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1. Get intake form and export to txt or CSV/TSV file.

2. Format the form based on organization.

a. OPTION: Program it:
i. OPTION: Pick a language: Powershell, Python, Javascript, C++, or
1. Read
2. Logic
3. Format
4. Export
b. OPTION: Create a macro:
i. OPTION: Pick a macro processor: N++, AutoIT, or AutoHotKey
1. Select the file
2. Select the macro
3. Export
c. OPTION: Create a CSV:
i. Convert CSV to TSV
ii. OPTION: Open with Excel => Delete first column
iii. OPTION: Use a programming language to delete the first column
d. OPTION: Create a TSV:
i. OPTION: Open with Excel => Delete first column
ii. OPTION: Use a programming language to delete the first column
e. OPTION: Macro => CSV/TSV => Program
i. The intake form may come as a text file. Using a macro can quickly
create a TSV. When it is in a TSV then the column can be deleted.
It will save and then the program can perform any additional
3. Create script.
a. Pull variables from the formatted TSV.
b. Create user on AD:
i. dsadd user “cn=Russell
Smith,cn=Users,dc=ad,dc=contoso,dc=com” -samid russellsmith -
upn -fn Russell -ln Smith -display
“Russell Smith” -disabled no -pwd “PassW0rd!” -mustchpwd yes
c. Create user in Office 365:
i. Connect Tenant
ii. Is a license available?
1. Get-AzureADSubscribedSku | Select -Property
Sku*,ConsumedUnits -ExpandProperty PrepaidUnits
2. If yes: keep going
3. Else: Off-board the user first or create send request to
purchase a license
iii. Create individual account:
1. $PasswordProfile=New-Object -TypeName
2. $PasswordProfile.Password="<user account password>"
3. New-AzureADUser -DisplayName "<display name>" -
GivenName "<first name>" -SurName "<last name>" -
UserPrincipalName <sign-in name> -UsageLocation <ISO
3166-1 alpha-2 country code> -MailNickName <mailbox
name> -PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile -AccountEnabled
iv. Is this user replacing an existing user?
1. Find existing user
2. Copy attributes
v. Modify user attributes
1. Test attributes against the DC.
2. If audit comes clean, apply the attributes.
3. Set-ADUser -Identity ChewDavid -HomePage
'' -
LogonWorkstations 'ChewDavid-DSKTOP,ChewDavid-LPTOP'
4. Assign an attribute to a user and assign the folder security

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