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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2004; 8: 143-152

Hypertensive crises: diagnosis and

management in the emergency room

Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Catholic University - Rome (Italy)

Dept. of Internal Medicine, Catholic University - Rome (Italy)
Human Nutrition Unit, University of Tor Vergata - Rome (Italy)

Abstract. – Hypertensive crises are com- by the absolute BP levels, but also by the
monly observed in an emergency room. magnitude and the rate of the pressure in-
Regardless blood pressure values, hyperten-
crease and by the underlying conditions3,4.
sive crises are classified in emergencies, char-
acterized by life-threatening acute organ dam- For instance, blood pressure levels in eclamp-
age, and urgencies, with no evidence of acute sia may be only slightly elevated; neverthe-
or progressive organ injury. In an hypertensive less, immediate treatment of hypertension in
emergency an appropriate and immediate man- this setting is mandatory.
agement with parenteral drugs is mandatory, Hypertensive crises are traditionally subdi-
while in an hypertensive urgency blood pres- vided in hypertensive emergencies and ur-
sure should be decreased within 24-48 h with
orally active agents.
This article reviews the spectrum of clinical The presence of acute or progressive life
syndromes that comprise hypertensive emer- threatening organ damage such as acute coro-
gencies, focusing on specific drugs and thera- nary syndrome, acute left ventricular failure
peutic strategies available in the emergency with pulmonary oedema, eclampsia, aortic
department, based on current literature. dissection, acute renal failure, hypertensive
Since no randomized prospective trials are
encephalopathy and haemorragic/ischaemic
available, an evidence-based approach recom-
mending an optimal therapeutical management stroke constitutes an hypertensive emer-
is not possible. Much of the therapy is there- gency5-7. Many authors consider also accelerat-
fore entirely empirical and based on the under- ed-malignant hypertension an emergency, be-
lying pathophysiologic and clinical findings. cause sudden occurrence of complications such
Further studies are needed to clarify patho- as stroke, acute renal failure or acute coronary
physiologic mechanisms in order to optimize syndrome in this setting is possible8-10.
therapeutic approach.
In most hypertensive emergencies, BP
Key Words: should be lowered within minutes using
Hypertension, Hypertensive emergency, Hypertensive parental drugs1,5,6.
urgency, Hypertensive crises, Hypertensive complication, An hypertensive urgency is an hyperten-
Treatment. sive crises without acute or progressive organ
damage, and BP should be lowered in 24-48
hours to prevent development of acute organ
damage1,5,7. According to the JNC VII, hyper-
tensive urgencies include upper levels of
Introduction stage II hypertension with symptoms like
headache, dizziness, severe anxiety, epistaxis
Definition and shortness of breath. Some authors in-
Hypertensive crisis is defined as a critical clude in the definition also hypertensive
elevation of blood pressure in which diastolic crises in patients without evidence of acute or
blood pressure (BP) generally exceeds 120 progressive organ damage but at high risk for
mmHg1,2. This threshold value is, however, developing new injury (patients with known
not univocally established, since the severity target organ diseases such as chronic is-
of the clinical picture is not only determined chaemic heart disease or previous stroke)11.

A. Migneco, V. Ojetti, A. De Lorenzo, N. Gentiloni Silveri, L. Savi

Casual detection of asymptomatic high BP initiated. Proinflammatory and adhesion mol-

levels without any sign of acute or progres- ecules are released from the impaired en-
sive organ involvement may be defined as dothelial cell layer, promoting local perme-
simple blood pressure rise11. Simple blood ability, inflammation and vasoconstriction15.
pressure rise may further be classified as The clinical picture of an hypertensive
transient hypertension (generally a cardiovas- crises may range from an asymptomatic pre-
cular response to pain or anxiety) or stable sentation to specific symptoms characterizing
uncomplicated hypertension12. an acute organ damage (dyspnea, chest pain,
neurological disorders). In the absence of or-
Ethiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Picture gan manifestations the patient may complain
and Diagnosis about non-specific symptoms such as palpita-
Any disorder that causes hypertension can tions, headache, dizziness.
give rise to a hypertensive emergency (Table By documenting the medical history, the
I). The rate of change in blood pressure de- medical status and by simple diagnostic proce-
termines the likelihood that an acute hyper- dures (ECG, fundoscopy, laboratory exams,
tensive syndrome will develop4. Pre-existing and when indicated, chest ray, cerebral or chest
hypertension may lower the probability of an CT scan) the differential diagnosis between
hypertensive emergency through adaptive emergency and urgency can generally be estab-
vascular changes that protect end organs lished at the emergency site within a very short
from acute changes in BP13. period of time. This approach may also give
The pathophysiology of the hypertensive some clues to define the cause of the hyperten-
crises is complex and incompletely under- sive crises (e.g., cocaine abuse, pheochromocy-
stood: an initial abrupt rise in vascular resis- toma, poorly controlled or previously un-
tance seems to be a necessary first step. This known stage II hypertension), guiding to a
increased vasoreactivity may be precipitated more appropriate therapy. When an hyperten-
by the release of vasodynamic substances such sive emergency is suspected, treatment should
as norepinephrine and angiotensin II and can be started as soon as possible, even before the
occur as a result of relative hypovolemia13,14. results of these exams are available.
The compensatory endothelial vasodilatory
responses are overwhelmed, leading to en-
dothelial decompensation, which promotes
further rises in BP13. Thus, a vicious circle, Management of
with progressive increases on vascular resis- Hypertensive Emergencies
tance and further endothelial dysfunction is
Several parenteral agents are available for
the treatment of hypertensive emergencies
Table I. Causes of hypertensive emergencies. (Table II). Intravenous agents are generally
preferred in this setting, since the effect of
• Essential hypertension: poorly controlled blood the treatment is rapid and occurs within a cal-
pressure, antihypertensive drugs withdrawal
culable period of time 13. Moreover, intra-
• Renal parenchymal diseases: acute glomeru-
lonephritis, vasculitis, haemolytic uraemic syn-
venous treatment can be better regulated
drome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura than medication administered orally or by the
• Renovascular diseases sublingual route .
• Endocrine diseases: pheocromocytoma, Cushing’s Before administering the treatment, the
syndrome, renin secreting tumors, mineralcorti- risk of worsening of the end-organ damage
coid hypertension (rare) must be weighed against the risk of rapid
• Drugs: cocaine, sympathomimetics, erythropoi- blood pressure lowering. Gradually decrease
etin, cyclosporine, interactions with monoamine- of mean BP level while minimizing the risk of
oxidase inhibitors (tyramine), amphetamines hypoperfusion is the most important thera-
• Autonomic hyperactivity: Guillame-Barrè syn- peutic principle in this setting16. For instance,
drome, acute intermittent porphyria
patients with chronic hypertension have an
• Central nervous system disorders: head injury,
cerebral infarction/haemorrhage, brain tumors
altered cerebral autoregulation curve17, and
• Eclampsia acute normotension would lead to cerebral

Hypertensive crises: diagnosis and management in the emergency room

Table II. Parenteral drugs for treatment of hypertensive emergencies: pharmacological properties.

Drug Dose Onset of Duration Mechanism

action of action of action

Labetalol 20-80 mg iv boluses or 10 min 3-6 h α/β-adrenergic

0.5-2 mg/min by infusion blocker

Esmolol 250-500 mg/kg/min 1-2 min 10-30 min β-adrenergic blocker

iv bolus, then 50-100
µg /kg/min by infusion

Phentolamine 5-15 mg iv boluses 1-2 min 10-30 min α-adrenergic antagonist

Urapidil 25 mg iv boluses or 3-5 min 4-6 h α-adrenergic

5-40 mg/h by infusion antagonist

Fenoldopam 0.1-0.3 mg/kg/min 5 min 30 min Dopamine 1

by infusion receptor agonist

Nicardipine 5-15 mg/h by infusion 5-10 min 15-30 min Calcium-channel


Enalaprilat 1.25-5 mg boluses 15-30 min 6-12 h ACE inhibitor

every 6h

Sodium 0.25-10 mg/kg/min Immediate 1-2 min Nitric oxid

Nitroprussiate by infusion compound direct
venous and
arterial vasodilator

Nitroglicerine 5-100 mg/min 2-5 min 5–10 min Nitric oxid

by infusion compound
direct venous and
arterial vasodilator
(mainly venous)

Hydralazine 10-20 mg iv 10–20 min 1-4 h Direct vasodilator


To avoid cerebral, coronary and renal is- the reliable effectiveness and on the con-
chemia, mean BP levels should be reduced traindications of the drugs (Table 3). Other
approximately by 25% within few minutes, selection criteria are duration of pressure
reaching the goal of 160/100 mmHg within 2- elevation and underlying conditions (e.g.,
6 hours5,18. BP should then be normalized in prior cardiovascular, cerebrovascular or re-
the following 24-48 h. Patients with aortic dis- nal disorders).
section5 or pulmonary oedema19 are excepted Diuretics should generally be avoided un-
from the rule of gradual BP reduction: in less there is evidence of left ventricular fail-
these cases BP must be reduced as soon as ure and pulmonary oedema, because many
possible to normal values or even lower. On patients have or develop hypovolemia during
the other hand, reduction of BP in stroke has such emergencies, possibly as a result of pres-
been matter of debate for years, since a de- sure induced natriuresis1,20.
crease of BP values in this setting may wors- Patients with an hypertensive emergency
en the cerebral ischemic damage13. should be admitted to an Intensive Care Unit
The choice of the drug greatly depends for continuous BP monitoring and parenteral
on the existing organ failure as well as on drug administration5.

A. Migneco, V. Ojetti, A. De Lorenzo, N. Gentiloni Silveri, L. Savi

Table III. Parenteral drugs for the treatment of hypertensive emergencies: indications, contraindications and side-

Drug Adverse effects Special Indications Contraindications

Labetalol Vomiting, Most hypertensive Heart failure asthma

bronchocostriction emergencies: in particular II degree heart block
dizziness, heart block acute coronary syndrome
aortic dissection,eclampsia

Esmolol Nausea bronchocostriction Acute coronary syndrome Heart failure asthma

heart block aortic dissection bradycardia
II degree heart block

Phentolamine Tachycardia, flushing Catecholamine excess Acute coronary syndrome

headache aortic dissection

Urapidil Hypotension headache Most hypertensive

dizziness emergencies

Fenoldopam Headache, dizziness flushing, Renal failure Glaucoma

tachycardia hypokalemia

Nicardipine Tachycardia, headache, flushing Renal failure stroke Heart failure acute
h. encephalopathy coronary syndrome
aortic dissection

Enalaprilat Variable response with Left ventricular failure Acute coronary

possible BP precipitous fall syndrome

Nitroprussiate Vomiting, sweating, thiocynate Most hypertensive Caution with high

and cyanide intoxication emergencies intracranial pressure

Nitroglycerine Headache, vomiting, tolerance Acute coronary syndrome

left ventricular failure

Hydralazine Tachycardia, flushing headache, Eclampsia Acute coronary sindrome,

vomiting aortic dissection

Stroke antihypertensive treatment should be with-

Management of the hypertensive crises dur- held unless the diastolic BP is > 120 mmHg
ing ischaemic stroke is a therapeutic dilemma, or the systolic BP is > 220 mmHg24,25. Aim of
because a rapid fall of BP levels may compro- the therapy should be a cautious reduction of
mise cerebral blood flow, leading to hypoper- BP by about 10% to 15%25. If the patient is
fusion of the peri-infarction area with conse- eligible for thrombolytic therapy, careful
quent worsening of the ischaemic damage21,22. management of BP is critical, because exces-
Furthermore, in many patients with acute sive high pressure levels are associated with
stroke, hypertension resolves spontaneously high risk of parenchymal haemorrhage after
within 48 h23. On the other hand severe hyper- thrombolysis 26 . In these cases BP values
tension may lead to direct vascular damage, should be kept < 185/110 mmHg at the time
extension of the perifocal oedema and hemor- of the treatment and in the following 24 h24.
rhagic transformation of the infarction24. Haemorrhagic stroke requires more aggres-
Optimal management of hypertensive sive blood pressure control: the American
crises during ischaemic stroke has not been Heart Association guidelines recommend to
established. The general agreement is that keep mean arterial pressure < 130 mmHg27.

Hypertensive crises: diagnosis and management in the emergency room

Management of hypertension in subarach- The pathogenesis of hypertensive en-

noid haemorrhage should be targeted toward cephalopathy seems to be related to cere-
averting re-haemorrhage on one hand, and brovascular endothelial dysfunction with dis-
reduced cerebral perfusion, due to arteriolar ruption of the blood-brain barrier resulting in
vasospasm, with secondary brain ischemia, on cerebral oedema and microhaemorrhage for-
the other hand. There are no data or consen- mation13.
sus about optimal BP values in this setting. Symptoms are acute or subacute onset of
Some authors advise to maintain mean and lethargy, confusion, headache, visual distur-
systolic arterial pressure 15% above base- bance and seizures. If not adequately treated
line28, while other authors29 suggest a more hypertensive encephalopathy can progress to
aggressive treatment maintaining the peak massive cerebral haemorrhage, coma and
systolic pressure 20 % below baseline. death13.
Centrally acting drugs such as clonidine Suitable drugs in the management of hy-
should be avoided because of their capacity pertensive encephalopathy include labetalol,
to interfere with mental status 1. Parental enalaprilat, nicardipine, urapidil, hydra-
agents, such as labetalol, easily titrated and lazine 13,16. Although sodium nitroprussiate
with minimal dilatory effect on cerebral ves- may increase intracranial pressure, many ex-
sel are the first choice therapy24. Other possi- perts continue to advocate it’s use 13,21 .
ble agents are Esmolol, Enalaprilat 30 , Clonidine should be avoided because it is a
Urapidil 31 or Nicardipine 16. In some cases central nervous system depressant1,13. In el-
combination of these drugs may be necessary derly patients and in those with pre-existing
for adequate arterial pressure control. Some hypertension, altered cerebral autoregulation
authors suggest addition of nitroprussiate if limits demand cautious treatment: overzeal-
hypertension is resistant to β-blockers or ous BP pressure lowering may determine
ACE inhibitors 24. This drug should be ad- cerebral hypoperfusion, with worsening of
ministered very cautiously, if at all, since its the neurological status and stroke13.
vasodilatory properties may lead to increase
intracranial pressure exacerbating cerebral Acute Coronary Syndrome
ischemia28. Acute coronary syndromes include acute
Nimodipine is currently administered in myocardial infarction with ST segment eleva-
subarachnoid haemorrhage to prevent cere- tion, acute myocardial infarction without ST
bral arteriolar vasospasm29. Since nimodipine segment elevation and unstable angina. β-
may lower BP, antihypertensive agents blockers, nitrates, oxygen and aspirin are tra-
should be given only if nimodipine has been ditionally emergency department first line
ineffective on systemic arterial pressure. therapy in acute coronary syndrome34-37. In
particular, the positive effects on survival and
Hypertensive Encephalopathy on reduction of the infarction area of beta
Hypertensive encephalopathy is defined blockade during acute myocardial infarction
as an acute organic brain syndrome occur- are well known38,39. Since β-blockers and ni-
ring as a result of failure of the upper limit trates effectively lower BP, they are the first
of cerebral vascular autoregulation 13 . choice therapy in hypertensive crises during
Cerebral blood flow is autoregulated within acute coronary syndrome. Nitrates, and in
specific limits: as mean arterial pressure in- particular nitroglycerine, decrease the cardiac
creases, compensatory cerebral vasocon- preload, the left ventricular filling pressure
striction limits cerebral hyperperfusion. In a and, to a lesser extent, also the cardiac after-
normotensive individual cerebral blood flow load inducing arterial dilation: the result is a
remains unchanged between mean arterial decrease of myocardial oxygen consumption
pressures of 70 and 150 mmHg; in hyperten- and a reduction of arterial pressure lev-
sive individuals these limits are shifted to els13,21,37. These drugs also dilate the coronary
higher levels (110 and 180 mmHg) 10,32,33 . arteries, facilitating coronary blood flow.
When mean arterial pressure exceeds the It is well known that β-blockers have nega-
upper limit of autoregulation, cerebral va- tive chronotropic and inotropic effects, de-
sodilation ensues with overperfusion and creasing cardiac output and dramatically re-
cerebral oedema11,14. ducing myocardial oxygen demand. The

A. Migneco, V. Ojetti, A. De Lorenzo, N. Gentiloni Silveri, L. Savi

longer diastolic filling time promotes coro- pooling and decreased ventricular preload.
nary blood flow, increasing myocardial perfu- The subsequent diuretic effect further de-
sion40. Nevertheless, the magnitude of the BP creases ventricular preload and reduces BP
decrease in the first 24 hours after β-blocker levels, thereby positively affecting also the af-
administration is not predictable, since the terload mismatch41. ACE-inhibitors may be
reduction of the cardiac output determines a useful in this setting14,16.
transient reflex rise of the peripheral vascular Drugs decreasing myocardial contractility,
resistance. In cases of hypertensive crises such as labetalol, should be avoided.
during acute coronary syndrome a more defi- Concomitant therapy with opioids and oxy-
nite antihypertensive effect is suitable, and gen supply may enhance the efficacy of anti-
labetalol is a reasonable choice. Owing to its hypertensive agents16.
competitive β- and α-inhibition properties,
labetalol reduces vascular resistance and ar- Acute Aortic Dissection
terial BP without induction of reflex tachy- Regardless the type of aortic dissection
cardia1,21. and the further management (surgical thera-
Dihydropyridines, such as nicardipine, and py, endovascular stent placement, pharmaco-
hydralazine should be avoided, since these logical treatment), aim of the first line thera-
drugs enhance sympathetic outflow increas- py is to prevent propagation of the dissection.
ing the cardiac work. Advancement of the dissection critically de-
pends on the hydrodynamic forces in the
Left Ventricular Failure and bloodstream: these are mainly related to the
Pulmonary Oedema mean BP levels and to the steepness of the
The pathogenesis of acute left ventricular pulsewave (dP/dt)42. Aim of the treatment is
failure is related to a critical interaction be- to reduce the force of the left ventricular con-
tween progressive decrease in cardiac systolic tractions, in order to decrease the steepness
performance and an acute increase in sys- of the aortic pulsewave on one hand, and to
temic vascular resistance. This leads to a de- reduce cardiac output with a fall of mean BP
crease in cardiac index and increase in left levels on the other hand. Thus β-blockers,
ventricular diastolic filling pressure with a owing to their negative inotropic properties,
steep increase in pulmonary venous, and are standard therapy for aortic dissection.
hence pulmonary capillary pressure inducing Moreover, the negative chronotropic effect of
exudation of fluid from the intravascular β-blockers decrease the number of left ven-
compartment into the lung interstitium and tricular contractions per minute, with a fur-
alveoli. The consequent decrease of O2 satu- ther reduction of the total pulsatile load on
ration leads to myocardial ischemia, further the aortic wall11,42.
impairing the cardiac performance19. High BP In cases of hypertensive crises associated
levels in this setting worsen the left ventricu- to aortic dissection, a β-blocker (propanolol,
lar afterload mismatch decreasing further the esmolol) should be started in addition to ni-
cardiac output. troprussiate43. The latter agent should never
Immediate goals of the treatment is im- be administered without previous beta block-
proving systemic oxygen saturation and in- ade, since the reflex catecholamine release
ducing a rapid vasodilation of both arteries secondary to the nitroprussiate induced va-
and veins, thus decreasing vascular resis- sodilation may result in an increase in left
tance, alleviating afterload mismatch and ventricular contraction force42. Labetalol, a
reducing preload of both left and right ven- potent antihypertensive agent with β-blocker
tricles19. properties, is an alternative to the combina-
Sodium nitroprussiate achieves both ven- tion β-blocker and nitroprussiate 42,43. If β-
odilation and arterial vasodilation, decreasing blockers are contraindicated, urapidil is a
pre- and afterload16,21. Nytroglicerine is a rea- reasonable choice21,31.
sonable alternative that has less afterload re- Treatment should be started as soon as the
ducing capability, but it may increase myocar- diagnosis of aortic dissection is suspected, and
dial blood flow to ischemic areas 16,21 . the systemic arterial pressure should reach the
Intravenous furosemide has immediate ven- lowest levels allowing organ perfusion (sys-
odilatory properties, leading to venous blood tolic BP between 100 and 110 mmHg)5,42.

Hypertensive crises: diagnosis and management in the emergency room

Eclampsia lent choice13,16. Diuretic use in renal failure

Preeclampsia is characterized by hyperten- and severe hypertension may be beneficial or
sion diagnosed after 20 weeks gestation (BP deleterious, depending on the patient’s vol-
values > 140/90 mmHg) and proteinuria 45. ume status13.
Other features consistent with severe If hypertension remains severe or refrac-
preeclampsia are neurological symptoms such tory, other vasodilators, such as sodium nitro-
as headache, visual disturbances, oliguria, prussiate or fenoldopam13,16 can be used.
thrombocytopenia, increased liver enzymes
and pulmonary oedema. Eclampsia is the new Accelerated-Malignant Hypertension
onset of seizures before, during or after labor, Accelerated-malignant hypertension is a
not attributable to other causes, in a woman rare form of hypertension characterized by
with preeclamsia45. Seizures generally occur as fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles in many vascu-
a result of hypertensive encephalopathy. The lar beds47. Accelerated-malignant hyperten-
best treatment of preeclampsia or eclampsia is sion may complicate any form of chronic hy-
delivery44. If delivery is not possible or war- pertension, but it occurs most commonly in
ranted then management should include hos- young black men with underlying renal or
pitalization, close observation, antihyperten- renovascular diseases 11 . The diagnosis is
sive treatment and prophylaxis against con- made by the presence of severe hypertension
vulsions. Prevention and treatment of eclamp- in association with bilateral retinal haemor-
tic seizures is best achieved by administration rhages, cotton wool spots or exudates with or
of magnesium sulphate46. Treatment with spe- without papilledema48. Other features of ac-
cific antihypertensive agents should be initiat- celerated-malignant hypertension are hemol-
ed when diastolic pressure exceeds 105 ysis and thrombocytopenia due to red cell
mmHg, or when it increases rapidly from a and platelet fragmentation8. The main com-
near normal range to > 100 mmHg 14 . plications of malignant hypertension are
Hydralazine, administered in repeated intra- stroke, myocardial infarction, hypertensive
venous boluses is the most commonly used encephalopathy and renal failure. Direct
drug in eclampsia14,44. Labetalol is also effec- pressure effects, volume depletion, activation
tive in this setting, either as an intravenous of the renin-angiotensin system, imbalanced
bolus or by continuous infusion13,14. production of nitric oxid and natriuretic pe-
tides and oxidative stress have all been impli-
Acute or Progressive Renal Failure cated in the pathogenesis of accelerated-ma-
Acute renal failure may be a cause or a lignant hypertension49.
consequence of hypertensive emergency11,13. Most of the complications are related to in-
Hypertensive emergencies are common in travascular thrombosis due to endothelial
patients with renal transplant, especially damage. These abnormalities probably im-
those receiving cyclosporine and corticos- prove with good BP control47.
teroids13. Severe hypertension in young pa- Treatment of accelerated-malignant hyper-
tients should raise the possibility of intrinsic tension should start immediately, and any of
acute renal disease, such as acute glomeru- the parenteral antihypertensive agents is ap-
lonephritis. Intrarenal vasculitis, sometimes propriate in this setting11: drug selection crite-
occurring in scleroderma, is a rare cause of ria are ongoing complications (stroke, acute
acute renal failure and consequent blood renal failure, myocardial ischemia) and pre-
pressure increase11. On the other hand, accel- existing conditions (previous chronic renal in-
erated-malignant hypertension causes fre- sufficiency, heart failure).
quently acute renal failure11.
The primary goal in the management of
new-onset renal insufficiency accompanying
severe hypertension is to limit further renal Management of
damage through BP control. Antihypertensive Hypertensive Urgencies
drugs that preserve renal blood flow, such a
calcium antagonists and alfa-adrenergic block- In a hypertensive urgency the patient’s BP
ing agents are appropriate13,16. Labetalol, ow- should be reduced within a period of 24 to 48
ing to its alfa-inhibiting properties is an excel- hours. Such adjustment can be achieved on

A. Migneco, V. Ojetti, A. De Lorenzo, N. Gentiloni Silveri, L. Savi

an out-patient basis, however, only if the pa- tor blocking properties16,21. Treatment of ur-
tient can be followed up adequately for early gencies, with less severe hypertension, should
detection of a renewed crises5,16,21. Generally include alfa-adrenoceptor blocking agents that
oral medications are used for gradual reduc- can be given orally, such as doxazosine.
tion of blood pressure5,16. Selection of the an- Cocaine use can result in a typical sympa-
tihypertensive agent depends on the patient’s thomimetic syndrome with tachycardia, ar-
medical history and on any underlying chron- rhythmias, hypertension, hyperthermia and
ic disease. agitation51. Complications include myocar-
Stable uncomplicated hypertension should dial ischemia, cerebral infarction, intra-
be treated with new oral antihypertensive parenchymal or subarachnoid haemorrhage
agents or reinstitution of previous medication and rarely aortic dissection. Severe hyper-
if non compliance is a problem. tension is best treated with phentoalamine,
Transient hypertension due to pain or anxi- labetalol or nitroprussiate plus β-block-
ety is best treated with analgesic or anxiolytic ers16,21. As in pheochromocytoma, β-blockers
medications16. alone should be avoided because of para-
doxical BP rise, due to unopposed peripher-
al alfa-adrenergic mediated vasoconstric-
tion. Chest pain usually responds to
Management of Catecholamine nytroglicerine. If myocardial infarction de-
Induced Hypertensive Crises velops, the combination of nytroglycerine
plus labetalol seems the best choice.
Catecholamine-induced hypertensive crises Phentolamine is considered second line
are characterized by a sudden increase in pre- agent for cocaine-induced hypertensive
dominantly α-adrenergic tone21. Catechola- crises with chest pain51.
mine-induced crises may present as an hyper-
tensive urgency, or may cause acute end or-
gan damages. The most common causes are
ingestion of sympathomimetics, clonidine Conclusions
withdrawal, interaction of monoamine oxi-
dase inhibitors with tyramine rich foods (cer- Severely elevated BP subtend different
tain beers, wine, chicken liver) and pheochro- clinical entities with markedly different time-
mocytoma. lines varying in the immediacy with which
Generally, first choice drugs are alfa- they should be treated.
adrenoceptor blockers such as phentolamine21. Patients with hypertensive crises are not
Pheochromocytoma is a rare chromaffin cell good candidates for prospective randomized
tumor producing catecholamines50. Typically trials, and data attesting benefits of acutely
patients show sustained or paroxysmal hyper- lowering BP in this condition are not avail-
tension with headache, palpitations and sweat- able. Since an evidence-based approach rec-
ing. During such crises patients may develop ommending an optimal therapeutical man-
end organ damages such as myocardial infarc- agement is not possible, much of the therapy
tion, hypertensive encephalopathy, stroke and is entirely empirical and based on the attempt
congestive heart failure50. In this setting, im- to best match pathophysiological findings
mediate treatment is crucial, and phento- with pharmacologic properties of antihyper-
lamine in repeated boluses or in continuous tensive agents.
infusion is the best choice. Commonly used al- Choice of the appropriate agent should
ternatives are nitroprussiate with β-blockers21 therefore be based on clinical findings, mech-
or nicardipine50. β-blockers as exclusive agents anism of action and potential adverse effect.
are contraindicated, since unopposed alfa-me-
diated peripheral vasoconstrinction may lead
to further BP rise16,21. If tachycardia, arrhyth-
mia or angina are present, beta adrenoceptor References
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