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An eminent ancient technology which predicts future resemblance of the fluid dynamics


An unmanned aerial vehicle created 8 years before the discovery of manned aerial vehicle by wright
brothers claimed to use the ancient technology. The propulsions materials used consisted of mercury,
xenon, argon, krypton, hydrogen and different thrusters like ion thrusters, plasma thrusters, and hall
thrusters. Mercury vortex engine is the forerunner of today’s ion thrusters. This is NASA’S ambitious
project going on.

A vortex is a region in a fluid in which the flow revolves around an axis line, which may be straight or
curved a mercury vortex engine creates electrical power. It is basically a turbine generator that is
rotated by flowing mercury. When mercury is heated up it will actually surge away from the heat. So
when heat is applied to the side or the bottom of the mercury in a specific point the mercury will surge
away from the heat and in doing so push the fins of the turbine, that then spins the shaft and spins the
magnets on the shaft past the wire coils there for creating electrical power. As for the first kind
supposedly if one has a mercury vortex engine over a heated iron element and for big heated iron
containers of mercury in one’s flying machine one can achieve flight. The ‘Vaimanika Sastra’ makes the
claim that the aerial planes mentioned in ancient Sanskrit epics were advanced aerodynamic flying
vehicles. Unlike modern treatises on aeronautics that begin by discussing the general principles of flight
before detailing concepts of aircraft design, the ‘Vaimanika Sastra’ starts with a quantitative description,
as though a particular aircraft is being described. The topics covered includes, "definition of an airplane,
a pilot, aerial routes and varieties of machinery. The theory of the mercury vortex technology inculcates
the electromagnetic field coil, which consists of the closed circuit exchanger, condenser coil circuit
containing the liquid metal mercury and its hot vapor which is placed with its core axis vertical to the
craft. A ring conductor (directional gyro-armature) is placed around the field coil (heat exchanger)
windings so that the core of the vertical heat exchanger coils protrudes through the center of the ring
conductor. When the electromagnet (heat exchanger coils) is energized, the ring conductor is instantly
shot into the air, taking the craft as a complete unit along with it. If the current is controlled by a
computerized resistance, (rheostat), the ring conductor armature and craft can be made to hover or
float in the Earth's atmosphere. The electromagnet hums and the armature ring (or torus) becomes
quite hot. In fact, if the electrical current is high enough, the ring will glow dull red or rust orange with
heat. The phenomenon (outward sign of a working law of nature) is brought about by an induced
current effect identical with an ordinary transformer. As the repulsion between the electromagnet and
the ring conductor is mutual, one can imagine the craft being affected and responding to the repulsion
phenomenon as a complete unit. Lift or repulsion is generated because of close proximity of the field
magnet to the ring conductor. Propellant tanks will be filled with liquid air. Liquid air may be injected
into expansion chambers and heated by the metal working-fluid mercury confined in a boiler coupled to
a heat exchanger. The ship may recharge its propellant tanks with liquid air and condensate water
collected directly from the upper atmosphere by the on-board reducing plant. Important is that this
mercury vortex propulsion model is intended for terrestrial flight only. Important is that this mercury
vortex propulsion model is intended for terrestrial flight only. The strange ball of light that is often seen
by UFO like craft is the ball of light that surrounds a craft is: the magneto-hydrodynamic plasma, a hot
continuously recirculating air flow through the ship's gas turbine which is ionized (electrically
conducting). Magneto hydrodynamics is described by Childress as an ionized gas that is passed through
a magnetic field to generate electricity. The reason why ships disappear from view according to
Clendenin is that the ionized bubble of air surrounding the UFO may be controlled by a computerized
rheostat so the ionization of the air may shift through every color of the spectrum, obscuring the aircraft
from view.

The Dangers of mercury vortex propulsion are when the liquid metal mercury is heated; it gives forth a
hot vapor. This hot vapor is deadly poisonous, because if the liquid metal mercury is made radioactive
and heated sufficiently to emit radiation, any leaks in the mercury would, therefore, be a double danger
to the crew and maintenance personnel of any vehicle powered by a mercury vapor turbine. The
evidence for the "mercury vortex engine" bench marks in the ‘Samarangana Sutradhara’, an ancient
century treatise.

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