Evaluating The Conditions of A Graha

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Evaluating the conditions of a graha

In the Jātaka pārījāta, śloka 34 of the

second adhyāya , the following is stated:
" Grahas devoid of glances or conjunctions of the benefices will not be auspicious if they
are weakened, ensemble or under the gaze of evil or enemy foes, in vargas of malefics ,
in sandhis (joints between one sign and another), holding few points in aṣṭakāvarga ,
occupying the negative portions of a sign, combusted or subjugated into a graha-
yuddha(planetary war). "
The influence of a graha beneficial, as indicated in this slokais capable of converting
a graha in undesirable condition in agraha auspicious. However, for this to happen, such
a beneficial must hold superior strength. This is called ariṣṭa-bhanga , the nullification of
a misfortune.
Are grahas in conditions like this, or afflicted but under involvement of a beneficial
which can show significant improvements by use of a upāya (remedial measure), which
usually will occur during its DASA or during DASA the graha beneficial to him related, as
well as when in certain transits, especially of Guru in trikoṇa (1, 5 and 9)
of distressed graha .
A situation contrary to this, as described in the łloka , prevents the graha from
manifesting good fruits, no matter the effort undertaken to counter such influences. The
most that can happen is that it shows some good results during beneficial transits that will
influence it, as well as if it detains some force or element of auspiciousness.

For a graha to manifest completely negative results, he must suffer with diverse
afflictions simultaneously: combustion, debilitation, occupation of evil vargas (air, le, es,
cp and aq), ṣaṣṭāṁśa ,nīdhanāṁśa or vyayāṁśa , influence of malefics , positioning in
a gaṇḍānta , in vipat , pratyak ,naidhana or vaināśika-tārā , low punctuation in
the aṣṭakāvarga , pāpa-kartari , graha-yuddha , the weakness of their dispositors, the
occupation of a dusthāna, Influence of the lords of dusthāna orgrahas enemies,
occupation sarpa or nigala-Drekkana , krūra-ṣaṣṭyāṁśa , etc.
The more a Graha suffers from inauspicious elements, the worse their results will
be. However, it is practically impossible for a log to be subject to all possible adverse
conditions. In general, conditions are mixed and it is up to the astrologer to discern and
weigh the elements of śubha (auspiciousness) andaśubha (inauspiciousness), as well as
what will predominate. This is not a simple exercise, it is the most decisive element in an
interpretation and requires vast knowledge of the fundamentals of jyotiṣa , in addition to
a very sharp perception, hence the śāstra make mention of the need of the astrologer to
have a religious discipline and a good control over their senses. Without this, with a
polluted mind, restless senses and an irresolute intellect, how can the astrologer make
accurate judgments?
Among the instruments of work of an astrologer, none is more important than his
perception, therefore, it is essential that he is always cleaning and sharpening this tool, as
well as a sculptor, who to sculpt a wood must always sharpen and keep the blades you
use in your work.

On the map above, notice that Śani, the lord of the ascendant, is at eight, burn, a very
adverse condition. However, notice that Guru is close to the Śani, while Śukra and Budha
surround him ( śubha kartari ). Moreover, considering ṣaḍ-varga (six vargas ), Śani
occupies the sign (vi), drekkāṇa (vi) andtriṁśāṁśa of a great friend,
Budha; the hour lunar; the navāṁśa of fish and the dvadaśāṁśa of Sagittarius, both signs
ruled by Guru, which is next to Śani. In other words, Śani occupies onlysaumya-vargas ,
beneficial divisions. In fact, he resides in a puṣkarāṁśa (the thirdnavāṁśa de virgin).
Therefore, his affliction is largely mitigated.
The result of these diverse conditions was that the individual, although involved in a
series of affective problems, an unstable economic situation, some family disagreements
and also some bad habits and vices, always enjoyed the support of other people, he has
the privilege of living in a place paradisiac, as the homemaker of a very rich cousin, is
interested in religious themes and spiritual practices and has never let his problems
unfold to a destructive point. For example, although his financial situation is unstable, he
does not suffer from deficiencies or debts, affective problems were solved with two
separations and with him taking custody of his daughter, the result of the first marriage,
while his addictions never went beyond smoking today sporadic (and increasingly
declining) marijuana and regular consumption of straw cigarettes.
Although he has not been deprived of the instabilities and sufferings proper to the eighth
house, what is remarkable is that he has always maintained his composure and is a good-
humored person, who does not allow himself to be overwhelmed by adverse
situations. Moreover, although it does not have an ideal economic situation, it counts on
the material support of its relatives and they have everything that needs. His health and
eating habits are also good and, although he does not have a higher education, he is a
good independent professional because he is a craftsman and has also worked with the
production and sale of seedlings in the past. Therefore, in his map, Śani conferred miśra-
phala , mixed fruits, but with a greater predominance of śubha-phala , auspicious fruits, I
would say.

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