased our city safer, more innovative and more
before-school, after-school and summer programs. inclusive. As we work to reinvigorate
nment inside-out, block-by-block our city, we are embracing the
To continue making progress, we will keep turning gover authentic, multicultural roots that make
powerful, resilient, hardworking and
to connect with you. The people of Albuquerque are Albuquerque one of a kind.
cuisine and culture. Burqueños are our
innovative. We have unmatched natural beauty, local
for all of you.
biggest asset, and we are making a seat at the table At our core, we are a city where people
fic efforts to tackle some of the most from all walks of life—homegrowns and
Please read on in the following pages about our speci immigrants, local business owners and
lessness, Opportunities for Youth, Building
pressing issues in Albuquerque: Public Safety, Home artists—live side-by-side. And we are all
Community Engagement. Learn where
an Economy that Works for Everyone, Sustainability and working together, as One Albuquerque
can pitch in.
we are, where we’re going and concrete ways that you to bring the City’s potential to life.
e in together, as One Albuquerque.
Let’s continue the journey to create a place we believ Join us in a collaborative effort of
Your Mayor, reimagining Albuquerque—remembering
who we are and where we came from,
while dreaming of all that we can be and
ONE ABQ do as One Albuquerque.
Timothy M. Keller
Volunteer info:
The photos and illustrations throughout this document were obtained from a variety of sources:
City of Albuquerque, Kenesson Design, Inc.,, and Marble Street Studios.

2 City of Albuquerque | 2018 Albuquerque Progress Report |

Public Safety and Crime
Property Crimes Crime in Albuquerque
January 1–September 30 • 2017/2018 Comparison
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data prepared by Crime Analysis Unit of the Real Time Crime Center, APD.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Data developed October 17, 2018. Disclaimer: Numbers are subject to change.
Public safety is our number one priority. 1
Data Source: APD Police Report Records System.
These numbers do not represent Uniformed Crime Reporting numbers.
Over the last year, the City of Albuquerque Violent Crimes
has stepped up efforts to attack crime 10,000
9848 2018
-27% 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
from all sides, including restructuring 9,000
2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
the Police Department, adding more 7,000
7181 -28% 2018
police and firefighters, as well as putting 6,000 5927
-12% 2018
forward initiatives aimed at addressing our 5,000 2018 2018 -3%
community’s struggles with homelessness, 4,000
4274 -17% -34%
mental health, addiction and domestic 3,000
3061 3181 3071

violence.  2,000 1689


Recent efforts to combat crime include: 800 2018
0% +14%
Building an integrated approach to address
behavioral health, homelessness and 362 363 331 377

substance abuse 57 54
Auto Auto Commercial Residential Robbery Homicide Rape Aggravated Non-fatal
Establishing a new leadership team at Burglary Theft Burglary Burglary Assault Shootings
APD committed to community policing
and culture change
Re-opening and expanding Nob Hill and
Old Town Substations and creating the first
permanent Downtown Public Safety District
Doubling the number of homicide
Addressing homelessness:
Stepping up anti-auto theft efforts
Establishing an APD Gun Intelligence Developed multifaceted, city-wide plan to
Center to address gun violence address homelessness
Boosting recruitment efforts to attract an Identifying funding options with key
additional 100 qualified officers each year stakeholders to make emergency housing
for homeless people available 24-hours a Although it is early,
Funding the replacement of outdated APD day, 365 days a year the City is already seeing
helicopter for aerial pursuits positive results:
Working with partners at UNM, County,
Establishing the SHARP Program to clean State and Chamber of Commerce to As of October 1, 2018
up needles discarded in public spaces convene experts and resources there were 853 APD
Reducing rape kit backlog by more than Included behavioral health and officers with plans in
half and reducing fingerprinting backlog, homelessness resources in Downtown place to reach the goal
on track to clear the rape kit backlog by Public Safety District to ensure appropriate of adding 100 cadets
the end of 2020 resources are available and lateral hires before
Scaling up participation in City youth year end
Expanding affordable housing options and
programs by adding $1 million for proven increasing funding for housing vouchers Though Albuquerque
out-of-school initiatives before school, after so community partners can help prevent was ranked the worst
school and during the summer to keep kids homelessness and meet the needs for metro area in the country
engaged and out of harm’s way transitional and permanent housing for property crime in 2016
Creating the HEART program within the and 2017, data from 2018
Established offices focused on addressing shows that the trend is
Albuquerque Fire Rescue Department to education, behavioral health and
proactively connect with frequent 911 users turning—for the first time
homelessness in years

City of Albuquerque | 2018 Albuquerque Progress Report | 3

Youth Youth Programs Community center
enrollment increased by 31%
Parks & Rec
We have a pivotal role in serving distributed Transit distributed
youth in Albuquerque. Expanding
access to effective youth programs
70,000 free 1,500 free
pool passes to summer bus
to keep our next generation youth
engaged, learning and out of harm’s Youth passes to youth
way is a top priority of Mayor Tim Programs
Keller’s administration. The City is
Every Swim lesson
stepping up for our kids by making
community enrollment
sure all families have access to early
childhood education programs, out- center
went up by 17%
of-school time activities and safe
places to learn and play. NEW!
25 slots
The Balloon Museum added 5
In the last year, the City of Friday STEM Programs
Albuquerque has: Teen
Invested $1 million in scaling Nights at
Community 4 Pools EXPANDED
up effective out-of-school time
programs, which translated into Centers Summer Hours
increasing enrollment at community
centers by 31% and in swim lessons
by 17%; extending hours at four
popular pools and distributing over “ These community summer and school programs
70,000 free pool passes; adding
five STEM programs at the Balloon are literally life savers for parents. The cost of
Museum; and hiring an additional
300 summer youth employees
paying for a private center depletes income in
Established a City-wide Kids Cabinet way that makes living tough.”
to continue to identify ways to
improve access to youth programs
Implemented new policies at APD to “ Thank you for offering so many
better protect children
Assessed crosswalk safety around
great programs at such an
schools to make crossing the street affordable price! My kids had
more safe
Began coordinating law
another great summer, and we
enforcement agencies to patrol really appreciate it!!”
open space areas and parks
Connected over 100 youth and elder
volunteers to opportunities through
the One ABQ Challenge
— Feedback from end
Reinvigorated teen night to of summer surveys
keep young people engaged
on Friday nights
Made 1,500 free youth bus passes
available over the summer
Revamped the City’s early childhood
education program

4 City of Albuquerque | 2018 Albuquerque Progress Report |

Jobs and the Economy
The City is seeing some very promising trends in
In order to build an economy that the data. In 2018, more than 5,000 major jobs were
works for everyone, we rolled out announced­—2,300 of which were from projects
a new economic development supported with City LEDA funds. While Albuquerque’s
plan for Albuquerque to create economy had been trailing the national economy and
jobs that give all families a chance peers since the recovery began, data in the past few
to get ahead, foster broad-based months has shown job growth exceeding the national
growth and ignite innovation. average and is now in line with regional peers. The
In the current budget, the City number of overall jobs in the ABQ Metro has reached the
included increased funding for highest levels in ten years at 400,100 as of September,
the promotion of Albuquerque for 2018 and unemployment, while still above the national
tourism, international trade and average, has declined considerably to 4.7 percent.
job creation.
Recent economic development
initiatives include:
Successfully attracting companies
to move to or expand in
Albuquerque, including Netflix,
TaskUs, 2nd Gear, Carenet
Healthcare and Resilient
Solutions 21
Directly supporting over 2,300 jobs
with Local Economic Development
Act (LEDA) funds
Launching the redevelopment of
the historic Rail Yards
Encouraging placemaking to
connect new development projects
to the people and places that make
Albuquerque special, such as the
renovation of the historic El Vado
motel along Route 66
Launching One ABQ Engage
to fill vacancies in Downtown 400,000
Albuquerque, enhance public
ABQ Metro Jobs Exceeded
safety and support local creators
Changing City purchasing rules to
Pre-Recession Level
create better opportunities for local 380,000
and minority-owned businesses
Adding new aviation routes,
including adding a nonstop flight
to Albuquerque’s Sister City
Guadalajara, Mexico, the first
Job Loss Resulng
international flight at the Sunport
since 2009
from Great Recession
Source: U.S. BLS non-seasonally adjusted
Investing in creative economy
July 08
Dec 08
May 09
Oct 09
Mar 10
Aug 10
Jan 11
Jun 11
Nov 11
Apr 12
Sept 12
Feb 13
July 13
Dec 13
May 14
Oct 14
Mar 15
Aug 15
Jan 16
June 16
Nov 16
Apr 17
Sept 17
Feb 18
July 18
to make Albuquerque a premier
destination for arts and culture

City of Albuquerque | 2018 Albuquerque Progress Report | 5

Open Government and
Sustainability Turning government “inside out”
The City of Albuquerque has Mayor Keller has made an effort to turn city government “inside out” by putting governance
reinvigorated efforts to address in the hands of communities and their residents. This has led to a more integrated approach
global warming and build a more to address housing, homelessness, and substance abuse; improvements in public safety; and
resilient community. This includes additional resources for youth programming.
moving the City to renewable
energy, reducing overall emissions Additionally, the City of Expanded our One Started a Mayor’s Office
and establishing various initiatives Albuquerque has fostered greater Albuquerque Goals Forum newsletter that reaches over
aimed at making Albuquerque a community engagement in the to include four regional 25,000 residents informing
more sustainable community. following ways: events, with the first ever them of major developments
Spanish language forum in City government
Over the last year the City has: Roughly 1,000 community
members had a voice in the Hosted several community
Established a cross-departmental direction of City government forums on APD progress
sustainability working group and through transition teams and a towards transforming the
Green Teams to develop and Transition Capstone event as department
implement sustainability initiatives the Mayor entered office Created Mayor’s Office on
throughout the City the Corner, which brings
Appointed over 100 new
Issued a roadmap to move the members to revitalize City resources from several City
City to 100% renewable energy Boards and Commissions departments directly to the
and offset emissions related to community
the City’s electric bill by 2022 by Engaged over 1,000
advancing new solar projects and community volunteers in 74
energy efficiency measures community-wide projects
Issued an executive directive that through the One ABQ
all new City facilities use higher Challenge
energy conservation standards
Began an inventory of the
Albuquerque area greenhouse
gas emissions to establish
reduction goals and tracking began inventory of
ABQ area greenhouse all new City facilities
Converted streetlights to more
gas emissions use higher energy
efficient LED fixtures to increase
ition conservation standards
public safety and reduce electric Mayor Keller at Trans 2022
consumption Ca ps ton e ev en t
Developed smart building energy
technology to reduce energy road map
consumption through energy smart
control efforts building
Launched a Recycle Right technology
campaign to educate residents
and businesses on the importance
of recycling correctly
sustainability efficient LED
initiatives Recycle

6 City of Albuquerque | 2018 Albuquerque Progress Report |

Albuquerque Indicators
Progress Commission

Dear Albuquerque Residents,

two years and
The Albuquerque Progress Report (APR) is issued every
d reach ing a set of long-term goals,
shows Albuquerque’s progress towar
nts. Since 1995, our residents
established with the input of its reside
mine and define Albuq uerque’s
have convened every two years to deter An up-to-date
eight areas , and each goal is further
goals. The goals are categorized into version of this
called desire d comm unity condi tions.
clarified through positive statements report can
in life. Yet, how do we know if
As you know, having goals is important
we’re reaching our goals? To answer this question, your
Mayor and City be found at
group called the Indicators
Councilors have jointly appointed a citizen
to meas ure how well Albuq uerque is
Progress Commission (IPC). Our job is
ning and repor ting on indica tors that
progressing toward its goals, by desig
each desire d comm unity condi tion.
tell us how close we are to achieving
it to obtain feedb ack from
We also convene a biennial Goals Summ
the IPC hosted four
residents focusing on at least three goals. In July 2018,
attend ed by over 300 participants.
Frank Roth, Chair meetings in each quadrant of the city
—Pub lic Safety , Economic Vitality
Some feedback received on three goals
ed addre ssing equity and inclusion,
Monica Abeita and Environmental Protection—includ
recog nizing the need to address
Enrique Cardiel looking at the root causes of crime and
were incorp orated into a revised
climate change issues. These changes
Mark Gilboard and adopted city resolution in November of 2018.
uring progress,
Deborah Good The APR highlights key indicators of progress. In meas
l to see the
Donna Griffin Albuquerque’s latest data is important, but it’s also helpfu
ares to regional
community’s trend over time and how Albuquerque comp
has summ arized
Ariel Herring peer communities and to the nation at large. The IPC
date versio n of this
Diane Harrison this information—by goal—with a scorecard. An up-to-
the APR meas ures
Ogawa report can be found at Keep in mind,
e is a prima ry
community-wide progress. While the City of Albuquerqu
Jessie Hunt are additi onal stake holde rs involv ed in achieving our
stakeholder, there
care providers,
Kendra Montanari eight strategic goals, including schools, universities, health The data in
and individ uals.
businesses, other governmental agencies, non-profits
Amy Overby Data is an important component of our daily decision
makin g proce ss. In the following
unica ted to you not
Bruce Perlman the spirit of transparency and openness, we’ve comm pages provides
ble, but also where
only those areas where Albuquerque’s trend is desira
Wendy Wintermute it’s undesirable . If you see areas that need better indica tors, or if you have a snapshot of
ving its goals, Albuquerque’s
ideas to improve Albuquerque’s progress toward achie
please contact us at historical progress
Albuquerque Indicators Progress Commission in past years,
typically 2013–
2017 based on the
availability of data.

City of Albuquerque | 2018 Albuquerque Progress Report | 7

Goal 1 Human & Family
How is Albuquerque doing?

Key Indicator Latest Peer United Status

ABQ Rank* States
People of all ages have the opportunity Good Public Health Residents exercising 3 or more 68% N/A N/A Desirable
days per week (survey) 2018
to participate in the community and 3rd
Good Public Health Obesity in population (NM) 2016 28.3% 29.9% Desirable
economy and are well sheltered, safe, of 6
Access to Health Residents with health 2nd
healthy and educated. Care Services insurance coverage 2016 92.9% of 6 91.4% Desirable

Why is this goal important? Educated, Literate, Residents with high school 2nd
Skilled Residents education or more 2016 90.2% 87.1% Desirable
of 6
As an Albuquerque resident, there are probably Root Causes Number of people served by
conditions in your life that you feel are ideal for you and Addressed social service programs 2017 39,565 N/A N/A Desirable
your family, such as having a good education, being Stable, Economically Point-in-time homeless count
956 N/A N/A Undesirable
healthy, having a stable living environment and being Secure Families (Sheltered) 2018
prepared to be an active member in your community. Educated, Literate, APS high school 6th
66.0% 84% Undesirable
Each day you make decisions toward achieving these Skilled Residents graduation rate 2016 of 6
conditions and you are not alone. Your community, Affordable Housing Homeowners paying 30% + 21.5% 3rd 22.7% Undesirable
schools, local city government as well as state and of income for housing 2016 of 6
federal agencies all support you in your mission to Affordable Housing Renters paying 30%+ 50.1% 5th 56.8% Undesirable
of income for housing 2016 of 6
achieve these desired conditions for your life and the
lives of those in your family. Stable, Economically Families living in poverty with 4th
Secure Families children under 18 2016 24.1% 15.9% Undesirable
of 6
*1st is best. See page 12 for more on how to read these scorecards

Goal 2 Public
Community Key Indicator
How is Albuquerque doing?

Peer United
Rank* States Status
The Public Residents feel safe outside during 87.0% N/A N/A Desirable
Feels Safe the day (survey) 2018
The public is safe, secure and The Public Residents feel safe outside during
shares responsibility for Feels Safe at night (survey) 2018 73.0% N/A N/A Desirable

maintaining a safe environment. The Public

Feels Safe
Average APD priority 1 call response
time (receipt to on scene) in minutes 2017
12:27 N/A N/A Desirable
Why is this goal important? The Public Vacant properties count 2017 664 N/A N/A Undesirable
Feels Safe
When a person thinks of public safety, the Trust in Public Residents feel APD is respectful
Police and Fire departments immediately Safety Agencies to citizens (survey) 2018
51% N/A N/A Undesirable
come to mind; we expect emergency response Average EMS Advanced Life Support
times to be fast and crime rates to be low. The Public call response time (receipt to on scene) 7:46 N/A N/A Undesirable
is Safe
However, in reality, the responsibility for a safe in minutes 2017
Albuquerque is also the responsibility of all its The Public Fatal crashes per
16.1 N/A 10.6 Undesirable
is Safe 100,000 population 2016
residents. Residents are involved every day in
making decisions with safety in mind. The Public Property crimes per 6th
is Safe 100,000 population 2016 5,289 2,451 Undesirable
of 6
The Public Violent crimes per 6th
is Safe 100,000 population 2016 901 386 Undesirable
of 6
The violent and property crime rates cover the 4-county metropolitan area
*1st is best. See page 12 for more on how to read these scorecards

8 City of Albuquerque | 2018 Albuquerque Progress Report |

Goal 3 Public
Infrastructure How is Albuquerque doing?

Desired Latest Peer United

Community Key Indicator Status
ABQ Rank* States
Integrated Public transportation riders
The community is adequately and efficiently Transportation per capita 2015
0.22 2nd of 6 N/A Desirable

served with well-planned, coordinated and Reliable Water/ Water loss (real and apparent)
4.7% N/A N/A Desirable
maintained infrastructure. Wastewater Sys. 2016
Quality Water/ EPA compliance rate
Why is this goal important? Wastewater Sys. (peer average) 2016 99.9% N/A N/A Desirable

For a community to function, develop and prosper, Sustainable PNM renewable energy
portfolio standard N/A N/A Desirable
basic infrastructure such as water systems, Energy (20% by 2020) 2018 Track
transportation and communication networks must
serve its residents daily and changing needs. Without Residential energy
Sustainable consumption (million Btu) per 54 2nd of 6 62 Desirable
these structures, new developments can become Energy capita (state-level data) 2016
burdensome on a society’s quality of life and impede
Walkability Walk Score 2018 43 2nd of 6 N/A Desirable
future growth.
High Speed Average internet download 68 3rd of 5 N/A Undesirable
Internet Access speed (Mbps) 2017

*1st is best. See page 12 for more on how to read these scorecards

Goal 4 Sustainable
Community Development How is Albuquerque doing?

Desired Latest Peer United

Communities throughout Albuquerque Community
Key Indicator ABQ Rank* States Status

are livable, sustainable and vital. Mixture of Housing units per sq. mile 2016 1,300 1st of 6 N/A Desirable
Why is this goal important? Density
Residents expect our environments—where we work, Accessible Trust of Public Lands City Park
65 1st of 5 N/A Desirable
Score Rating 2017
where we live, where we play—to be protected against Parks
adverse changes. In the past, communities were planned Available, Park Acres as percent of
with the assumption of limitless energy and resources. Accessible 24% 1st of 5 N/A Desirable
City Area 2017
Yet now we realize the limitations we face. Therefore,
as our communities continue to evolve and expand, our Accessible Percent of people living within 86% 1st of 6 N/A Desirable
development plans must ensure that our quality of life 10 minutes of a park 2017
can continue. This goal emphasizes how easily residents Mixed-use New construction permits in
can access jobs, good housing and recreational areas, in Areas Exist Centers and Corridors 2017 16.4% N/A N/A Desirable
order to support the health and wellbeing of current and
Vital, Active Downtown Office Vacancy Rate 25.2% 3rd of 3
future generations. Downtown 2018 (Third Quarter) N/A Undesirable

*1st is best. See page 12 for more on how to read these scorecards

City of Albuquerque | 2018 Albuquerque Progress Report | 9

Goal 5 Environmental
Protection How is Albuquerque doing?

Desired Latest Peer United

Community Key Indicator Status
Protect Albuquerque’s natural Condition ABQ Rank* States

environments—its mountains, river, Sustainable Gallons per capita per day 128 2nd of 6 N/A Desirable
bosque, volcanoes, arroyos, air and water. Water Supply water usage 2017

Why is this goal important? Safe Air, Ozone level (US Standard 0.067 2nd of 6 N/A Desirable
Land & Water is 0.07 ppm as of 10/15) 2017
Driving solo to work versus sharing a ride, choosing to
Safe Air, EPA air compare unhealthy
throw that empty plastic bottle in the recycling bin or Land & Water days for general pop.) 2017 0 1st of 6 N/A Desirable
trash can—these are all choices that can profoundly
affect the protection and enhancement of our natural Preserved Open space acres 0.05 2nd of 6 N/A Desirable
Open Space per capita 2018
environments. As Albuquerque residents, we should be
concerned about the availability and quality of our water, Active Citizen Total pounds landfilled per 5 N/A 2.9 Undesirable
the quality of our air and the preservation of our land for Conservation person per day 2017
the health of our families and future generations. Active Citizen Residential 19% N/A 35% Undesirable
Conservation recycling rate 2017

*1st is best. See page 12 for more on how to read these scorecards

Goal 6 Economic How is Albuquerque doing?

Vitality Desired
Community Key Indicator Latest
Peer United
Rank* States Status
Business Growth Business registrations 2017 5,178 N/A N/A Desirable

Business Growth Businesses still in business one

year after starting 2017 87% N/A N/A Desirable

The economy is vital, diverse, Belief in Residents feel hopeful in direction

Economic Future City is going (survey) 2018
68% N/A N/A Desirable
inclusive, equitable, sustainable Economic Average weekly wages $881 N/A $1,067 Undesirable
and works for all people. Mobility (target of $932) 2017
Why is this goal important? Job Creation Unemployment rate MSA (NSA) 2017 5.7% of 6 4.4% Undesirable

The prosperity of a community is tied directly to Diverse Employment in government 5th

Industries as % total 2017 21.0% 15.5% Undesirable
of 6
the success of its economy. A strong economy
Economic 5th
translates into jobs and opportunities for individuals; Mobility Per Capita Income 2016 $39,665 of 6 $51,075 Undesirable
fosters the creation of wealth and philanthropy; and Economic 3rd
creates a stable tax base to pay for needed public Income inequality ratio 2016 9.90 N/A Undesirable
Mobility of 3
infrastructure and services. It is important to have Economic Average annual growth in per 4th
an economy that is broad based, without too much Mobility capita income 2016 2.6% 1.7% Undesirable
of 6
reliance on one firm or one industry. It is just as
Belief in Net change in working aged people -6,652
important to have an economy that attracts industries Economic Future moving to/from the state 2016
N/A N/A Undesirable
and jobs that leverage local resources.
Job Creation Annual job growth 2017 6th
0.3% 1.6% Undesirable
of 6
*1st is best. See page 12 for more on how to read these scorecards

10 City of Albuquerque | 2018 Albuquerque Progress Report |

Goal 7 Community & Cultural
Engagement How is Albuquerque doing?

Desired Peer United

Community Key Indicator Latest ABQ Rank* Status
Residents are engaged in Arts & Culture Total attendance at the
887,970 N/A N/A Desirable
Engagement Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2017
Albuquerque’s community and culture.
Arts & Culture Total attendance at the 1,230,031 N/A N/A Desirable
Why is this goal important? Engagement ABQ BioPark 2017
Residents are involved in their community in a myriad Community Total Community Fund &
of ways. Donating to non-profits, participating in Engagement & $6,558,491 N/A N/A Desirable
United Way Program Support 2017
neighborhood associations and attending cultural,
sporting and entertainment events are just a few Civic Voting Participation Rate 52.9% 4th 58.5% Undesirable
Engagement (% of voting age pop.) 2016 of 6
ways that residents participate in their community.
Participation and engagement help promote our Residents rate quality of life
City as either "excellent" or "good" 54% N/A N/A Undesirable
community’s values and foster respectful relations Responsiveness (survey) 2018
between diverse cultures and races. Residents believe relations
Celebrate/ between people of different
Respect 61% N/A N/A Undesirable
cultures and racial backgrounds
Diversity are positive (survey) 2018
*1st is best. See page 12 for more on how to read these scorecards

Goal 8 Governmental Excellence

& Effectiveness
How is Albuquerque doing?

Desired Latest Peer United

Community Key Indicator Status
ABQ Rank* States
Government is ethical, transparent Condition
and responsive to its residents. Every Financial Assets General Obligation AAA N/A N/A Desirable
Protected S&P bond rating 2017
element of government contributes
effectively to meeting public needs. City
Responsiveness 311 Call Quality Average
96% N/A N/A Desirable

Why is this goal important? Building Number of days required for

Development commercial building permit 13 N/A N/A Desirable
Residents want their government to be helpful, Efficiency approval 2017
cost effective, transparent and accountable. City City responsiveness to 28% N/A N/A Undesirable
Responsiveness community needs (survey) 2018
*1st is best. See page 12 for more on how to read these scorecards

City of Albuquerque | 2018 Albuquerque Progress Report | 11

Understanding the Scorecard
The tables in this report are used as “scorecards” to show the progress that Albuquerque
is making toward achieving a goal’s desired condition. The color coding in the scorecards
shows how we are doing based on Albuquerque’s trend and where we rank relative to
peer cities and the United States.

Desired Conditions Among the eight goal areas Status Desirable means the status of the
there are 46 desired conditions. Several are not indicator is desirable relative to peers and/or
presented in this report because data hasn’t been U.S. and undesirable means the status of the
found to measure them consistently. For a complete indicator is undesirable relative to peers
list please visit and/or U.S.
Green = in focus: Status is desirable
relative to peers and/or U.S. Downlo
Key Indicators Indicators are measures of progress
that describe through data how well Albuquerque
Orange = improving: Status is undesirable the ap
is progressing towards achieving the desired
relative to peer and/or U.S., but is
conditions and ultimately its goals. The first priority
in choosing an indicator is having meaningful data
and information to compare Albuquerque with peer Red = needs focus: Status undesirable
cities and/or the U.S. as a whole. However, some relative to peer and/or U.S. and is
indicators do not have comparable data and so stagnant or worsening
the scorecard color was determined based on a
reasonable target or the City’s trend.

Latest United
Latest Albuquerque Data The latest year is Community Key Indicator
Peer Rank*
included in the title and can vary from indicator
Sustainable Gallons per capita per
to indicator. Water Supply day water usage 2017
128 2nd of 6 N/A Desirable

Ozone level
Safe Air,
(US Standard is 0.07 0.067 2nd of 6 N/A Desirable
Land & Water
United States This is the latest United States data ppm as of 10/15) 2017
EPA air compare
available. For several indicators, an average of Safe Air,
Land & Water
(unhealthy days for 0 1st of 6 N/A Desirable
general pop.) 2017
communities above a population of 100,000 has
Preserved Open space acres per
been used. If United States data is not available, Open Space capita 2018
0.05 2nd of 6 N/A Desirable

“N/A” is stated. Active

Total pounds landfilled
Citizen 5 N/A 2.9 Undesirable
per person per day 2017

Using Comparisons Comparisons are used Active

Residential recycling
Citizen 19% N/A 35% Undesirable
because just looking at the Albuquerque’s trend Conservation
rate 2017

doesn’t tell the entire story. At times, the City’s trend

could be desirable and yet we lag behind our peers City services are more
and/or the nation at large. This is important to see accessible with one
and yet there are multiple factors and differences
from city to city, so please keep this in mind as easy-to-use app!
comparisons can be misleading.
• Access CABQ apps
• Submit a report to 311
Peer City Rank Based on data available, • Look up the status of a report
Albuquerque’s rank against five peer cities is • Connect with community resources
Salt Lake
shown. The five cities are: Colorado Springs (CO), City
El Paso (TX), Oklahoma City (OK), Salt Lake City
Springs • Receive city-wide updates
(UT) and Tucson (AZ). A rank of 1st or 2nd is more Oklahoma
favorable than a rank of 5th or 6th. Depending City
on the indicator and information available—city, El Paso
metro, county or an average of the peer cities is
used. If an indicator is unique to Albuquerque,
“N/A” represents “Not Available.” Download/learn more at

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