Philippine History Questions

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1. It is a concept that deals mental and behavioral shifts among people.

a) Modernity
b) Functionalism
c) Community
d) Positivism

2. It is a concept that was borne out f this conception of society, suggests that cultural and
social institutions are created to perform certain functions.
a) Community
b) Modernity
c) Functionalism
d) Positivism

3. It is the science of studying society and over the past more than 100 years.
a) Phycology
b) Social science
c) Natural science
d) Social studies

4. It is the ______ have developed sophisticated ways on how to investigate nature.

a) Natural science
b) Social science
c) Social studies
d) Phycology

5. It is recognized deliberately structured and formulated and bound by Rules drafted and
implemented by people.
a) Nature
b) Community
c) Society
d) Modernity

6. He is considered as a father of both sociology and anthropology.

a) Isabelo delos reyes
b) Bronislaw Malinowski
c) Emile Durkheim
d) Edward Tylor

7. It is an actual and physical participation of the researcher in group activities.

a) Participation
b) In-depth interviews
c) Life history method
d) Ocular inspection

8. Is a formal and detailed interview of key information “(kIs)”?

a) Participants observation
b) Life history method
c) In-depth interviews
d) Ocular inspection

9. Facilitating-group discussion with a number of kIs guided by researchers agenda

a) Ocular inspection
b) Focus-group discussion
c) In-depth interviews
d) Life history method

10. In-depth examination of the social phenomenon from the lens of the personal life story
of kIs.
a) Ocular inspection
b) In-depth interviews
c) Focus-group discussion
d) Life history method

11. It is the social techniques to going to the field to conduct a face-to-face study of the
subject matter.
a) Social facts
b) Field study
c) Key informants
d) Ethnography

12. What is came from the Greek word ethikos based from the root ethos, which means
custom or habit?
a) Ethics
b) Ethnics
c) Ethnology
d) Ethos

13. He is a vegan native conducted folkloric study about the Philippines, which was not so
familiar terrain in intellectual pursuits. He recognized the piece of work, El Folklore
a) Edward Tylor
b) Bronislaw Malinowski
c) Emile Durkheim
d) Isabelo delos Reyes

14. He pioneered the technique of participant’s observation with his detailed recording and
analysis of the inhabitants of the Trobiand Islands.
a) Edward Tylor
b) Emile Durkheim
c) Isabelo delos Reyes

d) Bronislaw Malinowski

15. This is means that people tend to validate each other’s thoughts, feelings and
interpretations because they agree on basic things and assumptions due to shared
experience of a particular phenomenon.
a) Intersubjectivity
b) Social facts
c) Key informants
d) Field study

16. He became the first official Director of the Philippine Nationa Library
a) Pedro Paterno
b) Isabelo delos Reyes
c) Padro de Taverra
d) Jose Burgos

17. He is the creator of the popular comic strip series Pugad baboy
a) Pol Medina
b) Jose Rizal
d) Isabelo delos Reyes

18. What is Modernity?

a) Is a concept that deals mental and behavioral shifts among people
b) A concept that was borne out of this conception of society
c) Is the social research technique
d) A concept that interpret the socialization

19. In 1890 he annoted the 1609 memoirs of Antonio de Morga

a) Po L Medina
b) Jose BurgoS
c) Jose Rizal
d) Pardo de Taverra

20. He arrived in the Philippines in 1881 to collect the specimens for the Musee de L’
a) Feodor Jagor
b) J. Montano
c) Paul Rey
d) Frenchman Alfred Manche

21. He visited the country in 1860

a) Feodor Jagor
b) J. Montano
c) Paul Rey
d) Frenchman Alfred Manche

22. He proves many positives and important aspects of Filipino society at the time of
spanish arrival in the Philippines in the 16th century.
a) Antonio de Morga
b) Feodor Jagor
c) Paul Rey
d) J. Montano
23. It is the 19th century Filipino Intellectuals.
a) Indigenous people
c) La Patria Filipina
d) Illustrados

24. They enforce by the state to serve as a guide on how to interact and engage with the IP.
a) Ethics
c) La Patria Filipina
d) Illustrados

25. It is the study of Human

a) Economics
b) Anthropology
c) Demography
d) Phycology

26. It is the study of the recorded and documented events

a) History
b) Anthropology
c) Sociology
d) Economics

27. It is the study of mind

a) Sociology
b) Anthropology
c) Psychology
d) Demography

28. It is the study of Language

a) Political Science
b) Demography
c) Sociology
d) Linguistic

29. It Is the study of being people together or being associate

a) Political Science
b) Demography
c) Sociology
d) Linguistic

30. It is the study of description of people

a) Political Science
b) Demography
c) Sociology
d) Linguistic
31. It is our explanatory models where we could analyzed , examine and interpret what we
see and experience about life
a) Hypotheses
b) Theories
c) Thoughts
d) Analysis

32. Who are the developers of the theory of functions

a) Herbert Spencer and Emile Durkhiem
b) Karl Max and Max Weber
c) Max Weber and Herbert Spencer
d) Emile Durkiem and Auguste Conte

33. How do we see social reality?

a) It is distinct from biological reality
b) It describe social reality
c) Representing as it does not a phenomenological level
d) It explains how we interact

34. According to him everything that social structure does everything that they are.
a) Emile Durkheim
b) Karl Max
c) Max Weber
d) Auguste Conte

35. It means that the entire process from raw materials to distribute or consumption of
finished product.
a) Household-based product
b) Factory -based product
c) School-based product
d) Production

36. It means that the process is too large for a mere household to handle.
a) Household-based product
b) Factory -based product
c) School-based product
d) Production

37. It is the life long process of learning the ways and behaviours appropriate to particular

a) Socialization
b) Social interaction
c) Social creation
d) Social alliance
38. It is the conscious and rational part of our self
a) Ego
b) Ed
c) Evil
d) Angel side

39. Who is the British Ethnologist?

a) Edward Tylor
b) Isaac Newton
c) Sigmund Freud
d) Charles Darwin

40. Who is the German thinker?

a) Isaac Newton
b) Alfred Snutz
c) Max Weber
d) Harold Garfinkel

41. When was the emerging social science of that era?

a) Late 16th to early 17th century
b) Late 19th to early 20th century
c) Late 17th to early 19th century
d) Late 18th to early 19th century

42. Who was the German Philosopher of the late 18th to early 19th century?
a) Georg Wilhelm Hegel
b) George Max Wedger
c) Max Weber
d) Darwin Andrews

43. What does concept of “dialects” refers to?

a) The process of movement and change in human society
b) The process of facilitating entire world
c) The process of changing the difference
d) The process of interactions between the people

44. What was the famous book that Zeus A. Salazar translated?
a) Communist Manifesto
b) Illustrados
c) Noli Me tangere
d) El Filibusterismo

45. What does Marx called the owner of the factory?

a) Capitalist
b) Proletariat
c) Analyst
d) Entrepreneur

46. What that does Marx call to the workers?

a) Proletariat
b) Worker
c) Entrepreneur
d) Analyst

47. What does Id means?

a) The conscious and rational self
b) The conscience
c) The unconscious self
d) Sexual drive

48. What does super ego means?

a) The conscious and rational self
b) The conscience
c) The unconscious self
d) Sexual drive

49. It is curbed not by stringent laws of the state but by values change among Filipino
a) Corruption
b) Election
c) Organization
d) Commission

50. A term use in social science that points to individual human and action and the reflexive
aspect of such action
a) Agency
b) Action
c) Phenomenology
d) Reflection

51. What do we do when we interact and engage with other?

a. Think and feel
b. Learn to socialize
c. Learn to accept difference
d. Understand

52. There was no room for ambiguity and fuzzy interpretation.

a. Paradigm
b. Science of nature
c. Phenomenology
d. Society
53. Use in sharing and propagating the good news about coming into the Philippine island.
a. Social media - Facebook and twitter
b. News paper
c. Advertisements
d. Fliers

54. This idea centers on how particular individuals and groups comprehend the world in
which they live.
a. Paradigm
b. Phenomenology
c. Social science
d. Nature of science

55. It is perceived by human consciousness but this also embedded in the practical
everyday regimen of people.
a. Life world
b. Social phenomena
c. Social science
d. Practical consciousness

56. They want to capture this practical side of human existence because according to them,
there lays the source of hand life- the real social process.
a. Scientist
b. Phenomenologist
c. Biologist
d. Psychologists

57. According to him phenomenology is a method aimed at studying phenomena.

a. Alfred Schutz
b. Peter Berger
c. Edmund Husserl
d. Harold Garfinkel

58. He was famous for the slogan “to the things themselves".
a. Alfred Schutz
b. Peter Berger
c. Edmund Husserl
d. Harold Garfinkel

59. He believed that people are engaged in a constant process of making sense of the world
around them.
a. Alfred Schutz
b. Edmund Husserl
c. Peter Berger
d. Harold Garfinkel

60. A Life created by culture and not given much rational reflection- in other word common
a. Life
b. Lifestyle
c. Life world
d. Consciousness

61. What are the two kinds of consciousness?

a. Consciousness of the life world of the people and consciousness of social research
b. Practical consciousness and social consciousness
c. Human consciousness and practical consciousness
d. Consciousness of the life world and human consciousness

62. In what book did Berger emphasized that the basic argument is that reality is " socially
constructed and that the sociology of knowledge must analyze.
a. The Social Construction of Fantasy
b. The Social Construction of Reality
c. The Nature of Social Science
d. The Social Construction Book

63. A repeated human activity that becomes a pattern.

a. Habitualization
b. Habit
c. Daily task
d. Lifestyle

64. The study of how particular groups of people make sense of their social reality.
a. Ethnomethodology
b. Psychology
c. Phenomenology
d. Macrosociology

65. They believed that any particular life world is "fragile"

a. Ethno methodologist
b. Phenomenologist
c. Biologist
d. Psychologists

66. According to him human knowledge can never be objective because knowledge is
mediated and interpreted through a particular language.
a. Martin Heidegger
b. Peter Berger
c. Alfred Schultz
d. Edmund Husserl

67. It playa a central role in the creation of the social construction.

a. Scripts
b. Language
c. Culture
d. Society

68. It serves as the root of human society, the reason why there is such thing as "society" in
our lives and why it is true to us.
a. Socialization
b. Social
c. Social interaction
d. Social alliance

69. He explained that self is the product of combined social experience and interaction.
a. George Herbert Mead
b. Peter Berger
c. Harold Garfinkel
d. George Herbert

70. What are the most common issues of our nation's life?
a. Corruption
b. Poverty
c. Crimes
d. Bullying

71. Phenomenology derived from the Greek word "phenomenon" which means?
a. That which real
b. That which disappears
c. That which appears
d. Life world

72. It is a shared idea about the world.

a. Typification
b. Shared thoughts
c. Habitualization
d. Life world

73. It pays attention to the most commonplace activities of daily life.

a. Phenomenology
b. Ethnomethodology
c. Methods
d. Microsociology

74. He is a well-known sociologist of the Chicago school of Sociology in the US

a. Robert Park
b. Gerald Park
c. Reynard Ching
d. Harold Park

75. This is known in social theory

a. Theory of materialism
b. Historical materialism
c. Means of production
d. Modes of production

76. The philosophy largely influenced and shaped by the church

a. Medieval age
b. Old-age
c. Classical
d. Evolution

77. This is how basic and fundamental classical social theories begin
a. The animal body
b. The human body
c. The insect body
d. The social body

78. What are the two parts of society?

a. Economy and structure
b. Economy and superstructure
c. Ideological and superstructure
d. Economy and ideological

79. Structuralism is inspired by the ideas of two contemporary thinkers of early 20th
century in Europe, who are they?
a. Emile Durkheim and Ferdinand de Saussure
b. Jacques Lacan and Michel Foucault
c. Pierre Bourdieu and Anthony Giddens
d. Claude Levi-Strauss and Derrida

80. It is the internal structure and logic of particular language

a. Parole
b. Sign
c. Langue
d. Idea

81. It is the langue consists of a basic element, which is called?

a. Parole
b. Sign
c. Langue
d. Idea
82. It is the component of sign that tells a symbol?
a. Signified
b. Idea
c. Parole
d. Signifier

83. It is the component of sign that tells a idea or concepts?

a. Signified
b. Signifier
c. Parole
d. Langue

84. It is a dictionary meaning or standard vocabulary.

a. Denotation
b. Text
c. Connotation
d. Sign

85. It is the other meanings as a consequence of usage, practice, and interpretation.

a. Denotation
b. Connotation
c. Idea
d. Text

86. He is a Swiss linguist who introduced the terms language and the parole in analyzing the
nature of language.
a. Ferdinand de Saussure
b. Emile Durkheim
c. Dean C. Worcester
d. Claude Levi-Strauss

87. He believed that domination of the masses by the ruling class in society is not only
achieved through physical force but also through mental control.
a. Ferdinand de Saussure
b. Claude Levi-Strauss
c. Marxist Antonio Gramcii
d. Althusser

88. It is the domination of the masses by the rulling class in society.

a. Ideological apparatuses
b. State apparatuses
c. Interpellation
d. Ideological state apparatuses

89. These new forms of control and domination as which include the church, family,
schools, and media, among others is called?
a. Ideological apparatuses
b. State apparatuses
c. Interpellation
d. Ideological state apparatuses

90. This is which the object of the discourse of power which is the masses is reintroduced to
the same discourse, the same massage over and over again.
a. Ideological apparatuses
b. State apparatuses
c. Interpellation
d. Ideological state apparatuses

91. It is having multiple or unstable meaning.

a. Polysemic
b. Monosemic
c. Langue
d. Sign

92. It is having a single, stable or constant meaning.

a. Polysemic
b. Monosemic
c. Langue
d. Sign

93. It is the type of capital of classical Marxist concepts that deals with the amount of
money one has.
a. Economic capital
b. Social capital
c. Cultural capital
d. Capital

94. It is the type of capital of Marxist concepts that deals with the degree of social network
one processes that adds to his or her reputation and social understanding.
a. Economic capital
b. Social capital
c. Cultural capital
d. Capital

95. It is the type of capital of Marxist concepts that deals with the level of culture
knowledge one demonstrates in order to impress the rest that one belongs in that
particular field or social structure.
a. Economic capital
b. Social capital
c. Cultural capital
d. Capital

96. They believe that there should be no dichotomy between structure and agents in
explaining the nature and mechanism of society.
a. Pierre Bourdieu and Anthony Giddens
b. Emile Durkheim and Ferdinand de Saussure
c. Jacques Lacan and Michel Foucault
d. Claude Levi-strauss and Derrida

97. He believes that there are certain moments in history where humans have creatively
redifined and recognized life in the world in which they live.
a. Pierre Bourdieu
b. Emile Durkheim
c. Ferdinand de Saussure
d. Anthony Giddens

98. It is all things and ideas learned by group of people through experience and practice of
everyday life.
a. Practices
b. Field
c. Habitus
d. Capital

99. It is an interaction between social structure and the habitus of people

a. Practices
b. Field
c. Habitus
d. Capital

100. Bourdieu called this situation in which society is burdened and afflicted with underlying
structures of violence, injustice, and control from the powerful minority.
a. Status quo
b. Neoliberal scourge
c. Post-structuralist
d. Structuration

101. This era of true globalization and high capitalism and search for meaning in this ever-
changing fast evolving social world.
a. Late modernity
b. Post-structuralism
c. Modernist
d. Post-structuralism

102. It is also a field of “power” because this is where the struggle for the accumulation of
various forms of “capital” occurs.
a. Practices
b. Field
c. Habitus
d. Capital
103. It is accumulated resources of structuralism that referred to the language in society as
“text’ that is the equivalent of a sign in language.
a. Roland Barthes
b. Ferdinand de Saussure
c. Emile Durkheim
d. Missouri

104. Who high lightened the “history of sexuality” in order to emphasized the mutability
and changeability of identities?
a. Derrida
b. Foucault
c. Jacques Lacan
d. Claude Levi- Strauss

105. The fulcrum of all of thoughts, actions, and interaction.

a. culture
b. modernity
c. gender
d. society

106. It strikes us as a delicate system yet a very efficient bunch of integrated

a. society
b. culture
c. reality
d. people

107. The means through which we can grasp the present envision the future of
human and social existence
a. gender
b. culture
c. modernity
d. reality

108. This is the unabashed way of dividing the world between male and female.
a. reality
b. gender
c. modernity
d. culture

109. What are the strands of contemporary social theory?

I. postmodernism
II. post colonialism
III. gender theory
IV. post realism

a. I only b. both II And III c. both I, II, III d. Both I, II,IV

110. Meaning seeing humanity being ushered into a new stage of history, into an era
of self-conscious and reflexive rediscovery.
a. time of many “posts”
b. time of era
c. time of many “era”
d. time of “post”

111. In this time the force of earlier analytic tools will weaken and the preconditions
and premises of
a single framework will be eroded.
a. post-world war II era
b. pre- world war II era
c. post- world war I era
d. pre- world war I era

112. __________ is about breaking old rules and reorienting traditional and long-
standing notions about individual identities.
a. gender theory
b. post realism
c. postmodernism
d. post colonialism

113. It is the central aspect of being human throughout life.

a. sex
b. gender
c. culture
d. modernity

114. It has created ripple in the social science, especially in the way of researchers
view their data set, prior assumptions about the world, and everyday phenomena
experienced by humans.
a. postmodernism
b. post colonialism
c. gender theory
d. post realism

115. It is a reaction to the idea and effects of colonialism.

a. postmodernism
b. post colonialism
c. gender theory
d. post realism

116. Which is not a problem of the theory postmodernism?

a. It remained a loose set of arguments
b. There was not clear program of knowledge
c. It became a fad among scholars and academic, it went out of style nonetheless
d. It brings About a new epistemology

117. This is what they call the building serving as an unwanted backdrop to the iconic
monument of the national hero, Jose Rizal.

a. Pambansang Photobomber
b. Agham Panlipunang Pilipino
c. Filipino Social Sciences
d. Indigenized social science

118. Is a process in which there is a purposive and conscious effort to translate and
interpret foreign academic concepts, canons, and methods into the context of the local
culture and mold of native social life.
a. indigenization
b. intellectualization
c. conceptualization
d. contextualization

119. It is a long time icon of Philippine popular culture.

a. Philippine tricycle
b. Philippine bicycle
c. Philippine submarine
d. LRT and MRT

120. Posits that history is not only about recording of events but also about finding
meaning in past events.
a. Pantayong Pananaw
b. Bagong kasaysayan
c. Pilipinolohiya
d. Sikolohiyang Pilipino

121. It is based on the internal logic of historical events and not on the traditional and
colonial parameters of periodization such as the coming of the colonizer.
a. Bagong kasaysayan
b. Pilipinolohiya
c. Sikolohiyang Pilipino
d. pantayong Pananaw

122. It is a response to the seeming academic imperialism of rich and powerful

western nations.
a. Bagong kasaysayan
b. Pilipinolohiya
c. Sikolohiyang Pilipino
d. pantayong Pananaw

123. Debated upon usefulness and appropriateness of western models of psychology

in defining the Filipino psyche.
a. Sikolohiyang Pilipino
b. pantayong Pananaw
c. Bagong kasaysayan
d. Pilipinolohiya
124. The normal system of life based on two sexes, male and female.
a. heteronormativity
b. hemoronormativity
c. normativity
d. henonormativity

125. It is not sufficient to fully account for the diversity and fluidity identities.
a. heteronormative system
b. hemoronormative system
c. normative system
d. henonormative system

126. It is useful to reflect on the catchphrase “____________________________”,

which was originally meant to aid in the marketing of a popular fashion commodity.
a. The World is Our Culture
b. The World is our living
c. The World is Our home
d. Earth is living

127. It is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop

international influence or start operating on an international scale.
a. globalization
b. organization
c. world society
d. cultural aspects

128. Which of the following is not true?

a. Society has clearly been the subject of much reflection all throughout social theory
b. Society strikes as a delicate system yet a very efficient bunch of integrated
c. Society do appear as solid testaments of authority, factuality, and reality
d. The fulcrum of all of thoughts, actions, and interaction.

129. Agham Panlipunang Pilipino achieves two things. What are they?
I. carry out a culturally sensitive and society appropriate method theory
II. contribute to the building of common consciousness among Filipinos across all
regions of the country
III. Provides a final statement about the issue.
IV. Strikes as a delicate system yet a very efficient bunch of integrated elements.

a. I and II b. II and III c. III and IV d. I and III

130. It maintains that we should have our own purpose set our own intellectual
course, and steer our own ideology in the service of the Filipino and for the betterment
of the society

a. Pantayong Pananaw
b. Bagong kasaysayan
c. Pilipinolohiya
d. Sikolohiyang Pilipino

What is the Philippine Social Science concept of the following Foreign Social Science

131. Soul
a. kaluluwa
b. kabihasnan
c. gahum
d. himagsikan

132. Civilization
a. gahum
b. himagsikan
c. kaluluwa
d. kabihasnan

133. Power
a. kabihasnan
b. gahum
c. mag-anak
d. pook

134. Revolution
a. himagsikan
b. kaluluwa
c. mag-anak
d. pook

135. Family
a. mag-anak
b. pook
c. kabihasnan
d. gahum

136. Place
a. mag-anak
b. pook
c. kabihasnan
d. gahum

137. The__________ is at work ever since human thought of importing and borrowing
ideas from one another.
a. process of indigenization
b. process of intellectualization
c. process of conceptualization
d. process of contextualization

138. Is a useful and important intellectual pursuit.

a. industrial science
b. social science
c. social cognitive science
d. psychological science
139. A key analytical medium through which examine “colonialism” using
“postcolonial” standpoint.
a. National Goegraphic Magazine
b. National Geographic Magazine
c. National Industrial Magazine,2001
d. National Industrial Magazine,1999
140. It was conceptualized and developed during the 1070s by Virgilio Eriquez
a. Sikolohiyang Pilipino
b. Pantayong Pananaw
c. Bagong kasaysayan
d. Pilipinolohiya
141. In what times the three strands of Filipino Social Sciences have trail blazed the
Philippine academe and already enshrined in Philippine intellectual history?
a. contemporary times
b. era times
c. judicial times
d. activist times
142. Who propose a new timeline or periodization of Philippine history, which he calls
Bagong Kasaysayan?
a. Prospero Cavar
b. Virgilio Enriquez
c. Andromeda Cavar
d. Zeus Salazar
143. It is an ideal situation where our thoughts, ideas, and manner of reasoning are all
products of our own thinking, culture, environment, social context and etc.
a. indigenized social science
b. social science
c. social cognitive science
d. psychological science
144. With _______________, physical geography and time shrink.
a. globalization
b. organization
c. world society
d. cultural aspects
145. Is a concept that refers to the differences between men and women roles and
responsibilities that are socially constructed, changeable over time and that have
wide variations within and between cultures
a. reality
b. gender
c. modernity
d. culture
146. A school of thought that developed out of architecture and literary criticism in
the 1980s.
a. gender theory
b. post colonialism
c. postmodernism
d. post realism
147. A ethno linguistic group in Bukidnon in Mindanao that implies to be “conscious”
about culture.
a. Talaandig
b. Taalandig
c. Taalaandig
d. Quezon
148. It opens many more possibilities of interpretations rather than provide a final
statement about the issue.
a. National Geographic Photograph
b. National Industrial Photograph
c. National Economic Photograph
d. National Science Photograph
149. The preceding mental and ethnographic exercise should be able to give you a
deeper and more nuanced understanding of cultural elements and concepts in the
Filipino context. These same elements and concepts are utilized to advance and
develop now called_____________.
a. Japanese Social Sciences
b. Spanish Social Sciences
c. American Social Sciences
d. Filipino Social Sciences
150. Which of the following is correct?
a. gender and culture is same
b. gender and sex are same
c. gender is different from sex
d. culture and sex are same

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