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Ascendant - Lagna

Lagna is our intelligence - The Lagna ruler shows how we use our brain
The ascendant is the sign that characterizes us from birth. As we walk down the street, our ascendant goes. Do we, for example, have The bull as the
ascending sign of our birth, we will be marked by this earth sign, which is firm in its nature and ruled by the planet Venus.

The soil element will indicate a materialistic attitude and the sthira or the solid character's quality will shine through as a stubbornness in the
person. That's what people see when the person goes down the street. The moment the person begins to speak, the ascendant ruler takes
over. Lagnesh - the team isha - the ascendant and its ruler is the functional intelligence. In the example, Venus is the ruler of the Taurus and therefore
Lagnesh. So when a Tyr ascendant speaks it is the Venus person using, while the brand clock which is more of a general indicator of speech will show
any problems with the speech or subjects people like to touch. How the functional intelligence is will naturally depend on the location of this planet in
the horoscope, both in terms of character and house, but also aspects of other planets and the position of different fixings.

The house where Lagnesha is placed in the horoscope, the person will use all his intelligence inside. Is Lagnesh in the 5 house - the house for children
and counseling, mantras, Vedangas (Jyotish is a vedanga) - the person will use great energy to raise children, give good advice, study and digest
knowledge etc. through most of life. Especially if Jupiter is also strong in the horoscope. At the same time, the houses located in corner positions, ie. 1,
4, 7 and 10 houses from this planet position are also favored with a greater focus than other houses. A person who has Lagnesh in 5 houses will
therefore find Jyotish - 8. house - and income, social issues - 11 house - and family, also the spiritual family, groups they are included in mm - 2 houses
- as important focus areas.

The 4 corner houses from Lagnesh will always find the person interesting and the living areas of the houses use the person energy. Notice that it is the
person's own intelligence (lagnesh) that dictates this - it is not an outside need the person responds to but an inner motivation.

Lagnesh is also a bit of a burden on the house it sits in - as it draws all energy and resources out of the house in which it is located. if you have
Lagnesh in 9 houses you will pull everything you can out of his father but at the same time the house that lies the same number of houses as we have
spoken from Lagna to where the Lagna ruler is asked will be strengthened. In our example we have counted 9 from the team and now we count 9
again but from Lagnesh and we end up in the 5th house from Lagna which becomes a very strong focus area for the person.

The principle is the same as a large tree in the middle of the plain. The tree here depicts Lagnesh. There is plenty of shade but no growth just below
the tree - the tree draws all nourishment from the ground and leaves nothing to grass, bushes, etc. just around it. But if you get far away from the tree,
there are plenty of growths. So people with Lagnesh in 9th house are happy with children and love to digest knowledge in addition to 9, 12, 3 and 6
houses becoming focus areas for the person. Communication in general, writing, spirituality, abroad, and whose portion of service and interest in
healing can be traced as a result of the last principle.

As mentioned, Lagnesh shows the intelligence application, but it also shows when viewed in relation to Jupiter how good one's intelligence is. Here you
have to count the houses between Lagnesh and Jupiter.

 1,4,7 and 10 houses correspond to Kendra or corner house distance between Jupiter and Lagnesh and are really good and strong

 2 and 12 houses between the two indicate poor timing

 3 and 11 houses between the two can be good if you work a little on it

 5 and 9 houses are fine

 6 and 8 houses indicate poor communication skills, misunderstandings, these houses will be something other than Lagna -

When we analyze intelligence, we also need to assess the actual Lagna. If planets associate through placement or ruling or there is a raci dristhi - a
sign aspect from other characters in the horoscope on the Lagna, if certain planets stand there, it leads to a strengthening or the opposite of a person's

If we use the Taurus again as an example, all planets in the cardinal characters such as Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will automatically regard the
Lagna. Aries, which is also a cardinal sign, cannot see the Taurus as the two characters are straight apart. This is similar to not being able to see the
building you are staying in and looking out of the window.

If one of the following 4 planets is in this sign, it will positively affect the person's intelligence. Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. One can calculate that each
of these gives 25%. So if the person is Lion ascendant the first 25% at home then the Sun rules over Lagna, if Jupiter is located in the Lion's sign 25%
could be added - and if Rahu is in Libra and Ketu is in 9 houses in Vædderen there is a full shoe.

The analysis is not entirely clear when Mars and Saturn in Rasi Dristhi withdraw. If these are located in Lagna or in characters that characterize the
Lagna, these two planets will subtract in the intellectual capacity.

If you want to learn more about Rasi Dristhi it can be read as the first topic on aspects in Parashara Hora Sastra. Graha Dristhi which is what people
remember today is actually topic no. 2 and therefore not given the prominent position that most give it a little unjustified today. People reject Rasi
Dristhi as part of Jaimini and not Parashara Jyotish which is a big mistake.

When we finally have to conclude on such an analysis, the Lagna nakshatra pada must also be considered as a factor, the natural domain of the Lagna
planet itself must be assessed (is the person's talent within the intelligence of the emotions, the body, rigorous analysis etc), lagnesh nakshatra pada,
vargottoma positions, special yoga classes or planet combinations, shapas at Lagnesh, karaka for the lagnesh position, 5 the ruler and the karaka for
the house position will show what knowledge the person ends up in life - an underhoroscope like siddhamsa D-24 should be analyzed to see what
obstacles are in the learning, and how far a person can come academically, so there is a lot to address if you want to properly analyze a person's

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