WIDGB4 Rtest Language 2A

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REVIEW: Units 1–4


Name: ________________________ 3 Complete the dialogue. Use words from the

Class: ________________________ box. There are more words than you need.
VOCABULARY bracelet complexion experience jewellery
1 Choose the correct options, A, B or C. pollution pullover punctual recycling style

0 Ava has just ___ for a really interesting job. A: Hi, Alice. Are you going to the 0 recycling
A written B applied exhibition in town?
C signed D prepared B: Yes, I am. And, as it’s in the library, I‘m going to
ask the librarian if I could gain some work
1 He hopes to have a long ___ in medicine when he 1 ______________ over the summer holiday.
leaves university. A: Good idea. But wait a minute. Are you really
A vacancy B position C career D job going to wear that old 2 ______________? The
2 Has Julie ___ the contract yet for her new job? colour doesn’t suit your 3______________, you’re
too pale, and it’s doesn’t look very smart, either.
A signed B written
B: I think it’ll look okay if I add some
C gained D given up 4 ______________. I was going to wear that large

3 Philip’s ___ was upset when Philip told her he necklace you gave me last birthday.
wanted to leave the firm. A: That’ll look great. What about the
5 ______________ I gave you? You could wear
A unemployment B employment
that too.
C employer D employee
B: Yeah, that looks good.
4 Your hair looks very long. Have you got ___? B: By the way, I told Mo to join us here before ten
A freckles B laces o’clock.
C beads D extensions B: She’ll be late. She’s never 6 ______________,
5 The boy looked very ___ so no one gave him a you know that. Let’s text her and say we’ll meet
her at the library.
job. He needs to look smarter.
A: Okay.
A scruffy B baggy
C tanned D checked
6 Some people find it hard to ___ when they move GRAMMAR
to a new country.
4 Complete the text using the verbs in brackets
A migrate B integrate in the correct tenses.
C influence D congratulate John 0 has been working (work) in a fashion company
7 When Amy won the prize it really ___ her for ten years now. He 1 _______________________
confidence. (have) several promotions in that time and
A buzzed B encouraged 2 _______________________ (be) now the

C surprised D boosted manager. However, he

3 _______________________ (look) for something
2 Complete the text. Use one word in each gap. completely new now. Yesterday, while he
4 _______________________ (organise) a fashion
Artem is going to 0have an interview for a new job as
a 1 ___________ attendant for a big airline tomorrow. show for customers, he
5 _______________________ (have) an idea: to
He has always dreamed 2 ___________ working for
an airline and now he has the opportunity to open his own clothes shop. In fact, he has decided
3 ___________ it a go. In his present job he earns a he 6 _______________________ (have) many shops
good 4 ___________, and gets four weeks’ paid in the future. However, he
7 _______________________ (not/be) able to open
5 ___________, but he wants to travel, which he

could do with the new job. Yesterday his car broke any shops without money. So, tomorrow morning, he
8 _______________________ (see) the bank
down so he will have to travel by 6 ___________
transport to the interview. He does not want to miss manager. He 9 _______________________
the interview because he’s sitting in a traffic (just/make) the appointment. He’s very excited and
7 ___________ so he’s leaving really early in the thinks he 10 _______________________ (organise)
morning. his own fashion shows next year.
/7 /10

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REVIEW: Units 1–4


5 Complete the sentences with the correct A: 0 C ?

words. Use one word in each gap. B: That would be great thanks. This bag’s very
Gavin 0 was an ordinary teenager until he started his heavy.
own business making cakes. He has 1 ___________ A: 1 ____
enjoyed studying, in fact he has always hated it! But B: Examples of the jewellery I make.
he loves cooking. When he was at school, he A: 2 _____
2 ___________ to bring cakes into school and sell
B: Yes, it is.
them to his friends. He 3 ___________ not tried to A: 3 _____
sell any before then and he was surprised that they B: Really? You’ve made my day. I was worried that
were so popular. He has 4___________ cooking ever people wouldn’t like it.
5 ___________ then and he now owns a very A: 4 _____
successful business. He has a lot of plans for the B: Could you give me a hand putting the jewellery
future. 6 ___________ month he’s 7 ___________ to out on the table?
open his second shop and 8 ___________ be A: 5_____
opening many more in the following year. His parents B: Hang the necklaces on this, then put the bracelets
9___________ been working in the company for the
and earrings on the table.
A: I don’t think we should put them like that.
last year, but now he 10 ___________ have to
B: 6_____
employ staff to run the new shops. He is interviewing
two people this evening.
/10 8 Match the two parts of the sentences. There is
one option which you do not need to use.
USE OF ENGLISH 0 He’s worried D A but thanks
1 Remember not ____ anyway.
6 Complete the email with one word in each
gap. 2 He compared B nice of you.
his car ____ C in a minute.
Hi, Josh,
3 At the beginning ____ D about the job
I haven’t heard 0 from you in ages. What have you
4 Be sure ____ interview.
been 1 __________? You haven’t been worried 2
5 I’ll be with you ____ E to speak to
__________ your exams, 3 __________ you? Sorry I
didn’t 4 __________ sooner, but I’ve been arguing a 6 You’ve got time, ____
____ F haven’t you?
lot 5 __________ my parents. The reason is that I got 7 No. I’m fine,
G to have your
back very late last week. Now I can’t go out. So I am notebook.
inviting friends over for pizza on Saturday at 5 p.m. H with mine.
Let me know if you can 6 __________ it. I nothing was easy.
Bye 7 __________ now.
7 Choose the correct options (A–I) to complete
the dialogue. There are two options you don’t
need to use.
A It’s fantastic and really suits you.
B Of course. What do I do first?
C Do you need any help?
D Maybe you’re right. I like your idea better.
E Don’t forget to put it there.
F Can I help you with anything else?
G You can say that again. What have you got in
H You're such a big head.
I Interesting! Is the necklace you’re wearing one
you made?

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