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52Like a shepherd

with his sheep

stick together
When people stick together, they remain in a
• If we all stick together, then nobody
will get lost.

break away
When people break away from a group, they
separate from it.
• A group of politicians broke away
from their political party to found a
new party.

round up
When you round up people or animals that are in
different places, or round them up, you form them
into a group.
• The shepherd rounds up his sheep
with the help of a sheepdog.

bring back
When you bring back someone or something, or
bring them back, you bring them to a place.
• I don’t mind if you borrow my
umbrella as long as you bring it

Julia is taking a party of tourists
on a tour of the city. It makes
her job much easier if the
people in her
party stick

But people sometimes break

away from the main group.
They wander off to look in
shop windows.

She often has to

round up members
of the group who
have strayed.

She is glad when

she brings them
back safely to
their hotel. She
thinks she is
like a shepherd
looking after his


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