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SMART Classroom

SMART classroom comprises both physical and virtual teaching spaces, as well as and R&D&I
(Research, Development and Innovative) spaces. The SMART classroom concept defines the
essential furniture and technical specifications of ideal physical classrooms and the most
important feature of virtual learning platform in order, to support the entrepreneurial
pedagogy in the school. In fact, it facilitates the adaptive and collaborative teaching spaces in
the classroom, which foster the SMART classroom to provide flexibility in learning and
constructs the learning to become ubiquitous. As the learning will become universal in the
SMART classroom, it will lead in build a partnership from a community to another and
advance lifelong learning.


In designing SMART Classroom, a few important points have to be look into critically and
creatively. For example, the classroom size, the light and air circulation design, as well as, 5
crucial elements that related with our objectives for SMART classroom project.

Floor Plan for SMART Classroom

Break Area

Supplies Zone



Teacher Zone
Quiet Zone

Parking Lot
Classroom Size or Measurement

The floor plan of SMART classroom had been designed by referring to the Guidelines and
Regulations for Building Planning constructing by the Standards and Cost Committee of
Economic Planning Unit. Based on the guidelines (Standards and Cost Committee of Economic
Planning Unit, 2015) , it stated that the maximum floor area for a student is between of 10.5
m2 up to 21.0 m2. Other than that, the classroom plan had been fixed with a measurement of
18 m for width and 20 m for its long, with ability to fit about 24 students.

Light Exposure Design

Light play a crucial role in the SMART classroom, particularly, as the SMART classroom
comprises technology in it. Previous research had determined that the bright light (especially
natural light) and vibrant color are favorable to the brain activity and learning. A study had
stated that the learning capabilities improved from 7% to 26% when the students were
exposed to sufficient natural lighting (Envision, 2017). Proper lighting reducing headaches.
However, in our SMART classroom, we decide to have both flexible and tech-friendly,
therefore including options for dimming the lights in the SMART classroom is important, to
make devices or video screens easier to see.

A research also shows that rooms with a balance of light and bright colors give positive impact
to the student learning. Based on Gutierrez (2016), green color represent concentration,
while orange can enhance students mood and blue means productive. The color affects the
cortex, nervous system, and hormones, which in turn influence our level of alertness and
productivity, as well as our emotional state. Therefore, in our SMART classroom, we decide
to give a blue color to ensure that the students feel calm and be productive throughout their
day in the classroom.
The Elements included in designing SMART Classroom

SMART Classroom is aimed to prepare our students in becoming a reliable future workforce,
then it is suggested to incorporate 21st century skills while designing it. The 21st century skills
can be simplified with 4C’s, which are communication, collaboration, creativity and critical
thinking. By integrating the 4C’s in the SMART classroom, it showed that it is highly related
with our aim of the project, as we want the students to be able build up the partnership with
others, as well as, utilizes maximally the new technologies in order to widen the learning
opportunities and develop lifelong learning with the aid of ICT. Hence, based on the
information that we gained, there is about five elements that could be the basis for designing
the SMART classroom (Wade, 2016).

Based on Wade (2016), the five elements that can be included in designing the SMART
classroom were establishing zones, ensuring resource accessibility, promoting mobility,
igniting inspiration, and fostering the respect which promoting the 4C’s. The main elements
in the SMART classroom is dividing a clasrrom into a few zones. It is stated by Wade (2016)
that by establishing a few zones in a classroom could prevent students from having a feeling
that they have to learn, work and think in a rigid place for the whole day. In fact, by having
different zones in a class, we could create a flexible learning environment for teacher and
students. One of ways to divide the classroom into different zone is by providing a space for
working as individual, pairs and group. Other than that, furniture also play a main role, as it is
a tool to delineate spaces. Rearranging furniture with the aim of providing different spaces
for students will lead into the creation of flexible classroom, as the SMART classroom must
able to permit transition from lecture-style to learner-led and teacher-guided lessons. The
SMART classroom that had been designed by us will have six different zones, as stated below:
1) Teacher Zone (include Parking Lot Zone)
The teacher zone is designed to have their own area, as it is a professional space where
the teacher plan, prepare, grade, analyze data and also, complete the student reports. In
fact, it is also a private space to have one-to-one conversation with the students. As for
the Teacher zone, we include Parking Lot Zone closer to the teacher zone, as we believed
that this will assist the students to build relationship with the teacher. In fact, it is easier
for the teacher to be able observe students and make a final decision while the student
voice out their problem, opinions and other related issues with the teacher, classmates or
classroom. It will not only give students easy way to contribute their voice to the
community, but also promote transparent of internal conversation throughout the
classroom community (Belolan, 2013). The parking lot zone will aid the teacher make a
decision, and teacher not responsible solely to make decision, but as well as, let the
students to be part of it.

The center stage flat panels will be put in the teacher zone.
It offers a smooth pen-on-paper writing performance which
allowing teachers and students to collaborate with ease. It
automatically detects differences between pen, touch, and
palm erase allowing teachers to teach efficiently without
switching between other software tools. Hence, it will
facilitate one-to-one learning and make the learning
experience smoother than before.
2) Quiet Zone (Critical Thinking Zone and Mini Library)
Some students naturally prefer to work alone, while others, simply need a quiet zone to
catch up on work, study, read, write, take a test, or reflect. Based on our SMART classroom
design, we come up with a concept of quiet zone by incorporating mini library together
with critical thinking area by providing an individual space to the students to permit them
to think and also, doing individual study.

3) Supplies Zone (include Tech Station)

One of essential zones for the students is supplies zone. Supplies zone is known as a space
where the stationeries and accessories provided comprises pencils, pens, highlighters,
sharpeners, staplers, scissors, and other general tools. Use this space for reference
materials and provide a place for lost and found. Other than that, in the respected zone
also, we provide small technology station for the students. We provide a notebook with
the apps that we used for the classroom, in case the student unable to bring the notebook
on that day. The students able to utilize the zone to finish up their work and make a small
group discussion there.
As the supplies zone includes technology station, we add in interactive whiteboard in that
area too. One of our aims for the supplies zone, is to encourage for small group discussion.
The interactive whiteboard that we planned to put in the respected zone is compatible in
fostering collaboration as up to four students to work together simultaneously on a joint
task, which suits with our aims for the creation of supplies zone. Other than that, by using
interactive whiteboard, it can create an engaging and interactive learning experience for
the students, with the ability to emphasis on attention and keep curious minds interested
in the related content.

Beside that, we also include charging cart in the technology station. The charging
cart able to accommodate chromebooks, tablets, netbooks and laptops. It is
convenient for the students, as we do not have to provide many plug point for the
students. It can construct safer learning environment for the students.
4) Break Area
The break area that we designed is to serve a purpose of students able to rest their brains,
particularly, if they get “stuck” on a certain problem. Experts believe that when the brain
takes a break, it continues to work unconsciously at finding a solution, processing, and
applying newly acquired information (Envision, 2017). In fact, we design the break area
near the discovery zone, in order to stimulate back their mind to be able gain new idea and
inspiration easily. We put a bean bag in the area and a projective screen, to let the students
able to rest flexibly, also, letting them to watch movies that related with their study, also
and educational videos. Once they are done with their break, they able to back in their
lesson with a great energy and fresh mind.
5) Discovery Zone (include Makerspace)
The discovery zone encompasses all of those items that spark the student imagination.
These include arts and crafts materials, recorders, cameras, music makers, games, puzzles,
and fun books and magazines. Other that, in some part of discovery zone, there is also a
Makerspace. Makerspace provides a hands-on and creative ways to encourage students
to design, experiment, build and invent as they deeply engage in science, engineering and
tinkering. A makerspace is not only a science lab, woodshop, computer lab or art room,
but it may contain elements found in all of these familiar spaces (Cooper, 2013). Some of
activities that could be carried out in the makerspace are electronics, sewing,
woodworking and other. Hence, it should be design to accommodate a wide range of
activities, tools and materials.

One of ways to make simple Makerspace is by using the Stewart Storage Cart. It is known as
a cart that promote mobility and also, come in compact design. As there is limited space for
Makerspace, we will use it for our SMART classroom. In fact, the students can utilize it in any
area that they want, so they easily develop their creativity in any place that they comfortable
and no need to be restricted in a place. Students also can store all of the materials and
replenish it as many as they can, as the storage cart contains five compartments. In fact, the
student also can hook a few tools at the sides of the cart. Hence, it showed that, even though
the cart is in a compact size but, it provides adequate space for the storage of materials.
6) Collaborative Zone
A collaborative zone serves various purposes. Students are reminded that they are all
working toward the mutual goals. It provides them with time to discuss what was learned,
build connections, inquire questions, present other perspectives, and engross in reflection.
These discussions are an opportunity for all of students to evaluate progress, clarify
information, address misconceptions, and take notes to plan ahead too. Besides, research
discloses that people are social learners and the latest trends in 21st century learning
encourage problem-based learning, cooperative learning, and reciprocal (peer) teaching
(Envision, 2017). Hence, by having a community zone for the students, it leads in nurturing
these trends.

Other than that, the furniture also had been arranged in a way that the students able to
communicate with each other easily. They provided with a computer for each group of
table. In fact, they had been surrounded with adjustable projector screen, in order to let
them able to watch the educational presentation, as well as communicate with other
community particularly from other school, to encourage them to share the educational
materials easily and also, to foster the partnership with others.

As for our SMART classroom design, we implement the use of adjustable interactive wall
from PowerUpEDU. It is a widescreen surface
designed as an all-in-one collaborative learning
solution, which offering multi-touch interactivity,
multi-team work areas, device mirroring, HD
viewing, and dry-erase writing. It not only
enhances the teamwork skill between the
students, also provide a function known as
independent learning spaces. The interactive wall
can be divided into several space, to let the
student to work independently or in the small
group of students (PowerUpEDU, n.d.).
Accessibility is a second element that we look into for designing the SMART classroom. The
SMART classroom should be designed and arranged with a purpose to make it convenience
for the students to gain materials, as well as, to ensure the smooth journey of lesson (Wade,
2016). Other than that, ICT also play a main role in developing the accessibility. By integrating
the usage of ICT, it enhances the access of educational materials and flexibility of learning,
while, bridging the gap between knowledge and community. Hence, by incorporating a good
arrangement of classroom and usage of ICT, we able to increase the accessibility towards
teacher, students and other community too.

The third element is about mobility. Based on Wade (2016), mobility affected the surrounding
of the learner, as there are various types of learner in a classroom. It consists of introverts,
extroverts, collaborators, solo thinkers, writers, dreamers and fidgeters. Each of them have
their own personality and unique character. The smart classroom design should
accommodate students’ natural need to move, while providing the optimal flexibility in the
classroom. As the students have a chance to move, both of their mind and circulation will be
refreshed. Hence, it helps in improving the concentration and reduce the fidgeting, also

One of ways to promoting mobility in our SMART classroom is by providing adjustable height
of table and also, adjustable projector screen. It is reported that by Envision (2017), adjustable
furniture could assist in accomodating students of all heights. By make it significant in
designing the SMART classroom, it able to produce flexible learning environment to the

Another element that involved in designing the SMART classroom are inspiration and respect.
Both of elements is quite abstract. Inspiration element can be implemented in the SMART
classroom design by providing a space for the students to share their works, as all of the works
that created by them was using their own creativity. The students utilized their skills
maximally and undergoes various learning techniques in producing good art pieces, works
and creation, in order to ensure that their work able to be display in the respected space. By
exhibiting their works on the space, the students feel appreciated and compete with each
other positively in producing their creation in future. It is highly related with the last element,
which is respect. One of example for space for respect element in the SMART classroom is
parking lot space. It is a space that make the students feel appreciated and loved. Students
able to communicate with the teacher in the space transparently, as the students able to be
anonymous when using the space. In our SMART classroom, we designed the space by
providing interactive whiteboard to them. We divide the board into four parts, which
comprises a space for the students to write positive comments, things that need to be
changed, arising questions and lastly, specific ideas for the improvement. Student will put the
sticky notes on to the respected parts, also, write it or use their own way to deliver the
message. It is up to them either to use image or words when utilizing the parking lot space. It
is not only close the gap between students and teacher, as well as, students able to voice out
their thought simply.

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