1.107厩材1厩戳揭叭闽ら戳Academic Calendar for 2018

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107 學年度第 1 學期課務相關日期(Academic Calendar for 2018)

日期(Date) 辦理事項(Event) 說明(Description)

6 月 12~14 日 初選第一階段
(12-14 June 2018) (Preliminary course registration stage 1)
6 月 19~21 日 初選第二階段
(19-21 June 2018) (Preliminary course registration stage 2)
9 月 3~5 日 新生選課
(3-5 September 2018) Freshmen Course Registration
9 月 10 日 上課開始
(10 September 2018) (First semester begins)
9 月 10~21 日 加退選 各類申請表格請至課務組
(10-21 September 2018 ) (Acceptance of add and drop) 索取或至課務組網頁下載
校際選修 (Application forms are
(Application for interschool course registration) available at the Curriculum
重修衝堂修課(書面申請) Div. or downloadable from
(Application for courses with schedule conflicts) the school website)
(Counselor helps students to select courses)
9 月 21 日 上選課系統-確認選課狀況 同學務必確認!!(很重
(21 September 2018) (Course registration system goes online- 要)
confirm course registration status) (Students are required
to confirm the courses
they have registered (Very
9 月 25~28 日 上網查詢選課結果 同學自行上網查詢選課結
(25-28 September 2018 ) (Online inquiry of registration results) 果
逾期加退選(書面申請) (Students are required to
(Application for registration changes (overdue)) check the registration
系所專班選課輔導 results on the school
(Course registration counseling) website)
(Deadline of applying free credit fees for
gualified graduate students)
10 月 1 日 上網下載『正式』點名單及相片清單
(1 October 2018) (Printing official roll call list and Photo list)
10 月 12-24 日 繳交學分費
(12-24 October 2018 ) (Collection of credit fees)
11 月 5~9 日 期中考試 採隨堂考試、照常上課
(5-9 November 2018) (Mid-term examinations) (In-class examinations,
class as usual.)
12 月 28 日 申請課程停修截止 每學期限一門課程
(28 December 2018) (Deadline for withdrawing courses) (One course each
1 月 7~11 日 學期考試
(7-11 January 2019) (Final examinations)
1 月 31 日 教師傳送學生成績截止 業務單位:註冊組
(31 January 2019) (Submission of examination results of graduates)

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