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Nama : Mangara Pangaribuan

NIM : 120180401012
Prodi : Industri Pertahanan
MK : Bahasa Inggris


Economy defendinging to constitute studi to resource allocation, propertied
distribution, economic growth, and one stability are applied to topic those are
engaged defense, including at in its good defending expenditures outgoing domestic
and also international, and macro economy variable as labouring as, output, and
growth. Variable another microeconomic as morphological as of industrial defending,
cooperative programs, shift, and formation price and gain of military contract. Global
developing that progressively negate internation bounds have created new daring for
a state to make defense economy as trick renders economic growth to become one
of pillar render welfare and defensive national security outrivals global current.
Policy in economic defending needs concept and also sistim is defense
economy that led by aim renders society welfare via tall economic growth.
Government can also perform various program who can stimulate defense economic
growth to reach society welfare so condition of our state defense safe and
commanding also honor bound render national security. Where is security
nationaling to constitute condition or situation that figures to exempt it state, society
and citizen of all kind threat and or action, well that regarded by factor external and
also internal.
Defending economy with its working policy equal to government shall get to
arrange stage and strategy how render straight proportionate society welfare with
national security so state we can run after behind with of other state. Defending
economic thus gets to create security and cozy between individual and also society
group in going its activity to be able to increase society welfare and renders national
security so economy distortion that trouble economics can create national economy
strategy that effective as tool of defense of domestic good economy distortion and
also international.
Defending economic issue about effloresce defense cost current have to get
settled by concept apply economies as defense force of nationals by through
arrangement and welfare management and poised national security and convenient

deep all defending economic life aspect namely food robustness, energy robustness,
and whole ala finance robustness and comprehensive based on Pancasila,
Constitution 1945 and Archipelago Knowledges.

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