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Name: _________________________

Directions: For this assignment, students are going to complete research and answer the “Question for
Inquiry”. Students will need to be thorough in their research in order to be able to fully consider and
respond to the question.

 To what extent do our Founding

Fathers deserve to be celebrated?

Complete a product (poster, slideshow, video, etc.) in which you must:

 Display knowledge of the major events in this president’s life including: their upbringing and life
before being president, the elections(s) they won and how it went, the focus(es)/goal(s) (if any)
they had for their time as president, major events that occurred during their presidency, how
they reacted to them, and their legacy.
 Analyze and explain the significance of the specific events regarding the positive and negative
impacts of their decision-making.
 Argue a position in relation to the Question for Inquiry
 Include both written and visual components to support your positions
Required Elements The project All required Some of the Most required
and Accuracy includes all elements are required elements elements were
required elements included on the are included on the missing, and the
and are project, and only project, and there project lacks
exceptionally minor errors are are many issues accuracy.
accurate. present in with accuracy.
Quality of Provides specific, Provides General or Limited or
Persuasion and relevant appropriate details incomplete details irrelevant details
details related to related to the related to the related to the
the project that is project that may project that is project that is not
very persuasive. contain errors and somewhat persuasive.
it satisfactorily persuasively.
Development of The project shows Project displays a Project displays Project appears to
Ideas an exceptionally in- very in-depth base only some in-depth have insufficient
depth base of of content and content and in-depth content
content and knowledge. knowledge, and and knowledge,
knowledge and the ideas are and contains
includes thorough straight forward. limited ideas.
Understanding of Shows a strong Shows a clear Shows a limited Shows little to no
Significance understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
the significance of the significance of the significance of the significance of
the impacts of the impacts of the impacts of the impacts of
imperialism. imperialism. imperialism. imperialism.
Communication Writing is clear, Writing is Writing is unclear
accurate, and satisfactory with and difficult to
effective with well- only minor errors distinguish the
organized ideas. but does not message.
interfere with the
Organization and The project is The project is The project is
Design exceptionally acceptably distractingly messy
attractive in terms attractive though it or very poorly
of design, layout, may be a bit designed. It is not
and neatness. messy. attractive.

Note: Any case of plagiarism will result in you receiving a ZERO (0) on
this project! DO NOT Copy & Paste someone else’s work and attempt to
pass it off as your own.
Name: _________________________

Directions: Use the following table to help organize your thoughts during your research. Once you begin
creating your final product, this table will be your main resource for referring back to your information.
Be sure to note which resources you use (including images) so you can cite them later!

Before Presidency

The Election

Their Presidency

Important Events

Their Legacy

Positives and Negatives

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