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Epic Literature: An Examination of the Old English Poem “Beowulf” as an Epic Poem -Emmanuel Aloysius

Epic Literature: An Examination of the Old English Poem

“Beowulf” as an Epic Poem

Emmanuel Aloysius
Lagos, Nigeria.
Phone number: +234-8080670903, +234-8182348568

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the characteristics of epic literature that are
evident in the old English poem “Beowulf”. It unfolds the instances that justify the
poem as an epic. It looks at the vast scale of the setting of the poem, the action of
the epic hero Beowulf and the presence of supernatural beings in the poem that
justifies it as an Epic form of literature. This paper is also a form of projecting a
better understanding of the concept of Epic literature by breaking down the epic
characteristics and relating them to the poem directly.

KEYWORDS: Epic, hero, conquest

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Epic Literature: An Examination of the Old English Poem “Beowulf” as an Epic Poem -Emmanuel Aloysius

Epic is a long narrative written in hexameters. It concentrates on the fortunes of a
great hero, a great civilization or on the deeds or prowess of a great hero.
However, Aristotle in his “Poetics” specifies that an epic should have a unity that
is not merely temporary or sequential nor produced simply by concentrating on a
single hero (compare Heath 1989:39)
An epic plot has to be compact enough to be grasped as a whole plot. The praise
of the glory of heroes is perhaps the basis of the concept of heroism, thus epic
concentrates on the heroes and their heroic deeds.
In the epic genre, the epic heroes fight as a craving to gain for themselves, some
form of glory which will outlive them. With epic comes the everlasting glory; the
fame beyond death which accrues to the hero back to his heroic deeds (West
1998: 152-6, denied by Chadwick 1990)
The epic is a patriarchal world; the relationship between the heroes and their
fathers is stressed. In an epic literary works, an epic hero is normally of superior
social status, often a king or a leader who is pre-eminent in athletic and fighting
The poem “Beowulf” is the mythical and literary record of a formative stage of
English civilization. It is an oral art handed down with embellishments from one
minstrel to another. The poem depicts a world of the early sixth century, much
older than when it was supposedly written (between the year 700 and 750)
probably in Northumbria.
The epic tells the story of Beowulf, a Geat from Sweden who crosses the sea to
Denmark in a quest to rescue king Hrothgar and the Danes from the monster
Grendel. Later on, as the king of the Geats for fifty years, he slays the dragon that
tormented his people before he died. Beowulf is considered as the representative
of besieged community that stands in precarious unity against the forces of evil
that lurk in cold darkness everywhere. Thus the action of this great hero, his
journeys and encounters will be looked into in this paper in order to identify and
elaborate the epic characteristics evident in the poem that qualifies it as an epic

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Epic Literature: An Examination of the Old English Poem “Beowulf” as an Epic Poem -Emmanuel Aloysius


The hero of the poem Beowulf is of Great importance not only to the Spare-
Danes, but also to his people, the Geats. The above mentioned characteristics of
an Epic can be accrued to the Hero of the poem due to the fact that he, (Beowulf)
is well known for his prowess and strength. He is described as a “Stout-warrior,
the strongest of main strength of men of that era” (80; xiii)
The fact that king Hrothgar and the entire Spare-Danes depended on Beowulf to
restore normalcy to their land makes him a more important fellow. They
depended upon Beowulf to defeat both Grendel and his mother in other to end
their woeful reign upon Daneland.
More so, back in Geatland, after Beowulf’s Victory against Grendel and his
mother, Beowulf became king and his people depended upon him for the defence
of Geatland against the fire-spewing dragon that torments them at the time. This
dependency upon Beowulf alone makes him a hero of great importance. He is
indispensable to the Danes and the Geats especially during perilous times. His
royalty alone also depicts how important he is as a king. He is a “war famous man
by deeds that were valiant” (33). Beowulf was so famous and great to the extent
that at his death they made a memorial barrow visible from a great distance in his


One of the characteristics that best describes an epic is that in it, supernatural
beings like the Gods and other creatures are present.
However, in the poem “Beowulf”, not much or no emphasis is laid on the gods.
The supernatural beings identifiable are Grendel, his mother and the fire-spewing

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Epic Literature: An Examination of the Old English Poem “Beowulf” as an Epic Poem -Emmanuel Aloysius

In the poem Grendel is described as a “fire-demon” (30) “war-spirit” (33) one

“who bided in darkness” (34) “traveler-at-twilight” (x, 43) “The monster of evil” (iii
6) who lives in a lair. He was also described as a “direful-demon”.
Another instance of Grendel being a supernatural being is the fact his blood so
poisonous melted “Hrunting” (The sword)
“To see anymore, the sword blade began then, the blood having touched it,
contracting and shriveling with battle icicles” (xxiv, 47-50)
Another instance of Grendel’s Supernaturalism is depicted in the poem when he
was beheaded by Beowulf, his head alone was so heavy that “Four men had to
carry with labour…to the high towering gold hall” (78-79).
Grendel’s mother on the other hand lives underwater or underworld as some
translation calls it. (a place where no normal human being can live) she is known
to be as monstrous as her son and a devourer of men too.
The dragon which Beowulf had to fight back in his hometown also depicts the
presence of supernatural beings in the poem. The dragon is seen as
‘supernatural’ due to the fact that no normal human being or creature can spew
fire from its mouth. The battle with the Dragon was so “Fierce that Beowulf was
encircled with fire and his comrades flee to the forest, seeking safety”
All the characteristics which define these creatures as found in the poem
describes them as supernatural beings and thus their presence in the poem
justifies the poem as an epic. Unlike Homer’s “Iliad and Odyssey” which has the
gods like Athena, Poseidon and others present, in the poem “Beowulf”, the gods
took no active part throughout the poem.


In epics, the prowess and deed of the hero is much emphasized. The epic hero in
an epic poetry is always pre-eminent in fighting skills and outstanding in
intelligence. He displays his heroic deeds in wars, crisis and conquest.
In the poem “Beowulf”, the central character Beowulf though presented as a
mortal possess superhuman abilities. Beowulf’s extraordinary deed in battle was

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Epic Literature: An Examination of the Old English Poem “Beowulf” as an Epic Poem -Emmanuel Aloysius

exhibited during his struggle with Grendel at Heorot (the mead hall) in Daneland.
Beowulf tore Grendel’s shoulder from its sockets, making Grendel retreat to his
Den howling in agony.
“The stout hearted warrior snatched as he slumbered seizing with handgrip…The
cunning deviser, on his elbow he rested” (xii, 35-40)
Beowulf’s grip was so hard and strong that “Neath the whole of the heavens no
hand-grapple greater in any man else had he ever encountered” (xii, 42-43).
Beowulf stoutly did seize him that “his fingers crackled” (xii, 50-51)
Beowulf left Grendel “pondering to fly to his covert” (xii, 45-46). Beowulf’s battle
with Grendel was so tense that “the palace re-echoed to all of the Dane men” (xii.
Beowulf being a mortal fought tirelessly with Grendel who is a supernatural being
and defeated him. Beowulf’s struggle with Grendel left him so injured that he
fought to just get out of Beowulf’s grip
“A body wound suffered the direful demon, damage incurable was seen on his
shoulders. His sinews were shivered, his body did burst” (xiii, 23-26)
“He suffered his hand behind him to linger, his arm and shoulder to act as
watcher” (xv, 45-46)
Secondly, Beowulf also displayed his prowess during the battle that ensued
between him and Grendel’s mother. Beowulf travelled to the sea bottom to fight
Grendel’s mother. Despite the difficulties he encountered, and the fact that his
sword failed him, Beowulf engaged Grendel’s mother with his bare hands. “His
hand not desisted from striking that war blade struck on her head”, but yet the
sword wouldn’t injure her. Beowulf threw away all his weapons and depended on
his fist alone
“He hoped in his strength…his hand grapple sturdy” (xxiii, 59)
“The lord of the war-Geats seized by the shoulder the mother of Grendel…he
swung her with much force that she fell to the ground” (xxiii, 62-64).
“He grabbed then the sword… he smote her…broke through her joints…she fell to
the ground then” (xxiv, 7-12)

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Epic Literature: An Examination of the Old English Poem “Beowulf” as an Epic Poem -Emmanuel Aloysius

Beowulf’s extraordinary deed in battle was also evident during his battle with the
fire-spewing dragon.
During the battle with the fire-dragon, Beowulf “the lord of the Geatmen uplifted
hand then smiting the fire-drake with sword…the bone the blade edge did
weaken” (xxxiv, 25-26)
However, Beowulf’s sword failed him and his comrades flee to safety because of
the dragon’s fire, but that did not weaken his resolve. He stood his grounds,
countering the dragon’s advances.
“The people despoiler third of his onsets…charged on the strong one” (xxxv, 83-85)
Any man will run for his life at the site of a fire-spewing dragon, but Beowulf
stood his ground, and with the help of Wiglaf, they “felled the enemy” (the
Beowulf’s deed during his battle with Grendel, Grendel’s mother and the fire-
spewing dragon proves how extraordinary he is in battle. He was able to fight
supernatural beings that cannot be killed by any ordinary human being. His
prowess in battle made names such as “battle-brave’ “Hero-in-battle” and
“battle-bold-warrior” accrued to Beowulf.
The setting of the poem “Beowulf” is so large in the sense that the events in the
poem occurred in different locations or places. Instances which proves how ample
the scale of the setting of the poem is as follows;
Firstly, after Beowulf heard about the sorrows of Hrothgar and the thanes, he
decided to sail to Daneland from Geatland in order to help Hrothgar defeat the
monstrous Grendel that have been the thanes for a long time.
“Beowulf of the Geats, nephew of Higelac with fourteen chosen companions he
heads to Daneland” (xxi, 2-5).
Secondly, Beowulf’s journey from Daneland to Grendel’s mother’s dwelling place
(underwater) is also a pointer to the ample of the scale of the setting of the

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Epic Literature: An Examination of the Old English Poem “Beowulf” as an Epic Poem -Emmanuel Aloysius

“the son of the atheling then went o’er the stony declivitous cliffs, the close
covered passes, narrow passages, paths unfrequented, nesses nicker-haunts
many” (xxi, 25-28)
He journeyed to ‘the sea bottom” where he found Grendel’s mother and engaged
in a battle with her. From there the setting now moved back to Daneland again
where they all celebrated Beowulf’s victory. Beowulf then went back to Geatland
after defeating the monsters thus another change of setting.
Lastly, when Beowulf is still king of the Geats, he had to fight the fire-spewing
dragon in its lair.
“With eleven comrades he went fort to seek the dragons” (xxxiv, 26).
Beowulf’s journey from Geatland to Daneland, to the sea bottom to fight
Grendel’s mother back to Daneland to celebrate his victory, back to Geatland and
to the dragons den to fight the fire-spewing dragon shows how the setting moves
and changes from one place to another making it vast.
Epic poems are mostly considered as a ceremonial performance. Milton sees it as
a work of art which is written in grand style as it involves the use of formal
diction, a stylized syntax, sonorous list of names and allusions. In Epic poems, epic
similes and epithets are also present just as in Epic works by Homer.
The diction of the poem “Beowulf” is highly formal based on the language forms
used between the years 700 and 750 as it is supposedly composed between those
periods. The linguistic elements in the poem are stylized. The style of syntax used
in the poem might make it difficult for a first time reader to fully grasp the poem
wholly. For example some lines in the poem read
“The sword blade began then, the blood having touched it, contracting and
shriveling with battle icicles” (xxiv, 47-50)
A simple re-construction of the above lines using a more simple syntax form will
be “When the blood touched the sword blade, it began to melt”. Though there
are now lots of translations which will make it easier and simpler for readers to

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Epic Literature: An Examination of the Old English Poem “Beowulf” as an Epic Poem -Emmanuel Aloysius

In the poem an allusion is made to Cain, the brother of Abel in the Bible. It is used
to describe Grendel’s origin. In Burton Raffel’s translation of the poem “Beowulf”
Grendel is described as a “monster born of Cain, murderous creature banished by
God, punished forever for the crime of Abel’s death” (20-25).
The poem consists of sonorous list of names like Ecgtheow, Beowulf. Hrothgar,
Beo, Becca and so many others. In pronouncing such names correctly one has to
use his inner, high and loud voice to get them correctly. The poem also contains a
lot of epithets occurring in place of the names of some characters in the poem,
for instance such names as “war-spirit”, “march-stepper” “traveler-at-twilight” is
used in the poem to refer to Grendel. Grendel’s mother is also referred to as
“devil-shaped”, “swamp-thing”, “tam-hag” etc. names like “people-despoiler”,
“fire-spewing dragon” is used to describe the dreadful dragon. Beowulf the hero
of the poem is referred to as “battle-brave”, “war-king”, “hero-in-battle”, “battle-
bold-warrior” and many more. All these qualifies the poem as being written in an
elevated and grand style, thus qualifies as an epic literary work.
From the foregoing and the poem reviewed in this paper, one can see how the
poem “Beowulf” stands out as an excellent epic literary work of art. The
characteristics of an epic work like the hero being a figure of national importance
and one who performs extraordinary deeds in battle was evident through the epic
hero Beowulf who through his deeds proved worthy to be characterized as an
epic hero in the poem. He journeyed to different towns, lairs, underworld and the
moors in order to vanquish Grendel, his mother and also the dragon who are
portrayed as the evil forces or supernatural beings present in the poem. The
above mentioned characteristics which are evident in the poem makes it more
readily appreciated as a timeless epic literary work of art.

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Epic Literature: An Examination of the Old English Poem “Beowulf” as an Epic Poem -Emmanuel Aloysius

Works Cited
M.H Abram. A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Lesslie Hall. Beowulf. New York: D.C. Heath and CO., 1892.
Burton Raffel. Beowulf. New York: New American Library, 1963.

Online Sources
Mohammed Rafiq. The Epic: Definition, Types and Characteristics
Ram Maurya. The features of Epic

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