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Journal of Biomechanics 70 (2018) 185–195

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Effect of arm swinging on lumbar spine and hip joint forces

Lorenza Angelini a,b, Philipp Damm a, Thomas Zander a, Rizwan Arshad a, Francesca Di Puccio b,
Hendrik Schmidt a,⇑
Julius Wolff Institut, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: During level walking, arm swing plays a key role in improving dynamic stability. In vivo investigations
Accepted 6 September 2017 with a telemeterized vertebral body replacement showed that spinal loads can be affected by differences
in arm positions during sitting and standing. However, little is known about how arm swing could
influence the lumbar spine and hip joint forces and motions during walking. The present study aims to
Keywords: provide better understanding of the contribution of the upper limbs to human gait, investigating ranges
Arm swing of motion and joint reaction forces.
Hip instrumented implant
A three-dimensional motion analysis was carried out via a motion capturing system on six healthy
Level walking
Inverse dynamic model
males and five patients with hip instrumented implant. Each subject performed walking with different
Spinal loads arm swing amplitudes (small, normal, and large) and arm positions (bound to the body, and folded across
the chest). The motion data were imported in a commercial musculoskeletal analysis software for
kinematic and inverse dynamic investigation.
The range of motion of the thorax with respect to the pelvis and of the pelvis with respect to the ground
in the transversal plane were significantly associated with arm position and swing amplitude during gait.
The hip external-internal rotation range of motion statistically varied only for non-dominant limb. Unlike
hip joint reaction forces, predicted peak spinal loads at T12-L1 and L5-S1 showed significant differences
at approximately the time of contralateral toe off and contralateral heel strike.
Therefore, arm position and swing amplitude have a relevant effect on kinematic variables and spinal
loads, but not on hip loads during walking.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction contact between the foot and the ground (Angelini et al., 2016; Li
et al., 2001; Witte et al., 1991).
Walking is one of the most important activities in daily life and Current studies on the influence of arm movement during level
exposes the spine to cyclic loading conditions, with an average load walking were mainly focused on the investigation of metabolic
approximately equal to 170% the one observed in the standing variables (Umberger, 2008), force plate data (Angelini et al.,
position (Rohlmann et al., 2014). The motion of the arms in oppo- 2016; Li et al., 2001), gait parameters (Angelini et al., 2016) or
site direction to the lower limbs as well as the trunk axial rotation lower limb kinematics and kinetics (Umberger, 2008). To our best
are distinctive features of the human gait. Arm swing (AS) knowledge, only Callaghan et al. (1999) examined the AS effects on
improves the dynamic body stability (Nakakubo et al., 2014; low back joint forces during walking, yet considering only two arm
Ortega et al., 2008; Punt et al., 2015) by counterbalancing the conditions (i.e., free AS or arms crossed across the chest). In vivo
angular momentum produced by legs (Elftman, 1939; Hinrichs, studies on spinal loads in patients with a vertebral body replace-
1990; Park, 2008). Additionally, it reduces the vertical displace- ment (VBR) showed that the arm position could affect the load
ment of the centre of mass (Hinrichs, 1990; Murray et al., 1967; transfer mechanism in sitting and standing (Dreischarf et al.,
Umberger, 2008) and the free vertical moment generated at the 2010; Zander et al., 2015).
The present study aimed to investigate the effect of different
arm positions and AS amplitudes on the kinematics and on joint
reaction forces on the hip and on the upper and lower lumbar
⇑ Corresponding author at: Julius Wolff Institut, Charité – Universitätsmedizin spine. For this purpose, the research was divided into two steps:
Berlin, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin, Germany. an experimental campaign for acquiring human motion data
E-mail address: (H. Schmidt).
0021-9290/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
186 L. Angelini et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 70 (2018) 185–195

Table 1
Subject and patient data. Group A: asymptomatic subjects, Group B: patients with instrumented hip implant. Implantation side: H2R right, H8L left, H9L left, H6R right, H5L left.

Group A Group B
Subject/Patient S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 H2R H8L H9L H6R H5L
Gender (f/m) m m m m m m m m m m f
Age (years) 30 26 28 31 32 26 67 59 57 73 67
Age at surgery (years) 61 55 54 67 62
Weight (kg) 73.3 68.2 73.6 63.6 85 84 83.2 80 125.7 84 87
Body Height (cm) 181 176 189 176 184 186 172 178 181 176 168
Body Mass Index (kg/m2) 22.4 22 20.6 20.6 25.1 24.3 28.1 25.3 38.4 27.1 30.8

Fig. 1. (A) The marker set. (B) Five different walking tasks. SAS: small arm swing; NAS: normal arm swing; LAS: large arm swing; BA: bonded arms; CA: crossed arms.

during barefoot level walking, and a second step focused on mus- In Group A, only subjects with no current or previous back or hip
culoskeletal simulations. A statistical analysis was performed to pain and musculoskeletal disorders were included. The patients
investigate the significance of arm position and AS amplitude on of Group B were in good physical condition to perform all investi-
several selected output quantities, including the range of motion gated activities without limitations. Both, subjects of Group A and
(RoM) at several joints and the joint reaction forces (JRFs). Experi- patients of Group B received a physical exam by a clinician to
mental data from instrumented implants were used to validate the exclude the presence of spine deformities.
musculoskeletal model. The implantation of the instrumented prosthesis (Hip III) was
approved by the Charité Ethics committee (EA2/057/09) and in
2. Materials and methods detail described elsewhere (Bergmann et al., 2008; Damm et al.,
2010; Graichen et al., 2007). The patients with instrumented
2.1. Study participants implant were at 70 (H2R), 43 (H8L), 38 (H9L), 63 (H6R) and 70
(H5L) months’ post-operative. At this post-operative time, patient
Six healthy male volunteers (Group A) and five patients with gait has been observed to shift towards normality (Long et al.,
instrumented hip implant (Group B) were considered (Table 1). 1993; Murray et al., 1981).
L. Angelini et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 70 (2018) 185–195 187

Fig. 2. Musculoskeletal model during an inverse dynamic analysis (AnyBody Technology A/S, Aalborg, Denmark). (A) Full-body musculoskeletal model with fifty-one
markers. Blue points represent experimental, red ones virtual markers. (B) Marker set for the spine. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

2.2. Experimental equipment and procedure Data from the implant, i.e. the three force and three moment
components acting on the implant head (Bergmann et al., 2016),
The Vicon Motion Capturing System (Vicon Motion Systems, were recorded synchronously with Vicon and force plate data.
Oxford Metrics Inc., Oxford, UK), used for the three-
dimensional motion acquisition, consists of ten high-speed 2.3. Musculoskeletal model
(150 Hz) digital cameras. Synchronously to it, the ground reac-
tion forces (GRFs) were recorded at 900 Hz from two six compo- In the present study, the GaitFullBody model from the AnyBody
nent AMTI force plates (AMTI, Model LG6-4-CE, MA, USA) fixed Managed Model Repository v.1.6.2 of the commercial software
into the floor. package AnyBody Modeling System v. 6.0.4 (AnyBody Technology
Sixty-seven spherical markers were placed on anatomical A/S, Aalborg, Denmark) was employed. It includes the Twente
landmarks according to a customized full-body skin marker Lower Extremity Model for the lower limbs, the spine model pro-
set (Fig. 1A), described in Leardini et al. (2011, 2007) for the posed in De Zee et al. (2007) and the shoulder and arm models
limbs and pelvis and in Preuss and Popovic (2010) and based on the data and assumptions of Van der Helm (1994) and
Chakraverty et al. (2007) for the spine. Four markers tracked Veeger et al. (1991). In the GaitFullBody model, the torso is repre-
position and motion of the head. However, only fifty-one mark- sented by seven rigid bony segments: the cervical and thoracic
ers were considered in the musculoskeletal model, as specified spines, the five lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum. The thoracic
in Section 2.3. and cervical spines are modelled as a single lumped mass segment.
A total of five walking tasks (Fig. 1B) were recorded, including They are connected to the skull segment by a revolute joint (C1-
three with different AS amplitudes and two with different arm Head) for flexion-extension and to the lumbar spine by a spherical
positions, i.e., (1) normal arm swing (NAS), (2) small arm swing joint (T12-L1). The lumbar vertebral discs, the sacrum and the hips
(SAS), (3) large arm swing (LAS), (4) bonded arms (BA) and (5) are modelled as spherical joints.
crossed arms (CA). Prior to motion recording, each subject of Group The body and joint coordinate reference systems were defined
A and each patient of Group B received verbal instructions to per- in agreement with the ISB recommendations (Wu et al., 2002).
form correctly all the investigated tasks (1–5). Specifically, they The orientations of the thorax and of the pelvis were estimated
were asked to walk barefoot at self-selected comfortable walking both one with respect to the other and each one with respect to
speed, with the head upright and looking forward. Each one of the ground. The orientation was defined by adopting the following
the five tasks was repeated six times for a total of 330 gait trials. sequence of three ordered rotations: flexion-extension, axial rota-
A gait trial was considered acceptable only when the entire foot tion, and lateral bending. For the hip joint, the Euler sequence
cleanly struck the force platform. As a reference, the upright stand- adopted was flexion-extension, abduction-adduction, and
ing position was captured before walking trial started. internal-external rotation.
188 L. Angelini et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 70 (2018) 185–195

Fig. 3. (A) The joint reaction forces in the hip determined by the musculoskeletal model (dashed lines) and measured by the instrumented hip implant (solid lines) for the
patient H2R during walking with a NAS. Positive directions of forces are medial (+Fx), anterior (+Fy) and proximal (+Fz). (B) Comparison of the resultant force predicted by the
musculoskeletal model and measured in vivo at approximately the time of contralateral toe off (CTO) and contralateral heel strike (CHS). The peak values are shown for the
patient H2R during the five different walking tasks.

lumbar vertebra (Fig. 2B). Inter-segmental lumbar rotations were

prescribed based on a pre-defined kinematic rhythm (Hansen
et al., 2006).
The optimized and scaled model was then used in an inverse
kinematic analysis. Subsequently, the resulting joint angles from
the over-determinate kinematic solver (Andersen et al., 2009),
the experimental GRFs and moments together with mass and iner-
tia properties were used to carry out an inverse dynamic analysis.
The inverse dynamics allowed estimating the muscle forces and
the JRFs resulting from the motion. Since musculoskeletal models
are redundant systems (i.e., not enough equilibrium equations
are available to uniquely determine all the muscle forces), the
muscle forces and JRFs were calculated by solving a muscle recruit-
ment problem based on the minimization of a cost function
(Crowninshield and Brand, 1981; Pedotti et al., 1978; Praagman
Fig. 4. Median of the free vertical moment (%BWH) over one stance phase for the et al., 2006; Rasmussen et al., 2001). In the present study, the cri-
subjects of Group A. NAS: normal arm swing; SAS: small arm swing; LAS: large arm
terion of minimizing the sum of cubed muscle activities was
swing; BA: bonded arms; CA: crossed arms.

Model geometry and weight were initially set on the individual 2.4. Data processing
data of each subject of Group A and each patient of Group B. To fit
the virtual markers (red points in Fig. 2A) placed on the muscu- Motion capture data were initially pre-processed by means of
loskeletal model to the corresponding experimental markers (blue the Vicon Nexus 1.7 software (Vicon Motion Systems, Oxford Met-
points in Fig. 2A), the anthropometrical parameters and the local rics Inc., Oxford, UK) for labelling the markers and filling the gaps,
coordinates of the virtual markers were updated over the entire created by missing or occluded markers. Then, data were imported
trial through an optimisation algorithm based on the least- in MatlabÒ (MATLAB R2016b, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA) for
squared minimization (Andersen et al., 2010). filtering and detection of gait events. In particular, a second-order,
In musculoskeletal simulations, the complete marker set (see zero-phase, low-pass Butterworth filter was used. The filter cut-off
Section 2.2) was reduced to fifty-one markers (Fig. 2A). Specifically, frequency was quantified by using the residual method (Winter,
since the cervical and thoracic spines were assumed as a single 2005). Gait events were yielded from the force plate recordings:
rigid body, only three markers were considered for defining its threshold values of 10 N and 5 N for the vertical GRF were selected
position: C7, the xiphoid process and the jugular notch of the ster- for the heel strike (HS) and for the toe off (TO), respectively
num. Additionally, positions and motions of the lumbar spine were (Hreljac and Marshall, 2000; Mickelborough et al., 2000; Tirosh
detected with five markers placed on the spinous process of each and Sparrow, 2003).
L. Angelini et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 70 (2018) 185–195 189

Fig. 5. (A–D) Range of motion in the transversal plane presented as box plot for the subjects of Group A. ***, ** and * indicate statistical significance at p < 0.001, p < 0.01 and
p < 0.05, respectively. NAS: normal arm swing (black); SAS: small arm swing (blue); LAS: large arm swing (red); BA: bonded arms (violet); CA: crossed arms (green). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

These pre-processing steps were necessary to prepare input using the open-source code ‘‘R statistical package” (Version 2.13).
data for musculoskeletal simulations. Additionally, post- The non-parametric Friedman’s test was carried out to compare
processing analyses were performed on experimental data and the five tasks. If significant differences (p < 0.05) in RoMs and in
computational results, focusing the attention on: (1) the RoMs of JRFs at local maxima were found, post hoc analyses were run.
the thorax, lumbar spine, pelvis and femur (hip joint); (2) the free
vertical moment (Tz); (3) the lumbar and hip JRFs, both from sim-
ulations and instrumented hip implant (only for Group B). 3. Results
Tz is the reaction couple about the vertical axis exerted by the
foot on the ground and applied on the centre of pressure (COP = 3.1. Model validation
(xp ; yp ; 0)). The Tz value was calculated from the Eq. (1) as:
As a first step in the analysis of results, hip JRFs resulting from
T z ¼ xp GRF y þ yp GRF x þ Mz ð1Þ numerical simulations and recorded from instrumented implants
were compared, with the aim of validating the model. For instance,
where GRF x is the mediolateral force, GRF y is the anteroposterior Fig. 3A shows the resultant hip force (Fres) and the three force com-
force, and Mz is the vertical moment about the ‘‘true” origin O of ponents predicted by the musculoskeletal model and measured
the local coordinate system of each force plate. The ‘‘true” origin in vivo for the patient H2R during walking with a NAS. They are
O of the local coordinate system was at a distance Z0 below the expressed in the femur coordinate reference system of the implant.
top surface of each force platform. The RoMs were computed as Fres showed two typical peak values at approximately the time of
the peak-to-peak change of the Euler angles of the selected contralateral toe off (CTO) and contralateral heel strike (CHS).
sequence, as described in Section 2.3. The first maximum was about 250%BW both for the musculoskele-
Within each arm condition, the median and range for the time tal model and for the hip prosthesis. The second predicted peak
series of the selected output were estimated across the trials for was about 30% higher than the measured one with the telemetric
all subjects. The median of the Tz and the hip JRFs were interpo- hip implant. Similar results were also found during walking with
lated over the complete stance phase, while the spinal JRFs over a SAS, a LAS, BA and CA (Fig. 3B). However, peak values predicted
the entire gait cycle. Tz was then scaled by the percent product of by the musculoskeletal model at CHS were overestimated for all
bodyweight and height (BWH), while JRFs by each subject’s body arm conditions. Differences in peaks were smaller than about 9%
weight (BW) (Hof, 1996). at CTO and smaller than 35% at CHS, respectively. Each force com-
To investigate the significance of differences among the exam- ponent followed a similar trend with a comparable range of values.
ined five walking activities, a statistical analysis was performed R2 values for the measured and predicted force components within
190 L. Angelini et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 70 (2018) 185–195

Fig. 6. Median of the JRF components (%BW) for the subjects of Group A. (A) T12-L1. (B) L5-S1. (C) Hip. First row: coordinate reference systems according the ISB
recommendations: X anteroposterior axis, Y proximodistal axis; Z: mediolateral axis. Note that the JRFs on vertebrae are reported over the entire gait cycle while the JRFs on
the hip over the stance phase.

a complete gait cycle were between 0.7 and 0.8. The lowest R2 was 3.3. Range of motion
found for the anteroposterior force.
As described in Section 2.3, the body orientation was defined
3.2. Free vertical moment according to the sequence flexion-extension, axial rotation, and
lateral bending, while for the hip joint, the sequence was flexion-
The vertical torque at COP, Tz, is affected by the different arm extension, abduction-adduction and internal-external rotation.
conditions as shown in Fig. 4. The magnitude of Tz decreased when For the sake of brevity, only the most relevant results are reported,
the arm amplitude increased, from SAS to NAS up to LAS. The pat- in particular only the axial rotation is considered for the bodies.
terns for SAS, BA and CA were temporally similar and the Pearson’s RoMs in the other planes (Figs. S.1 and S.2) are provided in a sup-
correlation coefficient, r, was approximately 0.9 for all possible plementary material file.
L. Angelini et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 70 (2018) 185–195 191

3.3.1. Thorax-ground with the amplitude of the arms. The Fx direction changed from pos-
The RoM of the thorax axial rotation with respect to the ground terior (negative values) to anterior (positive values) moving from
(Fig. 5A) was similar within all walking conditions with a median upper to lower spine level. The JRF in the mediolateral direction
value of about 5°. No statistical differences were found when the was very small for the lumbar region. The resultant JRFs at T12-
AS amplitude (SAS, NAS, LAS) or the arm position (BA and CA) were L1 and L5-S1 (Fig. 7A-B) were almost equal to the Fy. They
changed during level walking. increased from SAS to LAS, following rather similar trends in all
arm conditions. Local maxima were found at the four main gait
3.3.2. Pelvis-ground events, i.e. HS, CTO, CHS and TO. The resultant JRF peaks at HS
Changing in arm position and swing had an influence only on and CHS were slightly higher than those at TO and CTO, particu-
the RoM of the axial rotation of the pelvis with respect to the larly for NAS and their median values ranged between about 100
ground (Fig. 5B). Post-hoc test showed statistical differences when and 130%BW.
LAS was compared to BA, CA and SAS. However, the axial RoM was For the hip joint, the three force components and the resultant
similar for BA, CA and SAS with a median value of about 7°. An JRF over the stance phase were similar for all arm conditions
almost 40% and 55% increase in RoM was recorded for NAS and (Figs. 6C and 7C). The resultant JRF showed two local maxima at
LAS, respectively. CTO and CHS with remarkable differences: the median of the first
peak ranged from about 360% to 400%BW at CTO and from about
500% to 540%BW at CHS.
3.3.3. Thorax-Pelvis
Fig. 8 shows the dispersion of JRF peak values at CTO and CHS,
The RoM of the axial rotation in the relative motion between
estimated by simulating all the trails for Group A. At T12-L1, statis-
the thorax and the pelvis was significantly associated with arm
tical differences were recorded at CTO for LAS-SAS and CA-SAS and
position during gait (Fig. 5C). During walking with NAS and LAS,
at CHS for LAS-SAS, LAS-BA and LAS-CA (Fig. 8A). At L5-S1, the
the median axial RoMs were about 12° and 15°, respectively while
same statistical significance was found at CHS, but not at CTO
it reduced to approximately 9° for the other cases (CA, BA, SAS). A
(Fig. 8B). The hip JRFs were not statistically influenced by arm posi-
pairwise multiple comparison test demonstrated significant differ-
tion and AS amplitude at CTO and CHS (Fig. 8C).
ences between walking with normal and large arm swing and
walking with suppressed or small arm swing. However, thorax
rotation with respect to the pelvis was not statistically affected 4. Discussion
by changes in AS amplitude (p = 0.09 for the pair LAS-NAS) as well
as by restricting AS during gait (p = 0.9 for all possible combina- In order to investigate how arm position or AS amplitude could
tions of BA, CA and SAS). affect the hip and spine kinematics and JRFs during level walking,
motion data of both, six asymptomatic subjects and five patients
3.3.4. Hip with instrumented hip implant were captured in Vicon system. A
The median of the hip rotation angle changed from about 14° total of 180 musculoskeletal simulations for Group A were run to
(external hip rotation) to 3° (internal hip rotation) for dominant compare the RoMs and the JRFs during the five walking tasks,
limb and from about 18° (external hip rotation) to 4° (internal including three different AS amplitudes and two different arm
hip rotation) for non-dominant limb. Only for non-dominant limb, positions.
a statistical difference in RoM was found when LAS was compared
to BA, CA and SAS (Fig.5D). 4.1. Model validation

3.4. Joint contact forces The musculoskeletal model used for our analyses was validated
by comparing in vivo measured and predicted hip JRFs. Although
Figs. 6A, B and 7A, B show the three force components and the muscles properties in our musculoskeletal model were not chan-
resultant JRFs computed for the segments T12-L1 and L5-S1 in ged for the patients of Group B, satisfactory results were achieved
their reference frames, over the entire gait cycle. For both vertebral compared to the in vivo data for most of the stance phase apart
joints, the normalized anteroposterior (Fx) and proximodistal from the peak at CHS. As shown in Fig. 3, the peak at CHS was
forces (Fy) had a symmetrical trend and their magnitude increased overestimated by the model by a maximum of about 35% during

Fig. 7. Median of the resultant JRF (%BW) for the subjects of Group A. (A) T12-L1. (B) L5-S1. (C) Hip. HS: heel strike; CTO: contralateral toe off; CHS: contralateral heel strike;
TO: toe off. NAS: normal arm swing; SAS: small arm swing; LAS: large arm swing; BA: bonded arms; CA: crossed arms.
192 L. Angelini et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 70 (2018) 185–195

Fig. 8. Median and ranges of the resultant JRF (%BW) at approximately the time of contralateral toe off (CTO) and contralateral heel strike (CHS) for the subjects of Group A.
(A) T12-L1; (B) L5-S1; (C) Hip. ***, ** and * indicate statistical significance at p < 0.001, p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively. NAS: normal arm swing (black); SAS: small arm
swing (blue); LAS: large arm swing (red); BA: bonded arms (violet); CA: crossed arms (green). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

walking with a LAS. This finding is comparable in magnitude to the 4.2. Free vertical moment and RoMs
values found by Stansfield et al. (2003) and Heller et al. (2001) and
could be related to a reduction of the total hip joint work in elderly The Tz (Fig. 4) and the axial RoMs in the transversal plane
during the double-limb support phase (Franz and Kram, 2014). (Fig. 5) are most sensitive to changes in arm position and AS ampli-
Conversely, the in vivo and model-predicted resultant JRFs at CTO tude. Although the patterns for Tz are quite similar within the five
were similar in magnitude. In fact, the total work from muscles arm conditions, temporal differences were observed when walking
crossing the hip does not differ between old and young adults dur- with a LAS and NAS were compared to walking with a SAS, BA and
ing single-limb support (Franz and Kram, 2014). CA (Fig. 4). Specifically, the moment Tz, produced by the foot about
L. Angelini et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 70 (2018) 185–195 193

Fig. 9. Resultant hip JRF (%BW) over the stance phase for the five patients of Group B.

the vertical axis of the stance foot, increased in magnitude when AS lower limb kinematics (Fig. 5D), as shown also in (Umberger,
was restricted in order to balance the transverse angular momen- 2008). These findings provide further support for the idea that
tum created by the legs, in agreement with Elftman (1939). Con- upper body movement can produce stable walking even when
versely, when subjects walked with swinging arms, Tz decreased upper body inertial properties are modified.
since the lower limb swing was compensated by the moment pro-
duced by the AS. These findings are in a good agreement with pre- 4.3. Spinal and hip loads
vious results (Li et al., 2001; Park, 2008; Umberger, 2008).
Comparing the RoMs of the thorax axial rotation with respect to Although spinal loads could not be validated as hip JRFs, the
the pelvis (Fig. 5C), higher values were obtained while walking patterns of predicted spinal loads (Figs. 6A, B and 7A, B) were very
with a NAS and LAS and lower when AS was restricted (SAS, CA, similar to the in vivo data measured with instrumented VBR
BA). Callaghan et al. (1999) also found a reduction of the axial twist (Rohlmann et al., 2014). For the median resultant JRF, the largest
while walking with arms crossed across the chest, especially at the difference was found at CHS for LAS-SAS, LAS-BA and LAS-CA
normal and faster walking cadences. However, the estimation of (Fig. 8A and B). However, spinal loads seem to be only slightly
the absolute orientations of thorax and pelvis with respect to the influenced by arm position and AS amplitude during level walking
ground (Fig. 5A and B) highlighted that differences should be as found also by Callaghan et al. (1999).
ascribed mainly to the axial rotation of the pelvis, again higher As far as the hip JRF is concerned, Fig. 8C shows no statistical
for NAS and LAS and lower for SAS, CA, BA. Unlike the upper body, differences in the force peak values changing AS amplitude or posi-
changing in arm position and AS amplitude had no influence on the tion. Such indications, obtained simulating tasks for the subjects of
194 L. Angelini et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 70 (2018) 185–195

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