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• PSR 30 (1982): 15-22


University of the Philippines

This paper attempts to analyze the badc premises of /PC Bociology, offers a critique of that
perspective, and concludeB with a statement of the types of questions concerning development
studieB in the Philippines.

Introduction modem social science as we know it today

flourished only after World War II. Much of
Development studies, in the sense of formal
the serious research that we can easily recall
degree programs, have only been recently
now in fact was undertaken only in the early
instituted in the Philippines. 1 But
sixties, and under the aegis mainly of the
development . problems, more specifically
University of the Philippines (U.P.) and the
problems of modernization, have been the
Ateneo de Manila University though in later
subje~t of systematic research in a few
years, the Ateneo took the lead by pioneering
universities from the early 1960s. The
in organized social science research.
disciplinal base of these early studies was
sociology, and the particular institutional It is, therefore, no accident that today
setting in which they flourished was the what is taught as Philippine social science in
Institute of Philippine Culture (!PC) of the
our schools and universities consists mainly of
Ateneo de Manila University.2 Today, no
the concepts, problems and approaches
program in development studies can ignore

• this legacy, for IPC-style sociology continues to

set the tone for social science departments in
most of the universities and colleges in the
popularized by the Ateneo's Institute of
Philippine Culture. Indeed, it is not an
exaggeration to suggest that Philippine social
science is commonly taken to be synonymous
country. And indeed, research on development
to hiya, pakikisama or smooth interpersonal
problems, especially where they explicitly
relations, amor propio, bahala na, and utang
focus on the so-called "human factor" in
na loob (reciprocity). 3 Or, that social science
development, invariably goes back to the early
research in the Philippines is typically
themes on Philippine values and social
associated with the authors of the anthology
structure introduced by Frank Lynch and
entitled "Four Readings in Philippine Values,"
company. This paper attempts to analyze the
namely, Frank Lynch, Mary Hol1nsteiner,
basic premises of that perspective, offers a
John Carroll, and Jaime Bulatao,
critique and concludes with a statement of the
types of questions concerning development
In the UP at around this time, returning
which point to the direction of a new type of
Ph.Ds were kept busy performing
social science that a younger generation of
administrative tasks as deans, directors or
Filipino intellectuals are raising today.
heads of departments - .for these were the
The foundations of Philippine sociology usual roles into which new Ph.Ds returning
from abroad were cast. The emphasis was to
While the teaching of sociology as a subject open masteral programs - in a word, teaching
has a fairly long history, perhaps going back rather than research. There was almost no
to the tum of the century when social ethics time for them to do any serious writing or
and penology were taught as sociology by the research after finishing their obligatory
Dominicans at the University of Santo Tomas, dissertations.

• 15

1b be sure, if we look back to the late its : leading values. Values - meaning
fifties and the early sixties, we did not lack conceptions of desired or desirable things held
serious and often biting social comment by the community are seen as operating in the
. Renato Constantino, S. P. Lopez, Teodoro form of rules or noons, even as they manifest
Agoncillo, and later Jose Ma. Sison were busy themselves also in the form of attitudes. In
interpreting the general drift of society and tum the norms or rules define the content of
culture during that period. But their writings the roles that individuals play in society.
were typically not considered social science. These roles come in clusters, and when they
Indeed they, wrote about society, but the appear as such, they are called institutions.
topics they addressed were not on the agenda ·Institutions are the primary sub-systems of
of conventional western social science, .and as society through which society fulfills the
importantly, they were. not considered requirements of survival. Values, therefore, are
empirical and rigorous when viewed from the · the basic guiding principles of the entire social
standpoint of orthodox social science order. To know the values of a community is
methodology. to decipher the logic of its social structures.
No one explains where the values come from,
Thus, what we regard today as the though we are told they are prernisJd on
Philippine social science. tradition takes us beliefs - more precisely on the world view of
only as far back as the IPC watershed. What is a people. But again, no one explains why
even more important, perhaps, is that this some communities come to possess a certain
same watershed has remained the dominant view of the world and not another. The world
source of what is considered academic social view of a society is largely treated as a given,
science in the Philippines. It is for this reason in much the same way. values are also treated
that this paper focuses on the type of social as givens. They are to be studied and known,
science thinking that was produced at the !PC. · but n,ot explained.

Lynch and Hollnsteiner never articulated This, in brief, summarizes Lynch and
their theory of society in any. single Hollnsteiner's views of the role of values in
monograph or journal. This, however, was society. When we begin to see values in this
intimately woven into their numerous analyses light, .the 'logical urgent research problem for
of the concrete problems facing Philippine anyone who starts out to understand a society
society. Perhaps the closest they ever got to is to determine its leading values. There are
explicating the basic elements of the general many ways of doing this research: the more
theory that underpinned their writings was the common- ones utilize Fr. Bulatao's Thematic
previously mentioned anthology, "Four Apperception Tests, in which respondents are
Readings on Philippine Values." What I asked to tell stories about pictures of social
shall attempt to do here is highlight what I situations shown to them. The dominant
consider as the basic features or themes that surface are then taken to reflect
presuppositions of their general approach, and their value orientations. The other methods
to show how these have influenced their utilize questionnaires and interviews. Here the
choice of research problems and shaped their typical method is to ask respondents to
perceptions of the problems of Philippine indicate their . choices in hypothetical
society. situational dilemmas described to them.
Typically, the items' included seek to
The basic features of [PC sociology distinguish the traditionalistic -individual from
the modernizing. individual, based on values
1. The primacy of values in society associated with traditionalism and modernity
The !PC school viewed the organization of as expressed in the writings of western social
society as essentially accountable in terms of scientists. .Traditionalism and modernity, •

which depend on one's scores on a given scale, The same explanations are repeated for
are then correlated with social and other spheres of human activity. The manager
demographic variables, such as level of is unable to fire an incompetent employee
education, religion, sex, place of residence, because of values. An employee is forced to
and socioeconomic status. hire a relative over and above a very promising
applicant, again, because of values.
Having been trained as a social
anthropologist in the University of Chicago, For a whole decade - 'the sixties - the
Lynch was very partial to ethnographic emphasis on values became the common
material and case studies, and in the course of denominator of all !PC studies. Translated
his work he marshalled all the available local into their practical implications, these studies
studies, sifted them to extract evidence that provided interesting lessons to modem
would lend credence to his schema of managers and entrepreneurs on how to handle
Philippine values. He coined the term "SIR" problems of human relations arising from the
or "smooth interpersonal relations" to conflict between traditional expectations and
indicate what he considered as the Filipino's the functional .requirements of modern
penchant for social acceptance. corporate bureaucracies.

No other Filipino social scientist had The era of import-substitute

previously attempted a listing of Filipino industrialization which opened the floodgates
values. The possible charge of arbitrariness and of the Philippine economy to subsidiaries of
of unrepresentative and inadequate samples American transnational corporations (TNCs)
could so easily be made that even to this day, also encouraged the development of a social

• no one really claims the status of a theory for

the listing of values made by the IPC team.
Still, having arrived at a tentative
science that was geared to the needs of an
emerging modern capitalist sector. The Ateneo
offered a course entitled "Understanding
determination of what Filipino values Philippine and American Values," which was
consisted of, the IPC group figures that the conducted mainly by Lynch and Hollnsteiner.
next thing to do was to unlock the mystery It became very popular with the religious
of Filipino customs, politics, structures, and missionaries and Peace Corps volunteers who
arrangements using the insights provided by were also trying to learn Tagalog at the same
their interpretation of Filipino values. time, but soon they were joined by an
increasing number of expatriate executives
from the parent companies of the foreign
The sense of discovery and accomplishment subsidiaries.
that accompanied this enterprise was amazing.
The Filipino farmer's refusal to change his The natural affinity between this kind of
farming methods, even if he was convinced social science and the social control concerns
that to do so would raise his yield, was now of business houses and state bureaucracies
understandable, using the value perspective, as found concrete expression in the eventual
proceeding from the need for social publication of a book on problems of
acceptance. His world view tells him, management in the Philippines, which was
according to this perspective, that "good is written by a Harvard Business School team
limited." Whatever he reaps in excess of what. working closely with the !PC and
he ordinarily gets is a loss to others. This will e incorporating much of the work on values of
bring the ire of others upon him, and the the Institute. This was J. B. M. Kassarjian and
farmer cannot and will not risk that. So he R. A. Stringer's ''The Management of Men,"
refuses to change his methods and foregoes published by the Solidaridad Publishing House
• the opportunity to increase his yield. in 1971. Even before that, however, the

standard IPC themes popularized by Lynch congenial community, the writings of David
and his group were already resonating in the McClelland found a sympathetic audience.
halls of the ·leading graduate schools of Soon everyone, was mouthing the
, business and management 4 need-for-achievement (nAch) slogan' - to a
point where it seemed as if the problems of
underdevelopment were completely
2. The importance of values and modernization explainable in terms of the 'Filipinos low nAch
level. This was supposedly measurable .through
By the mid-sixties, local social scientists the standard scales produced in America, and
had already picked up the language of there. are supposedly effective ways of raising
modernization, urbanization and economic nAch levels - though training programs and
development Modernization was the special exercises, through children's textbooks, etc.
sphere of the social scientist since this term Today, however, only a handful of
dealt mainly with changes in the institutional corporations in Makati have remained hooked
framework - in short, changes in value on this incredible sorcery.S
3. Urban problems as a function of urbaniza-
To be sure, the IPC took a liberal attitude tion
towards Filipino values. In themselves, within
the context of their traditional settings, In viewing cities and the problems of
Filipino values were not considered marginalized groups, the prevailing orthodoxy
undesirable; in fact, they were seen. as is that urbanization naturally carries with it
generally supportive and integrative in their the attendant problems of overcrowding,
effect upon society., we were blight, criminality, and the deterioration of
quickly warned, they were. fast becoming basic services in the transitional areas of the
inappropriate and· anachronistic in the .city, Structurally, the cities are seen as the
emerging milieu of modern Philippine society natural cradle of the so-called modern sector
- by which of course was meant capitalist or the capitalist sector. In the underdeveloped
society. Modernization required the learning countries of the Third World, the modern
of new ways of dealing with people, of new sector .is viewed as. an island amid the sea' of
relationships, and equally importantly, it obstinate traditionalism. The country grows as
required also the unlearning of customary the modern sector expands its reaches. The
reflexes especially where they clashed with the faster this sector engulfs" the rest of the
ethos of modern organizational systems. The country, the greater the leap to development,
traditional values must be allowed to survive
within their strictly circumscribed social The movement of people from the
contexts, but under no circumstances must
they be allowed to interfere with the
rationality of modern organizations. Only in
countrysides to the cities is treated as a
natural phenomenon, for rural migrants have
been observed to be inescapably dazzled by
this manner can the Filipino people attain the lights and gaiety of city life. From this
development, for development is synonymous point of view, ,what emerges as the interesting
with modernization. These, in brief, research topic is the manner in which these
constituted the major policy implications of migrants adjust to or cope with the recurrent
!PC social science. difficulties of survival in an unfamiliar social
terrain' away from home. This interest has
Some of the imported members of the IPC, actually spawned a number of studies
notably the American psychologist George centering on "coping mechanisms" as the
Guthrie, devoted much attention to the value basic 'element of. the "culture of poverty."
prerequisites of modernization. In this The model of analysis used here is borrowed

from Oscar Lewis, who put out a succession it is the IPC influence that has been most
of books dealing with the intimate and often pervasive in the Philippine social science
juicy life histories of Mexican and Peruvian community and in our universities.
families. The IPC contributed many of the Pervasiveness and dominance however have
studies in this tradition, but perhaps the most nothing to do with validity. In this paper I
typical of these culture-of-poverty studies in wanted to argue that the ways of seeing
the Philippine setting is F. Landa Jocano's embodied in the approaches popularized by
Slum as a Way of Life. the IPC group prevented us and continue to
prevent us from recognizing and reflecting
Such studies start out with a lively account upon some vital issues related to our
of the little adaptations and inventive development as a people. Specifically, I mean:
adjustments developed by slum dwellers as a
way of coping with the exigencies of daily life 1. The excessive attention assigned to values
in the city. The quality of strangeness of these has effectively drawn our attention away from
habits is so effectively conveyed that one the economic and political structure of our
sometimes gets the impressions that the society, from the contradictions of class
people being described are not "lowland interests, from systematic exploitation and
Christian Filipinos" but maybe a injustice, and the class character of our
newly-discovered cultural minority. But what political and cultural institutions. It has
is significant, from a theoretical point of view, confined us to solutions that seek only to
is when they start suggesting that the slums change individuals but not the oppressive
breed their own social patterns and values structures under which they live.
appropriate to the conditions of life within
them, and that these values acquire a force of 2. The explanation of social problems in
their own, so much that in the course of their terms of dominant anachronistic values has
transmission from one generation to another, prevented us from appreciating our colonial
they become valued for their own sake. What past, and specifically the role of colonial
is thereby implied is that the culture of powers in defming the basic contours of our
poverty can perpetuate the conditions of social institutions and in laying down the
poverty. Here, again, poverty is treated foundations of our present economic
primarily in internal terms, internal both in underdevelopment. It is often said that the
the sense of being socio-psychologistic instead essential defect of much historical writing in
of structural, and internal also in the sense of the Philippines is that it lacks a social theory.
confining one's attention to the parameters of It may also justly be said that the basic defect
the national society. of orthodox social science in our country is

. Notes towards a critique

that it lacks a sense of history.

3. To that we can also add that the

In the foregoing I have tried to indicate entrenched social science tradition in the
what I consider to be the leading features of Philippines lacks a global dimension, for it
the dominant social science tradition in the treats the national society as if it had been
Philippines. In the discussion I constantly spared the ravages of colonialism and the
referred to the legacy left by Lynch and vicious plunder of contemporary imperialism.
Hollnsteiner from their work at IPC. In To view development as the expansion of a
focusing on them, I did not mean to suggest modern capitalist sector is to assume that our
that there were no other signiftcant social so-called traditional communities have not
scientists who followed another tradition. been touched by international capitalism. To
Indeed there were, but I simply wanted to view development as a matter of nAch levels
• make the point that whether we like it or not, on the other hand is to insult, our own people

and to credit Americans and the Japanese society and the consequent misery of our
with too much intelligence and creativity. people, social scientists are more than ever
Throughout the 1960s lind early 1970s, called upon to explain the roots of the
Philippine social science nevertheless revolved current national malaise, the structures that
around the themes identified by' the IPC reproduce it, and the direction towards real
researchers. For those 'who Sought answers and lasting change. Furthermore we are asked
from the social science community to the to identify the obstacles that stand in the way
burning 'questions that were already being of meaningful change. Is it the international
raised in student demonstrations, the IPC forces that control the levers of the global
studies simply sounded smugly irrelevant. political economy? Is it the collusion between
Ironically, from their titles at least, they ail big business, corrupt politicians and
seemed to be. addressing the concrete power-hungry military officials? Is it the
problems of real people. Yet in fact, they consciousness of the people themselves? In
never attempted to draw conclusions that short, how can we make sense of what is
could be related to some coherent image of happening in our society? And where do we
the societal structure. Consequently, thiS go from here?
sociological community - together with social
science in general - was decisively swept aside In the Philippines, like elsewhere in the
by the radical splash of the early 70s: A Third World, existing development studies
dangerous but perfectly understandable have become too much the instruments of
anti-intellectualism took' the place of this international agencies and national
anachronistic social science in the' campuses of governments. The information they generate
the leading universities. Even the' university may carry pragmatic value to those who are
was pronounced totally' irrelevant. Serious concerned with stabilizing the existing power
reading and the'o;etical discussions' were structure, but it is absolutely of no use to the
considered a bourgeois pastime.' Everyone people. An alternative social science for
wanted to change society; but the simplistic development must correct this. It must stop
slogans had preempted the space for deep addressing regimes, corporations, international
reflection. . organizations like the World 'Bank and the
International Monetary Fund, journal editors,
Things slowly changed towards the second fellow academics, and desk-bound participants
half of the 70s. There was more time to read of international conferences. It must address
and discuss. Earlier, many had recognized the the people themselves and reach them in their
need not only for theory but also for communities, because they alone are in a
systematic. documentary and field research. position to make those lasting changes that we'
The university itself was restored to its

can only talk about
previous importance as a crucial arena in
which to confront. the dominant ideology. .A number of intellectuals in the Philippines
Thus, at about the same time that the old although working. in many separate groups,
sociology of modernization had resurfaced as believe that it is their proper task to provide
development studies, serious radical scholar- these concepts and the systematic information
ship was gaining wide acceptance especially - about the larger international context,
among the younger faculty members. The about our history, about the structures of our
thinking of this' growing community is the society, and the forms of life that have grown
subject of the last section of this paper. within these structures, as well as the
possibilities and conditions of real societal
An alternative role for development studies transformation - to our people.

Because of the deepening crisis of our Certainly there are enormous difficulties •

in carrying out intellectual work of this or simply to effectively insulate themselves

nature. Not only does this form of activity from the instabilities of daily life;
not advance one's academic career, or
contribute to one's income as in the case of 5. constantly assess the possibilities of real
commissioned studies, it is also fraught with structural change in our society, specifically
danger, For this kind of work directly by defining the basic characteristics of the
confronts power wielders who are able to environment within which a people's
exercise power through coercion, deception movement for change must operate; and
and outright suppression. Moreover, even the formulate the conditions under which
intrinsic rewards do not amount to much: spontaneous people's organizations can
there is little revolutionary romance in become part of a larger process of societal
systematic data-collection. renewal; and
6. conceptualize a VISion of alternative
Yet reason tells us that this type of work structures in conformity with our people's
must be done, that concerned intellectuals desire for a free, just, dignified and
must serve as a kind of technocracy for a prosperous life for all.
genuine people's movement. The largest
available space within which this type of
studies can be done is still to be found within
universities whose academic freedom and
institutional autonomy provide a protective
mantle - even if only in a limited way - for
critical research. Footnotes
The agenda for this kind of undertaking is
overwhelming. Recently a number of us sat I The U.P. College in Manila opened its A.B.
down to consider the most urgent questions 0 Development Studies in 1981, while the U.P. College
requiring systematic attention. We drew a list in Baguio will offer an M.A. in Social Development
that is too long to reproduce here. 1 shall Studies starting 1982. While other universities and
colleges are beginning to institute courses on
attempt to summarize the orientation that development, I am not aware of the existence of a
informed our choices here. What we had in degree program in development in any other hlgher
mind was a set of studies that could: institution in the Philippinea.

1. clarify what kind of society we have

become as a function of our colonial 2ne Ateneo is a Jesuit-run school in Quezon
City, which enjoys, among all private schools, the
reputation of having very. hlgh academic standards.
The founder and first director of the Institute of
2. defme the salient features of the global and
Philippine Culture was the late American Jesuit
regional environment within which our anthropologist, who later became a Filipino citizen,
society is moving, and bring out the basic Frank Lynch. Together with Mary Hollnsteiner, and
constraints of these supra-national systems; a host of Peace Corps Volunteers and transient social
scientists from America who joined the Ateneo-Penn
3. reveal the precise mechanisms by which the State Basic Research Program, Lynch inaugurated the
existing system is able to reproduce and first real program of organized social science research
in the Philippines. The seminar studies that emerged
perpetuate itself, and bring out the ways from this program were published in the IPC Papers,
and techniques of this power, as well as series of Modernization.
identify its most vulnerable points;
3These concepts, constituting the hallmark of !PC
4. identify and understand how people are
sociology, refer to basic values and norms in
able to effectively organize themselves in Philippine society as these have been identified by
order to gain some control over their lives, the Ateneo sociologists.

4 lt became' typical to include a course on 5A number of management consultancy houses

Filipino Cultural Values in the Masters in Business still .offer' training programs inspired by the nAch
Administration programs of the leading graduate approach. This approach is also very popular with
schools. These, were taught. by sociologists and' trainors and discussion leaders at the U P.'s Institute
anthropologists. for Small-Scale Industries.


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