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smile your way through

root canal treatment


e nd o d o n t ic t r eatment c a n of ten be
p e r f o r me d i n one or two vi si ts
a n d i n vo lv e s th e f o llow i ng steps

1- The specialist examines and x-rays the tooth,

then administers lo cal anesthetic. After the
tooth is numb, the specialist places a small
protective sheet called “dental dam” over
the area to isolate the tooth and keep it
clean and free of saliva during the procedure.

2- The specialist makes an opening in the

crown of the tooth. Very small instruments
are used to clean the pulp from the pulp
chamber and root canals and to shape the
space for filling.

3- After the space is cleaned and shaped, the specialist fills

the root canals with a biocompatible material, usually a
rubber-like material called gutta-percha. The gutta-percha is
placed with an adhesive cement to ensure complete sealing
of the root canals. In most cases, a temporary filling is placed
to close the opening. The temporary filling will be removed
by your dentist before the tooth is restored.
4- After the final visit with your specialist, you must return to
your dentist to have a crown or other restoration placed on
the tooth to protect and restore it to full function.

If the tooth lacks sufficient structure to hold the restoration

in place, your dentist may place a post inside the tooth. Ask
your dentist for more details about the specific restoration
planned for your tooth.

Who performs Root Canal treatment? Is root canal treatment very painful?
All dentists, including your general No. Root canal treatment doesn’t
dentist, received some training in cause pain, it relieves it.
Root Canal Treatment while in dental The perception of root canals being
school. Often general dentists refer painful began decades ago. But with
patients needing root canal treatment the latest technologies, anesthetics
to a Specialist. and Microscopes, root canal treatment
today is no more uncomfortable than
How is a Root Canal having a filling placed.
“Specialist" different from a general
How many sittings does it take to
After finishing their basic dental degree
complete a root canal?
(B.D.S), Specialists spend three more
Most root canals can be treated in a
years studying Endodontic procedures
single sitting in our clinic.
(root canal treatment) in greater detail.
The procedure normally takes about
At the end of three years they are
90 minutes. If a root canal is badly
awarded a masters degree (M.D.S)
infected, or presents procedural
which enables them to teach and
practice Endodontics. Because they difficulties, then it may require a

are specially trained to handle complex second sitting.

Endodontic procedures, many dentists
refer their root canal cases to a Will it pain after the root canal
Specialist procedure is done?
You will experience mild discomfort in
What is Microscopic Root canal the tooth for a few days and will not
Treatment? be able to use that tooth for chewing.
This is Root canal treatment that is done The pain felt is usually very mild and is
through a microscope and specialized easily controlled by the medication
microscopic instruments. If you haven’t prescribed for you.
received it yet, please ask the reception
to give you a brochure that describes
Microscopic Root canal Treatment in
Is there any other alternative to root What is the success rate of root
canal treatment? canal treatment?
Once a tooth has reached a stage where Root canal treatment has a success
root canal treatment is necessary, a rate of about 96% which is excellent
simple filling will not help. The only for any medical procedure today.
alternative is extraction (removal) of the
tooth. Can you give a guarantee that the
root canal treatment will succeed?
Isn’t extraction (removal of the tooth) a It is impossible to offer a 100%
better option? guarantee for a procedure done on
No. Saving your natural teeth, if possible, the human body.
is the very best option. Once a tooth is We do not offer any guarantee.
removed, it has to be replaced. In order However with careful case selection,
to give a fixed replacement, one has to the potential for failure is extremely
either go in for a bridge or an implant. low.
Placement of a bridge or an implant will
require significantly more time in What do you do if the root canal
treatment and may result in further treatment fails?
procedures to adjacent teeth and If the root canal fails, we try and find
supporting tissues. out why the failure has occurred and
Nothing can completely replace your try to correct it if possible. If repeated
natural tooth. An artificial tooth can Re-treatment too doesn’t succeed, we
sometimes cause you to avoid certain may have to extract the tooth and
food. Keeping your own teeth is replace it with an implant
important so that you can continue to
enjoy the wide variety of foods necessary Can the eye get infected if the root
to maintain the proper nutrient balance canal treatment fails?
in your diet. No. Nothing happens to the eye or
the ear from a root canal treatment.
Is there any other alternative to root
canal treatment? Will I be able to drive myself home
Once a tooth has reached a stage where after the treatment?
root canal treatment is necessary, a Yes, you will be able to drive back
simple filling will not help. The only home. Root canal treatment will not
alternative is extraction (removal) of the cause any drowsiness or loss of
tooth. coordination.

Is root canal treatment very expensive?

Root canal treatment is much more
economical than the alternative of placing
a bridge or an implant.
before root canal treatment

If you have been given an appointment for a Root Canal Treatment,

kindly observe the following guidelines to ensure your comfort:

1. Medication: If medication has been prescribed, please take them as


2. Cancellations: Kindly avoid last minute cancellations. Cancellations

should be made at least 24 hours in advance so that your slot can be
allotted to someone else.

3. Punctuality: Please come on time. Try to reach at least 10 minutes

before the appointment. This will help you in getting familiarized with
the clinic and being relaxed.
Traffic in Dubai can sometimes be slow. Do start from home early so
that you have a lead time. We believe in providing our patients with
the best possible treatment and for that we require adequate time.

4. Food: Do not come on an empty stomach. Have a meal 2-3 hours

before the procedure. Anesthesia given for the root canal treatment
may take about 2–3 hours to wear off. You may not be able to eat
anything during this period

5. Schedule: Be mentally relaxed for the entire procedure. Set aside

enough time in your schedule for the root canal treatment. Although
most root canals are completed in one and a half hours, keep yourself
free for 2 hours. We are aware of how valuable your time is, but we do
not want to be pressurized to finish a procedure fast because the
patient has to rush back to the office. You don’t have to undergo a root
canal everyday, so take it easy!

6. Smile. It isn’t as bad as you think. That’s what every patient tells us
after the procedure!
after root canal treatment

1. Do not eat anything till the anesthesia wears off. This may take about
2-3 hours.

2. Do not drink anything very hot till the numbness wears off. You may
drink anything
cold or at room temperature.

3. Expect some discomfort in the treated tooth for about 2 -3 days. This
discomfort is usually mild. Take the prescribed medication without fail.

4. Do not chew on the treated tooth till your dentist tells you to.

5. You can brush normally over the root canal treated tooth.

6. Normally after a root canal, we wait for about 7-10 days to make sure
the tooth is comfortable. After this period, a cap (crown) or Onlay is put
on the tooth. Failure to put a cap can increase the chances of tooth
fracture. After treatment with the specialist, please follow-up with the
referring doctor to make sure that the tooth is restored properly.

dr. siju jacob bds, mds

specialist in microscopic endodontics
- Recognized globally as an expert in Microscopic endodontics
- Over 15 years experience in Microscopic Endodontics.
- Member of The American Association of Endodontists
- Member of The British Endodontic Society

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