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Date : Click here to enter a date.

Time : Choose an item.

Subject : English
Year : Year 1
Duration : Choose an item.
Theme : Choose an item.
Topic : Choose an item.
Focus Skill : Choose an item.
Content Standard : 4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print using cursive

Learning Standard : Main Learning Standard:

Choose an item.

Supplementary Learning Standard:

Choose an item.

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

Success Criteria (s) : Pupils will:


Cross Curricular Elements : Choose an item.

ABM /BBM : Choose an item.
Activities : Pre-lesson:

Lesson Development:


Cognitive Levels : Choose an item.

I-think Map(s) : Choose an item.
Formative Assessment (s) : Choose an item.
Performance Level : Band 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of Pupils Assessed: ______________
Teacher’s Reflection :
/ were able to

Further Action:

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