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‘Award of Marks The following sills wll be assessed through the laboratory practical activities: 1. Analysis and Interpretation; 2. Manipulation and Measurement; 3. Observation, Recording and Reporting: and, 4. Planning and Designing. The candidates are also required to do an investigative project [ny Oe Unit of the CAPE® Sciences. The table below shows how the marks are allocated for each Unit. School Based Assessments iSkill Unit 1 Unit 2 [Observation, Recording and Reporting R R Manipulation and Measurement 12 12 Analysis and Interpretation* 12 12 Planning and Designing* R BR TOTAL (48 marks 48 marks “Includes an investigative project ‘The mark awarded for each skill assessed by practical exercises should be the average of at LEAST TWO separate assessments, The average mark for Al and PD must include the mark from the investigative project. In each Unit, total marks awarded at the end of each Module will be 0 to 16. Please note that candidates willbe required todo one investigative project in any Unit of any ofthe CAPE! Sciences [Biology Chemistry or Phys nthe fist sting ond can use that mark forthe other Units ofthe Sclences, So for example, a candidate may do the investigative project in nit 2 Physics in the fistsittng, and then transfer] use the Aland PD marks or Unit Physics, Unt 1 and2 Chemistry and Units 1 and 2 Biology, Investigative Project ° The investigative project must focus on a challenge to be addressed within the environment or society. e And must be linked to the syllabus objectives in the relevant Unit. Investigative Project - Objectives On completion of the investigative Project students should: 1. Appreciate the use of the scientific method for discovery of new knowledge and to the solution of problems; 2. Communicate accurately and effectively the purpose and results of research; 3. Apply experimental skills and theory to the solution of problems; and, 4, Synthesise information based on data collected. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively. Where collaborative work is done, group sizes must not exceed six (6) persons per group. The teacher is expected to use the group mark for the project and {add it to the marks for the other skills for each individual candidate within the group. Investigative Project - Criteria for marking - Planning and design . S rpretat' PLANNING AND DESIGN + HYPOTHESIS 1 * AM 1 ‘+ MATERIALS AND APPARATUS 1 = VARIABLES STATED 3 = Controlled 2 ~ Manipulated 1 = _ Responding 1 ‘METHOD 2 = Clearly outlining how manipulated variable will be changed | 1 ‘and measured. Clearly outlining how the responding variable will be | 1 measured. RESULTS ¢ = Expected Results 1 = _Treatmentof Results 1 '* PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS/ASSUMPTIONS 2 = Twoor more stated 2 ~_Anyone stated 1

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