Ingles 5 Refuerzo

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Oxford Activity Sheets

Oxford Activity Sheets
Unit Page Unit Page
s At the Town Hall 4 At the College
Reinforcement 1 1 Reinforcement 1 15
Reinforcement 2 2 Reinforcement 2 16
Extension 1 17
1 At Tara’s House Extension 2 18
Reinforcement 1 3
Reinforcement 2 4 5 At the Arena
Extension 1 5 Reinforcement 1 19
Extension 2 6 Reinforcement 2 20
Extension 1 21
2 A Trip to London Extension 2 22
Reinforcement 1 7
Reinforcement 2 8 6 At the Beach
Extension 1 9 Reinforcement 1 23
Extension 2 10 Reinforcement 2 24
Extension 1 25
3 At the Castle Extension 2 26
Reinforcement 1 11
Reinforcement 2 12
Extension 1 13
Extension 2 14

1 Oxford Rooftops 5
2 Oxford Rooftops 5
3 Oxford Rooftops 5
4 Oxford Rooftops 5
5 Oxford Rooftops 5
6 Oxford Rooftops 5
7 Oxford Rooftops 5
8 Oxford Rooftops 5
9 Oxford Rooftops 5
10 Oxford Rooftops 5
11 Oxford Rooftops 5
12 Oxford Rooftops 5
13 Oxford Rooftops 5
14 Oxford Rooftops 5
15 Oxford Rooftops 5
16 Oxford Rooftops 5
17 Oxford Rooftops 5
18 Oxford Rooftops 5
19 Oxford Rooftops 5
20 Oxford Rooftops 5
21 Oxford Rooftops 5
22 Oxford Rooftops 5
23 Oxford Rooftops 5
24 Oxford Rooftops 5
25 Oxford Rooftops 5
26 Oxford Rooftops 5
Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP

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The publisher grants permission for the photocopying of those pages
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Illustrations by: Diego Diaz: Reinforcement and Extension worksheets 6 (t);
Tony Forbes/Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency: Reinforcement and Extension
worksheets 3, 4, 7, 8, 11 (b), 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24; Erin McGuire:
Reinforcement and Extension worksheets 1 (t), 11 (t), 13 (t); Graham
Ross/The Bright Agency: Reinforcement and Extension worksheets 1 (b),
2, 5, 6 (b), 9, 10, 13 (b), 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26.

The Publisher advises that activities involving cutting and sticking should
be carried out under the supervision of an adult.

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