Acceptability of Cookies Product Made Up of Potato Flour

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Potatoes are one of the most popular major food items consumed throughout the world

because of their high yield, relatives low cost of production and adaptability to a wide variety of

soil and climate types. Potatoes are versatile food that are easy to prepare and can be eaten as a

staple more over. Potatoes contribute significantly to the nutritive value of a meal as they contain

good quality edible grade protein, dietary fiber, several minerals and trace elements, essential

vitamins and little or negligible fat. Despite the advantages associated with crop, the bulk of the

crop produced has a short storage life. Moreover, due to inadequate cold storage capacity, the

diversion of potatoes to processed potato products would benefit both growers and consumers as

it could help extend the storage life and serve as a means of increasing the supply in off-


Potato Flour has diversified uses in the home as well as in the food industry, especially in

the baking industry in preparation of bread and biscuits. Potato Flour with negligible fat content,

high fiber, high vitamins a good amount of minerals and 6-12 percent protein content can be

substituted in wheat flour in preparation of bread. This also helps in lowering the gluten level

and prevent from Celiac disease. Addition of Potato Flour also enhances the sensory of

characteristics of bake products such as texture, structure, color and taste of the product.

Background of the study

Nowadays, almost people reply on the things or products that are ready made or factory

made most especially foods. We care eating breads for breakfast and other products that made

from flour even if it is very expensive for many people now day and most of them are the people

who are seeking money all the time just to meet their daily needs. All raw materials like flour

seem to increasing the price in the market. Why is it so? It because of our hired leaders, they

computed our economic budgets, resulting of taking of raw materials.

Potato flour seems to have been the first processed potato food products and been the first

processed potato food product to reach commercial production. It was produced in the U.S

during World War I as a substitute for wheat flour. In producing flour, potatoes are peeled,

cooked, dried on a drum drier and then ground to meal of powder.

Statement of the problem

The general purpose of the study is to determine the product acceptability of potato flour.

The question that are address to the research problem are the following:

1. What are the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of the following:

1.1 Gender

1.2 Work Position

2.Does the appearance, taste and smell of the cookies formulated met the respondents


3. What is the level of acceptance to the cookies as perceived by the bakeries?

Conceptual Framework


I. Demographic Profile 1. Conduct the acceptability Acceptability of cookies made

The profile of the participants by answering the up of potato flour.

is describe in terms of: questionnaire. To create a new alternative

 Gender 2. Analyze the data gathered substitute to common flour.

 Work Position in the questionnaire To use a new flour in making

II. Tasting a cookies product 3. Evaluate the process bake products.

made up of potato flour.

Purpose of the Study

This study aims to assess the quality characteristic and acceptability of cookies from

potato flour and to determine texture, color, taste, aroma and quality to compare the effects with

wheat cookies, so as to suggest a cost-effective production method to bakers and retailers. This

would ensure food security, enhanced health, combat malnutrition problem and improve the

production of the crops.

Significance of the study

Consumers • It may help the customers to avail more affordable product which is cookies made

up of potato flour. They will gain new nutrients good quality of cookies and it is cheaper than the

ordinary wheat flour so it that case it is more affordable for them.

Bakery Owners • Because of this what we called potato flour, As bakery owners they will able

to know the knowledge about the kind of the product and it can be alternative product that they

can used in order to make a good quality and nutrition products. They can also used if not for

now but in the near future.

Future Researcher • In the near future, this study will help the knowledgeable researcher’s and

to know more ideas, knowledgeable techniques in order for them to guide when making good

quality nutrition and affordable products.

Scope and Delimitation

The researchers will be focuses on the persons that have knowledge about flour and have

credibility in providing the information about flour. This study is limited to the bakery

personnel’s particularly in Brgy. Narra Brgy. Poblacion I and Brgy.Muzon to Acceptability of

cookies Made Up of Potato Flour.

Definition of Terms

Versatile - able to go many different things.

Diversified - to challenge so that it has more different kinds of people or things.

Negligible - small or important or of so little consequence.

Celiac Disease - is common digestive condition where the small intestine become inflamed and

unable to absorb nutrients.

Bread - a baked food made from a mixture of flour and water.

Wheat Powder - is made from grinding of wheat used for human consumption.

Palatability - having a pleasant or agreeable taste.



To intensify the knowledge and clarify the acceptability of the problems, a

number of periodicals were read to gather insights which were used by the researcher in

conceptualizing this study, those which been found relevant and hereby presented.


According to Tamin et (2015) Consumer acceptability refers to the consumer being

ready to accept the presented product or service to him or her. Consumers acceptability for a

product depends ob the number of factors such as sensory of characteristics of the particular

product, for example; general apperance or color,aroma or flavor,taste and texture.

According to Willard and Hix (1987) Among those potato flour is widely used in the

baking industry and has long been associated with the baking of bread. It is well known that the

small amounts of added potato solids help to retain the freshness of bread and also impart a

distinctive, pleasing flavour and improved toasting qualities.

According to Madsen and Christensen (1996) Potato starch has desirable

characteristics, which differ significantly from those of starch from other plant sources.

According to Kris Gunnars (August 27, 2018) There is only a limited amount of food

you can eat in a single day. To maximize the amount of nutrients you take in, makes sense to

spend your calorie budget wisely. The best way to do that is to simply eat the foods that carry the

greatest amount and variety of nutrients.

According to Leipa (1971,1976). Potato flour (flakes or granules) in combination with

water and salt are kneaded to make a dough. Other ingredients with potato flour may include

emulsifiers, starches, corn flour and meal, and flavourings.

According to Onwulata et al., (1998) Addition of 25% whey protein concentrate to

corn, rice, and potato flour had minimal effect on texture during a low moisture extrusion

process with up to 17% moisture, but at a whey protein concentration of 50% the required

breaking force increased.


According to Pauli (1979) There are several flour which often used in the manufacture

of pastry and bakery product, such as:

All Purpose Flour

All-purpose flour is flour containing 10.5 percent of protein. It is medium protein flour,

which can be used for all purposes baking. The products that produced by this flour are Pancake,

roll cake, waffle etc.

Wheat Flour

According to Wayne (2009) Wheat flour is an important ingredient in making a pastry

product. Flour can produce a large amount of the cake. Include bread, cake and biscuit. Many

home-based chefs rely on a product called all-purpose flour, but a professional baker has more

knowledge about the type of flour that has different qualities and characteristics.



This chapter presents the research methodologies dine by the researcher. It includes the

methods and techniques of the study, population and the sample of the study, the research

instrument, collection and data gathering by the researcher and lastly the data processing and

statistical treatment in order to rearranged the gathered data.

Research Method

Survey method is used under the descriptive design. Bakeries were asked about the

acceptability of cookies product made up of potato flour. The survey was done utilizing the

survey questions and the result was tallied and will be examine accordingly. For the data

collection, the researchers will be following a step by step procedure. Conduct survey and

analyze the data gathered in the questionnaire from the respondents.

Population and sample of the study

The study was conducted among the Bakery Personnel’s at Brgy. Narra, Brgy. Muzon

and Brgy. Poblacion I City of San Jose del Monte Bulacan. The totality of the Bakery

Personnel’s was One hundred six (106). The researchers using several sampling process to get

the sample. Since the researchers will be use the Slovin’s Formula as sampling method, The

research only get eighty four (84) bakery personnel’s out of one hundred six.

Population: 106

𝑛= - Slovin’s Formula


1 + 106 (0.0025)

1 + (0.0025)


= 83.79/84

Research Instrument

Survey questionnaire method was the research used for data-gathering. Preference for the

use of the structured questionnaires premised so that it will be least pressure for immediate

response and giving the respondents a greater feeling of anonymity.

Data Gathering

In gathering the data, the researchers will first baked the sample product which is cookies made

up of potato flour. After that the researchers will be conduct the survey questionnaires. The

gathered questionnaires will be tabulated, analyzed and interpreted

Statistical Treatment of the Data

After the collection of the questionnaire, the answers were tallied, tabulated and analyze

and after the answer to the survey questions have been recorded in different statistical treatment.

Frequency and percentage distribution are used to determine the acceptability of cookies

product made up of potato flour in terms of Texture, Color, Taste, Aroma, and the Quality of the


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This Chapter includes the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered from the

instrumentation. Presenting the result and discuss and what does it means to the whole study:

Acceptability of cookies product made up of potato flour.

I. Demographic Profile

The first section of the survey questionnaire focuses on the demographics of respondents.

It shows the frequency and percentage to the said respondents.


Male 43 51.19%

Female 41 49.81%

Table 1.1: Total number of sample and percentage

Table 1.1 it presents the total number of gender of the respondents in bakeries in a tabular

form. The male has the total number of forty three (43) respondents or (51.19%) while the

female has the total number of forty one (41) respondents or (49.81%).


Vendor 44 52.38%

Baker 21 25%

Helper 14 16.6%

Owner 5 5.95%

Table 1.2 total of sample and percentage

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Table 1.2 it presents the total number of bakery personnel’s in the tabular form. The

bakery has the total number of forty four (44) respondents or (52.38%). The vendor has the total

number of twenty one (21) respondents or (25%). The helper has the total number of fourteen

(14) respondents or (16.6%). While the owner has the total number of five (5) respondents or


II. The appearance of the cookies.

Criterion Frequency Percentage

Yes 49/84 0.58%

Fair 30/84 0.35%

No 5/84 0.05%

Table 2.1 Total of Frequency and Percentage

Table 2.1 shows the percentage answers of the respondents. 49 out of 84 answered Yes or

(0.58%), 30 out of 84 answered Fair or (0.35%), While 5 out of 84 answered No or (0.05%).

The taste of the cookies

Criterion Frequency Percentage

Yes 60/84 0.71%

Fair 23/84 0.27%

No 1/84 0.01%

Table 2.2 Total of Frequency and Percentage

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Table 2.2 shows the percentage answers of the respondents based on the product taste. 60

out of 84 answered Yes or (0.71%), 23 out of 84 answered Fair or (0.27%), While 1 out of 84

answered No or (0.01%).

The smell of the cookies

Criterion Frequency Percentage

Yes 55/84 0.65%

Fair 29/84 0.34%

No 0/84 0%

Table 2.3 Total of Frequency and Percentage

Table 2.3 shows that 55 out of 84 or (0.65%) liked the smell of the cookies while the

remaining 29 out of 84 or (0.34%) answered Fair.

III. The level of acceptance to the cookies

Criterion Frequency Percentage

Yes 74/84 0.88%

Fair 10/84 0.11%

No 0/84 0%

Table 3 Total Frequency and Percentage

Table 3 shows the overall acceptability of cookies made up of potato flour in terms of:

appearance, taste and smell. The total of the respondents who answered Yes is 74 out of 84 or

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(0.88%) while the remaining 10 out of 84 answered Fair or (0.11%). So that The Acceptability of

Cookies Made Up of Potato Flour is accepted by the baker’s.

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This chapter present the summary and conclusion given by the researchers after the

previous chapter has been presented, analyzed and interpreted. The result from gathered data

after conducting a survey were now to be given summary and conclusion and for the

beneficiaries of this research.

Summary of findings

The noticeable findings of the study are as follows:

 The majority of respondents are male, who work in the bakeries, while majority of the

bakery personnel’s in the bakery is vendor.

 According to the respondents they said that the cookies made up of potato flour is more

tasty and have ordinary smell than the cookies made up of Wheat flour.

 The overall acceptability of cookies made up of potato flour is accepted by the baker’s.


 The researchers conclude that the cookies made up of potato flour have a appearance,

taste and smell.

 The researchers conclude that the respondents accepted the cookies.


 This study would like to recommend to the bakery personnel’s to get more knowledge

about potato flour.

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 This study would like to recommend to the future researchers to know the benefits that

potato flour have.

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The Acceptability of Cookies Made Up of Potato Flour

The questionnaire was prepared and formulated by the researchers in the fulfilment to this data

gathering process on The Acceptability of Cookies Made Up of Potato Flour on the

researchers would greatly appreciate your effort and kind consideration in answering each items

with utmost honestly.

Part I: Demographic Profile

Name (optional): _____________________ Work Position: _______________________

Gender: _____________

Part II: The Characteristics of the cookies

Do you like the appearance of the cookies? ___ Yes ___ Fair ___No

Do you like the taste of the cookies? ___ Yes ___ Fair ___ No

Do you like the smell of the cookies? ___Yes ___ Fair ___ No

Part III: The level of Acceptance of the cookies

Is the cookies acceptable to you? ___ Yes ___ Fair ___ No

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