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The Pioneer A&E Thursday, May 31, 2007 7

Beer Pong and Beirut Gaining Popularity on Campuses Albino MC Brother Ali
By Adrian Ramirez
Staff Writer
Proves Different is Good
Beer Pong and Beirut are both
drinking games in which two teams
mention some disclaimers: I know
what you're thinking, but no, your
me where to sign up when they have
the World Series of sleeping!

D exterity, accuracy and stamina

are critical in all sports, but
these traits are most evident in one of
(either one-on-one or two-on-two)
set up 10 plastic 16 oz. cups in the
formation of bowling pins and take
ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend does
not want to hear about your Beirut
victory at 2 a.m. and while you may
21 year-old CSUEB student Eric
Greene professed his love for the
game and exclaimed, “I am the Beer
By Nitesh K. Dutt
Staff Writer
religion and life.
Some of the harder topics dis-
cussed on the album are Ali’s Mus-

the most difficult sports in the world, turns throwing ping pong balls in- feel like you are the most charming Pong champion, no joke!” Greene
li’s second album off of Rhyme- lim up-bringing and his life growing
Beer Pong. side the cups similar to basketball. and attractive person on earth after added, “ It’s not whether you win or
sayers Ent.,“The Undisputed up as an albino. He is able to discuss
Memorial Day weekend recently The object of the game is to sink a a few drinks, let me assure you–you lose, it’s how you get drunk.” Truth,” showcases his unique skill these topics without losing any of
passed and with Cal State East Bay ball in each of the opponent’s 10 cups. aren’t. So, the next time someone asks you and proves hip-hop is not dead. the audience’s interest. Rather than
graduation weeks away, it is impor- If a player makes a shot, then the op- Beirut and Beer Pong have be- what Beirut is you can tell them it’s a With so much of today’s hip-hop throwing political lyrics over dark,
tant to enlighten people about the ponent must drink the contents of the come so popular around college cam- drinking game and if they look at you sounding generic, it takes a unique monotone beats, this album uses
lesser-known games that might quite cup and if two shots are made in a row puses that the first World Series of skeptically then you can tell them it is individual to introduce something a mix of up-tempo and rhythmic
possibly be taking place as a form of then the player gets another turn. Beer Pong took place Jan. 2-6 in 2006. the capital of Lebanon. new. Brother Ali has demonstrated instrumentals for the background
celebration. At least one CSUEB student doesn’t It was held in Mesquite, NV and people on his new album that he has that of Ali’s message.
Beer Pong and Beirut are names like the idea of drinking games. 22 year- of all genders, race and ages—that is, The Pioneer needs sound.
Not only is Ali’s sound unique,
Although some of Ali’s message
may be confusing, “The Undisputed
that are commonly used interchange- old Nick Morrow said, “Drinking games ages over 21—competed in the com-
ably, but they actually are two differ- are for underage high school kids. It’s petition. A $10,000 grand prize went Graphic Designers. but he has a look that his unlike Truth” includes something that not
ent games. Beer Pong is played with childish, I’d rather go to a bar.” to the first place winner. any other in hip-hop. As an albino a lot of artists have tried. Inside the
a paddle while Beirut is played only Before getting any deeper into how World Series of Beer Pong? Wow, Paid positions available MC, Ali not only had to prove his CD jacket, Ali not only includes the
ability as a lyricist but also make lyrics to each track, but also his de-
with hands. to play the game, it is important to I don’t know about you guys, but tell 885-3175 sure people were not distracted by ciphering of each track’s message,

Third Time Not Quite as Charming as Previous Shreks

his appearance. Once the first track plus other artists' takes on what Ali
begins, the only noticeable trait brings to hip-hop.
about Ali is his verbal superiority. With so much skill and work
Where many conscious rappers behind this album, there should be
By Priscilla Shiohwan The first “Shrek” was innovative are, the voices behind them are still audience rooting for him. He seems try to make listeners agree with no reason to think that Ali’s second
Staff Writer and genius because of its parody of brilliant. to blend into the background along their viewpoints, Ali understands album is anything less than phe-
numerous fairy tales. “Shrek 2” was The main characters, Shrek (Mike with the plot. hip-hop’s true meaning. He re- nomenal. “The Undisputed Truth”

T he latest installment of the

animated comedy, “Shrek the
Third,” is filled with humor and new
fun and inventive, and it introduced
the world to Puss in Boots and the
villainess, Fairy God Mother.
Myers of “Austin Powers”), Fiona
(Cameron Diaz of “The Holiday”),
Prince Charming ( Rupert Everett
Merlin, voiced by Eric Idle, is also
introduced. He was found recover-
ing from a nervous breakdown. His
members hip-hop’s main focus was
having fun and the listener is able
to feel that on tracks such as “Truth
showcases Brother Ali’s lyrical
superiority, cultural and political
knowledge and his courage to at-
characters, but falls short of the Both films introduced memorable of “The Next Best Thing”) are still magic was a little rusty, which causes Is” and “Lookin’ at me Sideways.” tack any topic.
flair and wit of the previous install- characters and managed to develop fantastic, adding more personality to a switcheroo between Donkey and Rather than pushing his point, “The Undisputed Truth” is an
ments. every character reasonably. the characters they voice. Puss. Ali falls back to old school-influ- album that should garner much
“Shrek the Third” follows Shrek’s This time around, the film takes Eddie Murphy (“Dreamgirls”) is The princesses, voiced by a slew enced beats and lyrics. Don’t think attention through the hip-hop com-
transition into adulthood. After fall- the focus off of Shrek, Donkey, and still cracking jokes as the voice of Don- of Saturday Night Live alums, were that Ali is all about partying and munity both on the mainstream and
ing in love and meeting the in-laws Puss, by introducing many extra- key. Puss in Boots, (Antonio Banderas able to showcase their fighting abili- dancing. The track that will stand underground circuits. It is an album
in the previous films, it’s time for him neous characters. Because of the of “Take the Lead”) is still as suave as ties, but were also given too little to out most to listeners is “Daylight.” for hip-hop purists and hip-hop
to be the king of his own castle. abundance of characters, they were before. Together with Shrek, they still do. This is one of many tracks on the politicians. There is something for
When Shrek’s new frogger-in-law, all lacking in development. make a hilarious trio. To complete the entourage, Gin- album in which he talks about race, all fans on this album.
King Harold, suddenly croaks, Shrek The main characters have little in- Julie Andrews (“The Princess gerbread Man, Three Pigs, Three

becomes the next heir to the kingdom teraction with each other. For exam- Diaries”) is the voice of Queen Lillian Blind Mice and Pinocchio made a
of Far, Far Away. ple, Shrek’s relationship with Donkey who unfortunately isn’t given much return in the film with humor and
Unwilling to give up his beloved won audiences over in the preceding screen time, but is still fun to watch style. Unfortunately, “Shrek the
swamp, Shrek sails off with his films, but it’s almost nonexistent in when in action. Third” didn’t open with the story-
friends Donkey and Puss in Boots in the third installment. Instead, more Newcomer, Arthur “Artie” Pen- book opening or end with a song and One FREE round of miniature golf with
pursuit of Fiona’s cousin, the young time was spent on Arthur and Prince dragon is voiced by Grammy-winner, dance party like the previous two 1 paid round of equal or greater value.
Arthur “Artie” Pendragon, the only Charming. Justin Timberlake (“Alpha Dog”). installments.
other possible heir to the throne. As Of all three “Shrek” movies, the Timberlake’s voice does nothing for Despite some of the disappoint-
he sails off, Fiona tells Shrek that third seems to have the most complex the memorability of the character. ments and a plethora of characters,
she’s pregnant, adding yet another plot with a few subplots. However, Artie is an underachieving, me- the film succeeds because the jokes
responsibility of adulthood for him. in the effort to get everyone their dieval high-school loner that is well- are still fresh and mature and the
While Shrek is away, his old neme- screen time, the plot gets lost in the developed, but isn’t that interesting animation is top-notch as usual. GOLDEN TEE
sis, Prince Charming, convinces a fury background. of a character. He is both flawed 2533 Castro Valley Blvd. Castro Valley • 510.537.2168
of fairy tale villains, including Captain As numerous as the characters and likable, but at no point is the Rating:
Hook, Wicked Witch, Rumpelstiltskin
and the Big Bad Wolf to invade the
kingdom, in hopes of getting their
“happily ever after.”
Meanwhile, Princess Fiona and her
mom, Queen Lillian, round up a band of
royal princesses, including Cinderella,
Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel and Snow
White to fend off the villains.
“Shrek the Third” had a hard
act to follow. The first two set the
bar high for fairy tale parodies with
original, coherent plots and great

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