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TEACHER Mrs. Helen Grace L.

Cabalag GRADE LEVEL Ten (10)

LEARNING AREA Science UNIT III Living Things and Their Environment
QUARTER Third MODULE 2 Heredity: Inheritance
DAILY and Variation
DATE November 29, 2018 - DATE
SECTIONS Curie, Copernicus, Bell SECTIONS

The learners demonstrate understanding of…
 the information stored in DNA as being used to make proteins
A. Content Standards
 how changes in a DNA molecule may cause changes in its product
 mutations that occur in sex cells as being heritable
B. Performance Standards
Explain how protein is made using information from DNA;
Code S10LT-IIId-37

C. Learning Competencies/
Objectives LC code for each At the end of the lesson, at least 75% of the students with 75% proficiency
should be able to achieve the ff. goals:
1. distinguish between DNA and RNA;
2. assemble jigsaw pieces of DNA and RNA; and
3. recognize the significance of DNA test.
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages pp. 193-195
2. Learners Guide Pages pp. 266-269
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource

B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous
lesson or
presenting the new
Building a house usually requires a blueprint, or a plan of the structure
B. Establishing a purpose
of the house to determine how it would look like after construction. Organisms
for the
have blueprints which contain information that will determine their physical
and chemical characteristics. This blueprint is DNA.
Direct learners’ attention to the visual of the DNA molecule. (The teacher should
prepare this visual ahead of time). Help the students see the “pieces” that are
C. Presenting alike or different.
examples/instances of 2. Ask learners to think about working on a puzzle. Prepare two separate sets of RNA
the new lesson and DNA nucleotides.
3. Tell one group of learners to put together the nucleotides of the DNA molecule
and the nucleotides of the RNA molecule, as if fitting the pieces in a puzzle.
D. Discussing new concepts Students will answer Activity 1
and Getting to Know the DNA and RNA Structures
practicing new skills #1 LM pp. 267-268
E. Discussing new concepts
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery Students will present their answers to the activity.
(Leads to
Assessment 3)

G. Finding practical Emphasize that DNA serves as our blueprint. It contains our genetic information.
applications of concepts We can identify our long lost siblings or parents by means of DNA testing.
and skills in daily living
• A DNA molecule consists of two strands of nucleotides
composed of sugar, phosphate, and nitrogenous bases
that pair through hydrogen bonds. The paired strands
form a twisted- sipper shape called a double helix.
• RNA molecule is single stranded and is composed of
• RNA is three major types: mRNA, rRNA and tRNA.
H. Making generalizations • In DNA, adenine bodns with thymine and cytosine bonds
and with guanine.
abstraction about the • In RNA, adenine bonds with uracil and cytosine bonds
lesson with guanine.
Formative assessment:
Short quiz
1. Which of the following best describes a DNA molecule?
A. double helix
B. Made of amino acids
C. contains ribose
D. contains uracil
2. RNA is different from DNA by all of the following except:
A. Ribose sugar
I. Evaluate learning B. Contains ATCG nitrogen bases
C. Single stranded
D. found in the cytoplasm
3. Which statement is TRUE regarding DNA and RNA?
answer choices
A. DNA's sugar is ribose; RNA's sugar is deoxyribose
B. DNA is single stranded; RNA is double stranded
C. DNA contains thymine; RNA contains uracil
D. DNA is in cytoplasm; RNA is in nucleus
4. What are the 4 nitrogen bases?
A. adenine, thymine, cytoplasm, and guanine
B. adenine, thymine cytosine, and guanine
C. adenine, thymine, cytosine, and glycerol
D. adenine, thymine, cytosine, and glucose
5. Which shows the correct complementary base pairing for DNA?
A. C-A, T-G
B. A-G, C-T
C. C-G, U-A
D. T-A, G-C
J. Additional activities for
application or
Bring the ff. materials
Colored paper, glue, scissors, used folder



Grade Level/ Section Curie Copernicus Bell

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well ?Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I can share with other
Date: Checked by:

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