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CAP US History Assignment

Read Chapter 11 and answer the following questions in your notes to be

collected with your folder for Unit 2.

1. What role did Progressives feel the government should play in addressing
the changes and problems associated with industrialization?
2. Identify four basic Progressive goals and beliefs.
3. How did Henry George and Edward Bellamy influence the rise of
4. Who were muckrakers?
5. How did injunctions impact the growth of the labor movement?
6. What role did women play in the Progressive movement? Provide at least 2
7. What role should the government play with regard to regulating industry and
providing social welfare according to Progressives like Rose Schneiderman?
8. Define home rule.
9. What is a council-manager government?
10. Describe the following electoral reforms advocating by Progressives:
a. direct primary
b. referendum
c. recall
d. initiative
11. What precedent was established in Lochner v. New York and how did the
case differ from Muller v Oregon?
12. Identify 5 different laws or amendments passed during this time and briefly
explain how they changed the law.
13. Explain the significance of the Hepburn Act.
14. What did the National Reclamation Act of 1902 do and who was Gifford
15. Describe the 16th, 17th and 18th amendments.

16. How did Taft anger Progressives?
17. How was Congress reorganized in 1910?
18. Describe the components of TR’s New Nationalism.
19. Why did Republicans lose the 1912 election?
20. How did Wilson continue to reform government based on Progressive ideals-
name at least 3 ways?
21. What is the purpose of the Federal Reserve?
22. Who was Louis Brandeis? What did he stand for?
23. Describe the relationship between the Progressive movement and African

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