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Liber Mysterium

The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks

Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks

A Netbook for using Witches in your fantasy role-playing game

Requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons® Player’s Handbook®,

Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast®
Liber Mysterium

Liber Mysterium:
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks

By Timothy S. Brannan

Editors: Debra L. Ruh and Brendan Quinn

Additional Authors: Dominique Crouzet, Ravenscrye Daegmorgan, Zdravko Ikica, Duane

Nutley, Brendan Quinn, Debra L. Ruh, Rod Thompson

Artists: Daniel Brannan, Dominique Crouzet, Ravenscrye Daegmorgan, Aitor Gonzalez,

Nichole Grubb, Carrie Hall, Tommie Leijs, Daniel Rosenberg

Playtesters, Proofreaders and Additional Content:

Joni Crocker, Lisa Countryman, Carl Cramer, Michael Filkin, Luke Finnigian, Garner Johnson, Paul W. King,
Katrina Kirovich, Adam Orth, LeAnne Phoenix and the New Dawn Coven, Brooke Shapiro

Special Thanks to Jon R. Cook and R. Michael Grenda

Rafael Arrais, Cole Austin, Blue Troll, C.J. Carrella, Fidjlin, Larry Geyer, Gary Gygax, Alexander Jurkat, Master
of Runes, Blake McDonald, Michael Moolick, Gianluca Meluzzi, NightScreed, Clark Peterson, Gary Ray, Ole
A. Ringdal, Brian Rodriguez, Brad Thompson, Phillip Wallace and Kevin Webb.

Very Special Thanks to the Netbook of Feats and Netbook of Classes Teams of the FanCC for their reviews
and suggestions.

Very, Very Special Thanks to the Kittens!

And of course extra special thanks to my wife Natalie and sons Liam and Connor who are all sick and tired of
hearing about witches.

Liber Mysterium

Table of Contents
Table of Tables and Figures..............................................6 Half-Orc ....................................................................... 45
Forward....................................................................... 7 Halflings........................................................................ 46
Humanoids................................................................... 46
About this Netbook ...........................................................7 Humans......................................................................... 46
Dedication ...........................................................................8
Chapter III: Mystical Paths ...................................... 47
Introduction................................................................ 9
Multiclassing ..................................................................... 47
Notice and Disclaimer .......................................................9 Witches and Basic Prestige Classes ........................... 48
Book Conventions..............................................................9 Witches and Other Classes......................................... 48
Open Gaming Content Declaration ................................9 Multiclass Practices.......................................................... 48
A Note About Gender.......................................................9 Green Witch................................................................. 49
Chapter Summaries ..........................................................10 Hoodoo......................................................................... 49
But what is a witch?..........................................................10 Incantatrix .................................................................... 49
Witches in the Game........................................................10 Psychic Witch............................................................... 49
Witches and Wizards ...................................................10 Other Witches.............................................................. 49
Witches and Clerics......................................................10 Prestige Classes ................................................................ 53
Witches and Druids .....................................................11 Spells and the Prestige Classes .............................. 53
A View of the Witches Religion.................................11 Hermetic Mage ............................................................ 53
Being a Witch ....................................................................12 Imbolc Mage ................................................................ 57
Karma and the Rule of Three.....................................12 Master of Circles.......................................................... 59
Life Death and Rebirth ...............................................12 Warlock......................................................................... 61
Cosmology ....................................................................12 Witch Finder ................................................................ 64
Chapter I: The Witch Class .......................................13 Witch Guardian ........................................................... 67
Witch ..................................................................................13 Witch-Knight ............................................................... 70
Game Rule Information .........................................15 NPC Class – The Hedge-Witch ..................................... 73
Human Witch Starting Package.............................16 Skills................................................................................... 75
Alternate Witch Starting Package ..........................16 New Uses for Old Skills ............................................. 75
Epic Level Witch..........................................................16 Knowledge (Demonology)......................................... 77
Knowledge (Witchcraft) ............................................. 77
Chapter II: Traditions ...............................................19 Meditative Trance........................................................ 78
Tradition Descriptions.....................................................19 Profession (Fortune Teller)........................................ 78
Amazon .........................................................................20 Profession (Herbalist) ................................................. 79
Chovihani ......................................................................21 Profession (Midwifery) ............................................... 79
Classical .........................................................................23 Ritual Casting ............................................................... 80
Craft of the Wise..........................................................25 Seduction ...................................................................... 80
Eclectic Witch...............................................................27 Tantra............................................................................ 81
Faerie Tradition ............................................................28 Yoga .............................................................................. 81
Family Tradition...........................................................30 Witch Feats ....................................................................... 82
Lorelei............................................................................32 Animal to Human........................................................ 82
Malefic ...........................................................................33 Astromancy .................................................................. 82
Tantric ...........................................................................34 Aura of Undead Disruption....................................... 82
Tempestarii ...................................................................36 Cast Magic Circle......................................................... 83
Venefica.........................................................................39 Celibate Casting ........................................................... 83
Voodoo..........................................................................40 Charm Resistance ........................................................ 83
Traditions and Covens.....................................................42 Craft Magic Candle...................................................... 83
Creating a New Traditions ..............................................42 Create Magic Cord ...................................................... 83
Witch Racial Traditions ...................................................42 Create Talisman ........................................................... 84
Dwarf.............................................................................43 Distil Potion ................................................................. 84
Elf...................................................................................43 Divine Dominion ........................................................ 84
Fey..................................................................................44 Extra Familiar .............................................................. 84
Goblinoids ....................................................................44 Familiar Spell................................................................ 85
Gnomes .........................................................................44 Fear Resistance ............................................................ 85
Hags ...............................................................................45 Greater Divine Dominion.......................................... 85
Half-Elf .........................................................................45 Harming Touch ........................................................... 85
Immunity of the Faerie............................................... 85

Liber Mysterium
Improved Familiar .......................................................85 Examples of Covens........................................................ 99
Improved Metamagic...................................................85 The Cult of the Decaying Earth ................................ 99
Improved Spell Capacity .............................................86 The Brotherhood of Set ........................................... 100
Kiss Spell.......................................................................86 The Daughters of the Flame.................................... 100
Spell Knowledge...........................................................86 The Mara .................................................................... 101
Sylvan Empathy............................................................86 The Temple of Astartë, Queen of Heaven ............ 102
Unnatural Sleep Resistance.........................................86 The Witches of the Howling Moon........................ 103
Chapter V: Covencraft ...............................................87 The White Lotus........................................................ 103
The Witch’s Patrons ...................................................... 104
Covens and Game Play....................................................87 The Goddess.............................................................. 104
Witch’s Name ...............................................................87 The God ..................................................................... 104
Witch’s Mark.................................................................88 Name of the Goddess ................................................... 104
Duties of the Coven ....................................................88 Artemis........................................................................ 104
Officers..........................................................................88 Astartë......................................................................... 105
Coven Names and Symbols........................................88 Athena......................................................................... 105
The Coven, Lay-Witches and the Cowan .................88 Bast.............................................................................. 105
Degrees & Circles ........................................................89 Brigit............................................................................ 105
The Covenstead............................................................89 Cardea ......................................................................... 105
Permanent.................................................................89 Cerridwen ................................................................... 105
Temporary ................................................................89 Danu............................................................................ 106
Other Types .............................................................89 Demeter ...................................................................... 106
Tools of the Craft.............................................................89 Diana........................................................................... 106
Ritual Tools...................................................................90 Eir................................................................................ 106
Athame......................................................................90 Gaea ............................................................................ 106
Broom .......................................................................90 Hathor......................................................................... 106
Cauldron ...................................................................91 Hecate ......................................................................... 106
Censer........................................................................91 Hel ............................................................................... 107
Chalice.......................................................................91 Hestia .......................................................................... 107
Pentacle.....................................................................91 Holda........................................................................... 107
Wand .........................................................................91 Ishtar ........................................................................... 107
Other Tools ..................................................................91 Isis................................................................................ 107
Bell.............................................................................92 Kali .............................................................................. 108
Laybrys......................................................................92 Lilith ............................................................................ 108
Mortar and Pestle ....................................................92 Lovitar......................................................................... 109
Staff ...........................................................................92 Mabd ........................................................................... 109
Stone..........................................................................92 Morigann .................................................................... 109
Sword ........................................................................92 Rhiannon .................................................................... 109
Witch’s Tome....................................................................92 Tiamat ......................................................................... 109
Contents ........................................................................92 Tlazolteol .................................................................... 109
Power Ritual..................................................................93 Name of the God........................................................... 109
Ceremonials ..................................................................93 Apollo ......................................................................... 110
Monthly Moon Ceremonials ..................................93 Cernunnos .................................................................. 110
Closing Rituals..............................................................93 Dagda .......................................................................... 110
The Book of Law..............................................................93 Dionysius.................................................................... 110
Sabbats and Holy Days....................................................94 Osiris ........................................................................... 110
Samhain/Witches’ New Year .....................................94 Other Patrons................................................................. 110
Yule/Winter Solstice ...................................................94 Spirits .......................................................................... 110
Imbolc/Candlemas ......................................................95 Demons, Devils, and Fiends.................................... 110
Ostara/Spring Equinox...............................................96
Beltane/Mayday ...........................................................96 Chapter VI: Magic.................................................... 111
Midsummer/Summer Solstice....................................97 Magical Theory and Thought....................................... 111
Lammas/Lughnasadh..................................................97 Magical Correspondences......................................... 112
Mabon/Autumnal Equinox........................................98 The Thaumaturgic Triangle View ........................... 112
Witches without a Coven ................................................98 The Pentagram View................................................. 112
Solitaries ........................................................................98 Magic Circles .................................................................. 113
Renegades......................................................................98 Combined Circles ...................................................... 114
Notes on Creating a Coven.............................................99 Witch’s Familiars............................................................ 114

Liber Mysterium
Multiple Familiars.......................................................115 Butterfae.......................................................................... 167
Improved Familiars....................................................115 Druther............................................................................ 167
Ritual Magic.....................................................................116 Leprechaun ..................................................................... 169
Augmented Ritual Magic...........................................116 Lesser Hag (Template) .................................................. 171
Combined Ritual Magic.............................................117 Makva (Wood Hag) ....................................................... 171
Witch True Rituals .....................................................118 Nymph, Sea..................................................................... 172
Researching Original True Rituals ...........................118 Poludnica......................................................................... 173
Countering Ritual Magic ...........................................119 Poppet ............................................................................. 174
Witch True Rituals .....................................................119 Scarecrow Guardian ...................................................... 175
Spells.................................................................................124 Chapter VIII: Witch Stories .................................... 177
Witch Spell Lists.........................................................124
0 Level Witch Spells ..............................................124 Witch Adventures .......................................................... 177
1st Level Witch Spells ............................................125 A Curse on Thee ....................................................... 177
2nd Level Witch Spells ...........................................125 Fairy Tales .................................................................. 177
3rd Level Witch Spells............................................126 Journey to the Rock .................................................. 177
4th Level Witch Spells............................................126 Old City Lady............................................................. 177
5th Level Witch Spells............................................127 Old Lady of the Woods............................................ 177
6th Level Witch Spells............................................127 Potion Mistress .......................................................... 177
7th Level Witch Spells............................................127 She Bewitched Me..................................................... 178
8th Level Witch Spells............................................127 Strange Brew .............................................................. 178
9th Level Witch Spells............................................127 The Call....................................................................... 178
New Bard Spells .........................................................128 The Lost...................................................................... 178
New Cleric Spells .......................................................128 The Exile .................................................................... 178
New Clerical Domains ..............................................128 The Expert ................................................................. 178
Fertility Domain.....................................................129 The Imbolc Challenge............................................... 178
Moon Domain .......................................................129 The Orphan................................................................ 178
New Druid Spells .......................................................129 The Quester ............................................................... 179
New Paladin Spells.....................................................130 The Witch Trial.......................................................... 179
New Ranger Spells .....................................................130 Non-Player Characters .................................................. 179
New Sorcerer / Wizard Spells..................................130 Royrn, Xothia of the Rock....................................... 179
New Uses for Old Spells...........................................130 Serith Greenleaf......................................................... 181
Same Spell, New Name.............................................130 Saillie ........................................................................... 182
Spell Descriptions ......................................................131 Teamhair..................................................................... 184
Magic Items .....................................................................155 The Witch Team ..................................................... 186
Weapons and Armor .................................................155
Specific Weapons .......................................................155 The Witch Team ..................................................... 187
Specific Armors..........................................................156 Main Contributors ......................................................... 187
Potions, Oils, and Powders.......................................156 Other Contributors........................................................ 187
Rods .............................................................................157 Game Licenses ........................................................ 188
Staffs and Distaffs......................................................157 OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a .................... 188
Wondrous Items.........................................................158 The d20 System® License version 5.0 ......................... 189
Books, Manuals, & Tomes........................................159 Art Credits and Copyrights........................................... 190
Permanent Magic Circles...........................................160 References ................................................................191
Magic Candles.............................................................161
Magic Cords................................................................162 Index........................................................................ 193
Cursed Items...............................................................163
Artifacts .......................................................................163
Chapter VII: Bestiary............................................... 165
Using Monsters in Your Campaign..............................165
Monster Types ................................................................165
Hags .............................................................................165
Monsters from Other Sources..................................165

Liber Mysterium

Table of Tables and Figures

Table 1-1: The Witch............................................................18
Table 1-2: Witch Spells per Level .......................................18
Table 2-1: Craft Witch Physical Appearance.....................25
Table 2-2: Family Witch Summoning.................................31
Table 2-3: Elemental Correspondences .............................38
Table 3-1: Green Witch Level Progression .......................50
Table 3-2: Green Witch Spell Progression ........................50
Table 3-3: Hoodoo Level Progression ...............................51
Table 3-4: Hoodoo Spell Progression ................................51
Table 3-5: Incantatrix Level Progression ...........................52
Table 3-6: Incantatrix Spell Progression ............................52
Table 3-7: Hermetic Mage Progression..............................54
Table 3-8: Imbolc Mage Progression .................................58
Table 3-9: Master of Circles class abilities .........................61
Table 3-10: Warlock Progression........................................62
Table 3-11: Witch Finder Progression ...............................66
Table 3-12: Witch Guardian Level Progression................70
Table 3-13: Witch-Knight Progression ..............................72
Table 3-14: The Hedge-Witch.............................................74
Table 4-1: Witch Skills..........................................................76
Table 4-2: Astromancy Frequency Chart...........................82
Table 5-1: Covenstead benefits ...........................................89
Fig. 6.1 Thaumaturgic Triangle View ...............................112
Fig. 6.2 Pentagram View ....................................................112
Table 6-1: Witch’s Familiars ..............................................115
Table 6-2: Improved Familiars by Alignment .................116
Table 6-3: Improved Familiars by Type...........................116
Table 6-4: Augmented Ritual Casting Time ....................117
Table 6-5: Combined Ritual Casting Time ......................118
Table 6-6: Combined Ritual Bonus Levels ......................118
Table 6-7: New Spell Names .............................................131

Liber Mysterium

In the process of working on this book I discovered two things.

First. I am completely obsessed with witches.

I always have been. What can I say, I find them fascinating; Witches of fairy tales, stories, myth, history, even
movies and TV, all of them. I even remember my first witch. Margaret Hamilton as the Wicked Witch of the West in
the Wizard of Oz. When I am not writing about witches or watching them I am usually talking about them. So I hope
what you have here, the fruit of my labor and obsessions is something that you too will enjoy.

This all started some sixteen or seventeen years ago when I told my regular playing group “I want to write a
witch class”. I had read the famous (infamous) issue #114 and then proceeded to read everything I could on role-
playing witches. Of course the roots of this took shape long before that. It started in 1979 when I got my hands on this
book full of monsters and the crazy notion that I should be in a basement somewhere with dice and other people
pretending to be something else. I still have my first witch character, she is still doing quite well despite all the revisions
(and different versions of the core game) I have put her through.
This book has been a long time in coming.

The second thing I discovered there was no way I could do this alone.
On page 2 of this book you will see a list of people. This book exists not so much because I wanted it too, but
because they helped me do it. Sometimes they dragged me kicking and screaming to do it, but in the end we ended up
with something I think we are all proud of.

Four years ago I released my first netbook ever to the Internet. Yes, it was about witches. Today I hope not
only to recapture that thrill, but to surpass it. I also hope that this book is somewhat helpful, interesting or entertaining
to you, the FPRG players out there.

About this Netbook

This book, more than any other I have been associated with is truly the work of a team. The Witches and
Warlocks Team at the FANCC has put this book together. So I cannot take credit alone. All of our names and
contributions are listed on page 2 and in the back of this book.
“Liber Mysterium” comes from the Latin “Liber” meaning book or volumes of books and the Greek
“Mysterium” which describes an ancient cult of Goddess worshippers. This is the root of “Mystery Traditions” or
“Mystery Religions”. This is also where we get our word “mystery” or “mysterious”.

This book uses rules from version 3.0 of the Core Rulebooks. We have tried to indicate areas that are different or
changed for version 3.5 of the core rules. Our hope is that regardless of which version of rules system you are using you
will find this book easy to integrate into your current game.

Timothy S. Brannan
October 31st, 2003

Liber Mysterium

“Journey of Twilight’s Moon” Copyright 2002© by Carrie Hall

This book is dedicated to Angelique, Baba Yaga, Circe, Glinda, Hermione, Kiki, Louhi, Morgan LeFey, Witchiepoo, Alexandra,
Jane and Sukie, The Mayfairs, Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige, Sabrina, Samantha, and Tabitha, Nancy, Bonnie, Rochelle, and Sarah,
Sally and Gillian, Willow and Tara, and (with all apologies to Yeats) “all the wild witches, those most noble ladies”.

Liber Mysterium: Introduction

“What is it with you and witches anyway?” Open Gaming Content Declaration

My Mom
“Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player’s
Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the

itch. The very name summons up images
Coast, Inc.”
of midnight Sabbats under the full moon.
It is a terrible accusation to some, a badge
of honor for others. ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used
Notice and Disclaimer according to the terms of the d20 System License version
5.0. A copy of this License can be found at
In order to use this work to it’s fullest; it is
recommended that you be proficient, or at least familiar,
with the d20 game system. In addition, it is assumed that
you have paper, dice, pencils and other tools necessary to
play the game. Artwork is copyrighted by the specific artists
This work does not attempt to be the fullest or and is noted. The artwork in this book is not considered
final authority of the subject of role-playing witches in a to be open content. Copyrights are retained by the
fantasy game. It also does not attempt to present a individual artists and used here by permission.
factual account of the religion of witches or a sociological Fiction sections are copyrighted by the specific
overview of witchcraft. authors and are noted. The fiction in this book is not
Information presented herein is designed solely considered to be open. Copyrights are retained by the
for the use of individuals playing the d20 game system. individual authors and used here by permission.
Any other intentions beyond that are outside the scope All other text, including all game relevant
of this work and are not intended. statistics, is considered open for the use of Open Gaming
This work is also not intended to harm or License, unless otherwise noted with that text.
offend anyone within the religious community of
practicing Wicca, Voodoo or any other witch or Pagan Just so we are all clear. This is a game. This is
tradition. not an attempt to be a factual overview of witches, Wicca
or history. The witches here are the witches of fantasy,
Book Conventions fairy tale, folklore and myth, not Wicca or the witches of
This book uses various conventions to denote the real world. This netbook won’t make you into a witch
specific pieces of text. or let you cast spells.
Text like this is the bulk of this book. It There are plenty of great books on real world
indicates any game related information. witches and Wicca as well as the witches of the European
Witch craze. Some are listed in our References section.

GM’s and Author’s Note: Information in this format is

designed for Game Masters. It is either role-playing or A Note About Gender
background information. Historically, witches have always been viewed
as female. To reflect this, the feminine pronouns will be
used exclusively, unless a distinction needs to be made.
This text indicates Open Gaming information. This
Some publishers claim that years of use have neutered
could include any indications of copyrights owned or
the male pronouns. I do not believe that this is so.
designations of Product Identity.
Unless a distinction based on gender needs to made, I
will use the feminine pronouns to refer to both females
A single lined box with italic text is a quote that is appropriate to and males, as is done in many other languages.
the section. The author of the quote and the source will be indicated.
In any case the quote is public domain and not subject to the rules
of the OGL.

Liber Mysterium: Introduction
“The Craft”. Wicce, however, comes from the Germanic
Chapter Summaries root “wic,” which means “to bend” or “to turn” which
Chapter 1: The Witch Class contains the base does apply to witchcraft, in the sense that witches bend
witch class including progression tables, starting packages or control forces to effect changes.
and Epic level witches. Most witches throughout history have been
Chapter 2: Traditions details the thirteen feared and abhorred because they were believed to be
traditions of witchcraft and some racial viewpoints for vindictive, casting evil spells upon others and consorting
role-playing. Included are skill and feat suggestions and with evil spirits.
granted powers. The Western concept of witches has evolved
Chapter 3: Mystical Paths discuss multi-class from beliefs about sorcery and magic dating back to the
witches and prestige classes the witch might opt for. ancient Assryians, Babylonians, Akkadians, Hebrews,
Chapter 4: Skills and Feats detail the various Greeks and Romans. An ancient Assyrian tablet speaks
new skills and feat that are available to the witch (and of the bewitching powers of witches, wizards, sorcerers
other characters too.) and sorceresses. In ancient Greece and Rome, witches
Chapter 5: Covencraft discusses what it really were renowned for their herbal knowledge, magical
means to be a witch. It also has details on covens, potions and supernatural powers. Thessaly, a region in
covensteads, Books of Shadows, as well as Goddess and Greece, was particularly “notorious for witchcraft” and
Gods as Patrons. “universally known for magic incantations,” according to
Chapter 6: Magic details the nature of the Apuleius, Roman poet of the 2nd century. Thessalian
witch’s magic, her views of magic and the world as well witches reputedly had the power to bring the moon
as spells, magic items and rules for rituals. down from the sky. Classical witches were said to
Chapter 7: Bestiary has monsters that have possess the evil eye. Pliny the Elder wrote of those who
been associated with the witch from myth, fairy tale or killed by looks.
Chapter 8: Witch Stories gives the GM some
‘adventure seeds’ to use to add a witch-based storyline to Witches in the Game
any adventure. Some NPCs to use as supporting cast or Witches are not wizards. Nor are they
as player characters are also included. sorcerers, clerics, druids or psychics. They are their own
Finally a References section is included to core class. They possess a tradition that is older than any
direct the reader to more books on witches and of these other archetypes. While the game rules may be
witchcraft. modified to allow the playability of a witch under one of
these guises, the witch works the best as it’s own class,
with it’s own unique style. Witches share similarities with
But what is a witch? other character classes – they also have quite a few
Over the last two decades, there have been differences. Even witches from the same coven and
several attempts to bring this character into the fold of traditions can be very different from each other and in
the likes of wizards and rogues in various fantasy role- what they believe.
playing games. Some have been successful, but most
today have been regarded as half-hearted attempts. This Witches and Wizards
book proposes to change that. Wizards spend a great deal of time studying and
With the advent of the new d20 Game System, researching their spells. Witches also study spells, but
the witch has a chance to grow into the character type they are granted some of their spells, much as clerics are.
that does the witch of myth and legends justice, and It should also be noted that some witches do keep spell
preserve the mystery and unique characteristics of the books and use scrolls. Wizards join guilds or belong to
witch. wizard schools. Witches rarely join guilds; they do,
Anyone with even passing familiarity with however, belong to covens.
fairytales or mythology knows witches are practitioners
of ancient religions. Morgan Le Fey, Circe, and Baba
Yaga, were not wizards as depicted in various FRPG
Witches and Clerics
sources, but priestesses of Goddesses (or Gods) of old Witches and clerics have historically shared a
very adversarial relationship. There is of course no
religions and forgotten ways.
The word “witch” comes from the Old English reason they have to in your game. Part of the problem is
witches and clerics cover much of the same ground.
wicce, pronounced “wiche” or “wikke” and “wicca,”
which are in turn derived from the root wikk, which Witches are often referred to, both by
themselves and others, as priestesses of their Patrons.
applies to magic and sorcery. Many witches say witch
means “wise” or “wisdom,” so a witch is a wise person, One might ask, “Why is a witch needed if a cleric can
perform the same function?”
and witchcraft is the “Craft of the Wise” or more simply,

Liber Mysterium: Introduction
Witches typically view worship as a very Additionally, as witches are secretive about their
personal matter. Her Patron may be a God or Goddess, knowledge and methods, and do not speak of their craft
Spirits or even the raw forces of Nature. The witch may to those who are not of their coven, even in passing,
even understate her religion. their tight lips are seen as a sign that the witch herself
The relationship between witches and clerics of recognizes her own moral impropriety, and seeks to hide
the same God, Goddess or Patron will be determined it. Thus fear and mistrust arise.
partly by that Patron or can be decided by the GM, but Hence witches are seen as vindictive and
generally good aligned worshipers would tend to get malicious, consorts to evil spirits or those who insultingly
along better than evil. Lawfully aligned worshipers also give worship to ancient, fallen deities, worship that
see the value in working together more than chaotic rightfully belongs to the current gods.
ones. For example, the witches of Hecate claim that
the goddess is simply the name for a face of the ancient
Witches and Druids Goddess, in her form as a magic-worker, and that
form...that avatar...visits them to teach them ancient
Witchcraft, the practice of witches, has much in secrets and give them personal power. Yet the priests of
common with the practice of druids. In many cases both Hecate proclaim these witches follow a spirit who seeks
are considered pagan, nature religions. Witches are very to usurp the rightful goddess of magic, for the witches
similar to druids, in their worshipping practices and in practice rituals strange to the priests and learn knowledge
the effects of their magic and their philosophical view of from the goddess abandoned centuries ago by the
the world. priesthood, when they learn of it at all from the witches
Druids and witches though are very distinct in of Hecate – another sign that this knowledge comes not
their philosophies and practices. Like druidism, from the true goddess, and the witch’s silence an open
witchcraft fosters a belief in the cycles of nature and the admission of guilt on that count.
life-death-rebirth cycle. While ancient (historical) Druids A witch is a witch and not a priest in that they
were a caste of priestly leaders, witches tend to be more strive for personal knowledge or power, not to be the
individual. channel of another’s will or to be granted special abilities
solely to work their Patron’s will on the world. The
A View of the Witches Religion witch instead seeks personal, spiritual or material
How does one accurately role-play a witch? To The relationship a witch has with their Patron is
do this one must understand the culture that witches that of student to teacher, of apprentice to master; they
have arisen out of. accept guidance and knowledge from an elder, ancient
Witches are seen as practitioners of ancient being who has chosen to share such with them for
religions, followers of ancient gods long ignored or whatever its own purposes are, be they benign, malignant
presumed dead by the people and priests of their world or unknown.
or society, ancient powers who are fading away and been For example: Odin teaches his children
subsumed by local deities. runecraft because they are his children, to better their
Priests cannot serve these Ancient Ones, for own destiny; a demon might teach a witch in order to use
these gods are not gods that can offer their own power her later for its own ends.
directly to their worshippers, even if once they might A witch’s spells differ from a wizard’s, though
have. they are similar. The Patron reveals what the witch needs
The modern churches and temples of all gods to know to cast the spell, not the underlying workings of
find such worship spiritually dangerous, for it is the magic. They teach the witch how to summon the energy
worship of dead gods, the practice of calling out to gods to cast forth spells; to shape their desires into reality and
long since vanquished and cast down, the worship of how their magic works in accordance with the laws and
imaginary spirits or false gods performing a principles the Patron teaches, but the true science or art least in the eyes of the priests. of magic is not their domain.
The Ancient Ones are more akin to demons, Likewise, to a witch, the relationship with their
devils, elementals and spirits than they are to deities, and Patron is personal, based on the gathering of old, magical
therefore the witch follows them for the secrets they can lore and the study of the secret powers of the universe.
teach and the benefits they offer not only or merely to Each witch is thus left to her own devices and
engage in worship and emulation. wisdom when confronted with the divine., for a witch’s
Since these deities do not and cannot, answer experiences with her Patron are individual and
the prayers of the faithful, it is often whispered that experiential, not subject to examination or approval by an
other, more infernal and deceitful powers must be behind order of priests or elders, nor to scriptures of the
the witch’s rituals. Patron’s word and desire – these are revealed unto her by
the Patron alone.

Liber Mysterium: Introduction
Like druidic religious practices, witchcraft is Karma and the Rule of Three
primal, visceral and passionate. Rituals are unfettered by Most witches believe in living good lives. To
tradition and often improvisational, focusing upon this end there is the notion of Karma, or as it known to
drawing and experiencing the power of the divine to witches, the Rule of Three. Any harm, bad intent or mal
better the self and those the witch chooses, not in purpose directed at anyone is returned on the witch,
obedient service to the deity. usually threefold. This is true for mundane as well as
All of this leads to misunderstanding and magical workings. While there is no game rule to enforce
mistrust of witches. the Rule of Three, the GM is encouraged to have “bad
things” happen when a witch starts to use her powers
against her oaths or alignment. These should be subtle
Being a Witch and not immediate, but never life threatening.
Unlike other classes, one does not wake up one Because of this a witch will rarely use her own
day and decide to become a witch. Generally the magic for personal gain, such as using divination at the
prospective witch, the Initiate, will hear the Call of the gambling table. Many will also do what they can to
Goddess at a young age. She must learn a witch Tradition increase their levels of karma.
and seek out a coven. These all have to be kept in check with the
Upon entering the coven the highest-ranking witch’s alignment, but they should be considered on the
witch (who, regardless of actual level is known as the same level as the oath a paladin takes or the rules a monk
High Priestess) will invite the young initiate to learn all must live by.
she can from the covens’ Books of Law. Some covens
require a year and a day before the initiate can fully join;
only then will the new witch be taught the magic and
Life Death and Rebirth
Central to the core beliefs of the witch is the
ritual of being a witch.
If a coven is not found, then the initiate might idea of Life, Death and Rebirth. To the witch life is an
ongoing cycle, one that can be seen in nature, the seasons
become a Solitary. Often the Solitary may learn from an
old book of a forgotten coven, or she may receive direct and in the witch herself. This belief is so ingrained into
the witch’s philosophy that it affects what magic the
or indirect information from some agent like a familiar,
who brings instruction directly from her Patron. witch can perform.
For the most part a witch will never have access
All witches follow what they believe to be the
correct path. Often the Goddess influences this, but to spells that raise the dead or make powerful undead.
To do so would violate this basic tenet of their beliefs
unlike clerics who pour over old scripture and text, the
witch will receive their divine inspiration in a subtle, but and they would cease to be a witch.
constant manner. Witches take a more personal and
direct view of their relationship with their Goddesses Cosmology
than normal clerics. It is not so much faith for the witch The cosmology of the witch differs from that
as it is experience. of the typical character. Most witches do not believe in
One of the reasons that witches bring an afterlife of eternal rewards or punishments; most
persecution upon themselves is because they accept no witches instead believe in reincarnation.
other rulers save for their Goddess and (sometimes) When a body dies the spirit is sent to rest for a
higher level witches. This often puts them at odds with time at a place known as the Summerlands. Once there
the local rulers of state and always with their Goddess’ the soul reflects on her previous life, until it is time for
church. the soul to return to the earthly realm and begin the cycle
They tend not to follow the mainstream deity of again.
the region and show a marked disregard for the authority Typically a witch does not regard the Spirit
of petty lords and kings. In addition to this, witches Realms as important on a daily basis. She will of course
often claim that witchcraft is the first and greatest form know that they are important places of power where
of magic, a claim that never sits well with other many gods, fiends and spirits reside and abodes of the
spellcasters, in particular powerful wizards and priests. afterlife. The witch deals with spirits, supernatural forces
Despite this, witches tend to be humble rather and her Goddess on a daily basis, most of her concerns
than arrogant. Years of persecution have tempered the will be with the realm of the living in the here and now.
attitudes of most traditions. Witches just have a belief
system in which they are central. A witch is often thus GM’s Note: Because of this belief system a witch will
much more tolerant of others’ religious beliefs than the never have access to the Divine Spell Raise Dead. Nor
common cleric. can a witch have Raise Dead cast upon her. The Game
Master can work out the details of the Summerlands that
work best for her own game universe.

Liber Mysterium:The Witch Class

Chapter I: The Witch Class

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Witches also tend to avoid weapons and armor
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy”. because their nature is one of magic, pure and untainted.
Armor would also interfere with their spell casting
Hamlet Alignment: Despite stereotype and rumor,
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 5 witches can be of any alignment. Many witches believe
in “The Three-fold Law”, that is what ever you send out
into the world, will return upon you three times. So a

n old hag, a mysterious wise woman, cunning and witch is often reluctant to cast so called “black” or evil
alluring maiden... All of these and more are the magic.
guise of the witch. Witches have existed since Religion: To a witch, to worship is to be a
the dawn of time and are some of the greatest of witch. Unlike clerics, who commune to their gods for the
all of the spellcasters. people, there is no middle ground between the Patrons
and their witches. Also unlike clerics, witches, even evil
Witch ones, do not attempt to convert others to their faith.
Witches are spellcasters that walk the line Witches believe one must be worthy and hear the Call.
between this world and the next, between angel and Non-witches often misunderstand the practice
fiend, and between clerics and wizards. They are a of witchcraft; this is one of many factors that have lead
religious sect like clerics, but closer to druids. Their to distrust of witches.
spells and casting techniques are similar to wizards. Witches honor and follow their Patrons, the
Despite stereotypes, witches may be either God and Goddess of their faith. Many witches believe
female or male, there are typically more female witches there is only a single Goddess, and all deities are simply
than there are male witches. Contrary to popular belief different aspects of the Goddess. The name of the
“warlock” is not the masculine form of witch. Witches, goddess may change between planes, but names are only
whether male or female, are referred to as witches. reflections of the Goddess.
Warlock is a word meaning “peace-breaker” or “oath- Examples of the witches’ Goddesses include
breaker”, and is considered to be a vulgar insult to a Astartë, Hecate, Diana, Isis, Innana, or even Tiamat, but
witch. can include any Goddess from the witch’s home world.
Adventures: Witches on the whole tend not to Other witches believe that there are two deities,
be adventurers. Many have terrifying memories of what a male and a female, a God and a Goddess. The male is
some people will do to witches; others feel a close considered the Bringer of Summer, the Lord of Harvest
association to their homeland, their families or their and Protector of the Goddess. Real world examples
covens. There are others though for whom the lure of include Apollo, Bacchus, Cernunnos, Osiris, or Shiva.
adventuring is too much to ignore. Both God and Goddess are considered equal in all
Witches that adventure do so for a variety of respects.
reasons. Many are searching for greater magical or The system of belief can change between each
universal truths, or to recover a special artifact or spell campaign world and plane. However, it is commonly
component. A small number seek, like many these two systems, or a combination of these two that
adventurers, fame and fortune. Still others desire to be witches across the multiverse practice. It is also this
away from the closed minds of their homelands and philosophy that leads to the rift between clerics and
search for others like themselves. And some seek things witches.
known only to themselves and their Patron. Other witches gain their powers from other
Characteristics: Witches cast arcane spells, as worldly beings, fiends from the lower planes, creatures
do wizards and sorcerers; they also gain some ability to from the Astral, or Spirits they take as their Patron.
cast divine spells. Both types of spells are gained from Often who or what and how the witch worships will be
the witch’s service to their Patrons. detailed in Chapter 2: Traditions and Chapter 5: Covencraft.
Witches record their spells in spell-books Hedge witches are spellcasters that follow the
(sometimes known as a Book of Shadows) like Wizards. witches’ practice, but not their religion.
Like shadows that are neither all dark nor all light, Magic: Witches are primarily arcane
witches are neither all cleric nor all wizard, but a bit of spellcasters, though they say their magic is older than the
both, and something else altogether. distinctions of “Arcane” and “Divine”.

Liber Mysterium: The Witch Class
Witches learn their magic from their Patron. In many Traditions this is also known as the
They may do this via meditation, ritual or even via their “Call of the Goddess”. This usually precludes any other
familiar. Once the knowledge of a spell is given to the type of training for any other profession since many
witch she copies the spell into her spell book (“Book of witches receive this call at an early age, as children or
Shadows”). Once this is done she may relearn that spell at teenagers.
any time, as does a wizard. The witch may also research All witches belong to a Tradition (defined as a
spells, as does a wizard. These spells are also recorded in style of witchcraft) and a Coven (meaning groups of
their Books of Shadows. worship). A witch that does not belong to a geographic
The witch also gains the ability to cast special Tradition is said to have a “Family Tradition” because it
spells known as is usually passed
Coven Spells. down from mother
These spells are to daughter, or an
known to the “Eclectic Tradition”,
witch and her one that has the
coven and are features of many
usually divine in traditions. A witch
nature, the exact without a coven is
spells varying from often known as a
coven to coven “Solitary
and Patron to Practioner”.
Patron. Witches learn to be
The witches from laws
power to cast the and guidelines
spells is given by handed down from
the Patron, but the Patron and
formed by the practiced within the
witch. In this covens. Solitaries
respect they are often must learn the
very similar to craft on their own.
Divine spellcasters. Races:
While a cleric prays Humans make up
for her spells, a the majority of the
witch prepares witches. Elves and
them through half-elves also have a
ritual. style of witchcraft
These known as “kuruni”.
acts might seem Half-orcs are
similar at first, but generally drawn to
they are different. the evil side of
A cleric’s prayer is witchcraft. Dwarves,
somewhat gnomes and
comparable to halflings only rarely,
asking a patron become witches, but
kindly if they’ll each has their own
grant them this unique style.
power. A witch’s Other
ritual on the other hand is comparable to the spell casting Classes: Witches tend to share with druids and rangers a
of a wizard, interlaced with religious elements. reverence for the world and nature. Also like Druidism,
Background: To become a witch, one must witchcraft is an older religion. Witches and druids
first hear “the Call”. This is the moment in the would-be sometimes argue over which religion came first, but these
witch’s life that she understands that she will become a are usually only good-natured, if sometimes heated
witch. Sometimes the Call is symbolic, such as sudden debates. Most classes distrust witches. In particular
realization after many days, weeks or months of witches do not get along with clerics, whom they find to
conjecture; other times it is happenstance, the would-be haughty in their ideals and reverence to their gods, and
witch finds an old book or a teacher; and still other times likewise with paladins (plus most Witch-Hunters tend to
the Call is actual, the initiate actually hears the voice of come from the ranks of clerics and paladins).
their Patron calling out to them.

Liber Mysterium: The Witch Class
Witches are often viewed with caution, if not Hit Die: d4
out-right hatred by clerics and paladins, who find the
witch’s belief that individual deities are in reality different Class Skills
aspects of a single deity blasphemous. The average The witch’s class skills (and the key ability for
person also finds the witch’s magic to be mysterious and each skill) are Alchemy (Int)1, Concentration (Con), Craft
dangerous, and if the witch is perceived as dangerous, she (Wis), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge
must be dealt with. Though the accusation of “witch” (Demonology) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int),
can and has applied to witches, wizards, sorcerers, other Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (Witchcraft)
clerics and psionics. (Int), Meditative Trance, Profession (Fortune Teller)
Witches and clerics share more similarities than (Wis), Profession (Herbalist) (Wis), Profession
either side would like to admit. This is due to a split in (Midwifery) (Wis), Scry (Int)2, Seduction (Cha), Sense
ethos among the pre-historic peoples. An ancient proto- Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis) [Wilderness
shamanistic cult produced both witches and druids. This Lore (Wis)], Tantra (Cha), Yoga (Wis).
proto-cult then further splintered into witches, druids New skills will be described in Chapter 4: Skills
and priests of today. Witches therefore share many and Feats.
surface similarities with druids and shamans. Many
neutral witches are, in fact, on fairly good terms with Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4. Skill
most druids. Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Although a witch is partially a divine spellcaster,
the function of a cleric and a witch is very different. Class Features
Witches do not serve their Patron as a cleric serves their All of the following are class features of the
god. A witch is the instrument of their Patron’s will, and witch.
the Patron serves the witch via magic. There is a direct Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Witches are
personal relationship between a witch and her Patron. In proficient with all simple weapons. Witches are not
simple terms, a cleric sees herself as a servant to her proficient with any type of armor or shields.
deity, while a witch sees her deity as a friend. This of Spells: Witches gain 2 new arcane spells at each
course, is a simple definition. level, just like wizards. They may also copy spells from
A witch does not see it as her duty to spread other witches just as a wizard may copy spells from
the beliefs of her patron, her duty is to live by her another wizard, The witch’s and wizard’s spell casting are
Patron’s rules and ethics, not to convince others to do so, related but still very different, and therefore a witch can
as would a cleric. attempt to learn a wizard’s spell book or scroll with a -5
Witches are on decent terms with sorcerers, penalty (and vice versa). The penalty to learn witch spells
whom they find more tolerable than wizards. They are by a wizard is –5 and plus –1 per witch spell level to all
distrusted by barbarians, who distrust all magic, viewed checks, thus a 6th level witch spell would be at –11 to
suspiciously by most rogues, who are suspicious of most learn. Ranks in Knowledge (Witchcraft) will reduce this
people, and mostly ignored by monks. Some witch by one per rank. The skill Knowledge (Witchcraft) is
traditions get along well with bards, but the differences discussed in detail in Chapter 4: Skills and Feats.
within either class make this a case-by-case judgment. The witch is limited to casting spells that appear
Multiclass: Witches may multiclass without in her spell book. Unlike a wizards spell book, Witch
restriction, however nearly all witches begin as witches spells do not cost money or materials (outside of the
and not another class. Witches also consider themselves paper and ink) to scribe into a spell book. Witch spells
to be witches first and foremost. are cast via a series of rituals and preparation, typically
performed in the morning or night before, and
Game Rule Information completed when the witch wishes to cast her spell.
Witches have the following game statistics A witch must prepare her spells ahead of time,
Abilities: Wisdom determines how powerful just like a wizard. In the same way all bard spells have
the spells the witch can cast, how many spells they may verbal components, all witch spells have material components or
cast per day, and how hard those spells are to resist. a focus. Spells that do not list material components
Like clerics and druids, the witch must have a instead require a common object sacred to or indicative
minimum wisdom score of 10 + the spell’s level and of the witch’s Patron as a focus.
gains bonus spells based on her wisdom. The witch can cast arcane spells as per the table
The Difficulty Class (DC) of a saving throw below. Also, witches gain the ability to cast some divine
against a witch’s spell is 10 + the spell’s level + the spells. These divine spells are known as Coven spells and
witch’s Wisdom modifier. Intelligence and Charisma are are determined by the coven that the witch belongs to.
also important to the witch character.
Alignment: Any, but the witch’s alignment 1 Version 3.0 of Core Rulebook I only.
must be similar (by one step) to their Patron’s alignment. 2 Version 3.0 of Core Rulebook I only.

Liber Mysterium: The Witch Class
The divine spells that a witch may cast are also described
below. Human Witch Starting Package
Note: Witch cantrips are known as Charms if Race: Human
used by good witches, Leys if used by neutral witches and Armor: None, speed 30 ft.
Hexes if used by evil witches. Common people refer to Weapons: Dagger (1d4, crit 19-20/x2, 1lb.,
all witch cantrips as Hexes. Tiny, Piercing).
Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful spells: A Quarterstaff (1d6, crit x2, 4lb., Large,
witch cannot cast spells of an alignment opposed to her Bludgeoning).
own or her Patron. This is similar to the cleric’s Patron(s): The Great Goddess and the Lord of
limitation. Summer.
Witches also have spells that are unique to their Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to
own class and are detailed in Chapter 6: Magic. 4 + Int modifier.
Coven Spells: Witches gain an additional spell Skill Ranks Ability
of each spell level starting at 2nd level (indicated by the Spellcraft 4 Int
+1 on table 1-2). These are known as Coven spells and Knowledge (Witchcraft) 4 Int
are determined by the Patron of each witches coven. Heal 4 Wis
Coven spells function similar to domain spells with the Knowledge (Demonology) 4 Int
exception that the witch’s Coven spells do not grant the Craft 4 Wis
special abilities that a cleric would receive from a domain
(for example, the luck domain allows one die re-roll once Feats: Astromancy, Create Talisman
per day, a witch with a Patron of the luck domain does Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day’s trail
not receive this ability). rations, bedroll, sack, flint and steel, spell component
A witch’s Coven or Patron determines what she pouch, Book of Shadows
may choose for her Coven spells. Gold: Equal to Charisma score.
For example, a Faerie Witch (a witch
specializing in the magical nature of forests) may choose Alternate Witch Starting Package
Coven spells from among those granted by the Plant, Same as human witch, except
Animal or Travel Domains. Race: Elf, half-elf, half-orc
Coven spells are considered divine. Unlike the Patron(s): As appropriate for Race.
witches’ normal spells, these spells are cast in the same Gold: 2d6
way a cleric casts domain spells.
Summon Familiar: A witch can summon a
familiar in exactly the same manner as a sorcerer or
Alternate Witch Starting Package
wizard. See the section on Familiars in Core Rulebook I for Same as human witch, except
details. Race: Dwarf, gnome or halfling.
Bonus feats: The witch gains a bonus feat Armor: None, speed 20 ft.
every 6 levels, starting at 4th level (4th, 10th, and 16th). The Patron(s): As appropriate for Race.
witch may choose any Item Creation, Metamagic or Gold: 2d6
Witch feat she has met the requirements for.
The witch has access to a special group of feats Epic Level Witch
known as Witch feats. These feats are unique to the When a witch reaches 21st level she is
witch class, but other classes may learn some of these (at considered to be an epic character. Epic characters are
the GM’s discretion). dealt with in Core Rulebook II, v.3.5. Briefly, the following
The witch also gains a bonus feat at 1st level. applies to witches beyond 20th level.
This feat may be any feat the witch has met the • Class-related base save bonuses and base
requirements for. attack bonus don’t increase after 20th level. Thus, these
Occult Powers: Witches gain special abilities at class tables have no columns for base save bonuses or
7th, 13th, and 19th levels. These special abilities are base attack bonus. Instead, use Table: Epic Save and
determined by the witch’s Tradition (or by the Game Epic Attack Bonuses (Core Rulebook II, v.3.5) to determine
Master) and are detailed in Chapter 2: Traditions. the character’s epic bonus on saving throws and attacks.
• A character continues to gain Hit Dice and
Ex-Witches skill points as normal beyond 20th level.
Any witch who ceases to follow her patron • Generally speaking, any class feature that uses
loses all coven (divine) spells, special abilities and cannot the character’s class level as part of a mathematical
gain levels as a witch until she atones. Use of the formula continues to increase using the character’s class
Atonement spell is not required, but the witch may have to level in the formula.
perform an act of faith.

Liber Mysterium: The Witch Class
• Any prestige class feature that calculates a save Bonus Feats: The epic witch gains a bonus feat
DC using the class level should add only half the every three levels higher than 20th. The witch also gains
character’s class levels above 10th. access to Epic feats.
• The powers of familiars, special mounts, and Occult Powers: The epic witch does not gain
fiendish servants continue to increase as their masters any new occult powers but occult powers based on the
gain levels, if they are based on a formula that includes witch’s level continue to grow.
the caster’s level.
• Any class features that increase or accumulate
as part of a repeated pattern also continue to increase or
accumulate after 20th level at the same rate. An exception
to this rule is any bonus feat progression granted as a
class feature. If a character gets bonus feats as part of a
class feature these do not increase with epic levels.
Instead, these classes get a new bonus feat progression
(described in each class summary below).
• A character doesn’t gain any new class features
beyond 20th level. Class features with a progression that
slows or stops
before 20th level
and features that
have a limited list
of options do not
improve as a
character attains
epic level.
Likewise, class
features that are
gained only at a
single level do not
The epic
witch is a raw force
of nature and the
divine. Channeling
the powers of her
Patron, she is both
respected and

Hit Die:
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 +
Int modifier.
Spells: The witch’s caster level is equal to her
class level. The witch’s number of spells per day does not
increase after 20th level. Each time the witch attains a
new level, she learns two new spells of any level or levels
that she can cast (according to her new level).
Familiar: The epic witch’s familiar continues to
increase in power. Every two levels higher than 20th the
familiar’s natural armor bonus and Intelligence each
increase by +1. The familiar’s spell resistance is equal to
the master’s level + 5. At 21st level and again every ten
levels higher than 21st, the familiar gains the benefit of
the Familiar Spell epic feat for a spell of its master’s

Liber Mysterium: The Witch Class

Table 1-1: The Witch

Level Base Attack Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1 0 +0 +0 +2 Create Talisman, Bonus Feat
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Summon Familiar
3 +1 +1 +1 +3
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonus Feat
5 +2 +1 +1 +4
6 +3 +2 +2 +5
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Occult Power
8 +4 +2 +2 +6
9 +4 +3 +3 +6
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus Feat
11 +5 +3 +3 +7
12 +6/+1 +4 +4 +8
13 +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Occult Power
14 +7/+2 +4 +4 +9
15 +7/+2 +5 +5 +9
16 +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Bonus Feat
17 +8/+3 +5 +5 +10
18 +9/+4 +6 +6 +11
19 +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Occult Power
20 +10/+5 +6 +6 +12

Table 1-2: Witch Spells per Level

----------------------------- Spells per Day -----------------------------

Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 3 1 - - - - - - - -
2 4 1+1 - - - - - - - -
3 4 2+1 1 - - - - - - -
4 5 2+1 1+1 - - - - - - -
5 5 3+1 2+1 1 - - - - - -
6 5 3+1 2+1 1+1 - - - - - -
7 6 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 - - - - -
8 6 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 - - - - -
9 6 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 - - - -
10 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 - - - -
11 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 - - -
12 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 - - -
13 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 - -
14 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 - -
15 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 -
16 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 -
17 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1
18 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1
19 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1
20 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1

The number after the plus sign (+) is the number of Coven (divine) Spells the witch receives.

Liber Mysterium: Traditions

Chapter II: Traditions

be modified by the Game Master for a particular
“Rise up, Witches, throw off your masks campaign world.
Description: This describes the tradition and
And cease crying guilt for ancient crimes;
says something about the witch that belongs to it.
Earth and all her children need us, Role: What does this tradition do? What are
For ALL face now the Burning Times”. they known for.
Joining this Tradition: This includes
L. A. Hussey requirements, duties, common ceremonies practiced by
the Tradition, and a bit about those most likely to be

roups of witches that share a common belief initiated into this Tradition.
system and view of the world are known as Leaving this Tradition: Everything on how to
Traditions. Generally all witches of a particular leave the tradition and the consequences thereof, such as
coven will belong to the same tradition. Certain loss of powers, or being labeled a “warlock”.
traditions may put restrictions on which coven a witch Skills & Feats: Any special notes regarding
may opt for. skills and feats. Some traditions may have access to skills
Traditions are taught and are usually learned at other traditions don’t, and some may receive bonus feats.
the same time the individual learns to be a witch. Often Occult Powers: What special powers does the
it is extremely difficult to know what it means to be a witch gain? Gained at 7th, 13th and 19th levels.
witch outside of the point of view of one’s Tradition for Special Benefits: What does the witch gain by
it defines and colors how a witch sees herself and other belonging to this tradition?
witches. In areas where Traditions geographically Special Restrictions: These include alignment
overlap, a new witch may believe that the other witches restrictions and other penalties to belonging to this
are not even witches at all. tradition.
How a witch acts and behaves will be Equipment: This includes any special ritual
dependent on which tradition she belongs to, and tools or mundane tools of this tradition.
according the world in which she lives. Coven Domains: Recommended Coven
When Traditions are linked to families or (domain) spells.
groups of witches they are sometimes called a “Family Preferred/Barred Covens: What covens might
Tradition.” These are often handed down from mother a witch of this tradition join or not join.
to daughter. Traditions are also usually tied to a Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: How
geographical area, philosophy or (in some cases) a race. the witch views her Patron and how the Patron views the
The following Traditions are presented to aid witch.
role-playing the uniqueness of the witch. In the case of Source/Views of Magic: Each tradition
most traditions, sub-traditions or alterations will be differs on the source and nature of magic. This is
noted. detailed here. What really sets the witch apart are her
The sample Traditions listed below are based on views on magic. While every witch knows the source of
the history of our world; the Game Master’s own world her magic is her patron, how that magic is learned and
might have a completely different view on witches and manipulated varies greatly from tradition to tradition.
the Craft and thus instead of using these may opt to These disagreements are so fundamental to the witch that
create new Traditions. some traditionalists cannot be in the same coven as one
Game Masters are cautioned to remember that another, despite alignment.
Traditions are large organizations based primarily on This also includes any views the witch might
geography, philosophy and views of the Patron. Often a have on White magic vs. Black magic. This is not a
coven will serve the needs of a unique style of witch dichotomy that witches typically see or recognize, but
without the need to create an entire new Tradition. how others view her magic.
Wealth: How much money the witch starts
with, if different, and how the witch might gain extra
Tradition Descriptions income.
Each Tradition listed below contains Other: This includes multiclass options,
suggestions for powers, covens and role-playing. prestige class options, and how the witch gets along
Remember these are only suggestions and may need to (generally) with other classes and other traditions.

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Amazon philosophical differences between the groups have always
been the greatest hurdle.
Description: Witches of the Amazon tradition Joining this Tradition: There are no special
are one of the most misunderstood witches. To begin, ability scores required to be an Amazon, although high
“Amazon” is a misnomer. These witches are only Strength and Constitution are entirely desirable. The only
remotely related to the legendary female warriors of the requirement to becoming an Amazon Witch is the
same name. Also these witches are not a group of female character must be female.
warrior-witches, though they opt for fighting professions Amazon Witches usually meet in groups, called
more often than members of other traditions. Meets, during the time of the waxing moon till the full
Witches of the Amazon Tradition can only be moon. These meets are very secretive and there is a
female; no man may enter this Tradition. This attitude of rumor that any man viewing one will be put to death.
superiority further extends beyond their own Traditions Amazons for the most part are neutral, with
and covens. Amazon witches believe that no man should some gravitating towards lawful.
be allowed to be a witch regardless of Tradition. An Leaving this Tradition: The beliefs of an
Amazon witch will always refer to a male witch as a Amazon are deeply ingrained into her personality and
warlock. culture and thus most never leave this Tradition.
These witches also share an honoring of the Generally, an Amazon who leaves the Tradition will be
Goddess Diana with their warrior cousins. They are warmly welcomed into the arms of the Classical or Craft
associated so much of the Wise Traditions.
with the Goddess Skills &
Diana that many call Feats: Amazon
their Tradition The Cult Witches begin play
of Diana. Nonetheless, with proficiency in a
some small groups of single martial weapon,
Amazon witches do in addition to standard
worship other Witch weapon
Goddess, such as Freya, proficiencies.
Artemis, Brigit, or even
Hecate. Occult
Despite Powers:
stereotypes, not all Lesser: 7th
Amazon witches are Level: Immune to
man-haters. Some are Fear. The Amazon
happily married with witch becomes so
children. This is not focused in purpose and
viewed as a problem for these witches as Diana is also drive that she becomes immune to the effects of
viewed as the Patron of children and of women in mundane and fear. She also gains +4 to any checks
childbirth. They just believe that men should not be versus magical induced fear.
witches. Medial: 13th Level: Shape Change. The
Humans make up the majority of the witches in Amazon witch may shape change as per the Druid ability
the Amazon traditions. Elves, gnomes and halflings, Wild Shape and Polymorph Self. This may be done once per
from a racial standpoint, do not share the Amazon’s day at 13th level. The witch may only change shape to a
philosophy. Elves in particular gravitate more towards natural animal that is within one size category of her
the Faerie tradition. For some reason half-orcs are nearly normal size. So a Medium sized witch may only change
unheard of in this tradition. Dwarves have a special type to a Small, Medium or Large animal.
of Amazon-like tradition that is embodied in the Xothia, The number of times the witch may do this per
the Dwarven witch. day increases with every other level. So 2 times per day
Role: Amazon witches represent, what they at 15th, 3 times per day at 17th and 4 times per day at 19th.
believe, to be the righteous anger of the Goddess. It is The witch may opt to sacrifice one of these times to go
believed that maybe these witches began as part of the outside of her normal range of sizes. So a 17th level
Classical tradition. When witches began to be hunted Amazon witch could shift to Huge or Tiny once and her
and killed, mostly by the priesthoods, the Amazon rose normal sizes the other two (total of 4 shape shifts per
up to fight this oppression. day).
This tradition overlaps, geographically at least, Greater: 19th Level: Charge of the Goddess.
with areas that are common to Classical traditions and The Amazon witch at this point is such a force for her
druids. Thus there have been successful attempts over Patron that she can summon the Goddess’ own power
the years to work for each group’s mutual benefit. The into herself. The witch radiates an aura of Fear at 15’ to

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
all her enemies. She gains a bonus of +3 to all her saves
and AC. She also gains +2 to all offensive attack forms, Chovihani
spells or weapons. This charge lasts for a number of
rounds equal to the witch’s Wisdom or Charisma score, Description: The wandering gypsies of the
which ever is better. It may be performed once per day world have often been believed to be consorting with
and takes one full action to perform. dark powers, fell magics or witchcraft. While this is
untrue for nearly all gypsies there is the gypsy witch, also
Special Benefits: None. known as Chovihani. The Chovihani consort with both
Special Restrictions: Only women may join dark and light powers. Their travels expose them to
this tradition. many forms of magic, belief and worship.
Equipment: None required. Amazon witches It is possible that the witches of the Chovihani
are more likely to use martial weapons, such as a tradition are only one type of Family tradition; both
longbow or spear, than any other Tradition. traditions do share similarities. Witches tend to run in
The ritual tool of the Amazon witch is the families and family is the most important part of life. But
cauldron (representing the Goddess). If adventuring, the it is the differences that really set these two apart.
witch can or will use a staff, which can double as a It is believed by some that witches of the
weapon. Both items may also be used for more Chovihani tradition can trace their magical practices all
mundane purposes. the way back to the magi of ancient Egypt. There is no
Coven Domains: Animal, Plant, Sun outside confirmation of this, and the Chovihanies
Preferred/Barred Covens: This Tradition is themselves are less than forthcoming with the
suited mostly to all Amazon covens. Amazon Witches information.
will join covens with other Traditions, but the coven Gypsies tend to be aloof, almost xenophobic,
must be exclusively female. and the witches of their tribes are more so. A Chovihani
Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: Diana witch is always given great respect by the other members
is the protector and guardian of the Amazon witches; of the tribe and normally feared by those outside of it.
they are Her children and heirs to Her world. She may not necessarily be the leader of the tribe, but she
Source/Views of Magic: Magic comes from will be among its most powerful individuals. Typically a
the powers of Creation. As the bearers of children, only tribe may have one high (above 10th) level witch and two
women can be true receptacles of creative forces. Men or three lesser witches as novices. The high-level witch
can only destroy or pervert this pure and sacred power. will almost certainly be very old, while the novices may
White/Black Magic: As most other witches, be anywhere from youth to late adulthood. Many times
this distinction is not made. Most Amazon witches in the old witch may adopt an orphaned child and raise her
fact resent that anyone should pass outside judgment on as her own and as a witch. Because of this it has become
whether the magic they do is either “black” or “white”. a saying in many countries that Gypsies or witches steal
Magic is pure, only humans can be good or evil. small children.
Wealth: Amazon witches start with the amount Chovihani witches revere Bibi, the Goddess of
of wealth allotted to any witch. Night. Other Gods in the Chovihani belief system are,
Other: Amazon witches generally get along well Del, the supreme God/Goddess, Beng, the God of Evil
enough with other traditions, in particular Classical and and Alako, the God of the Moon and the son of Del.
Craft of the Wise. The Amazon’s views on male witches Also, the witch is likely to keep all her secrets to herself.
usually leads to the Amazon being seen with distrust by Humans fill the ranks of this tradition almost to
the other traditions. Amazon witches do not get along the exclusivity of all other races. There are a few elves,
well with clerics of any type, even if they have the same half-elves or halflings in some extremely rare cases.
alignment and similar world outlook. They view priests Elves and halflings often have their own racial
and paladins as patriarchal tyrants. They do not trust viewpoints on the tradition, but they are essentially the
wizards or sorcerers. same. Dwarves and half-orcs are almost non-existent in
Amazon witches tend to multiclass most into this Tradition.
ranger or even barbarians. They are also not, as a general Role: The witches of the Chovihani Tradition
rule, interested in prestige classes. Hermetics tend to be are as rare as Faerie witches. Found only with Gypsy
a bit too urbane and male dominated and Warlocks are tribes, these witches should inspire mystery and even a
completely anathema to Amazons. Many Amazon little fear. While they tend to be neutral in alignment,
witches are willing to become Witch Knights or Witch they motives are often their own and may not involve the
Guardians, classes they see with favor. best intentions of the player characters. Chovihani
Amazons will always burn the body of a witches can also work well as the “misunderstood
deceased witch as a proper funeral. It is also common protagonist”, not evil, but perceived so by others. A
that the coven will burn the witch’s Book of Shadows with player character Chovihani witch might be adventuring
the body. away from her Gypsy tribe for various reasons. A PC

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Chovihani witch might even be the offspring of a lone Medial: 13th Level: Visage of Another. At 13th
Chovihani witch and now she adventures to find her level the witch may disguise herself, as per the Druid
mother’s (or grandmother’s) family. power A Thousand Faces.
Typical roles for the Chovihani witch are Greater: 19th Level: Evil Eye. Once per day,
fortunetellers, midwives, herbalist, and sages of the tribe. the witch can place on one subject the combined effects
If a midwife is required Chovihani witches of good of the reverse of Aid (2nd Level Cleric spell), Bestow
alignments will almost always give aid, despite their Curse (3rd Level Cleric spell) and Circle of Doom (5th
tribe’s fear of strangers. Level Cleric spell, target only). The total benefits are -4
Joining this Tradition: The only way to join to attack, -4 to saves vs. Fear, -6 to any ability, 19+1d8
the Chovihani tradition is to be born into it, the witch damage to hit points. This lasts a number of hours equal
must be a Chovihani or have a parent, particularly a to the witch’s level.
mother, who was. Plus, the vast majority of these Or, this curse may take the form of a -1 to any
witches tend to be female (another major difference from one roll (chosen by the GM) every day for the recipient’s
the Family Tradition, which tends to be split equally life. A witch cannot cast this spell on herself, nor can the
between the sexes). This comes from the basic belief recipient receive any more Witch’s Curses. A Remove
that only females have the mind necessary to understand Curse spell will fix this as will a properly used Witch’s
and practice magic. Blessing.
Leaving this Tradition: If the only way into
this tradition is to born into it, often the only way out is Special Benefits: The Chovihani witch is
death. Though another way out is simply stop being a usually a very well respected member of her tribe and
Chovihani. When a Chovihani witch no longer travels, thus will have means to obtain help if necessary. The
she begins to loose her GM needs to decide how
powers. Occult powers are well the witch is regarded by
lost first, then spells. The her tribe (a function of
witch would have to actually Charisma and level) and
“settle down” to have this who might help her.
occur, brief periods of rest Typically any Chovihani
do not count. witch traveling with her
Skills & Feats: tribe can at the very least
Survival and Perform are call upon the aid of a male
class skills for the Chovihani Gypsy fighter of equal level.
witch. Special
Required: None Restrictions: To maintain
required. the above benefit, the witch
Suggested: The must stay on good terms
life of the Gypsy is a hard with her tribe and be with
one and many skills are them. A witch traveling
needed just to survive. The alone does not gain this
Chovihani witch should benefit. Plus, given the
choose at least on skill nature of superstition and
related to outdoor survival, distrust that surrounds both
at least one performance skill and as many divination Chovihanies and witches, the Chovihani witch is treated
skills as she can. Perform (Fortune Telling) is considered as if her Charisma score was lower by 2 (-2 penalty)
to be the means in which the Chovihani witch against those who know her true nature. This is for
communes with her patron. NPCs only.
One or more knowledge skills related to the Equipment: Often the witch will get a ritual
chosen skills. tool as a gift that had belonged to a deceased family
member. Additionally, the Chovihani witch will have one
Occult Powers or more divine devices; Tarot Cards and Crystal Balls
Minor: 7th Level: Undetectable Presence. At (mundane or magical) are the most common.
7 level the witch gains the ability to pass through any
th Coven Domains: Luck, Trickery, Travel
terrain undetected. This extends to her caravan, up to 20 Preferred/Barred Covens: This tradition is so
members plus her level. This functions as the druid spell closely tied to its tribe and coven that it is often difficult
Pass without a Trace, save that magical means will also not to separate the three. The leaders of the coven are often
reveal that the witch has passed by. the oldest and most powerful witches in the tribe.
Generally only one coven per tribe exists with typically
three to four members.

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: the vast majority of them avoid multiclassing. The same
Chovihani witches are very private about their religious can be said for prestige classes. Evil Chovihani witches
practices. Unlike other witches who gather in covens for may opt to be Warlocks. Despite similar philosophies
celebrations and sabbats, the Chovihani witch relies on on the origins of their magic, Chovihani witches are
her use of her divine powers and tools to commune with never found among the ranks of the Hermetic Mages,
her patrons. mostly due to the Hermetic mages’ more urbane locales.
Source/Views of Magic: Magic is a force of
the World. Only by traveling the world can one
understand magic. Wizards who stay rooted in one place Classical
become complacent and stagnant, they never learn the
full nature of magic, only their own local variety. Description: The word Pagan, comes from the
Often the witch will “dress-up” simpler magic Latin paganus meaning “country dweller”. Witches of the
or herbal remedies to seem more mysterious than they classic traditions are people who, through birth, choice or
are. As with most witches, often her best defense is a some other means, revert to the religion of their
strong sense of superstition in her enemies and friends ancestors, the “old ways”, or Pagan. These types of
alike. The Gypsy witch is likely to keep all her secrets to witches are known worldwide and may be one of the
herself. most common types of witch. This is because there is no
Wealth: Chovihani witches start with the single Classic Tradition, but many sub-traditions that
normal amount of wealth allotted to any witch. Many have some similarities.
supplement their wealth by performing “fortune telling” The witches of the various sub-traditions of
for paying crowds. These divinations may or may not be Classical witchcraft are known by many names, and each
accurate, and many are based on “cold reading” (see have their own sets of rules, powers, skills and feats.
Perform, Fortune Telling skill) of the customer. Classical witches are however linked by common cause,
Other: Chovihani witches get along with other often against another, more oppressive and organized
traditions as long as the interaction is kept to a minimum. religious front, by birth or upbringing, or by a desire for a
The respect both the Craft of the Wise and the Faerie, simpler time and means of communion with the divine.
but feel their claims of being the first witches are Any race can become a member of the Classic
erroneous when the Chovihani have an oral tradition that traditions, and some races even have their own varieties.
goes back for thousands of years as well. Chovihani Role: Classical witches come in many different
witches get along very well with Lorelei witches. Both types. The key element that separates one sub-tradition
appreciate the other’s independence and worldview. from another is geography. Generally you will not find
Additionally, Lorelei witches are always welcome in two Classical sub-traditions within the same geographical
Chovihani camps, for they love song and dance. The area. Some of the most common Classical sub-traditions
Gnomish Benandanti, or Good Walker, is also an oddly are:
welcomed guest to many Chovihani witches. The • Astaru: The pagan beliefs of the Norse. Found
Chovihani witch finds a kindred and an accepting spirit in Norway, Sweden, Iceland and the northern
in the Gnomish Benandanti. What the Chovihani tip of Denmark. 1,000 years old or more.
witches like best about these two groups is that neither
• Benandanti: Mostly good witches from the
will remain with the Chovihani tribe for very long.
central and southern portions of Italy.
Chovihani tribes have their own fair share of
Contrasted with the Stregheria below. Also
bards, fighters and rangers and the witches of the tribes
used to describe gnome witches.
seem them as an integral part of the tribe’s makeup.
Thieves are also found, but in less numbers than the • Celtic: found in Ireland and Scotland. These
Chovihanies have been blamed for. Clerics, Paladins and witches most resemble druids.
druids are rare, but for different reasons. The Chovihani • Greek: The ancient Greeks had many religious
witch fails to see the need for organized religion and the practices that resembled those of Witchcraft.
wanderings of the tribe often take them far beyond the The Priestesses of Artemis or Hesta are two
druid-protected groves. Wizards are also somewhat rare, examples. The Bacche, followers of the God of
as Chovihani tend not to have access to formal training Wine, Bacchus, are another. It is also believed
centers of magic or the ability to lug around extensive the Cult of Diana (Amazons) grew from this
libraries and magical paraphernalia. Sorcerers are far Tradition.
more common. Chovihanies have encountered • Pictish: A Classic Tradition similar to the
Barbarians in their travels and have learned to respect Scottish Celts, but on the western side of the
their territories or stay away. Barbarians typically react as country and up into Wales. Possibly an older
if all Chovihanies were spellcasters. form of the Scottish Celt Tradition.
Chovihani witches will sometimes multiclass as
rogues when it seems convenient for them to do so, but

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
• Saxon: The Tradition of England after the Occult Powers:
Saxon invasions. Blends many of the ideas of Minor: 7th Level: Of the Land. Once per day,
Celtic and Astaru Tradition. the Classical Witch can invoke a rite that conceals herself
• Sortilega: Diviners originally from Greece who and 1 other person per 2 witch levels from view. This
then moved into Italy. functions as per the spell Mind Obscure, but affects all
• Stregheria: Also known as Strix, or Strega, humanoids.
these are witches from northern Italy. They are Medial: 13th Level: Visage of Another. The
sometimes identified with the vampire or Classical Witch can use the Druid ability, Thousand Faces
Lamia. as per the spell Alter Self once per day. That is they can
change their appearance and then back to their own.
• Teutonic: Witches of ancient Germany.
Greater: 19th Level: Witch’s Blessing. The
Similar in practice to the Astaru Tradition, but
witch can place on one subject (or herself) the combined
with a darker tone.
effects of Aid (2nd Level Cleric spell), Remove Curse (3rd
Level Cleric spell) and Healing Circle (5th Level Cleric
There are other sub-traditions and the GM is
spell, target only). The total benefits are +4 to attack, +4
encouraged to define their own for use in your current
to saves vs. Fear, +6 to any ability, 19+1d8 additional
game world.
temporary hit points and heals all but 1d8 hit points. This
lasts a number of hours equal to
Joining this
the witch’s level. The Classical
Tradition: Initiates
Witch can use this ability once
usually join as children or
per day as a standard action.
young adults if they live in
Special Benefits:
the area where the
None, other than the free skill
Tradition is practiced.
Others may join the
Special Restrictions:
Tradition by leaving their
Because of their simple
old faith behind.
upbringing the classical witch is
The Classical
often believed to be uncouth or
Traditions have the most
even stupid. Any reaction rolls
in common with Family
with another member of the
or Craft of the Wise
same race suffer a -2 penalty.
Traditions, but for the
Equipment: None
Classical Witch, witchcraft
is seen as a way of life.
The ritual tool of the
Classical witch is the cauldron
Witches usually meet as a
(representing the Goddess) and
part of larger gatherings
staff (the masculine tool of the
during specific solar
God). If adventuring, the witch
events, such as the
can or will use a staff that
Equinoxes and Solstices,
doubles as a weapon. Both the
but also during the
staff and cauldron may also be
“cross-quarter” days.
used for mundane purposes.
These celebrations are
Coven Domains:
conceded to be highly
Any, Fertility
religious holidays that all
locals may attend.
Covens: This tradition is suited
Leaving this Tradition: The rare Classic witch
to all covens.
that denounces her teachings finds she is in no grave
Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: These
peril from nor shunned by her community. She has
will very by sub-tradition. Often the God and Goddess
however lost all of her powers. To regain them usually
are referred to as the “Old Ones” or the “Elder Gods”
requires an act of atonement. Once performed, the witch
Source/Views of Magic: For the Classical
may continue, but any levels gained while she was a non-
witch magic is part of the natural world. It is part of the
witch are lost.
land. Only by living near the land can one hope to
Skills & Feats: Classical Witches have one
harness the power of magic. These witches also believe
additional Knowledge Skill as a class skill. A Classical
in “Ley Lines” or veins and arteries of raw magical
Witch also begins with a +2 bonus to a Craft Skill or
essence flowing through the land, ocean and sky.
Profession Skill related to a rural environment, such as
Farming, Fishing, Herbalism, or Weaving.

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Wealth: Classical witches start with the normal old, wizened and frail, as would a venerable member of
amount of wealth allotted to a witch. But the GM may their race.
choose to round it down by a significant factor. In game terms, any witch belonging to the Craft
Other: Classical witches generally get along well of the Wise has their physical appearance fixed according
with most classes and other traditions, in particular to the aspect of the Goddess or God he or she focuses
Druids. Classical witches however do not get along well on, despite their actual age.
with clerics of any type, even if they have the same
alignment and similar world outlook. They do not trust Table 2-1: Craft Witch Physical Appearance
wizards, but get along fine with sorcerers. Aspect of the Patron Apparent Age
Classical witches tend not to multi-class, but Maiden, Lad (Child, Summer Young Adult
those who do often find it beneficial to become rangers. Lord, Hunter)
They are also not, as a general rule, interested in prestige Mother, Father (Provider, Middle Age
classes. Hermetics tend to be a bit too urbane and most Winter Lord)
Warlocks go against everything the Classical witch was Crone, Elder (Sage) Venerable Age
taught. There are always the odd witch who becomes a
Witch Knight or even some other class. Almost all Crones are human. Elven Crones of
In any case, as with most witches, the Classical the Craft of the Wise are very rare, mostly because elves
witch is a witch first and a something else second. have no “crones” as such, as their physical appearance
and health do not change significantly with age. A few
Crones are dwarven or halfling, and quite a few are
Craft of the Wise gnomes.
Of the savage humanoids, orcs have a
Description: The Craft of the Wise is one of significant number of Craft Witches among them.
the oldest, most primeval witch Traditions. The most Witches of the Craft of the Wise are almost exclusively
well known members of the Craft Tradition are the female -- only about 1 in 10 witches or fewer of this
stereotypical hag-witches of myth and legend, oftentimes Tradition are male
called “crones” (but rarely, if ever, in front of one), but Craft witches typically see themselves as the
these aren’t by any means the only representatives of the first Tradition and presume that all the other Traditions
Tradition. are derived from them. They see all of the Traditions as
Members of the Craft of the Wise dedicate their daughters, even the Malefic Traditions. While this
themselves to one aspect of the Goddess or God, typically does not create friction between the Traditions,
becoming a mortal manifestation of their chosen aspect it has created a rivalry between the Craft witches and the
of their Patron. The three aspects of the Goddess are the Faerie witches. Faerie witches also believe that they were
Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. first and arose independent of the Craft witches.
The aspects of the God are various, and not as A Craft witch will honor a witch from another
universally accepted as those of the Goddess. Most Tradition as her own sister. Goddess-worshipping Craft
common are the Summer Lord and the Winter Lord; Witches tend to have the best relationships with the
some teachings, however, see the aspects of the God as witches of the Amazon and Classical Traditions (and vice
the Child (sometimes also known as the Lad), the Father, versa), as Amazons are close to the Maiden aspect of the
and the Elder (sometimes known as the Sage). In all Goddess, and Classical witches closely resemble the
instances focus on the Elder/Sage aspect of the God is Mother aspect.
extremely rare, and newer teachings merge the Summer Role: As almost everything else connected with
Lord and the Child into the aspect of “the Hunter,” and the Craft of the Wise, their role in the world is cloaked in
the Winter Lord and the Father into “the Provider” a veil of mystery. This tradition mostly operates in
aspect. secrecy.
Due to the strong connection between the Craft witches get along very well with almost
witch and the chosen aspect of her Patron, members of any other tradition, and could, theoretically, be
the Craft always take on the physical appearance of their encountered in covens with members of various other
chosen aspect of the Goddess or God. Thus, witches traditions. Oftentimes they will serve as councilors and
focusing on the Maiden or Child (Lad, Summer Lord, or advisors, but, in such mixed covens, will rarely be leaders
Hunter) aspects look like the healthy and strong themselves. Most crones are well aware of the values of
members of their race who have just entered adulthood. subtlety and patience, and prefer to be the “powers
Those focusing on the Mother or Father (the Winter behind the throne”.
Lord or Provider) have the appearance of a member of Joining this Tradition: To become a member
their race just entering middle age. Finally, those who of the Craft of the Wise, a sponsor who is also a member
chose Crone or Elder (Sage) aspects appear physically of the Craft of the Wise must initiate the aspiring witch.
Following the preparation time, which varies from coven

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
to coven and from witch to witch, the initiate partakes in ability is used three times per day. This ability can be
a ritual led by her sponsor. This ceremony may be a chose more than once, and each time it is taken it
small and private one with just the initiate and her increases the number of times it can be used by three.
sponsor, or an elaborate affair with the whole coven Witch’s Insight: The witch can choose any
included. two spells from the following list that she may cast at will
If the aspect of the Patron the witch focuses on as a spell-like ability: detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect
grants the witch appearance of a different stage in life, law, detect magic, detect poison, or read magic. This ability can
the new Craft witch will appear to age rapidly during the be chosen more than once, but each time it is taken it
course of several weeks (2d4) after the ceremony until must be used on a different spell. For purposes of DC
she attains the appearance of her Patron. In some cases, and other parts of the spell affected by level, use the
penalties due her age apply (reductions to Strength, witch’s current level.
Dexterity and Constitution) even while the witch seems Craft Lore: A witch gains a +4 bonus to a skill
to revert to a more youthful era. In any case, her family of her choice. The skill chosen must be a class skill. The
and friends will react adversely to this change (all bonus stacks with any other applicable bonuses. This
charisma checks at -2). ability can be chosen more than once, but each time it is
Leaving this Tradition: While it is possible to chosen, it must apply to a different skill.
leave the Craft of the Wise, the penalties for doing so are Special: None
grave. When a witch leaves this tradition, her actual age Special Restrictions: The members of the
immediately catches up with her. All of the penalties due Craft of the Wise can be of any alignment. Maidens
for her age would apply (reductions to Strength, gravitate towards chaos and good, Mothers lean towards
Dexterity and Constitution). neutral and good, and Crones tend towards neutral, as
Skills & Feats: Craft of the Wise receive all their roles of advisors often requires, and a fair portion
knowledge skills as class skills. are good.
Recommended Skills: Equipment: Maidens usually carry a dagger or
• Maiden: Perform, Heal a wand. Crones are often seen with a staff (or cane of
wood); this staff is used not only for mundane walking
• Mother: Heal, Profession (any) purposes but also as a spell focus. Some Mothers prefer
• Crone: Knowledge (any), Scry daggers and wands, while other favor staves.
• Child (Hunter, Summer Lord): Wilderness The Child and Hunters favor daggers and
Lore, Craft (any) sometimes dirks. Elders, like Crones, tend to carry
• Father (Provide, Winter Lord): Craft (any), Craft witches may use a sword for ritual
Profession (any)
purposes, but not typically as a weapon in combat.
• Elder (Sage): Knowledge (any), Coven Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Law (See
Special Benefits: A witch belonging to the Preferred/Barred Covens)
Craft of the Wise doesn’t suffer ability penalties for aging Preferred/Barred Covens: Craft witches can
and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties she may have Patrons of almost any aspects. In their philosophy,
have already suffered (if, for example, she multi-classed Craft witches believe in the Cycle of Life, and anything
to witch after aging enough to receive the penalty), that can be considered a part of the Cycle is a viable
however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the option for them. Each group in the Craft usually takes
crone still dies of old age when her time is up. Patrons appropriate to the aspect they focus on.
Occult Powers: As to domains, Maidens favor Healing Luck
At 7th, 13th and 19th level a Craft witch can and Trickery domains; Mothers favor Healing,
choose one of the occult powers from the list below. Protection, and Magic; and Crones favor Knowledge,
Ability Bonus: A witch can add a +2 bonus to Magic, and Death. Domains common to all aspects
an ability of her choice. This ability can be chosen more include Animal, Plant, Air, Earth, Fire and Water.
than once, and the bonuses are cumulative with any other Crones never choose Patrons dealing with
increases in ability scores. undeath, which is seen as an abomination in the Cycle of
Bonus Feat: A witch can choose any one feat Life, Death and Rebirth.
and add it to her list, provided she meets the Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: Craft
requirements for the feat (if any). witches consider themselves to be a mortal manifestation
Vigor: A witch gains bonus hit points equal to of their Patrons aspect. They acknowledge other aspects
her level. These are normal hit points (not temporary of both Goddess and God, but do not worship them
ones), treated as if they were gained by standard level actively.
advancement. Source/Views of Magic: Members of the
Charm: A witch gains the spell-like ability to Craft of the Wise believe all magic comes form the Cycle
cast charm person spell as a sorcerer of her level. The of Life

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
On Samhain, witches of the Craft of the Wise Traditions: they follow their own path to their Patrons.
gather to honor the New Year and the coming of winter, Eclectic covens tend to have a hodge-podge of
the conclusion of the old year’s cycle, and the beginning ideas, myths and ceremonies; They tend to resemble a
of a new one. These celebrations are known as “the group of Solitaries that have agreed or compromised on
Dying of the Light” and they tend to be a bit somber. some practices, though it is immediately obvious there is
The ceremonies enacted vary by coven, but always more to the coven than that. A full coven of Eclectics
include a huge feast the morning after. can be as few as three or four, or as many as twenty
The feasts tend to be more light-hearted with witches. Generally there is no recognized leader and all
conversation and food flowing freely. This is the one have a say in duties.
time where the witches will invite non-craft family Nearly all Eclectic witches are human. The
members and other cowans (non-witches) to join them. other races tend to gravitate towards one of their own
Members of this Tradition will also invite members of racial Traditions of magic and witchcraft. Nearly all
other Traditions. Eclectics (80-90%) are female, though why this is has not
Craft witches view undead and undeath as an been explained, and the Eclectics themselves are not
anathema, an abomination of the natural laws and an giving up any of their secrets (if they even know).
interruption of the cycle of life-death and rebirth. They In general, and usually on a one-to-one basis,
hold those that traffic in undead with disgust and the Eclectic witch gets along well enough with most
contempt. other types of witches.
White/Black Magic: As with most other Role: Eclectics are nearly unique in that they
witches, this distinction is not made. But crones would serve no unique role. Many members of the Craft of the
typically cast what is known as “white” magic, though Wise speculate that the Eclectics are here to serve those
they make no distinctions between white and black magic who feel outside of everything, even the comfort of a
themselves. supportive coven.
Wealth: Standard Eclectic can be found in other Tradition based
Other: Craft of the Wise devote so much of covens, but most tend to be solitaries.
their time and energy to being witches that they usually Joining this Tradition: To become an Eclectic
do not have the time to multiclass. Those who do will witch, one merely needs to start practicing and make
often choose a prestige class such as the Hermetic to claims to be an “Eclectic witch”. There are no formal
further their own knowledge. ceremonies, no initiations into family secrets. Usually a
Craft Witches tend to get along well with all witch knows she is an eclectic witch when she hears the
other witches, even when their alignments are vastly Call. Often they may have been practicing as a witch
different. They respect monks and wizards for their before that.
devotions to their respective crafts, but feel that sorcerers The Eclectic witch will celebrate any of the
squander their divine gifts. other holidays and sabbats the other traditions do. Only
If the Craft witches hate any one class in within individual covens or as Solitaries will an Eclectic
particular it would be Warlocks. To the Craft witches, a witch determine if one holiday has more importance than
Warlock is a perversion of everything they hold sacred another.
and true. Leaving this Tradition: Of all the witch
Traditions, leaving the Eclectic is the easiest. One simply
Eclectic Witch has to stop considering herself an Eclectic witch. Often
times an Eclectic witch will be accepted in another coven
Description: Eclectic witches are either a new with a more formal Tradition. The Eclectic can alter her
Tradition or not a Tradition at all. They take elements own beliefs to fit this new coven as she wishes.
from various Traditions, classes and even other religions In other ways, this Tradition is also the hardest
to form their own path. The members of this Tradition to leave. When one is known to be a former Eclectic
are often looked down upon by other Traditions as being witch and attempts to join a more mainstream Tradition
amateurs, pretenders or not even being witches. They (or even another religion), their former status may
have even been accused of simply being kids playing at continue to haunt them. If this is the case, the former
witchcraft. The Eclectics react to these accusations with Eclectic will always be treated as having a penalty on
the same amount of indifference that often pushed them CHA checks of -1 when dealing with her new Tradition,
away from their area’s mainstream religion and towards coven or religion. This penalty can persist for up to a
one another. year.
Eclectics tend to be Solitaries, but this is not Skills & Feats: Eclectic Witches come from
always so. In fact, it is generally dangerous to assume such unique background, they may choose a single cross-
anything about this Tradition. They can be like or unlike class skill as a class skill upon creation.
nearly every other type of witch, but yet retain the one Occult Powers: The Eclectic witch is free to
thing that makes them the most honest of all the witch choose any Occult Power for the appropriate power level

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
from another Tradition. The occult power needs to be do since neither can be found in purely sylvan settings.
consistent with the witch’s background. There is too much of a bias against half-orcs for them to
Special Benefits: None become Faerie witches.
Restrictions: None. Role: Faerie witches spend much of their time
Equipment: Eclectics are fond of ritual tools conversing with the local fey. They take good care of the
and will normally have two or three different ones on plants and animals near their home, building large
them at a time. The preferred ritual tools are totally based gardens of flowers and vines in the surrounding area. As
on decisions of the player, though they are not limited to a witch their chief concerns are brewing helpful potions,
common ritual tools. Even so, the Athame tends to be studying the ways of nature, and using their divination
the most popular. magic to watch the forest area they protect.
Coven Domains: Any Faerie witches easily form alliances with rangers
Preferred/Barred Covens: None. Eclectics and druids living in the same area. They will often
tend to be solitaries more so than other tradition. inform these allies of local happenings and sometimes
Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: offer their magical services to them.
Eclectics believe they have the closest relationship Joining this Tradition: Faerie Witches join
possible with their patrons. Whether or not this is true is their coven through various means. One common way is
unknown, but it is rare that an eclectic will go against her when a small child becomes lost in the wilderness, and an
patron’s wishes. existing Faerie Witch finds the child. The Faerie Witch
Source/Views of Magic: Eclectics view magic may then receive a vision from her patron to teach the
as a very personal thing. They can do magic because they Faerie Witch the traditions. Other times, a person may
will it and because of who they are. become divinely inspired, and attempt to seek out an
White/Black Magic: As with most other existing Faerie Witch to train under.
witches, this distinction is not made. Eclectics though On the Vernal Equinox, Faerie witch covens
are most likely to use this distinction because their gather to celebrate the beginning of Spring. These
normal surroundings include more mundane people and celebrations vary by coven, but usually are extremely
cowans (non witches) than witches. joyous gatherings. On the Autumnal Equinox, the Faerie
Wealth: Standard witch covens are much more serious and gather to
Other: Any Eclectic witch is free to multiclass prepare for the oncoming winter.
as she sees fit. Because of their mostly solitary nature, Leaving this Tradition: A Faerie Witch who
this class is attracted to other classes of a solitary nature ceases to revere and respect their homeland, or betray the
such as the bard and sorcerer. A sorcerer/Eclectic is a trust of the local fey will lose their powers, until an
common combination. Eclectics have little to no time or Atonement spell is cast.
patience with clerics, monks, wizards or anyone that Skills & Feats: Faerie Witches receive
seems too regimented. Knowledge Nature and Survival as Class Skills. Animal
Naturally the alignment of preference for many Empathy is a Cross Class skill, instead of restricted (Core
Eclectics is chaotic. Rulebook I, version 3.0 only).
Occult Powers: At 7th level, choose a type of
fey from the table below. The Faerie Witch can assume
Faerie Tradition another form once per day that lasts one minute per
witch level. In that form, they receive the lesser power
Description: Faerie witches appear to be living associated. At 13th level, they get a new fey form which
in solitude, usually in a sylvan setting. In reality, they they receive the lesser power, and their previous one
often live in large communities of fey, serving as an grants both the lesser and medial power. At 19th, their
ambassador to travelers moving through the area. first fey form allows the Faerie witch to polymorph into
Faerie witches are usually very attractive the fey and receive all powers that the type of fey
women, who have a very unnatural aura about them. normally would have. Their second form grants lesser
Sometimes they will change their appearance to that of and medial power, and they receive one new form that
an old woman to trick passers-by. The Faerie witch’s grants the lesser power.
clothing varies from witch to witch. Some of them Typically the witch chooses a form that is
choose to dress down, and others dress with a flair for complementary to her beliefs and surroundings. Male
the bizarre. Their homes appear welcoming, but also witches will almost always choose the Satyr form. Any
very unnatural in the forest setting. The homes are complete form transformation from the Greater Occult
typically well kept with splendid gardens outside. Power grants all special abilities that fey race would
Faerie witches are usually elven or half elven, normally have, including spell like abilities and physical
since elves are native to the same geographical locations stat (STR, DEX, CON) adjustments (but not INT, WIS
as the Faerie tradition. Humans and gnomes can also CHA).
become Faerie witches, but halflings and dwarves seldom

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Butterfae Medial: 13th Level: The witch shrinks a whole
Minor: 7th Level: The witch glows slightly, size category. She receives a bonus to her Pick Pockets
shrinks one size category, and sprouts vestigial gossamer skill equal to her Faerie Witch level, and can use the skill
wings. The witch does gain a +4 bonus to handle animal even if she has no ranks.
checks, and can use the wings to negate falling damage. Greater: 19th Level: The witch can completely
Medial: 13th Level: The witch shrinks two size turn into a Leprechaun, and gains all special abilities a
categories, and can use the gossamer wings to fly at her Leprechaun would normally have.
base movement rate with Good Maneuverability.
Greater: 19th Level: The greater power of the Nixie
Butterfae is not a transformation, but instead, the witch is Minor: 7th Level: The witch develops gills just
accompanied by 2d3 adult butterfae at all times. These under her chin. With these, she is able to breathe under
butterfae do their best to protect the witch. If all water.
butterfae are killed, no more can be regained for 1 year. Medial: 13th Level: The witch’s eyes and ears
A witch can also choose to absorb the damage a become wider and sharper. With these, she gains a +6
Butterfae receives as per the spell Shield Other. bonus to listen and spot checks.
Greater: 19th
Dryad Level: The witch can
Minor: 7th Level: completely turn into a Nixie,
The witch’s hair turns to an and gains all special abilities a
autumn color. In this form nixie would normally have.
she can speak with plants at
will. Nymph (any sub
Medial: 13th type)
Level: The witch’s skin Minor: 7th Level:
turns to a light green color. The physical appearance of
She can dimensional door the witch is improved: hair is
once while in this form. brushed, skin is smoothed
Greater: 19th over, etc. In this form the
Level: The witch can witch gains a +4 bonus to
completely turn into a charisma based skill checks.
Dryad (which includes Medial: 13th Level:
changing sex, if the witch is The witch generally appears
male). In this form, the fit. A single time in this
witch is not bound to a tree form, the witch can use the
as a dryad normally would Nymphs Blinding Beauty
be. ability, as it is listed in Core
Rulebook III.
Grig Greater: 19th
Minor: 7th Level: Level: The witch can
The witch sprouts antennae. completely turn into a
In this form she is granted a Nymph (which includes
+6 to listen skill checks. changing sex, if the witch is
Medial: 13th male), and gains all special
Level: The witch decreases abilities a Nymph would
one size category, and gains normally have.
a +6 to her reflex save
(along with the +1 bonus to Pixie
armor class and to hit for Minor: 7th Level:
being smaller) The witch’s hair radiates a
Greater: 19th Level: The witch can completely slight hue of an odd color (blue, purple, etc.) and her ears
turn into a grig, and gains all special abilities a grig would become pointed. Once while in this form, the witch can
normally have. become Invisible as per the spell.
Medial: 13th Level: In this form, the witch
Leprechaun (any subtype) sprouts gossamer wings. These do not allow the witch to
Minor: 7th Level: The witch shrinks a little bit fly, but she can turn Invisible at will in this form.
(but does not become size small). In this form, she gains
a +6 bonus to Listen Checks.

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Greater: 19th Level: The witch can completely gardens, which may give the appearance of wealth, but
turn into a Pixie, and gains all special abilities a Pixie more often than not Faerie Witches will have little to no
would normally have. money in their homes.
Other: Faerie Witches multi-class best with the
Satyr ranger. The rogue is also a good choice for her ability to
Minor: 7th Level: In this form, the witch grows move silently through the forest and hide among its
a set of goat horns, which can be used as an extra melee greenery. The extremely rare Witch/Druid combination
attack, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage. This does not is most likely to be found among faerie witches.
count as an off hand attack. Typically Faerie witches do not take a prestige
Medial: 13th Level: The witch’s legs bend class, they devote their time and energies to be witches,
backwards, like a goat’s. In this form, the witch adds first and foremost.
+15 to her base speed.
Greater: 19th Level: The witch can completely
turn into a Satyr (which includes changing sex, if the Family Tradition
witch is female), and gains all special abilities a Satyr
would normally have. Description: The witches of the Family
Traditions are among the most diverse of the witch
Other Fey Races traditions; but the thing that unites them all is a strong
Other Fey races maybe chosen if the GM sees sense of tradition and family.
fit to include them. Stories and mythology are full of The members of Family Tradition all learn their
various Fey races such as Brownies (and Bwbachods and witchcraft the same way, from an older family member,
Fenoderee), Dame Vertes (Wind Nymphs) Hamadryads usually a parent or grandparent (who also learned it the
(Dryads of Rowan and Willow trees), Naiads, Nereids, same way). Old witch families can track their ancestors
Rusalkas, and Sirens (all Water Nymphs). Use the closest as having been witches for dozens of generations. What
type above for these other types. each Family Tradition does with their witchcraft differs
from family to family.
Special Benefits: Faerie witches often have Not every family member has the potential to
many allies in Sylvan settings. Her ability to speak with be a witch. Children are often observed for years for
the other fey races is often very helpful. signs of magical potential. Often the Call is heard not
Special Restrictions: Faerie Witches may not only by the prospective witch, but by the teacher as well.
be of an evil alignment. They tend to lead toward neutral Humans fill the ranks of this tradition, followed
good, but no other alignment restrictions are clearly by elves, half-elves and halflings. Elves and halflings
drawn. often have their own racial viewpoints on the tradition,
Equipment: The traditional tool of this but they are essentially the same. dwarves and Half-orcs
tradition is the wand. The wand is often made from are non-existent in this tradition.
branch from the oldest tree in the Faerie witch’s forest. Role: Strange and mysterious families,
Coven Domains: Animal, Chaos, Good, Plant, especially those in power, often attract attention and
Sun rumor. Some of these families are mundane, and their
Preferred/Barred Covens: Faerie witches tend peculiarities are those of any other, but some others have
to be a bit xenophobic, as such most covens that a faerie deeper secrets. Some of these families are involved in
witch will belong to are made up of other faerie witches. generations old practices of witchcraft. To the members
Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: The of these families there is no difference in being in the
Faerie witch views the goddess as nature itself. As a family or being a witch.
Faerie witch takes care of the plants and animals around Family traditions exist because at one time it
them, they are paying respect to the goddess. was more advantageous to keep powerful witches within
Source/Views of Magic: Like most witches, the bloodline, or because of the feelings of the time, it
the Faerie Witch views her magic as a manifestation of was wise to trust only your own family. Often the
the Goddess. The source of her magic is the great forest. tradition is an oral one, or very little of it is actually
This obviously puts them on good terms with druids, written down, thus the rules, laws and even motives of
who view their magic in a similar light. the tradition can change with the passing of the
White/Black Magic: As with most witches, generations.
Faerie witches do not make this distinction. In addition Witches of the Family Tradition also believe
they tend to ignore or dismiss those that do. that the strongest magical potential is handed down from
Wealth: Faerie Witches tend not to hoard one generation to the next along family lines. For them,
much wealth. However, their homes are well kept, and blood is more important than the Call.
some are ornamented with works of art. The yards of Joining this Tradition: Generally the only way
the Faerie witches’ homes are usually filled with lavish to join the Family Tradition is to be born into a family of

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
witches. Even marring into this family is no guarantee In addition, once per day, a Family witch can attempt to
that one could become a witch. If the family is powerful Gate 1d3+1 Family witches of lesser level than her family
then the prospective mates are usually screened years with a 35% chance of success. Roll 1d20 to determine
ahead of time and chosen because they have something the level of each witch gated. Gated witches stay for 10
to offer the family. Serious prejudice and scorn is often minutes per caster level or until released, then they return
laid upon the family witch that chooses to marry outside to where they were.
of her family dictates. Another Family witch could summon a Family
Weaker or less influential families usually do not witch the same way once reaching 3rd level. GM’s must
share their secrets with anyone who is not of the blood. carefully judge this.
For the Family Traditionalist the old saying “Blood is
thicker than water” is the law. Table 2-2: Family Witch Summoning
Leaving this Tradition: If the only way into
this tradition is to born into it, often the only way out is 1d20 Level of Family Witch summoned
death. Not that all families will kill those witches that 1-5 3rd level
leave (but some do), but often it is the witch herself that 6-7 4th level
will find herself drawn back into the family. 8 5th level
Skills & Feats: Family witches often have 9 6th level
some sort of family business, which is used as a cover for 10 7th level
the witch’s coven. As such, they receive a +4 bonus to a 11 8th level
profession skill of their choice. 12 9th level
Occult Powers 13 10th level
Minor: 7th Level: Favored Enemy. At 7th 14 11th level
level the witch gains an enemy of the family and may
15 12th level
attack them with a +1 bonus to her attack rolls, damage
16 13th level
rolls, relevant skill checks, and also her saving throw
DC’s. The enemy is usually another family but it may be 17 14th level
a race, monster or character class. This bonus increases 18 15th level
to +2 at 13th level and +3 at 19th level. 19 16th level
Medial: 13th Level: Detect Bloodline. At 13th 20 17th level
level, the witch is granted the ability to detect bloodlines
of all types, able to track history one generation (based Special Benefits: Family witches have a built in
on the targets race) per level. Essentially, this ability support system of contacts. Often these are other, very
allows the witch to practically smell if someone is related high level witches that are usually on good terms with the
or not, by supernaturally detecting tiny familial features witch. They can aid in terms of research, providing
within people. This allows royalty, inherited (but not minor magic items, or even money. The GM must
contagious) lycanthropy, and the creature’s true race to decide the level of aid the family is willing to give.
be revealed. This ability might also provide a bonus Special Restrictions: To maintain the above
against those trying to disguise themselves (say, a half-orc benefit, the witch must stay on good terms with her
posing as a human, or someone disguising themselves as family. Often donating magic items or money for the
Royalty). The witch must be within 10 feet of a person younger generations as she increases in personal power.
to detect their bloodline. The Family witch can also Equipment: None special. But often the
detect undead with this ability. witch will get a ritual tool as a gift that had belonged to a
The witch also gains an insight into the targets deceased family member.
personality. For each round assessing the target’s Coven Domains: Law, Chaos, Good, Evil
bloodline, the Family witch can determine one of the Preferred/Barred Covens: This tradition is so
following: One aspect of the character’s alignment (good, closely tied to its family and coven that it is often
evil, chaotic, lawful, or neutral), hit dice, age, or difficult to separate the three from one another. The
personality. For each round studying the character’s leaders of the coven are often the oldest and most
personality, the Family witch gains a +1 bonus to sense powerful witches in the family. Generally there is only
motive checks against the target. The Family witch can one coven per family, though some large families have
not examine the target’s personality whose level/hit dice split into various factions.
are greater than her Family witch level. Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: The
Greater: 19th Level: Thicker than Water. A Family witches pay homage to their Patron as the
Family witch of 19th level or greater gains a supernatural ultimate source of their powers, most often invoking the
awareness of her bloodline. She can detect the general names of powerful ancestors in this respect. While all
well being of any family member she knows, no matter witches believe in reincarnation, some spirits select to
what the distance between her and the family member is. remain on this plane to aid and guide the new
generations instead of moving on to another life in the

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
cycle. Familiars of these witches also reincarnate from they fit in better with mundane society than other
previous Family witches. Traditions.
Source/Views of Magic: Magic is the Blood. Lorelei are fantastically charismatic. They dress
Family witches believe as sorcerers do that magic is in with style and flair, and can take the worst news with a
their blood, but that is where the similarity ends. Family smile. With a swing in their step and a glint in their eye,
witches all believe that magic is part of their blood, mind they live their lives with grace and happiness.
and spirit. Magic is provided by the Patron and spiritual Elven society is fundamentally established in
ancestors, but shaped by the blood, mind and spirit of word and song, and so elves take naturally to the Lorelei
the witch. tradition, as do gnomes and halflings with their
Wealth: Family witches start with the normal inclinations towards song and travel. Humans and half-
amount of wealth allotted to any witch. She may elves also easily adapt to this tradition. Half-orcs seldom
supplement her wealth by adventuring or through her have the grace or personality to become part of this
family. Tradition and dwarves are too serious to really
Other: Family witches may be of any alignment understand the Lorelei’s philosophy.
and have any number of motivations. They do not get Role: The Lorelei are travelers at heart. They
along well with other covens, but generally have nothing record their travels nearly entirely in song. To a Lorelei,
against the other Traditions. Family witches are allowed to live is to experience, and to experience is to sing.
to multiclass to any class that suits their or their family’s With their chaotic tendencies, the Lorelei have
needs, but their primary class will always be a witch. Due trouble working with paladins and monks. They often
to some differences in ideologies they usually do not opt function well with bards, as traditional bardic philosophy
for cleric or paladin classes. The Family witch cannot is closely related to the Lorelei’s.
put another organization (such as a church or guild) Joining this Tradition: When a Lorelei
above the family. Also Family witch/sorcerer receives a call, they receive a vision to meet a more
combinations generally do not work, as both groups experienced Lorelei. When the new Lorelei finds the
believe their blood is the root of their magic, but each more experienced one, they travel together and the
manifests it differently. Families with sorcerers often experienced Lorelei teaches the young Lorelei the
have quite a few. philosophy and magic of their song.
Family witches often have some sort of Since many are travelers, it is extremely difficult
identifying mark, like a birthmark or an odd shaped mole for an entire coven to meet. Only once every couple of
that all members can recognize. This is known as a years does an entire coven get together. These coven
“Witch’s Mark” and is used as a test to determine if one meetings are filled with beautiful displays of song and
is a potential witch. The downside to this, of course, is talent, taking place in reclusive settings where few non-
that many witch hunters have also identified this mark. Lorelei will witness.
In a family of witches it would be hard to Leaving this Tradition: A Lorelei who loses a
imagine someone standing out as special, but often love and understanding of music loses all of her abilities
someone extraordinary is born. In addition to the as a Lorelei. An atonement spell is required to regain
Witch’s Mark, these witches have something else: these abilities. Also, if a Lorelei ever becomes a lawful
strikingly different hair color (like a red head in a family alignment, her abilities are lost until the alignment
full of brunettes), two differently colored eyes, or being becomes non-lawful again.
the seventh son of a seventh son. These individuals are Skills: Lorelei receive Perform as a Class Skill
referred to as a Taltos, and they are almost always chosen Minor: 7th Level: Bardic Music. At 7th level
to become a witch. In some cases, they are believed to be the Lorelei receives the Bardic Music ability. She can use
a reincarnated family member who was also a very this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/4th her
powerful witch. These special witches are said to have Lorelei level.
strange gifts and much is expected from them; GMs may Medial: 13th Level: Song of Suggestion. As a
wish to award a bonus metamagic or witch feat to these special use of the Bardic Music ability, the Lorelei can
rare individuals. make a Diplomacy or Perform check (whichever is
better) with a DC equal to 10 plus the targets hit dice
plus the targets wisdom modifier to plant a suggestion in
Lorelei a target. This is as per the spell suggestion.
Greater: 19th Level: Song of Enthrall. As a
Description: The Lorelei is an artistic witch, special use of the Bardic Music ability, the Lorelei can
who takes everything they do in life and expresses it in perform a song of charming. This song requires targets
poetry and song. They hold the philosophy that life is a to make a will save equal 10 + half the Lorelei’s level +
song in and of itself. Graceful and talented, the Lorelei the Lorelei’s charisma modifier or be charmed as per the
are usually the most tolerated of the witches, because spell Charm Person, at a caster level equal to the Lorelei’s
own caster level.

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Special: Lorelei have Perform as a class skill. honor dark versions of the God and Goddess. The Dark
Special Restrictions: A Lorelei who loses her Queen is the destructive and chaotic side of the Goddess.
ability to hear can no longer cast spells of any sort. In Death is part of the circle of life (often called the
addition, all spells that a Lorelei casts contain a verbal Goddess’ “fourth” face), but Malefica delight in death,
component, even if the spell doesn’t say so. The Lorelei destruction and chaos. Their Goddesses can be, but are
also may not take the Silent Spell feat. not restricted to, Hecate, Kali, Lilith, Lovitar, etc. with
The Lorelei may not be of Lawful Alignment. the appropriate God or Consort. Sometimes, as in the
A Lorelei who becomes a Lawful alignment loses all of case of Kali and her Consort Shiva, the consort God is
her spell casting and supernatural abilities. good.
Equipment: Lorelei generally use musical Humans are predominant in this tradition. It
instruments as the focus for their magic rituals. has been suggested that this is due to their relatively short
Coven Domains: Chaos, Luck, Travel, life span. Half-orcs are also well represented among the
Trickery ranks of the Malefic witches.
Preferred/Barred Covens: Lorelei often Sometimes a difference is made between the
belong to covens related to music. Lorelei get along well Lawful Evil “Diabolic witches” and the Chaotic Evil
with a surprising amount of different types of witches, “Demonic witches” but in truth this is a classification
and can be found in many different types of covens. system used only by outsiders. Malefic witches care less
Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: The about terms of “Diabolic” vs. “Demonic”, especially
Lorelei view the goddess as the beauty all around their when the covens’ Patrons are neither devils nor demons.
lives. The typical philosophy is that existence is simply a Role: Malefica serve as the chaotic element in
complex song that has its changes in tempo and melody. nature. They try to destabilize areas, nations,
Source/Views of Magic: To a Lorelei, the relationships, etc. They do this through the judicial use of
spells that they cast are manifestations of the goddess as the powers at their command. Unlike warlocks or others
a result of their singing. To them, magic is the diabolic spellcasters, Malefica are much more motivated
manipulation of song, and song is the manipulation of by whim than the will of their patrons. While they do
life and power. follow their patrons as do all witches, the Malefic witches
Wealth: Standard are given freer reign. Their purpose is to create as much
Other: Since they are found more in cities than chaos, disorder and evil, or at least ill-will as they can.
any other witch, the Lorelei multiclass with the rogue This tradition is often seen as the dark side of
better than any other class. The Lorelei and bard are too the Craft of the Wise. While many Craft witches would
similar to make an effective combination; any in argue that the Malefic witches give all witches a bad
existence were usually bards before they received the call name, most would agree that the universe is balanced
to become witch. with the Malefic witches. Many witches, even Craft
Lorelei typically do not take prestige classes for witches, still do not get along with the Malefic witches.
similar reasons. But like most witches, find the Warlock Joining this Tradition: Joining this tradition is
to be distasteful in the extreme. quite easy; one joins by committing oneself to the service
of a deity whose portfolio consists of death, destruction
or something similar. Usually an adept Malefica decides
Malefic to take an apprentice at some time and will seek out one
who has heard the call from the Dark Goddess and teach
“We come into this life naked, covered in blood, and them all they know.
The malefic witches, contrary to popular belief,
screaming. Don’t pretend the rest of it is any different”. do not attempt to convert others, either by force or
magic, to their fold. Like nearly all witches, the Malefic
- Traditional Malefic Saying witch believes one must be worthy and hear the Call
before becoming a witch. Other than this requirement,
Description: While some witches may be the Tradition does not make any distinctions between
frightening in rumor, the idea that someone would male or female, or of race.
willingly submit herself to the creatures of the Abyss or Leaving this Tradition: Usually the only way
Hell is a much more frightening prospect. Malefica are to leave this tradition is by death. Nonetheless, if a
evil witches in league with dark things from the Lower Malefica ever decided to recant from the dealing of
Realms or worse places. Power and riches are the lures destruction and chaos, she would also recant from her
for these witches, which may be male or female. Their patron. Not only would she lose all powers she has
orgiastic sabbats are often used as examples by priests gained while a Malefica, she would also be hunted by
and witch-hunters for the need to destroy all witches. followers of her deity.
Creatures such as Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Dis
and Set offer the most allure for these witches, but most

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Skills & Feats: Malefic witches receive bluff Seven Crimes of Malefica
and diplomacy as class skills. 1. Inspiring impure love
Occult Powers: 2. Inspiring hate
Minor: 7th Level: Evil’s Touch. A Malefic 3. Causing impotence
witch can detect good, as per the spell, at will, as a free
4. Causing disease
action. The Malefic witch can then attack the identified
good victim with a +1 to hit and +1d4 added damage. 5. Taking a life
This power only works on victims of good alignment that 6. Depriving of reason
the witch identified with her detect good power previously. 7. Injuring property or animals.
If the witch does not know a victim’s alignment (with
respect to good vs. evil) she does not gain the bonuses to - From the Journal of Matthew Hopkins,
hit or damage. Witchfinder General.
Medial: 13th Level: Devil’s Tongue. Once per
day, by uttering a few words of Infernal, the Malefic
witch can make her speech convincing. For the next Wealth: Normal for all witches. The malefic
hour, the Malefic Witch adds her wisdom modifier to the witch might have some nefarious means of obtaining
following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather more gold however.
Information, Innuendo, Intimidate, Perform, Pick Other: The basic nature of the Malefic witch
Pocket, Seduction. means that nearly everyone distrusts her. In this case, the
Greater: 19th Level: Diabolic Spell. Up to a class of the associates matters less than their alignment.
number of times per day equal to your Intelligence Malefic witches are on agreeable terms with evil priests
Modifier, you can boost the power of your spells which and wizards. Barbarian’s of any alignment generally
target good targets. Add your Charisma Modifier to your distrust the malefic witch at the best of times, or actively
spell’s DC. try to kill them in the worst. Only the Paladin and the
Special Benefits: Malefic witches may use Witch Finder are steadfast in their opinions of the
poisons (as per the Assassin ability) plus these witches Malefica; they all must be stopped.
have no moral or ethical problems with summoning or The Malefica have the worst time getting along
controlling undead monsters. with other witches as well. Craft witches see them as a
Special Restrictions: Can only be of any evil necessary evil, Faerie witches are unconcerned with them
alignment. A large proportion of these are chaotic in and most others would rather see all malefic witches
alignment as well. burnt at the stake. Many other witches feel, with some
Equipment: The Malefic witch has no special measure of justification, that the Malefic witches are to
equipment, but they do make regular use of cauldrons. blame for all of the bad things that are said and done to
Coven Domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction, witches. Evil witches of any tradition (Voodoo, Tantric,
Evil, Law Tempestarii) will join covens with Malefic witches and
Preferred/Barred Covens: Most covens of vice versa.
other traditions will avoid admitting members of the A Malefica would take the Warlock Prestige
Malefic traditions. Also any Malefic coven will typically Class if so commanded to by her Patron. Malefic witches
avoid other traditions. still see most Warlocks as traitors to the patrons. Some
Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: The Hermetic Lodges have accepted Malefic witches in the
Malefica is on very good terms with her deity as she past, but that is a very rare thing indeed.
knows it is only from her Patron that she gets her
powers. If she can increase chaos in her area she will get GM’s Note: Malefica are always evil and should not be
even more power. encouraged as player characters. This game should be
Even a minor transgression of their laws is met about heroic fantasy. Malefica make great NPCs to
with swift divine retribution. Most often felt is the loss challenge player characters. They should be played as the
of Coven Spells. The patrons have even been known to typical “wicked witch” from fairytales or stories.
kill their own witches when it suits them. In all cases, the
witch was outmatched and overpowered.
Source/Views of Magic: Magic is power and
often the Dark Path is the quickest way to this power. Tantric
The Malefic witch delights in perpetuating the
stereotype of witches and will often claim to be using Description: Tantric witches are those who
“black” magic. study the tantric arts and the powers of their own bodies.
They are often misconceived as whores and prostitutes,
and while the Tantric witch does focus more of her

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
efforts of study into sex magic, they seek to perfect their guidance counselor for those seeking knowledge on
own body and spirit, not merely the sexual aspects of it. heightening sexual performance, and at worst filthy
Tantric witches are always very fit and usually whores with no sense of moral values.
very attractive. They spend much time exercising and Tantra is not always seen as a bad thing in
performing their bizarre stretches as part of their society; the Priestess of Innana were a very important
meditation rituals. Most of the average Tantric witch’s part of ancient Sumerian society and these practices were
time is usually spent in solitude, studying new ways to similar to tantric ones. A Tantric witch is important to
hone their body and mind. They also understand how to fertility rites and in particular the coming of spring. She is
exert their own built up sexual energies in means other also a superior healer, given the understanding she has of
than sexual activities. the human body and the way it works.
Humans fill the majority of this tradition, She is either at the receiving end of public
followed by half-elves, elves and halflings. Elves and outcry over their lack of traditional morals (more than
halflings often have their own racial viewpoints on the one Tantric witch has been exiled from a local township)
tradition, but they are essentially the same. dwarves and or she is a respected member of the community and seen
Half-orcs are nearly non-existent in this tradition. Half- as a necessary part of the flow of life.
elves will join this tradition especially if her parents were Joining this Tradition: The Call to become a
joined in love, thus testifying that love and intimate acts Tantric witch seems to come at random. Often, before
are stronger than any racial biases. becoming a witch, they will have a strong curiosity for
The Tantric witch clothing is usually loose and that which is considered taboo. Sometimes, they will be
somewhat revealing, as often they are proud of their seeking dangerous knowledge (sometimes related to the
bodies physical tone. There are some Tantric witches Tantric witch’s field of study) and be caught and exiled,
who also have no qualms about using their alluring whereupon they will finally hear the call.
nature to get what they want, but they should not Tantric witches are involved less with duties of
represent the average Tantric witch. tradition and covens than other witches, but they still
have ceremonies that they perform. Most notable is the
blessing of the crops at the Spring Equinox. Typical
rituals include the pouring of sacred waters onto a virgin
field before planting. Tantric witch also celebrate Beltane
to similarly insure the fertility of the people. Children
conceived at this time are considered to be blessed by the
Goddess. If the father is unknown, not an uncommon
occurrence during Beltane, then they are also said to be
Children of the God and are doubly blessed.
Leaving this Tradition: A Tantric witch who
renounces herself as a witch loses all spells and
supernatural abilities. An ex-tantric witch will also
discover that she will have a hard time fitting back into
regular society. Tantric witches seek no retort to those
who give up their art, but they will probably never allow
them to return to their studies
Skills & Feats: Tantric witches receive
perform, bluff, and diplomacy as class skills. Also,
Tantric witches are typically the only witches that utilize
the Celibate Casting feat.
Occult Powers
Minor: 7th Level: Chakra Healing. At 7th
level, the Tantric witch’s body and spirit begin to become
one. As such, they can heal via touch as a paladin’s laying
on hands ability, except this healing is not the result of
positive energy but personal spiritual energies. The
Tantric witch can heal a total number of hit-points equal
to her own charisma modifier times her Tantric witch
level per day. These points may be used all at once or
Role: Though Tantric knowledge of the body through out the course of the day.
includes much about sexual pleasure, this is not Medial: 13th Level: Strength of Soul. At 13th
necessarily the focus of the art of Tantra, merely a single level, they add half of their constitution modifier (if
aspect of it. Yet to society, a Tantric witch is at best a positive) to charisma checks and vice versa. This bonus

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
is not applied to hit points or saving throws, but it can be be no better than a harlot or a whore, but most
used to effect the tantra’s healing ability. understand that the Tantric tradition is but another
Greater: 19th Level: As One. At 19th level, the means of communion with the divine.
Tantric Witch achieves perfect connection of the body Not all agree with these sentiments; priests and
and spirit, and can add her constitution modifier to the paladins often despise Tantric witches as much as Malefic
saving throws of their spells and her charisma modifier to witches. Despite alignments, many non-witches see
their total hit points and all saving throws. Tantric witches as evil because of their practices, and
Special Benefits: Tantric witches gain the wizards tend to find their magic vulgar. Rogues, bards
benefit of the protection of their covens. Houses that and sorcerers understand the Tantra the best.
support the tantric witch will often also have hired guards Since the Tantric witch is most often found in
or even a Witch Guardian to protect them. urban or at least in settled areas, they have little
A tantric witch can use her Create Talisman feat interaction with druids, rangers and barbarians.
to make a talisman that can heal a number of hit-points Tantric witches generally do not enter into
per use equal to her own charisma. Once all of the prestige classes. The perceived stigma of their Tradition
talisman’s hit-points have been used, then it becomes is very difficult to shake off. Most Hermetic Orders look
inert. The healing from these tantric charms (as they are down on the Tantra the same way wizards do. The
called) is said to be a very pleasurable experience. notable exception is the Hermetic Orders of the Golden
Special Restrictions: Tantric witchcraft Dawn, which have incorporated some of the Tantric
requires a high level of devotion, but it is a solitary philosophy into their own.
practice. Thus most tantric witches will be chaotic in
alignment. Tempestarii
Equipment: The Tantric witch must spend a
quite a bit of her income on the acquisition and upkeep Description: Tempestarii are witches who have
of her tantric ritual items. This includes her wardrobe dedicated themselves to the study and philosophy of the
and any furnishings. This must account for 25% or more elements and elemental magic. Typically, there are 4
of her income, possibly as high as 60%. different types of Tempestarii; one for each of those who
Coven Domains: Chaos, Evil, Good Law, follow earth, fire, air, and water. The Tempestarii’s
Tantric personality and function tend to vary between elements.
Preferred/Barred Covens: Covens of fertility Also, racial preference varies between elements.
Goddesses are most likely to have tantric witches. Also Humans have an equal likelihood to follow any element.
Patrons of physical pleasures are also likely to support Dwarves and gnomes are most likely to follow the earth
tantric witches. path. Halflings and half-orcs often follow the path of
Despite stereotypes, most malefic, diabolic or fire. Elves and Half elves tend to follow the air and
demonic covens do not have orgies full of tantric water paths.
witches. Since the art of tantra is the art of life, most if Role: Tempestarii study both the philosophy
not all tantra find the actions of evil outsiders to be an and science of their chosen element. Because of this,
anathema. Similarly tantra is the polar opposite of dark there tend to be four different philosophies among the
necromancy. Tempestarii.
Relationship to the Goddess/Patron:. The Those following the earth path tend to be
Tantric witch views the Goddess as the pure serious and stern, and often seem cold. They will defend
embodiment of the body and spirit. Her own physical the earth harshly, without cracking a smile. The
being; honing her body through stretches, exercises, and Tempestarii following the path of fire are more chaotic,
sexual activities (or lack thereof) is the Tantric witch’s if not crueler, than their earth partners. The Tempestarii
own way of worship. Real world examples of a Tantric of the Air have a sense of curiosity and whimsy. The
witch’s Goddess include Bast, Aphrodite/Venus, Kali, followers of Water are patient and calm, but can be
and Ishtar/Innana roused to deadly action when they desire to.
Classical Tantric witches follow the Indian The Tempestarii study the elements because
patrons Shiva, the creation god, and Lakshmi, a form of they believe that with a greater understanding of the
the Goddess Kali who focuses on creation. elements of nature, the greater the knowledge of their
Source/Views of Magic: A tantric witch self and the world around them will be.
draws her powers from her own body and soul, which is Tempestarii live far away from civilization.
a blessing from the Tantric Witch’s goddess in Their homes are at the bases of mountains, where a lake
appreciation for her worship or river connects to the mountainside, or at another place
Wealth: Standard for all witches where all four elements connect.
Other: Tantric witches get along well with Joining this Tradition: There are generally
other covens and Traditions; at least from their own two different types of covens for the Tempestarii. The
point of view. Some Traditions consider the Tantra to first type of coven is element specific; that is, they follow

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
only one type of element, usually serving a patron of their Earth, Fire vs. Water). All saves made against spells and
element or an aspect of their element (example: a magic connected with their opposing element are made
goddess of flying will be followed by Air Tempestarii). with a -2 penalty.
The other type of coven has one witch for each element, Equipment: The Tempestarri will use a ritual
usually following a general Goddess of the elements or tool that is associated with their element. For the use of
nature in general. spell focuses, the witch will opt for smaller versions of
Tempestarii are more solitary than many other large items.
witches, generally keeping to themselves and not Coven Domains: Air, Earth, Fire, Water
associating with the other covens. Sometimes they will Preferred/Barred Covens: Aside from
consult or be consulted by wizards who also study the elemental covens, Tempestarii can fit it with many
elements. different covens, especially ones
Leaving this relating to magic. Solitary
Tradition: Any Tempestarii witches also become Tempestarii
who no longer holds concern with some frequency.
for their chosen element loses Relationship to the
all spells and supernatural Goddess/Patron: Studying the
abilities. To return, the elements and gaining an
Tempestarii is usually required understanding of the world
to perform an act of faith, around them is pleasing to the
usually related to the chosen goddess.
element. An Air Tempestarii Source/Views of
may have to jump from a cliff, Magic: For many Tempestarii,
a Fire Tempestarii may have to magic is seen as nothing out of
walk on burning coals. These the ordinary, it is only natural.
small tests of faith are usually The elements are encompassed
left to the GM. in everything, magic is the
Skills & Feats: manipulation of the elements,
Tempestarii receive and hence it is viewed that their
Knowledge: The Planes as a class skill. magic is not necessarily special at all. This casual view of
Occult Powers magic can put the Tempestarii at a disadvantage, with
Minor: 7th Level: Elemental Aura. At 7th the most serious of wizards.
level, the Tempestarii can immediately identify creatures Wealth: Tempestarii start with the normal
of her chosen elemental subtype, and creatures opposed amount of wealth allotted to a witch.
to her element within 30 feet suffer -2 to their attack Other: As mentioned above, Tempestarii are
rolls, initiative, saving throws, and skill checks. often at odds with wizards about the nature of magic, but
Medial: 13th Level: Spirit of Gaea. At 13th this very same attitude usually puts them on good terms
level the Tempestarii becomes connected with her with sorcerers and druids. Other classes find the
chosen element, increasing her defensive capabilities. Tempestarii only slightly more tolerable than any other
Earth Tempestarii gain a +4 bonus to their Fortitude witch.
Save. Air Tempestarii gain a +4 bonus to their Reflex Tempestarii find welcome in the lodges of
save. Water Tempestarii gain a +4 bonus to their Will Hermetic Mages; despite that class’ arcane training, they
save. Fire Tempestarii gain a +2 bonus to their Fortitude find the Tempestarii view on the elements and magic to
and Reflex Saves each. be fascinating. Fire Tempestarii also find their way into
Greater: 19th Level: Elemental Protection. Warlock cults more often than other Tempestarii, and
At 19th level the Tempestarii’s defenses build up, and water Tempestarii are welcomed as “Sea Witches”.
they gain resistance to certain types of attacks. Fire
Tempestarii gain damage resistance 30 against fire and GM’s Note: The Fifth Element
heat attacks. Water Tempestarii gain damage resistance Ǽther, Essence, Asaka, the Void. Regardless of what it
20 against frost attacks, and also can breathe underwater is called many sages speculate a fifth classical element.
normally. Earth Tempestarii gain damage resistance 30 The Pythagoreans speculated it was space or time and
against electric attacks. Air Tempestarii gain damage used the dodecahedron (a d12) to symbolize it. Many
resistance 10 against all energy based attacks (acid, witches and hermetic wizards believe that the fifth
electricity, fire, frost, sonic). element is magic, pure and untainted. The twelve sides
Special Benefits: A Tempestarii casts all spells each represent the symbols of the zodiac.
of their chosen element as if they were one level higher.
Special Restrictions: A Tempestarii is
especially vulnerable to their opposing element (Air vs.

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Table 2-3: Elemental Correspondences


Direction East South West North
Rules The mind, all mental, Energy, spirit, heat, Emotions, feelings, The body, growth,
intuitive and psychic flame, blood, sap, life, love, courage, daring, nature, sustenance,
work, knowledge, will, healing and sorrow, the ocean, the material gain, money,
abstract learning, destroying, tides, lakes, pools, creativity, birth, death,
theory, windswept purification, bonfires, streams, and rivers, silence, chasms, caves,
hills, plains, windy hearth fires, candle springs and wells, caverns, groves, fields,
beaches, high flames, sun, deserts, intuition, the rocks, standing stones,
mountain peaks, high volcanoes, eruptions, unconscious mind, the mountains, crystal,
towers, wind and explosions womb, generation, jewels, metal
breath fertility
Time Dawn Noon Twilight Midnight
Season Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Colors White, bright yellow, Red, gold, crimson, Blue, blue-green, Black, brown, green,
crimson, blue-white orange, white (the green, gray, indigo, white
sun’s noon black
Zodiac Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo,
Aquarius Pisces Capricorn
Tools Athame, sword, Brazier, censer, wand Cup, Cauldron Pentacle, stone
Spirits Sylphs, ruled by King Salamanders, ruled by Undines, ruled by Pechs, ruled by King
Paralda King Djinn King Niksa Ghob
Wind Eurus Notus Zephyrus Boreas, Ophion
Sense Smell Sight Taste Touch
Jewel Topaz Fire Opal Aquamarine Rock crystal, salt
Incense Galbanum Olibanum Myrrh Storax
Plants Frankincense, myrrh, Garlic, hibiscus, Ferns, lotus, mosses, Comfrey, ivy, grains
pansy, primrose, mustard, nettle, onion, rushes, seaweed, water (barley, oats, corn,
vervain, violet, yarrow red lilies, and all water rice, rye, wheat)
Tree Aspen Almond, in flower Willow Oak
Animals Birds Fire-breathing Dragons (as serpents), Cow or bull, bison,
dragons, lions, horses dolphins and stag, earth-welling
(when their hooves porpoises, fish, seals snakes
strike sparks) and sea mammals,
water-dwelling snakes,
all water creatures and
sea birds
Goddesses Aradia, Arianrhod, Brigit, Hestia, Pele, Aphrodite, Isis, Ceres, Demeter, Gaea,
Cardea, Nuit, Urania Vesta Mariamne, Mari, Mah, Nephthys,
Tiamat Persephone, Prithivi,
Rhea, Rhiannon
Gods Enlil, Khephera, Agni, Hephaestus, Dylan, Ea, Llyr, Adonis, Athos,
Mercury, Shu, Thoth Horus, Vulcan Manannan, Osiris, Arawn, Cernunnos,
Neptune/Poseidon Dionysus, Marduk,
Pan, Tammuz
Platonic Solid Octahedron (d8) Tetrahedron (d4) Icosahedron (d20) Hexahedron (d6)

Liber Mysterium: Traditions

Venefica Venefica witch. If the apprentice hears the Call or if his

or her teacher feels they are ready then learning becomes
Description: Venefica are witches who oriented to the ways and beliefs of the witch. Strong
specialize in the creation of philters and potions. While potential candidates who do not hear the Call, or do not
all witches have some alchemic skills, Venefica perfect wish to become a witch progress in their knowledge,
them. The Venefica are second only to a true alchemist in usually with another teacher, to become alchemists or
this art. Venefica vary from one locale to the next; the wizards.
urbane alchemist, the traveling herbal “doctor”, or even Venefica have stronger ties with their own
the rural “medicine man” or “witch-wiggler” are all roles covens than to the Tradition. They follow their own
for the Venefica. coven’s holy days and religious beliefs.
Humans and gnomes swell the ranks of the Venefica meet in great conventions to discuss
Venefica Tradition, followed by elves, half-elves and alchemical theory with other Venefica, alchemists,
halflings. Elves and halflings often have their own racial wizards and artificers (wizards who specialize in the
viewpoints on the Tradition, but these are essentially the creation of magic items). While these are often full of
same as what is given here (halfling Venefica are referred heated discussions, all sides admit to learning something
to in their communities as “Herb Women.”). Dwarves from the others, even if it is just confirmation they are
and half-orcs are extremely rare to non-existent in this doing it correctly and others are still wrong!
Tradition. Leaving this Tradition: Any witch that
Role: It abandons the teachings of this
would be a great tradition obviously loses the
injustice to say the ability to create potions, powders
Venefica lives to create or any other alchemical product.
potions. Venefica live The means of this knowledge is
to understand magic, very integrated with the practice
and they believe this of these witches. So despite what
understanding can be skills or feats the witch might
obtained via the have, she must retake them in
understanding of order to continue to perform
alchemy alchemy.
The Venefica To return the witch may
believes creating have to spend several days or
potions aids her even weeks in study and
knowledge of magic. contemplation. They will receive
The Venefica may work a sign from the Patrons when
as a researcher, much like an alchemist, or they may they are allowed to return.
choose to sell their creations to those in need or who can Skills & Feats: Venefica receive Knowledge:
afford them. Nature as a class skill. They also begin play with the feat
The Venefica must live somewhere she can Brew Potions, instead of the Craft Magical Talisman’s
have access to equipment and ingredients. Common feat.
locales are large cities, farms, swamps or near graveyards Occult Powers
(for mosses and grave dirt, Venefica very rarely have Minor: 7th Level: Poison Resistance. At 7th
anything to do with the dead or necromancy). level the venefica gains a +4 bonus vs. the effects of all
Among the witch traditions, Venefica have the poisons.
least strict alignment restrictions. Venefica may be of any Medial: 13th Level: Poison Immunity. At 13th
alignment. Good Venefica often use their creations for level, the venefica is completely immune to all types of
the betterment of others, while evil ones are sometimes poisons.
referred to as “prisoners.” Venefica with chaotic and evil Greater: 19th Level: Master Brewer. A
tendencies will often come to towns or villages and hand Venefica may reduce the cost of brewing potions by
out potions of love, hate and confusion for free just to 50%.
watch the ensuing chaos. Special: Any venefica who has access to their
Joining this Tradition: Initiates usually join as alchemical lab, can make an Alchemy check DC 20 + the
apprentices to old Venefica; during this time the teacher potions caster level to Identify any potion, as per the spell.
determines if the child has the potential to become a She gains an additional +4 bonus to her alchemy check if
good alchemist or not. Those students who do well in it is a potion that she created before.
alchemical training often proceed for a while, unaware of Special Restrictions: At 3rd level the constant
the differences between a mundane alchemist and a exposure to dangerous chemicals and noxious fumes

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
have begun to take their effect on the witch. The Voodoo
Venefica suffers a –2 penalty on all reactions rolls and
diplomacy checks. Description: The Voodoo witches (also known
Equipment: The Venefica requires all of the as Voudounista) are probably among the most
alchemical tools necessary to conduct research. The mistrusted and misunderstood of all the Traditions, save
initial set up costs for the Venefica will be 100 GP. This for the Malefic witches. These witches, however, are
will also cost the Venefica 10 gp per level each time they usually not evil. Their area of specialty is that of
advance in level, of total levels, which determine her spell enchantments and the creation of items dealing with
casting ability. Thus, a 10th level Venefica / 3rd Level enchantments, both good and bad.
Hermetic Mage must pay 130 gold when she advances to Voodoo witches are feared because they work
13th level) to maintain. This does not cover the cost of in secret using strange, unknown rituals, and they often
special ingredients the witch might need. catch the blame if anything bad happens (such as a flood
The most common ritual tool of the Venefica is or a bad crop season). It is rare that a Voodoo witch
the Mortar (which represents the Goddess) and Pestle would be responsible for such acts of nature, but there
(which is the masculine tool of the God). have been times when a Voodoo witch was banished
Coven Domains: Healing, Plant away from a village, and managed to cause some real
Preferred/Barred Covens: This tradition is trouble but this behavior is looked down upon by
suited to all covens. Though Venefica typically avoid Voodoo covens as it only justifies people’s fear of
diabolic and demonic covens. Venefica are free to join Voodoo.
any coven that will have them. There is no style of dress directly related to the
Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: Voodoo witch. Some Voodoo witches choose to dress
Venefica seek understanding of the universe, their place very plainly, often trying to hide the fact that they are
in it, magic and the Patron. By invoking their names the Voodoo. Other Voodoo witches cease caring about
Venefica both pleases and empowers the Patron. In what the average person thinks of them. In either case,
return the Patron make available more knowledge and the Voodoo witch will have many different ceremonial
guidance. clothes for the performance of various rituals. Typical
Source/Views of Magic: Magic is an ritual garb includes a simple linen robe or dress tied with
Alchemical function. Only by understanding the a purple sash.
alchemical-magical properties of objects will you begin to Voodoo witches are not most common among
understand the universe. any particular race. Many races distrust them, dwarves
Unlike arcane alchemists, wizards or artificers, outranking any of the other races in terms of fear of the
Venefica tend to use more mundane items for their Voodoo witch. Gnomes, elves and half-elves tend to be
creations. Instead of needing magical artifacts (teeth of a more tolerant to Voodoo’s mysterious magic than the
dragon, eye of a beholder) or symbolic ones (wail of a other races. Humans and halflings often view the
banshee, tear of an Iron Golem), the Venefica uses items Voodoo witch as the source of most problems.
that have normal or natural occurrence, such as herbs, or Role: The Voodoo witch will often stay within
special waters. Granted some of these items may be very their own home devising new enchantments and creating
difficult to get, so often the Venefica witch must either other devices. They also perform many rituals, more so
purchase them at great prices or go out adventuring to than other witches. On occasion, people may come to
get them for herself. the Voodoo witch seeking help, charms or wards against
Wealth: Venefica start with the normal amount evil, or something to attract a certain someone.
of wealth allotted to a witch. She may supplement her Because local governments and religious
wealth by adventuring or selling her creations. authorities fear the Voodoo witch, she has a hard time
Other: Venefica find their potions and mixtures dealing with paladins and clerics. On the other hand, she
are in high demand, thus they get along well with most has no problems working with druids and rangers
other witches and classes in general. While there is often (though the occasional Voodoo witch has caused enough
heated debate on the means of their magic, some trouble in the wilderness to attract the attention of the
Venefica find it useful to pick up study as a wizard for a often zealous druids). The Voodoo witch also tends to
while. More rural Venefica will often do the same with get along with wizards and sorcerers fine, since much of
druids or rangers. Non-adventuring (NPC) Venefica may her time is spent working on the creation of arcane
also multiclass as Experts (Alchemists). magical items. Fighters, bards, rogues and barbarians are
Venefica tend to avoid Demonic covens and as usually viewed with indifference, though the feeling may
a result there are very few Venefica-Warlocks. However not be mutual.
many Venefica find welcoming in the various lodges of There are many sub-traditions of voodoo.
the Hermetic Mages. Generally, due to their long These particular ones have shared many of the same
training, Venefica start out as Venefica and not some roots, but then evolved in isolation from each other.
other class. GM’s will want to use whichever sub-traditions work

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
best with their campaign world. The examples here are viewed with some contempt. A witch who ceases
from our own history. practicing voodoo loses their spells and powers.
• Bocur: One of the very few purely evil off Skills & Feats: Voodoo witches prefer craft
shoots of Voodoo. based skills that can aid them in their normal lives and
their worship. They receive a +2 bonus to single craft
• Candomblé: (“Kun-don-blair”) A Brazilian skill of the player’s choice.
sub-tradition related directly to Macumba. Occult Powers
Leans more towards the darker sides of Minor: 7th Level: Learned Voodoo. At 7th
Voodoo. level, the voodoo witch gains a +4 bonus to her spell
• Macumba: A Voodoo sub-tradition of Brazil. craft check to learn spells from the school of
Has much in common with Santería. Often Enchantment. They also receive a +2 bonus to their
very neutral. saving throws against Enchantments.
• Obia: Also Obeah, common to the islands of Medial: 13th Level: Specialist. At 13th Level,
the Caribbean, in particular Jamaica. Most the Voodoo witch gains an extra spell at each level, as
often believed to be evil. Obia has actually long as that spell is from the school of Enchantment.
been outlawed in some lands. They can also prepare one additional spell for each spell
level, as long as that spell is an enchantment spell.
• Quimbanda: Also known as Cuimbanda. Greater: 19th Level: Solid Mind. At 19th
• Santería: Sub-tradition that began in Cuba and Level, the Voodoo witch is immune to mind affecting
spread to South-east United States. Origins go magics, and gains a +8 bonus against all saves against
back to the Yoruba religion of West Africa. spells and spell-like abilities from the school of
Despite the stereotype and sacrificing live Enchantment.
chickens, a Santería witch is most often good
aligned. Their powers come from spirits known Special Benefits: Much mystery surrounds the
as orishas. practice of voodoo. A voodoo witch is often perceived as
• Voudou: A form of voodoo that is common to being more powerful than she truly is (usually 2 to 3
the peoples of Haiti. Comes from the French levels). This affects any roll in interacting with others
words “vo” introspection, and “du” the unknown. that might be impressed by the voodoo witch’s power.
Special Restrictions: The Voodoo witch will
Joining this Tradition: The requirements of often be in the possession of a fetish, or magical focus. In
joining the Voodoo Tradition tend to vary coven to areas where Voodoo has been outlawed the possession
coven. Usually, an extensive ritual is performed to of a fetish is usually enough to break the law.
initiate the ones who hear the call. After the ritual, the At the very least possession of a fetish is
witch is bestowed the title of Houngan (for males) or enough to add +1 to any spot check by a Witch Finder
Mambo (for females). attempting to identify a witch.
The Voodoo witch covens seldom meet more Equipment: Voodoo is the only Tradition that
than once a year. However, they also perform more allows the witch to use a sharpened Athame. This ritual
rituals than the average witch. It’s customary for the dagger is often used for animal sacrifice, ceremonial
voodoo witch to have an extensive ritual to perform at bloodletting or for carving magical symbols into fetishes.
each full and new moon. Large numbers of The Voodoo witch can use it for combat, with no
the participants in these rituals are not witches penalty, but rarely do because they do not wish to
themselves, but lay people, sometimes referred to as damage it.
“Hounsi”. They may share the same beliefs, but are Preferred/Barred Covens: Any coven that
not members of a voodoo coven. venerates the Voodoo spirits are welcome to the
These ceremonies are loud musical explosions Voudounista. They most often coincide with gods of
of dance, fire and free form religious expression. It is Magic, Protection, Trickery domains.
not uncommon for some of the participants to become They have no barred covens.
overwhelmed as the Loa are communed with. Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: The
Participants can be found speaking in tongues, enduring Voodoo witch is more likely than any other Tradition to
large amounts of pain, and even damage and occasionally practice monotheistic religious worship. This is because
having disease spontaneously cured. the Voodoo witch generally looks at the God and
Leaving this Tradition: Unlike some other Goddess as all-encompassing and all-present. Some
traditions, to leave this tradition, the witch must only Voodoo witches may follow patrons of nature or earth,
desire to leave the tradition. Sometimes, their though these may be few and far between.
persecution has pushed the voodoo witches’ frustrations, The main Patron of the Voodoo witch is usually
and they have simply left. Ex-Voudounista are rarely known by the title “Gros Bon Dieu” or “The Great
sought out by current Voodoo witches, though they are Good God/Goddess,” all other gods honored by the

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Voodoo witch are lesser and subordinate to the Great magic, alignment and behavior, and determine what
God. While this Patron is the ultimate source of all, the spells and powers the witch gains, they are not the same.
Voudounista has more contact with intermediate spirits Each Tradition can be divided up into many
known as the Loa. different covens. A coven will have anywhere between 3
The Loa are the ones that grant the Voodoo (minimum) and 18 (maximum) members. The members
witch her powers. The Loa are powerful spirits of god- of covens do not necessarily live in the same section of
like abilities. There are also know as Gheudes, Duppies the world, and some covens meet only once or twice a
or Orshas. They give the Voodoo witch her power. The year.
various Loa are: Covens are usually small and are dedicated to
• Mama Aida Weido (female): The mother Goddess, one Patron or a very small set of Patrons. Covens
wife (or mother) of Danabala. Goddess of the rainbow. determine their own membership and may restrict which
• Danbala Weido (male): The main god of the traditions can join. Covens are religion-based and
Voodoo pantheon. Snake god. Creator of the world. typically have a leader, a high priestess, who rules over all
• Papa LeBas (male): The devil. King of black magic. members.
Traditions are usually a product of geography
• Baron Samedi (male): Lord of the crossroads and the
or culture. A single tradition may have members in many
cemetery. Patron loa of many voodoo witches. Appears
covens and a coven may claim members of many
as a skeleton in fancy dress.
traditions. A tradition generally does not have a central
• Erzulie (female): Goddess of love. Appears as a leader, but many do recognize a founder. Traditions
beautiful woman. define the relationship the witch has with her Patron and
• Baron Guede (male): Lord of the Dead. Appears as a with magic, and what powers she may use.
skeletal king in tattered robes, often accompanied by a When occult powers are listed for a coven these
court of ghosts. may be chosen over what is granted for the witch’s
Source/Views of Magic: The voodoo witch’s tradition. In no case will a witch gain a power from her
magic is viewed as the loa’s will being pushed through coven and another from her tradition. She will have one,
the witch. The enchantments of a witch are viewed as the or the other.
goddesses will being enforced. Magic comes from the In cases where the descriptions might conflict
Loa. By serving the Loa and the spirits one can gain then the witch is to choose her coven over her tradition.
magical knowledge and thus knowledge of our world and Covens are detailed in Chapter 5: Covencraft.
the next one.
Voodoo witches use magical focuses to cast Creating a New Traditions
their spells. These focuses are known as fetishes. Every The Game Master may opt to create a new
spell or type of spell has a specific fetish. The Voodoo tradition for her campaign or world. The traditions
witch can not cast any spells without the proper fetish. detailed above are based on the history of our world. The
These typically include a poppet (doll of the victim), an Game Master’s own world might have a completely
animal part (such as a claw or feather) and blood different view on witches and the craft.
(typically animal, but sometimes human). Game Masters are cautioned to remember that
Wealth: The voodoo witch begins with the traditions are large organizations based primarily on
standard allotment of money, adjusted for the economic geography and philosophy. Often a coven will serve the
realities of their usually poor areas (generally 10% to 20% needs of a unique style of witch without the need to
less). create an entire new tradition.
Other: As been noted voodoo witches get
along well with wizards and sorcerers. Often a multi-
classed Voodoo Witch/Sorcerer is known as a Hoodoo, Witch Racial Traditions
or even a Hoodoo Man. These individuals are usually Presented here are various player character
given much respect in the community. Voodoo is races and some select monster races that use the witch
considered a “low magic” by most Hermetics so it is very class.
rare to see a voodoo witch entering the lodges of the These racial points of view act like Traditions.
Hermetic Mage. Only the most evil voudounista will Typically they are unique to each race and there is little
consider following the path of the Warlock. Those that crossover. The exceptions of course are the “human”
do are often known as Bokkors. Traditions, which any witch may join. In each case a
“preferred Tradition” is listed for each racial viewpoint.
This describes how the racial Tradition best corresponds
Traditions and Covens to a human one.
Some distinction needs to be made between
traditions and covens. While both can place limits on

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Dwarf The labrys may be wielded with one hand. It
The dwarven witch feels isolation from her has two semi-circular blades on either side that would
normal community due the distrust of arcane magic make a circle if they were joined. The labrys has a small
among dwarves. This distrust seems to date back in time knob on top of the shaft located between the two blades.
to the first recorded appearance of dwarven witches, a Xothia must be of any non-lawful alignment.
coincidence that seems too strong to ignore. Evil Xothia are nearly unheard of.
In dwarven society, men and women are
regarded as equals. The dwarven witch is seen as Elf
contrary to this established reality. Most dwarven Elves were old when the world and mankind
witches feel deep fear when they first hear the call and were still new. It should be no surprise then that
either leave their communities or try to suppress what histories of the elves and of witches have often met,
they now know and feel. Dwarven witches become intertwined, and drifted apart only to come back together
Solitaries, learning their art and faith directly from the many times. Some elves even claim that it was in fact the
Mother of dwarves herself. elfish race that created witchcraft and discovered its
While some find content with this life, others magic.
are constantly reminded that they will never truly belong, While human witches, in particular those of the
either as a dwarf or as a witch. Dwarven witches are the Craft of the Wise, absolutely deny such theories, even
rarest form of witch one will encounter. they can acknowledge these secrets are buried so far back
Preferred Traditions: Dwarven witches tend in time that no one may truly, if ever, know.
to be Eclectic due their unconventional training. Any An elven witch is given the same treatment as
witch with family members who are also witches can that of an elven sorcerer or druid.
belong to a Family Tradition. All other Traditions are Preferred Traditions: Elven witches, for
nearly unheard of. reasons that should be clear, prefer the Faerie Tradition
Preferred Covens: Dwarf witches tend to be to all others. That is not to say that there are not elves in
Solitaries even if they belong to a Family Tradition. all of the other Traditions, for there are. Nor is it to say
Racial Perks: Very few. High Constitution is a only elves join the Faerie Tradition, but the numbers of
bonus regardless of calling. elves in the Faerie Tradition outnumber all of the other
Racial Drawbacks: The social stigma of being races combined more than twice over.
a magic-using dwarf is rough to bear; and due their Preferred Covens: Elves value their
nature, dwarven witches tend to be far more chaotic than individuality among all other things; as such they tend to
the normal dwarf population. be Solitaries. Some join covens usually made up of other
Racial Archetype, Xothia: The Xothia (“Zoe- elven witches or members of the Faerie Tradition.
thee-ah”) witch of dwarven communities has taken her Racial Perks: The nature of magic comes easily
nearly insurmountable odds, and turned them into to elves. As such, there is usually no prejudice of any
unique advantages. Feared for her power, isolated kind against elven witches within elven communities; and
because her ideals, and respected for her knowledge, the with the preponderance of elven wizards about an elven
Xothia has become a living repository of dwarven lore, witch might be mistaken just for another type of wizard!
knowledge and magic. All Xothia are female -- no male Racial Drawbacks: None
has ever joined their ranks -- and all are beardless. Racial Archetype, Kuruni: The Kuruni
Whether the Xothia are born that way or have their (“kuh-roon-ee” or “kuh-roo-nee”) is the elven witch, and
beard removed is one of but hundreds of their closely nearly all witches within the elven community are
guarded secrets. The leader of a coven of Xothia is often Kuruni. The Kuruni are all member of the Faerie
known as the Xothia, and is usually centuries old. She is Tradition and follow all of the precepts of that Tradition.
regarded as an advisor and sage to dwarven leaders; many While magic using elves are fairly common, the Kuruni is
will travel days or weeks to seek her out. still something of an enigma. Seeming old and young at
The Xothia lives apart from the main the same time, one cannot help but feel this witch
community of dwarves, where she and her coven can use possesses some horrible knowledge that others were not
magic to scry and record all that needs to be known. meant to know.
Often such answers cannot be gathered by magic and the Kuruni usually take a female elven deity as their
Xothia witch must travel the world in search of them. A Patron and honor her consort. Other Kuruni worship a
full coven of Xothia is nine witches, eight members and being known as the Triune Goddess, an amalgam of the
the Xothia. Their manner and style of clothing have often elven pantheon’s three main goddesses. In either case,
been described as “elf-like,” not in insult, but as a means the full coven of Kuruni will always number a multiple of
for the common dwarf to label what she does not know. three. Kuruni covens rarely meet and usually
The ritual tools of the Xothia are the “Labrys” or small communicate with their sisters via magic or familiars.
double bladed axe, and the “Malleus” or hammer. Kuruni can only be chaotic in alignment, but may be
good, neutral or evil. The exact alignment is dependent

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
on their racial sub-type, but not limited by it. The ritual Witchcraft is no exception. Gnomes and witches have a
tool of the Kuruni is the wand. She will use this in all of history that dates back almost as long as that of the elves.
her spell casting. The first witches referred to the gnomes as “earth
spirits,” and believed them to be some sort of Earth
Fey Elemental due to the gnome’s innate magic. Over the
The various members of the faerie races are years the two groups have become more knowledgeable
known as the Fey and they have had a long a varied of each other, but there are still not many gnomish
association with witches over the years. This association witches about. Witchcraft is a serious business to most
is not just with the Faerie gnomes, communing with spirits and working as the
Tradition, but also with all living instrument of the Gods or
witches in general. Most Goddesses seems a bit too
often it is believed that the confining to most gnomes.
witch’s familiar is a shape- Within a gnome
shifted faerie. community a witch will find a
Creatures of the rare acceptance that she is not
fey share many of the same privileged to in other
features as elves. Any fey communities. This may give way
creature (nymph, dryad, to the constant barrage of
pixie, etc.) that wishes to questions that a gnome witch is
advance as a witch may do forced to endure – not the
so as an elf above. These questions of an inquisitor, but
creatures include elves as that of a very intelligent and
well as the following: keenly curious population. The
atommies, batlings, witch, whether gnome or
brownies (and bwbachods otherwise, is naturally assumed
and fenoderee), buckwans, to be the expert on a range of
centaurs, dame vertes (wind topics including the occult, the
nymphs) dryads, healing properties of herbs, the
hamadryads (dryads of magical influences of the moon,
rowan and willow trees), sun and stars, the nature of
grigs, leprechauns, naiads, magic, the properties of the
nereids (fresh and salt water astral realms, the magical
nymphs respectively), nixies, properties of any number of
nymphs, pixies, rusalkas mundane household items, and
(water nymphs), satyrs, so on. Generally the happiest
sirens and sirine, (water person in gnome communities
nymphs), and sprites. Satyrs to see the witch is the local
and their kin who take a cleric! If for no other reason he
level or more of witch are knows that he won’t be the
known as “Brags”. center of the communities
There is also some debate as to whether or not endless queries while the witch is about.
gnomes or goblinoids belong to the faerie race. Preferred Traditions: Gnome witches may opt
Fey kuruni and witches tend to be solitaries in for any tradition that is located next to them. There are
every case and generally only can advance 2 to 3 levels gnome solitaries as well as gnome Classical, Craft and
(typically) as a witch. Eclectic witches. But most often the gnomish heart is
most welcome in the Venefica tradition.
Goblinoids Preferred Covens: Gnomes may also join any
Goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, even orcs may covens that will have them. Gnomes have also been
choose to take up witchcraft. Typically such races opt known to found within the covens of Xothia and Kuruni
for the Shaman class (see Netbook of Classes, Shaman), witches as well.
but some may advance as Bogelbos, or goblinoid witches. Racial Perks: The nature of magic comes easily
More information can also be found in half-orcs below. to gnomes. As such there is usually no prejudice of any
kind against gnomish witches in gnomish communities.
While they may sometimes be talked about in secret as
Gnomes not being “scientific” or even “magical” enough, it never
Gnomes are a lighthearted race in which magic rises above the gossip that gnomes have for everyone
flows freely. They are of quick wit, have engaging minds, else.
and are masters of whatever craft they choose.

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
Racial Drawbacks: None humanity and ultimately work to humanity’s destruction.
Racial Archetype, Good Walker: The gnome No good aligned witch would ever be associated with a
often prefers to company of home to that of adventuring hag. This is especially true for good aligned Classical
life. But for some, the urge is too great and off they go. Witches and Crones. The Makava, or Wood Hag, is most
The gnomish witch is then known as a Good Walker in often accused of confusing the populace into think that
their own language, although they are also known as hags are a type of witch and vice versa.
“Benandanti” in some human tongues. As their name Witch is the favored class of all hags.
implies the Good Walkers are of good alignment, with
chaotic and neutral good being the most common. Why Half-Elf
she travels is as different as each gnome that picks up a Often an outsider in their own communities,
walking stick (the Benandanti’s ritual tool). Some seek the half-elf witch is either more so, or they have found a
knowledge, others seek purpose and more still just new community that accepts them for what they are, and
started walking and never came back. not for what they are not. Half-elves will follow
Good Walkers are usually welcome in any whatever standards their community follows. So a half-elf
coven, and many human witches consider it a good omen raised in elven communities may become kuruni. And
and an honor if a Good Walker joins them, if even for a those in human lands may do anything they choose.
short period of time. A Good Walker will only join with
a coven for a small time by gnome terms, generally 4d6 Half-Orc
months. While with that coven the Good Walker is Half-orcs are survivors. With nearly everything
considered a member of that coven for all game play going against them they become what they need to
affects until they move on. survive and even flourish in lands that would defeat the
Good Walkers have an equal chance of being most able. The Half-orc witch is something rare and
male or female and generally honor the same gods as terrible to behold. Orcs generally have the tendency to
other gnomes, except the usually have their own belief become shamans (see the Netbook of Classes for more
system regarding these gods. In fact each gnome in a details on Shamans), and humans gravitate more
coven could have a different system of belief. Most towards priests if religious and wizards if interested in
gnomes do not see this as a contradiction. magic. It is possible that the witch serves the half-orc
elegantly. Despite obvious differences, the witch and the
Hags half-orcs have a shared culture. Both groups are
The relationship between witches and hags is a considered in-between two larger groups, both are
long complicated one that neither side will divulge much outsiders even among their own people, and both know
information. Witches for the most part despise hags the sting of open hatred and prejudice.
because they believe that hags are responsible for sullying
their name. Hags despise witches for no better reason
than they despise everything. But they share a particular
haltered for good witches.
Part of this animosity comes from both groups’
relationship to the Goddess Holda. Holda is a Teutonic
Goddess of Magic, Witches and Hags. Both hags and
Teutonic witches worship her as their own patron.
Teutonic Classical witches know her as Frau Holt, an
older woman who rides a giant goose.
Hags may advance as far as they like as witches
and gain spells accordingly. GM’s may alter the spells
that Hags are listed to have in favor of unique witch
spells. Sections that state hags cast as sorcerers may be The half-orc witch is not a shrinking violet who
changed to casting as witches. Hag-Witches do not have does not wish to be known for what they are, they
traditions or covens per se. While hags do gather in believe themselves to be the physical manifestations of
Coveys and witches gather in Covens, there is no reason to their patrons and they will use spell or fist to accomplish
believe that the two are related, except semantically. A their goals.
covey of three hags is a full witch-hag coven. All hags Preferred Traditions: These witches tend to
follow a tradition that is very similar to Teutonic Classical be Eclectic or Classical depending on training and their
and Malefic. location. Female half-orcs have even been taken up by
Of course Hags are highly intelligent and Amazon Traditionalists.
magical beings, and if it is to their advantage to form an Preferred Covens: Half-orc witches tend to be
alliance with a witch, then she will do so. It is important solitaries. Part of their upbringing has taught them not
to remember that all hags are evil and loathe all of to trust others, especially those that are as or more

Liber Mysterium: Traditions
powerful than themselves. Plus the general racial Preferred Covens: Halflings tend to have loose
prejudice against half-orcs prevents them from joining knit covens that may extend across miles of halfling
even the most open minded of covens. territory. When the need arises, the coven may gather, as
Racial Perks: Very few. High strength is if by magic, to a predetermined spot.
useful in the half-orcs life, but lends very little to their Racial Perks: The adaptability of the halfling
roll as witches. race has allowed their witches to exist along side their
Racial Drawbacks: The penalty against clerics for untold years.
charisma and intelligence is not too detrimental, as it will Racial Drawbacks: none.
not affect spellcasting. It is still not a good situation since Racial Archetype, Herb Women: Halfling
many of the witch’s skills are based on intelligence and Herb Women fill many roles in the halfling community.
charisma. First she is a center of wisdom and understanding
Racial Archetype, Bogglebos: The witches folkways. In some respects she acts as an informal
among the half-orcs are often referred to as Bogglebos, a teacher outside of the halfling home. She is a healer,
term that is also used to describe witch doctors, shamans often a seller of herbs, remedies and minor magic. She
and other types of animistic spellcasters among the may perform marriages (handfastings) and most
goblinoids. The special thing about the typical Bogglebo importantly she is also the community’s mid-wife. Few,
is that in addition to her levels in witch, she may also except the most knowledgeable clerics can match her
have levels in shaman and sometimes barbarian or wisdom in the ways of bringing the young into the world.
fighter. Bogglebos worship half-orc versions of human As mentioned previously, halfling witches are
or orcish gods as their patrons. Bogglebos have equal very similar to human ones, except there is no history of
chances to be male or female. They tend to be chaotic, prosecution for the Herb Women. So nearly all Herb
but gravitate towards evil if encountered with orcs. Women display the sign of their trade openly for all to
Bogglebos also have a tradition that is similar to that of see–a broom propped outside of their door. Each
Voodoo, with the use of fetishes and charms. morning the herb woman will rise and sweep her back
The ritual tool of the Bogglebo is the sacrificial stoop or porch to signify that she is open. She will then
knife. Unlike the Athame, this knife is sharp and maybe place the broom outside of the door and leave the door
used for mundane needs. open. This is a welcome invitation for the community
who may stop by to buy her wares or even to gossip. It
Halflings is believed that if the broom falls as someone walks in
Adventuring halflings are known to be full of then that person is either special or under a curse. Since
wanderlust and a desire to see the world. Non- the herb woman’s shop is often her kitchen she can very
adventuring ones prefer the simple comforts of home, well be fixing dinner all day while chatting with
hearth and family. The halfling witch then is the self customers. When the witch closes her store she places
styled guardian of both halves of the halfling heart. The the broom across the door as a lock. The ritual tool for
halfling witch is rarely an adventurer, but has been know the halfling witch is of course the Besom, or witch’s
to have accompanied adventurers in the past. broom.
Halfling witches see themselves as the hands of Herb women get along very well with most
their Mother Goddess. Allow the clerics to be Her eyes human witches of all sorts, Kuruni and of course Good
and voice; the halfling witch has work to do! This does Walkers. They are typically any non-evil alignment, but
cause some friction between the two set’s worshippers, individuals have their own choices.
but rarely among the populace. Halfling witches are
most like their human cousins. More females pick up Humanoids
witchcraft, which they just call “the Craft,” than do The humanoids such as orcs, goblins, kobolds,
males, but there has not been the history of persecution and others generally do not become witches. The role of
among the halfling witches as with the humans. the witch is usually served by the tribal shaman/cleric.
Halfling witches tend to be open and honest The worship and gods of the orcs and goblins has been
not only about their Craft, but many of their other well detailed in various sources.
opinions as well. While this makes them appear to be Humanoids and Goblinoids that do become
crass at times, it has also given rise to a popular saying witches use the entry for half-orc above.
among halfling youth, “If you want an Answer, ask a
cleric. If you want the Truth, ask a witch!”. Humans
Preferred Traditions: These witches tend to Humans are the default race for this book and
be Classical or Craft of the Wise depending on training all assumptions are based on human ones.
and their location. Halfling versions of these traditions
do not differ significantly from the human ones.

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths

Chapter III: Mystical Paths

On to the Brocken the witches are flocking- Witch/Barbarian - Those who are both strong
of body and mind usually lead uncivilized cultures. A
Merry meet-merry part- how they gallop and drive,
witch barbarian fits this description to the letter.
Yellow stubble and stalk are rocking, Witch/Barbarians have no preference to traditions, but
And green corn is merry alive, obviously the various pagan, or classical traditions are the
best suited.
With the shapes and shadows swimming by, Witch/Bard - While those that are found are
To the highest heights they fly, graceful and pleasant, bardic witches are very rare. The
Where Sir Urian sits on high-- wanderlust of the bard usually does not mix well with
most covens. Bardic witches are mostly solitary travelers.
Throughout and about, Some Lorelei witches begin their adventuring careers as
With clamor and shout; bards and eventually convert to the Lorelei tradition.
Drives the maddening rout, Witch/Cleric - Witches and clerics historically
have come into conflict, therefore those who can call
Over stock, over stone; themselves both witch and cleric are extremely rare. As
Shriek, laughter, and moan, with druids and sorcerers, more often than not they
began their adventuring careers as clerics, and then heard
Before them are blown.
the Call of the Goddess. The Witch/Cleric holds no
preference to tradition. In the case where the character
Chorus of Witches starts out as a cleric and then switches to a witch it might
be assumed in this case the cleric is worshipping a
from Goethe’s Faust (1808) Goddess and then finds a better way to serve as a witch.
Witch/Druid - Witches and druids naturally

he witch rarely walks her paths alone. While hers have many similarities, and thus druidic witches are rare.
may be a singular journey, there are always others When this occurs the person was most often a druid
that wish to take up the road with her. During before hearing the call of the Goddess. Faerie witches
their adventuring careers the witch may find it and Classical witches are most likely to become
necessary, advantageous or even nothing more than Witch/Druids.
interesting, to take up another class. Witch/Fighter - Witches often face
Witches follow the same multiclass rules as persecution, and many witches find it necessary to study
other character classes. One thing remains constant, the up on hand to hand combat skills, for should her own
witch considers herself to be a witch, first and foremost. mystical power fail, it can’t hurt to know how to hit
Given that witches typically begin their training very early people where it hurts. Witch Fighters take no real
in life, all multiclass options are assumed to have taken preference to particular Witch Traditions.
the witch first and some other class second. Obvious Witch/Monk - Balanced and highly
exceptions would be any class that has innate abilities disciplined, a witch/monk usually seeks true
associated with it; the sorceress for example is born with enlightenment and knowledge. Most often, their covens
her powers. will focus on goddesses of knowledge or purity. The
Tantric Witch - seeking to unite body and spirit - are the
most likely to become Witch/Monks.
Multiclassing Witch/Paladin - The ultimate purifier, a witch
In each of these multiclassed arrangements it is paladin serves her goddess with ultimate faith. Wise and
assumed that the character was a witch first and then skilled, they are not ones to be underestimated. Often
added another class. In every case the player and the other paladins, who sometimes view the witches’ beliefs
Game Master are encouraged to detail a compelling story as blasphemous, will look down upon them. This
about the witch’s new class. Did her patron want her to multiclass has no preference with regards to traditions.
take this extra road? Is there some tome of knowledge Witch/Ranger - Many witches hold an
that requires another class to understand properly? Has intimate connection with the wilderness. As such, some
the persecutions of other witches or the innocent witches find it necessary to take up arms to protect their
demanded that the witch drops her wand and takes up beloved wilderness. Faerie witches are the most likely to
the sword? The possibilities are endless. become Witch/Rangers
Specific combinations are dealt with in
Multiclass Practices below.

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
Witch/Rogue - Some witches tend to be more Assassin - Most witches have little use for this
devious and cunning than others are, and have a nasty class, except for the Malefica who delights in pain and
habit of landing themselves in trouble. These witches end murder. A witch assassin could arguably be considered
up with a fair amount of streetwise knowledge. The the deadliest combination, for many of the witches spells
Lorelei has a natural tendency for the road, so they have allow for perfect subterfuge.
a predilection towards this multiclass. Malefic witches Blackguard - As with the assassin, Malefica are
also frequently become Witch/Rogues. most likely to become blackguards. Those that do often
Witch/Sorcerer - Few people with the “touch” desire to have a better knowledge of combat than
will bother to train both their innate magic and the magic standard witch training allows.
their goddess grants them. Therefore, most Dwarven Defender - The combination of a
witch/sorcerers often began witch and dwarven defender
adventuring as sorcerers is nearly absurd. Dwarves
before hearing the call of the naturally have a strong
goddess. The Tempestarii disliking of magical things,
and sometimes the voodoo with a special disregard to
witches are most likely to witches. The exceptionally
become a witch/sorcerers. rare witch/dwarven
Witch/Wizard - defenders that are found
Rare but not unheard of, often guard a dwarven
Witch/Wizards have a keen community without the
understanding of magic and knowledge of local
often an absolute obsession government, protecting the
with the arcane. The often community with both brute
have patrons that are Gods strength and magic.
or Goddesses of magic. The Loremaster -
Tempestarii, Venefica, and Witches make ideal
Craft of the Wise are most loremasters, especially those
likely to become following goddesses of
Witch/Wizards. knowledge and reasoning.
Witch/Psychic – Witches following the Craft
Psychics and witches share of the Wise tradition are
an interesting relationship. most likely to become
They are often confused loremasters.
with each other by an Shadowdancer -
unknowing population. Some witches have a strong
Nevertheless, the demands connection to darkness and
of both classes are very high shadows; those who do make
and it is difficult to do either very good shadowdancers.
class justice. Some witches The Lorelei is most likely to
can develop a random become shadowdancers.
psychic skill, something Some Malefica also will
unrelated to their magic. In become shadowdancers.
most cases this is considered
a gift from the patron. Psychic characters may also Witches and Other Classes
develop an interest in witchcraft. There are a variety of new core, variant and
prestige classes from many other sources that would be
Witches and Basic Prestige Classes appropriate for the witch.
The witch can gain many benefits from the
various prestige classes found in Core Rulebook II. The
witch should not feel limited to these classes alone, and Multiclass Practices
these are presented here as suggestions and guidelines A multiclass practice is a specific combination
rather than hard rules. of classes, usually core classes, to produce a particular
Arcane Archer - Witches find little use for this type of character. In this section we will be most
prestige class. Those that do are usually dual classed interested in the multiclass practices of the witch.
ranger/witches, or an obscure coven taking a Presented here are likely combinations. Of
philosophical view of the bow. course other combinations may be tried, both with the
classes taken and the number of levels taken in each

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
class. The players and Game Masters are encouraged to enchantment, charm and beguiling. They have five or
experiment with these and try new combinations. more levels of wizard specializing in enchantment magic.
This witch is most common in the same areas
Green Witch where the Italian Classical Traditions (Benandanti and
The Green witch refers not to the color of the Stregheria) are found. Some have Tantric or Lorelei
witch or what she wears, but her belief systems. backgrounds.
Practitioners known as Green witches are dedicated to
preserving the elements of nature. These witches also Psychic Witch
take on druidic practices as part of their spiritual journey. In some cultures there are those who have
Most often they split their druid and witch levels evenly, powers, which are not mundane, divine or magical in
starting out as witches. nature. These few are known as Psychics, Psionic or
These witches are most often members of the simply, the Others. Their powers are mental in nature
Classical Traditions, in particular Celtic Classical, but it is and come from within. Some of these few are also very
not uncommon to see members among the Faerie, the in tune with the elements of the supernatural and their
Tempestarii or even an Amazon or two. journey to discover themselves and their. These are the
Green witches are most often Solitaries. They Psychic witches.
view their religion as one of both witch and druid beliefs. A Psychic witch is sometimes erroneously called
Their patron is the Great Mother Goddess embodied in a “Natural” witch. There are many possible combinations
nature herself. They also revere the God as the Summer of the Psychic witch.
Lord. They view nature as both a creative and destructive This path assumes that the character is able to
force; a mother that gives and takes away. Because of balance the needs of both callings. Being a witch is a full
this most Green witches remain somewhat neutral in time commitment, to add psychic powers on top of that
their alignment. Very rarely is an evil Green witch found. is often more punishment than reward. Psychic witches
often belong to covens of nothing but other psychic
Hoodoo witches.
Among the voodoo traditionalists, none strikes
more fear or gains more respect than the Hoodoo, also Other Witches
known as the Hoodoo Man or Hoodoo Lady. These The combinations should be endless. There
voodoo witches, typically male Houngans, actually begin can be witches that take on more magical studies as
their lives as sorcerers. Some claim that the blood of wizards, others that focus on the religious aspects of
powerful Loa or orishas flow though the veins of the witchcraft as witch/clerics, and others still that focus on
hoodoo. If present the hoodoo is always given a special a particular type of magic, say divination.
place among the voudounista. There are scores, if not hundreds, of names that
The hoodoo must be at least a 5th level sorcerer witches have been called over the course of human
before becoming a voodoo witch. The hoodoo will most history. Each one can be a different type of witch. Here
often gain a familiar as a witch rather than a sorcerer. are but a few examples.
This is only a preference and individuals of course can do • Ban Drui – a female druid similar to a witch.
as they please. • Befana – a beneficial witch from Italy.
Most hoodoo will take skills relating to • Didouri – protective witch from Malaysia.
herbalism, natural healing, and performance skills such as
• Fascinatrix – witches that use the evil eye.
song and dance, which are an important part of their
practices. They will take meta-magical or witch feats that • Goetia - Greek for witchcraft or sorcery. Adept
aid them in creating potions. Next to the Venefica, the at summoning spirits, jinn, and elementals.
hoodoo may be the best witch at making potions. • Kapame – witches of African traditions.
Hoodoos believe that magic is a natural • Poudouès – In the Pyrenees region an evil
extension of their own lives. Their sorcerer’s blood and witch known for her foul smell
witch’s training only emphasize and support this. They • Praecantrix – A practitioner of magic.
also look for magic in natural and not supernatural • Sadhus – A wise man/woman from India.
surroundings, such as crossroads. Hoodoos are believed • Sortilega/Sortiariae Mulier – a witch who
to be able to hex people by driving nails into the also was a diviner. (Witch/Wizard)
footprints they leave behind. Many children learn to • Sybil – a priestess that predicts the future.
sweep up any footprints they leave behind if they believe
• Ved’ma - Russian for witch, from “to know”.
the Hoodoo Man is around.
• Wu – witches and wizards of China.
Incantatrix • Yama Uba – a redheaded Japanese witch.
The Incantatrix (Incantatur if male) is almost
always female. These witches practice the arts of

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths

Table 3-1: Green Witch Level Progression

Character Class BAB Fort Ref Will Special Abilities/Powers

Level Levels Save Save Save Gained
1 Wch 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Create Talisman, Bonus feat, Witch Spells
2 Wch 1/Drd 1 +0 +2 +0 +4 Nature Sense, Animal Companion, Druid Spells
3 Wch 2/Drd 1 +1 +3 +0 +5 Summon Familiar
4 Wch 2/Drd 2 +2 +4 +0 +6 Woodland Stride
5 Wch 3/Drd 2 +2 +4 +1 +6
6 Wch 3/Drd 3 +3 +4 +2 +6 Trackless Step
7 Wch 4/Drd 3 +4 +4 +2 +7 Bonus Feat
8 Wch 4/Drd 4 +5 +5 +2 +8 Resist Nature’s Lure
9 Wch 5/Drd 4 +5 +5 +2 +8
10 Wch 5/Drd 5 +5 +5 +2 +8 Wild Shape (1/day)
11 Wch 6/Drd 5 +6/+1 +6 +3 +9
12 Wch 6/Drd 6 +7/+2 +7 +4 +10 Wild Shape (2/day)
13 Wch 7/Drd 6 +7/+2 +7 +4 +10 Occult Power
14 Wch 7/Drd 7 +8/+3 +7 +4 +10 Wild Shape (3/day)
15 Wch 8/Drd 7 +9/+4 +7 +4 +11
16 Wch 8/Drd 8 +10/+5 +8 +4 +12 Wild Shape (large)
17 Wch 9/Drd 8 +10/+5 +9 +5 +12
18 Wch 9/Drd 9 +10/+5 +9 +6 +12 Venom Immunity
19 Wch 10/Drd 9 +11/+6/+1 +9 +6 +13 Bonus Feat
20 Wch 10/Drd 10 +12/+7/+2 +10 +6 +14 Wild Shape (4/day)

Table 3-2: Green Witch Spell Progression

Character Witch Spells (+Coven Spell) Druid Spells

Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 3 1
2 3 1 3 1
3 4 1+1 3 1
4 4 1+1 4 2
5 4 2+1 1 4 2
6 4 2+1 1 4 2 1
7 5 2+1 1+1 4 2 1
8 5 2+1 1+1 5 3 2
9 5 3+1 2+1 1 5 3 2
10 5 3+1 2+1 1 5 3 2 1
11 5 3+1 2+1 1+1 5 3 2 1
12 5 3+1 2+1 1+1 5 3 3 2
13 6 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 5 3 3 2
14 6 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 6 4 3 2 1
15 6 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 6 4 3 2 1
16 6 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 6 4 3 3 2
17 6 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 6 4 3 3 2
18 6 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 6 4 4 3 2 1
19 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 6 4 4 3 2 1
20 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 6 4 4 3 3 2

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths

Table 3-3: Hoodoo Level Progression

Character Class BAB Fort Ref Will Special Abilities/Powers

Level Levels Save Save Save Gained
1 Sor 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Sorcerer Spells, Summon Familiar*
2 Sor 2 +1 +0 +0 +3
3 Sor 3 +1 +1 +1 +3
4 Sor 4 +2 +1 +1 +4
5 Sor 5 +2 +1 +1 +4
6 Sor 5/ Wch 1 +2 +1 +1 +6 Create Talisman, Bonus feat, Witch Spells
7 Sor 5/ Wch 2 +3 +1 +1 +7 Summon Familiar
8 Sor 5/ Wch 3 +3 +2 +2 +7
9 Sor 5/ Wch 4 +4 +2 +2 +8 Bonus Feat
10 Sor 5/ Wch 5 +4 +2 +2 +8
11 Sor 5/ Wch 6 +5 +3 +3 +9
12 Sor 5/ Wch 7 +5 +3 +3 +9 Occult Power
13 Sor 5/ Wch 8 +6/+1 +3 +3 +10
14 Sor 5/ Wch 9 +6/+1 +4 +4 +10
15 Sor 5/ Wch 10 +7/+2 +4 +4 +11 Bonus Feat
16 Sor 5/ Wch 11 +7/+2 +4 +4 +11
17 Sor 5/ Wch 12 +8/+3 +5 +5 +12
18 Sor 5/ Wch 13 +8/+3 +5 +5 +12 Occult Power
19 Sor 5/ Wch 14 +9/+4 +5 +5 +13
20 Sor 5/ Wch 15 +9/+4 +6 +6 +13
* The1st level Sorcerer Summon Familiar is usually not used.

Table 3-4: Hoodoo Spell Progression

Character Sorcerer Spells (known) Witch Spells (+ Coven Spells)

Level 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 5 (4) 3 (2)
2 6 (5) 4 (2)
3 6 (5) 5 (3)
4 6 (6) 6 (3) 3 (1)
5 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 0 0
6 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 3 1
7 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 4 1+1 0
8 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 4 2+1 1
9 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 5 2+1 1+1 0
10 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 5 3+1 2+1 1
11 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 5 3+1 2+1 1+1 0
12 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 6 3+1 3+1 2+1 1
13 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 6 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 0
14 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 6 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1
15 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 0
16 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1
17 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 0
18 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1
19 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 0
20 6 (6) 6 (4) 4 (2) 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths

Table 3-5: Incantatrix Level Progression

(One of many possible combinations)

Character Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special Abilities/Powers

Level Levels Bonus Save Save Save Gained
1 Wch 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Create Talisman, Bonus Feat
2 Wch 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Summon Familiar (Witch)
3 Wch 3 +1 +1 +1 +3
4 Wch 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonus Feat
5 Wch 5 +2 +1 +1 +4
6 Wch 5/ Ench 1 +2 +1 +1 +6 Summon Familiar (Ench), Scribe Scroll,
Enchanter Spells
7 Wch 6/ Ench 1 +3 +2 +2 +7
8 Wch 7/ Ench 1 +3 +2 +2 +7 Occult Power
9 Wch 8/ Ench 1 +4 +2 +2 +8
10 Wch 9/ Ench 1 +4 +3 +3 +8
11 Wch 10/ Ench 1 +5 +3 +3 +9 Bonus Feat
12 Wch 10/ Ench 2 +5 +3 +3 +10
13 Wch 11/ Ench 2 +5 +3 +3 +10
14 Wch 12/ Ench 2 +6/+1 +4 +4 +11
15 Wch 13/ Ench 2 +6/+1 +4 +4 +11 Occult Power
16 Wch 13/ Ench 3 +7/+1 +5 +5 +11
17 Wch 14/ Ench 3 +8/+2 +5 +5 +12
18 Wch 14/ Ench 4 +9/+2 +5 +5 +13
19 Wch 14/ Ench 5 +9/+2 +5 +5 +13
20 Wch 15/ Ench 5 +9/+2 +6 +6 +13

Table 3-6: Incantatrix Spell Progression

Character Witch Spells (+ Coven Spells) Enchanter Spells

Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3
1 3 1
2 4 1+1 0
3 4 2+1 1
4 5 2+1 1+1 0
5 5 3+1 2+1 1 0 0
6 5 3+1 2+1 1 3 1
7 5 3+1 2+1 1+1 0 3 1
8 6 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 3 1
9 6 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 0 3 1
10 6 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 3 1
11 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 3 1
12 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 0 4 2
13 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 4 2
14 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 0 4 2
15 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 4 2 0
16 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 4 2 1
17 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 4 2 1
18 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 4 3 2 0
19 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 0 4 3 2 1
20 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1 4 3 2 1

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths

Prestige Classes Requirements

There are many classes that have associations To qualify as a Hermetic Mage, a character must
with the witch. These Prestige Classes are ones that have fulfill all of the following criteria.
been associated, for good or ill, with the witch. Alignment: Any, but most are Lawful
Any class, witch or Cowan, can take these Feat: any metamagic feat.
prestige classes if they meet the requirements. Game Skills: Knowledge (Arcana): 7 Ranks or
Masters should review the section on prestige classes in Knowledge (Witchcraft): 7 Ranks
Core Rulebook II if they wish to add these classes. In every Alchemy: 3 ranks3
case the game master is invited and encouraged to alter Craft (Alchemy): 3 Ranks4
the classes for their own needs. Spell casting: Ability to cast 5th level spells
Special: Speak at least one “dead” language
Spells and the Prestige Classes
All of the prestige classes listed here have some Class Skills: The Hermetic Mages’s class skills
association, good or ill, with the witch. Therefore GMs (and the key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int),
should allow these classes to choose spells from the Appraise (Int), Astrology (Int), Concentration (Con),
witch’s spell set. In each case justification needs to be Decipher Script (Int, exclusive skill), Gather Information
made as to why and how the character gained access to (Cha), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int),
the spell. Hermetic Mages have extensive libraries, Meditative Trance (Con), Perform (Cha), Profession
Warlocks and Imbolc Mages come from witch (Wis), Scry (Int), Speak Language, Spellcraft (Int), and
backgrounds for the most part and Witch Knights and Use Magic Device (Cha, exclusive skill).
Witch Finders learn spells to aid their battles.

Hermetic Mage
The Mages of the Hermetic Orders are prestige
classes in the purist sense. Their lodges are open to
anyone who can aspire to their own heights of potential
and their secrets are the reward. Their name comes from
the Egyptian philosopher-god Thoth, whom the Greeks
associated with their own god Hermes. In the world of
occult teachings Hermes-Thoth became, Hermes
Trimegistos, or “the Thrice-Great Hermes”. This entity is
believed to have gained the secrets of the universe and
thus became a God, or part of the God Mind.
To become a member, a full lodge member
must sponsor the Probationer. This lodge member is
responsible for teach the Probationer what they need to
know to gain an audience with the Inner Lodge, or ruling
body. The Inner Lodge will vote on the Probationer’s
qualities (a fine opportunity for role-playing and clever
Game Mastering). If the Probationer is accepted then she
becomes a Neophyte (1st level Hermetic Mage). The Qabalic Tree of Life
Neophytes learn from the books of the Lodges libraries.
An unsuccessful Probationer may come back in one While not a hard-fast rule, most lodges are
year’s time for re-evaluation. somewhat prejudice of the other humanoid races and
Members refer to each other as “Frater” brother generally only seek humans for admittance.
or “Soror” sister. The head of the lodge is called Pater, if
male, or Mater, if female.

Hit Dice: d4

Hermetic Mages believe that humans have the

potential within themselves to know and be all things, in
fact becoming like gods. To do this Hermetic Mages 3 Version 3.0 of Core Rulebook I only
require significant intelligence and wisdom. 4 Verison 3.5 of Core Rulebook I only

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths

Table 3-7: Hermetic Mage Progression

Class Title Attack Fort Ref Will Special Spells per Day
Level Bonus Save Save Save
1st Neophyte +0 +0 +0 +2 Hermetic Arcana 1 +1 level of existing class
2nd Junior +0 +0 +0 +3 + 1st level arcane spell +1 level of existing class
3rd Theoreticus +1 +1 +1 +3 Hermetic Arcana 2 +1 level of existing class
4th Practicus +1 +1 +1 +4 + 2nd level arcane spell +1 level of existing class
5th Philosophus +2 +1 +1 +4 Hermetic Arcana 3 +1 level of existing class
6th Minor +2 +2 +2 +5 + 3rd level arcane spell +1 level of existing class
7th Major +3 +2 +2 +5 Hermetic Arcana 4 +1 level of existing class
8th Adeptus Exemptus +3 +2 +2 +6 + 4th level arcane spell +1 level of existing class
9th Magister +4 +3 +3 +6 Hermetic Arcana 5 +1 level of existing class
10th Magus +4 +3 +3 +7 + 5th level arcane spell +1 level of existing class

Level: Hermetic Mages make the most use of Spells per Day: The Hermetic continues
levels and titles. They will refer to themselves by level training in magic as well as his field of research. Thus,
number and title. While these can and do vary from when a new Hermetic Mage level is gained, the character
lodge to lodge a rough estimate can be used. gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level
The title “Probationer” applies to anyone who in a spellcasting class she belonged to before she added
wishes to join a Hermetic Lodge, but has not yet been the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other
accepted. benefit a character of that class would have gained
Special: The Hermetic Mage gains special (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead,
powers at each level of their progression. These special metamagic or item creation feats, and so on). This
powers, spells or feats are only granted after a ceremony essentially means that she adds the level of Hermetic
to confer a new level title. So a Hermetic Mage may have Mage to the level of some other spellcasting class the
enough experience points for their next level, they do not character has, then determines spells per day and caster
actually become that next level until they complete their level accordingly.
ascension ceremony. This ceremony is only symbolic If a character had more than one spellcasting
and will differ from level to level and lodge to lodge. class before she became a Hermetic, she must decide to
Since their screening process for admittance is which class she adds each level of Hermetic Mage for
so exacting, most Hermetic Mages feel that they are purposes of determining spells per day when she adds the
above the rest of society as a whole and other characters new level.
in general. For example, Katrine is a 10th level witch and
Hermetic Arcana (Ex): Starting at 1st 3 level wizard. She decides to join a Rosicrucian lodge.

Hermetic Mage level and every other level after that (3rd, She is sponsored, gains admittance and gains a level of
5th, 7th and 9th) the Hermetic Mage gains access to the Hermetic Mage. She is now known as Soror Katrine, and
Lodge’s vast resources. The Hermetic Mage can add +1 is a witch 10, wizard 3, and Hermetic 1. She opts to
for each level of Hermetic Arcana (+2 for 3rd level, +3 continue receiving witch spells, so she gains spells as an
for 5th level and so on) to any knowledge skill check they 11th level witch/3rd level wizard, if she goes up a level in
make that day. This is useable a number of times per day witch or hermetic mage then she will cast as a 12th level
equal to the Hermetic Mage’s class level. witch/3rd level wizard.
For each level Hermetic Arcana the Hermetic
mage can also choose a bonus feat they have the Hermetic Mages use the same spell lists as do Wizards.
prerequisites for. This includes all standard, metamagical
and witch feats. The Hermetic Orders
Bonus Arcane Spell (Ex): Starting at 2nd level There is no single class of Hermetic Mage, but
and every even level afterwards (of Hermetic levels) the rather several sub-factions and lodges. Whether they
Hermetic Mage gains a bonus arcane spell. This spell is practice Qabala or Enochian magic, all consider
from whatever arcane spell list the Hermetic has access themselves part of the Goetia or Order of the Rosy
to (Sorcerer, Witch or Wizard). The spell itself comes Cross (Rosicrucians). All Hermetics share a common
from the vast library of the Hermetic’s lodge. This spell goal: to understand the mind of God – not any god, but
can be learned above and beyond any spell slots the the source of all creation, magic and mystery.
hermetic might have, but are treated as any other spell, The variant orders all believe that their version
say for the purposes of meta-magical feats. of the truth is the only true one. They differ in the

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
means they cast spells and perform magic, to their basic written in Hebrew, Latin (or other older language
philosophies and beliefs. Although if hard pressed the appropriate to your campaign) or common German (or
various lodges will agree that they have more in common another common language).
with each other than they have differences.
Spells taught in the Orders are usually very Lesser Orders – These orders are smaller in
complex and ritualistic. Therefore it is next to impossible size and/or newer orders. They are typically located in
to learn their magic without being a member of the one spot and had limited life spans. Game Masters will
appropriate Order. Even other lodges that have similar need to determine where these smaller lodges are located
backgrounds and skills find it difficult. and what direction might be taking.
The base chance for another arcane spellcaster
to learn a spell from the Hermetic Lodge’s library is DC Golden Dawn – The Hermetic Order of the
20 + spell level. This is with the benefit of the Spellcraft Golden Dawn (GD) was created during England’s occult
skill. revival at the end of the 19th century. Claiming to have
roots that date back millennia, the Golden Dawn is a mix
Greater Orders – having the largest numbers of Rosicrucian and Enochian systems with bits of
of devotees and a tradition that dates back centuries. Qaballah and Thelema. Many of its members were also
members of other lodges. Heavily influenced by the
Enochian – Enochians believe that their system of magic imagery of ancient Egypt, the Golden Dawn claimed to
was handed down straight from the mind and hand of have in its possession an original copy of the Egyptian
God, through the great sage Hermes and reintroduced to Book of the Dead. They were one of the first orders to
them thousands of years later by the Archangel Raphael. successfully synthesize the various traditions in to a
The Enochians are said to have the true names of all of unified whole, instead of a muddled mess. The Golden
the demons and angels locked away in their lodges. Dawn was also heavily influenced by imagery from the
Enochian magic uses the Enochian language, which Tarot, attempting to align it with various constellations
makes their spell books impossible to use unless one and the Enochian Tree of Life. Members of the Golden
learns this language. Enochian Neophytes must spend a Dawn who can read Tarot cards have their own
skill to learn this language or be unable to cast any spells. specialized set. This is the quickest way to discern if
someone is a member since other lodges and witch
Goetics – founded by King Solomon the Wise himself. covens disdain the use of the Golden Dawn Tarot.
Goetics follow the written history as laid down in the Members also use the ritual tools of witches.
Lesser Key of Solomon. Goetics have been known to There are many sub-orders and offshoot orders
converse with angels and summon demons when the related to the Golden Dawn, including the Order of the
need arises. Their magic is very ceremonial and has strict Morning Star and the Order of the Gold and Rose Cross.
rules of conduct For example, one must not ever wear a
head covering when summoning the prince of Demons.
Despite of, or because of, that, their lodges are less strict
and structured than the other Hermetic Mages. Magical
texts are typically written in Latin or Greek (or other
language appropriate to your campaign).

Qabalists – Maybe the oldest of the Hermetic orders, the

Qabalists follow the qaballah, the magical tree of life, an
ancient magical philosophy that combines religion,
philosophy and science with mysticism and sorcery. The
qaballah is a mix of traditional Egyptian Hermeticism and
ancient Jewish philosophy. All of their magical texts are
in Hebrew (or other language appropriate to your
Qabalisits follow the Qabalic Tree of Life and look
for connections in everything to this mystical symbol.

Rosicrucians (Order of the Rosy Cross) – The

Rosicrucians are the newest of the Greater Orders, only a
few hundred years old. Their name comes their founder, The Rosy Cross
Christen Rosenkreuz, a high level Hermetic and priest.
They combine the teachings of Qabalists and other
Gnostic traditions, with mainstream religions. Texts are

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
OTO – The Ordo Templi Orientis, or the Order of the formal and full of rote and ritual. After the main
Eastern Temple, was built on the ashes of the original ceremony follows a grand feast where matters mundane
Golden Dawn. It was similar in organization and and magical are discussed.
purpose as the Golden Dawn and shared many of the Lesser ceremonies, such as level advancement
same members. The OTO had great ties with are also held at the member’s lodge. These ceremonies
mainstream Rosicrucian Lodges until many of its do not require the full attendance of all members.
members (Aleister Crowley in particular) began to tamper Most Lodges are located in cities, with the
with both sex magic and black magic. Like their Golden largest cities having many lodges. Lodges are usually
Dawn predecessors, the OTO also uses it’s own set of clearly marked and identified. Knowing where a lodge is
Tarot cards. and gaining admittance are two very different things.

Thelema – Also a newer order, Thelema (from the Greek, Philosophy

meaning ‘Will’) combines many of the west’s Qabalistic All Hermetic Mages share a certain basic
traditions with teaching of great philosophers of the east. philosophy: That all humans are like unto gods. That by
This route has become first choice among monks and knowing what we are and what we can become, we can
others seeking spiritual enlightenment through magic. become gods ourselves. This philosophy has certain
Unlike other lodges, Thelema requires the probationer to ramifications. First, most Hermetic Mages believe that
be lawful in alignment. Thelema believes that every man all the “gods” of the campaign, such as Zeus, Odin, or
and woman is already a god, it is a matter of discovering Ra, were once human themselves. The fact that they are
it into one’s self. Among the lodges, Thelema is the most now “god-like” is only a testament to their own belief
open with their acceptance of other teachings. system.
This also generally puts the Hermetic at odds
Theosophical Society – Predating the Golden Dawn only by with various clerics and paladins mostly and even druids
a matter of months, the Theosophical Society was and other witches to lesser extent. The cleric or paladin,
founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. A mystic of if very pious (as most are), will treat the Hermetic with a
some renown, Madame Blavatsky combined western –2 penalty with regards to any reaction that requires
occult practices with eastern philosophies. The result charisma. Druids and witches, who might have a more
was different than what would later occur in Thelelma. flexible viewpoint on divinity, or any other character that
The Society encouraged open discussion between all might be religious will grant a –1 penalty to the Hermetic.
members of society on topic of race, gender, religion and The GM can decide in what situation a –2, -1 or no
science. The ultimate goal of the Society is to discover all penalty should be given. Even in cases where the
of the interconnections of all of the world religions and Hermetic is dealing with a non-religious, or irreligious
science, much like the Qabalic Tree of Life. Like person, the general attitude of the Hermetic will come off
Thelema, the Theosophicalists attract a fair number of as arrogant or egotistical.
monks among their ranks, but also clerics and other Clerics, Druids, Witches and Monks who join
seekers of wisdom. the ranks of the Hermetic Mages are assumed to have
reconciled their version of their religion with that of the
Sidebar: The Zohar Hermetic Philosophy. This is not to say that the
The Zohar (radiance), or “The Book of Splendor,” is the Hermetic Mages are irreligious or atheists. On the
greatest classic tome of Jewish mysticism. It is a mystical contrary, many feel that this route is the best way to get
commentary on the Torah, written in Aramaic, and is in touch with their god.
purported to be the teachings of the 2nd century
Palestinian Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai. Legend relates that “Be thy Mind opened unto the Higher,
during a time of Roman persecution, Rabbi Shimon hid Be thy Heart a Center of Light,
in a cave for 13 years, studying Torah with his son; Be thy Body a Temple of the Rosy Cross”.
During this time he is said to have been inspired by God
to write the Zohar. It is considered to be the greatest of -Motto of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
the qabalistic texts. Unfortunately, there is no real
mention of this book in any Jewish literature until the
13th century.

Hermetic Lodges
The Lodge is the meeting place, sanctuary and
library of the Hermetic Orders. Each order has it’s own
lodge. Lodge meetings take place for all members on the
Solstices and Equinoxes. Typically this is when new
probationers are admitted. The ceremonies are very

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
Imbolc Mage tough and many do not succeed. There is no dishonor in
failure, it simply means the prospective was not destined
The following fiction and terms are considered Product to bear the mantle of the Imbolc mage. If the prospective
Identity under the Open Gaming License: “Imbolc does succeed, she is filled with the power of the Goddess
Mage,” “Mage of Imbolc” and “Lady Imbolc”. These and is known to all as Lady Imbolc.
terms are copyrighted© 2002 by Lisa Countryman. History records that nearly all Imbolc Mages
All other information and text is Open under the terms have come from the ranks of strong witches. Amazon
of the OGL. and Celtic Classical traditions being the most
representative, but few chaste Tantric witches and a
fewer number of Lorelei have served as well. Some
Fiona appeared at Tiernan’s side and pulled him to his feet as she druids and sorceresses have also become Imbolc Mages.
kicked Abaddon in the chest. She had golden hair pulled back in a With the rise of evil becoming greater more Imbolc
single braid that reached the middle of her back. Her brown eyes Mages have been chosen and some have come from non-
flashed dangerously as she glared at the leader of the coven. witch backgrounds. In most cases the Imbolc Mage will
join the Daughters of the Flame (q.v.) coven dedicated to the
“No!” Abaddon yelled as two of his men moved toward her. Goddess Brigit, but the Imbolc Mage works alone and is
not considered to be a full member of that coven. Game
Fiona drew a hand and a half sword and slashed through the two Masters can choose a coven that suits their game the
men’s bellies with a brutal swing. “Go,” she told Tiernan. She best.
shoved him toward his father’s land and turned to face the coven.
Hit Dice: d8
“Who are you?” the boy asked as he backed away.
“Lady Imbolc,” Abaddon said calmly. He could see her radiant To qualify as an Imbolc Mage, a character must
aura glowing like the sun on a summer’s day. He sneered at the fulfill all of the following criteria.
child. “Remember her, boy, for she will not see the sunrise”. Alignment: Any Good.
Feat: any metamagic feat, except Spell Kiss.
Tiernan swallowed with an audible gulp and then spun and Knowledge (Religion): 7 Ranks
sprinted away from the bonfire and ran. Knowledge (Witchcraft): 7 Ranks
Spell casting: Ability to cast 5th level spells
The younger warlocks felt their chests tighten and their bodies filled Special: Imbolc Mages can only be female.
with fear. An Imbolc mage was a powerful force of light, and
everything they’d heard told them that they should be running for In order to understand the nature of her foe,
cover, or begging for mercy; a mortal witch wielding the power of the the potential Imbolc Mage must have survived an attack
Goddess. from an evil outsider. Note, survived does not mean she
won or succeeded in defeating the outsider. Preferences
Witches speak of Warlocks in hushed tones. are also made to witches that come from a strong family
Most are disgusted by the betrayers, but more than few line of witches and have high wisdom.
also fear them. But there is one witch that even the
darkest Warlocks of the Scholomance fear, for she is the Imbolc Mages are not made, they are chosen.
righteous fury of the Goddess made mortal. She is the So the GM and the Player who wishes to play an Imbolc
Imbolc Mage. Mage must decide on the particulars of this calling. Were
The Mages of Imbolc are so exceedingly rare her ancestors powerful witches? Did she have an Imbolc
that every single one has been recorded. Most have died Mage in her family tree? Is there some new evil that
in the pursuit of the Goddesses’ vengeance. Imbolc requires a new Imbolc Mage be called? What were the
Mages exist to destroy evil, and they save a special hatred circumstances with her battle with the evil outsider?
for those who call themselves warlocks.
Like becoming witch, one does not chose to Class Skills
become an Imbolc Mage, the Goddess makes that The Imbolc Mage’s class skills (and the key
choice. ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
If the witch has the potential to become an Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis),
Imbolc mage a series of tests and trails are performed by Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge
a coven 19 witches trained in the martial use of the (witchcraft) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense
sword. The witches who train the prospective are always Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
of the strongest Neutral Good alignment. The test is a
small price to pay and only a fraction of the battles the Skill points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier
new Imbolc Mage will certainly face. The training is

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths

Table 3-8: Imbolc Mage Progression

Class Attack Fort Ref Will
Special Spells per Day
Level Bonus Save Save Save
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Awesome Presence +1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +1 +0 +3 Favored enemy +1 +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Bilocate +1 level of existing class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Favored enemy +2 +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +2 +1 +4 Wild Shape 1/day +1 level of existing class
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Favored enemy +3 +1 level of existing class
7th +4 +2 +2 +5 Ethereal Shift +1 level of existing class
8th +4 +3 +2 +6 Favored enemy +4 +1 level of existing class
9th +5 +3 +3 +6 Astral Shift +1 level of existing class
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Favored enemy +5, Extended Life +1 level of existing class

Class Features Imbolc Mage may wild shape to a small, medium or large
All of the following are class features of The creature. Unlike the Polymorph Self spell or Druid ability,
Imbolc Mage prestige class. the Imbolc mage is restricted to natural animals. She may
wild shape to a large dog, a lion or even a wolf, but never
Weapon Proficiency: Once becoming an a wyvern or an owlbear. Typically the Imbolc Mage
Imbolc Mage, training in the sword begins. Regardless of chooses one shape and sticks with that. This is a
original class, the Imbolc Mage can choose the sword supernatural ability.
and attack without penalty. Often the sword becomes the Bilocate (Sp): The Imbolc Mage can astral
new ritual tool of the Imbolc Mage, replacing the athame. project (as the Astral Projection spell) onto the same plane
Unlike the athame, the sword is sharp and will be used she is currently occupying, in effect being in two
for combat purposes. locations at once. The projection is semi-real and may
Most Imbolc Mages eschew the use of armor do anything the Imbolc Mage could do, including cast
since it interferes with their spell casting abilities. Many spells and assume a Wild Shape. The Imbolc Mage
will have several piece of magical protection in place. cannot do anything other than rest, though both
Special: The Imbolc Mage gains special powers incarnations are aware and conscious of the others
at each level of her progression. surroundings. The Imbolc Mage may hold this projection
Awesome Presence (Su): At first level, the a number of minutes equal to her level plus 10, or until
Imbolc Mage is infused with the power of her Goddess. the projection reaches zero hit points. Any damage to
This supernatural ability has two main effects. First all the projection also damages the Imbolc Mage at one half
witches can “see” this presence as a bright aura. Witches the amount loss. She may do this once per day. This is a
that know of the Imbolc Mage will treat her with spell like ability.
deference and respect. Enemies, in particular warlocks, Ethereal Shift: The Imbolc Mage can enter the
can also detect this aura. Any morale checks made by Ethereal Plane. For spell effects this is the same as if an
enemies are at a –1 penalty. Natural animals are also Ethereal Jaunt spell were cast by a sorcerer of the same
calmed by her presence. level. This may be performed once per day. This is a spell
As a side effect of this change in her aura even like ability.
the most good and lawful Imbolc Mages will appear to Astral Shift: The Imbolc Mage can enter the
any magical scrying techniques as have a “touch of evil” Astral Plane. For spell effects this is the same as if an
about them. In all cases anyone who can see auras will Astral Projection spell were cast by a sorcerer of the same
see the Imbolc Mage’s aura is blinding bright. level. This may be performed once per day and is a spell
Favored Enemy (Ex): The Imbolc Mage gains like ability.
Warlocks as a favored enemy as per the Ranger ability. Extended Life: Similar to the druid ability
All attacks, mundane, magical or martial, are done at a +1 Timeless Body, the Imbolc Mage stops aging normally. Her
bonus at second level and gain by +1 for every two aging is slowed to 75% of what is normal for her race.
levels. GMs who wish to have more flexibility or do not This supernatural ability also effects magical aging.
wish to use warlocks might extend this favored enemy Though this rarely aids her normal aging since most
status to any type of evil witch, wizard or spellcaster. Imbolc Mages die due to violence rather than age.
Wild Shape (Su): At fifth level the Imbolc
Mage may Wild Shape once per day (take a shape and Spells per Day: The Imbolc Mage continues training in
revert back). The shape maybe to any size that is one step magic as well as the sword. Thus, when a new Imbolc
removed from the Imbolc Mage. A medium-sized Mage level is gained, the character gains new spells per

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
day as if she had also gained a level in a spell-casting class Name Unknown – In 1883 an eruption of the volcano
she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She Krakatoa left the land destroyed. It also left it magically
does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of nulled which has some scholars to believe it was an
that class would have gained (new Occult powers, meta- Imbolc Mage.
magic or item creation feats, and so on). This essentially
means that she adds the level of Imbolc Mage to the level Sidebar: The Imbolc Challenge
of some other spell-casting class the character has, then To become an Imbolc Mage is serious business. To be
determines spells per day and caster level accordingly. the Goddess’ active and physical force in the mundane
If a character had more than one spell-casting world is challenging, dangerous but also very rewarding.
class before she became an Imbolc Mage, she must Prospectives hear the Call to become an Imbolc Mage
decide to which class she adds each level of Imbolc Mage much like they did when they were called to be witches.
for purposes of determining spells per day when she adds They then must seek out the Imbolc Guardians, a special
the new level. Generally speaking this will be her highest sect of the Daughters of the Flame coven (see below).
spell casting class. These 19 women, all witches with levels of fighter or
For example, Fionna is a 10th level witch and 2nd ranger, will test the prospective. There are three basic
level sorceress. She is called to become an Imbolc Mage tests, intelligence, strength and wisdom. GM are
and passes the tests. She gains a level of Imbolc Mage. encouraged to devise these tests instead having the player
She is now known Lady Imbolc, and is a witch 10, simply role for them. A possible test will be the
sorceress 2, and Imbolc Mage 1. She opts to continue prospective will face 10 of the Guardians wielding
receiving witch spells, so she gains spells as an 11th level swords. The Guardian will say that she may not pass
witch/2nd level sorceress, if she goes up a level in witch without their permission. The trick is not to fight with
or Imbolc Mage then she will cast as a 12th level them, but rather ask their permission. This is the test of
witch/2nd level sorceress. Typically though, the new intelligence, not strength.
Imbolc Mage will forgo any advancement in any other
class she has and concentrate solely on her advancement “A Bhrigid, scar os mo chionn, Do bhrat fionn dom
as an Imbolc Mage. anacal.
Oh, Brigid, spread above my head, your
Imbolc Mages use the same spell list as witches.
mantle bright to guard me.”
- Prayer to Brigit
Historic Imbolc Mages

Name Unknown, Date Unknown – Youngest Imbloc

Mage called. Was nine years old, but could not control Master of Circles
her powers. In her attempt to rid her homeland of
marauders she leveled an entire island. Only lived till age A Master of Circles is a spell-caster who
12. specializes in the use of magic circles, an arcane construct
with many uses. Only certain spell-casting classes are
Nemesis - From ancient Greece, at least 500 BCE. Was compatible with the use of such magic, and so only a
raped by Zeus (her experience with divine darkness). handful of classes can become Masters of Circles.
Became known as the “Assassinator of Gods” and “The Magical circles are normally used as aids in
Daughter of Night”. Worked as Hera’s hit-woman to spell-casting, the most common use being to raise and
punish evildoers. May have been the first Imbolc Mage. maintain energy for spell use. Circles are also used as a
prop to enhance concentration, for protection from
Name Unknown – First century BCE. This particular harmful magic or beings, or as a focus to imbue with
mage destroyed a coven of witches who were using dark other spells to protect the spell-caster. Masters of Circles
magic to control an island community in the are most often witches or wizards, both of which make
Mediterranean. The mage tried to get the coven to leave, extensive use of magic circles, and often create
but in the end, she was forced to kill them all. permanent circles for their sanctums. Sorcerers are rarer
Masters of Circles since they generally do not construct
Fiona nic Teamhair - Imbolc Mage from around 600 CE items, though at times do make use of them “in the
Ireland. Helped drive demons from Ireland’s shores. field.” Most clerics rely on their god for protection and
The last known confirmed Imbolc Mage. power and so have less need or desire to become Masters
of Circles. However despite circles being associated with
Joan of Arc (Jehanne Dearc) – Believed by some to have wizardry and witchcraft, the occasional cleric does take
been an Imbolc Mage. Burned at the stake as a witch on up the profession. Bards and Druids’ magic is the most
May 30th, 1431. She was 19 years old. at odds with the arcane nature of circles and so they have
almost no use for this class.

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
Create Magic Circle: Creating a Magic Circle
Hit Dice: d4 is a two round operation that first requires the inscribing
of the Circle in some manner on the flat, relatively clear
Requirements surface upon which the caster stands, and then placing
To qualify to become a Master of Circles, a Arcane Symbols around its circumference to give it
character must have the following requirements. specific qualities. Both part are necessary and part of the
Skill: Craft (Magic Circle): 5 ranks or overall Magic Circle. To create the Magic Circle, the
Knowledge (Arcana): 5 ranks Master of Circles must make a Craft (Magic Circle) skill
Feat: Cast Magic Circle, at least one Item check with DC (I am having difficulty establishing a good
Creation Feat DC without being too complicated. I don’t want just a
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 4th level spells. set DC) equal to 15 + the level of the Circle desired.
This takes one round. Next, they must make a Craft
Class Skills: The Master of Circle’s class skills (Arcane Symbols) skill check at a similar DC which also
(and the key ability for each skill) are: Alchemy (Int), takes one round. Upon successful completion of both
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge checks, a Magic Circle is created with a radius of 5’ + 2’
(Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (architecture/engineering) per level of the Master of Circles. The Magic Circle is a
(Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), hemisphere that will affect those above the Circle out to
Spellcraft (Int) See Chapter 4: Skills in Core Rulebook I for its radius, and any trying to enter from beneath it at the
skill descriptions. plane upon which it was drawn. Magic Circles may only
be drawn on immobile surfaces. Magic Circles have a
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + INT modifier. duration of one hour per Master of Circles’ level.
Class Features Magic Circle:
All of the As a supernatural
following are class ability (and not
features of the Master as crafting a
of Circles prestige class. magical item), a
Weapon and Master of Circles
Armor Proficiency: may cast any
The Master of Circles known spell into
do not receive new a Magical Circle
weapon nor armor that will be cast
proficiencies. on anyone
Spells: each crossing its
time they gain a new radius. It takes
level in this class, one round to so
Masters of Circles gain Imbue a Magic
a level of spellcasting Circle. Once the
ability as if they had spell is triggered,
gained a level in their the magic leaves
previous spellcasting the Circle and
class. However, they must be re-
don’t gain any other imbued. Imbue
benefit of that previous Circle I: At first
class, such as special level, only 1st
abilities or bonuses through 3rd level
feats. spells can be used. Imbue Circle II: At fifth level, up to 6th
Identify Magic Circle: A Master of Circle’s level spells can be used. Imbue Circle III: At tenth level,
can identify any magic circle they encounter by making a any spell level may be used in this way. A number of
Knowledge (Magic Circles) or (Knowledge (Arcane) skill spell levels equal to the caster’s Master of Circles’ level
check with a DC equal to 15 + the level of Master of can be imbued in a Magic Circle.
Circles required to create the circle. They can also
automatically differentiate between an Imbued Magic
Circle and true Magic Circles, but must make a skill check
to determine the exact nature of either.

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths

Table 3-9: Master of Circles class abilities

Class Attack Fort Ref Will Special Spells

Level Bonus Save Save Save
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Create Magic Circle, Imbue Circle I +1 spell-casting level
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Create Permanent Circle +1 spell-casting level
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Disable Circle +1 spell-casting level
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonus Feat +1 spell-casting level
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Imbue Circle II +1 spell-casting level
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Reset Imbued Circle +1 spell-casting level
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Extend Circle +1 spell-casting level
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Bonus Feat, Quick Cast Circle +1 spell-casting level
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Imbue Circle III +1 spell-casting level
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Craft Mobile Circle +1 spell-casting level

Permanent Circle: Most Magic Circles are Warlock

temporary devices, created with chalk, salt, or scratched By definition, to call someone a warlock implies
into the earth or stone. As such they can often be she uses evil powers, worships demons and devils, and
obscured by wind, debris or the actions of those hostile has a sinister, malevolent streak in which she could
to the Master of Circles. This ability ((feat?)) allows the slaughter a baby, it’s mother, and her own child without
Master of Circles to create a permanent circle out of batting an eye.
colored tiles, metal wire embedded into the floor, or A warlock is a spellcaster who has pledged
etched into stone. A Permanent Circle is not constantly allegiance to a powerful devil or demon, and offered
powered. In order to activate the Circle, the Master must something in return for powerful granted abilities.
enter it and then trace the lines. This action only takes Often, the warlock will perform the entity’s dirty work.
one round and requires no Craft: Magic Circle or Craft: Despite common stereotypes, warlocks can be either
Arcane Symbol skill checks. A Master of Circles may male or female.
have one permanent Magic Circle for every two levels in As a spellcasting class, barbarians, fighters,
the class. rangers, and monks have little use for taking the Warlock
Disable Circle: A Master of Circles can make Prestige Class. Clerics and bards are usually too involved
an opposed caster level check to dispel the magic of in physical activities to take the warlock class, though a
another magic circle she may encounter. few have been known to pop up. Sorcerers, wizards, and
Bonus Metamagic Feat: A Master of Circles witches benefit more than any other class. Paladins
receives a bonus Metamagic Feat at 4th and 8th level. represent the opposite of a warlock in nearly every
Reset Imbued Circle: The Master of Circles fashion, from skills of focus to alignment, paladins
may use a spell slot equal to that of the spell cast into the obviously may not become warlocks, though a fallen
Circle to dispel that spell and allow the Master to cast paladin might opt for the warlock class over the
another spell of similar level into the Magic Circle. blackguard.
Without this ability a Master of Circles would have to Hit Die: d4
rebuild the Magic Circle completely. Requirements
Quick Cast Circle: At eighth level the Master Alignment: Any evil
of Circles may simply go through the gestures of creating Special: A warlock must be able to cast a
a Magic Circle and the attendant Arcane Symbols to minimum of 4th level spells. The warlock must also
create a glowing Circle. This only takes one standard research a spell that will summon a demon or devil.
action, and a Craft: Magic Circle skill check DC 10 + Knowledge (Demonology): 10 ranks
Level of the Circle. In addition, if the Caster so wishes, Special, Dark Dealings: A warlock must make
the Circle may be Imbued that round as well. a deal with some kind of lower power to begin advancing
Craft Mobile Circle: At tenth level the Master as a warlock. These dealings can involve anything from
of Circles can Craft a Circle on a mobile surface, be it a the retrieval of any powerful artifacts the demon or devil
wagon bed, a carpet, levitating piece of stone or desires, murdering ones wife and child simply for the
whatever. This Circle can be a Permanent Circle or not, demon’s pleasure, or the all too familiar selling of the
Quick Cast or not, but in any case adds + 5 to the warlock’s soul. These decisions are usually best left to the
Knowledge (Arcana) skill check. GM. The lower power will try and trick the warlock into
granting an eternity of servitude in exchange for his

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths

Table 3-10: Warlock Progression

Class Attack Fort Ref Will Special Spells per Day

Level Bonus Save Save Save
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Aura of Menace +1 level of existing class
2nd +0 +0 +0 +3 Dark Blessing +1 level of existing class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Heightened Power +1, Strange Misfortune +1 level of existing class
4th +1 +1 +1 +4 Malevolent Force +1 level of existing class
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Dark Transformation +1 level of existing class
6th +2 +2 +2 +5 Timeless Body, Heightened Power +2 +1 level of existing class
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Spirit Force +1 level of existing class
8th +3 +2 +2 +6 Evil Circle +1 level of existing class
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Wicked Blasting, Heightened Power +3 +1 level of existing class
10th +4 +3 +3 +7 Total Transformation +1 level of existing class

The Dark Dealings are not one time only. and food will turn bad, small animals run in fear, larger
Whenever the demon so desires, it may call upon the animals will growl, bark and hiss, and babies will cry
warlock for services. Often, the first of the dark dealings whenever the warlock is near. This aura is easily sensed
is greatest in price, but is never the last. Sometimes, the by nearly anyone, and grants a +2 bonus to the warlock’s
warlock may be conjured to random places at the intimidate skill. Unfortunately, this often makes the
demon’s whim. A warlock’s debt to the demon is never Warlock’s alignment known to everyone, a Detect Evil
paid in full. spell is almost never necessary to identify the warlock as
Also, the demon may choose to take away the evil.
warlock’s power at any time. If this occurs, the warlock Malevolent Force: The warlock adds his
retains the base attack bonus, saving throws, and wisdom modifier to his armor class.
spellcasting abilities gained as a warlock, but none of Dark Transformation: Vital portions of the
granted powers. If the demon is ever destroyed, the warlock’s humanity have been removed for the stuff of
warlock loses all power except for those listed above. In the lower planes. The changes are now beginning to
this instance, the GM may choose to have one of the have some tangible manifestations.
demon’s superiors claim “ownership” of the warlock. 1: Skin Transmutation: The warlock’s skin turns
Class Skills: Alchemy (Int), Concentration to a light unnatural color. How the color is chosen is left
(con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (any 3), Profession (Wis), to the GM, but she may wish to decide randomly. This
Scry (Int), Spellcraft (Int) looks very unnatural regardless of what color is chosen.
Skill Points Per Level: 2+Intelligence Modifier This grants a +2 bonus to the warlock’s strength score.
Spells: Warlock use the same spell list as does A Color Spray spell will dispel this ability, though a Bull’s
the witch. Strength spell will restore it.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Warlocks are 1 pink
proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light 2 light blue
crossbow, and quarterstaff. Warlocks are not proficient 3 light green
with any type of armor or with shields. 4 light yellow
All of the following are Supernatural abilities. 5 light orange
Aura of Menace: The warlock’s dealings have 6 light purple
touched the warlock, and she now exudes a constant evil
7 light gray
aura. This acts as the spell cause fear as cast by a 9th level
8 dark gray
Dark Blessing: The warlock adds his charisma
modifier (if any) to his saving throws. 2: Tail: The warlock grows some sort of tail,
Heightened Power: When casting spells roughly 3 feet long. This tail offers no new attacking
against a good aligned creature, the warlock’s magic is abilities, but does grant a +2 bonus to the warlocks
stronger, and the number indicated increases the dexterity score. If the tail is removed, this bonus ceases
warlock’s spell saves. to exist though a Regeneration spell will restore the tail and
Strange Misfortune: Wherever the warlock hence the bonus.
goes, bad things seem to follow. Flowers will wilt, milk 3. Primordial Regression: The warlock’s arms
increase in length, giving the warlock a hunchback-like

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
posture, and a +2 bonus to the warlock’s constitution creature) and is now affected by all items that normally
score. Cutting off one of the warlock hands eliminates affect only demons or devils. Also, as an outsider, the
this bonus, though a Regeneration spell will restore this. warlock may never be resurrected, though she may be
4. Dead Eyes: The warlock’s eyes die. They are reincarnated. If this happens, the warlock loses the
no longer capable of movement, and as time progresses bonus from both Dark Transformation and Total
they will rot away. The warlock is still capable of seeing Transformation, though retains other Warlock powers.
however, and receives a +2 bonus to intelligence. A Heal Second, the warlock’s body undergoes a large
or Regeneration spell cast specifically on the warlock’s eyes transformation, as an extension of the Dark
will eliminate this bonus, though it can be restored by Transformation received at 5th level. Like Dark
casting Harm with Transformation, it is up to the
the intent to restore individual DM to decide which
this ability. of these powers are granted. All
5. Third bonuses supersede Dark
Eye*: The warlock Transformation. Optionally, the
grows a 3rd eye in DM may allow another bonus
the middle of his granted under Dark
forehead. The eye is Transformation instead of the
not capable of actual advanced powers of Total
sight, but does grant Transformation. The warlock is
a +2 bonus the still considered an outsider if
warlocks wisdom this occurs. These powers can
score. Piercing or still be removed in the same way
blinding this eye that Dark Transformation had
removes this bonus, its power removed; though the
though a Cure warlock is still considered an
Blindness spell will outsider in these instances.
restore it. 1. Demonic Skin: The
6. Kinetic warlock’s skin changes to a
Wind: Anything that sickly unnatural color, the
the warlock is warlock is barely recognizable as
carrying, wearing, human anymore. This grants a
and anything else +4 bonus to strength, and
moves about damage resistance of 5/+1. The
mysteriously as if warlocks skin color depends on
constantly being what the warlock chose for the
encircled by a initial transformation.
blowing wind. Other
people can not feel
this wind, but it does
grant a +2 to his charisma bonus. A hold person spell may 1 pink turns red
be cast to dispel this ability, though a Freedom of Movement 2 light blue turns ocean blue
spell will restore it. 3 light green turns forest green
Timeless Body: The warlock ceases aging 4 light yellow turns bright yellow
normally. This ability is the same as a monk’s ability. 5 light orange turns bright orange
Spirit Force: The warlock applies half of their 6 light purple turns bright purple
current charisma modifier (rounded up) to the DC of 7 light gray turns completely white
their spells. If the spellcasters relevant spellcasting score 8 dark gray turns completely black
is already charisma, this modifier is still added.
Evil Circle: The warlock constantly has a Magic 2. Long Tail: The warlock’s tail grows in length.
Circle Against Good spell cast on them. This supersedes Its length is equal in feet to the warlock’s dexterity
Aura of Menace. (without the warlock modifiers) score. It can be used to
Wicked Blasting: Once per day, the warlock pick up things, deliver a whipping attack (1d4 damage),
can Empower a spell that is cast against a good target. or binding something (as per the feat Improved Grab) and
The spell does not need to be prepared at a higher level can constrict for 1d4 damage a round.
to use this ability, nor must it be prepared ahead of time. 3. Ancient Body: The warlock’s body becomes
Total Transformation: First of all, the warlock even more hunched over in appearance. (-2D6 inches in
is now considered to be an outsider (as an extraplanular height) This form grants a +4 bonus to the warlock’s

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
constitution score, and the warlock regenerates at a rate • Warlocks cannot cross an unbroken line of sea salt
of 1 point of damage per round (though if one of the spread onto the ground.
warlock’s hands is cut off, it will not regenerate without a Like witches, warlocks can not be raised from
regenerate spell). the dead or use the Raise Dead spell. Any attempts,
4. Face of Death: The warlock’s face completely simply fail or work as an Animate Dead spell instead.
rots away. The warlock retains his hair and all the other
skin on his body, but the face appears mummified. This Sidebar: The Scholomance
grants a +4 to the warlocks intelligence score. The Witches speak of Warlocks in tones normally
warlock is not considered to be an undead with this reserved for the foulest of garbage or the worst of the
ability. sub-human monsters. But there are some warlocks that
5. Eyeskin*: Eyeballs (3D6) appear all over the even the bravest of hearts among the Craft of the Wise
warlock’s body with the first always appearing in the dare not speak about. These are the Warlocks of the
center of the warlock’s forehead . This grants a +4 to the Scholomance. The Scholomance, or the Dark School as
warlocks wisdom score and the warlock can see from all it is also known, lies somewhere in the mountains: some
angles and hence is no longer subject to flanking or place it in Bulgaria or Transylvania, others claim it is in
attacks from behind. If the first new eye (the one located the Swiss Alps, and even some have suggested that it lies
in the warlock’s forehead) is blinded, all new eyes in the American Appalachian. GM’s should choose an
become blinded and the bonus to wisdom is negated. appropriate place within their own campaign world. It
6. Winds of Change: The warlock no longer should be remote and in the mountains.
appears even vaguely human. His body and all of his Wherever it lies one thing is agreed on, that the
clothing are in constant movement and do not retain any Devil himself holds classes to teach the best and the
continuous form, even while sleeping. Facial features are brightest the darkest of the dark arts. Thirteen will enter
completely distorted and flow throughout the warlock’s but only twelve will leave as the most dangerous warlocks
body, as if his body was a swirling liquid. This grants a to walk the land. What becomes of the thirteenth is a
+4 to the warlock’s charisma score. mystery. Some say the unlucky 13th becomes the Devil’s
own personal servant. Others speculate a far worse fate.
* A warlock may have either Third Eye or Eyeskin but not Warlocks of the Scholomance gain an extra
both at the same time. level of casting once completing the school as well access
to many dark, evil spells they may never have had access
Restrictions to before. Nevertheless, there is always that 1 in 13
Warlocks have a certain number of restrictions chance that they will be chosen to remain with their
that apply only to them. A warlock can be spotted for master.
what they are with a spot check. This check stacks with GM’s should refrain from allow players to have
the spotter’s Knowledge, Witchcraft skill modifier and is access to Scholomance Warlocks, instead keeping them
further aided +1 for level of Warlock class the warlock as very powerful adversaries.
has. The GM has to consider also these points: Is the
Warlock avoiding discovery? Who are his enemies–
witches, warlocks, Witch-hunters or others? Does his
enemy understand how to read the signs? The GM may
Witch Finder
want to consider what the signs for each individual cult
of warlocks are, or that the same signs are universal to all “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”.
warlocks. Common signs are a flame burning bright blue Exodus 22:18
and milk turning sour in the warlock’s presence. The Bible, KJV
The Warlock is also barred from certain areas.
The most common would be holy areas, but not always Abraham Klosterheim was satisfied. Like all present
so. Much like the vampire, the warlock may not be able witnesses in the city’s fair, he was happy to see the warlocks burning
to enter a personal dwelling or a church, or from certain at the stake. However, only he knew the condemned never had
natural formations such as a cave or a running river. anything to do with demonology, nor any sort of magic. Well, at
Other possible restrictions: least not like the onlookers believed it; not like he, Abraham, had
• Warlocks may not tread upon consecrated (Holy) sworn during the trial to have witnessed it. But was it an unjust
ground. To do so causes the Warlock 2d6+2 points of punishment? No, not for Klosterheim. In the eyes of the Witch
damage/round Finder it was rather a deserved retribution for their hateful
• Warlocks are affected by Holy Water, 1d6 hp behavior. For the peoples now agonizing in the blaze were also
damage per vial. witches hunters. Furthermore, they weren’t the cold efficient
• Weapons and items of cold wrought iron do double professional Abraham Klosterheim had become over the years, while
normal damage to Warlocks pursuing his vengeance. No, they were those heinous, stupid fanatics
who had wrongly accused his family years before. These narrow-

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
minded murderers had refused to listen to his mother when she had do not reject magic despite “hunting” it. Quite contrarily,
tried to explain she and her daughters were simple, poor peasants as real professionals Witch Finders learn about magic,
with no knowledge of sorcery. The imbecile fanatics who were so and how to deal with, or use it. Those fanatical Witch
proud of murdering innocent women in the name of their god. Today Finders will even insist they can only “fight evil with
was their turn. evil”.
Candidates for the Witch Finder trade may
Witch come from any
Finders make a class, although
living at hunting only non-good
users of magic, characters may
and thus will join. For
persecute any example, some
spellcaster or southern desert
magical creature, Barbarians be-
provided they come “wizard-
are paid for it. slayers” known
Witch Finders as Isangoma.
are before all Many Witch
mercenaries, Finders will
even if the less come from the
scrupulous will rogue or ranger
play on the class.
fears to justify Requirements
their sometimes To
criminal trade; qualify to
or even if some become a
of them are real Witch Finder, a
fanatics bent on character must
destroying all magic, or kill all heretics. Note by the way, fulfill all the following criteria:
that the not so rare Witch Finders who are fanatics bent Alignment: Witch Finders may only be of non-
on destroying “evil” magic-users and heretics for the sake good alignments, as they make a living at hunting people,
of money, and without any morality (adding to “fiends and are often motivated by fanaticism and revenge.
and witches” anyone whom they take a dislike), are those Moreover, those who hunt anyone with
who gave the profession its bad reputation. Otherwise, “magical abilities” without discrimination are always of
several Witch Finders also pursue this trade because of evil alignments.
revenge. Usually a warlock, demonologist, or fiend, etc. Base Attack bonus: +4
wronged the Witch Finder in some manner, but Gather Information: 4 ranks
wrongdoer need not necessarily be such a base being. Knowledge (Religion): 4 ranks or
For example, the wrongdoers may be those who had Witchcraft: 4 ranks
one’s family executed for being suspected of sorcery. Feats:
There was one historical Witch Finder whose own family Required: None
was accused of witchcraft and killed. He thus became a Suggested: Iron will, Track.
Witch Finder and went after all of the people who Special: the character must be have combated
accused his family, and had them executed for magic-using foes before, and also must have somehow
witchcraft…. suffered from their magic (as determined by the GM).
Whenever a community is plagued by a Class Skills
supernatural creature, or fears the wrongdoing of a The Witch Finder’s class skills (and the key
nearby necromancer, it will typically turn to a Witch ability for each skill) are: Bluff* (Cha), Concentration
Finder to get rid of it. In some other places with (Con), Disable Device* (Int), Gather information* (Cha),
intolerant regimes, Witch Finders can make 10 to 50 gp Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana, Local,
per “witch” turned over to the local magistrate. the Planes, Religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently
Otherwise, many a solitary Witch Finder travels the land (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive* (Wis), Spellcraft (Int),
in search of work, extending his trade to anyone with a Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha).
supernatural bent, when income is low. Witch Finders are
not dissimilar to bounty hunters in spirit, but are
nonetheless much specialized in ability. For instance, they

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths

Table 3-11: Witch Finder Progression

Base Spells per day
Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 0 1 2 3
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Turn undead ; Use magical scrolls 1 — — —
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Sneak attack (+1d6) 1 — — —
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Bonus save vs. magic (+1) 1 0 — —
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Penetrating attacks (1/day) ; Scribe scrolls 1 1 — —
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Bonus save vs. magic (+2) 2 1 0 —
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Sneak attack (+2d6) 2 1 1 —
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Bonus save vs. magic (+3) 2 1 1 0
8th +6 +6 +2 +6 Penetrating attacks (2/day) ; Brew potions 2 2 1 1
9th +6 +6 +3 +6 Bonus save vs. magic (+4) 3 2 1 1
10 th +7 +12 +6 +12 Sneak attack (+3d6) 3 2 2 1

Skills Points at each level: 4 + Int modifier. stack with the Witch Finder’s level for determining its
(* Same skills, new uses: Bluff enables the Witch power. This is ability to turn is despite the witch-finder’s
Finder to entice mobs to participate into witch-hunts – alignment.
see later–; Gather-information to know about sorcery in the 1st level: Use Magic Scrolls: As the Witch
area; Disable-device to better desecrate magical things –see Finders study both magic and practitioners of magic, they
later–; and Sense-motive to determine if an accused witch learn how to use magic. Although it appears that Witch
lies or not.) Finders normally shouldn’t have access to divine magic,
Witch Finders can use any magical spell-scroll as if they
Class Features were of the relevant class and of a level in that class equal
All the following are class features of the Witch to their Witch Finder level. For example, a 5th level
Finder prestige class: Rogue/9th level Witch Finder could cast spells from
Hit-Die: d8. magical scrolls as if he was a 9th level spellcaster of the
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Witch appropriate class (9th level cleric for divine spells, and 9th
Finders are proficient with all simple weapons, plus one level wizard for arcane spells).
martial or exotic weapon of their choice. They do not This ability is independent of any spellcasting
gain any new armor proficiencies. class the witch-finder may also have.
Spells: Witch Finders are so focused on magic 2nd level: Sneak Attack: at 2nd level, Witch
and its practitioners (even if for the purpose of Finders gain this special ability of rogues. If they already
combating them), that they find useful to learn how to had it from previous levels, these stack with the Witch
use it themselves. As such, they can cast arcane spells, Finder’s level for determining its power. At 2nd level they
doing so exactly like wizards (with spell-book, add 1d6 of damage, then 2d6 at 6th level, and 3d6 at 10th
preparation, DCs based on Int modifier, access to any level.
sorcerer/wizard spell, restriction on armors, etc.). Note 3rd level: Bonus Save vs. Magic: the Witch
that when the Witch Finder gains 0 spells of a given level, Finder gains a bonus to all their saving throws against
such as 0 1st-level spells at 3rd level, the Witch Finder spells and magical effects of +1 at 3rd level. This bonus
gains only bonus spells. A Witch Finder without a bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, then +3 at 7th level, and +4 at
spell for that level cannot yet cast a spell of that level, i.e. 9th level.
for the purposes of metamagic feats such extend spell. 4th level: Penetrating Attacks: this supernatural
ability enables the Witch Finder to temporarily improve
Spells: Witch finders cast spells as an arcane the efficacy of his weapons against damage-reduction
spellcaster. To better understand the nature of their prey defenses. The Witch Finder must first study his
the witch finder has access to arcane spells of witches (no opponent for a full round. Then for the full duration of
coven based spells). his subsequent combat against this particular opponent,
1st level: Turn Undead: Their combat against all the weapons she may use against it will be enhanced
not only spellcasters, but also any supernatural creatures, with a +1 magical bonus, with respect to overcoming
of course lead them to undead (along with evil damage-reduction defense only. As such, a non-magical
necromancers). As such, at 1st level, Witch Finders gain weapon or missile will be able to hit as if +1, then a +1
the Turn-Undead (but not Rebuke) ability exactly as magical weapon will be able to hit as if +2, etc. Witch
clerics. If they already had it from previous levels, these

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
Finders may use this ability once per day at 4th level and witches, supernatural monsters, and the like, using the
then twice per day at 8th level. Gather-Information skill.
If the weapon in question is already enchanted • Convincing listeners that a nearby witch, or
then these bonuses stack. else, is a threat which must be dealt with quickly: DC=20.
4th level: Scribe Scrolls: The Witch Finder Subsequent use of Entice-Mob to also agree to a payment
knows that magic is a much important asset when for the job: DC=17.
combating spellcasters and fiends. However, the Witch • Convincing the listeners that they should join
Finder’s own spellcasting capability is somewhat limited. the hunt, and fight along the Witch Finder: DC=25. If
For that reason, as soon as she can, the With-hunter successful, the mob will follow the Witch Finder for 1d4
learns to prepare himself in advance. As such, at 4th level hours, but will thereafter calm down. Subsequent Entice-
she gains the Scribe Scroll item-creation-feat, enabling Mob rolls will be at a cumulative +2 increase in DC to
him to create spell scrolls (see core-rulebooks I and II). continue. Note moreover, that a mob which participates
Note otherwise that this feat works normally and is in such a hunt will want their share of the bounty, and
independent from the Use Magic Scrolls ability. may be much more difficult to convince of a subsequent
8th level: Brew Potions: As for above, at 8th payment (DC=22).
level the Witch Finder gains this Item-creation-feat, Note: the Witch Finder may only use Entice-
enabling him to create magic potions (see core-rulebooks Mobs against nearby witches and other things she is
I and II). hunting, or people and things that the people being
Class Hindrance bluffed do not really know, nor have relationships with.
Karma: Witch Finders expose themselves to In turn, any successful use of Sense-Motive will unmask
retaliation for their doings. Angry magic-users and the attempt, resulting in a well-produced, adverse
wronged peoples (whether they deserved it or not), will reaction with respect to that character. Lastly, the above
try to avenge themselves of the Witch Finder at every DC may get some appropriate modifiers according to
opportunity. Of course, this could be the perfect basis circumstances.
for an adventure. Furthermore, as a special hindrance it New Tool: Witch pricker. This device is used
means that: in all random encounters where there are evil by witch-finders to “test” witches. It is believed that
spellcasters or evil supernatural creatures, the encounter witches have an insensitive area on their bodies that
will always degenerate into battle. Then, during the identifies them as a witch. The Witch Finder will then
combat, the Witch Finder will always be the primary show that a person is a witch by poking them with this
target of the enemies’ attacks. Note that successful use of small device. The device, witch looks like a small dagger
diplomacy or disguise won’t change this in any way. It’s or bodkin is sharp, but has a concealable or retractable
fate. blade.
New Use of Skills:
Desecrate Magic (Disable Device): Witch Finders Sidebar: Mathew Hopkins, Witch Finder General
can destroy a place or thing holy to a witch, mage, or Of all of history’s witch hunters, none are more
cultist, etc. in 2d10 minutes (adjusted as needed). This famous, or infamous, as Matthew Hopkins. It is claimed
ability depends on the Witch Finder being able to identify that in one year alone, 1645 to 1646, he sent more
the object in question (i.e. knowing the difference “witches” to the gallows in England than any one man
between an Athame and a normal dagger), with use of before or since.
the proper skill (Spellcraft, etc.). Any object or place so He was named “Witchfinder General,” by the
defiled becomes thereafter unusable magically or ritually. Church of England and given the support of the courts.
The GM as appropriate should adjust DC. An accusation from Hopkins usually meant a death
Entice Mob (Bluff): The Witch Finder can sentence. He is believed to be responsible for the torture
convince a mob of angry or fearful individuals to support and deaths of several hundred accused witches before his
him in his hunt. In fact she knows what to tell to incite own death in 1646.
the listeners to fear or anger, especially when it comes to
simple peasants who “do not know what lies beyond the Witch Guardian
next hill”. Thus the Witch Finder could convince them
to tell him who has supernatural powers in the vicinity;
While the witch is perfectly capable of
then that such character or creature is certainly a threat;
defending herself and her own, sometimes it becomes
and so that they must help (and pay) him to get rid of it.
necessary for arms to be taken up in defense. This
A much persuasive Witch Finder could even go as far as
defender of the coven is known by many names but all
convince them to accompany him on the hunt.
are generally known as witch guardians.
• Telling about evil witches stories and the like
“Witch guardian” is a broad term used to
to somehow frighten the listeners: DC=12. If successful
describe those that devote their lives to defending
gives a +2 bonus to get some information about nearby
witches and their faith. They can come from the ranks of
the coven themselves, or they may be from another class,

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
called to serve the Goddess in their own way, with arm, a more experienced one for three months before they are
sword and spear rather than by bell, book or candle. eligible for the initiation into the tradition. The initiate’s
While there are a variety of types of witch guardians, they instructor (known sometimes as an “Advocate”) and
all share some things in common. three other experienced guardians must be present to
The witch guardian defends and protects invest the initiate into the tradition. If a coven does not
witches. She is usually the same general alignment as the have four experienced guardians, the required amount are
coven, but many tend to be more lawful. In many ways summoned by the Patrons when the rite is to take place,
the witch guardian sees herself as fulfilling the same role to ensure that another joins the tradition. These
as a paladin might. Witch guardians are considered to be guardians usually do not stay with the coven.
part of the coven, but do not take part in coven duties. During the rite of investment the apprentice
For example the Imbolc Guard that protects the decides to join the witch guardians, or continue in their
Daughters of the Flame are not required to tend the chosen class. The only time a witch guardian leaves this
sacred flame, though many still do. Some witch guardian tradition is through death. If they become disillusioned in
groups also are almost a tradition of sorts themselves. witchcraft itself, they must also leave the class. All
The Waelcyrie are supernatural and spell-like
one of the oldest abilities learnt are lost (as
groups of witch they are provided by the
guardians known and Patrons) as well as access to
they will protect the witch spell list.
witches of all First and foremost
traditions and the witch guardian lives to
covens. protect the lives of the
Witch witches in her charge. Most
guardians do not would rather die than allow
actively seek out any harm to come to the
those who oppose coven.
the witch’s faith, but
are prepared to Hit Dice: d8
defend their charges.
The witch guardian Requirements
has both martial To qualify as a
weapons and magic witch guardian, a character
at her disposal. The must fulfill all of the
covened witch following criteria.
guardian will stand Base Attack
guard and protect the Bonus: +5
coven while they Knowledge
perform their rituals (Witchcraft): 4 ranks
and ensuring the Spellcraft: 4 ranks
safety of all members.. The witch guardian will then, Wilderness Lore: 2 ranks
either in private or with the coven’s high priestess, Feats: Weapon Focus (weapon will depend on
perform her own rituals. In covens with more than one what type of guardian they become), may be taken at 1st
guardian the high priestess will often perform a second level of Witch Guardian.
set of services. It is understood by all that the Patrons
excuse the guardians from these normal ritual duties Class Skills
because of the important roles they serve. The witch guardian’s class skills (and the key
Witch guardians also will protect places of ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration
power from desecration or may even be assigned other (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis),
duties such as protecting an important artifact or even a Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge
single witch in particular. For those who are not part of (Witchcraft) (Int),Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Sense
coven travel around seeing the world and ensure that Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).
places of power they find are free of contamination,
infestation and desecration. Skill points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Witch guardians feel an urge to protect witches
and the faith. It might be a calling from the Goddess, but Class Features
guardians never divulge why they took up their duty. An All of the following are class features of witch
apprentice witch guardian needs to take instruction from guardian prestige class.

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A witch Favored Enemy (Ex): At 6th level, a guardian
guardian is proficient in all simple weapons, plus 6 may select a favored enemy like that of a ranger. These
martial weapons of her choice. She may choose to swap will be enemies that threaten the coven directly and are
any 2 martial proficiencies for 1 exotic proficiency. generally not class of enemies per se. They might be
Proficient in all light and medium armor. Note: another coven, a group of evil sorcerers, a local church or
The abilities gained by Nature’s Gift are only useable even a cult of warlocks. The witch guardian gains a +2
with light armor. bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival
Weapon of Choice (Ex): The witch guardian checks when using these skills against creatures of this
gains a weapon of choice. The type of guardian they type. Likewise, she gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage
become often determines this weapon. The Patron they rolls against such creatures.
serve or the coven they protect can also put restrictions At 8th level the witch guardian may choose
on this weapon. This is also the weapon the would-be another favored enemy or choose the same one to
guardian chooses for her Weapon Focus feat. See increase the bonuses to +4.
descriptions below. Hex Mark of Warding (Su): At 8th level the
This weapon gains an enchantment of +1 at Witch Guardian can scribe a magical rune onto a door,
first witch guardian level and then an extra +1 every wall, tree, or other stable object denoting their protection
other level of witch guardian (+1 at 1st level, +2 at 3rd of that area. If any enemies to the Coven or place of
level, +3 at 5th level, +4 at 7th level, and +5 at 9th level of power the Witch Guardian is pledged to protect come
witch guardian). Unlike magic weapons created by within level yards of the mark, the Witch Guardian may
normal means, the guardian need not spend experience make a Spot Roll DC 20 – the number of enemies to be
points or gold pieces to accomplish this task. However, a alerted to their presence and numbers, but not exact
guardian’s enchanted weapon only functions for her, not nature. A Witch Guardian may have up to one Hex
even other guardians of the same coven. Mark of Warding per 2 levels in the Witch Guardian
Deity’s Gift (Su): The witch guardian is the class. So a character with 8 levels of Witch Guardian may
defender of all witches and places of power, and they have up to 4 Hex Marks working at one time. Distance
often come across spellcasters who wish to destroy all is unlimited as long as the Witch Guardian is still on the
they hold dear. Because of this, they are granted a +2 same plane as the Hex Mark.
divine bonus to saving throws against magic. This ability Spells per Day: The witch guardian has a
increases to +4 at 4th level (and is not cumulative with +2 limited ability to cast witch spells. If she came from a
already granted). spell casting background before (say for example witch
At 7th level this bonus is applied to all allies in a or ranger) these spells are in addition to ones she already
20-foot radius as well as all inanimate objects, including knows.
all items on the body of the guardian and her allies, The witch guardian uses the same spell list as
within the area. The guardian herself still has his +4 witches.
bonus. At 10th level the area is increased to 40 foot
radius. Note if they are more than one 7th level witch Witch Guardians
guardian within a 20 foot area, the bonuses do not stack There are many types of witch guardians that
as they are the same type of bonus. vary by exact role, traditions raised in, or covens they
Detect Witch’s Foe (Sp): This supernatural protect. Each coven could theoretically have their own
ability gained at 2nd level is similar to the Detect Evil unique style of witch guardian, but some larger groups
ability of Paladins. However it only finds those who wish are described below.
to harm a witch, a place of power, or the witch guardian What sets most apart are their weapons of
herself. choice, duties to the coven and their philosophies.
Nature’s Gift (Ex): The fighting style of the Huntresses of Diana. These guardians are
guardian emphasizes agility and reflexes over strength as most common among Classical Greek and Amazon
well as the duality of the God and the Goddess. As such, traditions. Like the Amazons, they honor Diana and like
when a guardian fights with no armor or in light armor their Goddess all Huntresses must be chaste and
they gain the benefits of Ambidexterity and Two physically fit. They opt for no or very light armor and
Weapon Fighting feats. their weapon of choice is the bow. The Huntresses
If they already have both these feats, they may protect not only their covens but also the natural areas in
instead choose two from the following list: Improved which the witches live. The huntresses will kill most
Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, intruders on sight, especially men. This is not in
Mobility, Spring Attack, Improved Two Weapon contradiction with their alignments since this is the
Fighting, Run, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run, interpretation of their Goddess’ will. Most good aligned
Evasion, Uncanny Dodge. huntresses will attempt not to kill and instead try to get
most intruders to leave via magic or trickery.

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
Table 3-12: Witch Guardian Level Progression

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Spells per day

Save Save Save 0 1 2 3 4
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Weapon of Choice (+1), 3 0
Deity’s Gift (+2)
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Detect Witch’s Foe, Nature’s Gift 3 1
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Weapon of Choice (+2) 3 2 0
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Deity’s Gift (+4) 3 3 1
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Weapon of Choice (+3) 3 3 2
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Favored Enemy 3 3 2 0
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Weapon of Choice (+4), Deity’s Gift (+2 20’ rad) 3 3 3 1
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 Hex Mark of Warding 3 3 3 2
9th +6 +3 +6 +6 Weapon of Choice (+5) 3 3 3 2 0
10th +7 +3 +7 +7 Deity’s Gift (+2 40’ rad) 3 3 3 3 1

A related group are the Huntresses of Mabd,

who perform the same function for Faerie traditions. Witch-Knight
Imbolc Guard. These guardians are assigned
by Brigit herself to protect the witches of the Daughters The witch-knight is a holy-warrior devoted to
of the Flame coven. The Imbolc Guard are also charged what is commonly referred to as the Dark Arts - these
with the task of training and aiding the Imbolc Mage (see being most commonly divination, spirit channeling,
above). Their weapon of choice is the sword. Often future reading and charm making - and beings of power,
these are smaller swords designed to be easily concealed, which support such activities. They are either the chosen
and they will always be of masterwork quality. Like the defenders of ancient religions or power-mad warriors
witches they protect, the Imbolc Guardians number 19. who have sold something of themselves for sorcerous
Smaller covens have fewer Guardians of course. When power.
not charged with protecting the coven or the Imbolc Witch-knights follow a mystic and arcane
Mage the Guardians will be training or aiding in the religion and channel the power of a spirit or deity of
tending of the sacred flame. magic and the esoteric. Like all witches and servants of
Waelcyrie. These guardians are one of the such powers, they are gifted with unique abilities, an
oldest groups of witch guardians known. The Waelcyrie inherent talent for magic, the ability to see spirits and
can be found protecting any type of coven or tradition. similar powers that mark them as different from others in
They are also most likely to be found wandering from society.
coven to coven providing their aid or protecting places Whether feared outcasts or noble warrior-
of power. The Waelcyrie can choose any weapon of sorcerers, witch-knights combine both traditional combat
choice and wear any type of armor (spell casting and magic on the battlefield as well as during knightly
restrictions still apply). Waelcyrie will only protect competitions, thus aggressions between witch-knights
witches of same, or similar alignment. may result in a spectacular battle of sword and sorcery.
War Witch. These guardians are always
women. They began as a group of warrior women Hit Dice: d8
known as Wild Women that protected druid groves and
many still do, even though the Wild Woman predates Requirements
the druids by millennia. A fair number have also lent To qualify to become a witch-knight, a
their spears to protect witch covens. Consequently they character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
tend to be associated most with Celtic Classical and Craft Alignment: To reflect their dedication to a
of the Wise traditions. Their weapon of choice is always cause or king and their status as knights (not merely
the spear. Often they are recognizable by the black warriors or soldiers), witch-knights must be lawful, but
leather breeches they opt to wear. Not only do they their stand on good and evil is determined by the nature
disdain the use of armor, but also most will enter battle of the arcane power that they serve.
either topless or completely nude. This is done for the
same reason that Celtic men will paint their bodies, to Base Attack Bonus: +4
distract and incite fear in their opponents. Skills: Knowledge (Arcana): 8; Knowledge
(religion): 8

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
Special: A yearly sacrifice of magic is required their patron’s temperament and interests. The witch-
for any witch-knight to reconfirm their pact with the knight receives one bonus spell per spell level each day
spirits and powers she serves. from their chosen domain.
This sacrifice requires either the actual, willing Also like witches, witch-knights do not gain
destruction of a magical item owned by the character in a domain based abilities or powers.
special ritual meant to release the energy to the spirits, or Sixth Sense: Due to their natural psychic
the gifting of the item to a witches’ coven, which serves abilities and the whispers of the spirits that surround
the same patron. Further, at the appropriate times of the them, the witch-knight is never caught flat-footed. This is
month and year, witch-knights must perform the a supernatural ability.
religious and magical rituals necessary to appease the Armored Casting: Beginning at 2nd level, the
spirits and powers that they follow. spirits the witch-knight serves show favor to their chosen
champion and grant him the ability to cast spells without
Class Skills the normal penalties induced by wearing armor, including
The witch-knight’s class skills (and the key full plate. This is a supernatural ability.
ability for each skill) are: Alchemy (Int), Concentration Inscribe Item: At 2nd level and beyond, a
(Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), witch-knight is able to use arcane sigils, runes and
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), symbols to permanently
Knowledge (Religion) (Int), etch spells upon objects.
Ride (Dex), Scry (Int), Items such as their sword,
Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic armor, cloak and shield are
Device (Cha). often decorated in this
Skill Points at each level: 2 The process and
+ Int modifier. costs to do so are similar
to the creation of spell-
Class Features scrolls, and function
All of the following similarly when complete.
are class features of witch- A spell so inscribed can be
knight prestige class. cast from the object as
Weapon and Armor though cast from a scroll,
Proficiency: Witch-knights using up the arcane power
are trained to use all simple stored in the inscription.
and martial weapons, and all After being used, the
types of armor (heavy, inscribed spell cannot be
medium and light) and shields. cast again until arcane
Spells: Witch- power is reinvested within
knights can learn spells of up it through a special ritual.
to 5th level from their patron. For all mechanical
Though divine in origin, these purposes this ritual is
are considered arcane spells treated as if the witch-
for the purposes of knight were scribing a new
memorization, casting and the scroll, including the time
maximum number of any level necessary to complete it
that may be known (and cast). and the costs of doing so.
The witch-knight An object can hold only
gains bonus spells due to a one spell inscription at a
high Charisma, as their time, and once inscribed,
patrons find them (rightly or the item can only be
wrongly) more reliable and enchanted with that spell
dedicated. until the inscription is
Witch-knights use the same spell list as witches. physically removed. In the case of a masterwork item, the
quality is such that it is able to two separate inscriptions
Arcane Dominion: Like the witch, the witch- at once; while in the case of a magical item, it can hold
knight gains access to coven spells: divine spells from one extra inscription per plus or special ability
one of three domains; this domain must be chosen at 1st (masterwork, quality) of the item. This is an
level from among the three domains available. The extraordinary ability.
domains to which they can gain access depends upon

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
Forge of Magic (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, equal to their level as a witch-knight on a successful
and every three levels afterwards, the witch-knight gains strike. Creatures with spell-resistance (or similar) can
one of the following feats that she does not already know avoid this damage with a successful check. If the attack
and has the prerequisites for: Create Talisman, Craft misses, the sacrificed spell is still used up. This is a
Magic Arms and Armor or Forge Ring. supernatural ability.
Imbue Companion: A 4th level witch-knight Spirit Shield (Su): The witch-knight gains the
with a familiar, special mount or companion animal is protection of spirits hovering invisibly in the air around
able to bestow upon it either the Celestial Infernal or them. This reduces damage done to him by outsiders and
(one of) the Elemental templates, dependent upon the by magic by one point at 5th level, increasing by one point
alignment and nature of the spirit the witch-knight for every three levels after that.
serves. Familiar Investment (Su): When she attains
Should the witch-knight not have a familiar, 7th level, the witch-knight is able to bless his familiar with
special mount or companion animal, or should the the ability to cast one Coven spell per day. This spell can
current one die, upon securing another she may bestow be of any level available to the witch-knight from any of
upon it the appropriate template. his patron’s domains and does not count against the
If the witch-knight has more than one of these, witch-knight’s own limits for the day.
they may only choose one of them to bestow the As this is a spell channeled from the spirits
template upon. This is a supernatural ability. through their familiar, the GM chooses what the spell is
Sorcerous Smite: Beginning at 4th level, the and if it is cast, though the witch-knight may request a
witch-knight gains the ability to channel arcane energy spell be invoked on his behalf.
into their blows. Witchery (Su): Thanks to the divine inspiration
By making a normal melee attack and sacrificing of their patron and the unseen arcane manipulations of
a prepared spell (of any level), the witch-knight can smite their familiar spirit, three times per day a witch-knight
an enemy with arcane energies conducted through their may add their Wisdom modifier (if positive) to any roll.
weapon or hands, adding one point of additional damage

Table 3-13: Witch-Knight Progression

Level BAB Fort. Ref. Will Special Spellcasting

Save Save Save 1 2 3 4 5
1st +1 +2 +0 +1 Arcane Dominion, Sixth Sense 0
2nd +2 +3 +0 +1 Armored Casting, Inscribe Item 1+1
3rd +3 +3 +1 +2 Forge of Magic 1+1 0
4th +3 +4 +1 +2 Imbue Companion, Sorcerous Smite 2+1 1+1
5th +4 +4 +2 +2 Spirit Shield 1/-- 2+1 1+1 0
6th +5 +5 +2 +3 Forge of Magic 3+1 2+1 1+1
7th +6 +5 +2 +3 Familiar Investment 3+1 2+1 1+1 0
8th +6 +6 +3 +3 Spirit Shield 2/-- 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1
9th +7 +6 +3 +4 Forge of Magic 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 0
10th +8 +7 +3 +4 Witchery 5+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths

NPC Class – The Hedge-Witch Class Skills: The hedge-witch’s class skills (and the key
ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration
The Hedge Witch is completely derived from the Adept (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis),
NPC class from the System Reference Document. Knowledge (all skills taken individually), Knowledge
(Witchcraft) (Wis), Profession (Herbalist) (Wis),
The Hedge-Witch is a person, usually female, Profession (Midwifery) (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill),
that follows some of the practices of the witch, but has Spellcraft (Int), and Survival (Wis) [Wilderness Lore
not been initiated into a formal tradition or coven. The (Wis)].
Hedge witch is also not as concerned with the religion of
witchcraft per se, but individuals can vary. Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4. Skill
Hedge-witches may only be NPCs. Player Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Characters should always choose the witch class. In
games where witches are common, hedge-witch offer a Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Hedge-witches are
change of pace. Hedge-witches can be used right along skilled with all simple weapons. Hedge-witches are
with Adepts, but the two classes are so similar it is usually proficient with neither armor nor shields.
best to choose one or the other.
The hedge-witch combines arcane and divine Spells: A hedge-witch casts arcane spells, or what is
skills along with a store of practical knowledge to aid typically known as Thaumaturgy (low magic). She is
those in need. Somewhat akin to adepts, druids and limited to a certain number of spells of each spell level
other witches, the hedge-witch is most often found in per day, according to her class level.
rural areas. These witches often serve the role of an area’s Like a witch, a hedge-witch may prepare and
midwife, doctor, priest and wizard. She can be called on cast any spell on the hedge-witch list, provided she can
for her spells or even more mundane potions. These cast spells of that level. Like a witch, she prepares her
witches are often not persecuted as are other witches spells ahead of time each day. The DC for a saving throw
because the area’s in which the hedge-witch live come to against a hedge-witch’s spell is 10 + spell level + the
rely on her in one way or another. Good hedge-witches hedge-witch’s Wisdom modifier.
use this relationship to help those that are her neighbors, Hedge-witch, unlike wizards, do not acquire
evil ones, though rare, attempt to exploit these their spells from books or scrolls, nor prepare them
relationships. through study. Instead the hedge-witch learns her magic
Unlike a full witch, the hedge-witch does not rote from a teacher, such as mother to daughter. Most
have any formal training in a tradition or belong to any magic is learned as a skill like cooking or weaving.
covens. They do have access to the skill Knowledge Each hedge-witch must choose a time each day
(Witchcraft), but GMs have to determine how the hedge- at which she must spend an hour in quiet contemplation
witch came across her knowledge. or supplication to regain her daily allotment of spells.
Most, if not all, hedge-witches practice their This can be a restful time or it can be spent doing
craft in the comforts of their homes. Lacking a formal “mundane” housework. For example many hedge-
coven and covenstead, the hedge-witch works in the area witches use common mnemonic devices incorporated
that suits her skills the best, the kitchen. With access to into their daily tasks to recall spells, such as sweeping the
all manner of mundane spices, cooking utensils and floor aids in protection spells or preparing herbs aids in
books, the kitchen of a hedge-witch rivals that of a healing spells.
starting alchemist. Would be witch hunters barely look Time spent resting has no effect on whether a
twice at a woman cooking in her own kitchen with herbs hedge-witch can prepare spells. Hedge-witches do record
from recipes. She could be preparing a healing potion or their ritual ceremonies in books; much like a witch’s
she might just be making chicken soup, or both at the Book of Shadows, save that a hedge-witch’s book is not
same time. This has given rise to another common name magical. Most hedge-witch books look like any other
for this type of witch, the kitchen witch. recipe book a housewife might keep.
A hedge-witch rarely advertises her status as a When the hedge-witch gets 0 spells of a given
witch. Not that they overly fear persecution, they just do level, she gets only bonus spells for that spell slot. A
not see anything special with what they are doing. To hedge-witch without a bonus spell for that level cannot
them, magic is an extension of the natural world, and yet cast a spell of that level. Bonus spells are based on
therefore no different than anything else, it just what you Wisdom.
know about it. Each hedge-witch has a particular ritual tool (as
an arcane focus) depending on the hedge-witch’s magical
Alignment: Any, most often good or neutral. tradition. Most common will be items that can be found
in a normal home, such as a caldron, wand or cup.
Hit Die: d6.

Liber Mysterium: Mystical Paths
Familiar: At 2nd level, a hedge-witch can call a familiar, 5th Level: baleful polymorph, break
just like a sorcerer or witch can. The hedge-witch can enchantment, commune, heal, major creation, raise dead,
use the same list of familiars that the witch uses, but they true seeing, wall of stone.
will not opt for outsiders (imps) as a familiar. 6th level – control water, find the path, greater
dispelling, healing circle, wall of stone
Spell List
Hedge-Witches choose their spells from the Learning Witch Spells
following list. A hedge-witch with access to a witch’s Book of
0 Level: create water, cure minor wounds, Shadows may attempt to learn any witch spells listed.
detect magic, ghost sound, guidance, light, mending, They need to make the same checks that a wizard might
purify food and drink, read magic, touch of fatigue. save they do gain an additional +1 to learn the witch spell
1st Level: bless, burning hands, cause fear, given the similar backgrounds of the two practices.
command, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, The penalty to learn witch spells by a hedge-
detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, endure witch is –4 and plus –1 per witch spell level to all checks,
elements, obscuring mist, protection from chaos, thus a 6th level witch spell would be at –11 to learn.
protection from evil, protection from good, protection Ranks in Knowledge (Witchcraft) will reduce this by one
from law, sleep. per rank. The skill Knowledge (Witchcraft) is discussed in
2nd Level: aid, animal trance, bear’s endurance, detail in Chapter 4: Skills and Feats.
bull’s strength, cat’s grace, cure moderate wounds,
darkness, delay poison, invisibility, mirror image, resist Witches and Hedge-Witches
energy, scorching ray, see invisibility, web. Typically Witches and hedge-witches view each
3rd Level: animate dead, bestow curse, other well. Witches will view hedge-witches as their
contagion, continual flame, create poppet, cure serious somewhat less fortuneate “country cousins”, even by
wounds, daylight, deeper darkness, lightning bolt, Classical witches. Hedge-witches wonder why the witch
neutralize poison, remove curse, remove disease, puts so much emphasis on religon when she can serve
tongues. the Goddess just as well in her own personal way.
4th Level: cure critical wounds, minor creation, Any hedge-witch can be invited to join a coven
polymorph, restoration, stoneskin, wall of fire. and then progress as a witch. Many do not since they
feel that their practice is just as valid as that of covened

Table 3-14: The Hedge-Witch

NPC Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special Spells per Day
Level Bonus Save Save Save 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 3 1 - - -
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Summon familiar 3 2 - - -
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 3 2 0 - -
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 3 2 1 - -
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 3 3 1 - -
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 3 3 2 - -
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 3 3 2 0 -
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 3 3 2 1 -
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 3 3 3 1 -
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 3 3 3 2 -
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 3 3 3 2 0
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 3 3 3 2 1
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 3 3 3 3 1
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 3 3 3 3 2
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 3 3 3 3 2 0
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 3 3 3 3 2 1
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 3 3 3 3 3 1
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 3 3 3 3 3 2
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 3 3 3 3 3 2 0
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 3 3 3 3 3 2 1

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats

Chapter IV: Skills and Feats

Empathy as a cross-class skill. Note: Under Core Rulebook
O well done! I commend your pains; I, Version 3.5 Animal Empathy is no longer a skill.
And every one shall share i’ the gains; Balance: Any bonuses in balance can aid a witch while
And now about the cauldron sing, standing on a broom in flight.
Bluff: A cross-class skill, it can be used to keep the witch
Live elves and fairies in a ring, out of trouble by convincing others she is not who she
Enchanting all that you put in. appears to be.
Hecate Craft: The witch uses this skill to make any items she
Macbeth, needs: mundane, ritual or magical.
Act 4, Scene 1 Craft (Magic Circle): This skill gives the knowledge
and skill to scribe a magic circle, either permanent or
temporary. This skill does not imbue the circle with

o witch lives by magic alone. The witch, while power, a spell is still required to do that. Note: This can
embroiled in many supernatural elements, is be used to give a different feel to the creation of Magic
firmly a creature of this world. To get along in Circles. GMs can choose instead to use Knowledge
this world the witch, just like everyone else, (Arcana) instead.
learns a few skills and feats. Disguise: A cross-class skill for the witch, it can be used
in conjunction with a minor illusion or glamour to hide
Skills the witch’s identity.
The witch may learn a variety of skills as she Knowledge (Arcana): The witch knows the background
progresses in level. Some of the skills have been of her own magical practices and that of others (wizards,
designed with the witch in mind and work best exclusive clerics, sorcerers). Can provide other with knowledge of
to that class (Tantra). Others are more general the magical practices of the witch, but not on their
(Seduction, Yoga). religious practices.
For more information on choosing skills and The Knowledge (Arcana) also allows the
other skills please refer to Core Rulebook I. New skills are spellcaster to identify and construct magic circles, but
marked with an asterisk (*) and are detailed below. won’t empower them with magic.
Game Master’s may choose to open up which DC Task
skills can be used by other classes, but care should be 10 Identify Circle
taken. As the rogue class has many skills that are unique 15 Scribe Circle
and special to it, so does the witch. 20 Scribe Combined Circle
Knowledge (Religion): The witch knows not only the
New Uses for Old Skills background of her religion, but others as well. Can
The following skills are listed in Core Rulebook I, provide others with the basic tenants of the witch’s
the witch my opt to use these skills in new ways. Some of religion, but not background on their magical practices.
these skills are cross-class skills for the witch. Profession: The witch can use many of her skills to earn
a living. Witches often learn a trade as a local alchemist,
Alchemy: All Witches have access to and practice healer, mid-wife, or even scholar.
alchemy to some degree. The witch can offer her Ride: In this case the skill is Ride, Broom. The chosen
alchemical concoctions for sale. mount is the witches’ Broom. This skill can be taken for
The witch can also make herbal healing remedies. These use of various mounted combat feats. The skill required
concoctions may be drank, but are typically rubbed onto to ride, and fight, from a flying broom stick is different
the wound. These are limited in use and cure only 1d4 than the skill needed to do the same from the back of a
hp of damage per use. horse. Note: Under Core Rulebook I, ver 3.5 the skill Ride
The base DC to make these herbals is 15. This check can covers all mounts.
be stacked with any bonuses from skills in Healing and Spellcraft: Normally used to identify spells or magical
Profession, Herbalism. Note: Under Core Rulebook I, effects in place this skill can also be used to identify
Version 3.5 Alchemy (Int) becomes Craft (Alchemy) naturally occurring magically charged areas, such as ley
(Wis). lines. This is useful for the placement of covensteads.
Animal Empathy: Witches are rumored to keep Wilderness Lore: For covens that prefer “sky-thatched”
numerous animals. Some are familiars, but most are covensteads this skill allows them to locate the best
domesticated wild animals. Witches can take Animal outdoor location.

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats

Table 4-1: Witch Skills

The witch’s class skills and the key ability for each skill are
Key Un-
Skill Bbn Brd Clr Drd Ftr Mnk Pal Rgr Rog Sor Wiz Wch Ability trained
Alchemy5 ‡ † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ † † † Int No
Craft (Alchemy) Wis
Concentration ‡ † † † ‡ † † † ‡ † † † Con Yes

Craft † † † † † † † † † † † † Int Yes

Heal ‡ ‡ † † ‡ ‡ † † ‡ ‡ ‡ † Wis Yes

Knowledge ‡ † † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ † † † Int No
Knowledge ‡ † † ‡ ‡ ‡ † ‡ ‡ ‡ † † Int No
Knowledge ‡ † † ‡ ‡ ‡ † ‡ ‡ † † Int No
Knowledge ‡ † † ‡ ‡ ‡ † ‡ ‡ ‡ † † Int No
Knowledge ‡ † † † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ † † Int No
Meditative ‡ ‡ † ‡ ‡ † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ † † Con No
Profession ‡ † † † ‡ † † † † † † † Wis No
Profession ‡ † † † ‡ † † † † † † † Wis No
Profession ‡ † † † ‡ † † † † † † † Wis No
Profession ‡ † † † ‡ † † † † † † † Wis No
Scry5 x † † † x x x x x † † † Int Yes

Seduction* ‡ † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ † ‡ ‡ † Cha Yes

Sense Motive ‡ † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ † ‡ ‡ † Wis Yes

Spellcraft ‡ † † † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ † † † Int No

Tantra* ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ † † Cha No

Wilderness Lore5 † ‡ ‡ † ‡ ‡ ‡ † ‡ ‡ ‡ † Wis Yes

Survival Wis
Yoga* ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ † Con No

* New Skill † Class Skills ‡ Cross Class Skill x You can’t buy this skill
Skills in italics are updated for Core Rulebook 3.5

5 Version 3.0 of Core rulebook I only.

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats
The Knowledge, witchcraft skill allows the
Sidebar: Languages character to recognize the basic tenets of the witch’s
Languages mentioned in this book are from our own religion and insight into their magical nature. A witch
Earth history. This is to better reflect that myths, stories with this skill has a +1 per level chance of identifying a
and history in which the witch appears. But some GMs particular witch coven or cult, a particular set of general
may not use languages from Earth and prefer the more witch symbols, or a spell used by a witch.
traditional fantasy languages as list in the Core Rulebooks.
Here are some suggested translations. GM’s Note: Campaigns with fewer witches
In campaign settings where witches play a less prominent
Earth Fantasy role, a skill such as Knowledge (Witchcraft) is
Atlantian Aquan considerably less useful. As an optional rule, it’s possible
English, German Common to work a campaign without Knowledge (Witchcraft). In
Enochian Celestial such cases Knowledge (Arcana) can be used to cover
Gaelic Elven; Druidic Knowledge: Witchcraft. In campaigns where Witchcraft
Greek Dwarven or Elven and witches are very distinct and prominent, however, it’s
Hebrew Dwarven or Elven good to distinguish the two.
Latin Draconic In these cases GM’s may allow Clerics and Wizards
access to Knowledge (Witchcraft) as a class skill.
Others may be substituted as needed.
Like the Knowledge, Arcana skill, Witchcraft is
Knowledge (Demonology) a skill related to the knowledge of the supernatural. But
(Int, Trained Only) while Knowledge, Arcana is more generally focused on
Demonology is the study of fiends of the Lower magic, Witchcraft is focused on the witch’s history,
Planes Demonology is a general overview of demons, religion, occult knowledge and spell-casting ability.
devils and their ilk and some of the basic means of
identification and combat. Demonology confers a bonus Witchcraft Knowledge Task DC
to identify fiends and their common weaknesses and Identify major occult practices (witchcraft, 10
strengths. voodoo, Hermetic Mages).
Identify major occult theories or beliefs 11
Task DC (reincarnation, Ley Lines, correspondences).
Identify a fiend by type or alignment 10 Identify common magical practices of one 12
Identify common weaknesses or strengths 12 particular tradition or sub-tradition.
Identify major sub-species (specific demon 15 Identify common weaknesses or strengths in 12
among Demons) common supernatural monsters (undead, fey)
Identify minor sub-species (demonic animals 18 or foes (Warlocks)
and beasts) Identify common occult “hot spots” and their 13
Identify lesser nobles by name (Demon 20 significance (The Great Pyramids,
Princes, Devil Dukes) Stonehenge, Atlantis).
Identify major nobles by name (Demon 24 Identify or classify major sub-sections of 15
Lords, Devil Lords) various witchcraft practices (Celtic, Santeria)
or various occult schools of thought (Gnostic,
This skill can stack with Knowledge (Planes) and Hermetic)
Knowledge (Witchcraft) skills. Identify common weaknesses or strengths in 16
rarer supernatural monsters (outsiders,
Knowledge (Witchcraft) demons). (Increase DC +1 for more
(Int, Trained) uncommon traits or monsters)
A sub skill of the Knowledge category, Identify rarer occult “hot spots” and their 17
Witchcraft knowledge characteristically depends upon the significance (Nazca lines, Tihanco, Xanadu).
notion of correspondences, or postulated relationships Identify or classify minor sub-sections of 18
that unite all things stars, planets, gemstones, colors, or various occult practices (Rosicrucian, Golden
even parts of the human body and life events to one Dawn) or witchcraft practices (Pictish,
another and to invisible realities as well. Those who Bocur).
subscribe to this view believe that they can use occult Identify major covens by name or by 19
knowledge to effect healing or to predict the future, for practices.
example. Identify major occult figures/personages by 20
name or by reputation (King Solomon,

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats
Aleister Crowley). any non-combative spell or psionic power for a 10%
Identify lesser occult figures/personages by 22 added benefit.
name or by reputation (Madam Blavatsky). The witch can remain in this trance-like state
Identify more esoteric Occult practices 24 for a number of hours equal to her ranks in this skill plus
(Taoist Witchcraft, Ancient Mysteries). her Con bonus. Every round after that the witch begins
Identify lesser covens by name or by 26 to take damage from fatigue at the rate of 1d2 hp per
practices. round.

Check: Answering easy questions have a DC of

10 to 11, standard questions are 15 to 16, and harder Profession (Fortune Teller)
questions are above 20. These ranges can also be (Wis, Trained Only)
increased by one or two points if the question is esoteric Fortune Telling can be done for fun, profit or
in nature. even to aid true divinations. Every rank represents a
Retry: No. The check represents what the different type of fortune telling (divination) the character
witch knows; thinking about it more will not yield knows. These skills allow the witch (or other classes) to
different answers. make some divinatory
Learning Witch predications. Most are simple
Spells: An arcane guesses and may be used to
spellcaster requires at least support the user economically.
one rank of Knowledge, However this skill may also be
Witchcraft if they wish to used to stack with abilities,
learn spells from a witch’s feats or spells that confer
spell book. The penalty to divination powers.
learn witch spells is –5 and The most common
plus –1 per witch spell level types of fortune telling are,
to all checks, thus a 6th level Astrology (use of the stars),
witch spell would be at –11 Chiromancy (palm reading), I
to learn . Ranks in Ching (special coins),
Knowledge (Witchcraft) will Numerology (by numbers),
reduce this by one per rank. Spiritual Consultation (asking
Witches also need spirits by means of a special
this skill if they wish to board), Tarot (use of special
learn arcane spells from the cards) and Tassography (Tea
scrolls or spellbooks of Leaves). Others, though
wizards with same penalties. somewhat less common are,
GMs can place Ceromancy (hot wax or
limits on some spells saying molten lead dropped in water),
they are beyond the witch’s Coscinmancy (how water runs
skill to learn or beyond the out of a sieve), Halomancy (by
understanding of the wizard. casting salt), Haruspicy (from the entrails of animals),
Hieromancy (sacrificing animals), Hydromancy (by
Meditative Trance water), Lampadomancy (by movement of a flame),
(Con, Trained Only) Lithomancy (by casting stones or dice), Oneiromancy (by
The witch can enter a special type of trance that dreams), Phrenology (examining the bumps on a
is taxing on the body, but heightens her perception and person’s head), Pyromancy (starring into a fire), Sortilege
concentration. The witch spends one round entering the (drawing lots), and Theomancy (by oracles or divine
trance. At this time she must state what sort of mental inspiration).
task she wishes to accomplish. She can not be Anyone can make a living as a fortune teller.
interrupted or she must begin again (thus the Witches for the most part view fortune telling as being a
Constitution check). Once in a trance the witch can not true possible outcome and typically believe in the
attack or defend herself. All to hit roles are considered as readings they make. Bards view fortune telling as
if her Armor Class was 10 and she takes full damage another type of performance, entertainment for some
from these attacks. and means of income. Rogues are interested in using
The witch can now complete the mental task fortune telling to improve their own futures, by parting
she set out to do. Any skill checks based on intelligence would-be marks with their burdensome extra money. Of
or wisdom gain a +2 bonus. She may read a document course individuals can and do vary.
(but not a spell) at twice her normal speed. She may cast

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats
Check: A fortune telling check can be made
only if the intended reader is physically present. The DC GM’s Note: Dealing with Fortunes
of the roll determines how much knowledge is gained. This skill, because of its dealings with destinies and the
Typically the fortune teller will want to know some basic future, is a dangerous one and its use might even be
information about the customer first. An astrologer will restricted when used on PC’s. GM’s should be aware
want to know a birthday or a spiritual consultant will that this skill could, under the right circumstances, cause
want to know what spirit the customer wants to contact. much trouble to their hard worked plots, and even be
Retry: Yes, but it’s not always easy to tell if able to spoil events of the future. Truly crafty GM’s can
what occurs will conform to what had been determined use it effectively by playing off the vagueness of the
through the use of this skill. A failed check results in reading. This skill can be good to develop interesting
wrong or misleading information. Once the fortune and complex storylines, but too much of a good thing
teller realizes she failed, she may retry the check again. can end up as trouble.
Result: While the true results are always left up
to the GM, the table below is a good general indication Profession (Herbalist)
of what the witch can tell.
(Wis, Trained Only)
Witches are rumored to be accomplished
Fortune Telling DC herbalists. In any case a witch can make a living
Determination of the basic personality traits of a 10 concocting herbal cures, homeopathic remedies or even
customer (materialist or spiritual, physical or simple spice mixtures for cooking, cleaning or other uses.
intellectual, evasive or straightforward, calm or Herbalist can identify naturally occurring plants
nervous, etc.) and herbs. She can also prepare simple herbals.
Earnings: 1d10 CP/day
Determination of more personal, but not 15 Task DC
uncommon life events or personally traits. (loss
Identify common herbs or plants. 10
of a parent, “you had a pet as a child that you
Mix simple herbal concoctions (spice tea, 12
aromatic herb bundle, ‘curry’ powders)
Earnings: 1d10 SP/day
Determination of more personal, uncommon life 20 Brew simple healing potion (heals 1d4 hp) 15
events or personality traits. (“your brother
preceded you in death.” “You left on bad terms Herbalist can make a living selling her herbal
with your mother.”) concoctions as per the Profession description.
Earnings: 2d10 SP/day Special: A person with five or more ranks in Heal gains
Determination of something specific, but minor. 25 a +2 synergy bonus with Profession (Herbalist), and vice
(“the ring you lost will be found” “you recently versa when creating healing balms, ointments or potions.
put your trust in a good friend and was A person with five or more ranks in Alchemy
betrayed.”) or vague allusions to the future that gains +2 synergy bonus when concocting any alchemical
could come true (“do not trust the man in elixir based on naturally occurring herbs.
Earnings: 3d10 SP/day Profession (Midwifery)
Determination of something specific and very 30 (Wis, Trained Only)
important to the customer (“your brother’s killer Midwifery deals with the birthing and care of
has a long scar on his face.”) or more specific newborn babies and their mothers. A witch with the
allusions to future events (“You will discover the midwife skill can aid in birthing, delivery and care of the
killer by the light of a full moon.”) newborn. The witch can increase the chance a woman
Earnings: 1d10 GP/day will survive the birth. The pregnant woman can add 2
Determination of something very specific to the 35 extra points to her own Constitution score because of the
customer’s present or future. (“You mother’s ring witch.
is at the bottom of the well north of town.”
“Your brother’s killer is the Baron.”) The base DC for delivering a baby is 15.
Earnings: 2d10 GP/day
Task DC
Special: For every five levels of Profession (Fortune To determine when a baby will be born. 10
Teller) a spellcaster gains a +2 synergy effect when using To deliver a baby. 15
Ritual Casting (below) on divination type spells. To deliver twins. (+1 to DC for every 18
The character can add levels of Bluff for a multiple baby after 2, i.e. DC19 for triplets).
synergy benefit with perform when doing fortune telling Natal complications (breech birth, baby not +2
as an act. breathing)

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats
Mother complications (mother not breathing, +2 requires communication between the witch and her
passing out) target. When the witch seduces someone, she is not
Understanding the differences in different +2 necessarily getting him or her into a sexual situation.
humanoid births and practices. (special Obviously, the witch may only use this skill on targets
complications of half-orcs, elven birthing that could naturally become attracted to her, so
rituals) heterosexual targets of the same sex obviously could not
be affected by it. Obviously, many types of monsters can
These modifiers are cumulative. not be seduced - undead and constructs cannot, nor can
Retry: Generally, no. A mid wife can recheck the baby’s most outsiders, beasts, aberrations, or elementals. GM’s
birth, but previous checks will always bias her; adds +2 have final say on who can and can’t be seduced.
to the DC. In other tasks, once the baby is born it’s Check: This skill works in two ways, depending
born. on the witch’s intent. True seduction, when trying to
gain the attention of someone with only the intent of a
Ritual Casting ‘romantic relationship’ so to speak, roll a skill check with
(Con; Trained Only; Armor Check Penalty; Spellcasters a DC equal to 10 + target’s hit dice + their wisdom
only, cross-class Paladin, Ranger) modifier) Success means that the target is enamored with
You can combine your spell-casting powers the witch. Failure by more than 5 means the witch’s
with other witches. In addition you have learned to deal attempt went unnoticed. By less than 5, the witch’s
with the rigors that are intents were known but were
required to perform rejected anyway.
rituals. You can handle When attempting to
the long duration of the seduce someone for another
casting required to reason (to get information out of
draw in extra magical them, try and get them to do
power. something, etc.), the target first
Check: You makes a sense motive check
can attempt to cast opposed to the witch’s skill roll.
augmented and If the target succeed, he knows of
combined ritual casting the witch’s intentions. Regardless
spells that require an of his roll, the target must make a
hour or more of level check as above, except this
casting. Each hour, or time if he succeeded his sense
portion thereafter, motive check, he knows of the
requires a Ritual witch’s true intentions, and the
Casting check against a witch suffers a -10 to her skill
DC of 10 + spell level. check. If the witch succeed at her
Each check after the skill check, the target becomes
first one increases the enamored of her. When dealing
DC by +1 until the end with a target that is enamored, the
of the casting. A failed witch can gain a +3 bonus to
Ritual Casting check bluff and diplomacy checks
results in a loss of against that target, with an
control over the additional +1 bonus for every two
magical powers being points the witch beats the DC by.
harnessed. See Some NPCs do not need
augmented and combined ritual casting sections for to be seduced; they simply might
results of the failure. be promiscuous. When GM’s determine that the target is
Retry: No. ready and willing to engage in any sort of sexual activity,
Special: If you have 5 or more ranks of the witch gains a +5 bonus, with no chance to be
Concentration, you get a +2 synergy bonus on Ritual rejected as noted above. Sometimes, just because a
Casting checks. This skill is cross-class for paladins and person was enamored does not mean they would be
rangers. willing to engage in any sort of sexual activities. If the
target has a viable reason not to engage in any sort of
sexual activity (for instance, a celibate paladin, or a
Seduction happily married shopkeeper), he receives a will saving
(Cha, untrained) throw with the DC of the skill check to keep from
Use this skill to seduce someone using the engaging in any sort of risqué activity.
witch’s own alluring assets. Seducing someone generally

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats
GMs would be encouraged to add in any other Increase Instantaneou n/a 12
modifiers they deem necessary (for instance, a man Another’s s
married for 23 years happily is less likely to fall for a Sexual
seductress than a man who’s never been wed.). In Experience
situations like the above, they receive a +1 bonus for Ignore 15 min. 10 min. 15
each year they’ve been involved in a relationship, plus Fatigue** for each
their significant others charisma modifier. For characters DC over
celibate because of their class (like the above example, a 15
particular order of celibate paladins, or a witch with the Alter your own 15 min. n/a 15
celibate casting feat), they may add their total levels of mood (negates
the class in their saving throw. For instance, if trying to emotion
seduce a level 4 witch/level 6 rogue, the celibate casting effect***)
feat is obviously part of the witch’s abilities, not the
rogue’s, so the target would receive a +4 bonus to their Alter another’s 15 min. n/a 17
saving throw. mood (negates
Retry: Yes, however, it may be useless because emotion
after the initial check fails, the target probably will be effect***)
more likely to resist to seducer. All further attempts to Create 5 min. 1 minute 20
seduce a target who passed a sense motive check once pleasurable for each
automatically fails the initial opposed skill roll, though experience in DC over
the target still has the chance to fail his will save. person by 20
Special: If the witch has 5 or more ranks in touch only
bluff, sense motive, or diplomacy, she gains a +2 synergy Create Instantaneou 1 minute 30
bonus to those skills. These bonuses stack. Also, the pleasurable s for each
witch’s gather information checks gain a +2 synergy experience in DC over
bonus assuming she can question people she could person by a 30
seduce, however, her ranks in gather information provide single touch
no bonus to her seduction skill. Ignore pain 5 min. 1 minute HP
for each Damage
Tantra DC over
(Cha, Trained Only) Allow another 5 min. 1 minute HP
Tantra is the knowledge of the spiritual person to for each Damage
connection to ones body. Its uses are varied, and with ignore pain DC over
enough time and practice, you can move your body to do
great things. Special: A person with five or more ranks in Heal gains
Generally, using Tantra requires at least fifteen a +2 synergy bonus with Tantra, and vice versa. The
minutes of preparation, done by a combination of difficult stretches necessary to use tantra also help in
stretching and meditation, though some things can be flexibility, and those with five or more ranks in Tantra
done instantaneously. receive a +2 synergy bonus to their Heal skill.
Using Tantra on someone else requires that the
witch be able to touch him or her. Using Tantra usually *After the duration has expired, the subdual damage
involves rubbing muscles and activating special sensory returns.
areas called chakra. **You can not ignore fatigue from a lack of sleep with
this skill.
Use Time Duration DC ***Magical emotion affects apply a DC modifier equal to
Heal subdual 15 min 10 min. 15 the caster level of the spell or ability.
damage on for each
self* DC over
(Con, Trained Only)
Heal Subdual 15 min 10 min. 17
Yoga is the mastery of mind and body. While
Damage on for each
the witch will not attain the levels of a Yogi master, she
another* DC over
can use the same principles. Yoga requires one hour of
meditation and breathing exercises per day to gain its
Increase Instantaneou n/a 10 benefits. The witch can heal faster (+1 per levels taken
Sexual s extra hp per day) while in Yoga trance. Yoga also
Experience for

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats
increases the witch’s concentration, so once per day she
can add +1 per skill level to any to hit or damage. Astromancy [General, Magical]
If the yoga trance is interrupted before the hour Spells increase or decrease in power based on
is complete the witch will not gain any of the benefits certain celestial events.
listed here. Prerequisite: Astrology: 5 Ranks, Spellcaster
Special: A witch with Concentration gains a synergy Benefit: Depending on the frequency of the celestial
bonus while in a yoga trance. However the witch must be event, the witch’s powers increase. However, this ability
concentrating on the task she is setting out to do and has a downside; for the opposite incursion, the caster
nothing else. That is, she can not use the Yoga trance to may suffer a penalty.
heal and connect rate on a problem at the same time.
A witch with five of more levels of Tantra can add an Event Effect
addition +1 to healing while in a yoga trance. Event happens daily +1 to DC of saving throws
Note: Yoga is not a replacement for Concentration for (sun up, sun down)
use with the Combat Casting feat. Event occurs monthly +2 to DC of saving throws,
(full moon, new +1 to each die modifier.
Witch Feats moon)
This section introduces a new feat grouping, Event occurs roughly +4 to DC of saving throws,
Witch Feats. Witch feats are quasi-magical feats that annually (solar/lunar +2 to die modifier, spells cast
allow to user to perform extraordinary acts usually equinox, lunar eclipse) as quickened (casting times
reserved to spells. The feats themselves are either quasi- doubled on opposed time)
magical, effect some skill in a magical manner or effect Event occurs less than Saving Throw DC +8, cast as
some previous magical ability. Typically these feats are once a year (solar quickened, empowered.
available only to witches, but GMs might wish to open eclipse) (casting time doubled, cast as
some or all of them to other classes, typically spellcasters. caster level –1d4)
Epic level feats are detailed in detailed in Core Event occurs AC gains a +2 bonus,
Rulebook II, version 3.5. extremely rarely, but Initiative +2, and 1 ability
lasts for more than a store gains +2 bonus.
Animal to Human day (comet visible,
The witch is able to polymorph her familiar into planet in particular
the witch’s race once per day. constellation)
Prerequisite: a familiar.
Benefit: The caster can polymorph her familiar (as the The opposite times (when the caster will be less
spell polymorph other, except that the spell lasts until the powerful) are listed below.
caster chooses to dispel it.) into a member of witch’s
race. The caster cannot change the sex of the familiar. Aura of Undead Disruption [General]
The familiar has the ability to speak in this form. The character is surrounded by positive energy,
However, the familiar retains its original hit points and weakening undead.
saving throws, and may not engage in strenuous Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level Divine Spells
situations (such as heavy lifting, running, spell casting, or Benefit: When in a 5’ radius with undead or creatures
combat). If the familiar attempts this, she will revert to harmed by positive energy, the creatures receive a -2 to
her original form. it’s AC, attack roll, and skill checks.
In this form, the witch gains an additional +5 to
her disguise checks. This stacks with the +10 bonus to
disguise that the initial polymorph would also grant.

Table 4-2: Astromancy Frequency Chart

Event Opposed by Frequency

Daytime Nighttime Very Common
Full moon New Moon Common
Equinox or Solstice Cross Quarter day Uncommon (4 times per year)
Lunar Eclipse Morning After Eclipse Rare
Solar Eclipse Day After Eclipse Very Rare
Comet Week after Comet disappears Very Rare
Planet in Constellation Planet found in opposing Constellation Extremely Rare

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats

Cast Magic Circle [Metamagic] Charm Resistance [Witch]

The witch can augment her spell casting via the The witch becomes immune to certain charms
creation of a magic circle. Prerequisite: Spellcaster Level 9th, Wis 13+
Prerequisites: Spellcaster level 5+, Craft (Magic Circle); Benefit: The witch becomes immune to compulsion
5 Ranks or Knowledge (Arcana); 5 Ranks magic when cast by creatures of lower hit dice than her
Benefits: With the Cast Magic Circle feat the level plus her wisdom modifier. The witch is not
witch can imbue magic circles that will grant special immune from charm attacks by creatures with higher hit
effects while standing in the circle, depending on the type die, she may add +4 to her save.
of magic circle created.
Creating a magic circle only costs what the item Craft Magic Candle [Item Creation]
used to draw with costs. For example a witch could With Craft Magic Candle the witch can create a
create a magic circle out of salt or simply drawn into the magic candle with spell-like effects.
dirt. Unfortunately, a stray wind or a clumsy party Prerequisites: Spellcaster, Knowledge (Witchcraft) 5
member could wreck the circle, which would ruin it Ranks, Craft (Candle-making) 4 ranks.
completely. More crafty and elegant witches will paint Benefits: The witch can create a magical candle. Crafting
the circles into the ground, or sometimes create them out a candle takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price.
of tile in their home. Chapter 6: Magic details what sort of candles maybe
Creating a magic circle costs 200 xp for every 5’ created and which spells are required.
diameter the circle, regardless of material. The time it The base price of this feat is 50 GP multiplied by the
takes to craft a magic circle is often dependent on what your level multiplied by the spell level. The XP cost is
was used to create it. Placing the final enchantments on 1/25 of this base cost (rounded up). The material
the circle takes 1 minute per foot in its diameter. So if component cost is half of the base cost (special waxes,
the witch were to create a 20’ long Thaumaturgic Magic dyes and styluses for inscribing). The witch or any other
Circle out of tile in her home, it would require an 800 xp person regardless of class or alignment may use a magical
sacrifice, and would take 20 minutes to enchant, plus the candle.
time it actually took to craft the magic circle out of tile. Magic Candles can normally only be used once.
The type of magic circle created are listed in However, by multiplying the cost by 1½, you can create a
Chapter 6: Magic, Magic Circles. A magical circle can also be candle that can be reused once. Nevertheless, a witch
created to augment any ritual casting. still must pay the extra cost in XP. For example, a Black
Candle of Negativity Removal that is larger than normal
Celibate Casting [General, Magical] normally costs 200 GP in raw materials now costs 300 in
The witch can increase the power of her spells raw materials plus now costs 48 XP instead of 32.
by not expending personal energies and exerting them Note: In games with few magical candles this feat can be
through magic. removed in favor of candles being made with the Craft
Prerequisite: Con 13+, Tantra 4 ranks, Celibacy, for at Wondrous Item feat.
least the past month.
Benefit: As long as she remains completely celibate, she Create Magic Cord [Item Creation]
gains a +2 bonus to the DC of saving throws of spells With Create Magic Cord the witch can create a
you cast. If you engage in any form of a sexual activity, magic cord with spell-like effects.
you receive a -2 penalty for the next two weeks, and no Prerequisites: Spellcaster level 2+, Knowledge,
penalty for the two weeks following. After 4 weeks have Witchcraft; 2 Ranks, Profession (Weaver) or (Spinner), 1
passed, the benefit resumes as long as she has remained rank.
celibate. If she breaks her vow of celibacy again, the Benefits: The witch creates a magical cord. Chapter 6:
process starts over. Magic details what sort of cords maybe created and which
GM’s Note: This feat is geared toward witches of covens spells are required.
whose ideologies centers around gender, fertility, love, or The base price of this feat is 25 gp multiplied by the your
other sexual energies. Witches of Artemis who vow never level multiplied by the spell level. The XP cost is 1/25th
to lay with a man are prime users of this feat. The GM of this base cost (rounded up). The material component
may wish to disallow it to wizards, bards, sorcerers, or cost is half of the base cost (special hairs, dyes or
clerics of faiths that has little to do with celibacy, or with materials). The witch or any other person regardless of
groups that are not capable of handling mature themes. class or alignment may use a magical cord.
Note: In games with few magical cords this feat can be
removed in favor of cords being made with the Craft
Wondrous Item feat.

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats
Create Talisman [Item Creation, Witch] half this base price. Any spell components or XP costs
With Create Talisman the witch creates the required for the base spell are added to the final costs of
weakest of all magical items, a talisman. the potion.
Prerequisite: Membership of a witch tradition. Each
tradition has slightly different means of teaching this feat Divine Dominion [Special]
to their new members. COPYRIGHT 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
Benefit: The witch may create the simplest of all magical from the Netbook of Feats
items, a Talisman. A Talisman can hold only one spell Add one additional domain to your divine
(or cantrip, charm or hex) of a maximum of 3rd level. casting repertoire
The talisman can be made of stone, paper, clay or any Prerequisite: 6 or more ranks in Knowledge (religion)
object that can be written upon. The object must be Benefit: Select a third domain from your deities domain
used for this purpose only. Talismans can only be used list. All spells within the new domain list are considered
once. After use the medium that was written on become domain spells for you.
unusable for other talismans. Spells that may be used for Special: You do not gain the domain powers granted,
talismans are indicated in Table 1-3: Witch Spell Lists. you only gain the ability to use the domain spells listed as
This is an item creation feat that all witches gain domain spells for your character. This feat is only usable
for free. by clerics and can only be taken once.
The base price of this feat is 10 gp multiplied by Comments: This feat was designed to give a cleric access
the your level multiplied by the spell level (not the price to another domain from their deities domain list without
for a similar item in the Core Rulebook II). The XP cost is giving them all of the extra abilities. All it means is that
1/25 of this base cost (rounded up). The material they can use the new domains domain list when selecting
component cost is half of the base cost. The witch or domain spell. This might seem underpowered at first, but
any other person regardless of class or alignment may use when combined with Greater Divine Dominion, this feat
a talisman. is quite balanced.
For example: a 1st level witch creates a talisman Note: This feat is included for completion’s sake. The
of Charm Person (1st level), she chooses to inscribe a flat witch cannot gain any added benefit from this feat.
piece of clay with a charm symbol. The base cost for this
item is 10 gp, then the XP cost is 10/25 or 0.4 XP Extra Familiar [General]
(rounded to 1 XP) and the material costs (clay, special
COPYRIGHT 2001, Paul W. King
incense, a special stylus) is 5 gp. So the witch will spend
Prerequisites: 4 ranks of Knowledge (Arcana). Already
5 gold pieces and 0.4 xp (rounded to 1 xp) points to
permitted to have a familiar
make this item. Regardless of complexity, a Talisman can
Benefit: The character can obtain more than one
be made in one day.
Normal: Characters are typically only allowed to have
GM’s Note: This item creation feat is designed to give one familiar
the witch a more unique feel. If GM’s wish they may Special: For each successive familiar that a character
open it up to other spellcasters when they have the ability binds, there is an XP and gp cost involved. The second
to cast 3rd level spells. familiar bound would cost 100 XP and 200 gp; the third,
an additional 200 XP and 300 gp; the fourth, an
Distil Potion [Item Creation] additional 300 XP and 400 gp; etc.
The witch can distil potions, and can also Notes: This feat can be taken more than once; however,
control the potency of the potion. if each successive time increases the prerequisite rank in
Prerequisites: Spellcaster 7th level or Venefica 6th level, Knowledge (Arcana) by 2. However, if a character loses
Brew Potions more than 1 familiar within the same year-and-a-day,
Benefit: This feat is similar to the Brew Potions feat, save their penalties increase. Under normal circumstances, if a
that stronger, more powerful potions, poultices, libations, character loses a familiar, they need to make a Fort save
or philters may be made. Spells 6th level and lower may against a DC of 15. If they fail, they lose 200 XP/caster
be used in the potion’s construction. The witch can level. However, each additional familiar lost increases
create any potion from any spell that she can cast at the DC by 2 and the XP lost by 100/ caster level. For
seventh level or lower. Distilling a potion takes 1 day. example, a character loses 3 familiars within the same
When she creates a potion, she sets the caster level. Her year-and-a-day. The first one is a save vs. 15, and if it
level must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and fails, 200 XP/caster level. The second is a save vs. 17,
no higher than her own level. The base price of a potion and if it fails, 300 XP/caster level. The third one is a
is its spell level multiplied by the witch’s level multiplied save vs. 19, and if it fails, 400 XP/caster level. The
by 75 gp. To distil a potion, the witch must spend 1/25 character will have to wait a year-and-a-day from the
of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats
death/dismissal of each familiar before they can replace Benefit: You gain the domain powers from the domain
him or her. selected using the Divine Domain feat or from your
patron as a witch.
Familiar Spell [Epic] Special: This feat is only usable by clerics and can only
Prerequisite: Int 25 (if your spellcasting is controlled by be taken once.
Intelligence) or Cha 25 (if your spellcasting is controlled Comments: It takes two feats to gain all of the powers
by Charisma). Must be 21st level (Epic) or higher. of having added a third domain to your clerics repertoire.
Benefit: Choose one spell you know of 8th level or All in all, it is quite a balanced method when you
lower. Your consider that it can’t be used for a 4th domain.
familiar (or Note: The witch gains coven spells from her Patrons in
choice of the same manner a Cleric gains domain spells from their
familiar if you Deity. This feat will give the witch access to the domain
have multiple) powers detailed with the coven spells.
can now cast
this spell once Harming Touch [Witch]
per day as a Using a small amount of magic, the witch can
spell-like ability drain hit points from a target.
as a caster of a Prerequisites: Able to cast 4th level divine spells, Wis
level equal to 13+
your caster level. Benefit: With a successful touch attack, the witch deals
You cannot 1d4 points of damage to a target (fort save negates), and
bestow a spell for every 2 points of damage inflicted, she gains 1 hit
upon your point. This attack will not affect creatures immune to
familiar if the critical hits, undead, or constructs. The damage is a
spell normally supernatural ability, and counts as a +1 weapon for
has a material damage reduction purposes. Use of this spell is
component cost considered an evil act.
of more than 1
gp, or any XP
Immunity of the Faerie [Witch]
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time The witch becomes strong against weapons that
you take the feat, you can give your familiar a new spell- are not made of pure iron.
like ability, or another daily use of the same spell-like Prerequisites: Witch Level 5+
ability. Benefit: The witch gains damage reduction 1/cold iron.
This feat can only be applied to one spell per Special: This feat can be taken more than once. Its
one familiar. For example to give three familiars two bonuses are cumulative.
spells each would require taking the feat six different
times. Improved Familiar [General]
This feat allows spellcasters to acquire a new
Fear Resistance [Witch] familiar from a nonstandard list, but only when they
The witch’s patron has made her more resistant could normally acquire a new familiar.
to fear. Prerequisites: Ability to acquire a new familiar,
Prerequisite: Spellcaster Level 6+ compatible alignment, sufficiently high level (see Chapter
Benefit: The witch is completely immune to all fear- 6: Magic, Familiars).
based attacks from creatures with hit dice less than her Benefit: When choosing a familiar, the creatures listed
level + her wisdom modifier, and she can gain a +4 below are also available to the spellcaster. The spellcaster
bonus against fear based attacks from creatures whose hit may choose a familiar with an alignment up to one step
dice exceed her own. away on each of the alignment axes (lawful through
chaotic, good through evil).
Greater Divine Dominion [Special]
COPYRIGHT 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
Improved Metamagic [Epic]
from the Netbook of Feats Prerequisites: Four metamagic feats, Spellcraft 30 ranks.
Gain the domain powers from a divine Benefit: The spell slot you must use to cast a metamagic
dominion. spell is one level lower than normal (to a minimum of
one level higher than normal).
Prerequisite: Divine Dominion OR Witch belonging to
a coven.

Liber Mysterium: Skills and Feats
This feat has no effect on a metamagic feat that requires Heightened spell of 2 levels higher. It can be stacked with
a spell slot one level higher than normal or does not any other appropriate metamagic feat.
require a higher level slot.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The Spell Knowledge [Epic]
effects stack, though you can’t lower the level of any Spell Knowledge [Epic]
metamagic spell’s slot to less than one level higher than Prerequisites: Ability to cast spells of the maximum
normal. normal spell level of an arcane spellcasting class.
Benefit: You learn two new arcane spells of any level up
Improved Spell Capacity [Epic] to the maximum level you can cast. This feat does not
Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells of the normal grant any additional spell slots.
maximum spell level in at least one spellcasting class. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times.
Benefit: When you select this feat, you gain one spell
slot per day of any level up to one level higher than the Sylvan Empathy [General]
highest level spell you can already cast in a particular The witch is able to commune empathetically
class. The character must have the requisite ability score with nature.
(10 + spell level) in order to cast a spell stored in such a Prerequisite: Knowledge; Nature: 4 ranks
slot. If the character has a high enough ability modifier to Benefit: With a successful Knowledge: Nature check
gain one or more bonus spells for this spell level, she also (DC 15), the witch are able to understand basic things
gains those bonus spells for this spell level. about the local ecosystem. This ability does not grant the
This feat can’t grant spellcasting ability to a class ability to Speak with Plants, as per the spell, but can tell
that doesn’t have spellcasting ability. A character must general things about how the plants are feeling. These
use the spell slot in a class of which she can already cast things would include fear (possibly of lumbering or an
the maximum normal spell level. approaching forest fire), happiness (a new ranger is in the
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. area) or anger (humans have been needlessly abusing the
Kiss Spell [Metamagic] In addition, with this feat you can use your Animal
The witch can administer spells requiring a Empathy skill as if it were Diplomacy to get aggressive
touch attack with greater power through a kiss. plants to back down.
Prerequisite: Able to cast 2nd level Arcane Spells.
Benefit: Only a spell that targets a single living target and Unnatural Sleep Resistance [Witch]
requires a saving throw can be used as a kiss spell. The The witch’s patron has made her more resistant
normal touch attack becomes a kiss. Any spell that is to unnatural sleep.
applied with a kiss raises the DC of the saving throw by Prerequisite: Spellcaster Level 6+
6. Doing so renders the spell useless in combat Benefit: The witch becomes completely immune to
situations. unnatural sleep, as caused by spells, poisons, or potions
Like most metamagic feats a spell must be prepared as a of sleep. This is a supernatural ability.
kiss spell in advance. A kiss spell must be prepared at one
spell slot higher than normal.
A spell delivered through a kiss can also be empowered, as
described in the feat Empower Spell or it can be cast as a

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft

Chapter V: Covencraft
First Witch asset or worst enemy. Remember that a witch’s motives
“When shall we three meet again? are not necessarily those of other powerful NPCs. She
could simply use the PCs as one small strand in a massive
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
and complex web of intrigue. On the other hand, the
witch may rely on the PCs for the nasty business of
Second Witch monster bashing while she weaves intricate spells to
When the hurly-burly’s done. protect and aid her party.
When the battle’s lost and won. Witch Player Characters should be handled with
great care. As with any other character class too much of
Third Witch a good thing is bad. Witches, like mages, start out in the
That will be ere the set of sun... game relatively weak. But also like their mage brothers,
Fair is foul, and foul is fair they vastly grow in power. Like priests, witches should
Hover through the fog and filthy air”. be looked to as sources of wisdom and insight. If there
are more than one or two witch characters in an
adventuring party it should be assumed that they are both
Macbeth, member of the same coven. Covens guard their secrets
Act I, Scene I and spells very carefully; a witch is not likely to work with
another witch of a different coven. Even similarly
aligned covens are wary of each other.

M ost player characters have associations that

they can or do belong to. Wizards have
schools; priests have their churches and
their faith. Fighters and thieves may belong to a guild.
Unfortunately, due to the mysterious nature of
witches, many are often hunted and killed. Granted there
are evil witches, aligned with unspeakable things from the
Infernal Planes, there are also good and neutral witches.
Witches have their covens. Besides the role of providing A witch, if she is known to be a witch, will be under
the witch what she needs to be considered a witch, suspicion from all, save her closest of associates and
covens also provide the social background that witches friends. Many witches will disguise themselves as clerics
have. Many join with a coven either when they are or mages. However, disguise is not a witch’s function,
children or very young. therefore she may still be caught. In some areas paranoia
Most witches belong to a coven. Covens of witches runs so high that actual clerics, mages or
provide the framework for worship, training for specific psions may actually be charged with witchcraft. The GM
abilities, and the environment for learning magic. must design the specifics of his campaign worlds and
Covens give the witch with her sense of identity. It is laws made to deal with “witches”. Of course not all
what makes her a witch. witches are content to hide in the shadows or under
The number of members will vary by the guise. Some witches are quite open and honest with their
Goddess worshipped. A coven can have any number of craft. This will all depend on the nature, personality, and
members, but are usually groups of 12 witches with 1 alignment of the witch’s patron.
leader (13 members) of the same tradition. A coven can Witches should add spice and variety to your
consist of as little as three witches or as many as 19. campaign world, both good and evil witches. Witches are
When not adventuring a witch may spend a among the most powerful and complex of the
great deal of time with her coven. Like a priest and their spellcasters. Many of the details have been left up to the
church, the coven is the center of the witch’s religious player’s and the GM’s discretion. For instance, she may
life. Covens become a second, or sometimes first, family wish to design specific daily rituals for his witch, or she
to the witch. The coven often contains members of the may wish to expand on the witch’s relationship with her
same family. It is no wonder that witches from the same patron. Who exactly are they? Where are they? The
coven will refer to each other as “sister” or “brother”. GM is encouraged to experiment with the witch class, as
No witch will ever betray her coven, even under long as she avoids the temptation to make her excessively
the prospect or reality of torture. It is believed that the powerful.
first witch to do so was labeled as the first Warlock.
Witch’s Name
Covens and Game Play When a witch enters a coven she is sometimes
given a coven, witch, or echt name. This is the name that
First and foremost witches should be used as a
the witch uses in the coven, in her rituals, and it part of
vehicle of which interest and mystery can be added to the
her personal symbol. A witch PC will never use her own
campaign. NPC witches will either act as a PC’s greatest

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
or some else’s coven name in public. This name is used sometimes represent the Maiden, Mother and Crone
for magical, coven and worship purposes only. aspects of the Goddess. Other officers are, Scribe -
secretary (air), Pursewarden - treasurer (earth), Minstrel -
Witch’s Mark lore keeper (water), Watcher - security officer (fire),
At entry to some covens the witch may receive Guide - youth advisor, Archivist – librarian.
a special mark on her body Others maybe
that identifies her as a witch. determined as needed, and in
This mark, which can be small covens one witch may
almost anything, is usually perform many duties. These
small, well hidden, and offices maybe voted on, or
insensitive to pain. The volunteered for. Typically
mark usually appears as a the term lasts one year and is
small mole or raised area on chosen at the next holy
the skin. Any witch can season. Officers may wear a
recognize another witch due special color cord or some
to this mark. Unfortunately other badge of office that
for the witch, Witch- distinguishes them from
Hunters also have learned other members.
how to recognize the mark.
This mark can never be Coven Names and
removed. Only the witch’s Symbols
patron can remove a witch’s A coven often
mark. If the witch ever falls chooses a name that
into disfavor with her deity, describes what they do or
this mark will grow to an how they have come
unsightly blemish or other together. A symbol is chosen
skin deformity. and this becomes the
“signature” of the coven. A
Duties of the Coven witch might make her own
Witches are usually personal symbol based on
their patron’s direct the covens.
representation in the mortal There could be
realms. They further their patron’s name through actions hundreds of covens with the name “Coven of the
and deeds, not in words as priests might. Needless to say Goddess”, but most covens, even if that name would suit
the witch does not spend a great deal of time educating them, feel that a bit more originality is required. A coven
or preaching to the flock of worshipers. Common rites that met for the first time on a rainy night may decide to
performed by a witch are birth rites, marriage rites call themselves the “Crying Sky Coven,” “Grove of the
(known as Handfastings), changes of the season, and death Living Elm,” or, like the followers of the fire goddess
or funeral rites. A village witch may also provide spells Brigit, “Daughters of the Flame”. Other names could
for a service or payment. Any witch can provide their even be whimsical or mythic, such as the “Laughing
potions for sale or use. Most common potions are Dragon Coven”.
healing, for telling fortunes and casting love or curse
spells for others. The Coven, Lay-Witches and the Cowan
As the witch exists within the context of the
Officers coven, the coven exists in the context of the larger
The highest level witch of the coven is usually, community. The witches coven makes a distinction
but not always, chosen to be the leader of the coven. The between lay-witches and the cowan. Lay-witches or
leader of the coven is called the High Priestess (or High Hedge-witches are anyone that shares the belief system
Priest) regardless of her actual level. It is her of the witch, but does not worship or is a member of the
responsibility to guide the worship proceedings and to coven. Lay-witches can include priests or clerics of
instruct the new initiates. The High Priestess does not similar ideas, druids, various types of wizards, sorcerers
have to work alone. There are other offices that a witch and normal humans. Hedge-witches are those individuals
may hold within the coven. These offices have no game that do follow the witch’s belief system, but are not
benefits, but can add flavor to role-playing the witch. initiated into any form of coven or tradition. Hedge-
Some examples of officers and their roles are: witches are detailed in Chapter 3, Mystical Paths and are
Coven Council – elders or leaders of the coven. much the same as Adepts presented in Core Rulebook II.
Usually the council consists of three members. They The Cowan are everyone else that does not share the

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
witch’s belief and are very likely an enemy of the witch’s Table 5-1: Covenstead benefits
coven. This can also include other types of witches. Time
This is also used to denote any non-witch. Covenstead Benefits
Witches do not share their coven secrets with has stood
either lay-witches or cowans. Only witches within the 1 month Hallow spell
coven are privy to the coven’s secrets. 3 months Protection extends to Ethereal
1 year Protection extends to the Astral
Degrees & Circles 10 years Protection extends to 1,000’ in any
Sometimes a witch coven will grant degrees plane that touches the covenstead’s
upon a witch. A Degree is a subjective measure of power home plane
and is used for social reasons or coven advancement
only. A good rule of thumb is that witches of 2nd to 6th Any witch that belongs to a permanent
level belong to the First Degree, witches of 7th to 13th covenstead runs an additional +1 to Spot checks per time
level belong to the Second Degree and finally witches of spotted at the covenstead to being discovered as a witch.
14th to 20th level are called Third Degree witches. Some This applies to both witches and warlocks.
covens will call these Circles instead of degrees. A witch
might add these to her name as a title, or as a show of Temporary
power. Most witches though find this practice a bit A temporary covenstead lacks many of the
pretentious. In any case witches of 1st level are always features found in the permanent covenstead listed above,
called Initiates. but its members do not suffer an extra penalty to be
Not all witches use Degrees or Circles. Other discovered. Plus, since it is temporary the chance that
witches describe their members in terms of the Inner or any consecrated item kept there will be defiled or stolen
Outer Lodge. They refer to any witch of 10th level or is far less.
lower (with the exception of 1st Level Initiates) as
members of the Outer Lodge. Witches of 11th level or Other Types
higher are members of the Inner Lodge. These are often
Some covens may meet permanently in one
used by witches who have a lot of contact with Hermetic
spot, but that may not be the only function of that
Mages. Solitaries are the least likely to use any type of
physical locale. Examples include a room in a house that
social levels or titles.
is used for other things than coven business or a “sky
Regardless of whether or not a witch coven uses
thatched temple” which is outside. These places gain the
degrees, circles or lodges, a 1st Level witch is always
benefits and drawbacks of a permanent covenstead only
known as an “Initiate”
when at least 3 witches are present. Otherwise it treated
as a temporary one.
The Covenstead
The place where the coven physically meets is
known as the Covenstead. Here the altar and other Tools of the Craft
magical tools will be found. A covenstead may be a Witches rarely accomplish their goals on will
permanent building, or place that is used for nothing else. alone. Most, if not all, witches depend on tools, both
Or it may be a temporary place. mundane and magical. Certain tools are used in
Witchcraft for ritual purposes, such as to invoke their
Permanent patrons, banish negative influences and cast circles. While
Creating a permanent home for the coven has not all of these tools are necessary to practice witchcraft,
many advantages and a few disadvantages as well. To the witch will have at least one item that she has chosen
begin with a permanent covenstead can house all of the as a spell focus. This item is helpful in increasing
items required by the witch to perform her duties of concentration and directing energy (See Chapter 6: Magic).
worship. Consecrated items and the coven’s Book of Most tools correspond to certain elements of nature,
Law may be stored here for all of the witches’ use. Plus such as Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and are particularly
the coven can place great spells of protection here to helpful when performing rituals centering on that
guard these items. In addition, well-equipped covens particular element. Some of the tools may be difficult to
may even have room for a small library or research area. find, but the right one eventually comes to the witch.
A permanent covenstead gains the following Other tools are periphery in nature. Allowing
benefits after time. Time is measured from the second the witch to complete other duties of her craft.
full day that the coven has stood.

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
Ritual Tools Athame
The athame (pronounced ah-thah-may) is a
In order to properly carry out the greatest and most important magical knife that is commonly used in witchcraft. It is
Operations of the Art, various Instruments are necessary, as a never used for cutting or combat purposes, or for any
Knife with a white hilt, another with a black hilt, a short Lance, purposes outside the coven or spell-work. The athame is
wherewith to trace Circles, Characters, and other things. used in ritual to direct energy and is an instrument of
The Knife with the white hilt should be made in the day and hour power and manipulation. The blade is often dull and
of Mercury, when Mars is in the Sign of the Ram or of the double-edged and the handle is black or some other dark
Scorpion. It should be dipped in the blood of a gosling and in the color to absorb power. They are very fine quality and
juice of the pimpernel, the Moon being at her full or increasing in normally have to be specially made. Normal or magical
light. Dip therein also the white hilt, upon the which thou shalt knives, daggers or swords created for combat cannot be
have engraved the Characters shown. Afterwards perfume it with used.
the perfumes of the Art. Each witch will own her own athame for
With this Knife thou mayest perform all the necessary Operations of ceremonial purposes. The knife will have the witch’s
the Art, except the Circles. But if it seemeth unto thee too personal symbol of power and that of the coven
troublesome to make a similar Knife, have one made in the same somewhere on the handle.
fashion; and thou shalt place it thrice in the fire until it becometh A witch becomes very attached to her athame.
red-hot, and each time thou shalt immerse it in the aforesaid blood Since athames are used in all of the witch’s mundane and
and juice, fasten thereunto the white hilt having engraved thereon the magical rituals it begins to absorb a bit of magical energy.
aforesaid characters, and upon the hilt thou shalt write with the pen The witch can always locate her
of Art, commencing from the point and going towards the hilt, these athame as if it had a permanent
Names Agla, On. Afterwards thou shalt perfume and sprinkle it, Locate Object spell cast on it. A
and shalt wrap it in a piece of silken cloth. witch without her athame may
But as for the Knife with the black hilt for making the Circle, not be able to cast some spells.
wherewith to strike terror and fear into the Spirits, it should be Of course the witch may not
made in the same manner, except that it should be done in the day want to cast any spells without
and hour of Saturn, and dipped in the blood of a black cat and in her athame. Also due to its
the juice of hemlock, the Characters and Names shown in Figure magical focusing power, the
62 being written thereon, from the point towards the hilt. Which athame cannot rust and makes
being completed, thou shalt wrap it in a black silk cloth. saves as if it were a +1 dagger of
fine quality.
Chapter VIII, The athame is the tool
The Key of Solomon the King of the East and is associated
(Clavicula Salomonis) with the element of Air. In some
traditions it is the tool of Fire.
Tools are simply a way to direct and focus The athame is also phallic in
energy for magical workings. They have no power except nature and is therefore a
for what the witch gives them. Tools should be masculine tool and linked to the
consecrated, or cleansed, before use in a circle, to clear God.
them of any negative energy. Some witches have
Witches are expected to treat their ritual tools taken to using a Bolline, or a
with the utmost care. These items do not provide the white knife for practical
witch with power, but only allow them to focus the purposes. It is sharp and is used
energies of their patron. as a normal knife or dagger. It is
A witch can craft her ritual tools with an also used in rituals, but it is keep
appropriate Craft skill. Most of the items are very simple separate from the Athame.
(Broom, Staff) and have a DC of 10. Others require Losing one’s Bolline is an
more skill and materials (metal wand, cauldron) and have inconvenience, but not
a DC of 15. Special items like an engraved Athame, worrisome to the witch.
Bolline or a Chalice require a DC of 20. Some items will
need to be made as masterwork items if they are to be Broom
enspelled. Some items may be purchased instead, such as The broom, or Besom, often is used to purify
a cauldron or broom. Wands, staffs and athames need to space before a circle is cast. It is related to the element of
be made by the witch to be properly used. Water and is used in many water spells involving
Heirloom items can also be used, in particular cleansing. It also historically has been used to protect the
tools from a family tradition. home by laying it across the door.

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
To make a magic broom, it is suggested that nearly anything from a witch chalice. These are generally
you use an ash staff, birch twigs and a willow binding. rumors.
Ash is protective, birch cleansing and willow sacred to
the Goddess. The coven would use woods or elements Pentacle
sacred to their Goddess. Of all the symbols and tools used witchcraft,
The broom is associated with Water and is this is probably the most misunderstood. The pentacle is
sacred to both the God and Goddess. Unlike the usually a flat piece of metal or wood inscribed with a
athame, the broom can be used for mundane purposes. pentagram, a five-pointed star. When making a metal
pentacle, gold or brass is often preferred.
Cauldron The pentacle came from ceremonial magic and
Nothing better conjures up the stereotypical has been used in ritual and magic for thousands of years.
image of a witch than a cauldron. The cauldron is a It is used to represent feminine energy and to consecrate
symbol of the Goddess and corresponds to the element objects such as amulets and charms. The pentacle is also
of Water. It is used in ritual as a container in which a traditional symbol of protection and is one of the
magical transformations can occur and is often a focal official symbols of many witch traditions.
point of a ritual. During spring rites, it can be filled with The pentacle is the tool of the North and is
water and fresh flower petals and in winter, fires can be associated with Earth.
lighted within the cauldron to symbolize the rebirth of The pentacle is feminine in nature and
the Sun. It can also be filled with water and used for represents the Goddess. The pentacle, as used by good
scrying into the future. Cauldrons often are three-legged witches, has a single point of the star pointing up, which
and made of iron. They come in all sizes ranging from a is not to be confused with the Diabolic version which is
few inches in diameter to several feet across. inverted (two points up).
The cauldron is the tool of the West and is
associated with Water. The cauldron is feminine in nature Wand
and represents the Goddess, fertility and femininity. The wand, an instrument of invocation,
Unlike some of ritualistic items, the cauldron corresponds to the element of Air. It is sometimes used
can be used for mundane matters as well. to direct energy, to scratch magical symbols in the
ground or to stir the contents of a cauldron.
Censer Woods such as willow, elder, oak, hazel and apple are
The censer, or incense burner, represents the traditionally used for the wand, but any fairly straight
element of Earth. It can be a big, swinging metal piece of wood can work. Many witches carve special
contraption like those used in churches or a small symbols into the wood to personalize the wand. It is not
wooden stick incense holder, whichever coven requires. uncommon to see some truly beautiful wands made out
The use both the stick holders and the metal ones for of crystal with gems and stones set into them.
powdered incense are fairly common. These wands are normally mundane with only a trace
If the witch can’t find a suitable censer, a bowl amount of a magical aura. As the witch progresses in
filled with sand or salt works fine. The sand or salt power she opt to enchant her wand in some manner.
absorbs the heat from the charcoal, or incense sticks or Any wand found on or with a witch has a 5% chance per
cones can be pushed into it. character level of the witch of being enchanted to some
Many witches find that incense greatly increases their degree (either a magic item or via the craft Wand feat).
concentration and is especially useful in meditations or For thousands of years the wand has been used
scrying. in both magic and rituals. The wand is used mostly to
The censer is a tool of the element Air. invoke the God and Goddess, direct energy, and to
charge other objects. It is used to draw symbols on the
Chalice ground and even to stir the cauldron.
The altar chalice symbolizes fertility and is The wand is the tool of the South and is
related to the element of Water. associated with Fire. In some traditions it is the tool of
They are generally used to hold the ritual wine Air.
that is imbibed at the end of a rite, but it can also be used The wand is phallic in nature, is a masculine
for holding water for scrying or other ritual purposes. tool and is sacred to the Gods.
The chalice can be made out of any substance, from
silver or brass to wood or soapstone. When not in use Other Tools
the chalice should be stored away for safe keeping or These are some of the other tools that are used
displayed on the altar. by witches. For a few of these tools it is believed by some
Some legends state that a normal human can that they are a direct result of the persecution of witches
gain magical power by drinking holy water, blood, or over the centuries. Take the sword, for example. A sword
is long, cumbersome, and very visible. During the darkest

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
years of witch-hunts, for a villager, especially a woman, to Sword
possess a sword was very suspicious. Some believe that The Sword directly relates to the athame and
to blend in, to assimilate if you will, the sword became has the same attributes and uses. The sword is still used
the dark-handled knife (the athame). It was not unusual by many witches in ritual and magic. Like the athame, the
for all walks of life to possess daggers. The same applies sword must be dull and never used for combat purposes.
to the staff. The staff is several feet high and again, very
visible. Some believe the wand is a direct result of
“shrinking” the staff to a stick, something that could be Witch’s Tome
found in every home in one form or another. Of all the tools mentioned, nothing is more
important to a witch than her personal Librium or tome.
Bell They are often referred to in mystical names such as The
The bell is used for summoning spirits and for Book of Shadows or My Hidden World. They are also
starting vibrations. Bells can either be rung by the witch written in the coven’s own set of symbols and language.
or by the spirits she summons. It is believed that spirits This book is much more than a mere spell-book,
and fairies will ring bells when they enter a room. Bells although it serves that function as well. A witch’s tome
are rung to ward of bad spirits or to signify the beginning is very personal. Within its sacred pages are written her
or end of a ritual. spells and ceremonies. Rituals are recorded for later
The bell is a feminine symbol and is often used for study and memorization. A witch may also include her
summoning the Goddess. personal thoughts, her feelings, even things that will not
share with her coven. To obtain a witch’s tome is
Laybrys certainly a powerful weapon against the witch. To be
This is a small one handed, double bladed axe. invited to read its contents is the utmost gesture of trust.
Most often used by dwarven witches it serves the same Initiates copy from the coven’s Book by hand as part of
purpose of the Athame. While the Laybrys is in fact their entrance to the coven. A solitary may also keep a
sharp, it is not used for cutting mundane items and never Book.
as a weapon. Any witch without her tome cannot memorize
new spells or perform any of her official or ceremonial
duties. She can continue to cast and re-memorize spells
Mortar and Pestle she already has learned. A witch cannot advance in
Favored by herbalist, Venefica and any witch
levels or gain experience points past a new level until her
that works with potions. The mortar is the cup and a tome is recovered.
symbol of the Goddess. The pestle is used to grind the
Any other character that has possession of the
ingredient into powder and is the symbol of the God. witch’s tome has found a powerful weapon against the
Witches that use these as their spell focus, grind the
witch. Of course such a character may find themselves
material components in the mortar and focus the spell in great peril as well. Many tomes are cursed or
with the pestle like a wand.
somehow magically trapped to prevent such interference.
The pestle maybe used to draw symbols on the Curses, Symbols, and Wards may be employed to keep the
ground, or anything that a wand may do.
tome safe. Familiars or other guardians may be
These tools can be used for mundane purposes, physically present. A witch’s familiar can track down a
but most often the witch has another set for cooking.
stolen witch’s tome even if the tome ethereally or astrally
projected. Once the would-be thief has the tome reading
Staff it may be a different manner. Many tomes are disguised
The Staff directly relates to the wand and has with special script, both mundane and magical.
the same attributes and uses. Witches use staves very Since the witch is intimately familiar with her
frequently. Staves are generally considered to be the tome any spell that the witch can use to locate it always
tools of mages and wizards. has a 100% chance of success (DC 0). And heavens help
the thief who has angered the witch in such a personal
Stone manner.
The Stone is used in much the same way as the
pentacle and relates to it in many ways. It is a tool of the Contents
North and represents the Earth. For those of the Faerie Every tome will be different and unique as the
Tradition, the Stone has a very rich history. Again, the witch who owns it. There are some common elements
Stone is another tool that is often thought to be a trade that would normally be included in every tome. The
off for many witches. Where a pentacle can be an tome will also include prayers and devotionals, as well as
inflammatory symbol, much misunderstood, just about instructions for proper meditation.
everyone has rocks lying around in some form or

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
Power Ritual waning moon is used for banishing magic, for ridding of
Sometimes called the Focusing Ceremony, this addictions, illness or negativity.
is the ritual that the witch uses to summon her powers Dark Moon Ceremony: From ten and a half
and commune with her Goddess. It will be very similar to fourteen days after the full moon. The dark moon is a
to rituals of every other witch in her coven, but differ time for dealing with attackers, for exploring the darkest
greatly from coven to coven. The ritual can include recesses and understanding anger and passion. Also
things as drawing a power circle or other diagram. Ritual bringing justice to bear.
litanies may be spoken. Sacrifices may be required at this
point. Symbolism will be the heaviest here. If the Sidebar: Yearly Moon Ceremonials
patron deity is an agricultural Goddess, then grain may Witches track their lives and cycles by the
be offered or flowers for a god of spring. The Power waxing and waning of the full moon. These are the full
Ritual must be performed before the witch can ask for moons of the year and the months they normally occur
spells, powers or guidance. in. Each moon has a celebration attached to it
The power ritual prepares the witch for divine appropriate for the season.
knowledge and prepares the altar or holy place for the
Goddess’ presence. Friendly, or evil, spirits may be Wolf Moon – January.
invited if the Goddess so inclines. Horning Moon – February
This is also known as “Calling down the Storm Moon – March. The beginning of spring storms.
Moon,” “Casting circles,” and “calling quarters”. Seed Moon – April. When planting begins.
This ritual is performed every time the witch Hare Moon – May. First appearance of new rabbits in the
begins to learn her spells for the day. fields.
Meade Moon – June. When meade for honeymoons is
Ceremonials made.
Ceremonials are the witch’s rituals for certain Fallow Moon – July.
events that are periodically based. Rituals for the New Barley Moon – August. When barley is ready for harvest.
Moon, or the birth of a child are the most common. Wine Moon – September. When grapes are ready for
These are the witch’s forms of organized worship harvest for wine making.
outside the coven. Often these rituals performed with Blood Moon – October. Samhain.
the coven, but they may also be performed alone. It is Snow Moon – November. First snow fall.
expected that witch will perform these ceremonials when Oak Moon – Decemeber. Celebrations of the Oak King
they are expected, however the witch will not penalized if (Yule).
she misses one. If she continues to miss ceremonials Elder Moon – The Blue moon or 13th moon of the year.
then her god may begin to deny her powers, and
eventually her spells. Moon related ceremonials are the Closing Rituals
most common. Like the Power rituals that began the witch’s
holy time, closing rituals are required to signify the end.
Monthly Moon Ceremonials They are used to dismiss any spirits that have come to
New Moon Ceremony: New Moon workings ceremony and to close out the business of worship. It is
can be done from the day of the new moon to three and only after the closing ritual does witch gain the
a half days after. The new moon is for starting new knowledge or the power she was seeking. If magical
ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health diagrams were used then they are erased. If magical or
or adventuring. holy candles were used then the witch puts them out.
Many witches will begin new adventures at the new
Waxing Moon Ceremony: From seven to The Book of Law
fourteen days after the new moon. The waxing moon is Just as the Witch has her own personal tome to
for constructive magic, such as love, wealth, success, reflect her worship and relationship with the coven, the
courage, friendship, luck or health. coven has its own tome, The Book of Law. The coven’s
Full Moon Ceremony: From fourteen to tome will be very similar in nature to the witch’s personal
seventeen and a half days after the new moon. Prime tome. It is likely to be placed in very sacred place for the
time for rituals for prophecy, protection, and divination. coven and it usually left in the charge of the high
Any work that needs extra power, such as help finding a Priestess or the highest-ranking coven member. It also
new job or healing for serious conditions, can be done includes all of the coven’s ceremonies and rituals. It also,
now. Also, the full moon is a time for love, knowledge, regardless of the coven’s alignment, includes the laws,
legal undertakings, money and dreams. ethos and organization of the coven. It may also include
Waning Moon Ceremony: From three and a stories of the deity. It is treated much like that of any
half to ten and a half days after the full moon. The other cannon of a religious order. The coven’s Book of

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
Law will also radiate a faint magical aura. Stealing one Popular Mythos:
from a coven should be considered a suicidal act. Cerridwen’s Cauldron of Transformation;
Feeding the Morrigan; Sniggling the Cailleach;
The GM is of course encouraged to create any Festival of the Dark Goddess; The Dumb
other number or nature of rituals and ceremonies to suit Supper; Dancing with the Dead
the campaign world. Players should also be encouraged
to record the rituals required of their witch character. Feast of the Dead and the Witches’ New Year,
Although they are referred to as tomes, the official Samhain, the third and final harvest festival, celebrates
cannon and the witch’s personal writing could be in death and the passing of the soul into the next world.
nearly any form, as long as it a written medium. Death comes before Life in the Witch’s life cycle,
because before new growth can occur, there must be
GM’s Note: Even though some classical witches did not room for it. On this day the veil between this world and
keep a tome and some historical traditions forbade the the next is thinnest, so it is a time to remember and
writing of holy material, we will ignore that here for honor all those who died during the year. This is the
game play. Game witches need to keep a written tome time when souls that are leaving this physical plane can
for their personal use and the coven needs to keep one pass out and souls that are reincarnating can re-enter this
for coven business. This of course assumes that the plane. Many Witches prepare a Feast for the Dead on
witch has the necessary intelligence to read and write. Samhain night, where they leave offerings of food and
drink for those who have gone before.
Sabbats and Holy Days Samhain [pronounced “SOW-en”] is Celtic for
Sabbats are the official holy days, or “high” “Summer’s End.” For now, nights lengthen, winter
days, for witches. They are very similar to any holy days begins, and Witches work with the positive aspects of the
practiced by any other classes, in particular druids, and dark tides as the Sun God and Earth Mother fall into
some clerics. slumber. Darkness increases as the Goddess reigns as
A witch’s Sabbat will depend on the coven or the Crone, part of the triple-goddess that also includes
cult she belongs to, but these guidelines may be followed. the Maiden and Mother. The God, the Dark Lord,
By celebrating the natural cycle of the year through ritual, passes into the underworld to become the seed of his
witches can attune themselves to nature and the Divine own rebirth [which will occur again at Yule].
that is inherent in all things. There was a series of fire- In the British Isles, great bonfires blazed for the
festivals, occurring at 12-week intervals, and spaced Celtic festival of Samhain. The young people would
between the seasonal festivals of solstices and equinoxes disguise themselves with hideous masks and walk
(thus, a festival every six weeks.) These fire-festivals through the village carrying lanterns made from carved
would last three days, beginning at sunset on the first turnips, to ward off evil spirits. Jack-O-Lanterns were
day, and would be the best time for sacrifices and carved with hideous faces and left on doorsteps and in
divination. windows to keep evil from entering houses.
In the increasing star and moonlight of longer
Samhain/Witches’ New Year nights, many witches hone their divinatory and psychic
skills as the aid of spirits and guides from the other
Other names: Hallowmas, Samhuinn, Halloween, world can easily be enlisted at this time. As mentioned
Shadowfest, Martinmas, All Hallows Eve, Day of the before, Samhain is one of the two nights a year when the
Dead veil that separates this world from the next is at its
Dates celebrated: October 31, November 2, November thinnest. Magic done this night are generally divinations,
4, or when the sun is 15 degrees Scorpio asking advice of the dead, invocations honoring the dead,
Traditional Foods: Apples, Pears, Pomegranates, All and protection spells.
Grains, Pumpkin-pie, Hazelnuts, Cakes for the dead, Altars are generally dressed in blacks, oranges,
Corn, Cranberry muffins and breads, Ale, Cider, Herbal burnt reds, and rich yellows. Jack-O-lanterns, gourds,
teas (especially Mugwort) and Meat unless the Witch is a cider, and fall foliage can be used as altar decorations.
Herbs/Flowers: Calendula, Chrysanthemum, Yule/Winter Solstice
Wormwood, Hazel, Thistle
Incense: Mint, Heliotrope, Nutmeg, Sage or Floral Other names: The Winter Solstice, Yuletide, Alban
Woods and Herbs Burned: Apple, Heliotrope, Mint, Arthuan, Arthan, Modranicht [Mother Night]
Nutmeg, Sage Dates celebrated: December 20, 21, 22 or when the sun
Sacred Gemstone: Aquamarine is at 1 degree Capricorn.
Primary Focus of the Ritual: Transformation, Traditional Foods: Fruits such as Pears, Apples and
regeneration, honoring the dead, divination, honoring Oranges are served as well as Ginger tea, Cider and Pork.
the harvest, preparing for winter.

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
[These items can be prepared and served in many mistletoe is certainly something to have hung
different ways.] everywhere, as it brings luck and kisses.
Herbs/Flowers: Holly, Mistletoe, Ivy, Cedar, Bay,
Juniper, Rosemary, Pine Imbolc/Candlemas
Incense: Lilac, Bayberry, Cedar, Pine, Rosemary
Woods and Herbs Burned: Rosemary, Rosemary, Pine, Other names: Oimealg, Imbolg, Imbolgc Brigantia,
Cedar, Oak, Ash Lupercus, Disting, Lupercalia
Sacred Gemstone: Topaz Dates celebrated: February 2, or when the sun is at 15
Primary Focus of the Ritual: Rebirth and renewal, degrees Aquarius
“saining” or “blessings” in ritual form, burning of the Traditional Foods: All foods from the Dairy food
Yule log group, including cheese or sour cream, curries and dishes
Popular Mythos: made with peppers, onions, shallots, garlic and chives,
Battle of the Oak and Holly King [Oak King foods symbolic of the Sun are also appropriate, such as
wins], Divine King, the Stag and the Wolf; raisins
Festival of the Dark God [as seen in the Herbs/Flowers: Violet, Primrose, Snowdrop, Rowan;
German Belsnickle] all of the first flowers of the year
Return of Father Winter, aka Santa Claus. Incense: Lilac
Sacred Gemstone: Amethyst
This Sabbat represents the rebirth and second Primary Focus of the Ritual: New growth, end of
chances, and celebrates inception. Here, on the longest winter, rituals of purification, offerings to deity, candle
night of the year, the Goddess again gives birth to the rituals
Sun God and hope is reborn. Yule is a time of Popular Mythos:
awakening to new goals and leaving old regrets behind. Pouring milk on the ground, associated with the
Pagan families bring a live tree into the home so the goddess Brigit; laying the Cailleach to rest;
wood spirits will have a place to keep warm during the Lupercus [wolf god in Italian witchcraft];
cold winter months. Bells are hung in the limbs so you Lighting fires or candles in every room in
could tell when a spirit was present. Food and treats are honor of the Sun’s rebirth
hung on the branches for the spirits to eat and a five-
pointed star, the pentagram, symbol of the five elements, The Return of Light or Imbolc, translated as
is placed atop the tree. The colors of the season, red “in milk,” involves celebrations of inception, banishing
and green, also are of Pagan origin, as is the custom of the winter, and welcoming the spring. At the time of
exchanging gifts. A solar festival, Yule is celebrated by Imbolc, the newborn Sun God is seen as a small child
fire and the use of a Yule log, usually made of oak. A nursing from his Mother. At this phase of the cycle,
piece of the log is saved and kept throughout the year to winter is swept away and new beginnings are nurtured.
protect the home. That piece is used to light the next Some witch covens favor this time of year for initiations
year’s log. into the Craft. It is traditional at Imbolc to light every
Yule means “wheel,” for now the Wheel of the lamp in the house for a few minutes in honor of the
Year has reached a turning point, with the longest night Sun’s rebirth. The ewes begin lactating around this time
of the year. This is the seed point of the solar year, mid- of year, and it is a sign that winter is coming to an end.
winter, time of greatest darkness when we seek within Perhaps divinations were cast to determine when spring
ourselves to comprehend our true nature. would come.
As mentioned before, in virtually all witch This holiday is usually celebrated beginning at
traditions, this is the night of the Sun God’s rebirth and sundown on February 1 and continuing through the day
from this day forward, the days begin to lengthen, light is of February 2. Another name for this holiday is
waxing. The ancient Pagans lit fires or candles to Oimealg, meaning “milk of ewes” since it is also the
welcome the Sun’s returning light and the onset of traditional lambing season in the old world. This holiday
nature and the earth beginning to awaken. Yule is the is especially sacred to the Celtic Fire Goddess, Brigit,
remnant of early rituals celebrated to hurry the end of patron of smithcraft, healing, midwifery, and poetry. A
winter and bring the bounty of spring, when food was coven’s High Priestess may wear a crown of lights
once again readily available. Pagans celebrate Yule as a [candles] to symbolize the return of the Goddess to her
reminder that the ultimate product of death is rebirth. Maiden aspect, just as the Sun God has reached puberty.
Altars will be decorated in reds and greens, as Magic done on Imbolc are generally healing
stated above, but the true “altars” of the season will be magic, purifications of tools, love magic, and offerings to
the witch’s home, decked out for the festivities of the chosen deities.
Yuletide season itself. Being the Festival of Lights, red, Altars may be dressed in white with a green
green, and white candles are appropriate, and lots of swath of fabric, and red candles in brass candleholders.
them; they can be dressed in evergreens or pines, and Also, a book of poetry, a small anvil or metal-working

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
hammer, and dried herbs may be placed on the altar to the witch wishes to decorate her altar with must
honor Brigit. Any symbols of illnesses or injuries symbolize that first and foremost.
sustained during the year may be placed on the altar as
thanks or as symbols of help needed. Beltane/Mayday
Children conceived on Beltane are born on
Imbolc. Other names: Beltainne, Mean Earraigh, Bealteinne,
Beltaine, Roodmas, Calin Mai, Valpurga, Festival of Tana
Ostara/Spring Equinox Dates celebrated: April 30 or May 1, or when the sun is
at 15 degrees Taurus
Other names: Ostre, Mean Earraigh, Pasch, Caisg, Traditional Foods: Dairy Products, Oatmeal
Pesse, Alban Eiler , Vernal Equinox. Cookies/Cakes, or Marigold Custard
Dates celebrated: March 20, 21, 22, or when the sun Herbs/Flowers: Lily of the Valley, Hawthorn,
reaches 1 degree Aries Honeysuckle, St. John’s Wort, Woodruff
Traditional Foods: Leafy green vegetables, Dairy foods, Incense: Bayberry, Frankincense, Lilac, Rose
Nuts such as Pumpkin, Sunflower and Pine. Flower Sacred Gemstone: Agate
Dishes and Sprouts Primary Focus of the Ritual: Appearance of the
Herbs/Flowers: Daffodil, Jonquils, Woodruff, Violet, matured Horned God, fertility, protection of animals and
Gorse, Olive, Peony, Iris, Narcissus and all spring gardens, leaping the fire for a fortunate summer, love
flowers magic
Incense: Jasmine, Rose, Strawberry, Floral of any type Popular Mythos: Maypole dancing
Sacred Gemstone: Jasper
Primary Focus of the Ritual: Fertility, sunrise The Fires of Bel, bright and lucky fires of
ceremonies, offerings to the goddess of spring Beltane! Buoyant and colorful Spring has arrived, and
Popular Mythos: Return of the goddess from the the people give thanks. This is a day of fertility and life,
underworld [Persephone] of birth and growth, often the choice day for unsealed
handfastings. Beltane is the time of the sacred marriage,
The Spring Equinox is the point of equilibrium; that which honors the fertility of the Earth: the divine
the balance is suspended just before spring bursts forth union of the Lord and Lady. Festivities include weaving
from winter. Ostara represents birth and growth. a web of life around the Maypole and leaping the Beltane
Holiday festivals use brightly colored eggs as symbols of fire for luck. This is a time of self-discovery, love, union
life and the cosmic universe. Traditionally, Ostara is a and developing your potential for personal growth.
time for collecting wildflowers, walking in nature’s beauty “Beltane” means “the fire of Bel,” “lucky fire,”
and cultivating herb gardens. This is the time to free the and “bright fire.” As summer begins, weather becomes
witch from anything in the past that is holding her back, warmer, the plant world blossoms, and an exuberant
a time to bring balance back into the witch’s life. mood prevails. The sun is fully released from his
As Spring reaches its midpoint, night and day bondage of winter, and he’s ready to rule over summer
stand in perfect balance, with light on the increase. The and life once again. The counterpart to Samhain, it, too,
young Sun God now celebrates a hierogamy [sacred is a time when the veil between the worlds is again at its
marriage] with the young Maiden Goddess, who thinnest. While Samhain is a festival of death, Beltane is
conceives. In nine months, she will again become the a festival of life; this is a time of magic, protection,
Great Mother. It is a time of great fertility, new growth, fortune, and purification.
and newborn animals. The next full moon [a time of Celebrating Beltane includes frolicking through
increased births] is called the Ostara and is sacred to the countryside, Maypole dancing, athletic tournaments,
Eostre the Saxon Lunar Goddess of fertility [from feasting, music, drinking—enjoying life. Flowers are
whence we get the word estrogen] whose two symbols crucial at Beltane; they symbolize the victory of Summer
were the egg and the rabbit. over Winter, and the blossoming of sensuality in all of
Magics done at this time are generally those of nature. Water is another important component of
healing and fertility, and love magics. Personal change Beltane celebrations; water is life. The dew and wild
and growth magics are also done as well. water (flowing streams and springs) are collected and
Altars may be dressed in pastel yellows, pinks, used to bathe in for beauty, or to drink of for health, on
greens, blues, and, of course, silver for the Goddess. Beltane Morning.
Dyed eggs are usually found dressing the altars, as are Magics done on Beltane center around virility
statues or representations of faeries and rabbits, the and fertility, prosperity, and love. Incorporating sacred
Green Man, feathers, stones, flowers and greenery, or tantric sex would be an asset to spellcasting during
ribbons. If the witch uses an outdoor altar, small bird Beltane.
baths, animal feeders, and chimes are also a welcome Flower wreaths and garlands are typical
sight. Ostara is a celebration of growth and of life; what decorations for this Sabbat, along with ribbons and

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
streamers. The main color for Beltane is green, but red. If there’s alcohol to be had, for this ceremony,
white, red, yellow, blue, purple, and pink can also be mead should be used instead of wine.
incorporated for altar decoration. Beltane is vibrant, and
should be reflected in altar dressings. This is the time to Lammas/Lughnasadh
do prosperity spells, and love magic.
Children conceived on Beltane are born on Other names: Lammastide, Latha Lunasdal,
Imbolc. Cornucopia, Thingtide, Lughomass
Dates celebrated: August 1 or 2
Midsummer/Summer Solstice Traditional Foods: Apples, Grains, Breads and Berries
Herbs/Flowers: All Grains, Grapes, Heather,
Other names: Alban Heruin, Litha, Mean Samhraidh Blackberries, Sloe, Crab Apples, Pears
Dates celebrated: June 20, 21, 22, or when the sun is at Incense: Aloes, Rose, Sandalwood
1 degree Cancer Sacred Gemstone: Carnelian
Traditional Foods: Garden fresh fruits and vegetables Primary Focus of the Ritual: Bread harvest, first
Herbs/Flowers: Mugwort, Vervain, Chamomile, Rose, harvest, grain harvest, games of sport, blessing and
Honeysuckle, Lily, Lavender, Ivy, Yarrow, Fern, Elder, saining rites, payment of debts, weather magic
Wild Thyme, Daisy, Carnation, and Sunflowers, Popular Mythos:
especially. Marriage of Lugh to the Goddess [goddess
Incense: Jasmine, Lotus, Rose, Wisteria varies], sacrifice of fruits to the soil [depending on your
Woods and Herbs Burned: Oak area], season of handfasting
Sacred Gemstone: Emerald
Primary Focus of the Ritual: Love, marriage, Lammas, also called Lughnasadh, is the first of
divination, prosperity the three harvest festivals; it is the essential harvest
Popular Mythos: festival, to give thanks to Mother Earth [manifested as
Primary festival of the Horned God; Battle of Tailte, mother of Lugh, for the most part] for Her
Oak and Holly King [Holly King wins]; bounty. This is the celebration of the first fruits of the
Scandinavian Baldur [god of light]; the descent harvest. The Sun King, now Dark Lord, gives his energy
of the God or Goddess to the crops to ensure life while the Goddess prepares to
give way to her aspect as the Crone. The Sun God enters
Midsummer, or the Summer Solstice, the his old age, but is not yet dead. The God symbolically
longest day of the year, is a time of triumph for the light. loses some of his strength as the Sun rises farther in the
This holiday represents the Sun King in all his glory. In South each day and the nights grow longer.
many celebrations, this is when the Oak King, who Lughnasadh, another name for this Sabbat,
represents the waxing year, is triumphed over by the broken into two words, means “Oath” [Lugh]
Holly King, who represents the waning year. The two “Gathering” [nasadh]. Hence, many unsealed
are one: the Oak King is the growing youth while the handfastings [those lasting a year and a day] are held on
Holly King is the mature man. Midsummer Night’s Eve this day, as it is the season for prosperity. The cycle of
is supposed to be a good time to commune with field and life is celebrated; in death, there is life, and vice-versa.
forest sprites and faeries, and divination is enhanced by Lammas is the time to teach what you have learned, to
this. reap what you have sown, since this day originally
On this longest day of the year, light and life are coincided with the first reaping of the harvest. It was
abundant. At midsummer, the Sun God has reached the known as the time when the plants of spring wither and
moment of his greatest strength. Seated on his drop their fruits or seeds for our use as well as to ensure
greenwood throne, he is also lord of the forests, and his future crops.
face is seen in church architecture peering from countless Magic done at Lammas generally consists of
foliate masks. weather magic, prosperity spells for the coming year,
Midsummer magics are those of healing, protection spells, and invocations of thanksgiving to
prosperity, fertility, and love. deities.
Altar dressings and decorations are herbs, Altars decorated for Lammas/Lughnasadh will
flowers, and summertime fruits Herbs are listed above, have fruits and vegetables harvested during this time.
and fruits such as strawberries, apples, and watermelon Fresh-baked bread is good for this as well. Wheat
are appropriate for eating. Flowers are listed as well, but weaving, such as the making of corn dollies from the first
it’s important to have sunflowers on the altar, as they’re a sheaf of corn harvested, is traditional. Harvested herbs
big representation of the unity of Earth Mother and Sun are also good for the altar, and good for prosperity
Father. Altar cloths should be yellow, the goddess charms. Kindle a Lammas fire in your cauldron with
candle should be green, and the god candle should be sacred wood and dried herbs. Colors for altar dressings
would be golden yellow, orange, green, and light brown.

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
of corn harvested and kept until spring for prosperity,
Mabon/Autumnal Equinox are good for a Mabon altar. Other decorations to look at
are wheat sheaths bundled together with gold cords, corn
Other names: Harvest Home, Alban Elued, Mean stalks, cornucopias with seasonal fruits and nuts, gourds,
Fornhair, Winter Finding pumpkins, acorns, and pinecones. Fall foliage colors will
Dates celebrated: September 20, 21, or 22, or when the decorate an altar nicely, with the altar cloth being vibrant
sun is at 1 degree Libra orange or dark brown.
Traditional Foods: Corn, Fruits and Vegetables ready
for harvest this time of year [i.e., corn bread, baked beans
and squash]
Witches without a Coven
Herbs/Flowers: Morning Glories, Asters, Hazel, Corn, Under certain circumstances there will be a
Aspen, Acorns, Oak Sprigs, Wheat Stalks, Cypress witch or warlock that exists without a coven. These
Cones, Pine Cones and all Harvest Gleanings witches can be grouped into two basic categories,
Incense: Benzoin, Myrrh, Sage solitaries and renegades. In either case, witches without
Sacred Gemstone: Chrysolite covens do not have access to Coven spells.
Primary Focus of the Ritual: Second Harvest, offering
of vegetable and fruit harvest, corn festival Solitaries
Popular Mythos: Death of the Harvest Lord; King and Sometimes a single witch will not be able to
Queen of the Harvest connect with a coven or one may not exist in her area.
These singular witches are known as solitaries. Often
At Mabon, the days and nights are equal. In they perform the same kind of rituals and ceremonies of
fact, “equinox” means “equal night.” This is a time of their covened sisters, just by themselves. Solitaries
balance, but light gives way to increased darkness. It is receive their instructions of how to worship and gain
the second of the harvest festivals, and the Goddess spells, as do their sisters, from a patron deity.
mourns her fallen consort, but the emphasis is on the When encountering the solitary, other witches
message of rebirth that can be found in the harvest seeds. may either feel sadness for their sister’s solitude, if same
This is the day the Sun God, the God of Light is killed by alignment or contempt or disgust, if different. A good or
his rival and dark twin the God of Darkness. From this neutral aligned coven will never attempt to convert a
mid-autumn day forward, darkness will be greater than solitary to their fold. They may, however, invite the
light as night becomes longer than day. The God solitary to see their worship. Evil covens may attempt to
prepares to leave his physical body and begin the great convert the solitary, regardless of her alignment, to join.
adventure into the unseen toward renewal and rebirth of Evil powers often tempt to convert solitaries. Because
the Goddess. At this time, nature and the earth decline, they are so preyed on by other covens and evil gods,
drawing back their bounty readying for winter and its solitaries will reluctantly trust others. Consequently
time of rest. The Goddess acknowledges the weakening those unaware of the witch’s status as a solitary will be
Sun, although, a fire burns within her womb. She feels more likely to believe that the witch is evil or at least up
the presence of the God even as he wanes. to no good.
Mabon marks the completion of the traditional
harvests began at Lughnasadh for this is the final grain Renegades
harvest. It is a good time to walk the forests, gathering If solitaries are alone by necessity, then
dried plants for use as altar decorations or herbal magic. renegades are alone by choice. Any witch removed from
Cornbread and cider are good additions to festivities, her coven and continues to practice as a witch is
which generally center around thanksgiving for the considered a renegade. Mostly, renegades have been
abundance of the harvest, and rituals to ensure next accused or convicted of some crime against the coven.
year’s prosperity as well. Harvest suppers are also They may still have some of their previous magic, but
traditional, with stews, meat pies, hams, roasts, potato most often their Patron has also stripped them of their
cakes, cheeses, custards, cakes, fresh fruit and pies. powers. Sometimes these witches have left their coven
Typical beverages of the celebrations are ale, cider, and and have become members of another coven, or started
poteen. Fruits eaten at this time are apples, cranberries, their own. While they may still be advancing as a witch,
fen-berries, grapes, pears, and peaches. Vegetables their former coven-sisters may consider them as
indigenous of Mabon are corn, beans, and squash. renegades and no longer witches.
Magic done during Mabon are generally to A good example is the various cults of the God
center the witch, protection, to honor the dance that Set. There is the Temple of Set, the Church of Set and
partners life with death. Magics done during Mabon are the Brotherhood of Set. Which one was the first is
done to inflict a personal change upon the witch. unknown to most sages. Everyone else may not see any
Garlands of fall leaves make good altar differences between these groups, but each sect sees the
decorations. Also, corn dollies made from the last sheaf

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
others’ members as renegades and treat them referred to as the “Grand Destroyer,” and is usually a
accordingly. How the God Set views them is unknown. powerful Malefic witch or warlock. Most Decaying
Earth cultists have no qualms about dealing with
demons, so many of them take the Warlock prestige
Notes on Creating a Coven class. Also, blackguards or evil witch knights are
When trying to make a coven the questions that common within their ranks.
should be asked are, What patron does the coven Traditions Supported: The Cult of the Decaying Earth
represent? What purpose does the coven have? And, can is made up mostly of Malefic witches, with half as many
this purpose be carried out by that patron’s normal Venefica and Tempestarii.
clergy? Remember that not every deity will have a witch General Alignment: A Cultist must be Chaotic Evil or
coven or even need one, but every deity will have a Chaotic Neutral.
clergy of some sort. Witches take a lot of the deity’s time Sabbats and Rituals: Cultists especially revere the
and work (not to mention the Game Master’s!), and a winter months, as it marks the end of the year, and is
deity will not create a coven unless She absolutely needs particularly destructive. Their biggest ritual is performed
it. on the first New Moon of Winter, where the cult meets
When Witches are to be added to the campaign to discuss their efforts for the coming winter.
the GM needs first decide which patrons will have Common Traits: Most Cultists are wild and destructive,
witches and which will not. The GM must decide the but also are quick thinkers and deceptively clever, despite
nature of the coven, its members, its laws and rules, its their seeming inherent insanity.
spells and its worship. Principles: Destruction is inevitable. Our duty as
thinking people has been to destroy our world, and that
destruction must be welcomed, for existence is nothing
Examples of Covens but struggle and pain.
Wherever there are witches, there are covens. Common Patron Domains (for Clerics): Chaos, Pain,
Every witch must belong to a coven and each coven is Fear, Destruction, Evil, Decayed Earth
unique. Covens build the rules of conduct for the
witches and provide them a place to learn their new Decayed Earth Domain
abilities. The Goddesses instruct the covens and the Granted Power (not received without Greater Divine
coven members on magic and how they are to serve. Dominion feat): Any spell with an energy type (Frost,
Ardaynes or Ordains are the Laws of Witchcraft. These Fire, Sonic, Electricity, or Acid), you may substitute with
are a set of rules governing both individual and coven Acid Energy. All other effects of the spell still apply.
conduct. Several old versions exist and their origin is
unknown. Lvl Name Description
1 Doom One subject suffers -2 on
The Goddess or God of the witch is always the attacks, damage, saves, and
primary power in the witch’s life. The witch will revere checks
her patron over any other goddesses or gods the witch 2 Ghoul Touch Paralyzes one subject, who
might also acknowledge. Certain differences apply to the exudes stench (-2 penalty)
various Goddesses of the witches. Presented here are nearby
various Goddesses and their respective covens.
3 Arctic Grasp* Touch deals 1d6 cold damage
per level, ½ movement
“Now, then, must you face those whom you seek” 4 Contagion Infects subject with chosen
From the Initiation Rite disease
5 Cone of Cold* 1d6 cold damage/level
The Cult of the Decaying Earth 6 Acid Fog Fog deals acid damage
The cult of the decaying earth is viewed as 7 Fire Storm* Deals 1d6 fire damage/level
madmen. They seek to bring the destruction of all 8 Earthquake Intense tremor shakes
things. Only recently have they sprung up, their cult is a 5 ft/level radius
young one. Their youth makes them no less potent. 9 Incendiary Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage
Most members come to the Cult of the Decaying earth Cloud* / round
after enduring many hardships, and act out of sheer
frustration. * These spells automatically deal acid damage instead of
Members: The Cult of the Decaying Earth is generally their normal type.
open to all comers. Its sole requirement for entry is a
thirst for destruction. At any given time, there are likely
to be 4d6 Malefic Witches, 2d6 Venefica, and 2d6
Tempestarii (usually fire). The leader of the Cult is

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
The Brotherhood of Set Granted Power (not received without Greater Divine
Of all the gods who could be considered Dominion feat): You can command Snake creatures as
“mad,” none come as close as the Egyptian god Set, also per the spell Command. Snakelike creatures with an
known as Seth or Suketh. His cult, the Brotherhood of intelligence score of 4 or greater may not be commanded
Set, is in fact a very old organization of warlocks, wizards in this way.
and witches. No female witches are ever permitted to
join. The warlocks, as expected, enjoy the rank of Lvl Name Description
commanders of the cult. Even the lowest warlock can 1 Protection +2 AC and saves, counter
have any number of mercenaries at his beck and call. from Good mind control, hedge out
Because of their similarities, both in times of elementals and outsiders
Sabbats and reverence of the snake symbol, many people 2 Summon Summons Fiendish Viper,
mistakenly believe that the Mara is a female faction of the Monster II Tiny
Brotherhood of Set. Nothing could be further from the 3 Poison Touch deals 1d10 Con
truth and a great enmity exists between Brotherhood and damage, repeats in 1 Min
the Mara. 4 Summon Summons Fiendish Viper,
Members: The Brotherhood has no set members for its Monster IV Medium or 1d4+1 Fiendish
covens, which are often called cults. There will be Vipers, Tiny
typically 2d4 Malefic, 1d6 Venefica, 1d6 Fire or Air 5 Summon Summons Fiendish Viper,
Tempestarii, and 1d4 that are multiclassed Malefic/ Monster V Large, or 1d3 Medium, or
Warlocks. The leader is known as the Grand Warlock. 1d4+1 Tiny
Unlike other witch covens, the membership of the 6 Summon Summons Fiendish Viper,
Brotherhood of set is also open to non-witches. These Monster VI Huge, or 1d3 Large, or
“outer lodge” members will be fighters, thieves or 1d4+1 Medium
multiclassed Assassins. A “middle lodge” of evil wizards 7 Reincarnate Brings Subject back in a
and clerics also exists to aid the witches and warlocks of random body
the “inner lodge”. 8 Summon Summons 1d4+1 Fiendish
As apparent by the name, this cult is open only Monster VIII Viper, Huge
to men. No woman may join. 9 Earthquake Intense tremor shakes 5. ft/
Traditions Supported: This coven if primarily made up level radius
of Malefic witches. There are some Venefica and
Tempestarii as well.
General Alignment: Members maybe of any Evil The Daughters of the Flame
The witches of Ireland, Scotland and Wales all
Patron: The patron is the Egyptian God Set. There is no
share a common Goddess in their wide and diverse
Goddess, since Set’s own wife, and Isis’ sister, Nephthys
pantheons. Brigit, also known as Brighid, Brigantia,
left him.
Bridget, Brigid, Bride, and Brigandu, is the Celtic
Sabbats and Rituals: Devotees of the Brotherhood of
Goddess of Flame, Fire and Hearth, but also of Healing,
Set make human sacrifices on the night of the new
Midwifery and Wisdom. She is honored by many witches,
moon. If humans are unavailable then large numbers of
mostly of the Classical and Craft of the Wise Traditions,
cats will be sacrificed instead. The members then dine on
but none honor her higher than The Daughters of the
the roast corpses.
Common Traits: The typical Brother is a savage thug,
The Witches of Brigit are charged with
quite willing to murder to further his own goals. The
spreading Her bounty across the land, and so are often
atypical ones, however, are the most evil. The warlocks at
seen carrying two clay jars. The first contains water from
the top of Set’s pyramid of followers are devious and evil
a sacred river or stream, which the Daughters can pour
to extreme. While lower members are content with
into other streams to cleanse them. The second jar
snuffing out a life or two, the warlocks are only content
contains dung from Her pastoral lands which, when
with destroying whole cities. The Venefica/Warlocks
distributed, brings Her blessings upon fields and villages.
brew dangerous poisons of snake venom. The
Formal records of the Daughter’s foundations do not
Tempestarii/Warlocks likewise brew up terrible dessert
exist since the earliest days forbade the use of writing
down holy or magical transcripts. History was passed
Principles: “Set is destruction. Set is Power and Power is
from mother to daughter. It is known that they were
the key to the future”.
contemporaries of the Druids and may have Ban Drui (a
Common Patron Domains (for Clerics): Chaos,
sect of female druids) themselves.
Death, Destruction, Evil, Set’s Blood, Strength, War

Set’s Blood Domain

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
The earliest known members were the Ban Drui Ardaynes: Aid those in need, especially mothers and
sorceress Bodhmal and the witch Liath the Lurcha, which children. Protect all forms of life. Do not kill unless
dates back to the 3 century CE. absolutely necessary. Then do so quickly, offer no
They have survived time, the Vikings, the quarter, and beg no quarter. Tend to the Flame. Destroy
Chistianization of their homelands, and the Burning all undead, as they are affront to Life and therefore the
Times. They may not be the oldest order, but they are Goddess.
persistent. Common Patron Domains (for Clerics): Fire, Brigit’s
There are two schools of thought within the Flame, Good, Healing, Protection, Sun.
Daughters of the Flame organization. The first, the Eala,
are known for their traditionalist ways and desire to Brigit’s Flame Domain
remain a pastoral order and not get involved in the affairs Granted Power: You may either rebuke or command
of the world. The second, the Brenna, want to take a fire creature as an evil cleric rebukes undead and turn or
more active role in removing the threats to the destroy water creatures, or you can turn or destroy
Daughters, both mundane and supernatural. undead creatures as a good cleric turns or destroys
Members: This coven numbers 19 witches, with one undead. You must choose which ability is gained when
leader, the High Priestess. Members of this coven can you first are granted this power. Use this ability 3 times
only be women and no man may enter into the scared per day + your charisma modifier.
areas of worship. A witch must have a high wisdom score
(15 or better) to enter the coven. No preference is given Lvl Name Description
on how the witch appears, but those with bright red hair 1 Sanctuary Opponents can’t attack you,
are known as the “blessed of Brigit”. and you can’t attack
Traditions Supported: The vast majority of these 2 Protection Absorb 12 damage/level from
witches are Celtic Classical witches. There will be a few from one kind of energy
Craft of the Wise and even a few Fire or Water Elements
Tempestarii. Lorelei are always welcome, but few have 3 Shield Other You take half of subjects
joined. Once in a great while a Faerie witch has belonged damage
to the Daughters of the Flame. 4 Fire Shield Creatures attacking you take
General Alignment: The Daughters are overwhelmingly fire damage, you’re protected
Lawful Good, with a scattered few of Neutral Goods and from heat or cold
even fewer Chaotic Goods. 5 Dispel Evil +4 bonus against attacks by
Patrons: The patron of course is Brigit, the Bright One evil creatures
or the Bright Arrow. 6 Flame Strike Smite foes with divine fire
Sabbats and Rituals: Witches of Brigit are required to (1d8/level)
keep a perpetual flame burning at their shrines. The 7 Sunbeam Beam blinds and deals 3d6
witches of the coven each take turns tending the flame in damage
20-day cycles. On the 20th day Brigit herself magically 8 Holy Word Kills, paralyzes, weakens or
tends the flame. dazed non-good subjects
A huge festival is given at time of Imbolic, also known as 9 Elemental Summons 2d4 large, 1d4 huge
“Lady’s Day”. It is a celebration of the forthcoming Swarm fire elementals
return of Spring.
Common Traits: The Daughters prefer the simple quite
life of country living as opposed to the life of an The Mara
adventurer or city dweller. The wish nothing more than Of all the known covens, few are as deadly as
to be left alone to tend to their sacred flame, but they will the Mara. The Mara are invaders of dreams and some
not turn away those in need of help. Every daughter believe the cause of nightmares. While beautiful, they all
takes skills in healing and midwifery. Legends tell that have dark, wicked hearts. The claim to have existed since
Brigit was midwife to the Goddess Rhiannon and thus the dawn of mankind. While there are many who doubt
the Bright One’s name is always invoked during times of their claims, they are a very old coven.
labor. If a Daughter hears such an invocation, she will Members: This coven always numbers 13, with one, the
not hesitate to aid. Daughters of the Flame can also Grand Mara herself as the leader. The requirements for
perform handfastings (marriages) and naming ceremonies joining the coven are simple; one must be a beautiful but
for newborns. wholly evil witch. Preference is given to initiates who
Despite their affinity for families and children, the have dark colored hair.
Daughters rarely if ever marry themselves. Traditions Supported: The Mara tend to have more
Principles: “Brigit is a force of Life. To honor Her is to Malefic than any other type of witch. A fair number of
Honor life. Live simply and aid those in need. Tend to evil Tantric and Venefica witches are also welcomed. The
the Flame, for the Flame is Life”. rest, especially Classical and Tempestarii are also

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
welcome on a limited basis. No Faerie or Craft witch has disease
ever joined. This coven also supports a fair number of 6 Harm Subject loses all but 1d4 hp.
Incantatrixes and Psychic Witches. 7 Destruction Kills subject and destroys
General Alignment: The Mara are mostly chaotic evil. remains
Mara under the care of Hecate tend to be more lawful 8 Earthquake Intense tremor shakes 5 ft/
evil. level radius
Patrons: The main patron of the Mara is the Goddess 9 Summon Calls outsider to fight for you
Lilith. She called the Queen of Night by her witches. Monster IX (cast as evil spell only)
Some smaller covens honor Hecate instead.
Sabbats and Rituals: Mara always congregate during the The Temple of Astartë, Queen of Heaven
new moon, which they call the “Darkening”. Special
Astartë (Ah-star TAY) is the goddess of love,
times of celebration are solar eclipses which they claim
fertility as well as war and lasciviousness (lust) to the
shows their superiority over anyone if they can block out
ancient peoples of Canaan and Phoenicia; she was
the sun.
worshipped as far West as Carthage, Sicily, Sardinia and
Common Traits: Many of these witches adopt nocturnal
Cyprus. All Her witches work to insure the fertility and
lifestyles that they claim emulates their Goddess. Many
the safety of the land. Not mere pacifist, the coven of
witches of this coven also have an affinity for the undead
Astartë will also take up arms as befitting the Goddess of
and are not amiss consorting with vampires, who they
call the “Children of Lilith”. Black robes are common,
Astartë is particularly close the Goddess Lilith.
but sabbats are usually performed while sky-clad. Many
Both have similar qualities, have witches as their primary
Mara will take knowledge skills such as Astronomy,
worshipers and both have been cast out of Heaven.
Demonology and Undead. Every Mara takes the
While Lilith still roamed the earth she was a handmaiden
Seduction skill.
to Astrate. Both Goddesses’ covens are on good terms
Mara are also fascinated with the imagery of
with each other despite the radical alignment differences.
snakes and many will have snake or serpent tattoos.
Total Members: 6 + 1d8 Tantric, 1d4 Classical, 1d3
Principles: “Lilith was first born. She was not cast out of
Craft of the Wise, some Amazon and Lorelei.
Paradise, but left on Her own will. We honor Her by
General Alignment: Astartë is predominantly Lawful.
emulating Her. We consort with demons, undead and
Her witches tend towards Lawful Neutral with some
gods, but all fall before us as they did to Her. Humanity
Lawful Good, Lawful Evils and True Neutrals. This is
has forsaken their Dark Mother, we will remind them”.
one of the few times when Tantric and Lorelei witches
Ardaynes: Mara attempt to cause chaos where they see
will be lawful.
fit. They must lure the pure and the pious down paths of
Sabbats and Rituals: Insuring the fertility of the land by
self-destruction. To kill a Paladin strikes a minor blow to
pouring holy water on to crops or on to the soil. Clergy
Good; to seduce and defile one is larger victory for Evil.
also train in various martial arts activities.
Use whatever means, tools and talents you have to obtain
Resurrection festivals are held at the full moon
your goal.
following the vernal equinox. This celebrates the return
Common Patron Domains (for Clerics): Chaos,
of spring and a reminder of Damuz’s return from the
Death, Destruction, Evil, Lilith’s Will, Trickery
dead. Worshippers burn incense and pour libations to
Lillith’s Will Domain
Requirements for Membership: None special. Must
Granted Power (not received without Greater Divine
revere Astartë. Given Her fertility aspect, most of her
Dominion feat): You can turn Good Outsiders as a
witches are female.
good cleric turns undead. Use these abilities a total
Common Traits: As with most pagan Goddesses, the
number of times per day equal to 3 + you charisma
witches of Astartë perform all rituals while skyclad (i.e.
naked). On rare occasions they will don long robes.
Ardaynes and Principles: Ensure the fertility of the
Lvl Name Description land. Revere the Goddess. Protect those that also revere
1 Protection +2 AC and saves, counter the land and the Goddess.
from Good mind control, hedge out Common Patron Domains (for Clerics): Fertility, Law,
elementals and outsiders Love, War
2 Shatter Sonic vibration damages
objects or crystalline creatures Fertility Domain
3 Cloak of Caster takes shadow form, Granted Power (not received without the greater divine
Shadows near invisible and intangible dominion feat): +2 bonus to Profession: Midwifery checks.
4 Unholy Blight Damages and sickens good Gains the ability to Detect Animals or Plants, as per the
creatures spell, also able to detect if a female is fertile or pregnant.
5 Contagion Infects subject with chosen Cast as if a druid of the same level.

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
of song, and this must be respected at all times. Once
Lvl Name Description every full moon, she calls out to all of her creatures, and
1 Bless Growth Improves growth of plants, it is important that we call back, for the goddess wants to
adult creature, or mother hear the songs she has granted us the ability to create”.
2 Beguile/Lust As charm person, except Venerate the moon and the darkness that surrounds it.
target is romantically inclined Common Patron Domains (for Clerics): Animal,
towards you Luck, Travel, Howling Moon
3 Youthful The target gains the vigor of Howling Moon Domain
Vigor youth Granted Power (not received without the greater divine
4 Bounty Increases the chances that a dominion feat): Once per day, you can rebuke
fetus/embryo/seedling will be lycanthropes as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use this
born ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your
5 Make Fertile Make something previously charisma modifier.
infertile capable of creating life
6 Control the can caster choose Lvl Name Description
Outcome of outcome (gender, amount,) of 1 Sleep Put 2d4 HD of creatures into
Birth birth comatose slumber
7 Magickal Makes a woman pregnant via 2 Animal Gain the power of an Animal
Conception magic Infusion
8 Crossbreed Allow two incompatible races 3 Greater Magic One natural weapon of
to have an offspring Fang subject creature gets +1
9 Magickal A new life is created without bonus to attack and damage
Creation a father or mother per three caster levels (max
4 Lesser Geas Commands subject of 7HD
The Witches of the Howling Moon or less
The witches of the howling consists mostly of 5 Song of Victims must make will
Lorelei, though there is usually a single Craft of the Wise Discord saving throws or attack allies.
witch within’ their ranks at any given time. There is even 6 Curse of Transmutes one humanoid
a couple Faerie witches within’ their ranks. Their home Lycanthropy into an afflicted lycanthrope
base is in a secret cabin located deep within the Northern 7 Martyr’s Cry Dying scream bestows curse on
Mountains. all who hear the cry
They are devoted mostly to the principles of the Lorelei, 8 Animal Shapes One ally/level polymorphs
plus with the added philosophy by moonlight. into chosen animal
Total Members: 6 + 1d8 Lorelei, 1d4 Faerie Witches, 9 Wail of the Kills one creature/level
1d3 Craft of the Wise Banshee
General Alignment: No restrictions to Alignment.
Requirements for Membership: Members of this Oath: “I, (name), hereby solemnly swear to follow the path of the
coven are usually sought out by the current traveling moonsong. At all times, I shall sing the song of the goddess, and I
members and brought back to their base during their shall call out each moon when all of her creatures call out to her.
annual Faunae Festival, where they are granted
membership. The White Lotus
Sabbats and Rituals: Each full moon the Witches of The Witches of the White Lotus are a long-
the Howling Moon must sing a special song. The song standing coven of witches who commonly work toward
resembles the wolves cry to the moon. Also, the first full the unification of nature and civilization, acknowledging
moon of winter is the Faunae Festival, where the that a balance must exist between the two. While most
members of the coven meet, new members are recruited, of these Witches live on their own in nature, they tend to
and a nightlong celebration occurs. be extremely friendly and helpful to most travelers who
Common Traits: Most Witches of the Hollowing Moon happen upon their homes.
take the Astromancy feat at first level, providing a bonus Members: The members of the White Lotus come from
to her spells on the full moon. Knowledge: Astronomy all walks of life. Usually, a witch receives her calling and
also is not uncommon. An NPC Witch of the Howling will seek out the nearest member of the White Lotus. All
Moon has a 30% chance to be a lycanthrope of some members of the White Lotus are good aligned.
kind. Traditions Supported: Faerie Witches and Venefica are
Ardaynes and Principles: “Centuries have passed, and the most common type of witch within the White Lotus.
the goddess has given us as intelligent creatures the gift Also, earth and water Tempestarii are not uncommon, a

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
few rare Craft of the Wise followers will exist too. gains her power. The witch knows that she is only the
Rarely, a tantric witch will find her way into the coven. vessel of the patron’s power, but she is also the physical
At any given time, there will be 2d6 Faerie Witches, 2d6 manifestation of the patrons in this realm. This way, the
Venefica, 1d6 Earth and Water Tempestarii, 1d4 Craft of patrons do not need to directly act in the world, They
the Wise, and 1d3-1 Tantric Witches. can use their witches for this.
General Alignment: (of the members) Members of the
White Lotus lean toward Neutral Good, and has no The Goddess
particular preference toward chaos and law. Witches see all Goddesses as an aspect of the
Sabbats and Rituals: The White Lotus meet at the first divine, one Goddess is not more powerful than another.
Full Moon after winter, and the last new moon of To the witch the Goddess is the same whether she called
Autumn. The location generally stays the same each year, Artemis, Hecate, Kali or Ishtar. The name or method of
usually at the eldest member’s home. worshipping the Goddess is not as important as the role
Common Traits: The White Lotus are commonly very the witch fills for the Goddess. Because of this belief the
kind souls, always eager to help. They usually dress in witch may be of any alignment, she can even differ in
deep greens and browns, but no official garb is required. alignment from her Goddess. So it is not unbelievable
Principles: The White Lotus strive for a deep respect for that a Chaotic Good witch could worship Kali, a Chaotic
both nature and civilization, and always seek to protect Evil Goddess. This witch might be worshipping the
both. They tend to favor protective spells, but it’s creative power of Kali, or her aspects as an earth mother,
definitely not uncommon for the White Lotus to use or even the vengeful slayer of demons. A witch will not
offensive spells when the time comes. see this as a contradiction.
Common Patron Domains (for Clerics): Animal, The Goddess is also seen as the overriding
Good, Healing, Protection, Plant, Sun, White Lotus female principle, a divine child, mother and crone.

White Lotus Domain The God

Benefit (Not received without feat Greater Divine The Horned God or the Black Man is the
Dominion): The witch gains the feat Sylvan Empathy, and a Goddess’ male counterpart. He, however, is not
+2 bonus to her Wilderness Lore skill. worshipped directly but His name is used in the rituals
and He is equally as important. The Horned God is not
Lvl Name Description a devil or a demon, but something much older. He
1 Synthesis Gain 1d4 hit points for each corresponds to Cernunnos, the Leader of the Wild Hunt
round in direct Sun Light for druids. He is also known as Osiris, Apollo, Shiva or
2 Entangle Plants entangle everyone in 40 Damuz.
ft radius circle He is the lord of life, death and the underworld.
3 Searing Light Ray deals 1d8/two levels, Being the God of the Sun to the Goddess of the Moon
more against undead as he alternates with her in ruling over life and death.
4 Anti-Plant Keeps animated plants at bay With her he cooperates in continuing the cycle of life,
Shell death and rebirth, or reincarnation. His own life is said
5 Tree Stride Step from one tree to another to be circular. The Horned God is born at the winter
far away solstice, marries with the Goddess at Beltane (May 1),
6 Itchweed Deliver consumed poisons and dies at Samhain. His death represents a sacrifice to
through touch life.
7 Sunbeam Beam blinds and deals 3d6
8 Regenerate Subject’s severed limbs grow Name of the Goddess
back The Goddess is known by many names, but
9 Prismatic As prismatic wall, but each is but an aspect of the true goddess. What follows
Sphere surrounds on all sides is a listing of Goddesses from Earth’s mythologies. In
each case a possible or likely alignment is included as well
as areas of domains for clerics and witch coven spells.
The Witch’s Patrons Descriptions of that Goddess’ coven might also be
Witches of different covens honor different
patrons. Often these patrons are the God and Goddess, Artemis
but in some cases only the Goddess may be honored, or Witches who worship the Artemis aspect of the
the God in one of their many guises. It is the patron that Goddess are on good terms with druids. These witches
is main influence in the witch’s life. It is the patron the are common in amazon societies. As a witch of Artemis
witch serves and it is through the patron that the witch a woman pledges never to copulate with a man. These

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
witches are both chaste and celibate. These witches may cats enjoy. Then spend long afternoons lying in the sun
also choose to take the bow and arrow as their weapon. and enjoying the sensuous side of life. Regardless, do not
She is part of a trinity of Artemis (maiden), confuse leisure with laziness. Witches of Bast are
Hestia (mother), and Hecate (crone). dedicated fighters of evil, in particular the workings of
Alignment: N or CG the minions of Set. Witches of Bast may choose weapon
Areas of Influence:Hunting, Moon, Women mastry in one edged weapon at the loss of one feat.
They also gain a +1 to hit and damage when fighting
Astartë snakes.
Her consort is Aelurus, who appears as a
“With these in troop Came Astoreth, whom the Phoenicians called tanned human male with a cat’s or lion’s head.
Astartë, queen of heaven, with crescent horns”. Alignment: NG or N
Areas of Influence: Cats, Good, Hunting
Milton: Paradise Lost, i. 437--9.
“Mooned Ashtaroth, Heaven’s queen and mother both”. Brigit, also known as Brigantia, Bridget, or
Brigid, is the Celtic Goddess of the rivers and rural life.
Milton: The Hymn. She is also the Goddess of Healing, Midwifery and
Wisdom. She was raised on the milk creature of the
Astartë (Ah-star TAY) is the goddess of love, otherworld, a white, red-eared cow. Brigit is one of the
fertility as well as war and lasciviousness (lust) to the great Triple Goddesses of the Celtic people. She
ancient peoples of Canaan and Phoenicia, she was appeared as Brigit to the Irish, Brigantia in Northern
worshipped as far West as Carthage, Sicily, Sardinia and England, Bride in Scotland, and Brigandu in Brittany.
Cyprus. Her name and cult were derived from Many legends are told about Brigit. Some say that there
Babylonia, where as Ishtar, she represented the evening are three Brigits: one sister in charge of poetry and
and morning stars and was accordingly androgynous in inspiration who invented the Ogham alphabet, one in
origin. Under Semitic influence, however, she became charge of healing and midwifery, and the third in charge
solely female, although retaining a trace of her original of the hearth fire, smithies and other crafts. This actually
character by standing on equal footing with the male indicates the separate aspects of her Threefold nature
divinities. She represents the productive power of nature. and is a neat division of labor for a hard-working
She is also a moon goddess. Her symbol is the crescent Goddess. Indeed, various interpretations of her name
moon with “horns” turned up. exist including, “Bright Arrow,” “The Bright One,” “the
She is related to the devil Astoroth, some say Powerful One” and “The High One,” depending upon
that she is now this devil, others say that that Astoroth is the region and the dialect.
her son/consort. Astoroth has also been associated with Her coven is known as the Daughters of the
the Canaanite god of Thamudzi/Damuz. Flame. These lawful good witches keep a holy flame
Alignment: N or LN burning at all times.
Areas of Influence:Fertility, Magic Part of a trinity of Brigit (maiden) and Danu
(mother), Morigann is the crone.
Athena Alignment: NG or LG
Areas of Influence: Fire, Healing, Wisdom
The Goddess of War and Wisdom sprang fully
grown and armored from Zeus’, her father, head. She
represents wisdom in matters of life and war. Cardea
Her worshippers are normally generals fighting Often called the Roman Hecate, Cardea is the
just causes. The witches of this sect are usually on good goddess of doors and the knowledge behind those doors.
terms with those of Artemis. This witch is favored in the Cardea is a capricious Goddess, often requiring her
Craft of the Wise tradition because of Athena’s witches to memorize a section of poetry or building a
renowned wisdom. They may choose the spear as their center of learning in exchange for Her gifts of
weapon. knowledge. Cardea is open to all who wish to seek her
Alignment: LG out, but she makes no guarantees that her knowledge will
Areas of Influence: War, Wisdom, Women be helpful to the seeker.
Alignment: CN or CG
Bast Areas of Influence: Knowledge, Paths, Wisdom
Bast is an ancient Goddess and the mistress of
all cats. Nearly every Find Familiar spell known invokes Cerridwen
her name. Witches of Bast, few as they are, live a cat-like Celtic Goddess of wisdom, intelligence, magic,
life style. They prefer the comforts and leisure life that divination and enchantment. She is the Goddess of the

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
cauldron. Popular among the Celtic Classical and Craft of She commonly wears blue and red. Fires always light her
the Wise Traditions. temples and covens, which are known as centers of
Cerridwen’s cauldron has the power to return healing and succor. She is known for her patience.
the dead to life. All her worshipers must take the healing and
Alignment: N profession (herbalist) skills.
Areas of Influence: Intelligence, Magic, Wisdom Alignment: NG
Areas of Influence: Healing, Peace
The Celtic Mother-goddess known as Danu to Gaea
the Irish and Don to the Welsh (and simlar to the Greek Gaea (Gaia) is an Earth Goddess of Greek
Demeter below). The race of the Tuatha deDannan origin. It is she who is ultimately responsible for all life.
means “The Children of Danu”. She is also the mother of It is claimed that she emerged from darkness and mated
many Irish Celtic gods Diancecht, Lir, Lugh, Oghma and with Uranus (the Sky god) and bore the twelve titans.
others. Dagda is alternately mentioned as her son or Alignment: N
father. She is fierce protector of home and hearth. Areas of Influence: Earth, Fertility, Nature
She is part of a trinity of Brigit (maiden), Danu
(mother), and Morigann (crone). Hathor
Alignment: N Egyptian fertility Goddess. She is the celestial
Areas of Influence: Earth, Feritlity, Nature cow who created the earth and the sun. As a cow
goddess she ruled love, joy, merriment, music and dance.
Demeter She nourished the living with her milk , suckling Pharaoh
Also known as Kore. The great Greek Earth and all others. She is also known as the Goddess of
Goddess. She is the Goddess of grain and of the harvest. love, music, song, and pleasure. In this aspect She has
Her witch cults are among the oldest known. many followers among Lorelei and Tantric witches. She
Goes down to the underworld to retrive her was one of the Egyptian gods that help guide the dead to
daughter. During this time winter covers the land. the other side.
Origin of most of the “Descent of the Goddess” legends. She is a Goddess that represents life, thus all
Alignment: NG her witches must be forces of life. While some celebrate
Areas of Influence: Earth, Fertility, Nature life, like the Lorelei and Tantric witches, others actively
pursue careers to destroy those that threaten or mock
Diana life, such as the followers of Set or undead.
Diana is the Roman Goddess of fertility, the Alignment: CG
hunt and forests. She is the roman equivalent of the Areas of Influence: Creation, Fertility, Life, Magic
Greek Goddess of Artemis. But unlike Artemis, the
witches of Diana are not required to be chaste or Hecate
celibate. In the celebration of Beletane the witch Hecate is, in Greek mythology, the Goddess of
copulates with a druid priest in order to bring fertility darkness, and the daughter of the Titans Perses and
back to the earth. Some have even become Tantric Asteria. Unlike Artemis, who represented the moonlight
witches. Obviously these witches are on very good terms and splendor of the night, Hecate represented its
with Druids. Their religious practices are very similar to darkness and its terrors. On moonless nights she was
Druids and to that Artemis. believed to roam the earth with a pack of ghostly,
The covens of Diana are often very old and howling dogs. She was the Goddess of sorcery and
very popular. The Amazon tradition is often known as witchcraft and was especially worshiped by magicians
the Cult of Diana because of their feverent devotion to and witches, who sacrificed black lambs and black dogs
the Goddess. to her. As Goddess of the crossroads, Hecate and her
Alignment: N or CG pack of dogs were believed to haunt these remote spots,
Areas of Influence: Hunting, Moon, Women which seemed evil and ghostly places to travelers. In art
Hecate is often represented with either three bodies or
Eir three heads and with serpents entwined about her neck.
Eir is the Scandinavian Goddess of Healing, Of all the deities who have covens, Hecate’s
and handmaiden of Frigg. No one is Her equal when it covens are the most widespread and well known. Once a
comes to healing. Her worshippers are all healers, either fairly benign Goddess in early Greek times, Hecate
clerical or as herbal healers. Her clerics and witches must became the dread Greek-Roman Goddess of ghosts, a
never pick up a weapon in anger or vengeance. close confidante of Persephone and a patron of witches.
She is depicted as been a slight woman with The brutally wronged Hecuba of Troy was reincarnated
redish-blonde hair and blue eyes. Her arms are muscular. as one of Hecate’s black dogs, which accompanied her
on her night walks. When Hades kidnaped Persephone in

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
the later Greek myth, farseeing Hecate was the only one a giant flying goose. She can appear as a kindly old
who witnessed it. Hecate was worshipped at three-way mother, a small child wearing all white or a viscous hag-
crossroads at night even by ordinary Greek families and like monster. She is the goddess of spinning, vegetation
could ward off ghosts if properly propitiated. But and children. She is also a fertility goddess and her
Romans also believed She had more sinister worshippers; consort is known as the Wood Man.
the witches and sorceresses who could coerce even the The Oskorei, or the Furious Horde, a legion of
gods to do their will. fallen heroes and others, who have died before their
Alignment: LE or LN time, similar to the Wild Hunt of the Celts or the
Areas of Influence: Ghosts, Magic, Moon, The Valkeries of the Norse, follow her on her nightly rides.
Crossroads It is also believed that Frau Holt is the model
for the children’s storybook character “Mother Goose”.
Hel Alignment: CG or CE
One side of Hel’s face was that of a beautiful Areas of Influence: Night, Mysteries, Witches and Hags
woman. The other half was that of a rotting corpse,
green and black, or of a skull. She ruled the realm of Ishtar
Niflheim, a huge black canyon in icy mountains, where Ishtar of the Babylonians, and alternately
those who did not die gloriously in battle went when Inanna of the Sumerians, represent the duality approach
their span of life was up. Niflheim was not burning but to the female deity, both are to be considered Nature
icy cold, filled with sleet, icy slush, cold mud and snow. deities; that is, human nature. Both are the chief
Garm, the horrible hound whose breast was splattered goddesses of their pathos, both are the goddesses of
with the blood of the dead, guarded the entrance. Her love, and therefore sexuality. Also both are the
hall was called Damp-With-Sleet. Her plate was Hunger, goddesses of War, and therefore violence. Their witches
Her knife Famine; Her two servants were both called tend to have mercurial, almost chaotic personalities.
Slow-Moving. Her bed was Sick-Bed, the stone at the Covens tend to be very ancient and set in their ways.
entrance to her hall Drop-to-Destruction. So the Vikings Rituals will usually be consisted of old, lengthy litanies
described Her and Her home. Though the Vikings and sacrifices. Ishtar’s witches are also as likely to pick
regarded her with horror, the common people up a weapon, as they are to use magic.
worshipped her. Alignment: CN
Alignment: NE Areas of Influence: Love, Nature, War
Areas of Influence: Death, Destruction, Evil
Hestia Covens of Isis are old and represent ancient powers of
Hestia is one of the Grecian hearth goddesses. the universe. These witches are in tune with the
The Romans later called her Vesta. Hestia was said to fundamental powers and forces of the universe. Isis’
preside over all sacrifices. One of the prohibitions was name is called in rights of fertility. She is also the patron
that should her fire ever go it, it could not be rekindled Goddess of Magic. There is much rivalry between
by an ordinary fire but only by the sun’s rays or by the Hecate and Isis in this category. All of Isis’ covens are
friction of two pieces of wood. As Vesta, the leaders of the paramount of good. Isis is also a feminine ideal.
her cult were the Vestal Virgins (these were six girls from With Osiris, Isis and Horus (the divine child) made up a
ages six to ten) who entered her college and stayed there Holy Trinity. She is the Goddess of marriage,
for thirty years. Those breaking their vow of chastity motherhood, fertility, magic, healing, reincarnation and
were whipped to death or entombed. Her witches will be divination, to name but a few. Isis is the patroness of
the older women who have completed their temple priestesses. One myth has Isis poisoning the Sun God
service. Ra, offering to save him only if he would reveal his secret
She is part of a trinity of Artemis (maiden), name. At last, at the brink of destruction, Ra gives Isis
Hestia (mother), and Hecate (crone). his heart, with the secret name it held, and his two eyes
Alignment: LG (the Sun and the Moon). Isis quells the poison and ends
Areas of Influence: Hearth, Healing, Home up with Ra’s supreme power. In time the great Eye was
passed along to her son Horus. Proclus mentions a
Holda statue of her which bore the inscription “I am that which
Holda, or Frau Holt, is the Goddess of is, has been and shall be. My veil no one has lifted”.
Teutonic witches and Hags. She is seen as both a caring Hence, to lift the veil of Isis is to pierce the heart of a
mother and a frightening hag—a witch that calms great mystery.
children’s fears or eats them. These polar opposites are Alignment: NG or LG
common in many of the guises of the Goddess. Classic Areas of Influence: Healing, Magic, Women
witches typically honor her “good” side and Hags her
“evil” one. Holda is often depicted as riding a broom or

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
Kali violated the command to be fruitful and multiply, since
Kali is the supreme Dark Goddesses. It has she was not being impregnated. Some traditions hold that
been claimed that Her name is derived from the Hindu she was impregnated and bore demons from him. Others
word for Time, yet also means, “black”. She is also called claim She had two daughters with Adam. Naamah and
Durga. Tubal are referred to as Cain’s sisters. Naamah is the
Her very appearance is meant to terrify. She is mother of many devils. He pushed the issue of her
black and emaciated, with fangs and claws. She wears a submission, and she uttered the Holy Name of God and
girdle of severed arms, a necklace of skulls or severed flew away.
heads, earrings of children’s corpses, cobras as bracelets It is said that soon after Lilith left Adam he
or garlands. Her mouth is smeared with blood. stood in prayer before his creator and said: “God of the
Often She is shown standing or dancing on the World, the woman that you gave me has run away from
corpse of the god Shiva; here, She feasts on his me”. God tried to force her to return to Adam and sent
intestines. therefore the death-angel Azrafil to her in the desert at
Yet even Kali is the Red Sea, where she dwelled
not always dark. She also is with the djinns, giving birth to
a loving mother, and countless demons. Then God
especially in that aspect is dispatched the three angels,
worshipped by millions of Sanvai, Sansanvai, and
Hindus and her witches. Semangelof to bring her back.
Her witches also They caught up with her in the
see Kali as an Earth-Fertility desert near the Red Sea, a
Goddess, is thus worshiped region abounding in lascivious
by many Tantric witches. demons, to which she bore
There are many parallels Lilim at the rate of more than
between the witch’s view of one hundred a day. “Return to
Kali and that of Ishtar. Adam without delay,” the
Kali’s regular priests angels said, “or we will drown
(Thuggee) see her as the you!” Lilith asked: “How can I
destroyer and a Goddess of return to Adam and be his
death. Her witches, woman, after my stay beside
however, view Kali as the the Red Sea?” “It would be
Force of Nature, a mother death to refuse!” they
who can give life and take it answered. “How can I die,”
away. Witches of Kali Lilith asked again, “when God
generally have several has ordered me to take charge
Thuggee males in their of all newborn children: boys
covens as their strong arms. up to the eighth day of life,
Slaves are kept and human that of circumcision; girls up to
sacrifice is common. Kali’s the twentieth day?
holiest nights are on the Nevertheless,” she said, “I
new moon and Wednesdays. swear to you in the name of
Alignment: CE God who is living and exists,
Areas of Influence: Death, that if ever I see your three
Destruction, Fertility names or likenesses displayed
in an amulet above a newborn
Lilith child, I promise to spare it”.
To this day they agreed; however, God punished Lilith by
Lilith is many things, first woman, wife, mother making one hundred of her demon children perish daily,
of demons, consort to men, demons, devils and gods, and if Lilith could not destroy a human infant, because of
witch, demon and Goddess. the angelic amulet, she would spitefully turn against her
Lilith was the first wife of Adam, the first man. own. As late as the 18th century, mothers and children
Adam and Lilith never found peace together, for when across many cultures took advantage of the protection
he wished to lie with her, she took offence at the offered by these amulets. Charms and rituals
recumbent position he demanded. “Why must I lie accompanied the use of the amulets, protecting mothers
beneath you?” she asked. “I also was made from dust, and infants from the retribution of Lilith. Baby girls were
and am therefore your equal”. She became proud and considered vulnerable in their first three weeks of life.
refused to lie beneath him during intercourse. This Boys, on the other hand, were believed to be vulnerable

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
for longer periods of time. Any boy under the age of the sky and earth. She was described as a great dragon or
eight was possible prey. a being of chaos. Like so many other destructive
Alignment: CE Goddesses, Tiamat is a Goddess of creation. It is
Areas of Influence: Evil, Moon, Women believed by the Sumerians that she created the world. In
Babylonian myths, Tiamat is a huge, bloated female
Lovitar dragon that personifies the saltwater ocean, the water of
Of the Finnish, “the people who ran from the Chaos. She is also the primordial mother of all that
woods,” few Goddesses are as evil and sadistic as exists, including the gods themselves.
Lovitar, Maiden of Pain. Witches of Lovitar dispense The Cult of Tiamat is extremely far reaching.
pain to all of their enemies. Typical garb is white and all The primary duties of her witches are to venerate Tiamat
kinds of daggers are allowed as weapons. Her coven and destruction in any way they can and to spread the
spells deal primarily with pain and cold. word of the cult. Often “spreading the word” implies
Alignment: NE random acts of violence and attributing them to Tiamat
Areas of Influence: Cold, Evil, Pain herself. It is her capacity as the dark Goddess of chaos
and creation that attracts so many witches to her cult.
Her witches tend to belong to the Malific or
Mabd dark Tantric Traditions.
The Queen of the Sidhe. Mabd is the Alignment: CE
prototypical elven Goddess of Celtic lore. Her high time Areas of Influence: Chaos, Creation, Dragons, Water
is the Summer Solstice. She is also known as Mab, Meave
and to the Briton Celts, Titania. She is a mercurial Tlazolteol
Goddess that reflects the nature of the forest; life giving Aztec witches who worship Tlazolteol, the
to some, deadly to others. Goddess of vice, are often tantric or malefic witches.
Witches of the Faerie Tradition honor Mabd They spend a great amount of time on their appearance
and many of the Classical Traditions also pay her and try to look as desirable as possible. Once they have
alligence. someone alone they will attempt to corrupt or kill them.
Alignment: CG or CN Most prefer to corrupt others. Bards speak of a
Areas of Influence: Elves (Sidhe), Mysteries particularly successful witch of Tlazolteol who had been
in the bedrooms of many of a particular country’s
Morigann politicians. Single handedly she had nearly toppled the
The Raven, the Celtic goddess of war. Known government through jealousy and deceit.
as The Morigann, Morigan, Macha and Morigu. She is Tlazoteol is also seen as a necessary evil. She
the Goddess of war, battle and death, but not evil. takes in filth and sin so it may be disposed of. It is this
Part of a trinity of Brigit (maiden) and Danu aspect that she is most often worshipped and served by
(mother), Morigann is the crone. her witches. Confessing ones sins to her or to her
Alignment: CN or CE witches, one would be purified of those sins. Mothers in
Areas of Influence: Chaos, War childbirth often called on her aid. Her witches, learned in
all manners sexual, are also skilled midwives and
nursemaids, after all birth is a natural consequence of
Rhiannon sex. Her witches are believed to be adulterous and
This Welsh Goddess is well known for her women born under her sign (The Ocelot) were believed
appearance in the Mabinagion. In penance for a crime to become her witches.
that she did not commit, she sat for seven years outside She is seen as lustful maiden, mother or
Pwyll’s palace and offered to carry any visitor on her priestess and crone, devourer of youth, depending on her
back like a horse. The singing of her three magic birds mood. She is always depicted nude in all of her aspects,
could be heard over the sea, could wake the dead and as the Mother she is seen having just given birth. She
could lull the living to sleep. She was also identified with wears a gold and turquoise necklace and her temples are
Epona (a horse cult). The Roman Calvary favored andorned with gold bells. Of note she is also sometimes
Epona and her shrines were covered with roses. depicted as wearing a conical “witch’s” hat.
Alignment: CG Alignment: CE or CN
Areas of Influence: Horses, Fertility, Women Areas of Influence: Chaos, Feritilty, Trickery, Vice
Tiamat is the great creation Goddess of water Name of the God
and chaos to the Sumerians. She gave birth to all of the It is no secret that much of witchcraft is
Sumerian (Babylonian) gods and ruled them all, until the “Goddess focused”, there is though a God as well.
god Marduk defeated her. He used Her body to create Though he might get a secondary placement in some

Liber Mysterium: Covencraft
Traditions and ignored altogether in others, He is to Other Patrons
most witches equally important.
Listed here are various Gods. Included in each Witches are not limited in the patrons they may
listing are a description of that God, likely alignments seek. While most witches will have some form of the
and Domains as well as the Goddess they are consort to. Goddess and God (or just Goddess) as their patron,
others can choose other paths. Powerful spirits, local
Apollo gods or even demonic patrons are not unknown.
God of light, prophecy, music and the sun. He
is twin brother to Artemis. Witches that honor him are Spirits
given the gift of prophecy. Voodoo witches work with the Loa, or spirits.
Alignment: CG Animistic witces or shamans may invoke the spirits of
Areas of Influence: Good, Light, Music, Sun nature, animals or plants. Family witches often call upon
Consort to: Artemis the spirits of departed family members and ancestors to
aid them in times of great need.
Cernunnos Spirits may come in a variety of shapes sizes
Horned God of the Celts, master of the Hunt and power. Some, like the voodoo Loa can be as
and Summer, Cernunnos is prototypical of the witch powerful as gods in their own right. Family and ancestral
Gods. He is known as the Summer Lord and the Horned spirits might be comparatively week, except under certain
One. circumstances. Nature spirits have power proportional to
He is also a fertility God, in this case male the aspect of nature they represent.
fertility. His horn crested head symbolizes masculine As with the Goddesses and Gods, GM are
power encouraged to use whatever spirits make sense for their
Alignment: N world.
Areas of Influence: Fertility, Harvest, Hunting, Summer
Consort to: Danu Demons, Devils, and Fiends
While not gods, the foul things that reside in
Dagda the infernal planes are powerful and immortal, and they
Earth and father God to the ancient Celts. He wish to control this realm as well as their own. To this
stirs the cauldron of creation. He mates with the end, demons, devils and other fiends try to attract the
Morrigan once per year, but shares his cauldron with young and entice them to become their followers. The
Cerridwen. fiends look for consorts and worshipers among the
Alignment: LN humans. Some humans seek out the beings from the
Areas of Influence: Earth, Life and Death Lower Planes for power over their brethren.
Consort to: Cerridwen or the Morrigan Devils are most likely to have worshippers
among the short-lived mortal races; the belief being their
Dionysius lives are short and they have to gain power quickly.
The God of wine in both it’s meanings. He is Demons tend to attract non-human or even some
the God of abundance and religious ecstasy. He is also humanoid types. Not due to any perceptions of power,
the God of drunken revelries, debauchery and madness. demons tend to be more alien in terms that the
Nymphs and satyrs always accompany his followers, humanoid races can understand.
called the Maenads or Mad Ones. While there are those that do worship and serve
these creatures that are witches, most are just common
Osiris people who wish to rise up from their lot in life and see
The Egyptian God of Life, Death and Rebirth. the power of evil as a shortcut. To make matters more
He began as a God of the harvest, in particular corn. He confusing, warlocks actively seek demonic patrons for
is Brother to Set and Isis and husband to Isis. Set killed their powers and some diabolic and demonic cultists call
Osiris and cast away his dismembered body. Isis reunited themselves “witches” even when they have nothing to do
his body parts and brought him back to life. He then with witchcraft. To add to the witch’s misery when a
became lord of the dead. He is also the God of the Nile new religion moves into an area they often demonize the
and Law. indigenous and pagan beliefs. So a Goddess worshiped
Alignment: LG by witches for thousands of years might suddenly
Areas of Influence: Godd, Earth, Knowledge, Life and become a demon or devil in the eyes of the new religion,
Death as was the case with the Goddess Astartë and the devil
Consort to: Isis Astaroth.

Liber Mysterium: Magic

Chapter VI: Magic

neither good nor evil, any more than the wind and rain
“Magic is the Highest, most Absolute, and most Divine Knowledge are good or evil. However witches also believe in the
of Natural Philosophy, advanced in its works and wonderful “Rule of Three” that what ever they send out into the
operations by a right understanding of the inward and occult virtue world will come back to them threefold. Therefore,
of things; so that true Agents being applied to proper Patients, good witches tend not to cast what is commonly called
strange and admirable effects will thereby be produced. Whence “Black magic”. Evil witches are very likely to use White
magicians are profound and diligent searchers into Nature; they, or Gray magic when it benefits them.
because of their skill, know how to anticipate an effect, the which to
the vulgar shall seem to be a miracle”.
Magical Theory and Thought
The Goetia of the Lemegeton Witches view magic a bit differently than other
of King Solomon spellcasters. Most see a division between Arcane
(The Lesser Key of Solomon). (wizard) and Divine (priestly) magic. While these
divisions are academic to most everyone else, to the
MAGICK is for ALL! spellcasters they define how they see reality. To the
witch Arcane and Divine are only facets of the totality of
Aleister Crowley magic.
Magick in Theory and Practice As described above, magic is the lifeblood of all
witches regardless of alignment, coven or tradition.
Witches create magic for the same reasons that bards

agic is the lifeblood of all witches.
create songs; as a natural outlet for their own creativity.
Manipulating the forces of arcane and
To a witch discussing magic as thing separate from the
divine magic is what sets the witch apart
world or as “supernatural” is as absurd as discussing
from other mortals, even other spellcasters.
water or air as something separate from the world.
To a witch, magic is everywhere and in everything. To
many witches, magic is often the same word as life. In
the witch’s mind magic is not simply a way of attaining
practical ends, it may also involve at least a partial
symbolic recognition of her spiritual worldview and of
her Goddess and beliefs. In this respect magic often
merges with religion, and indeed the line between the
two is frequently blurred. While a priest and wizard view
magic and religion as distinct, the witch sees no such
differences.. Without magic, a witch is no different than
the cowan or mundane people around her.
The theoretical foundation for most magical
practices is a belief in correspondences, or hidden
relationships among entities within the universe
especially between human beings and the external world.
According to this view, the application of the right
colors, objects, sounds, or gestures in a given context can
bring about the desired result. The theory of
correspondences affirms the power of thought to confer
reality on products of the imagination, particularly when
these thoughts are expressed through significant
symbols. Every witch has a particular feel or form to her
A distinction can also be drawn between white magic. While magic can be altered by her coven or
and black magic: White magic is employed for benign tradition, each witch’s personal casting is unique. Thus it
ends or for personal discovery, and black magic is used becomes possible to determine which witch has worked
to harm others. The majority of the magic the witch what magic by her tell-tale signs. In order to determine
employs then can best be described as gray. the witch that cast a particular spell the character would
Many witches believe that they can cast any need at least the Spellcraft or Knowledge (Witchcraft) skill and
type of magic regardless of alignment. Magic itself is familiarity with that witch’s magic in the past.

Liber Mysterium: Magic
The Pentagram View
Magical Correspondences Most witches do not subscribe to the
Witches believe in the notion of magical Thaumaturgic Triangle view. The see it as a compromise
correspondences, that reality can be effected by magic that is to other spellcasters. Plus it leaves out the very magic it
related to other object. This magic can be Homeopathic, was named for, Thaumaturgy. Most witches view magic
Sympathetic or Contagious. Thus the use of spell from the Pentagram or Grand Elemental view.
components is extremely important to the witch. They divide magic in to five distinct camps and
Witches distinguish three types of magical associate an element to each magical camp.
practice. Thaumaturgy or Low Magic is the magical style
Homeopathic Magic uses small portions of practiced by Hedge Wizards, Hedge Witches, Shamans or
something to effect the whole. For example when a Adepts. Thaumaturgic magic depends heavily on rotes,
witch creates a control doll she will use a bit of hair of sympathetic magic or divine influence. Witches believe
the person she is trying to control. that even some druid magic can fall into this category.
Sympathetic Magic, or symbolic magic, is Its associated element is Earth.
based on the symbolism used. So when a witch casts Sorcery or Natural Magic is the magical style
Drowsiness she uses rose petals or sand because of their practiced by Dragons, Sorcerers and some other naturally
symbolism to sleep. magic races such as the faerie and elementals. Fiends and
Contagious Magic effects something because Celestials, while naturally magic derive their source from
of its relationship to a magically charged object. The the Divine. Unlike Thaumaturgy, Natural Magic flows
most common magically charged object the witch has is from within, which makes it more like arcane magic. But
her athame. The spell is cast through the athame and the unlike Arcane, Natural Magic is not learned; it is a natural
athame then directs the spell. part of spellcaster.
Some magic uses all three. For example: a Its associated element is Water.
control doll is created with homeopathic magic. Needles Divine, or Clerical Magic is magic that comes
stuck into it to affect someone else are sympathetic from the gods, other planes or strong beliefs. The source
magic, and casting a spell on the doll to affect another is of this magic is always outside of the spellcaster, which
contagious magic. makes it very different than Natural Magic. Unlike
Natural Magic and Thaumaturgy, Divine magic requires
The Thaumaturgic Triangle View neither skill nor practice, only faith. The spellcaster can
Some witches view magic as a Thaumaturgic improve her casting styles or effects, but not the source
Triangle, with Arcane magic on the left lowest corner, or nature of the magic.
Divine at the right lowest corner and Witchcraft at the Its associated element is Air.
top. Of course it should be noted that Wizards and
Clerics view it quite differently.
Witchcraft is defined as the blend of both Arcane
and Divine magic, but it is also separate from these
magical styles.

Divine Arcane

Sorcery Thaumaturgy

Fig. 6.2 Pentagram View

Arcane Magic or Wizardry is magic that comes

Divine Arcane from the learning of great secrets. Arcane magic must be
studied and certain formulas must be followed, like
Thaumaturgy. This puts it at odds with Natural Magic,
Fig. 6.1 Thaumaturgic Triangle View
but like Natural Magic, the magic comes from the skill of
the spellcaster to harness the power of magic.

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Its associated element is Fire. Circles are drawn clockwise for white magic and counter-
Witchcraft is the combination of these magical clockwise for black or evil magic. The exact nature of the
views. Like thaumaturgy and arcane magic the witch spell or ritual may require other, rarer materials. Often
must practice various rotes and formulas to activate and the circle is drawn with other symbols of power,
shape her magic. Witchcraft is also Divine because to including the witch’s own personal symbol. The
power of this magic comes from the Patron. materials that make up the circle will also be of
Its associated element is pure magical Essence. significance to the function it is being used. For
maximum effect the witch will use oils, powders and
Regardless of how the witch may view her spices from the lists above.
magic, she does know that her style of magic is part of To construct a circle the witch needs to know
the greater whole of all magic. Witchcraft is subject to what she is going to do (summoning a demon,
the same rules and laws that govern all magic. conversing with her Goddess, etc.), what materials will
be appropriate and what symbols she needs to use. All
of this can take hours to days to prepare and months or
Magic Circles years to research. Generally speaking, the simpler the
function of the circle, the easier it will be to construct
Having chosen a place for preparing and constructing the Circle, and the cheaper the cost. Simple things like monthly
and all things necessary being prepared for the perfection of the rituals and communing with her Goddess should be
Operations, take thou the Sickle or Scimitar of Art and stick it relatively easy for the witch. These will be found in the
into the centre of the place where the Circle is to be made; then take coven’s Book of Law. Adventures can be built around
a cord of nine feet in length, fasten one end thereof unto the Sickle solitaries and witches looking for other types of rituals
and with the other end trace out the circumference of the Circle, and the materials needed.
which may be marked either with the Sword or with the Knife with The lines on a magic circle are normally double
the Black hilt. Then within the Circle mark out four regions, lines spaced far enough apart for the witch to inscribe
namely, towards the East, West, South, and North, wherein place symbols and runes within. Most importantly, great care
Symbols; and beyond the limits of this Circle describe with the needs to be taken by the witch when drawing such
Consecrated Knife or Sword another Circle, but leaving an open symbols. Incorrect symbols are useless.
space therein towards the North whereby thou mayest enter and To make magic circles the witch requires the
depart beyond the Circle of Art. Beyond this again thou shalt Cast Magic Circle feat.
describe another Circle at a foot distance with the aforesaid Witch’s arcane spell castings are prepared via a
Instrument, yet ever leaving therein an open space for entrance and series of rituals. Each spell holds a different ritual, but
egress corresponding to the open space already left in the other. there are some things that do not change. Whenever a
Beyond this again make another Circle at another foot distance, witch begins preparing a spell, she usually creates a magic
and beyond these two Circles, which are beyond the Circle of Art circle around her. The type of Magic Circle varies with
yet upon the same Centre, thou shalt describe Pentagrams with the the type of spell being prepared. Simply drawing in the
Symbols and Names of the Creator therein so that they may dirt, sand, or spreading salt or another substance around
surround the Circle already described. Without these Circles shalt the witch typically creates magic circles. Simple magic
thou circumscribe a Square, and beyond that another Square, so circles of these sort require the witch to make a Craft
that the Angles of the former may touch the centres of the sides of (Magic Circle), Spellcraft or Knowledge (Witchcraft) check, DC
the latter, and that the Angles of the latter may stretch towards the of 10. A failed check means the circle is incorrect or
four quarters of the Universe, East, West, North, and South; and inaccurate in some manner, but the witch will still believe
at the four Angles of each square, and touching them, thou shalt that it is correct.
describe lesser Circles wherein let there be placed standing censers More experienced witches (those with the Create
with lighted charcoal and sweet odours. Magic Circle feat) will sometimes create larger Magic
Chapter IX, Circles to aid them. Creating an enchanted magic circle
The Key of Solomon the King takes 1 minute per foot radius. Unless otherwise noted,
(Clavicula Salomonis) an Enchanted Magic Circle affects only the witch who
created it. A magic circle can be created by any means,
Magic Circles are used for focusing magic, ranging from an extensive tile design created into the
summoning creatures and protection. Like the magical floor or to drawing in the dirt with a stick, but if the
correspondences, the appropriate circle is needed under magic circle is ever disturbed even the slightest bit, the
different occasions. Often the witch uses a magical circle powers granted by the Magic Circle cease working.
during rituals, sabbats or other ceremonies. They can be
used to focus spellcasting and they are essential when Thaumaturgic Circle: This Magic Circle is used when
summoning spirits, fiends or divine aid. preparing a spell of the universal school of magic. A
Most circles will be drawn on the ground with Witch who created a Thaumaturgic Circle with the Create
chalk, charcoal or some other powdery substance. Magic Circle feat gains a +1 bonus to successes for spells

Liber Mysterium: Magic
cast within the circle, for a number of times per day equal Outsiders related to a single aspect (fire, earth,
to the witch’s wisdom modifier. The magic circle is used water, air, good, evil, lawful, or chaotic) may not enter
for spell focusing. Often used by the witch during her the magic circle or target anyone within the circle. If the
rituals and sabbats. This is used when casting any spell. Witch conjured the outsider herself, they may not leave
the Magic Circle or target anyone outside of the circle.
Triangle: The Single Triangle is used when preparing The type of outsider is chosen at the time the Magic
spells related to change, including most evocation or Circle is created.
transmutation spells. A Witch standing within a
Triangular Magic Circle can cast one spell per Magic
Circle at double the duration. Combined Circles
Also known as the Elemental Triangle or The witch may try combining the various circles
Thaumaturgic Triangle. for additional benefits. One such example would be a
Cabalist Magic Circle, a combination of the Triangle and
Pentagram: The most common is the pentagram, also the Pentagram.
known as a pentangle. This is a five-pointed star. Good
or neutrally aligned witches will use it with the point of
the star facing up or forward. Evil aligned witches use an Witch’s Familiars
inverted pentagram. Often witches will adopt the Few images are as strong as that of the witch
pentagram as part of their own personal symbols. accompanied by her black cat. So strong was this
The Star Shaped pentagram is used when assocation that along with the millions of women burned
preparing healing and other beneficial spells. Witches as “witches” in the dark ages, so were thousands of cats
with the Circle Casting Feat standing within a Pentagram as “familiars”.
treats all healing and protective abjuration spells as if they Familiars are actually a newer concept of the
were cast at 2 levels higher than the witch’s caster level. witch myth, the but concept of the magical properties of
animals are as old as magic itself.
Inverted Pentagram: The Inverted Pentagram is used A familiar is a magical, unusually tough, and
when preparing damaging and other harmful spells. A intelligent version of a small animal. It is a magical beast,
Witch standing within a Pentagram treats all harming not an animal. The creature serves as a companion and
spells as if they were cast at 2 levels higher than the servant.
witch’s caster level. Familiars are often the most under used aspect
of a spell casting character. The same should not be said
Hexagram: Two triangles are placed in a circle to create for the witch. To begin with a witch’s familiar will
a six-pointed star. always appear to be a normal animal. Of course they
The upright will be the most intelligent members of their species.
triangle represents Many witches believe that familiars are the
the male energies reincarnated souls of humans, or even other witches,
of the universe. sent back to aid others. Some, in particular Malefica,
The inverted believe that their familiars are in fact imps in animal
triangle represents form. The typical types of familiars that can be found
the feminine and their sensory powers are listed below.
energies. The Witches gain all the benefits of a familiar as
Hexagram is used listed in Core Rulebook I under Sorcerer. Witches
when preparing multiclassed with wizard or sorcerer have their
Abjuration spells. familiar powers stack.
A witch standing To call a familiar the witch needs to
within a Hexagram meditate and perform special rituals that cannot be
grants damage interrupted. Typically these will occur only during
reduction equal to special times of the year and if the ritual is
her wisdom interrupted then the witch will have to wait till the
modifier to all allies (including herself) standing within next occurrence. Examples would be mid summer, a
the Hexagram. blue moon or an eclipse. The witch will need to burn
fine incense (100 GP value) and leave small tokens of
Octogram: Two squares are placed within a circle to food to entice the familiar to come.
form an eight-pointed star. The Octogram is used when Familiars as tough as a witch’s are difficult to
preparing spells that could be diametrically opposed. locate; if her familiar dies a witch must wait till the next
This includes elemental spells (fire, earth, water, air) and holy season/sabbat to find another.
alignment based (good, evil, lawful, chaotic).

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Familiars are usually named by their mistresses The witch decides what kind of familiar she
with bizarre sounding names, like puns (MephistoFleas), wants to call. However the geography of the area will
nonsense words (Sybybala), anagrams of other famous play a role. Also the GM can choose to override this
names (Yaabagab), alterations on the names of their deity choice.
(Heceight), and so on.
A witch’s familiar is capable of human speech, Table 6-1: Witch’s Familiars
has high Intelligence and considerable cleverness. Such Familiar* Additional Powers to the Witch
familiars may not appear noticeably different from others Badger +2 to Constitution score
of their own kind. Bat +2 to any Intuit Direction checks
Beaver Double normal speed when swimming
Cat +2 bonus to Move Silently checks
Coyote Surprised only on a roll of 1 on a d6.
Crow +2 bonus to Reflex saves
Dog Surprised only on a roll of 1 on a d6.
Eagle +2 to any Spot checks
Fox +2 to Intelligence score
Hawk +2 to any Spot checks
Lizard +2 to Dexterity score
Lynx +2 bonus to Reflex saves
Mouse +2 to Dexterity score
Porcupine Improved AC, +2 bonus
Rabbit Surprised only on a roll of 1 on a d6.
Raccoon Surprised only on a roll of 1 on a d6.
Rat +2 bonus to Fortitude saves.
Raven +2 bonus to Reflex saves.
Snake +2 bonus to Fortitude saves.
Squirrel +2 to Dexterity score
Swan +2 to Charisma score
Toad +2 to Constitution score
Turtle Improved AC, +2 bonus
Weasel +2 bonus to Reflex saves.
Wolf +2 bonus to Fortitude saves

* The GM may substitute other small animals

Woodcut circa 1644, Matthew Hokins interrogates suspected witches suitable to the area
Elizabeth Clarke and Rebecca West. ** The witch must wait till the next holy day to
try again.
A familiar is much more than a pet or a servant
for the witch. A familiar is a guide for the witch and a Multiple Familiars
conduit for the witch to speak to both the natural and Witches are often depicted as having multiple
supernatural worlds. The familiar should be seen as a familiars. Often these animals are no more than pets,
partner for the witch. It should also be noted that a albeit intelligent ones. A witch with the access to the
familiar will consider itself as equal to the witch, or Extra Familiar feat can have multiple familiars. The
would even consider the witch as its familiar. mechanics of gaining and loosing these familiars are
Familiars all have personalities and should be detailed with the feat.
played as such. The other players should treat the Often the witch will limit her familiars to no
familiar like another party member. Granted one that more than three or so, most stick with only one. Covens,
may not add much to the combat round, but a valued Traditions and Game Masters can place limits on how
member all the same. many familiars a witch may have at one time.
Once the familiar has joined up with its witch,
the GM must think about the effect the newcomer will Improved Familiars
have on the other animals in the party. If the witch has a Some players may want to consider the use of
ferret and another character keeps guard dogs or a special familiars, such as outsiders, fey, constructs or
hungry falcon, trouble could easily erupt unless everyone small elementals. Familiars of this type are known as
is very careful. The witch player needs to consider all of Improved Familiars.
the pros and cons before calling a familiar.

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Improved familiars otherwise use the rules for ability to combine their magic with others for greater
regular familiars, with two exceptions: If the creature’s effects or perform ritual to increase these effects.
type is something other than animal, its type does not
change; and improved familiars do not gain the ability to Augmented Ritual Magic
speak with other creatures of their kind (although many
of them already have the ability to communicate). Weaving a spell is the art of drawing upon the
tapestry of magic that permeates all things. The use of
Table 6-2: Improved Familiars by Alignment metamagic feats subtly alters the normal flow of spells,
Familiar Alignment Witch Level bringing more power to the dweomer at the cost of a
Shocker lizard Neutral 5th higher spell slot. Augmented ritual casting of spells
Stirge Neutral 5th energizes spells at the time that they are cast as opposed
Formian worker Lawful neutral 7th to when they are prepared; thus the spellcaster need not
Imp Lawful evil 7th sacrifice any spell levels to cast a spell augmented with
Pseudodragon Neutral good 7th metamagic. The ritual provides the extra power.
Quasit Chaotic evil 7th A spellcaster can ritually cast spells augmented
with only the metamagic feats that she knows, but she
The list in the table above presents only a few can include each feat that she knows at the expense of
possible improved familiars. Almost any creature of the extending the casting time, sacrificing more expensive
same general size and power as those on the list makes a components, and taking greater risk that the ritual will
suitable familiar. Nor is the master’s alignment the only fail. It’s important to remember that each extra level of
possible categorization. For instance, improved familiars metamagic feats that are applied to a spell through
could be assigned by the master’s creature type or augmented ritual magic normally increase the level of the
subtype, as shown below. spell. However, in this situation, each feat will now make
the spell take longer to cast and cost more in material
components. The total of these extra levels is called the
Table 6-3: Improved Familiars by Type “added level modifier,” and this added level modifier is
Witch used to determine several aspects of the augmented ritual
Familiar Type/Subtype Level casting.
Celestial hawk1 Good 3rd The Silent Spell and Still Spell feats cannot be
Fiendish Tiny viper Evil 3rd added to augmented ritual spells. If a Silent or Still spell
snake2 are used with an augmented ritual casting, those feat’s
Air elemental, Small Air 5th benefits are negated. Also, the Quicken Spell feat may
Earth elemental, Small Earth 5th not be added to an augmented ritual casting, though if
Fire elemental, Small Fire 5th the feat is used normally and the quickened spell is then
augmented, the resulting ritual casting time can be greatly
Shocker lizard Electricity 5th
reduced (see below). The Heighten Spell feat can be
Water elemental, Small Water 5th
used, with the difference in the actual spell and the new
Homunculus3 Undead 7th
spell level being used to calculate the added level
Ice mephit Cold 7th modifier.
1 Or other celestial animal from the standard familiar list. If the caster has the feats of Spell Penetration or
2 Or other fiendish animal from the standard familiar list. Spell Focus, she may also use these in augmented ritual
3 The witch must first create the homunculus, castings to provide a bonus beyond the normal + 2
substituting ichor or another part of the master’s body benefit of these feats. For every extra + 1 bonus (above
for blood if necessary. the normal +2 bonus provided by these feats) with which
the caster desires to augment his casting, one level is
Author’s Note: While these could easily be adapted to added to the total added level modifier of the augmented
use for the witch, I would suggest avoiding them except ritual casting. For example, to gain a total + 5 bonus on
for Malefic witches. The familiar types presented there Spell Penetration, the caster would add three more levels
have the potential of giving the witch game-unbalancing to the augmented ritual casting’s added level modifier.
power. Familiars for witches have always been described The level of the spell being cast plus the added
as natural animals; this work tries to continue that level modifier of all feats augmenting the spell cannot
tradition. exceed the highest spell level the caster is capable of
normally using. For example, a 12th-level wizard cannot
cast 7th-level spells; the most she could augment a knock
Ritual Magic spell through an augmented ritual casting would be to use
In can be argued that all witch magic is ritual feats that result in an added level modifier of four (2nd-
magic. One of the features of the witch class is the

Liber Mysterium: Magic
level spell + 4 added level modifier = 6th- level spell- the Combined ritual casting works differently than
highest the wizard can cast). augmented ritual casting in that the caster and
To determine the casting time of an augmented participants do not need to have any understanding of
ritual casting of a spell, first determine the spell’s base metamagic feats. Instead, the leader of the combined
ritual casting time on table 6-1 by referencing the spell’s ritual casts the spell to be modified, and the auxiliary
normal casting time. The ritual casting time is this base members of the ritual contribute their will, desire and life
ritual casting time multiplied by the total added level energies to supplement the overall power of the spell.
modifier of the augmentations. Any casting time that This supplementary power is used as bonus
exceeds an hour requires a Ritual Casting check against a levels that is used split between the different aspects of
DC of 10 + the spell level. Use the spell’s original level, the spell. Each aspect of a spell that varies with caster
not the augmented level, for this DC. A failure on this level (range, number of targets, area, duration, damage
Ritual Casting check results in the magical energies dice, etc.) is treated as a separate category that can be
warping and recoiling back upon the caster. This results increased with bonus levels generated by the combined
in (level of the spell + added level modifier) hit points of ritual casting. The supplementary bonus levels provided
damage from the magical backlash as the spell is cast. by the ritual casting cannot violate the restrictions or
The augmented ritual is still successfully cast in the event limits of the spell. For example, a combined ritual casting
of a failed Ritual Casting check. of fireball cannot exceed the spell’s l0-dice maximum for
Augmented ritual castings require extra material damage.
components beyond those normally required for casting The leader (called the focus, who casts the
the spell. These additional components represent the rare actual spell) uses her caster level as the starting level in
materials that must be expended to draw upon even each category for the casting. The total bonus levels
greater power for the spell effect. For divine casters, (determined by the formulas in the boxed text) are then
these material components are holy incense and other divided up and added into each category as the primary
trappings that are expended during the casting as caster chooses. The caster’s level plus the extra bonus
offerings to the gods. Arcane casters use a mixture of levels now determine the effects for each of the spell’s
herbs, minerals and other components based on their separate categories.
specific methods of working magic. Regardless of what One witch, usually the highest level is
these ingredients are, the general cost of the materials is considered the focus. In cases where the witch must
equal to 25 gold x the added level modifier. touch or kiss someone then it is the focus witch who
must do it. The other witches must stay in physical
Table 6-4: Augmented Ritual Casting Time contact or close proximity with the witch, i.e. not
breaking the circle.
Normal Casting Time Base Ritual Casting Time The casting time of the combined ritual is the
Free action 1 full round base time for a combined ritual casting x the number of
1 action 5 full rounds participants x the spell level. See table 6-2 to determine
Full round 5 minutes the base time for the combined ritual casting based on
Other 10 x normal casting time the normal casting time of the spell. The number of
participants does not include the leader of the combined
ritual, only the people who are helping to power the spell.
Combined Ritual Magic Any casting time of an hour or longer requires the leader
to make a Ritual Casting check to maintain control of the
magical energies for the spell. The DC of this skill check
Under the direction of a single spellcaster,
is increased by one for every non-spellcaster participating
usually the coven’s High Priestess, a group of individuals
in the ritual. In the event of a failure in the Ritual Casting
can work together to generate greater spell effects.
check, the energies involved with the combined ritual
Similar to the use of augmented ritual magic, the primary
casting create a backlash that affects all of the
caster uses ritual casting to enhance the basic prepared
participants. These energies assault the bodies and minds
spell to new heights. Although groups with like magic
of each member of the ritual, resulting in (ritual bonus
(divine or arcane) work best together, anyone can assist
levels x spell level) hp of damage. A successful Will
with the performance of the ritual. Of course, non-
saving throw (DC of 15 + spell level) reduces this
spellcasters add to the chance of failure.
damage by half. The combined ritual is still cast in the
Witches refer to this as “coven casting”.
event of a failed Ritual Casting check, but only half of the
Groups of bards and Lorelei witches often refer to
supplementary bonus levels can be harnessed prior to the
combined ritual casting as “concert casting”. Wizard-only
spell discharge.
group casting is referred to as “cabalistic casting”. Most
Combined ritual casting also requires expensive
other casters and some witches refer to it as a “circle
material components. These additional components are
similar to those used in augmented ritual casting and

Liber Mysterium: Magic
represent the same types of ingredients. The cost of the True rituals are cast as normal spells with a few
material components is 10 gold pieces x the number of exceptions.
participants x the spell level. Components: All true rituals have verbal,
somatic, material and experience cost in the spell’s
Table 6-5: Combined Ritual Casting Time components. Each member of the ritual must pay the
experience cost. If the ritual is using proxy ritual
Normal Casting Time BaseRitual Casting Time members (see below) to cast the spell, the experience
Free action 1 Minute cost of the replaced caster(s) is divided among the
1 action 3 minutes normal casters who are participating in the true ritual.
Full round 10 minutes Casters Required: Each true ritual has a
Other 10 x normal minimum number of required casters. Each caster must
Casting time = Base time x spell level x participants have the spell prepared in the usual fashion at the time of
Material Costs = 10 gp x spell level x participants casting. True rituals are prepared in lieu of one of the
caster’s spells of equivalent level.
Table 6-6: Combined Ritual Bonus Levels Effective Caster Level: With multiple casters,
the power of the ritual is enhanced. Use the level of the
Witches, same coven +1/2 of class levels highest caster in the group and add the number of other
Same caster class +1/3 of class levels (including casters (not proxies) participating in the true ritual. The
witches of different covens) spell effects are based upon this effective caster level.
Witches performing as an entire coven gain an
Same magic type +1/4 of class levels (arcane or
added +1 level to this effective caster level.
divine) caster
Proxy: Some true rituals allow a proxy in place
Other type casters +1/5 of class levels
of one or more of the required casters. The proxy section
Non-casters +1/10 of class levels of a true ritual’s description details who can replace a
required caster during the ritual. Proxies cannot replace
Add up all partial levels and round down any every caster; there must be at least one spellcaster to lead
partial levels from the total to determine the total bonus the ritual.
levels added to the spell. Add an additional + 1 bonus Saving Throw: True rituals have more power
level per participant that has the ability to cast the spell in behind them, which in turn makes them more difficult to
question, reflecting the added spell knowledge and caster resist. Any saving throw against a true ritual spell has a
level ability. Note that crossover from arcane and divine DC of 15 + the level of the spell + the relevant ability
versions of the same spells are permissible for this bonus. modifier (Wis for witches) of the highest-level caster
Ritual Casting works best with witches of the participating in the ritual.
same coven. If the spell is being cast by a full coven of
witches (usually 13) then add another +1 bonus level.
Example: Saillie is attempting to move a heavy object
Researching Original True Rituals
using Levitate. Saillie is only 5th level and can only move Any witch who can cast a true ritual can attempt
up to 500 lbs. Teamhair, also 5th level, joins her in a to create a new, original true ritual. But creating a true
combined ritual casting. By herself, Teamhair can also ritual is much more demanding than, creating a normal
only levitate 500lbs. But together they can lift 5 + 2.5 spell. Like research of regular spells, the creation of true
levels worth or 750 lbs. The GM decides that this is rituals requires access to a well-stocked library,
plenty to move the 600-lbs. object. meditation, and prayer for witches. A library must be
comprised of books, treatises and manuscripts totaling at
least 50,000 gp in value. Magical items and spellbooks do
Witch True Rituals not count toward this total for the personal library’s
It is possible that the first of what are known as value. The research must be conducted by at least three
true rituals were in fact given to witch covens by their spellcasters of the same type (arcane or divine) who
Patrons. True rituals are usually cast by the entire coven collaborate on the spell’s research. During the research,
and are treated much the same way as combined each of the spellcasters must pay 1,000 gp per week with
spellcasting. a minimum of one week per effective level of the true
True rituals are very complicated spells. They ritual. This money goes into the same fees,
may only be cast in ritual form and cannot be augmented experimentation and components that regular spell
further with any feats or abilities. True rituals have no research consumes. At the end of the research period,
schools of magic associated with them; their great power each of the researchers makes a Spellcraft check against a
combines all aspects of magic. DC of 20 + the spell level. If all of the researchers
For witches, true rituals will always include succeed, the new true ritual has successfully been created
some aspect of homeopathic, sympathetic and contagious (assuming the spell is viable). If any one of the
magic. researchers fail, they must all go through the research

Liber Mysterium: Magic
process again if they wish to keep attempting to learn the round. Using dispel magic to counter an augmented and
true ritual. combined ritual casting is much easier due to the extra
The criteria for a viable true ritual are entirely delicate magical energies being manipulated. The dispel
dependent upon the requirements of the Game Master. check goes against a DC of 6 + the spell’s caster level if
Use the guidelines for new spell creations in Core Rulebook the dispel check is made during the casting to counter the
II. Compare any new true ritual concepts to those ritual spell.
presented here. The following are required for all true As with countering metamagic feats, any
rituals: additional effects or added levels are not taken into
A minimum of three casters is required to account when counter-spelling a ritual casting. A regular
perform a true ritual, more depending upon the spell. cone of cold spell counters a ritually enhanced cone of
The ritual must have an experience point cost to cold.
cast. Higher experience point costs can balance the True rituals cannot be countered with
power level of some true rituals. knowledge of the true ritual in question; the preparations
The number of are too long and
casters required to cast a complicated to enact even
true ritual is also the number throughout the hours of
of casters that are required casting time required. True
to research the spell. rituals can be easily
Requiring a high number of disrupted through combat,
casters can also serve to distraction or other means.
balance a ritual’s power Unlike ritual casting spells,
level, though not as much as any dispel magic checks to
an experience point cost. counterspell a true ritual go
against a DC of 15 + the
Variant: Power Points caster level of the ritual’s
Power points exist highest- level caster.
throughout the world,
where magic gathers in Witch True Rituals
greater amounts. These
power points are located 1. Handfasting. Blesses
throughout the world and the union between two
can be traced to regions people.
called ley lines. Any magic 2. Rites of Passage. Rites
performed on these points for personal milestones.
is enhanced as if the caster 3. Consecration Ritual.
were a level higher then Consecrates a ritual tool,
normal. Dragons naturally altar or magical item for
gravitate to and attempt to use.
lair at locations with power 4. Wheel of the Year. Rites
points. Druids are likewise for the seasons
required to cast all true 5. Drawing Down the
rituals within the confines of Moon. Commune with the
specially prepared power Goddess
points ringed with standing 6. Calling the Quarters.
stones. Witches will form Creates a permanent magic
their covensteads in areas circle for the covenstead.
where ley lines cross. 7. Binding Ritual. Stops a
witch from using her magic.
Countering Ritual Magic 8. Protection of the Goddess. Grants protection to
Dispelling or countering augmented and those in the Goddess’ care.
combined ritual castings of spells is similar to countering 9. Descent of the Goddess. Returns one creature back
a normal spell. Of course, the longer casting time offers a to life.
larger window of opportunity to disrupt the spell.
Throughout the casting, observers get a Spellcraft check Handfasting
(DC 18 + the spell’s level). The DC is slightly higher due Blesses the union of two people
to the changes in the prolonged casting, but the longer Level: Witch True Ritual – Witch 1
casting time allows for a retry Spellcraft check each Components: V, S, M, DF, XP

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Casters Required: 3 (1 witch and 2 individuals to be
Proxy: Yes. Any individual getting married or 10 Consecration Ritual
worshipers per caster Consecrates a ritual tool, altar or magical item for use.
Casting Time: 1 hour Level: Witch True Ritual – Witch 3
Range: Close (25ft + 5 ft/2levels) Components: V, S, M, DF, XP
Duration: Instantaneous Casters Required: 3 for a single tool, entire coven for
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) altar items
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Proxy: Yes, the witch for whom the tool is being made
for can provide all the XP
Handfasting is the uniting of two (or more for Casting Time: 12 hours + 1 hour per caster
polygamous marriages) individuals with the blessings of Range: Close (25ft + 5 ft/2levels)
the Goddess and her Consort. Target: One ritual tool or altar item
If the union between the couple is undertaken Duration: Instantaneous
for love and altruistic reasons, the two gain a blessing in Saving Throw: None
their times of need. Whenever either of the couple is in Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
danger, both members gain a +1 luck bonus to AC, saves
and skill checks. This effect lasts for a year and a day. This ritual is used to prepare and consecrate
Material Components: An offering of food and ritual tools, altars and magical items, both for coven and
music (to be given to the guests) worth 100 gold pieces. personal use. (See Chapter 5: Covencraft, Tools of the
XP Cost: 10 XP for the caster. Special – the Trade).
couple can pay the experience point cost for the caster. This may be used in place of an Item Creation
This XP coast is paid equally by the two (5 points each). feat, but requires more than one witch. At least three
Note: This spell is derived from the Marriage true ritual witches working in concert are needed to create personal
found in Relics and Rituals. items. For coven items, such as the altar and altar tools,
the entire coven must be at hand.
Rites of Passage
Rites for personal milestones. As with many witch rituals, this may only be cast during
Level: Witch True Ritual – Witch 2 particular times of the year. Typically these are holy or
Components: V, S, M, DF, XP high days or during a certain phase of the moon. These
Casters Required: 3 will vary form coven to coven. If the witch loses her tool
Proxy: No she must recover it or wait till the next occurrence of the
Casting Time: 1 hour special date to consecrate another one.
Range: Close (25ft + 5 ft/2levels)
Target: One creature Material Components: The item being consecrated.
Duration: Instantaneous The item is also coated in incense, oils and/or ritual
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) sands. A specialized marking tool is used to inscribe the
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) witch’s personal symbol of power and other runes into
the item. These items are used up in the process of the
In the communities where the witch is an active ritual.
participant, rites of passage have special social, The item consecrated is usually of high quality
psychological and spiritual meaning. The witch is often or even masterwork, but preference is given to items that
called to pass down the blessings of the Goddess and the were crafted by the witch herself regardless of her skill.
Consort onto the people. The item needs to be at lest of normal quality.
The typical rites are Initiation or becoming a The price of the materials used in the rituals will
witch, birth and naming, Aimsirtogu or coming of age, not typically exceed 100 gp, but can be higher if the
maiden-mother-crone advancement, and death. casters wish. Coven items will have ritual items (incense,
To become a witch the initiate first must study oils, ect.) costing much higher, 1,000 gp or more.
for a year and a day before having the ritual cast. All Focus: The divine focus for this ritual is the item
others are cast at the appropriate times, usually the first itself. It is infused with not only the life force of the
major holy day after the actual event. witch (represented in the XP loss) but also the blessings
Material Components: An offering of food and of the Patron (Goddess or God).
incense worth 100 gold pieces. XP Cost: 15 XP for the primary caster or for the
XP Cost: 10 XP for each caster. Special – the High Priestess, for coven items. Every other caster will
initiate witch can pay the entire XP cost for the casters. contribute 5 XP. The witch that the tool is being made
Note: This spell is derived from the Indoctrination true for may provide all of the required XP for this ritual.
ritual found in Relics and Rituals.

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Lammas Rites: The harvest is nigh and bounty
is shared with all. This rite provides +2 enhancement to
Wheel of the Year any check for the hosts of the Lammas feast. These last
Rites for the seasons. Bestows blessings on those in attendance. until Samhain.
Level: Witch True Ritual – Witch 4 Samhain Rites: The celebration of the dead.
Components: V, S, M, DF, XP Anyone bereaved or in mourning after losing someone
Casters Required: 3 over the last year gains +2 enhancement to all checks.
Proxy: Yes This ‘Blessing of the Dead’ lasts until Imbolc.
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Close (25ft + 5 ft/2levels) Material Components: In every case a feast is
Target: Participants in the ritual, witches and proxies. required. The feast maybe paid for by the coven, the
Duration: One season, 13 weeks. proxies, the participants or some combination thereof.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) The Lammas Rite feast is paid for by the host. These
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) feasts also include music and dancing. The cost is 100gp
or 10gp per participant.
Witches celebrate the changing of the seasons Focus: The divine focus for these rituals is the
as an affirmation of life, death and rebirth. Spring is time ritual itself. By practicing by rote and ritual the witch
youthful vigor, Summer a time of strength, Fall a time of strengthens her bonds to the coven, her Patron and her
harvest and passing on, and Winter a time not just of community.
death, but of rebirth and a return to life. XP Cost: 50 XP for all present. The recipient of
Each ritual is specific and is only cast on the the enhancement may proxy these experience points if
first full day of that season; the equinoxes and solstices. they wish. For the Imbolc Rite the parents of the
Rites of Spring: Spring is a time of renewed newborn may take on all the required experience point
vigor and growth. Participants in this ritual gain a +2 costs.
enhancement bonus to Constitution. This effect lasts
time the Summer Solstice. Children conceived during this Drawing Down the Moon
time gain a +1 benefit to their Constitution for one year Commune with the Goddess
after they are born. Level: Witch True Ritual – Witch 5
Rite of Summer: Summer is time of strength, Components: V, S, M, DF, XP
when the Consort, God of the Sun rules. Participants Casters Required: 2
gain a +2 enhancement to Strength during this time and Proxy: No
until the Autumnal Equinox. Casting Time: 1 hour
Rite of Autumn: Autumn is a time of Harvest, Range: Close (25ft + 5 ft/2levels)
the Sun God is weakening, but the Goddess is again Target: One witch, usually the high priestess
gaining strength. Participants gain +2 enhancement to Duration: 1 round per effective level
their Intelligence until the Winter Solstice. Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Rite of Winter: Winter is a time when the land Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
slumbers. It is also a time of renewal, for the Winter
Solstice marks the return of the light and a time when the When at least three witches come together
Sun God is reborn to the Goddess. In her mourning the (usually a high priestess and a priest or her attendants)
Goddess gained wisdom and that blessing is passed on to they call down the power of the Goddess to learn what
Her witches. From the Winter Solstice to the Vernal She knows. This communion is shared via the high
Equinox participants gain a +2 enhancement to their priestess, whose body becomes the host of the essence of
Wisdom. the Goddess. If no ‘high priestess’ is present then the
Goddess works through the highest-level witch present.
Alternately the Coven may choose to honor the While this ritual is similar to the Commune spell
Cross-quarter days instead. These may require additional q.v. save that the information given is usually more
material components. detailed in nature, it is restricted to situations at hand.
Imbolc Rites: The pending return of Spring is For example a proper use would be to find out the
heralded by the birth of many animals. A newborn may identity of the man plotting to kill the King the witches
be blessed with +2 enhancement to any check. This lasts are protecting, but instead of giving the witches the
until Beltane. identity of the actual assassin, it would reveal the rival
Beltane Rites: A popular choice for marriages, that paid for the assassin. This spell can never be used
this rite provides a +2 enhancement to any check to for “personal” information, such as knowing which
newlyweds. This may be stacked with a Handfasting above. direction in a dungeon corridor to take, or if there is a
These effects last until Lammas. monster waiting behind the door. Properly worded
questions will give detailed responses. The Goddess also

Liber Mysterium: Magic
strives to educate her charges and push the witches into circle. Many of the items required will already be part of
discovering more on their own. So, sometimes the the coven but materials totaling 1,000 gold pieces are not
information may be cryptic, but it is useful in all cases. uncommon. Cost will not likely run more than 5,000 gp
This ritual may be one of the oldest rituals even for the most ornate of circles. If the coven has
known. Thessalian witches were known to have practiced access to a Metamagical Thaumaturgic Circle (q.v.) magic
during the golden age of Greece, possibly long before. item then the cost for the circle can be cut in half.
Material Components: The items required are the If one of coven members has the Craft Magic
witch’s ritual tools. Also required are incense, oils and Circle feat then the casting time can be reduced by one
other expendable altar items of 50 to 100 gps in value. minute per 3 levels of the caster. If more than one
Focus: The divine focus for this ritual is the member has the feat then the time reduced may be
witch herself. She allows herself to become a conduit to applied to each member casting with the feat. The XP
the power and essence of the Goddess. Other items cost for the use of the feat are not included below.
maybe used such as incense and a cup or chalice, which is Focus: The divine focus for this ritual is the
the symbol of the Goddess. Many witches also claim this coven. They call down the power of their Patrons to
may only be cast under the full moon while skyclad. bless the coven space.
XP Cost: 50 XP for the primary caster (the High XP Cost: 500 XP for each caster plus any costs
Priestess). Every other caster will contribute 25 XP. that the spells or metamagical feats require.
Example: The Daughters of the Flame are
Calling the Quarters constructing a new holy area. They have 19 members in
Creates a permanent magic circle for the covenstead. their coven with the high priestess. The high priestess is
Level: Witch True Ritual – Witch 6 granted this spell by her Patron, the Goddess Brigit, and
Components: V, S, M, DF, XP construction begins. Brigit is a Goddess of fire, so
Casters Required: at least three, or entire coven. stones of red, orange and yellow are used to construct
Proxy: No the circle. Three of the coven members are 9th level and
Casting Time: 10 minutes per coven member present. have the Craft Magic Circle feat, so the 20’ diameter
Range: Close (25ft + 5 ft/2levels) circle costs each of them 800 XP, but they also may
Target: One area remove a total of nine minutes from the casting time
Duration: Permanent (three witches at three minutes each). So the base time is
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) 190 minutes minus 9 or 181 minutes. Each witch also
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) contributes 500 XP (1,300 total for the each witch with
the Craft Magic Circle feat).
The covenstead is a sacred place. It is here that There are 19 members of the coven and the
energies are harnessed, the Patrons called and rituals High Priestess is 13th level, so the effective caster level of
enacted. It is here that a witch is her strongest. By means this spell is 13 + 18 coven members + 1, since they are
of this ritual the coven enchants the covenstead and acting as a single coven, for a total of 32. If even one
prepares it for magical use. The ritual is then “renewed” member is missing they lose 1 level for that member and
at every meeting of the coven. the extra 1 level for a complete coven.
This ritual creates a permanent Thaumaturgic
circle for the coven’s use. Any metamagic feat may be Binding Ritual
applied to the creation of the circle and it will then be Stops a witch from using her magic.
applied to spells cast by witches within the circle. Level: Witch True Ritual – Witch 7
Effective caster level is determined as above and the Components: V, S, M, AF, XP
metamagical feats applied to spells are calculated using Casters Required: 3 or more
this effective level. Proxy: No
The Craft Magic Circle feat is not required for this Casting Time: 1 hour + 15 minutes per caster
spell. Range: Close
Renewing the circle: This spell may be recast Target: One creature
with any other metamagical feat. Spells cast within the Duration: See below
circle then have that feat applied to them. This lasts for Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
the duration the coven meets in the circle, until dismissed Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
or 24 hours, whichever happens first. The costs are only
for the feat itself and any costs associated with the spells Magic is a gift from the Goddess and God to a
cast. witch. In return for this gift, the Goddess expects the
Material Components: The materials required to be witch to act as her hands in this realm. The witch is free
inlaid into the covenstead. Often these are precious to act as she interprets the Goddess’ will and as long as
metals or powdered gems, but they could also be special there is understanding then the sacred trust is not
pigments and inks if the coven desides to ‘paint’ the broken.

Liber Mysterium: Magic
But some witches, either by choice or
misguided judgment, break this pact and the Goddess Protection of the Goddess
then must act through her other witches. Grants protection to those in the Goddess’ care.
The law says, “An Harm None, Do What Thou Level: Witch True Ritual – Witch 8
Wilt”. When this law is broken then other witches must Components: V, S, M, AF, XP
step in to stop their offending sister. Casters Required: 3
Three or more witches cast the Binding Ritual Proxy: No
against another witch. All witches are typically from the Casting Time: 1 day
same coven. It is a way to stop the witch without actually Range: Close (25ft + 5 ft/2levels)
harming her and preventing her from harming others. Area: One covenstead or dwelling
Individual GMs must decide if this ritual is effective on Duration: ECL in days after activation.
other magic using classes. Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
The effects and duration of the ritual is Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
dependent on the number of witches casting. In any case
the duration is based on the effective casting level as Fiona, Teamhair, and Saillie knew their time was short and they
detailed in the ritual magic section or as per the could hear the witch finder approaching. They continued to run,
Combined Casting feat. The type of magic bound knowing they would make it to their home barely soon enough.
prevents the witch from using that type of magic during They ran inside their small dwelling. Saillie and Fiona collapsed
the time period indicated. All magic below that type is from exhaustion. Teamhair stood to face their attacker.
also effected. He approached, crossbow in hand, smiling.
“You gave me a good run witch. But now the hunt is over.” He
# of Magic Bound Time Period raised his crossbow and took aim at Teamhair. She grabbed
Casters EffctiveCaster Level Sallie’s hand with her own and Sallie grabbed her daughter’s.
3 Use of Scrolls ECL in Hours “You will not have us. Not this day or any other. Brigit protects
5 Magic Items ECL in Days her own. A Bhrigid, scar os mo chionn Do bhrat fionn
7 Occult Powers ECL in Weeks dom anacal. Díbir Namhaid! Now get out of my home!”
9 Divine or Arcane ECL in Months Teamhair shouted, holding her palm up at the would-be assassin.
Spells Her eyes flashed and a wave of energy extended from the trio of
12+ All Spells ECL in Years witches outward to enclose their dwelling, knocking the witch finder
backwards through the entry and out into the night.
The effected witch is allowed a Will save verses Angered, he rose and leveled his bow again, this time firing at the
the effects of the magic. Again the Effective Caster older witch inside the home.
Level is determined. If the witch belongs a different “No!” shouted Saillie, but Teamhair stood firm.
coven than those casting she gains a benefit of +1 to her The crossbow bolt flew towards her and then it turned back on
Will. If she is also in violation of her alignment (was itself. Returning on its course it impaled the witch finder in the
good now evil) or her pact with the Patron, then she is throat killing him instantly.
also penalized -1 to her Will.
Witches never take a binding lightly. Magic is a A defensive ritual with an offensive bite, this
gift, many times a life saving one. To rob a witch of her magic shows that the Goddess protects what is Hers.
magic will also most likely leave her vulnerable to other This ritual once cast and activated will not allow any
attacks. Many which could be fatal. A binding is always aggressive action taken upon those with within its
done as a last resort. confines. Melee attacks turn back on their attacker, spells
Material Components: An image or representation backfire or effect the caster instead. Beneficial spells and
of the witch being bound. A personal belonging to wrap magic will continue to work and others, ones not
around this item, such as a bit of her hair or a scrap of protected nor involved in the casting of the ritual, can
clothing, say from her ritual robe. Herbs such as effect each other as they please.
Knotweed are also used. Everything is bound up in a Witches and any they choose to protect also
ritual cord made just for this instance. Everything is may not attack others, but they can force out attackers.
placed in a brazier and burned to ashes at the end of the Anytime during the duration of the ritual the lead witch
spell. can say a command word or phrase and all those of
The price of the materials used in the rituals will hostile intent are removed from the area of effect.
not typically exceed 200 gp. The effects will remain dormant until the first
Focus: The arcane focus for this ritual is the act of violence is committed or until one of the witches
image of the witch to be bound. The casting witches present at the original ritual activates it. Often the coven
must also use their athames to focus their energies to the chooses to activate it once the ritual is cast. After that
witch. time the effects persist a number of days equal to the
XP Cost: 1,000 XP per caster. effective casting level.

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Material Components: Specially blessed sea salt is the High Priestess of the coven, if granted then she is
sprinkled around the area. Then another pass is made granted knowledge of this ritual.
with blessed water (can be holy water if the witch so This spell will return one loved one, regardless
chooses), once more with perfumed oils sprayed into the of duration dead or presence of remains, back to life and
air and finally another with lighted incense. These full health at the age they were taken. However, if that
material components do not account for more than 100 loved one has died of old age they will not be able to
gold pieces of value return, their measure of
total. life was already taken.
Focus: The Material
arcane focus is the Components: An image
appropriate witch of the one to be raised.
ritual tool for each A special jar or caldron
pass of the area to be to house the soul of the
protected. So for salt, raised one until their
an earth element, the new body is
witch distributes it constructed out of the
on a plate with a ether. A special ritual
pentacle engraved on area for casting.
it. For water, the Candles, incense and
chalice and incense, other ritual items will
fire. For perfumed be needed. Total cost
oils, air, they may be for this will be
applied to the 10,000gps.
athame and waved Diving focus:
about or placed in a censer. The casting witches will need to use all their ritual tools
XP Cost: 1,000 XP each caster. to direct their energies.
XP Cost: 2,000 XP each caster. If the person to
Descent of the Goddess be returned has a true love or a soul mate, then that
Returns one person back to life person can pay the total XP cost herself for the return of
Level: Witch True Ritual – Witch 9 her true love. Alternately one may willingly give up their
Components: V, S, M, DF, XP life to grant the spark of life needed. This person need
Casters Required: Minimum 3 not be the returned one’s love.
Proxy: Yes. A true love or soul mate may provide all of
the XP required.
Casting Time: 1 day, during Samhain or Ostara Spells
Range: Close Witches, by their very nature are mysterious and
Duration: Permanent thus have a number of new and mysterious spells.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Witch Spell Lists
In ancient times there were only the Goddess 0 Level Witch Spells
and Her Consort. Their love kept the Earth in a (Hexes, Charms, or Leys depending on alignment)
perpetual summer. But as fate and age would have it, the Arcane Mark Inscribes a personal rune (visible or
Consort died. Some say it was by accident, or violence, invisible)
but others say it was the course of all things. Weeping, Cure Minor Wounds* Cures 1 point of damage
the Goddess went for her lover’s soul in the Land of the Dancing Lights* Figments torches or other lights
Dead and Winter came to the land. Daze Creature loses next action
Upon reaching Death’s Realm the Goddess Detect Magic* Detects spells and magic items within 60
petitioned Death for the return of her lover; but even ft.
Death was powerless. She agreed to stay with Death and Detect Poison* Detects poison in one creature or small
He taught Her the ways of life, death and rebirth. For object
the return of Her lover, all must be reborn. And to be Ghost Sound Figments sound
reborn means to die. Guidance +1 on one roll, save or check
Witches cannot use resurrection spells. It Inflict Minor Wounds* Touch attack, 1 point of
violates the cycle of life, death, and rebirth that they have damage
always believed in. But in some cases the need is so great Light* Object shines like torch
that one may be returned. Permission must be asked by Mending Makes minor repairs on an object

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Quick Sleeping Puts willing target to sleep Synthesis Heals 1d4 HP per round while in sunlight, 1
Quick Wakening Wakes target up from normal sleep round per level (max 5 rounds)
Read Magic Read scrolls and spellbooks Ventriloquism Throws voice for 1 min / level
Resistance Subject gains +1 on saving throws Vertigo Subject dizzied, -4 to dexterity
Spirit of the Season Slows elemental creatures (-2 to
initiative) 2nd Level Witch Spells
Virtue Subject gains 1 temporary hp Aid +1 attack, +1 on saves against fear, 1d8 temporary
hit points
1st Level Witch Spells Air Walk Hover while walking, 1/2 move, +10 move
Bane* Enemies suffer -1 attack, -1 saves against fear silently, can carefully move over unsteady surfaces
Bless Growth Improves growth of plants, adult creature, Alter Self As change self, plus more drastic changes
or mother Beguile As charm person, except target is romantically
Bless* Allies gain +1 attack and +1 on saves against fear inclined towards you
Blight Growth Detracts growth of plants, adult creature, Biting Blade Slashing weapon deals extra 1d8 +1 per
or mothers caster level slashing damage
Cause Fear* One creature flees for 1d4 rounds Broca’s Curse of Babble One subject can speak only
Change Self Changes one’s appearance babble
Charm Person Makes one person your friend Blindness/Deafness Makes subject deaf or blind
Command One subject obeys one-word command for 1 Calm Emotion* Calms 1d6 subjects/level, negating
round emotion effects
Comprehend Languages Understand all spoken and Clothes of the Emperor Creates illusory set of clothes
written languages Consecrate Fills area with positive energy, making
Cure Light Wounds* Cures 1d8+1 / level damage undead weaker
(max +5) Cure Moderate Wounds* Cures 2d8+1 / level damage
Deathwatch Sees how wounded subjects within 30 ft. (max +10)
are Death Armor Skin becomes acidic, 2d6 acid damage
Doom One subject suffers -2 on attacks, damage, saves, when touched
and checks Death Knell Kills dying creature, the caster gains 1d8
Dowse Leads caster to object temporary hp, +2 Str, and +1 level
Endure Elements Ignores 5 damage / round from one Delay Poison Stops poison from harming subject for 1
energy type hour / level
Enhanced Taste Makes tasting ability more sensitive Desecrate Fills area with negative energy, making
Ghostly Slashing Causes 1d4+1per level slashing undead stronger
damage Detect Thoughts Allows “listening” to surface
Glamour Makes target appear more attractive or ugly thoughts
Hold Winds Freezes normal winds Discord Hidden hostilities become prevalent
Hypnotism* Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures Ears of the Bat Removes sight but increases hearing,
Identify* Determines single feature of magic items +10 to listen, +4 to search for secret doors
Inflict Light Wounds* Touch, 1d8+1 / level damage Enthrall Captivates all within 100 ft. +10 ft. / level
(max +5) Escape of the Snake Skin becomes flexible, +10 bonus
Minor Fighting Prowess Caster gains +1 bonus to to escape artist checks
attack rolls, additional +1 per 2 levels Grasp of the Endless War Touch attack, 1d10 damage
Moonstone. Creates a magic stone to affect luck. for each alignment step target is from the caster
Pop Corn Corn pops in area, slowing creature and Guard Watch Target doesn’t need to sleep for the night
affects spellcasting Inflict Moderate Wounds* Touch attack, 2d8 +1/
Protection against Chaos/Law/Evil/Good* +2 AC level damage (max +10)
and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals Invisibility Subject is invisible for 10 min/level or until
and outsides it attacks
Shattering the Hourglass The witch’s body changes its Levitate Move yourself, creature or object up or down
age. Locate Object* Senses direction toward object (specific
Silent Image Creates minor illusion of your design or type)
Silver Tongue Gain +10 bonus to one charisma based Magic Circle against Chaos/Law/Evil/Good* As
skill check, affects one sentence only protection spells, but 10 ft. radius and 10 min. / level
Sleep Put 2d4 HD of creatures into comatose slumber Magic Circle against Fire/Earth/Water/Cold* As
Sonic Blast 2d4 sonic damage, deafens for 1d6 rounds Magic Circle against Evil, but effect elemental creatures only
Summon Nature’s Ally I Calls creature to fight Mind Obscure Subject removed from targets mind, can
not detect target unless attacked.

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Minor Image As silent image, plus some sound Rite of Remote Seeing The witch can see through her
Mirror Image Creates decoy duplicates of the caster familiar’s eyes
(1d4 +1 / three levels, max 8) Speak with Dead Corpse answers one question / two
Mystic Sleep As sleep, but affects caster level +1d4 hit levels
dice of creatures Spirit of Avalon Calls invisible spirit that will defend
Phantasmal Spirit Creates illusory phantasm, caster
permanent until touched (but not attacked) Suggestion Compels subject to follow stated course of
Owl’s Wisdom. Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 action
min./level. Summon Nature’s Ally III Calls creature to fight
Scare Panics creatures of less than 6 HD (15-ft. radius) Tongues Speak any language
Speak with Animals* The caster can communicate with Wind Wall Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases
natural animals Witch Wail 5 HD or less take 4d6 sonic damage, and
Summon Nature’s Ally II Calls creature to fight will save to avoid scare affects. Greater than 5 HD take
Virgin Innocence Makes target believe the caster is 2d6 sonic damage
innocent of one deed Witch Writing Disguises writing so it can only be seen
Whispering Wind Sends a short message one mile / under certain terms
4th Level Witch Spells
3 Level Witch Spells Analyze Magic Study magic item or spell to learn about
Arctic Grasp Touch attack, 1d6 cold damage / level and caster or creator
target can only take partial actions, Fort save halves and Charm Monster Makes monster believe it is your ally
negates slowness Cleanse Forces evil spirits, undead, and outsiders to
Astral Sense See Astral, Ethereal, or Invisible creatures leave area
Aura Manipulation Alters aura, alignment, lie from Discern Lies Reveals deliberate falsehoods
detection Divination Provides useful advice for specific proposed
Babble Victims in 20+5 ft per caster level cone speak actions
babble Divine Power. You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1
Bestow Curse -6 to an ability; -4 on attacks, saves, and hp/level.
checks; or 50% chance of losing each action Emotion Arouses strong emotion in subject
Clairvoyance/Clairaudience Hear or see at a Famine All crops in area become inedible
distance for 1 min. / level Fear Subjects within cone flee for 1 round / level
Contagion Infects subject with chosen disease Haste Extra partial action and +4 AC.
Continual Fire Creates real flame that doesn’t die out Intangible Cloak of Shadows Creates shadow form,
through normal means inaudible, intangible, partial invisibility, +7 to hide
Create Food and Water Feeds three humans (or one Lesser Planar Ally Exchange services with an 8 HD
horse) / level outsider
Create Poppet Creates a small construct to perform Locate Creature Indicates direction to familiar creature
tasks for the witch. Martyr’s Cry Scream, if caster dies in 1 hour, all who
Dance Macabre Dance holds 1 target per level heard scream must save or become cursed
Dispel Magic Cancels magical spells and effects Masque The witch looks like multiple targets close
Elemental Armor +8 AC bonus, resistance against friends
energy type 10 Minor Creation Creates one cloth or wood object
Feral Spirit Gain natural weapon, 1d4+1 damage per Neutralize Poison Detoxifies venom in or on subject
level Nightmare Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue
Fly Subject can fly. Polymorph Other Gives one subject a new form
Leomund’s Tiny Hut Creates shelter for ten creatures Polymorph Self The witch assume a new form
Lesser Strengthening Rite Gain 1d3 Str and Con Scrying Spies on subject from a distance
points Spiritual Dagger Athame becomes a possessed,
Lethe Removes memories from subject animated creature
Major Image As silent image, plus sound, smell, and Summon Nature’s Ally IV Calls creature to fight
thermal effects Undead Destruction Destroy undead as good cleric
Phantom Lacerations 5d4 damage +2 per level Undead Enslavement Rebuke undead as evil cleric
Poison Touch deals 1d10 con damage, repeats in 1 min Withering Touch Touch attack, 2d8 points of strength
Remove Blindness/Deafness Cures normal or and constitution in any combination removed
magical conditions
Remove Curse* Frees object or person from curse

Liber Mysterium: Magic
th Restoration Restores level and ability score drains
5 Level Witch Spells
Animal Growth One animal/two levels doubles in size Summon Nature’s Ally VI Calls creature to fight
and HD. True Seeing See all things as they really are
Blade Resistance Damage resistance 25/+5 against Unholy Steed Calls Nightmare to serve as mount for
metal only one night
Bull of Heaven Animal gains +6 to all ability scores, Wall of Roses Creates wall of roses, 2d10+1 damage to
becomes fiendish or celestial anyone passing through, 1d3+1 rounds to break
Dismissal Forces a creature to return to native plane Wave of Mutilation 10’ cone +1 ft per level deals 12d6
Dreadful Bloodletting 7d8 damage +2 per level, save or damage
be stunned Wood to Flesh Restores Flesh to Wood spell, alters plants
Dream Sends message to anyone sleeping
Endless Sleep Target falls asleep until caster’s criteria 7th Level Witch Spells
is met Control Weather Changes weather in local area
False Vision Fools scrying with an illusion Creeping Doom Carpet of insects attacks at caster’s
Feeblemind Subject’s Int drops to 1 command
Greater Command As Command, but affects one Dominate Person Controls humanoid telepathically
subject / level Insanity Subject suffers continuous confusion
Hallow Designates location as Holy Liveoak Oak becomes treant guardian
Immunity Target becomes immune to poisons Planar Ally As Lesser Planar Ally, but up to 16 HD
Magic Jar Enables possession of another creature Planar Binding As Lesser Planar Binding, but up to 16
Major Creation As Minor Creation, plus stone and metal HD
Mirage Arcana As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures Repel Wood Pushes away wooden objects
Phantasmal Killer Fearsome illusion kills subject or Summon Nature’s Ally VII Calls creature to fight
deals 3d6 damage Transport Via Plants Move instantly from one plant to
Primal Scream 5 HD or less take 6d6 sonic damage, another of the same species
greater than 5 takes 4d6, all subjects must save or Scare
Seeming Changes appearance of one person/two levels 8th Level Witch Spells
Sending Delivers short message to anywhere instantly Antipathy Object or location affected by spell repels
Summon Nature’s Ally V Calls creature to fight certain creatures
Unhallow Designates location as Unholy Discern Location Exact location of creature or object
Etherealness: Travel to Ethereal Plane with
6th Level Witch Spells companions.
Animate Objects Objects attack your foes Finger of Death Kills one subject
Curse of Lycanthropy Causes a person to become Horrid Wilting Deals 1d8 damage / level within 30 ft
infected with lycanthropy. Plane Shift Up to 8 subjects travel to another plane
Eyebite Charm, Fear, Sicken or Sleep one subject Polymorph any Object Changes any subject into
False Memory Implants a flase memory or covers up a anything else
true one. Summon Nature’s Ally VIII Calls creature to fight
Find the Path Shows most direct way to a location Symbol Triggered runes have array of effects
Geas/Quest As Lesser Geas, plus it affects any creature Sympathy Object or location attract certain creatures
Greater Scrying As Scrying, but faster and longer Trap the Soul Imprisons subject within gem
Heroes’ Feast Food for one creature/level cures and
blesses 9th Level Witch Spells
Holy Steed Calls winged, celestial unicorn to serve as Astral Projection Projects caster and companions into
mount for one day Astral plane
Itchweed Caster can consume poison and pass it on Dominate Monster As Dominate Person, but any
with touch attack creature
Legend Lore Learn tales about a person, place, or thing Earthquake Intense tremor shakes 5 ft. / level radius
Mass Suggestion As suggestion, plus one/level subjects Foresight “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger
Mislead Turns caster invisible and creates illusory Refuge Alters item to transport its possessor to the
double caster
Moonbow Ranged touch deal 1d8+1 per caster level Shape Change Transforms you into any creature, can
(+15 max), fire 3 per round, Deals double damage change forms once per round
against lycanthropes Soul Bind Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection
Permanency Makes certain spells permanent; costs XP Summon Nature’s Ally IX Calls creature to fight
Project Image Illusory double can talk and cast spells Vile Extension Makes the caster’s body younger
Repulsion Creatures can’t approach the caster Wail of the Banshee Kills one creature / level

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Weird As Phantasmal Killer, but affects all within 30 ft.
3rd Level
New spells are Italicized . Continual Fire Creates real flame that doesn’t die out
through normal means
Talisman spells are indicated with an asterisk, *. Elemental Armor +8 AC bonus, resistance against
energy type 10
Grasp of the Endless War Touch attack, 1d10 damage
New Bard Spells for each alignment step target is from you
1st Level Spells Youthful Vigor The target gains the vigor of youth
Silver Tongue Gain +10 bonus to 1 charisma based skill
check, affects 1 sentence only
4th Level
2nd Level Spells Bounty/Strength to the Unborn Increases the chances
Beguile As charm person, except target is romantically that a fetus/embryo/seedling will be born
inclined towards you Cleanse Forces evil spirits, undead, and outsiders to
Broca’s Curse of Babble One subject can speak only leave area
babble Lesser Strengthening Rite Cleric gains 1d3 Str and
Discord Hidden hostilities become prevalent Con points
Escape of the Snake Skin becomes flexible, +10 bonus Spirit of Avalon Calls invisible spirit that will defend
to escape artist checks caster
Vertigo Subject dizzied, -4 to dexterity Withering Touch Touch attack, 2d8 points of strength
and constitution in any combination removed
3rd Level Spells
Babble; Victims in 20+5 ft per caster level cone speak 5th Level
babble Immunity Target becomes immune to poisons
Virgin Innocence Makes target believe the caster is Make Fertile Make something previously infertile
innocent of one deed capable of creating life
Spiritual Dagger Athame becomes possessed, animated
4th Level Spells creature
Martyr’s Cry Scream, if caster dies in 1 hr, all who heard
scream save or cursed 6th Level
Masque The bard looks like multiple targets close Blade Resistance Damage resistance 25/+5 against
friends metal only
Control Outcome of Birth the caster can choose
5th Level Spells outcome (gender, amount,) of birth
Primal Scream 5 HD or less take 6d6 sonic damage, Curse of Lycanthropy Causes a person to become
greater than 5 takes 4d6, all subjects must save or Scare infected with lycanthropy.

New Cleric Spells 7th Level

1stLevel Magickal Conception Makes a woman pregnant via
Bless Growth Improves growth of plants, adult creature, magic
or mother
Enhanced Taste Makes tasting ability more sensitive 8th Level
Minor Fighting Prowess Caster gains +1 bonus to Crossbreed Allow two incompatible races to have an
attack rolls, additional +1 per 2 levels offspring
Moonstone. Creates a magic stone to affect luck.
9th Level
2nd Level Magickal Creation A new life is created without a
Beguile As charm person, except target is romantically father or mother
inclined towards you
Biting Blade Slashing weapon deals extra 1d8 +1 per
caster level slashing damage New Clerical Domains
Magic Circle against Fire, Earth, Water, Fire, Cold* Domain benefits and powers are only open to
As Magic Circle against Evil, but effect elemental clerics and to witches with the Divine Dominion and
creatures only Greater Divine Dominion feats.
Ghostly Slashing Causes 1d4+1 per level slashing

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Fertility Domain New Druid Spells
Deities: Many Goddesses are fertility Goddesses. In 0 Level Spells
particular Astartë, Diana, Hestia, Isis, Ishtar, Kali. Spirit of the Season Slows elemental creatures (-2 to
Benefit: +2 bonus to Profession: Midwifery checks. initiative)
Granted Power: Gains the ability to Detect Animals or
Plants, as per the spell, also able to detect if a female is 1st Level Spells
fertile or pregnant. Cast as if a druid of the same level. Bless Growth. Improves growth of plants, adult
creature, or mother
Spells Blight Growth. Detracts growth of plants, adult
1 Bless Growth. Improves growth of plants, adult creature, or mother
creature, or mother. Enhanced Taste. Makes tasting ability more sensitive
2 Beguile/Lust. As charm person, except target is Hold Winds. Freezes normal winds
romantically inclined towards you. Moonstone. Creates a magic stone to affect luck.
3 Youthful Vigor. The target gains the vigor of youth. Pop Corn. Corn pops in area, slowing creature and
4 Bounty/Strength to the Unborn. Increases the affects spellcasting
chances that a fetus/embryo/seedling will be born. Synthesis. Heals 1d4 HP per round while in sunlight, 1
5 Make Fertile. Make something previously infertile round per level (max 5 rounds)
capable of creating life.
6 Control Outcome of Birth. the caster choose 2nd Level Spells
outcome (gender, amount,) of birth. Air Walk. Hover while walking, 1/2 move, +10 move
7 Magickal Conception. Makes a woman pregnant via silently, can carefully move over unsteady surfaces
magic. Ears of the Bat. Removes sight but increases hearing,
8 Crossbreed. Allow two incompatible races to have an +10 to listen, +4 to search for secret doors
offspring. Magic Circle against Fire, Earth, Water, Fire, or
9 Magickal Creation. A new life is created without a Cold*. As Magic Circle against Evil, but effect elemental
father or mother. creatures only

Moon Domain 3rd Level Spells

Continual Fire. Creates real flame that doesn’t die out
Deities: Many Goddesses are moon Goddesses. In through normal means
particular Artemis, Diana, Hecate, and Luna. Elemental Armor. +8 AC bonus, resistance against
Benefit: +2 bonus to protection against contracting energy type 10
lycanthropy. Feral Spirit. Gain natural weapon, 1d4+1 damage per
Granted Power: Gains the ability of Low Light Vision; level
the ability to see in moonlight as if it were daylight and Youthful Vigor. The target gains the vigor of youth
the ability to see twice as far during moonlit nights.
4th Level Spells
Spells Bounty/Strength to the Unborn. Increases the chances
1 Moonstone. Creates a magic stone to affect luck. that a fetus/embryo/seedling will be born
2 Owl’a Wisdom. Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 Famine. All crops in area become inedible
3 Bestow Curse. –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack 5th Level Spells
rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each Blade Resistance. Damage resistance 25/+5 against
action. metal only
4 Divine Power. You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 Bull of Heaven. Animal gains +6 to all ability scores,
hp/level. becomes fiendish or celestial
5 Moonbow. Caster shoots bolts of moonlight for 1d8 Curse of Lycanthropy. Causes a person to become
damage.. infected with lycanthropy.
6 Curse of Lycanthropy. Transmutes one humanoid Itchweed. Caster can consume poison and pass it on
into an afflicted lycanthrope with touch attack
7 Insanity. Subject suffers continuous confusion. Make Fertile. Make something previously infertile
8 Etherealness: Travel to Ethereal Plane with capable of creating life
9 Astral Protection. Projects you and companions onto 6th Level
Astral Plane. Control Outcome of Birth. the can caster choose
outcome (gender, amount,) of birth

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Wall of Roses. Creates wall of roses, 2d10+1 damage to Rite of Remote Seeing. Caster can see through her
anyone passing through, 1d3+1 rounds to break familiar’s eyes
Witch Wail. 5 HD or less take 4d6 sonic damage, and
New Paladin Spells will save to avoid scare affects. Greater than 5 HD take
3rd Level 2d6 sonic damage
Grasp of the Endless War. Touch attack, 1d10 damage Witch Writing. Disguises writing so it can only be seen
for each alignment step target is from you under certain terms

4th Level
New Ranger Spells Intangible Cloak of Shadows. creates shadow form,
1st Level inaudible, intangible, partial invisibility, +7 to hide
Bless Growth. Improves growth of plants, adult
creature, or mother 5th Level
Blight Growth. Detracts growth of plants, adult Analyze Magic. Study magic item or spell to learn about
creature, or mothers caster or creator
Pop Corn. Corn pops in area, slowing creature and Create Poppet Creates a small construct to perform
affects spellcasting tasks for the witch.
Synthesis. Heals 1d4 HP per round while in sunlight, 1
round per level (max 5 rounds) 6th Level
Curse of Lycanthropy. Causes a person to become
2nd Level infected with lycanthropy.
Air Walk. Hover while walking, 1/2 move, +10 move Immunity Target becomes immune to poisons
silently, can carefully move over unsteady surfaces Primal Scream 5 HD or less take 6d6 sonic damage,
Ears of the Bat. Removes sight but increases hearing, greater than 5 takes 4d6, all subjects must save or Scare
+10 to listen, +4 to search for secret doors Undead Destruction Destroy undead as good cleric
Undead Enslavement Rebuke undead as evil cleric
New Sorcerer / Wizard Spells
1st Level
New Uses for Old Spells
Enhanced Taste. Makes tasting ability more sensitive
Glamour. Makes target appear more attractive or ugly Bestow Curse (3rd Level) – Witches are famous (or
Sonic Blast. 2d4 sonic damage, deafens for 1d6 rounds infamous) for their curses. Witch players are encouraged
Vertigo. Subject dizzied, -4 to dexterity to come up with unique and specific curses. Some
suggestions are:
2nd Level - The witch can target any specific skill or feat
Beguile. As charm person, except target is romantically and inflect a –10 penalty.
inclined towards the caster - The target becomes unlucky. Every non-combat
Broca’s Curse of Babble. One subject can speak only role receives a –5 penalty.
babble - The target is cursed with emarrasing themselves
Death Armor. Skin becomes acidic, 2d6 acid damage in all social situations. Inappropriate bodily
when touched noises, devices fail to work, spill drinks, food.
Discord. Hidden hostilities become prevalent - The target can’t help but shout everything they
Escape of the Snake. Skin becomes flexible, +10 bonus are trying to say.
to escape artist checks - The curse effects the target’s family line instead.
Phantasmal Spirit. Creates illusory phantasm, - The curse has a delayed onset or will only begin
permanent until touched (but not attacked) under certain circumstances.
Silver Tongue. Gain +10 bonus to 1 charisma based - The curse can only be removed under special
skill check, affects 1 sentence only circumstances.

3rd Level Scrying (4th Level) and Scrying, Greater (6th Level) –
Arctic Grasp. Touch attack, 1d6 cold damage / level The focus for the witch is a cauldron filled with clear
and target can only take partial actions water (sometimes known as Cerriweden’s Cauldron) or a
Babble. Victims in 20+5 ft per caster level cone speak polished mirror (also known as Hathor’s Mirror).
Continual Fire. Creates real flame that doesn’t die out Same Spell, New Name
through normal means Witches have access to a number of spells of
Mystic Sleep. As sleep, but affects caster level +1d4 hit their own. They also share a good number with other
dice of creatures

Liber Mysterium: Magic
classes. To help preserve a bit of the mystery of the This spell creates a small cushion of air under
witch GM’s are encouraged to come up with new names the spellcaster’s feet. With this, the witch can levitate
for any “common” spell. This also reflects the diverse slightly off the ground when she walks, granting a +10
nature of the witch’s magic. It is even extremely likely circumstance bonus to a Move Silently skill; however, when
that no two traditions or covens would even call the using this spell, movement is at 1/2 normal movement
same witch spell the same name. Warlocks would rate (so 1/4 when Moving Silently). In addition, the
certainly have different names for their spells, as would witch can walk over unstable or intangible surfaces,
Hermetic Mages. however, she might need to make a balance check to
Here are a few examples and suggestions. Some avoid falling down, and she still moves slower than
of these spells are not on the witch’s spell list, but are normal.
known to witches by these other names. Any tracks left while using this spell appear as if
they had been there a full day longer than they really
Table 6-7: New Spell Names were.
Spell Name Witch Spell Name Note: This spell can not work in environments where
Acid Arrow Arrows of Artemis/Apollo there is no air, such as under water or any of the
Arcane Mark Witch’s Mark elemental planes, except of course for the Elemental
Beguile Lust Plane of Air, but it is hardly needed there.
Bless Blessed Be
Bless Growth Fertility Rite Terrain Balance Movement
Calm Emotion Quell Heart’s Flame Check Rate
Cause any Wounds Lovitar’s Kiss Compact Snow or Ice DC 7 1/2
Cure Critical Wounds Superior Rite of Healing Sand or dense mud DC 10 1/2
Cure Light Wounds Lesser Rite of Healing Watery Mud DC 13 1/3
Cure Minor Wounds Minor Rite of Healing Light, newly fallen snow DC 15 1/4
Cure Moderate Wounds Medial Rite of Healing Lava DC 15 1/4
Cure Serious Wounds Greater Rite of Healing Water DC 17 1/8
Daze Fairy Senses
Desecrate Blessings of the Mara Analyze Magic
Detect Magic See Magic Divination
Fly Transvection Level: Wch 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Guidance Faerie Luck Components: V S
Light Witch Light Casting Time: 1 Minute
Magic Jar Witch Bottle Range: Touch
Mage’s Disjunction Hecate’s Magickal Rending Target, Effect, Area: Item Touched
Mage’s Faithful Hound Hecate’s Faithful Hound Duration: Instant
Mage’s Lucubration Mnemosyne’s Recall Saving Throw: See text
Mage’s Sword Thanatos’ Sycthe Spell Resistance: Yes
Polar Ray Louhi’s Breath
Speak with Dead Spirit of Samhain You can learn certain things about the caster or
Symbol of Fear Mark of Phobos creator of a spell or magic item. Make an ability check of
Symbol of Pain Mark of Lovitar your relevant casting ability score, plus half your caster
Tiny Hut Baba Yaga’s Hut level. Then, modify the roll using the following.
Transport via Plants Move with Nature’s Grace
If the spell is cast by a famous/well +4
Spell Descriptions known Spellcaster
Steps taken to disguise the magical - 5/spell level
Air Walk aura (Nystuls Magical Aura, etc.)
Elemental Air Spell or item has been used against +1 each instance
Level: Wch 2, Drd 2, Rgr 2 you before
Components: V S Number of years ago spell was cast -1 for each year
Casting Time: 1 Action or item was created
Range: Touch Spell or item was cast as a type not -5
Target, Effect, Area: Person touched available to caster (a divine spell as
Duration: 5 minutes per level [d] being analyzed by a wizard, for
Saving Throw: None instance)
Spell Resistance: Yes

Liber Mysterium: Magic
At the GM’s discretion, other modifiers may You can bring the astral forms of other willing creatures
apply. Then, take your result and consult the following. with you, provided that these subjects are linked in a
circle with you at the time of the casting. These fellow
Condition DC travelers are dependent upon you and must accompany
Class of the Spellcaster (Witch, Cleric, Wizard, 10 you at all times. If something happens to you during the
etc.) journey, your companions are stranded wherever you left
As above, plus Coven, Religion, or school of 12 them.
specialty (if applicable) of caster You project your astral self onto the Astral
As above, plus Alignment of Caster 15 Plane, leaving your physical body behind on the Material
As above, plus name of caster 20 Plane in a state of suspended animation. The spell
As above, plus time created/cast, and visuals of 24 projects an astral copy of you and all you wear or carry
the caster creating the item or casting the spell. onto the Astral Plane. Since the Astral Plane touches
As above, plus reason created/cast 30 upon other planes, you can travel astrally to any of these
As above, plus can analyze anyone else who has 35 other planes as you will. To enter one, you leave the
used the same item (begin rerolling at a -5 Astral Plane, forming a new physical body (and
penalty). equipment) on the plane of existence you have chosen to
This spell can be used to analyze spells with a While you are on the Astral Plane, your astral
long duration, magical items, magical constructs, undead body is connected at all times to your physical body by a
or aberrations created by wizardry. silvery cord. If the cord is broken, you are killed, astrally
and physically. Luckily, very few things can destroy a
Arctic Grasp silver cord. When a second body is formed on a different
Cold Touch, Grip of Cold Death plane, the incorporeal silvery cord remains invisibly
Transmutation attached to the new body. If the second body or the
Level: Wch 3, Sor/Wiz 3 astral form is slain, the cord simply returns to your body
Components: V S M where it rests on the Material Plane, thereby reviving it
Casting Time: 1 Action from its state of suspended animation. Although astral
Range: Touch projections are able to function on the Astral Plane, their
Target, Effect, Area: One Creature actions affect only creatures existing on the Astral Plane;
Duration: Until Discharged a physical body must be materialized on other planes.
Saving Throw: Fortitude halves (see text) You and your companions may travel through
Spell Resistance: Yes the Astral Plane indefinitely. Your bodies simply wait
behind in a state of suspended animation until you
The spell causes your hand to glow a bright choose to return your spirits to them. The spell lasts until
light blue until the spell is dispelled into another you desire to end it, or until it is terminated by some
individual. When dispelled, the spell deals 1d6 frost outside means, such as dispel magic cast upon either the
damage per level (max 10d6). If the target fails their physical body or the astral form, the breaking of the
saving throw, they are considered slowed and can only silver cord, or the destruction of your body back on the
take partial actions for 1 round per 2 caster levels. Material Plane (which kills you).
The material component for this spell is any Material Component: A jacinth worth at least
crystallized stone. 1,000 gp, plus a silver bar worth 5 gp for each person to
be affected.
Astral Projection
Necromancy Astral Sense
Level: Wch 9, Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9, Travel 9 Abjuration
Components: V, S, M Level: Wch 3
Casting Time: 30 minutes Components: V S M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 round
Targets: You plus one additional willing creature Range: Touch
touched per two caster levels Target, Effect, Area: Person touched
Duration: See text Duration: 1 round per level
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes

By freeing your spirit from your physical body, By means of this spell the caster can see astral,
this spell allows you to project an astral body onto ethereal or invisible creatures. She is limited only by her
another plane altogether. own sight. Even though the caster can see the creatures

Liber Mysterium: Magic
or items in the astral or ethereal plane, she may not be becomes babbled and confused. Any spell with a verbal
able to effect them. Plus the creatures may not be able to component is stopped or otherwise disrupted. People
see the caster. Any gaze attacks that can extend into the effected will also believe that their own speech is normal,
astral or ether will also effect the caster. but all other effected people’s speech is babbled. Those
The material component for this spell is a bit of not effected can still speak normally, but can not
special blue power that the caster uses to draw an eye on understand those effected at all.
her forehead. This spell cannot effect undead or any other
creature immune to mind effecting spells.
Aura Manipulation This spell can be countered with a proper
Transmutation Remove Curse or Tongues spell.
Level: Wch 3 The material component for this spell is a
Components: V S M snake’s tongue that has been tied in a knot.
Casting Time: 1 turn
Range: Touch Beguile
Target, Effect, Area: Person Lust (Fertility)
touched The target becomes enamored with the caster.
Duration: See Below Enchantment Charm
Saving Throw: None Level: Wch 2, Brd 2, Cleric 2,
Spell Resistance: Yes Sor/Wiz 2, Fertility 2
Components: V S
The caster can alter the aura Casting Time: 1 action
of herself or another. The caster can Range: Close 25 feet + 5 feet / level
disguise a person’s alignment, level or Target, Effect, Area: One humanoid
whether or not the person is telling Duration: 10 Minutes per Caster
the truth or a lie. This spell will fool Level
and magical detection, such as the Saving Throw: Will Negates
caster’s own Aura Reading. This Spell Resistance: Yes
spell will also fool any other types of
magical or psychic means of This spell functions similarly
discovery such as Analyze Magic to the spell Charm Person, except it
(opposed spellcaster roll). has the additional benefit of
A spellcaster casting Aura romantically enamoring the target. If
Reading will believe the spell or item the caster tries to use her bluff or
to be what the target appears to be diplomacy against the target, she
under Aura Manipulation if they fail receives a +10 circumstance bonus
an opposed caster level check, in against the target. The caster can make
which the caster of Aura seduction check as normal to attempt
Manipulation receives a +4 bonus. to increase her bonus to Bluff and
This spell requires a piece of Diplomacy, to increase her check, she
quartz crystal. makes her skill check opposed by the
targets sense motive, which is made
Babble with a +10 bonus. Her diplomacy
Tongue Tie check in this instance is increased by
Transmutation +1 for every two points her check is
Level: Wch 3, Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 higher than the targets sense motive. This stacks with
Components: V S M the base +10 bonus that this spell grants. Standard saving
Casting Time: 1 Action throws to avoid taking actions that normally you
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/ 2 levels) wouldn’t make (like cheating on your wife of 15 years)
Target, Effect, Area: 20’ + 5’ per level cone are still granted a saving throw, albeit at a -5 penalty.
Duration: 1 round per level This spell has no effect on characters who
Saving Throw: Will Negates normally could not feasibly become attracted to the
Spell Resistance: Yes caster, a heterosexual male could not become enamored
to a male caster, nor could a homosexual female become
This spell confuses and confounds all types of enamored by a male caster, nor could it work on asexual
verbal communication. All victims within the effected beings like Oozes or Elementals.
20’ +5’ per level cone shaped area starting at your hand Fertility Domain: To the ancient fertility gods, lust was
must make a will save or be effected. The speech not a sin, but the energies of life and need to create. To

Liber Mysterium: Magic
fill oneself with lust is not an evil thing if the lust is used By casting this spell the caster has made herself
for creation. or whomever she touches immune to metal blades. You
gain damage resistance 25/Non-Metal against piercing
Bestow Curse and slashing weapons only, provided these weapons are
Necromancy made of metal. Once this spell has prevented 10 points
Level: Wch 3, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 4 of damage per level (Max 150) it is discharged.
Components: V, S Slashing or piercing weapons not made of metal
Casting Time: 1 standard action (for instance, a druids wooden scimitar which has
Range: Touch “Ironwood” cast on it), or natural piercing or slashing
Target: Creature touched attacks are not affected by this spell (presuming the
Duration: Permanent attacker is not made of metal. Despite the name, Metallic
Saving Throw: Will negates Dragons do not count as metal). This spell also provides
Spell Resistance: Yes resistance against the spells Biting Blade, Ghostly Slashing,
Phantom Lacerations, Dreadful Bloodletting, and Wave of
You place a curse on the subject. Choose one of Mutilation.
the following three effects. An athame is required to cast this spell as an
• –6 decrease to an ability score (minimum 1). Arcane Focus.
• –4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill
checks. Bless Growth
• Each turn, the target has a 50% chance to act normally; The target’s growth is blessed.
otherwise, it takes no action. Transmutation
You may also invent your own curse, but it should be no Level: Wch 1, Drd 1, Rgr 1
more powerful than those described above. Components: V S
The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled, but Casting Time: 1 action
it can be removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, Range: Touch
miracle, remove curse, or wish spell. Target, Effect, Area: See Text
Bestow curse counters remove curse. Duration: 1 week
Saving Throw: None
Biting Blade Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Level: Wch 2, Clr 2 This spell can be used in three ways.
Components: V S M Bless Garden - Growth is improved by 20% during the
Casting Time: 3 actions duration of the spell, when used on a natural garden, they
Range: Touch will produce 20% more food. This can be used to affect
Target, Effect, Area: one bladed weapon gardens up to 10 square feet per caster level.
Duration: 1 minute per level
Saving Throw: None Bless Body - If cast on a living creature, they will
Spell Resistance: Yes recover an additional hit point for each full night of rest.

With this spell the caster may enchant one blade Bless Mother - This spell can also be used to increase
to cause extra slashing or piercing (based on weapon the chances of a woman getting pregnant, though it’s up
type) damage on a successful hit. On a successful hit, the to your DM to decide exactly how it’s affected.
weapon deals an additional 1d8 points of damage +1
(max +10) per caster level. After a single strike, the spell This spell is countered and dispelled by Blight
ends. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. Growth

Blade Resistance Blight Growth

Transmutation The target’s growth is blighted.
Level: Wch 5, Clr 6, Drd 5 Transmutation
Components: V S AF Level: Wch 1, Drd 1, Rgr 1
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V S
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 action
Target, Effect, Area: Person touched Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round per level Target, Effect, Area: 10 yards per level of area touched
Saving Throw: None Duration: 10 Minutes per Level
Spell Resistance: Yes Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Liber Mysterium: Magic
A plant will draw the nutrients it needs from the
This spell can be used in three ways. surrounding area, a fetus from it’s mother. This is not
Blight Garden - Growth is decreased by 20% during the vampiric, but an extension of a natural process. The
duration of the spell, when used on a natural garden, they mother or the area the plant is in must then be
will produce 20% less food. This can be used to affect responsible for taking in more nutrients for herself or
gardens up to 10 square feet per caster level. lose 1 Con point per month (for a maximum of 9). The
Con point loss is temporary and can be recovered
Blight Body - If cast on a living creature, they will normally.
recover one less hit point for each full night of rest. The caster adds a +1 to the survival DC of the
developing life form for every spellcasting level she has.
Blight Mother - This spell can also be used to decrease This spell provides no protection once the baby is born
the chances of a woman getting pregnant, though it’s up or the plants come out of the ground.
to the GM to decide exactly how it’s affected. Material Components: A parchment with various
symbols of protection inscribed on it burned in a
This spell is dispelled and countered by Bless caldron.
Growth This spell can be countered with Withering Touch.

Broca’s Curse of Babel Bull of Heaven

Subject is cursed into speaking in non-sense Bewitch Animal
Illusion Glamour Transmutation
Level: Wch 2, Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Level: Wch 5, Drd 5
Components: V S M Components: V S M
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 9 actions
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Target, Effect, Area: Subject Touched Target, Effect, Area: 1 normal animal touched
Duration: 1 round/level Duration: 10 Minutes + 1 Minute per level
Saving Throw: Will Negates Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

By means of this minor curse you causes the In Sumerian myths Inanna sent a frightful bull
subject to be able only to speak in non-sense. The to destroy Gilgamesh. With the use of this spell a caster
subject will believe that they are speaking normally and can gain some of that power.
will not initially understand why no one understands By casting this spell on any normal, non-magical
them. The affected subject will not be able to animal the caster turns it into a powerful force of nature.
communicate either by speech or writing, nor will they be The caster speaks the spell and rubs the animal with a
able to cast spells. special scented oil. Any normal animal will gain, for the
This spell can be countered with a proper rest of the spells duration, an additional +6 to each of it’s
Remove Curse, Dispel Magic or Tongues spell. ability scores. Also, for the duration of the spell, it acts
The material component for this spell is a as if the celestial or fiendish template (as dictated by the
snake’s tongue that has been tied in a knot. casters alignment, neutral casters may choose which to
apply) were applied to the creature (as described in Core
Bounty/Strength to the Unborn Rulebook III). The animal can follow simple commands,
Increases the chances that a fetus/embryo/seedling will be born but can not learn to speak no matter what it’s current
Necromantic intelligence score is (unless it is a creature which could
Level: Clr 4, Drd 4, Wch 4, Fertility 4 possibly learn to speak already, such as a parrot or a
Components: V S M dolphin). The animal is also considered to be Hasted,
Casting Time: 1 hour gaining an extra partial action each round.
Range: Close (25 ft + 5ft./2 levels) The animal will perform the action until
Target, Effect, Area: One life form/area completion, the spells end or it’ or the caster’s death. If
Duration: Gestation of the life form the animal completes the action or if the spell duration
Saving Throw: Fort negates ends then the animal will return to the state in which the
Spell Resistance: Yes, harmless caster encountered it, hit points returned to normal. If
the animal is killed, it automatically has the spell
This spells gives protection to an unborn fetus Reincarnation cast upon it; however, it takes a full week for
or a developing plant to survive till it is born or the spell to take effect (the witch does not pay any XP
germinates. costs for the reincarnation).

Liber Mysterium: Magic
The material component for this spell is scented Spell Resistance: Yes
oil, which is rubbed over the affected animal as the spell
is prepared. By means of this spell the caster alters the
nature of a flame to burn forever. It never grows or
Cleanse consumes it’s fuel, but it can not be put out save by
Minor Rite of Cleansing magical means or depriving it of air. Unlike continual
Evocation flame, this fire does produce real heat, and other objects
Level: Wch 4, Clr 4 can be caught on fire with this spell.
Components: V S M A weapon with Continual Fire cast on it deals
Casting Time: 1 action no extra damage, but it can be used to se things ablaze
Range: Touch and functions as a torch.
Target, Effect, Area: 10 ft per level The material component is a small piece of
Duration: Instantaneous petrified wood.
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes Control Outcome of Birth
The caster can choose outcome (gender, amount,) of birth.
This spell works like the Holy Word spell, but it Alteration
can only force out evil spirits, undead, outsiders from the Level: Clr 6, Drd 6, Wch 6, Fertility 6
area of effect. It can not harm or destroy any of these Components: V S M AF
spirits, but they will leave the area. Undead are treated as Casting Time: 1 hour
if they were turned (but never destroyed). This spell will Range: Touch
also remove a spirit from an object or person. In this Target, Effect, Area: One target
case the possessing spirit gains a will save. If it fails it Duration: Permanent
leaves the body or object and flees the area. Saving Throw: Will negates
The arcane focus for this spell is the witches Spell Resistance: Yes
athame and fine incense.
By means of this spell the caster can control the
Clothes of the Emperor outcome of birth. Specifically the caster can choose the
Illusion (Phantasm) outcome of the birth such as gender of the baby or other
Level: Wch 2 detail such removing a family curse before the baby is
Components: S M born (Lycanthropy for example). If cast within the
Casting Time: 1 action normal time frame (the first couple of weeks after
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/level) conception for humans) then identical twins can be
Target, Effect, Area: Living Creature created from a single birth or twins can be reduced to
Duration: 1 day per level [d] one.
Saving Throw: Will Negates A druid (or a cleric or witch) can use this spell
Spell Resistance: Yes to similarly effect plant life.
For every month (or equivalent time period)
This spell creates an illusionary set of clothing after conception the base DC is increased by +1. This
that only the target can see. If the target puts on these spell is obviously ineffective after birth has taken place.
clothes, they will appear nude, but the target will believe Material Components: The witch caster needs a small clear
they are clothed, even if they look into a mirror or other crystal in which to scry on the developing fetus.
reflected surface.
The caster decides what these clothes look like Create Poppet
and where the target believes these clothes are. The Transmutation
material component for this spell is a small piece of Level: Wch 3, Adp 3, Drd 5, Wiz/Soc 5
cloth. Components: V,S,M, Exp
Casting Time: 6 hours
Continual Fire Range: Touch
Conjuration Creation Targets: One poppet
Level: Wch 3, Clr 3, Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V S M Saving Throw: None
Casting Time: 1 action Spell Resistance: No
Range: 5 feet
Target, Effect, Area: One flame This spell turns a specially prepared inanimate
Duration: Permanent doll into a poppet, a sort of minor golem. Hair from a
Saving Throw: None living creature of Intelligence 5 or greater must be used

Liber Mysterium: Magic
to create a poppet. The poppet then serves its creator One parent is an aberration +3 (for each parent)
faithfully as long as it exists. Poppets are capable of
independently performing simple tasks, and as a result One parent is a goblin, orc or -1 (for each parent)
make adequate household or laboratory servants. They troll
are not naturally aggressive, and ignore orders to attack One parent is a humanoid -1 (for each parent)
with one exception. If ordered to do so, a poppet will outsider
unerringly stalk the creature whose hair it was made Any base creature that can grant -2 (for each parent)
from, and attempt to kill it. If the poppet succeeds in a “half-” template (i.e. half-fiend,
killing its target, it immediately falls to the ground, half-celestial, half-dragon)
lifeless. A careful caster can replace the hair and
reanimate the poppet with no experience cost. A
spellcaster can animate multiple poppets, but can never Examples: If this spell were used to make say a
control more hit dice of poppets than she has levels. If half-elf an elf and a human would be needed. Since elves
this number is exceeded, all poppets currently animated and humans are naturally cross-fertile the DC is 10.
pass out of the caster’s control and run wild. Since both are medium sized humanoids no alterations
XP cost: 500 XP. need to be made. The caster can at this point “take a 10”
and produce a half-elf.
Crossbreed The caster now wants to crossbreed a half-fiend
Allow two incompatible races to have an offspring. troll (large giant, outsider) with a troglodyte (medium
Conjuration reptilian humanoid). The base DC is 20. The
Level: Wch 8, Clr 8, Fertility 8 modifications are +1 for size differences, and –1 since
Components: V S M DF one is a troll, and –1 again since it is a humanoid
Casting Time: 1 hour outsider, leaving a DC of 19. The GM decides that the
Range: Visualized or Touch fiendish nature of the troll leads to better cross breeding
Target, Effect, Area: One target with others and grants another –2 to the DC for a total
Duration: Permanent of 17.
Saving Throw: Will negates Other factors: Dragons despite their
Spell Resistance: Yes differences appear to be at least somewhat cross-fertile
with humanoids, given the existence of sorcerers.
The world is full of living magical creations. Outsiders, magical beasts and aberrations should be dealt
Some have occurred naturally over time, others have with on a case by case basis. The modifiers above are
been aided by this spell. meant as guidelines.
This spell allows two species that a naturally Conception: The conception process can either take
cross-infertile to bare offspring. Both species must be place normally or by the means of Magickal Conception
living and able to reproduce on their own. The base above. Obviously for crossbreed to work two parents are
chance for the spell’s success is a DC of 10, all of the required.
normal modifications do apply plus these additional ones. The outcome of birth is determined by the
amount rolled over the DC calculated above.
Species Cross fertility Conception
DC Birth Result Over DC
Naturally cross fertile 10 Stillborn 0 (or lower)
Same type, not naturally cross fertile, 15 Alive, serious deformities, infertile 1-5
(ex: humanoid mammal to humanoid Alive, minor deformities, infertile 6-10
mammal, i.e. dwarf and gnome) Alive, no deformities, infertile 11-20
Type differs by one (ex: humanoid 20 As above, breeds true with either type of 21-30
mammal to humanoid reptile, i.e. parent, but infertile with others of it’s
Human and Lizardman ) kind.
Type differs by more (ex: humanoid 30 As above, new true species created, fertile 31+
mammal to monstrous beast, i.e. with others of it’s own kind and both
Human and Hydra) types of parents.
DC Modifers (cumulative) Material Components: The divine focus is a wand
Size differs between the parents +1 for each level of made out of wood that was grafted to another tree.
difference Typically a branch of apple or peach is grafted to a tree
One parent is a dwarf, gnome or +1 (for each parent) of oak or hawthorn and allowed to grow for one month.
halfling The wand is non-magical, but it does have special
One parent is a magical creation +2 (for each parent)

Liber Mysterium: Magic
properties for this spell. The wand can only be used It is believed that this spell originated from the
once. Each parent is also given specially prepared apples coven of the Witches of the Howling Moon. It is
and figs to eat. To cut the fruits a special boline must be believed that the spell was then used to create a class of
crafted. This knife can have no other purpose. Cost for warrior witches that had the skill of the wolf to protect
these materials are 500 gp. their lands. However something went wrong either with
the spell or those affected by it. Now the spell can only
Curse of Lycanthropy curse those into assuming wolf shape, never gaining the
Transmutes one humanoid into an afflicted lycanthrope ability of the wolf to protect.
Level: Wch 6, Clr 6, Moon 6, Sor/Wiz 6 Dance Macabre
Components: V, S, M F Enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action Level: Wch 3, Brd 3
Range: Touch Components: S
Target: One humanoid touched Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Permanent Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft / level)
Save: Fortitude negates Target: 1 humanoid per level
Spell Resistance: Yes Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: Will Negates (see text)
By means of this spell, you may place a Spell Resistance: Yes
devastating curse on one other humanoid creature. The
Curse of Lycanthropy changes the creature to a type of This spell holds the target as the spell Hold
lycanthrope (were-creaure) determined by the material Person for anyone who who looks at the caster, except
component held. The GM applies the Lycanthrope that the targets get a saving throw every other round.
monster template to the effected humanoids; non- Dance Macabre requires that the caster dance for as long
humanoids and current lycanthropes are immune to the as they wish their targets be held.
spells effects. The effected lycanthrope is a cursed or
afflicted creature and may only be returned to normal by Death Armor
means described in the monster template entry (qv.) Latin: Armatus mori
The type of lycanthrope that the target creature Necromancy
becomes is determined by the material component used. Level: Wch 2, Sor/Wiz 2
In the case of a werewolf a bit of hair from a werewolf or Components: V S M
a dire wolf is required. For a werebear a bit of werebear Casting Time: 1 action
or dire bear fur is needed, and so on. In every case the Range: Self
preferred component is that from a were-creature. GM’s Target, Effect, Area: Caster only
may wish to give a +1 to +3 save bonus to the creature if Duration: 1 round/level
a dire creature’s fur is used instead. Saving Throw: Fort Half (see text)
The arcane focus of this spell is a disk in the Spell Resistance: Yes
shape of the moon. Which phase of the moon depends
on the creature changed. After that point the affected This spell causes your skin to become highly
creature will not change till the next moon phase acidic. Anyone touching the caster’s skin, via an
depicted. unarmed attack or otherwise receives 2d6 points of Acid
damage (fort save half). The caster can make a touch
Lycanthrope Fur needed Moon phase attack with this spell.
symbol The material components for this spell are 100
Werebear Dire bear/werebear Waxing Crescent gp worth of special creams, which must be rubbed over
Wereboar Dire or Giant boar/ Half the caster’s arms.
Wererat Dire rat/wererat New Discord
Weretiger Dire tiger/weretiger Waning Crescent Causes hidden hostilities to become open.
Werewolf Dire wolf/ Full Enchantment
worg/werewolf Level: Wch 2, Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V S M
Other animals maybe used. GM’s will need to Casting Time: 1 Action
work out the details. The spell is ineffectual against Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft / level)
current lycanthropes, undead, any type of outsider, other Target, Effect, Area: All creatures in a 15 ft. radius
shape shifters, or animals. Duration: 1 hour + special
Saving Throw: Will negates

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Spell Resistance: Yes By means of this spell the caster can locate
certain items. Typically what is looked for is water,
This spell causes hidden, but actual, tensions known as Water Dowsing. The water must be in the
and hostilities to be forced into the open. Often used to spell’s range. The caster will know how much water there
cause discord in groups, this spell is most effective when is and how deep in the ground. The caster will not know
disparate groups come together to work things out. if the water is fit for dinking until she gets to it.
Common hidden hostilities can include racial, Almost any other type of items may be found in
such as humans adventuring with elves and dwarves; this manner such as edible plants, burnable wood, small
moral or ethical along alignment lines, national or even gems. However it can not be used to find people,
between different character classes. Example would be a monsters or specific items. The nature of the item to be
party in which (if all fail the save) everyone begins to found must be stated on the spell’s onset and can not be
distrust the rogue or the half-orc, or the dwarf and the elf changed. If for example the caster wants to find water
decide now is a good time to bring up the thousands of and edible berries, she must cast Dowse twice.
years of racial tension between their groups, the This spell can also be made available to other
barbarian begins to eye the wizard with more than a little clerics, in particular druids.
distrust and suspicion. The Arcane Focus for this spell is a stick shaped
This spell last as long as one hour. After that, like a Y. The caster holds the sick with both fists, with
each effected person must resave against Will each hour fingers up and the single end pointing forward. While
after that. After the first hour they gain a cumulative +2 the stick does not vanish when the spell is complete, it is
to save. The spell lasts as long as at least one person is unusable for other dowsing attempts.
still effected.
While the arguments will get heated, they will Dreadful Bloodletting
rarely if ever come to blows. The effected members will Transmutation
of course not be able to anything else, including being Level: Wch 5
quiet, during the duration of the spell. Components: V S F
The material component for this spell is a pinch of Casting Time: 1 Action
ragweed, cayenne pepper, or some other irritant that can Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft/level)
be ground into a powder. Target, Effect, Area: 1 Creature or Object
Duration: Instantaneous
Divine Power Saving Throw: Fort Partial (See Text)
Evocation Spell Resistance: Yes
Level: Wch 4, Clr 4, War 4
Components: V, S, DF Like Ghostly Slashing and Phantom
Casting Time: 1 standard action Lacerations, this spell causes wounds to appear on the
Range: Personal targets body. However, these wounds are much larger
Target: You than the ones caused by Phantom Lacerations.
Duration: 1 round/level Initially, the target suffers 7d8 +2 (Max +20)
damage per level, and must succeed a fortitude save or be
Calling upon the divine power of your patron, stunned (receiving no dexterity bonus to AC, can take no
you imbue yourself with strength and skill in combat. actions, plus attackers receive a +2 bonus to their hit
Your base attack bonus becomes equal to your character against their target) for a number of rounds equal to your
level (which may give you additional attacks), you gain a caster level. This spell deals no damage to undead or
+6 enhancement bonus to Strength, and you gain 1 constructs.
temporary hit point per caster level. The Arcane Focus for this spell is a slashing
weapon of small or greater size.
The caster can locate water, plants or minerals. Ears of the Bat
Divination Bat’s Ears
Level: Wch 1 Allows the caster to “see” like a bat.
Components: V S M Transmutation
Casting Time: 3 actions Level: Wch 2, Drd 2, Rgr 2
Range: 50 ft / level (max 200) Components: V S M
Target, Effect, Area: 1” area around the caster Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 30 Minutes + 10 Minutes per level Range: Touch
Saving Throw: None Target, Effect, Area: Self/Creature touched
Spell Resistance: Yes Duration: 1 Minute / Level [d]
Saving Throw: Yes

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Spell Resistance: Yes until the criteria set by the caster is met will remain asleep
and age normally. The specific criteria must be semi-
This spell completely blinds you but increases common. For instance, the caster may desire to have the
your hearing ability to ultrasonic levels. For the duration target only awakened when kissed by a person of royal
of the spell, gain a +10 bonus to your listen checks, and a blood. Other options may require the target to have a
+4 bonus to search checks for finding secret doors and particular type of leaf pressed upon the sleeping target’s
compartments. The Ultrasonic location offsets most forehead. The caster must touch the target intended.
penalties of blindness (except you still suffer a 10% miss The material components for this spell are the
chance on attack rolls, and you move at 3/4’s your same as the criteria required for the target to be
movement rate.) If you have the Blind Fighting feat, you awakened. For instance, if the caster wished the target to
suffer no penalties for blindness. only be awoken if they had the feathers of an owlbear
The material component for this spell is a bit of pressed against the target’s forehead, they would require
bat fur. the feathers of an owlbear. If they wished to have the
target only be awoken by a particular type of person
Elemental Armor (race, bloodline, or otherwise), they would need a sample
Conjuration [elemental] of that type of persons blood. GM’s always have final say
Level: Wch 4, Clr 4, Drd 4 on what criteria is acceptable or not.
Components: V S MA
Casting Time: 1 action Enhanced Taste
Range: Touch Transmutation
Target, Effect, Area: person touched Level: Wch 1, Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Drd 1
Duration: 1 minute per level Components: V S / DF
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 3 actions
Spell Resistance: Yes Range: Self
Target, Effect, Area: None
This spell creates a suit of magical body armor Duration: 1 minute/level
surrounding the target. The armor is made out of Saving Throw: None
elemental matter. You choose the appropriate element. Spell Resistance: Yes
The armor circles the caster and provides an AC bonus
of +4, plus provides damage resistance 15 against one Enhanced taste greatly enhances the tasting
energy type (fire, acid, frost, sonic, electricity). The capability of the recipient. The recipient of this spell will
armor is flexible to the caster and she can act as if she is be able, by tasting a kind of food, to know what are its
not wearing armor at all, therefore causing no arcane constituents. It is also possible to tell the quality of a
spell failure penalty or maximum dexterity bonus. This wine, of drinking water, and other liquids. The spells also
spell does not stack with normal armor. allows the recipient to detect poisons very efficiently.
Even though the armor is made of elemental With only a single drop of the target liquid, the recipient
matter is will not confer extra damage to the caster or of the spell will be able to tell if it is poison. Unless
others because of it’s make up. So Fire Elemental specified otherwise, the quantity of poison necessary to
Armor, while it looks like it’s on fire, will not cause any be detected is not enough to cause damage to the
fire damage. imbiber. The divine focus of the spell is the caster’s holy
The arcane focus for this spell is a consecrated symbol or ritual tool.
pentacle. The material component is a bit of the element
need. Escape of the Snake
Endless Sleep Level: Wch 2, Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Enchantment Compulsion Components: V M
Level: Wch 5 Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V S M Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 Minute Target, Effect, Area: person touched
Range: Touch Duration: 1 round per level
Target, Effect, Area: 1 Target Saving Throw: Negates
Duration: Semi-Permanent (see text) Spell Resistance: Yes
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes By means of this spell target can escape any
bounds that have them personally restrained. When the
This spell causes the target to fall asleep caster casts the spell she becomes as flexible as a snake
indefinitely. The target will not starve or die of thirst, but and she can escape any personal bonds, such as rope, a

Liber Mysterium: Magic
pillory or a noose. You gain a +10 bonus to your escape Expert 20
artist check. Good 16
The material component for this spell is the shed skin of Fair 12
a snake. Poor 8
None 4
Transmutation This spell can not be used to convince someone
Level: Wch 8, Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9, Moon 8 they are now someone else, or to make them do
Range: Touch; see text something against their own nature. The spell only
Targets: You and one other touched creature per three replaces a fixed number of hours of memory; it does not
levels alter anything else. Skills can not be forgot or learned
Duration: 1 min./level (D) and spells can not be taught.
Spell Resistance: Yes The material component for this spell is a quill pen and
vial of special ink that the caster has to make on her own.
This spell functions like ethereal jaunt, except that
you and other willing creatures joined by linked hands Feral Spirit
(along with their equipment) become ethereal. Besides Transmutation
yourself, you can bring one creature per three caster Level: Wch 3, Drd 3
levels to the Ethereal Plane. Once ethereal, the subjects Components: V S
need not stay together. Casting Time: 1 action
When the spell expires, all affected creatures on Target, Effect, Area: Self
the Ethereal Plane return to material existence. Duration: 1 hour per level

False Memory Your body changes, granting you a powerful

Enchantment (Compulsion) unarmed attack. With this, you can make unarmed
Level: Wch 6 attacks without provoking attacks of opportunity, are
Components: V S M always considered proficient with the attack, and also
Casting Time: See below deal 1d4+1 point of damage (max +15) per level.
Range: Touch The type of damage (piercing, slashing, or
Target, Effect, Area: One person touched bludgeoning) granted changes between each caster.
Duration: Permanent Usually, if you have a familiar, the spell will mimic the
Saving Throw: Will Negates attacks that a familiar might have. For instance, a caster
Spell Resistance: Yes with a ram familiar may grow horns. One with a cat
familiar will have small, retractable claws. A bird familiar
False Memory does just that; it places a false may cause the caster to grow a beak to peck with, or a
memory in the recipient’s mind. The caster can “record” toad familiar may grant a slapping tongue. If you do not
a number of hours of false memory time equal to her have a familiar, you simply grow long animal-like claws.
level. But to do so requires one minute of hour added.
Thus it would take a 15th level caster 15 minutes to Famine
replace 15 hours of memory. The caster can decide how Transmutation
much memory she chooses to replace. The victim will Level: Wch 4, Drd 4
then forget what actually took place during that time Components: V S M
period. To the victim the memories seem real and Casting Time: 1 Action
accurate. Their true memories can only be restored by a Range: Close (see text)
Remove Curse or a wish spell. Target, Effect, Area: See text
When inserting the memories the caster needs Duration: Instantaneous
to be somewhat familiar with the situations she is adding. Saving Throw: None
If the caster adds a memory of exploring caves and she Spell Resistance: No
has never been in a cave herself, then the false memory
will begin to fade. The victim needs to make an This spell causes all plants and crops to become
Intelligence check, if they succeed then they can look for rotted and inedible. This spell does not affect current
a cure, a failed one means the false memory goes plants, only plants that have been planted and not yet
unnoticed. The intelligence check works depending on sprouted. The spell can be a circle with a radius of 100
how familiar you were with the memories implanted (as feet, a semicircle with a radius of 150 feet, or a quarter
decided by the GM). sircle with a radius of 200 feet. You may also designate
areas within the spell that are not affected.
Familiarity DC

Liber Mysterium: Magic
The material components for this spell are a Duration: Instantaneous
maggot, a fly, and a fresh fruit or vegetable of some kind. Saving Throw: Fortitude halves
Spell Resistance: Yes
Ghostly Slashing
Deals 1d4 damage +1 per caster level (max 20) This spell taps into the casters own aura, and
Transmutation creates magical energy to harm other targets. With a
Level: Wch 1, Clr 2 successful touch attack, the spell deals 1d10 damage for
Components: V S M each step of alignment the target is from the caster. For
Casting Time: 1 Action example, Arterion the Paladin (LG) casts the spell against
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / level) a chaotic evil demon. Since both chaos and evil are 2
Target, Effect, Area: 1 Living target steps away from the paladin’s lawful good alignment, the
Duration: Instantaneous spell deals 4d10 damage. If the target was instead a
Saving Throw: None chaotic good rogue, the spell would deal 2d10 damage,
Spell Resistance: Yes since chaos is two steps away from law, but they are both
This spell creates what seems like a ghostly The material component for this spell are two
attacker that attacks the target. In fact, the spell only coins that have distinct sides.
causes an open wound on a person. This spell deals 1d4
slashing damage +1 per level (max +20). The placement Guard Watch
of the wound is random. This spell has no effect on Removes need for sleep for the night.
Undead or Construct. Transmutation
The material component of this spell is a small Level: Wch 2, Sor/Wiz 2
metal flake of any size. Components: V S DF
Casting Time: 1 round
Glamour Range: Touch
Makes the caster more attractive or ugly. Target, Effect, Area: Creature touched
Transmutation Duration: 1 night
Level: Wch 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Saving Throw: None
Components: V S M Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self When a caster casts this spell on another
Target, Effect, Area: Caster creature (or on herself), it removes the need for sleep for
Duration: 2 minutes / level 1 full night. The creature affected will then be able to be
awake all through the night, with no chance of falling
This spell can be used in two ways. asleep. This spell is very useful for an adventuring party;
Touch of Beauty: The caster can make herself someone being able to watch over for a whole night
appear to be, simply put, more attractive. She becomes while everyone else sleeps is handy. However, when the
instantly cleansed, her hair will be removed of all tangles, spell is cast upon spellcasters, it prevents them from
and minor imperfections will be fixed. The caster gains a learning spells on the second day, they still need to sleep
+2 bonus to bluff and diplomacy checks using this spell to recover spells. Guard Watch can not be cast more
in this way. than five nights in a row on a creature. After five days of
Touch of Hideousness: The caster can make being awake, a creature needs (and deserves) rest. If the
herself appear too hideous. Her skin becomes wrinkled spell is cast anyway, it will simply not work. The divine
and warty, and becomes otherwise transformed. Using focus of the spell is a witch’s ritual tool.
the spell this way grants the caster a +4 bonus to her
intimidate check. Hallow
The material component for this spell is a male Evocation [Good]
bird’s feather to use the Touch of Beauty function or a Level: Wch 5, Clr 5, Drd 5
bit of Goblin Droppings for the Touch of Hideousness. Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 24 hours
Grasp of the Endless War Range: Touch
Conjuration Area: 40-ft. radius emanating from the touched point
Level: Wch 2, Clr 3, Pld 3 Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V S M Saving Throw: See text
Casting Time: 1 Action Spell Resistance: See text
Range: Touch
Target, Effect, Area: 1 Living Creature

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Hallow makes a particular site, building, or Components: V S M
structure a holy site. This has four major effects. Casting Time: 10 Minutes
First, the site or structure is guarded by a magic circle Range: Special
against evil effect. Target, Effect, Area: Special
Second, all Charisma checks made to turn Duration: 1 night.
undead gain a +4 sacred bonus, and Charisma checks to Saving Throw: None
command undead take a –4 penalty. Spell resistance does Spell Resistance: Yes
not apply to this effect. (This provision does not apply to
the druid version of the spell.) This spell will summon a winged celestial
Third, any dead body interred in a hallowed site Unicorn (as the Half-Celestial template in Core Rulebook
cannot be turned into an undead creature. III) to serve you for one day. The caster must be outside
Finally, you may choose to fix a single spell effect to the at night to begin the summoning. This creature can fly at
hallowed site. The spell effect lasts for one year and 90 (average)
functions throughout the entire site, regardless of the The Unicorn will serve the caster as her mount
normal duration and area or effect. You may designate till sunrise. At sunfall the pegasus will return to the
whether the effect applies to all creatures, creatures who Celestial Planes.
share your faith or alignment, or creatures who adhere to The spell components for this spell are a pinch
another faith or alignment. At the end of the year, the of silver dust and an old horseshoe.
chosen effect lapses, but it can be renewed or replaced
simply by casting hallow again. Immunity
Spell effects that may be tied to a hallowed site Abjuration
include aid, bane, bless, cause fear, darkness, daylight, death Level: Wch 5, Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6
ward, deeper darkness, detect evil, detect magic, dimensional anchor, Components: V S M
discern lies, dispel magic, endure elements, freedom of movement, Casting Time: 1 action
invisibility purge, protection from energy, remove fear, resist energy, Range: Touch
silence, tongues, and zone of truth. Saving throws and spell Target, Effect, Area: One being
resistance might apply to these spells’ effects. (See the Duration: 1 hour / level
individual spell descriptions for details.) Saving Throw: None
An area can receive only one hallow spell (and its Spell Resistance: Yes
associated spell effect) at a time. Hallow counters but
does not dispel unhallow. The effect of this spell grants you temporary
Material Component: Herbs, oils, and incense immunity from all poisons and diseases for the duration
worth at least 1,000 gp, plus 1,000 gp per level of the of the spell.
spell to be included in the hallowed area. The material component of this spell is a
mandrake root or the eye of an alchemist.
Hold Winds
Elemental Air Insanity
Level: Wch 1, Drd 1 Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Components: V S M Level: Wch 7, Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target, Effect, Area: 100 yard radius around the caster Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Duration: 1 turn per level Target: One living creature
Saving Throw: None Duration: Instantaneous
Spell Resistance: Yes Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell will stop the effects of any mundane
(none magical) wind in the area of effect around the The affected creature suffers from a continuous
caster. The wind continues to blow around the bubble confusion effect, as the spell.
surrounding the caster, but not into. This will also stop Remove curse does not remove insanity. Greater
any debris or particles from being blown at the caster. restoration, heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish can restore the
The material component is a small piece of creature.
paper folded into a fan.
Intangible Cloak of Shadows
Holy Steed © 2001: Dominique Crouzet
Conjuration Summoning (Good) Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Wch 6 Level: Wch 4, Sor/Wiz 4

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Components: V, S, M impossible. In ambiguous cases, determine if your body
Casting Time: 1 full round action would cast shadows under normal circumstances. If yes,
Range: Personal you may enter the area.
Target: Self Material Component: a bit of black velvet of high
Duration: 1 day (D) quality (worth 1 sp).
Saving Throw: None (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No (harmless)
You merge with the border of the Plane of Transmutation
Shadow, and thus become insubstantial, invisible, and Level: Wch 6, Drd 6
inaudible; yet your cast shadow remains and may easily Components: V M
betray you, and also sometimes scare the casual onlooker. Casting Time: 1 Action
For you be able to cast this spell, you must have Range: Touch
a cast shadow. Therefore, you cannot cast it in total Target, Effect, Area: Self or Creature Touched
darkness, nor in a place where light comes from Duration: 1 round/level
everywhere, so you don’t project a shadow. Then, once Saving Throw: None
you cast the spell you becomes insubstantial, invisible, Spell Resistance: No
and inaudible (plus without smell), however your cast
shadow remains as if normal. This spell thus wields This spell has 2 effects. First, it grants immunity
several effects: to any poisons that the user comes into contact with for
• Inaudible: You cannot be heard by any means, the duration of the spell. Second, any poisons that are
and you cannot communicate (at least through speech) consumed during the spell can be passed to other targets
nor cast spells with a verbal component. by touching skins (like itchweed) or a successful touch
• Insubstantial: You cannot be touched nor hit, attack for the remainder of the spell. The new target still
and you may pass through solid matter. However, your must make a fortitude save vs. the DC of the poison still.
shadow is still substantial, even if only two-dimensional. The caster may only use one poison in this way at a time.
As such, you may pass through a door, for example, only The spell does not neutralize poisons that are already in
if your shadow may pass under it. If the door is totally the casters system. If someone casts Neutralize Poison
sealed, you cannot pass through (under) it. while this spell is in effect, the poison leaves the casters
• Invisible: You cannot be seen normally, but body but the spell remains in effect, so the caster could
your shadow can be spotted however. Yet, you gain a use another poison if they take the time to drink it.
bonus to Hide skill rolls for your shadow being not The material component for this spell is a bit of
detected. In areas with normal light you gain a +7 to your itchweed, which is consumed during the casting. The
hide check, though you must remain in an area with at caster does not suffer allergic reaction by consuming the
least some light. itchweed, since she is now immune to poisons for the
Being insubstantial you cannot be touched nor duration of the spell.
attacked where you stands, even with magic. However,
any attack directed against the shadow (that is: against a Lesser Strengthening Rite
point on the ground, wall, etc., where your shadow is) Evocation
affects you normally, and put an end to the spell. Level: Wch 3, Clr 4
Similarly, if you try to attack someone with a melee Components: V S M
weapon or spell, it puts an end to it. However, while you Casting Time: 1 action
are in this shadow form, an attacker must use a magical Range: Touch
weapon to be able to hit you (use your normal AC), and Target, Effect, Area: 1 person
similarly you must have a magical weapon to be able to Duration: 1 hour/level
attack someone. (This is not Damage-resistance, but the Saving Throw: None
conveying of a strike to or from the border of the Plane Spell Resistance: Yes
of Shadow.) Otherwise, while subject to this spell, you
cannot enter areas of complete darkness, or areas of total This spell causes the target to become strong
light and hardy,
where granting a
shadow +1d3 bonus
would be to both
strength and
adding the
usual benefits

Liber Mysterium: Magic
to attack and damage rolls, saving throws and anything Magickal Conception
else applicable. Latin: Parthogenesis
Hit points gained by a temporary increase in Makes a woman pregnant via magic.
Constitution score are not temporary hit points. They go Conjuration
away when the character’s Constitution drops back to Level: Wch 7, Clr 7, Fertility 7
normal. They are not lost first as temporary hit points Components: V S M DF XP
are. Casting Time: 1 hour
The material component for this spell is a few Range: Visualized or Touch
leaves from the Spring Adonis plant. Target, Effect, Area: One target
Duration: Permanent
Lethe Saving Throw: Will negates
Forget Spell Resistance: Yes
Enchantment Compulsion
Level: Wch 3 Magickal Conception is a complicated spell in
Components: V S M which the witch can make a woman pregnant by magic.
Casting Time: 1 Action This is possible even for female witches. The child is
Range: 25 feet normal, with inherited traits from both parents. If the
Target, Effect, Area: 20’ sphere witch that casts the spell is a woman, the child will always
Duration: Permanent be a girl. A female witch can cast this spell on herself and
Saving Throw: See Text give birth to an exact copy of herself.
Spell Resistance: Yes The target can be willing or not. A willing
target needs not make any type of save, except to see if
Lethe, named after the river in the underworld, the spell was successful. An unsuspecting or unwilling
is a magical river that robs people of their memories. target can make a Will check to avoid the effects.
This spell effects all within a 20’ radius of you and you Both the casting witch and the recipient target
can decide who is and is not effected. The maximum take 1 point of Con damage. This is regained after
number of hours of memory removed is equal to a normal sleep. This can be dangerous to anyone already at
number hours equal to the witches level times 3. The Con loss.
victims will only remember having a feeling of “lost- To determine if the casting and impregnation
time” and not recall any thing in the time period in was successful the caster and the target both need to
question. make checks vs. their Con scores (after the Con penalty
The memories can be returned if a Heal or for casting is applied).
Remove Curse spell is cast on the victim. The flood of Material Components: Semen or blood from the
lost memories will cause the victim to make a will save to spellcaster. Hair, blood or flesh from the prospective
avoid going unconscious for a number of turns equal to mother (material component). Candles to be lit during
the hours lost. the ceremony. The Chalice (divine focus, symbol of the
The spell component is a vial of water taken Goddess) is used to contain all the material components.
from a old stagnant river. A plea to the Goddess must be made to transfer the life
energy of the witch to the prospective mother.
Magic Circle Against Fire/Water/Cold/Air/Earth The witch also pays 1,000 XP for this casting in
Abjuration life force.
Level: Wch 2, Clr 2, Drd 2 History: This spell is quite old,
Components: V S M but the first recorded use of it was by
Casting Time: 1 Action two female witches in service of Diana.
Range: Touch Belen researched the spell so that she
Target, Effect, Area:10 ft from and her lover Damara could have a child
touched creature of their own. Known then as “A Spell
Duration: 1 round/level to Ease a Mother’s Sorrow”, it appeared
Saving Throw: None in a collection of spells known as the
Spell Resistance: Yes “Dianic Rites”. Other witches known
to have used this spell are Liath and the
This spell is identical to druidess Bodhmal (but they were
the spell Magic Circle against unsuccessful) from pagan Celtic Ireland,
Evil, except it effects only and the witches Saillie and Teamhair a
creatures with the applicable couple of hundred years later. It has
elemental descriptor. since been copied many times and at
least a dozen variations are known to exist.

Liber Mysterium: Magic
hours. So if the mother is human then nine months of
Magickal Creation pregnancy is reduced to nine hours. Then minimum time
Latin: Thaumatogenesis is two hours.
A new life is created without a father or mother. Material Components: Root Agaric, Basil, Figs and
Level: Wch 9, Clr 9, Fertility 9 Mandrake root (harvested only by the new moon) are
Components: V S M DF XP combined into a paste, dried and burned. An athame and
Casting Time: 2 hours a cup, symbolizing male and female powers to direct the
Range: Close spell are required as the divine focuses. The caster also
Target, Effect, Area: One creature pays 2,000 xp in life force for this spell.
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates; see below Make Fertile
Spell Resistance: No Make something previously infertile capable of creating life.
By means of this spell a new life form can be Level: Wch 5, Clr 5, Drd 5, Fertility 5
created purely from magic. Unlike Magickal Conception, Components: V S M DF XP
which takes exsiting life force and shapes into a new life, Casting Time: 1 hour
Magickal Creation uses only magic. Range: Close (25 ft + 5ft./2 levels)
This spell maybe used to impregnate a female or Target, Effect, Area: One target/area
even a male subject. Typically a female subject is used Duration: Permanent
since is most cases (95% of the time) the impregnated Saving Throw: Will negates
male dies in the birth process. Spell Resistance: Yes
The casting of this spell takes two hours, during
which time the caster must be not interrupted. The This spell allows fallow ground to be able to
casting witch must be able to see the target of the spell, produce plant life or allows a barren or infertile woman
either directly or by scrying. The target, if willing, gains (or man) the ability to have children. It heals what
no saving throw, but an unwilling target if aware of the damage it can and magically augments what it can’t.
spell can make a Will save. A target unaware of the This spell does not increase the chances of
casting must become aware of the situation before they implanting life, but it will remove the hindrances. Upon
can save. Many charlatans play on the paranoid nature of a successful check the ground or the people have the
many and sell talismans that protect against this spell. same base chance of conception as everyone else (a base
Since this is using the stuff of magic to produce DC of 10 in most cases, sometimes lower).
a life the spell always works (given a passing DC of 10 Material Components: To make the ground fertile
plus or minus normal modifiers) and produces a living for planting the spellcaster needs blessed water. It is not
life form. What sort of life form produced is indicated necessary for it to be holy water, but that will work, and
by the table below. ritual dung or earth to be cast out onto the land. To
make people fertile, the caster needs walnuts, blessed
D% Outcome of birth water (as above) and milk from a lactating ewe.
1-25 The child is born with only the mother’s traits. Preferably the milk is collected during the spring or
26-50 The child is born with both the traits of the Imbolc.
mother and the caster All components are placed in a chalice (divine
51-60 The child is born a Tiefling, with both the focus, symbol of the Goddess) or a bowl, censer, cup or
mothers and casters traits. jug sacred to the caster’s god. A plea to the Goddess or
61-70 The child is born a Tiefling, with only the God must be made to transfer the life energy of the
mothers traits. witch to the prospective mother.
71-80 The child is born an Aasimar, with both the The witch also pays 100 XP for this casting in
mother and casters traits. life force.
81-90 The child is born an Aasimar, with only the
mothers traits. Martyr’s Cry
91-95 The child is born with the half fiend template, Transmutation [Sonic]
with only the mothers traits. Level: Wch 4, Brd 4
96-100 The child is born with the half-celestial Components: V
template, with only the mothers traits. Casting Time: 1 Full Action
Range: Self
Target, Effect, Area: All within earshot
By increasing the casting DC to 20 the caster
then can control the outcome of the birth. Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Gestation depends on the species of the
mother, but time in months is often reduced to time in Spell Resistance: Yes

Liber Mysterium: Magic

This dangerous and ancient spell is one of the With this spell, the caster removes herself from
most underused spells in witchcraft, but is probably one the target’s mind. She is not invisible. She simply makes
of the most memorable. The spell requires that the caster herrself undetectable through any of her target’s senses.
die within the 2 hours following the spell. Casting the Because of this, she can not be seen with a Detect
spell requires the caster to wail. Begining the next Invisibility spell, the Scent feat, tremorsense or through any
morning, all those who heard this scream are affected by means, though a True Sight spell will negate the spell. A
the spell Bestow Curse. All targets have similar curses. detect magic spell will reveal a faint magic aura in the area,
Should the caster somehow be brought back to but will not specify the source of the problem or the
life, the curses remain in effect. If the caster does not die location of the caster. The target has no chance to see,
within two hours of casting the spell, the spell has no hear, or otherwise detect the caster, however, if the
effect. caster engages the target physically through melee or
otherwise casts offensive spells against the target the spell
Masque is immediately dispelled.
False Visage
Illusion Pattern Minor Fighting Prowess
Level: Wch 4, Brd 4 Target gains +1 bonus to attack per 2 levels.
Components: V S M Enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action Level: Wch 1, Clr 1
Target, Effect, Area: 1 Target Components: V S A/F
Duration: 1 minute per level Casting Time: 1 Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates Range: 10 yards
Spell Resistance: Yes Target, Effect, Area: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round per level
By use of this spell the caster can disguise her Saving Throw: None
looks to appear as anyone the target knows. You can Spell Resistance: Yes
target a number of victims equal to twice the your caster
level at one time. If their saving throws are failed then By means of this spell, the caster increases the
each will see the caster as some one they love and trust. target’s gut fighting instinct. The target gains a +1 bonus
The caster need not act like, sound like or even know the per 2 caster levels (max +5) to their attack rolls.
person she is imitating, those details are filled in by the The arcane focus of the spell is a miniature
victim’s mind. A caster can cast other spells including metal sword, which is not consumed by the spell. The
Charm Person, Beguile, Silver Tongue, and anything else caster needs to point a finger at the creature to be
in conjunction with this spell to increase the DC of the affected.
saving throw (+3 + spell level for each additional spell
cast). If the caster attemps a non-magical seduction Moonbow
(skill) then she has a +5 bonus (GM’s discretion). A Conjuration Creation
Witch gains a +5 bonus to her bluff and diplomacy check Level: Wch 6, Moon 5
against the target. Components: V S M
This spell can be negated by a True Seeing spell Casting Time: 5 actions
but only by the person using it. This spell cannot effect Range: See Below
the undead. Target, Effect, Area: Witch
The material components for this spell are a Duration: See Below
dab of perfume and thin gossamer veil. Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Mind Obscure
Target can’t see caster under any circumstances. This spell can only be cast in the light of the
Mind Shadow moon. The caster takes the moonlight (the material
Enchantment Compulsion [mind affecting] component) and forms it into a large opaque composite
Level: Wch 2 bow. The bow fires at the rate of 3 arrows per round for
Components: V S M a total number of arrows equal to the caster’s level. The
Casting Time: 1 Action arrows are immaterial, but with a ranged touch attack
Range: Close (25 ft +5 ft/level) cause 1d8 damage +1 per caster level (max +15) damage
Target, Effect, Area: Self per hit. The caster is automatically considered proficient
Duration: 1 minute per level with the moonbow.
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

Liber Mysterium: Magic
This spell deals double damage against The transmuted creature becomes wiser. The
lycanthropes. The moonbow may not be given to anyone spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom, adding
else to use; only the caster may fire it. the usual benefit to Wisdom-related skills. Clerics, druids,
The only material component for this spell is paladins, rangers and witches (and other Wisdom-based
moonlight. If the caster has a means of capturing spellcasters) who receive owl’s wisdom do not gain any
moonlight then the spell may be used with that source. additional bonus spells for the increased Wisdom, but the
save DCs for their spells increase.
Moon Stone Arcane Material Component: A few feathers, or a pinch of
Transmutation droppings, from an owl.
Level: Wch 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Earth 1, Moon 1
Components: V, S, DF Phantasmal Spirit
Casting Time: 1 standard action Illusion Phantasm
Range: Touch Level: Wch 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Targets: Up to three pebbles touched Components: V S M
Duration: 1 day per caster level or until discharged Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object) Range: Close (25 ft +5 ft/2 level)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object) Target, Effect, Area: 4” square + 1 foot per level
Duration: Special
The castercan transmute as many as three Saving Throw: Will Disbelief (if interacted with)
pebbles into luck charms that may be used at any time. Spell Resistance: No
Each stone adds up +1 to any roll (attacks, saves, spells
or skill checks). The player must state their intent to use This spell creates a misty, insubstantial, spirit
the Moon Stone before the action is done (before rolls). like being to appear in the area of effect. The being will
float around where it was conjured for the duration for
Mystic Sleep the spell. It makes no noise and gets no attacks.
Enchantment Compulsion Anyone spotting this phantasm will need to
Level: Wch 2, Sor/Wiz 3 make a spot check (DC15) in order to determine if it is a
Components: V S M ghost, wraith or similar creature. This may be modified
Casting Time: 1 action per the GM’s wish if the PC’s are familiar with the spell
Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft/level or the conditions warrant it.
Target, Effect, Area: Special The spells duration is permanent until someone
Duration: 5 rounds/level touches, not attacks, the phantasm. Afterwords, it simply
Saving Throw: Will Negates disappears.
Spell Resistance: Yes
Phantom Lacerations
This spell is similar to as the 1st-level magic- Transmutation
user spell Sleep. The caster can effect a number of hit Level: Wch 3
dice equal to her own level + 1d4. So a fifth level caster Components: V S M
can effect 6-9 hit dice (5+1d4) of victims. The creatures Casting Time: 1 Action
with the lowest hit dice are effected first. Creatures with Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft/level)
hit die greater than 12 are not affect by this spell. Target, Effect, Area: 1 Creature or Object
The material component of the spell is the Duration: Instantaneous
caster’s athame and rose petals or sand. Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Owl’s Wisdom
Transmutation This spell causes open wounds to appear all
Level: Wch 2, Clr 2, Drd 2, Pal 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2, over the targets body. The spell deals 5d4 damage +2
Moon 2 points of damage per caster level. (max +20)
Components: V, S, M/DF Creatures normally immune to critical hits also
Casting Time: 1 standard action are immune to the effects of this spell. This includes
Range: Touch constructs, elementals, and undead.
Target: Creature touched The material component of this spell is a small
Duration: 1 min./level metal blade of any size. During the casting of this spell,
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) the caster must do 1 point of damage to themselves in
Spell Resistance: Yes bloodletting.

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Pop Corn damage per caster level (save for half) regardless of their
Ear of corn pops, slowing down those nearby. hit dice.
Conjuration Creation This spell can effect undead and any creatures
Level: Wch 1, Drd 1, Rgr 1 that are unaffected by mind effecting spells. However
Components: V S M they remain unaffected by the spell’s fear effects.
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: See Text Quick Sleeping
Target, Effect, Area: 20’ Willing target falls asleep.
Duration: 5 rounds Transmutation
Saving Throw: No Level: Wch 0, Clr 0
Spell Resistance: No Components: V S M
Casting Time: 1 round
With this spell, a normal ear of corn will begin Range: Touch
to burst with popped corn, shooting all over. Those Target, Effect, Area: 1 creature
caught within the radius of the spell receive a -4 initiative Duration: 8 hours or until woken up
penalty, their movement rate is reduced to 1/4, and all Saving Throw: None
attack rolls are made at -2. Casters with somatic Spell Resistance: Yes
components to their spells suffer a 20% spell failure
penalty. This spell allows the caster to make a willing
The material component of this spell is a dried creature fall asleep in a single round. The spell will not
ear of corn. work if used against an unwilling subject. The caster can
cast this spell on herself, but obviously, this will be the
Primal Scream last spell that she casts in that day.
Enchantment Compulsion The material
[sonic] component of the spell
Level: Wch 5, Brd 5, Sor/Wiz 6 is any caster ritual tool
Components: V S or a clerical holy symbol
Casting Time: 1 round plus a bit of sand.
Range: Touch
Target, Effect, Area: 15’ radius Quick Wakening
per level Target wakes up without
Duration: 1 minute drowsiness.
Saving Throw: See text Transmutation
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: Wch 0, Clr 0
Components: V S
This spell is related to Casting Time: 1 action
Shriek and Witch Wail. With this Range: Touch
spell, the caster lets loose a Target, Effect, Area: 1
scream of profound terror and Creature
sadness. Anyone within the area Duration:
of effect must make a save vs. Instantaneous
spells to avoid the effects. Saving Throw: None
Creatures 5 hit Spell Resistance: Yes
dice/levels or lesser must
succeed a fortitude save or take Quick
6d6 points of sonic damage, fort Wakening makes a
save for half. Creatures greater creature wake up
than 5 hit dice/level take 4d6 without being drowsy,
points of damage or save for and therefore being able
half. Anyone who fails their save to fight in just 3
is treated as if they were subject to a Shriek or Fear spell, segments without any minuses. The spell will
suffering the -2 to attack rolls, armor class, and skill automatically wake up any sleeping creature under the
checks. effect of normal sleep (not magical). The spell has no
In addition, this spell will shatter any glass or effect on magically sleeping creatures.
crystal object. Magical glass or glass-like creature are The spell’s somatic component is that the caster
granted a Fort save to prevent taking 1d6 points of has to clap her hands together.

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Rite of Remote Seeing Range: Personal
Transmutation Target: You
Level: Wch 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Duration: 10 Minutes/Level
Components: V S M
Casting Time: 1 full round action You can alter your appearance to appear as any
Range: Touch age. You incur normal aging penalties to physical ability
Target, Effect, Area: Familiar scores but not to mental ones. If the age chosen is very
Duration: 1 minute per level different from your true age, it grants a +5 bonus to
Saving Throw: None disguise checks.
Spell Resistance: Yes Making yourself appear younger does not
prolong your life, nor does making yourself appear older
This spell may only used on your own familiar. make you any closer to death.
You and your familiar sit inside a magic circle while the
spell is cast. The caster can now see through her Silver Tongue
familiar’s eyes. The scene is exactly how the familiar will Lie
see it so you must succeed a sense motive check DC 20 - Enchantment Compulsion [Sonic]
your caster level to understand what the familiar is Level: Wch 1, Sor/Wiz 2, Brd 1
seeing. Failing the check by more than 10 results in Components: V
misinformation. Casting Time: 1 Action
You cannot hear what the familiar hears. The Range: 50 ft
connection is limited to the maximum distance that the Target, Effect, Area: Close (10ft.)
familiar can travel. You do not control the familiar, but Duration: 1 spoken sentence per 3 levels
only suggest where it goes. The familiar will never enter Saving Throw: Will halves bonus
an area it considers too dangerous. Spell Resistance: Yes
If the familiar dies during the spell the caster
will be unable to secure another one for a number of This spell enables the caster to lie so
years equal to her own level. convincingly that anyone within range will believe
The material component for this spell is a piece anything she says, unless of course their senses tell them
of rose colored glass. otherwise.
This spell grants a +10 bonus on a single
Shriek charisma check, as long as what is said is limited to one
Schreck sentence for every two levels.
Scream causes Fear The material component of this spell is a holly
Enchantment Compulsion berry, which juices must cover the surface of the tongue.
Level: Wch 5, Sor/Wiz 5 Note: Using an intimidate check generally
Components: V requires a single sentence “Give me the map or I’ll tear
Casting Time: 1 action your eyes out”. Using a perform check to dazzle the
Range: Touch audience with a song will create an extraordinary effect
Target, Effect, Area: 20’ for the first few lines depending on the casters level, but
Duration: Instantaneous the audiences interest fades after that. However, using
Saving Throw: See text this with a bluff check requiring multiple sentences
Spell Resistance: Yes makes things more complicated. Here’s an example.
Example: Janix the 1st level Witch has broken
Shriek automatically (no save) causes fear (as into an alchemist’s shop when the town guard comes in.
per Fear Spell) in any creature 5th level/hit dice or less. She casts Silver Tongue in hopes of getting out of the
Targets greater than 5th level/hit die can save versus situation.
spell for no effect. Targets greater than 10th level/hit die “What are you doing?” (The spell takes effect) here.
are completely unaffected. This spell can not effect “Oh, I’m the new cleaning person” (bluff check=
constructs, undead, elementals or outsiders. 10+Cha mod+ranks)(spell effect ends)
The material component is a long scream by the “Oh yea, how long have you worked here? (bluff
caster. check=cha mod+ranks)”
“Oh, just hired yesterday”
Shattering the Hourglass “That seems awfully suspicious, who are you really?”
Transmutation If the wearer of a ring of truth is listening to
Level: Wch 1 you then the words of the lie are not heard, thus
Components: V, S indirectly revealing the lie to the ring user.
Casting Time: 1 Action

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Song of Discord Spell Resistance: Yes
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic]
Level: Wch 5, Brd 5 The caster may cast this spell on herself or
Components: V, S another, granting them the temporary servitude of a
Casting Time: 1 standard action nature spirit. The spirit will function much the same as an
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Unseen Servant, carrying things, opening doors, and the
Area: Creatures within a 20-ft.-radius spread like, but also has one additional benefit. Though the spirit
Duration: 1 round/level of Avalon will not normally enter combat, should its
Saving Throw: Will negates master be knocked to the ground, rendered unconscious,
Spell Resistance: Yes or be otherwise incapacitated, the spirit will partially
materialize and defend its master. The spirit has an armor
This spell causes those within the area to turn class of 17 and 6d8 (32 Hit Points) hit dice, +4 to hit,
on each other rather than attack their foes. Each affected and deals 1-12 damage (x2 crit) with a random weapon
creature has a 50% chance to attack the nearest target (damage and crit range are always the same, no matter
each round. (Roll to determine each creature’s behavior what type of weapon is used.). The spirit will not enter
every round at the beginning of its turn.) A creature that the battle at large, only defending its master, and will
does not attack its nearest neighbor is free to act dissipate should its master be slain. The material
normally for that round. component of this spell is a piece of a standing stone.
Creatures forced by a song of discord to attack
their fellows employ all methods at their disposal, Spiritual Dagger
choosing their deadliest spells and most advantageous Evocation
combat tactics. They do not, however, harm targets that Level: Wch 4, Clr 5
have fallen unconscious. Components: V S A
Casting Time: 1 round
Sonic Blast Range: 20 feet
Scream deals 2d4 sonic damage to Target, Effect, Area: Special
those within 10’ + 1 per level. Duration: 1 Hour / Level [D]
Transmutation [Sonic] Saving Throw: None
Level: Wch 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: V S
Casting Time: 1 action This spell is directed
Target, Effect, Area: within through the caster’s athame and
10’ +1’ per level of the Witch creates an invisible, spiritual
Duration: 2d4 rounds dagger up to 10 feet away. The
Saving Throw: Fort Save spiritual dagger acts like a
Partial (see text) normal dagger and is remotely
Spell Resistance: Yes controlled by the caster, so her
own to hit and damage rolls
The caster releases a apply. The spiritual dagger is
shriek that causes 2d4 points treated as +1 dagger with
of Sonic damage to anyone respect to what creatures it can
within range, deafening the hit. The victim must be with in
targets for 1d6 rounds line of sight of the caster and
A successful Fort within ten feet. The dagger
Save is allowed to avoid the attacks on it’s own and does not
secondary effects of deafness. require you to concentrate on
Those who do save still take damage. it’s movement. A spiritual dagger can move no more
than 30 feet from the caster.
Spirit of Avalon Targets that can see invisibility can see the
Conjuration Summoning dagger normally.
Level: Wch 3, Clr 4
Components: V S M Spiritual Dagger: Fine Construct, AC 21 (+4
Casting Time: 1 round per level Fine, +4 Invisible, +3 Natural), Attacks: Stab (As base
Range: Touch caster), Hit Points (1/4 caster maximum). Attacks: Stab
Target, Effect, Area: Special (1d4+1) Fly 20 (perfect maneuverability) STR 10, DEX
Duration: 10 turns / level 10 CON --, INT --, WIS (as base caster), CHA --
Saving Throw: None

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Attacking the dagger while it is invisible incurs Casting Time: 1 round
the normal 50% miss chance, in addition to hitting it’s Range: 30 ft
Armor Class. Target, Effect, Area: 1 HD of Undead / Level
The Arcane Focus for this spell is the caster’s Duration: Instantaneous
Athame. Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes
Spirit of the Season
Change in atmosphere slows elemental types. This spell allows you to attempt to destroy (and
Transmutation only destroy, not rebuke or turn) undead in the same way
Level: Wch 0, Drd 0 a good cleric would. You make a single turning check,
Components: V using your relevant casting ability modifier instead of
Casting Time: 1 Action charisma modifier. You turn as a cleric of equal level to
Range: Emanates 10 ft from caster your caster level. You may never destroy an undead with
Target, Effect, Area: Self an intelligence above 5, though you can destroy the
Duration: 10 minutes / level standard number of hit dice spread out (at 10th level, you
Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless) could destroy 10 hit dice worth of single HD skeletons
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) and zombies, but you could never destroy a single
When the spell is cast the witch must choose The material component to this spell is a piece
which season it will be. This spell causes creatures with of a tombstone from a good aligned person’s grave.
the appropriate elemental descriptor to suffer a -2 penalty
on their initiative roll. Undead Enslavement
Winter Fire Level: Wch 4, Sor/Wiz 6
Summer Frost/Water Components: V S M
Spring Air Casting Time: 1 round
Fall Earth Range: 30 ft
Target, Effect, Area: 1 HD of Undead / Level
The air type and temperature within the radius Duration: 1 day per level
of the spell moves towards the season it represents Saving Throw: See text
(summer will become warmer, fall will become dryer, Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell allows you to attempt to control (and
Synthesis only control, not rebuke, turn, or destroy) undead in the
This spell heals a target by using light energy. same way an evil cleric would. You make a single turning
Transmutation check, using your relevant casting ability modifier instead
Level: Wch 1, Drd 1, Rgr 1 of charisma modifier. You turn as a cleric of equal level
Components: V S M to your caster level. You may never control an undead
Casting Time: 1 Action with an intelligence above 5, though you can control the
Range: Touch standard number of hit dice spread out (at 10th level, you
Target, Effect, Area: A living creature could control 10 hit dice worth of single HD skeletons
Duration: 1 round per caster level (max 5) and zombies, but you could never control a single
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless) vampire.
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless) When the duration of the spell expires, the
undead return to the same control they were under
When in direct sunlight, the target will heal 1d4 before you took control
points of damage each round, as long as they remain in The material component of this spell is a piece
sunlight. Unlike most cure spells, this spell will have no of a gravestone from an evil aligned person’s grave.
effect on undead creatures, though if cast on plants the
effects are doubled. Unholy Steed
The material components for this spell is a leaf Diabolic Steed, Demonic Steed
that is still green. Conjuration Summoning (Evil)
Level: Wch 6
Undead Destruction Components: V S M
Necromancy Casting Time: 10 Minutes
Level: Wch 4, Sor/Wiz 6 Range: Special
Components: V S M Target, Effect, Area: Special

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Duration: 1 night. make concentration checks for complex tasks (DC equal
Saving Throw: None to spell DC).
Spell Resistance: Yes
Vile Extension (Evil)
This spell will summon 1 Nightmare to serve Transmutation
the caster for one night. The caster must be outside at Level: Wch 9
night to begin the summoning. Components: V S M
The nightmare will serve the caster as her Casting Time: 1 full hour
mount till sunrise. At sunrise the Nightmare will return Target, Effect, Area: Self
to the Nether Planes. Duration: See below
The spell components for this spell are a pinch
of sulfur and an old horse shoe. This spell is one of the evilest spells in creation,
and also one of the most useful. By means of casting this
Wall of Roses spell, you can actually permanently alter what your actual
Conjuration Creation age is.
Level: Wch 6, Drd 6 Casting Vile Extension requires a ritualistic
Components: V S M sacrifice of a virgin of the same sex as yourself, which
Casting Time: 1 round takes place at the end of the spells casting time. Upon
Range: 20 yards / level completion of casting the spell, the caster takes the same
Target, Effect, Area: 100-sq. yards/level age as the target sacrificed. The normal penalties that the
Duration: 7 days + 1 day / level caster might incur for being of a particular age are
Saving Throw: None negated, provided that the target was young enough for
Spell Resistance: Yes such bonuses. You still retain bonuses to mental ability
This spell calls into being an enormous wall of The material component is a live humanoid that
thorny rose bushes. A high level caster could effectively has already been through puberty, and an athame.
encircle a small city with such a wall, should she choose.
The wall rises to a height of only ten feet, but is
extremely effective in keeping land based creatures out.
The roses are unaffected by non-magical burning, Any Virgin Innocence
creature trying to force or hack it’s way through the roses Enchantment Charm [Mind Affecting]
will take 2d10 +1 per caster level points of damage to do Level: Wch 2, Brd 3
so, as the vines tend to swing when disturbed and it is Components: S M
impossible to protect oneself against them. It takes Casting Time: 1 Action
1d3+1 rounds to wade your way through the wall. Note Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft per level)
that the wall will snake it’s way around pedestrians when Target, Effect, Area: 1 Person
forming, so you can not simply cast this spell onto an Duration: 1 day per level
opposing army, slaying them all in one fell swoop. Saving Throw: Will Negates
The material component of this spell is a single Spell Resistance: Yes
live rose blossom.
This charm causes the target to believe that the
Vertigo caster is completely innocent of a certain event or
Causes the victim to have a feeling of vertigo statement. The target is completely convinced of the
Illusion Figment caster’s innocence, and no amount of evidence will
Level: Wch 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Brd 2 change that for the duration of the spell.
Components: V S The material component for this spell is a lock
Casting Time: 1 action of hair of a virgin. If the caster is a virgin herself, her
Range: Touch own hair will suffice for the spell.
Target, Effect, Area: 1 subject
Duration: 1 round per level Wave of Mutilation
Saving Throw: Will negates Necromancy
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: Wch 6
Components: V S M
This minor hex causes the effected person to Casting Time: 4 actions
have a feeling of vertigo. The effected subject will feel Range: Touch
that they are falling and their footing is unsure. Dizzied Target, Effect, Area: Cone 10’ +1 foot per level
creatures suffer a -4 to their dexterity score, and must Duration: Instant

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Saving Throw: Reflex Half The arcane focus for this spell are a special dual
Spell Resistance: Yes tipped writing pen (or quill), which is not consumed and
a special ink of lemon juice and silver dust, about 30gp
This spell sends out a cone of magical energy per page.
from your hand (or Athame). This energy cases all living
matter to become twisted, cut, slashed or torn. The wave Withering Touch
causes 12d6 points of damage to any within it’s area of Crone’s Curse, Wretched Withering
effect. Undead, magical constructs and non-living matter Necromancy
are not effected. Level: Wch 4, Clr 4
This spell uses a drop Pixie blood for it’s Components: S M
component. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Witch Wail Target, Effect, Area: Creature touched
Enchantment Compulsion [sonic] Duration: Instantaneous or 1 hour
Level: Wch 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Saving Throw: Fortitude Halves
Components: V S Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 10’ radius per level centered on caster Upon casting the spell, roll 2d8. You can
Area: 1 or more creatures within the spell’s radius. subtract this number of the targets strength and
Duration: 1 minute constitution points in any way as temporary ability
Saving Throw: See text damage. So if you rolled the maximum sixteen, you
Spell Resistance: Yes could subtract 16 total constitution points (killing most
people), 16 strength (paralyzing most), or you could
You let loose a mournful wail. Creatures with subtract any combination.
less than 5 hit dice must make a fortitude save or receive This spell can be countered with Bounty.
or receive 4d6 sonic damage, and then must make
another will saving throw or come under the effects of a Youthful Vigor
Scare spell. Creatures with more than 5 hit dice must The target gains the vigor of youth.
make a fortitude save or take 2d6 points of sonic Conjuration
damage. Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Wch 3, Fertility 3
Components: V S M
Witch Writing Casting Time: 1 action
Widdershins writing, left-handed writing. Range: Touch
Illusion Pattern Target, Effect, Area: One target
Level: Wch 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Duration: 1 hour/level
Components: V S A Saving Throw: None
Casting Time: 1 Action Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Range: Touch
Target, Effect, Area: One page of text Often used during the celebrations at Beltane.
Duration: 1 day/level This grants the recipient the vigor of someone of their
Saving Throw: None race at the prime of their life. It grants a +2 to each
Spell Resistance: Yes Strength and Constitution and regenerates 1 hit point per
hour. During the duration of the spell the subject does
Witch Writing creates a disguised piece of not need to sleep and feels well rested.
writing whose true message can only be read under The target needs to rest one extra hour for
certain circumstances. You decide on what every hour spent under the effects of this spell, whether
circumstances will reveal the true writing, and you also activity is used or not.
decide what the false writing is. Common choices for Material Components: Special herbs or items
circumstances are as such: Script can only be read in known for their potency, such as powdered rhinoceros
normal moon light, can only be read on a full moon, the horn, marigold seeds gathered at midsummer’s eve, or
blood of a virgin or an innocent man must be dripped on mandrake root taken only during the dark of the moon.
the writing, a particular command word must be spoken, The material component needs to be ingested by the
etc. You can affect a number of pages equal to your target.
caster level.
At the end of the duration, both the true writing
and the false writings become illegible, though you can
re-cast the spell indefinitely.

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Magical Arms and
Magic Items Armor, Astromancy

Magic items are as much a part of witch’s Razor Burst: A Razor Burst weapon functions as a
history as are spells. normal Biting weapon, except on a critical hit deals an
Witches may use any magic items that are additional 1d10. If the weapons critical multiplier is x3,
usable by arcane spellcasters. Certain magic items should add +2d10 points of bonus slashing damage instead, and
be lessened in effect when used by a witch: some if the multiplier is x4, add +3d10 points of bonus
suggestions are as follows: magic items created by slashing damage. A Razor Burst weapon can only be
another witch and items that oppose the witch’s religion; slashing weapons.
such as a sphere of continual light by a witch of Hecate, Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Magical Arms and
or curing potions by witches of Lovitar. Armor, Biting Blade or Phantom Lacerations
Other magic items should improve under the
witch’s use. Most notable are Brooms of Flying and many Specific Weapons
types of potions and wands. Items that have sympathetic
nature would also be improved by the witch’s use. In Arrow, Witchfinder: This arrow when shot into the air
deciding which items are at a minus and which are at a will point in the direction of any witch within 200 yards.
plus keep in mind the witch’s coven, motives, deity and The arrow also confers a +1 to hit, but not damage to a
campaign. Also try to keep the relative power balanced. witch. To all others it is a normal arrow.
Listed below are new magic items that are Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
either usable by witches or items created by witches. Armor, locate object; Market
Some items were also created Price: 150 gp; Cost to
to discover witches and used Create: 75 gp + 10 XP.
by witch hunters. Unless
specified the items may by Athame +1, +3
used by any appropriate class. Witchkiller
This dire weapon is made
Weapons and Armor from a common harmless
witch’s athame to hunt
Weapon Abilities and kill witches. It
provides a +1 to normal
Market Price attacks but against witches
Special Abilities (hermetics, warlocks, and
Modifier other classes in this book)
Biting +1 it provides a +3.
Lunar / Solar +1 Caster Level: 10th;
Razor Burst +2 Prerequisites: Craft Magical
Arms and Armor, a
Biting: A Biting weapons can witch’s athame, Market
only be used on a weapon that Price: 8,000 GP, Cost to
deals slashing damage. Biting Create 8,000 GP + 160 XP
weapons deal an additional
1d6 points of slashing damage Blade of the Sun and
on a successful attack. Moon
Caster Level: 10th; During the daytime, this
Prerequisites: Craft Magical longsword functions as a
Arms and Armor, Biting Blade +2 flaming burst weapon.
or Phantom Lacerations During the night, it
functions as an icy
Lunar / Solar: A Lunar or weapon, with the
Solar weapon is a special additional ability that
weapon whose enhancement whenever it strikes a
increases or decreases during the time of day. A Lunar critical hit, the victim must make a will save DC 15 or
weapon deals an additional 1d6 points of magical energy come under the effects of a Sleep spell.
during the night, while a Solar weapon deals 1d6 magical Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Magical Arms and
energy during the day. Armor, Astromancy, Sleep Market Price: 50,000 GP, cost
to Create: 25,000 GP + 1000 XP

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Oil of Death Armor: Created and used by powerful
Dagger +1, Deep Sleep: This dagger appears as a necromancers and warlocks. This oil is rubbed onto the
normal dagger, a Detect Magic spell will reveal that it is a user’s body. Anyone touching the user with bare skin
+1 dagger. The true nature of this dagger is revealed in must save vs. Death or take 2d4 points of damage (save
combat. When ever and any time the dagger scores a hit negates). This spell lasts a number of rounds equal to
and causes at least 1 point of damage the victim must 2d6. Many Goddesses could consider use of this potion
make a Will save (DC 15) or fall into a deep sleep similar evil.
to a Sleep spell. The sleep lasts for 2-5 rounds. Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, death armor,
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and spellcaster level 3rd+; Market Price: 300 gp.
Armor, sleep; Market Price: 5,000 gp; Cost to Create:
4,000 gp + 350 XP. Potion of Magic Resistance: This rare potion will
confer a magic resistance of 10-40% (1d4x10) for an
Luna’s Bow: This appears to be a normal bow +2, equal number of rounds (1 to 4).
except when used in direct moonlight it becomes a +4 Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, magical circle
bow, and deals an extra 2d6 against lycanthropes. or protection, spellcaster level 5th+; Market Price: 100 gp +
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Magical Arms and 50gp times strength (1 to 4)
Armor, Moonbow Cost to Create: 50,000 GP, Cost to
Create: 25,000 GP + 1000 XP Powder of the Pentagram: This magical powder can
used to make more powerful magical circles. Magical
Specific Armors circles created have bonus +4 added to the spell’s Magic
Circle against Evil/ Good/ Chaos/ Law/ Fire/ Earth/ Air/
Blade Resistant Armor: This Leather Armor +1 Water effects. The powder can only be used once per
provides damage resistance 4/+2 against slashing and magic circle. A pouch will contain enough for 2 to 5
piercing attacks only. (1d4+1) such circles.
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Magical Arms and Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Craft
Armor, Blade Resistance Market Price: 18,000 GP, Cost to Magical Circle; Market Price: 500 gp.
create: 9,000 GP + 360 XP
Sky Clad Oil: This oil is rubbed on the body to protect
Death Armor: This black leather armor +1 is often the user from the elements while sky-clad (nude). The oil
crafted by witches to be worn by the Witch Knights is only effective on bare skin. The user can survive
sworn to protect them. Anyone touching, through temperatures of -60 degrees to +200 degrees Fahrenheit,
grappling or otherwise, the Death Armor receives 2d6 but only when uncovered. Any part of her body covered
points of Acid damage. by clothes will not receive the magical protection.
Death Armor’s acid effect is dormant when not being Any other class can use this oil, but witches are very
worn, so it can be put on without burning yourself. secretive about its nature (reflected in the price). This oil
Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Magical Arms and can also safely used with any other type of body potion
Armor, Death Armor Market Price: 40,000 GP, Cost to or oil, in particular Flying Ointment.
create: 20,000 GP + 800 XP The oil’s effects last 6 hours, typically midnight till dawn.
Caster Level: 1st Venefica (3rd for all others);
Potions, Oils, and Powders Prerequisites: Brew Potion, endure elements, spellcaster level
1st+; Market Price: 200 gp.
Flying Ointment: This oily rub is made from the fat of
a consecrated animal. The ointment is rubbed over the Talismans
witch’s body and it allows her to fly as per the Fly spell. Talismans can have any spell of third level or
This potion can also be safely used by Earth Elemental lower. The talisman can be made of paper, wood, clay or
witches. It is noted that many non-witches believe that even metal. Often they are worn and kept till evoked.
witches actually use rendered babies to make this potion To evoke a talisman takes one standard action and the
adding to the distrust of witches. effects are instant. The command word or gesture to
Caster Level: 4th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, fly, evoke the talisman is often inscribed on the talisman
spellcaster level 3rd+; Market Price: 250 gp. itself.
Unless otherwise noted a talisman can only be
Lethe Potion: This potion will cause a person to forget used once.
the events of the last hour. A Remove Curse or Heal
spell will return the lost memory. Dizzying Talisman: This appears to be a normal
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Lethe, talisman. Once per day it can be used to create a large,
spellcaster level 5th+; Market Price: 200 gp. swirling motion of colors directly above the wearer.
Anyone who views the swirling must make a will save

Liber Mysterium: Magic
(DC 11) or come under the effects of a Vertigo spell as Pentacle Rod: This magic item usually has a pentacle or
cast by a 5th level sorcerer. an inverted pentacle at the end. All pentacle rods have
Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Talisman, Vertigo an alignment. Three times per day, this rod can spout a
Market Price: 1,500 GP ray that casts Grasp of the Endless War as if cast by
someone of the alignment of the wand. Anyone not of
Hand of Fatima: A small brass talisman in the shape of the alignment of the rod (within one step) has the spell
a hand. Provides protection against any evil spell or spell cast against them each time they attempt to use the rod.
like effect directed at the wearer, in particular the evil eye. For instance, a neutral good person using a chaotic good
Caster Level: 2nd; Prerequisites: Craft Talisman, Protection rod would be fine, but not a chaotic good person using a
against Evil; Market Price: 200 gp. lawful neutral rod. In this instance the spell does not
affect the intended target, nor does it harm the user.
Isis’ Talisman of Protection: This talisman confers a A pentacle rod is always the alignment of the creator.
+1 protection bonus to saves and AC. Effects last as per Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisite: Craft Rod, Grasp of the
level of creator. This talisman is usually in the form of a Endless War Market Price: 4,500 gp.
fine crafted gold ahnk.
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Talisman, bless; Rod of Witch Detection: Favored by witch hunters of
Market Price: 500 gp. all sorts. This rod will determine if someone is a witch.
The wand will grow warm in the presence of a witch or
Talisman of Good Luck: This talisman is one of the warlock. The rod will be able to identify 3d6 witches,
most often found. This minor magic item provides +1 to regardless of alignment. When using this in conjunction
any single roll. The talisman must be invoked before the with reading warlock signs or spot checks the rod adds a
action is taken (before the roll is made). +10 to the user’s ability to discover a witch or a warlock.
Typically luck talismans are in the form of a four-leaf Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: craft rod, locate object;
clover, a rabbit’s foot, a horseshoe or a copper coin. Any Market Price: 20,000 gp.
other small item maybe use. The item is not consumed in
the invocation. Staffs and Distaffs
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Talisman, bless;
Market Price: 100 gp. Few items are associated with women as the
distaff. The distaff is used to hold
Talisman of Protection Against Conception: Even in wool or flax when spinning thread.
historical times there were means of birth control It is longer than the typical wand
practiced, this is one of the magical ones. Worn by but usually shorter than the
tantric witches during their worship pratices, witches average staff. Typically 2’ to 4’
during the rites of Beltane or any woman that wishes to long. The top is usually crowned to
prevent an unwanted pregnancy. hold the material for spinning, but
The talisman provides protection for one full lunar some are also flat with a rough
month (one moon phase to the next) then it becomes surface.
inert. This is if the talisman is used or not. A witch can opt to use a
Mundane (non magical) pregnancies are completely distaff instead of a staff, since
blocked and magical ones (via a fertility spell) give a +1 there is nothing out of the ordinary
to any saves. of a woman carrying a distaff, but a
The price is comparatively low due to the high demand staff might draw attention.
for these. Since they only last one month regardless of if Production requirements
it is used or not the materials are often not the highest and costs for a magical distaff are
quality. Also an owner can return to the witch to have the same as for a staff. The
the talisman “recharged” at the same price. differences in size and amount of
Note: A lot of these talismans are sold that are materials is offset by the rarity of
completely useless. Only the witch’s reputation, or the magical distaffs. Otherwise any
ability to detect magic, can one be sure. In places where magical staff might be used as a
witchcraft is outlwaed possession of these talismans is magical distaff. The exception of
also considered a crime. course is the Staff of the Warlock
Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Talisman, Any which will never be found in
Fertility domain spell; Market Price: 50 gp. distaff form. Of course certain
female warlocks might create one
Rods of their own.

Staff of the Blade: This metal

Liber Mysterium: Magic
staff is actually crafted to look like a greatsword. portal spell or an arcane lock cast by a wizard of less than
However, the blade is dull and can only deal 1d6+1 10th level.
bludgeoning damage when wielded as a weapon. It The bell must be pointed at the item or gate to
allows use of the following spells. be loosed or opened (which must be visible and known
Phantom Lacerations (1 Charge) to the user). The chime is then struck, a clear tone rings
Dreadful Bloodletting (2 Charges) forth, and in 1 round the target lock is unlocked, the
Wave of Mutilation (2 Charges, DC 16) shackle is loosed, the secret door is opened, or the lid of
Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Staff, Phantom the chest is lifted. Each sounding only opens one form of
Lacerations, Dreadful Bloodletting, Wave of Mutilation Market locking. A silence spell negates the power of the device.
Price: 31,000 GP A brand-new chime can be used a total of 50 times
before it cracks and becomes useless.
Staff of the Warlock: Similar to the legendary Staff of Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
Power, but only effective in the hands of warlocks. Some knock; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
of its powers drain charges, while others do not. The
following powers can be used draining one charge per Broom of Flying, Greater: This broom is in all respects
use. the same as a Broom of Flying, save is can carry a total of
· Produce Flame 500lbs.
· Detect Magic Caster Level: 11th Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items,
· Light/Darkness Fly, Permanency. Market Price: 17,000 GP Weight: 3.5 lbs.

These powers will drain two charges per use. Broom of Flying, Speed: This broom is designed for
· Cone of Cold (15d6, DC 15) speed and maneuverability. It can fly at a speed of 120
· Fireball or Lightning Bolt (one or the other, 10th level, feet and has a maneuverability of perfect. Otherwise it is
10d6, DC 17) the same as a normal
· Hold Monster (DC 14) Broom of Flying.
· Invisibility Caster Level: 12th
Prerequisites: Craft
The staff adds +2 to the Wondrous Items, Fly,
warlock’s saving throws Haste, Permanency. Market
against spell based attacks. The Price: 18,000 GP Weight:
staff can not absorb wizard 2.5 lbs.
spell energy and must be
recharged by the warlock Broom of Protection:
himself. The staff is also This broom appears to be
capable of acting as a an ordinary witch’s besom
QuarterStaff +2. Unlike a staff or other mundane broom.
of power, the Staff of the It’s magic is revealed when
Warlock has no retributive the witch uses it to sweep.
strike. Breaking a Staff of the This broom provided
Warlock destroys the staff protection as a Sanctuary
beyond repair. spell when the witch
Caster Level: 15th; sweeps a clockwise circle
Prerequisites: Craft Staff, Craft around herself and others.
Magical Arms and Armor, The effects last five rounds
Heighten Spell, continual flame, and may be repeated 3d6
lightning bolt or fireball, cone of times.
cold, hold monster, invisibility; Caster Level: 5th
Market Price: 150,000 gp. Prerequisites: Craft
Wondrous Items, Sanctuary.
Wondrous Items Market Price: 500 GP
Weight: 1 lbs.
Bell of Opening: A bell of opening is a silver bell. It is
similar in nature to the Chime of Opening. When struck, Coat of Darkness: This black coat provides a +4 bonus
it sends forth magic vibrations that cause locks, lids, to hide checks, and once times per day can cast Intangible
doors, valves, and portals to open. The device functions Cloak of Shadows on the wearer.
against normal bars, shackles, chains, bolts, and so on. Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items,
The chime of opening also automatically dispels a hold Intangible Cloak of Shadows Market Price: 1,500 GP

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Voodoo Doll: This doll is usually crafted to vaguely
Dowsing Stick: This appears to be a normal stick that resemble a particular person, though it can be altered to
could be used for a Dowsing spell. It can cast dowsing at resemble someone else after it’s creation. If a personal
will. item is attached to the doll (for instance, the targets ring,
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items, or a lock of the persons hair), the Voodoo doll can be
Dowse Market Price: 300 GP used to cast Ghostly Slashing as a first level sorcerer on the
target once per day, regardless of the distance between
Earrings of Timeless Beauty: These earrings are the target and the user. A person may only be the target
usually very elegant and decorated. The wearer of these of one Voodoo doll at a time. You may not make
earrings is granted a +6 bonus to seduction checks, and a yourself the target of a Voodoo doll in order to make
+2 bonus to all other charisma based skills. yourself invulnerable to other dolls.
Caster Level: 4th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items, Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
Beguile, Glamour Market Price: 900 GP Ghostly Slashing; Market Price: 1250 gp.

Hand of Glory: This was a right hand of a murderer that Books, Manuals, & Tomes
was severed while the corpse was still hanging from the
gallows. This mummified human hand hangs by a leather Book Cover, Magical: This leather looking book cover
cord around a character’s neck (taking up space as a will grow or shrink to fit any size book. One place on the
magic necklace would). When the hand was ready, book the cover provides +1 magical protection to the
candles were fitted on it between the fingers. These were book.
called the “dead man’s candles” were made from another Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, any
murderer’s fat, with the wick being made from his hair. protection spell; Market Price: 500 gp.
Another method of curing the severed and dried hand
was to dip it in wax. After this process the fingers Book of Shadows, Magical: Designed for a witch to
themselves could be lit. If a magic ring is placed on one record her spells. The book can only be opened by that
of the fingers of the hand, the wearer benefits from the witch or any she invites to open it. If lost the book will
ring as if wearing it him or herself, and it does not count act as if a Locate Object spell was cast on it, allowing the
against the wearer’s two-ring limit. The hand can wear witch to find it. The book is flame proof and has a +2
only one ring at a time. protection bonus to any saving throws to prevent the
Even without a ring, lighting the hand itself allows its destruction of the book.
wearer to use daylight and see invisibility each once per Caster Level: 2nd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
day. locate object; Market Price: 1,000 gp. Weight: 3 lb.
The following phrase is spoken to invoke the hand:
“Let those who rest, more deeply sleep; Masters Astronomy Book: This book’s only value is
Let those awake their vigils keep. that it records the placement of astronomical objects, and
Oh, Hand of Glory, shed thy light records them into the book. A person with ranks in
And guide us to our spoil tonight.” Profession: Astrologer can use the book to look up any
bit of information since the book’s creation. The book’s
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, information is 100% accurate, providing a +5 bonus for
daylight, detect invisibility, animate dead; Market Price: readings with the Astrology skill. It can record a near
7,200 gp; Weight: 2 lb. infinite amount of information (up to 1000 years), but
only records the placement of objects starting at the date
Sandals of Air Walk: These sandals hover slightly off it was created. Finding an old elf’s Masters Astronomy
the ground, just as though the wearer had the spell Air Book is often quite a happy day for a professional
Walk cast on them. astrologer.
Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items, Witch covens often have a Masters Astronomy Book that
Air Walk Market Price: 1,000 GP may be hundreds, even up to a thousand years old.
Covens of elven witches may own series of books, dating
Scrying Crystal: A crystal suspended on a silver chain in total to eons ago.
can be used by a witch to scry. The chain is spun and the Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items,
crystal is dropped on a map or an Ouija like board to Market Price: 1000 GP + 100 GP for every year old the
spell out answers. Magical scrying crystals add to the book is.
level of success.
Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items, Manual of Druthers: A druther is a special type wooden
Air Walk Market Price: 1,000 GP golem that a witch can create. The druther costs only
about 1,000 GP to create and can take any form as long
as it is all wood. The druther can be carved from wood

Liber Mysterium: Magic
or it can be made of wooden twigs and boards attached Metamagical Thaumaturgic Circle: Any spell cast
together. Creation time takes one month. within a Metamagical Thaumaturgic Circle is blessed with
Once the druther is finished the writing fades and the the appropriate metamagic feat. Only 3 spells per day
book is consumed in flames. When the ashes of the can be blessed as such.
manual are sprinkled upon the druther, the figure Caster Level: 15th + 1 per level for every additional level
becomes fully animated. of preparation normally needed; Prerequisites: Craft
The user of the manual needs to be of 10th or higher Magic Circle, the appropriate metamagic feat.
level. To use the manual of druthers, you must succeed a
caster level check DC 20. Octogram of Binding: Unlike other Magic Circles, the
Note: Druthers are extremely flammable. Any fire-based crafter does not stand within the magic circle. Rather,
attack will always cause double the amount the damage. any outsider that is either summoned into the circle
Any cold-based attack does no damage. See Chapter 7: (Through a Summon Planar Ally spell or otherwise), or has
Bestiary for more information on Druthers. had the circle created around them, may never leave the
Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, circle, or disrupt the circle in any way. Also, spells or
minor creation; Market Price: 3,500 gp. natural abilities may not extend beyond the circle, nor
may they harm anyone outside the circle in any way, until
Page, Magical: This blank page can be inserted into any the circle is either disrupted or the creator of the circle
mundane Book of Shadows or Book of Law. It confers chooses to release them.
+1 magical bonus to saving throws to the book. Also, Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Circle,
twice the amount of text can be recorded on the page. Dismissal
Typically the witch will record something begin on the
page while the true text is hidden underneath.
Up to 10 such pages may be added to any one book.
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, any
protection spell, witch writing; Market Price: 500 gp.

Permanent Magic Circles

Some Magic Circles’ only affect their creator. A
caster with the Create Magic Circle feat can assume the
position of creator to an already existing magic circle by
expending the experience points normally necessary,
though the actual crafting of the magic circle is negligible.
Creating a magic circle costs 100 xp for every 5’
diameter the circle, regardless of material, plus an
additional 20 XP for each caster level required to create
the circle. The time it takes to craft a magic circle is often
dependent on what was used to create it. Placing the final
enchantments on the circle takes 1 minute per foot in its Octogram of Protection: Anyone standing within an
diameter. So if the witch were to create a 20’ long Octogram of Protection is protected from outsiders of a
Thaumaturgic Magic Circle out of tile in her home, it particular type, chosen by the crafter when the circle was
would require an 860 xp sacrifice, and would take 20 created. Under no circumstances can the outsider
minutes to enchant, plus the time it actually took to craft interfere or otherwise harm those standing within the
the magic circle out of tile. circle, nor can they enter or disrupt the circle on their
own. Roll 1d12 to determine the type of Octogram of
Hexagram of Protection: When the caster is standing Protection found.
within a Hexagram, she grants damage reduction equal to
her own wisdom modifier to herself and all allies. 1-3 Protection against Good
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Circle, Aid 4-6 Protection against Evil
7 Protection against Chaos
Inverted Pentagram of Harming: All harming spells 8 Protection against Law
cast within an Inverted Pentagram of Harming are cast at 9 Protection against Air
+2 caster level. 10 Protection against Earth
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Circle, Inflict 11 Protection against Fire
Moderate Wounds 12 Protection against Water

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Circle, Magic depending on which type of energy you wish to
Circle Against a specific alignment empower.

Supreme Octogram of Protection: This magic circle Magic Candles

functions just like an Octogram of Protection, except Magic candles must be burned to to activate
that it extends to all creatures with the noted alignment, their magic. Some require a certain amount of time to be
not just outsiders and elementals. lit and then their magic takes effect, other must burn for
Caster Level: 14th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Circle, a time and then their magic takes effect when blown or
Magic Circle against Good / Chaos /Evil / Law snuffed out.
Candles are created using the Craft Magic
Octogram of Neutrality: Anyone standing within an Candle feat.
Octagon of Neutrality gains spell resistance equal to the
crafter’s caster level x2 versus arcane magic. Divine Black Candle of Negativity Removal: Anyone who
Magic is not affected by this. stays near a Black Candle of Negativity Removal for
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Circle, Dispel more than 15 minutes comes under the affect of a Calm
Magic Emotions spell (no save).
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle, Calm Emotions. Caster
Pentagram of Healing: All healing spells cast within a Level: 4th; Market Price: 800 GP
Pentagram of Healing are cast at +2 caster level.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Circle, Cure Blue Candle of Health and Well Being: Anyone near
Moderate Wounds a Blue Candle for 8 hours or more can have the spell
Remove Disease on them.
Thaumaturgic Circle: When the crafter is standing Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle,
within a thaumaturgic circle, she casts all her spells at +1 Remove Disease. Market Price: 3,000 GP
caster level.
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Circle, Bless Candle of Truth: This candle, when burned, calls into
place a zone of truth spell in a 30-foot radius centered on
Thaumaturgic Circle of Teleportation: This Magic the candle. The zone lasts for 1 hour, as the candle
Circle is actually two different magic circles. Anyone burns. If the candle is snuffed
who steps within the circle and before that time, the effect is
speaks a command word (or any canceled and the candle
other requirement that the ruined.
creator designates), they are Caster Level: 5th;
instantly teleported to the other Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous
circle. Item, zone of truth; Market
The XP cost of creating a Price: 2,500 gp; Weight: 1/2
Thaumaturgic Circle of lb.
Teleportation is only the cost of
creating a single magic circle. Crimson Candle of Courage
Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: and Protection: Anyone who
Craft Magic Circle, Teleport stays near a Crimson Candle
Without Error of Courage and Protection
receives the effect of an
Triangular Circle of Energy: Emotion Hope spell, but with its
When casting a spell or using a effects doubled.
natural ability that deals damage Prerequisites: Craft Magic
of a particular type of elemental energy (Electric, Acidic, Candle, Emotion. Caster Level: 10th; Market Price: 3,000
Fire, or Frost) while standing within a triangular circle of GP
energy, that type of energy deals double damage.
Furthermore, those standing within the magic circle Emerald Candle of Growth: Anyone or anything near
receive double damage from a particular type of energy, an Emerald Candle of Growth for more than 15 minutes
as noted below. has the spell Bless Growth cast on them, except the effects
Electricity - Acid last for 24 hours only. This can include plants, people, or
Fire / Heat - Frost potential mothers.
Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Circle, Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle, Bless Growth. Caster
Chain Lightning, Cone of Cold, Wall of Fire, or Cloudkill, Level: 7th; Market Price: 2,100 GP

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Lemon Candle of Freshness: This candle will cleanse a +4 bonus to any Knowledge checks done while
an area as per the spell cleanse. The number of beings researching.
effected will be per the level of the caster (typically 7th). Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle. Caster Level: 8th;
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle, Cleanse. Caster Level: Market Price: 2,400 GP
7th; Market Price: 2,100 GP
White Candle of Healing: The user must be near a
Orange Candle of Innocence: The user must stay near White Candle of Healing for at least 8 hours before hand.
an Orange Candle of Innocence for at least 8 hours. The The user’s Healing spells cure additional 1d4 points per
next day, 2d6 people come under the effects of a Virgin spell level.
Innocence spell (Will Save DC 15) for a single thing that Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle, Cure Moderate Wounds.
the user wishes. Caster Level: 10th; Market Price: 3,000 GP
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle, Virgin Innocence. Caster
Level: 12th; Market Price: 3,600 GP Yellow Candle of Clarity: When scrying near a Yellow
Candle of Clarity, the user gains a +10 bonus to Scry
Peach Candle of New Beginnings: A Peach Candle of checks.
New Beginnings can be lit alongside a dead body. It Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle. Caster Level: 7th;
must remain lit for at least 8 hours. After 8 hours, the Market Price: 2,100 GP
body is resurrected; however, the person affected will
have no memory of her previous life. Such people retain Magic Cords
their class abilities, except those related to alignment. In Magic cords are typically woven strands of
a sense, they a born anew, and the target will need to fibers, flax, hemp, threads or yarn. Their magical effect
relearn all the things about the world. Nothing short of a comes when they are tied, either in a knot or around
Wish spell can restore their memory. something.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle, Raise Dead, Lethe. Magical cords maybe produced by the Craft
Caster Level: 18th; Market Price: 8,000 GP Magic Cords feat.

Red Candle of Love: Anyone who stays near a Red Cingulum: This nine-foot long cord in often worn
Candle of Love for more than 15 minutes develops a around the waist as a belt. Magical varieties confer +1 to
strong sense for their own life and their loved ones, +5 luck bonuses to AC. The material to make this cord
bestowing an effect identical to both the Emotion: Hope maybe anything the witch has on hand (leather, hemp
and Emotion: Friendship spell. rope, cotton, silk) but the manufacture must be of high
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle, Emotion. Caster Level: quality. The cingulum typically has a number of knots
12th; Market Price: 3,600 GP equal to its bonuses. The magic does not become active
till it is wrapped around the waist and knotted.
Scarlet Candle of Lust: Anyone who is near a Scarlet
Candle of Lust for more than 15 minutes must succeed a Bonus Caster Level Market Price
saving throw vs. DC 15 or become Beguiled to the user, as +1 2nd 1,000 gp
per the spell. +2 4th 2,000 gp
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle, Beguile. Caster Level: +3 6th 3,500 gp
8th; Market Price: 2,400 GP +4 8th 5,000 gp
+5 10th 7,000 gp
Sun Candle of Wisdom: The user must stay near the
Sun Candle for at least 8 hours. Once this duration has Prerequisites: Craft Magic Cord. Any protection spell,
passed, the next day the user is granted +5 bonus to Bless. Caster level: 2nd to 10th
sense motive checks. Market Price 750 gp per caster level.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle. Caster Level: 7th;
Market Price: 2,100 GP Cord of Binding: Made with items from the person to
be bound. Once the cord is made the witch needs to tie
Teal Candle of Awakening: A Teal Candle of the items into the cord (typically hair or cloth) three
Awakening is burnt while sleeping. While sleeping, you times. The intended victim is treated as if under a Geas.
gain a +5 bonus to listen checks to wake up. Prerequisites: Craft Magic Cord. Geas. Caster level: 12th
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Candle. Caster Level: 5th; Market Price 20,000 gp.
Market Price: 1,500 GP
Handfasting Cord: Made of three separate cords, one
Violet Candle of Knowledge: A violet candle of each made by the couple to be married, the other by the
Knowledge is usually burned while researching. It grants witch. Once tied around the couple’s hands they are
treated as if they have a Bless spell on them for a year

Liber Mysterium: Magic
and a day as long as they are within eyesight of each (no other class) attempts to ride it. The broom then
other. takes off in any random direction at top speed as per a
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Cord. Bless. Caster level: 10th Broom of Flying. The only way to stop it is to cast a
Market Price 5,000 gp. Remove Curse. If the witch riding attempts to cast she is
under normal restrictions to cast while mounted plus an
Happiness Cord: A minor cord, this is usually a length extra –2 to cast.
of thin rope decorated with beads. Once invoked Caster Level 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse,
provides the effects of a Bless spell. overland flight, permanency; Market Price 7,000 gp; Weight 3
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Cord. Caster Level: 1st; bless; lb.
Market Price: 100 gp.
Witch Knot: This cord is made of woven plant material Powerful witches make power magic items.
seem simple at first but this cord can hold up 3 to 8 Some are so well known or infamous that they have
levels (1d6+2) of witch spells. The witch casts her spell become legends.
into the cord and ties it up in a knot. To release the spell
the knot is untied or cut. Cutting the cord does render it BabaYaga’s Hut: The legendary abode of the witch
useless for futer uses. Baba Yaga has appeared in various tales over the years.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Cord. Caster level: 1st And predictably, the details have varied over the years.
Market Price 1,500 gp + 100 GP per level of spells cast Baba Yaga often herself lies and spreads rumors of the
into the cord. Hut’s abilities.
The hut appears as a small, 15’ by 15’ by 10’,
Witch Stone Cord: This cord holds naturally occurring windowless and doorless Izba made of logs with a
“witch stones”, stones that have naturally occurring holes thatched roof. It stood on two (sometimes three) giant
in them. For every stone collected and enchanted the chicken legs, and spun rapidly in a yard that contained
cord provides a level of protection against hostile magic. her geese and horses. The hut was surrounded by 11
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Cord. Caster level: 1st skull-lanterns on poles with a 12th pole standing empty.
Market Price 1,500 gp + 500 GP per stone on the cord. The hut could spin faster than any person could run and
if someone managed to grab on it would fling them of
Cursed Items into the woods.
Evil witches are well known for their curses. In Getting inside the hut was a secret only Baba
has been postulated by many sages that the abundance of Yaga knew. She could will it to stop spinning and open it
cursed items to be found are a result of vengeful witches. up, but other times it took the use of a command in folk
Witches often counter that this is nothing more than magic to get the hut to obey; usually something like,
rumor and more slander against them. “Hut, hut! Still you should be, with your back to the
forest and your door to me!”
Broom of Animated Attack: This item is Inside the hut was much larger than the
indistinguishable in appearance from a normal broom. It outside, at least 10 times greater. Also no one could
is identical to a broom of flying by all tests short of leave the hut unless Baba Yaga willed it, this includes the
attempted use. souls of the dead. Occupants inside were immune to all
If a command is spoken, the broom does a loop-the-loop magical effects from the outside.
with its hopeful rider, dumping him on his head from The hut is known to have the following powers,
1d4+5 feet off the ground (no falling damage, since the all are at caster level of 20.
fall is less than 10 feet). The broom then attacks the Movement. The hut could travel over any land
victim, swatting the face with the straw or twig end and terrain or water at speeds of 60 feet. It could not fly, but
beating him with the handle end. it could go up shear cliffs and mountains or over seas.
The broom gets two attacks per round with each end Protection. The hut has protections against all
(two swats with the straw and two with the handle, for a forms of magic, psionics and environment. In each case
total of four attacks per round). It attacks with a +5 the proper protection spell is used at 20th level
bonus on each attack roll. The straw end causes a victim spellcaster. Magic effects are also hampered inside the
to be blinded for 1 round when it hits. The handle deals hut. Spells cast within the confines of the hut have their
1d6 points of damage when it hits. The broom has AC DCs increased by +5.
13, 18 hit points, and hardness 4. Travel. In edition the travel over land the hut
Caster Level 10th; Create Wondrous Item, fly, animate could become Ethereal or Astral when needed.
objects; Market Price 5,200 gp. In every case Baba Yaga could invoke these
powers by will. Others will need to learn the folk magic
Broom of Flying, Cursed: This broom appears as any command phrases in order to use the powers.
other magical or mundane broom. That is until a witch

Liber Mysterium: Magic
Semi-Sentient. The hut is semi-sentient. Not truly heightened haste spell cast on them. Only one person
alive, it does have an awareness about itself. It mimics may sit in the mortar at one time.
Baba Yaga’s personality in that attempts to lure people to Caster Level: 20th; Weight: 200 lbs.
it and it then spirits them off to Baba Yaga who will
decide what to do with them. Usually it is a split between The Sampo: In the epic Finnish myth, the Kalevala, the
putting them to work or eating them. Other times the Sampo is a precious object, a magical mill that grinds out
hut stays in possession of someone for a much longer meal, salt and gold. There is more than one Sampo, but
time before disappearing again. It is rumored that the no more than one ever appeared at one time. The great
mage responsible for the Tiny Hut spell was in possession smith Seppo Ilmarinen, friend to Väinämöinen, knew the
of Baba Yaga’s hut for years. secret to making one, but he seems to be the only one,
Caster Level: 20th; Weight: NA. and the one he made was destroyed in a battle with the
great witch Louhi. Väinämöinen claims that he will one
Baba Yaga’s Mortar and Pestle: The Hungry witch is day bring a new Sampo to his people.
known not only for her famous abode, but for her rather The Sampo can create ten pounds of meal, one
unique means of travel. Baba Yaga can travel about the pound of salt or 100 gold pieces per hour for anyone that
forest in a large mortar and pestle. She sits in the mortar, knows the command words. The Sampo is sought after
steers with the pestle and sweeps up her tracks with her so much because there is no end to amount of items it
broom behind her. This way she can travel over any can make.
surface, including water, but not air. Due to its magical nature, the Sampo is very
The mortar and pestle’s only power is it’s speed rare and wildly sought after. Characters that gain
and it travels at a blinding 120 feet. At this speed most possession of one my find themselves with an endless
spells are at an increased +5 to affect the person driving supply of trouble as well.
the pestle and AC is increased by +12. Within the pestle Caster level: 19th; Weight: 500 lbs.
the driver also acts as if they had a metamagically

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary

Chapter VII: Bestiary

For whatever reason the witch chooses to create
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the these new monsters they have been linked to witches
process he does not become a monster. forevermore.

And when you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks Fey
into you”. The various members of the faerie races are
Friedrich Nietzsche, known as the Fey and they have had a long a varied
Thus Sprach Zarathrusa association with witches over the years. This association
is not just with the Faerie Tradition, but with all witches
“Here there be monsters”. in general. Most often it is believed that the witch’s
Warning on maps of the edge of the world familiar is a shape-shifted faerie.


W itches have graced the pages and stories of

fantasy and myth for ages. Along with the
witches have come creatures. Some have
been seen as allies to the witches, others have been the
Hags and witches have often been confused
with each other, or believed to be in some sort of
alliance. This is just another example of deceptive
appearances. While hags do gather in Coveys and witches
creations of witches, and still others are seen as gather in Covens, there is no reasoning to believe that the
associated with witches, for good or ill. Adding these two are related, except semantically.
monsters to the game will provide a backdrop for the Of course Hags are highly intelligent and
witches to work against. magical beings, and if it is to their advantage to form an
alliance with a witch, then she will do so. It is important
to remember that all hags are evil and despise all of
Using Monsters in Your Campaign humanity and ultimately work to humanity’s destruction.
As in any game, monsters are designed to add a No good aligned witch would ever be associated with a
challenge to player characters. Some of these monsters hag. The Makava, or Wood Hag, is most often accused
are from the literature of the Faerie Tradition. GM’s of confusing the populace into think that hags are a type
should add them to the same areas that Faerie Witches of witch and vice versa. There is however an ancient
are found. Others, such as the Earth Troll, have had Teutonic goddess known as Holda, or sometimes Holga,
long associations with the witch. that is said to be the Goddess of both witches and hags.
Hags may advance as witches. Hags also have
access to many of the skills, feats and spell presented in
Monster Types this book. Any hag listed elsewhere is also assumed to
For better or worse, witches have always been have the Ritual Casting and Knowledge (Witchcraft)
associated with various monsters. Many of the signs that
one might be a witch are also the same that one might be
a vampire or a fey. The Mara coven certainly lend
credence to this stereotype, but Lorelei do as well since Monsters from Other Sources
they are often accused of being Banshees. Witches are Monsters have always been associated with
believed to be in league or have dealings with various witches, either as familiars or other antagonists in “fairy
demons and devils as well. tales”. Many good and neutral aligned witches befriend
This section presents monsters for use in the many of the creatures of the forest or their locale to aid
worlds that the witch is likely to inhabit or that have them. This is especially true for witches of the Faerie
dealing with witches. Traditions. Evil witches and warlocks associate with
many humanoid monsters and undead creatures. Other
monsters, such as the Lamia and the Penanggalan are
Crossbreeds believed to be or have been witches in a former life.
The witch has access to spells outside the
normal scope of wizards and clerics. Some of these spells
can allow the witch to create cross-breeds of a strange
nature. Some, such as the Batlings, are a benign race that
has bred true. Others are abominations like the Owl

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary
race that centers on the extended family. Batlings get
Batlings along well with other faerie races especially pixies and
slyphs. Grigs tend to avoid them.
Small Fey Like bats, Batlings live in dark places, such as
Hit Dice: 1d6+1 (5 hp) caves. They are nocturnal, which only adds to the
Initiative: +4 Dex superstition that surrounds them. Batlings come out at
Speed: 10 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect) night to socialize and feed. An adult Batling can eat 3 to
AC: 20 (+4 dex, +3 size, +3 Natural) 4 times his own weight a night in flying insects. This
Attacks: Unarmed +2, +2 helps support their high metabolic rate. Batlings are also
Damage: Unarmed 1d4, small sword 1d6 found of fruits, especially grapes. They make an
Face/Reach: 1 ft. by 1 ft. extremely potent wine from grapes and a fungus that
Special Attacks: Hypersonic Shriek grows in their caves.
Special Qualities: SR 20, Damage Reduction 10/+2 Batlings mate once a year in the spring and the
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +5 female gives birth to a clutch of two young. Batlings
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 18 usually mate for life. Batlings keep their lair far from
Skills: Handle Animal +10, Hide +16, Heal +5, Listen humanoid eyes. Usually they have many regular bats in
+5, Spot +5, Sense Motive +5 their lair to keep guard.
Feats: Ambidexterity, Blind Fight, Flyby Attack The young reach maturity in seven years.
______________________________________ Batlings typically live 40 to 50 years.
Climate/Terrain: Temperate Caves
Organization: Gang (2-4), band (6-11) or tribe (20-80) Combat: Batlings are not strong fighters. They prefer
Challenge Rating: 5 to use their small size and speed to avoid confrontations.
Treasure: However they will go to any lengths to protect their
Alignment: Always Chaotic Good homes or their young. Males and females are equal in
Advancement: 1-3 HD (small) combat. Young Batlings are non-combative. Batlings
may attack with their feet claws twice per round doing 1
Batlings are magical crossbreeds of pixies and to 4 hp of damage. Some Batlings do carry small thin
bats. Batlings look like 1’ to 2’ tall pixies with bat-like swords. They use this swords two-handed for 1d6 hp of
wings and features. Their feet are like those of a bat with damage.
small claws for hanging upside down. Their bodies Blindsight (Ex): Batlings, like most fey, have
resemble pixies with a short soft fur covering. Their fur low light vision, but they prefer to rely on their
ranges from light brown to a deep black. Their faces are echolocation ability. Batlings can recognize each other
also like those of pixies, but with some bat-like with their echolocation, but only distinguish rough details
characteristics. They have a sharp teeth and large ears of other humanoid creatures. Attacks that effect hearing
like a bat. They have smallish eyes and small slightly effect the Batling as if it were effecting their eyes instead.
upturned noses. Batlings can speak with bats and pixies Thus any deafening attack is treated like blindness.
in their own languages. Many have been able to learn elf Batlings are immune to gaze attacks while using this
or common. Batlings speak with high-pitched voices. ability.
They tend not to wear clothing when young or Hypersonic Shriek (Ex): If threatened
among their own kind. They have been known to wear Batlings may let out a hypersonic shriek. This shriek may
clothing similar to that of other pixies, only drabber and be done three times per day. Anyone under 5 HD within
more functional. hearing distance of the Batling must make a Fortitude
Due to their appearance and origin Batlings are save or become deaf, as per the spell, for 2d6 rounds.
often believed to be small demons or at the very least They also suffer 2d10 hp of damage. If they save or are
evil. However nothing could be farther from the truth. above 5 HD then they only take 2d6 hp of damage.
An insane warlock who was researching new familiar
types created the Batlings. He believed that by Even though they are a “created” race, Batlings
combining the appearance of the bat with the intelligence have found a niche in the ecology of the world. Their
of a pixie he would have a frightening ally. His diet has placed no strain on the local ecology. If Batlings
experiments were a tremendous success; he created a race have a natural enemy it would be goblins. Goblins
that could breed true. However he underestimated the capture Batlings in suspended steel traps. They gag the
natures of both the pixie and the bat. He produced a Batlings and enjoy pulling off their wings. Goblins
race that was both intelligent and good. usually eat the males and children but keep the females
Batlings tend not to enter act with other races around as slaves. A particularly ugly breed of Bendith Y’
other than pixies. This is not out of choice, but necessity. Mamau are born to these unfortunate Batlings.
Batlings are usually hunted down because they are Batlings have been the subject of recent debate
believed to be evil. Batlings tend to be a very gregarious and experiments by wizards. Batling fur or guano has

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary
been used in place of bats’ in spell components. The Butterfae rarely ever engage people in battle.
spell Wave of Mutilation (q.v.) was discovered in this When they do, they use their spell-like abilities or their
research. wands, or they flee.
Butterfae Wand: Upon reaching adulthood,
Advancement Butterfae receive a special wand. All wands have the
Batlings are generally too small to make effective following traits. At will, Animal Messenger, Calm Animals,
characters. Those that chose to advance as a character Dancing Lights, Invisibility (Self only), Light. 3 times per day:
class often opt for Ranger. Chill Metal, Heat Metal, Synthesis, Goodberry, Entangle, Magic
Fang. Once per day: Polymorph Other, Summon Nature’s Ally
IV. Butterfae wands also contain one other spell usable
Butterfae once per day (a 1st level druid spell or a 0 level cleric,
witch, or sorcerer spell), another usable three times per
Fine Fey day (a 1st or 2nd level druid spell or a 0 level cleric,
Hit Dice: ¼ d6+2 (3 hp) witch, or sorcerer spell),
Initiative: +4 Dex and one other spell usable
Speed: 10 ft., fly 30 once per day (4th level
ft. (perfect) druid or 2nd level cleric,
AC: 20 (+4 dex, +3 witch, or sorcerer spell.
size, +3 Natural) These wands are useless by
Attacks: Unarmed anyone than who the wand
+0 was given to.
Damage: Unarmed Speak with
1d1 -3 Plants and Animals:
Face/Reach: 1 ft. Butterfae can speak with
by 1 ft. plants and animals as per
Special Attacks: the spells at will.
Spell-like abilities,
Special Qualities: Druther
SR 20, Speak with
Plants and Animals, Medium Construct
Damage Reduction Hit Dice: 9d10 (45 hp)
10/+2 Initiative: -1 Dex
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +5 Speed: 20 ft.
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 18 AC: 17 (-1 Dex, +8 Natural)
Skills: Handle Animal +10, Hide +16, Heal +5, Listen Attacks: 2 Limbs (fists or constructed weapons) +9
+5, Spot +5, Sense Motive +5 Damage: Slam 2d6+6
Feats: Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5ft./5ft.
______________________________________ Special Qualities: Construct, Damage reduction 15/+1,
Climate/Terrain: Any Immune to piercing, water and cold-based attacks.
Organization: Gang (2-4), band (6-11) or tribe (20-80) Double damage from fire based attacks.
Challenge Rating: 5 Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4
Treasure: Wand Abilities: Str 20, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 3
Alignment: Always Neutral ______________________________________
Advancement: 1-3 HD (Fine) Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Solitary
Distant cousins to pixies, Butterfae are among Challenge Rating: ??
the smallest of fey, rarely reaching 8 inches in height. Treasure: None
They also contain some of the greatest affinity to magic Alignment: Always Neutral
of all fae. Like pixies, they enjoy sylvan life and often take Advancement: 10-15 (Large); 15-20 (Huge)
their homes deep in forests.
Butterfae vaguely resemble tiny little elves with A Druther is a type of weaker wood golem that
insect wings. Despite what the name implies, Butterfae can only be created by a witch. The name comes from
wings can be of any sort, resembling butterfly wings, an old piece of doggerel often muttered by witches,
moth, or plain gossamer wings.
“If I really had my druthers,
Combat I’d have my wooden druthers too.”

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary
Damage Reduction: The druther can ignore
A “Wooden Druther” is a corrupt form of the first 15 points of damage dealt, unless the weapon is
“wouldn’t I’d rathers”, or something the witch doesn’t +1 or better. Arrows or other piercing items, such as
want. So the Wooden Druther performs tasks that the spears or thrust daggers, only do 1 point of damage per
witch would rather not do herself. The druther can hit. Water base attacks have no effect on the druther
understand simple command phrases of about 15 words whatsoever. Fire based attacks always do double damage.
each. Typically druthers are used for menial labor or to Cold based attacks do no damage.
perform a task that the witch can not do or won’t do
herself, like killing or scaring an enemy. Often a witch Construction
will have a few druthers protecting her home while Witches of 10th level or better can construct a
disguised as trees (Spot DC 25 when so disguised). druther. If the witch has access to a Manual of Druthers,
A druther cannot communicate at all. Some then she can create a Druther from that work.
witches have used woody reeds in the construction of Otherwise a witch may opt to create one from scratch.
their druthers. When the wind blows across the druther The witch will need at least 200 pounds of wood, either
it sounds like a deep bassoon. as sticks, planks or individually carved pieces. She must
Druthers can appear in any form. Usually they gather these herself. The witch will need her consecrated
are biped and always made of wood. The wood can be witch tools and fine incense, which will cost the witch
carved or a collection 2,000 GP. After creating
of sticks tied the body for the druther,
together. The the witch will have to cast
appendages need to Air Walk, Bless Growth,
be attached Feral Spirit, Lesser
separately if the Strengthening Rite and Minor
druther is to move at Creation. The ashes from
all. They can be the burned incense is then
precisely carved to sprinkled on the wood.
appear as anything The process takes the
the witch wants, but witch one month to create
they typically look and drains 1,000 XP.
like walking bunches
of sticks. Legend has Drudges
it that there was a Sometimes
witch that had such druthers are referred to as
beautifully carved “Drudges”, mostly due to
druthers that they their ability to menial work,
were often mistaken usually around the home.
for wood nymphs. While a druther may be
Treants, used to do the witch’s dirty
dryads, and wood work, a drudge will do the
nymphs view a witch’s dirty laundry.
druther in the same Adventurers have reported
manner a human of a witch with intricately
views the undead or carved wood drudges as
a flesh golem. Most her household staff. A
will attempt to drudge butler was so well
destroy them when made that they could not
they can. Some witches and wizards value the wood from tell it was a magical construct at all.
an inanimate druther to use to make magical fires.
Rogue Druthers
Combat The druther has a great tie to its animating
A druther is mindless in combat. It strikes with elemental force. But sometimes the druther will break
its wood fists with almost no regard to what else is going free of the witch’s control, but not of its wooden body.
on. These druthers are known as rogues and take out their
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing frustration the only way know, to throw themselves into
effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject any combative situation it can.
to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy
drain, or death from massive damage.

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary

Leprechaun Cluracan Fir Darrig
Small Fey Small Fey Small Fey
Hit Dice: 1d6 (3 hp) 2d6 (5 hp) 2d6 (7 hp)
Initiative: + 7 ( + 3 Dex, +4 Improved + 7 ( + 3 Dex, +4 Improved + 7 ( + 3 Dex, +4 Improved
Initiative ) Initiative ) Initiative )
Speed: 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft.
AC: 14(+l size,+3 Dex) 14(+l size,+3 Dex) 14(+l size,+3 Dex)
Attacks: Dagger +4 melee none Dagger +4 melee
Damage: Dagger Id4-2 none Dagger 1d4
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities Spell-like abilities Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: SR 27, low-light vision low-light vision, iron SR 27, low-light vision, iron
vulnerability vulnerability
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +4 Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +3 Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 16, Con 11, Int Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int Str 9, Dex 16, Con 10, Int
16, Wis 15, Cha 16 16, Wis 13, Cha 12 16, Wis 13, Cha 9
Skills: Bluff + 7, Concentration +4, Bluff + 9, Escape Artist + 9, Bluff + 7, Concentration +4,
Craft (any one) +5, Escape Hide + 15, Listen + 14, Craft (any one) +5, Escape
Artist + 7, Hide + 11, Listen Move Silently + 11, Open Artist + 7, Hide + 11, Listen
+ 14, Move Silently + 7, Lock +11, Perform (comedy, + 14, Move Silently + 9,
Open Lock +7, Perform dance, limericks, melody) + 5 Open Lock +8, Perform
(comedy, dance, limericks, , Pick Pocket + 8, Search + (comedy, dance, limericks,
melody) + 7 , Pick Pocket + 5, Spot +6 melody) + 7 , Pick Pocket +
7, Search + 5, Sense Motive 5, Search + 5, Spot +6
+6, Spot +6
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Dodge, Improved Initiative Dodge, Improved Initiative,
Mobility, Weapon Finesse Weapon Finesse (dagger)

Climate/Terrain: Temperate forest Temperate forest Temperate forest

Organization: Gang (2-4 ), band (6-11 ), or Solitary (1-2) Solitary (1-2), Gang (2-4), or
family ( 12-20) family (12-20)
Challenge Rating: 4 3 5
Treasure: Double coins; 50% goods; single coin Double coins; 50% goods;
50% items 50% items
Alignment: Always neutral Usually chaotic good. Usually chaotic neutral
Advancement: 2-3 HD (Small) 2-3 HD (Small) 2-3 HD (Small)

Leprechauns are short fey creatures, about 2 Leprechauns tire of pranks quickly, how- ever, and will
feet tall with pointed nose and ears. A leprechaun usually give up the stolen item and sneak away. Some say
dresses in bright clothes of green or red, complete with leprechauns are descendants of halflings and pixies.
either a wide- brimmed hat or stocking-cap. Leprechauns Leprechauns summarily dismiss this rumor, how- ever,
are a jovial people, enjoying fine food and drink; some scoffing at those who repeat it.
leprechauns also enjoy a good smoke from a long-
stemmed pipe. They are a tricky folk and enjoy jokes and Combat
pranks, al- though they usually do not appreciate being Leprechauns are fun-loving creatures and prefer
the victims of such acts. to avoid combat. When facing opponents, a leprechaun
Most leprechauns are skilled pickpockets, and it usually turns invisible and flees. If forced into melee, a
is a favored prank of these wee folk to filch items from leprechaun uses its abilities to their fullest extent, seeking
unsuspecting travelers in their domain and then taunt the to drive an opponent off rather than kill it.
intruders into pursuit. The leprechaun so involved in the Spell-Like Abilities: At will- dancing lights,
prank often alternates between being visible and invisible invisibility (self only ), permanent image (visual and auditory
as he teases and pesters his pursuers in a merry chase. elements only), polymorph any object, and ventriloquism. These

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary
abilities are as the spells cast by a 7th-level sorcerer (save Weapons made from this material grant an additional +2
DC 13 + spell level). to hit and damage to the Clurancan.
Skills: Leprechauns receive a +8 racial bonus to
Listen checks. The Fir Darrig (also Fir Dhearga or Fear Dearg) are
diminutive, simian Hobgoblins/Leprechaun crossbreeds.
The Cluracan (or Cluricaune) is a cousin of the They are a bit taller than their leprechaun cousins (2 to
Leprechaun that is inordinately fond of wine, spirits, 2½ ft on average) and much uglier. They typically wear a
beer, and ale. They look like leprechauns or small old red cap and coat, and thus their name, Red Cap or the
men that are constantly intoxicated. Red Man. The Fir Darrig are inordinately fond of cruel
They are solitary creatures, although they tend to happily practical jokes, and they tend to be rude. They often
latch themselves onto unsuspecting folk. Once attached travel alone, although there are occasional incidents
to a dwelling, they stay in the wine cellar (or equivalent), where an unlucky victim has run across multiple Fir
where they poach the supply. One benefit is that servants Darrigs having a little fun. Many Fir Darrigs have taken
and the like who attempt to take a drink without the up the habit of traveling and seeking to warm themselves
owner’s permission will likely be scared off by the little by others’ fires, and the Fir Darrig so refused is likely to
fellow, but it is doubtful that the cost is worth it. Families play harmful pranks on anyone that refuses them. The
have been known to move their entire household in the correct response to such a request (and one which will
hopes that the Cluracan plaguing them will not follow, leave the Fir Darrig kindly disposed towards the
but these mischievous little fellows will often stow away individual and unlikely to harm him) would be “Na dean
in the packed goods and follow the family. fochmoid fainn” (“Do not mock us”). The Fir Darrigs are
Clurancan usually get along fine with rumored to be shape-shifters, and they often use this
Leprechauns and Fir Darrigs, their closest relatives. Like ability to strike fear into those that they wish to annoy.
them, Clurancan are tricksters and their favorite victims Fir Darrigs are on reasonably good terms with
are humans. other fairy races. Their love of home, hearth, and good
When not drinking the Clurancan can be found tobacco puts them at ease with Leprechauns, Cluracan
chasing nymphs and other female fairies or riding their and halflings, although halflings tend to think of them as
favorite steeds, sheep dogs. So far only males have ever rude and inconsiderate guests. Fir Darrigs are disliked by
been seen, leading many sages to wonder if the females dwarves, but not hated. Fir Darrigs think dwarves take
exist at all of if they are only an offshoot of leprechaun. themselves too seriously. No love is shared between the
It is believed that the Clurancan can mate with Fir Darrig and their closest non-faerie cousins,
leprechaun and pixie females. Hobgoblins. Fir Darrigs enjoy most of the same things
The Cluracan is sometimes addressed as that leprechauns do, gold, a good drink and smoking long
“Naggeneen”, a word implying a small quantity of drink. pipes. Like the Cluracan (q.v.) no female Fir Darrigs have
He always appears as an old-looking, diminutive man of ever been seen.
no more than three feet in height, well-dressed. It is said Some Fir Darrigs have been known to be evil
that all Cluracan carry a little leather purse, the Spre’na (rarely). It is believed that they get their red coat and hat
Skillenagh (or Shilling Fortune), which contains a single by dying them in blood.
coin which, once spent, renews itself. They are said to
enjoy fine tobacco as well, and often know the way to Combat
hidden treasure. Cluracan are tricky and clever, and they Like many of the fey races, Fir Darrigs prefer
will avoid skirmishes to the best of their (considerable) not to enter into physical combat, but unlike the other
ability. Even if trapped, they will seek (and usually find) a fey, they can and will enter into melee when the need
way out. arises. They are usually stronger and are better fighters
than their cousins the leprechauns and the cluracan. If
Combat forced into combat, Fir Darrigs use long knives.
Clurancan do not enter into combat. Also like many members of the fey race, Fir Darrigs can
Spell-Like Abilities: If pressed they can use only be struck or harmed by cold forged iron.
their magical abilities once per day at will. Invisibility, Spell-Like Abilities: The Fir Darrig has the
Levitation, Shape Change, and, Shrink. It will use these following powers, useable once per day; Invisibility, Fear
powers to prevent from actually having to attack. (100’ radius), Shape Shift and Teleport (self). It will use these
Immunity (Ex): Clurancan can consume a powers to prevent from actually having to attack.
large quantity of drink. They seem to enjoy being drunk Vulnerability (Ex): Weapons of pure or cold-
even though they do not suffer the dilbilitating effects of forged iron are more harmful to many fey races.
intoxication. Weapons made from this material grant an additional +2
Vulnerability (Ex): Weapons of pure or cold- to hit and damage to the Fir Darrig.
forged iron are more harmful to many fey races.

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary
Lesser Hag (Template) Becoming a Lesser Hag
The ritual requires that the caster know the
The true origins of Hags are an ancient mystery, following spells: Permanency, Touch of Hideousness, and
but the utter hatred that most Hag’s have towards good Contagion. All three spells are cast into a cauldron of
witches tends to indicate that some sort of division once boiling water, creating pitch black, boiling water. Then,
occurred between the two. Some believe that hags are the the caster needs the proper material components, some
descendants of ancient malefic witches whose souls were of the most gruesome of spellcasters. First, a sacrifice of
so dark, their bodies became twisted and wretched. A a woman who has not yet given birth is needed. She must
ritual exists that somewhat supports this theory. The be killed within 4 hours of the ritual, with an athame by
ritual is utterly evil in itself, and therefore nearly all of it’s the witches hand. First, her skin is put into the cauldron
casters are evil too. It transforms the caster into of water, while her bones are ground into a powder. A
something that is a bit of a monster, but gives the small amount of water is added to the bone dust to give
recipient some powers. them a glue-like texture. The bone-goo is smeared over
The Lesser Hag template does not necessarily the her skin, and she then drinks from the boiling black
make the caster a true Hag, but it does give them certain water. The ritual causes the caster to sleep for 24 hours.
abilities that are very similar to most types Hag’s own In this period, the caster metamorphoses into the hag.
Makva (Wood Hag)
Creating a Lesser Hag
A Lesser Hag is a
Large Monstrous Humanoid
template that can be added (Hag)
to any humanoid (referred
Hit Dice: 8d8+8 (45 hp)
to hereafter as the “base Initiative: +2 (Dex)
creature”). The creatures
Speed: 40ft.
type changes to monstrous AC: 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +6
humanoid. All lesser hags
have the following Attacks: 2 claws +12, bite +12
Damage: claw 3d6, bite 2d6
Bonus Ability Scores: Face/Reach: 5ft. by 5ft/10ft.
Lesser hags receive a +2 to
Special Attacks: Blood drain,
their strength, a +6 to their Spells
wisdom, and a +2 to their
Special Qualities: Dark
charisma. Vision 120ft., Fast Healing 5,
Deformation: A lesser
Iron Vulnerability
hag’s skeleton turns Saves: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will
outward, creating a sort of
exoskeleton. While her skin Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con
may be tough, her bones are
15, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 9
more spread out and Skills: Concentration +12,
therefore more brittle. She
Hide +10, Knowledge
gains damage reduction 2 (Witchcraft) +9, Listen +8,
versus piercing and slashing
Spot +8,
weapons, but bludgeoning Feats: Alertness, Blind-
weapons deal an extra2
fighting, Combat Casting, Fear
points of damage. Resistance
Long Body: A lesser hag’s
body becomes long and wiry. The base creatures size is ______________________________________
increased one category, incurring all penalties that this
Climate/Terrain: Any
normally brings (-1 to attacks, -1 to AC, -4 to hide, etc.). Organization: Solitary or Covey (3 hags of any type plus
Ugliness: A lesser hag’s appearance is fearsome. Her
2-12 trolls)
skin appears withered and scrunched, like that of a very Challenge Rating: 6 or 13 (covey)
old woman. Her hair becomes ratted and tangled.
Treasure: Standard
Spell Like Abilities: At Will - Ghost Sound, Touch of Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil
Hideousness, 3 Times per Day - Darkness, Doom, Charm
Advancement: As witch
Person, 1 per day - Contagion, Scare
Challenge Rating: Base Creature +2

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary
The Makva, or the Wood Hag, is a relative of victim can make a Fortitude save (DC 13). Any character
the other Hags and possibly the Night Hag. The Makva drained to zero will become a wraith haunting the woods
makes her home in the deepest forests where she feeds around the wood hag. Constitution points can be healed
on unsuspecting travelers. She is particularly fond of normally.
children. Her normal appearance is very hag-like, tall (7’
tall), green skin with black hair, although some have been Vulnerability (Ex):. A Makva cannot touch
spotted with green or red hair. She also has long clawed iron and takes extra damage from weapons made of pure
hands with nails as hard as iron talons. Their mouths are or cold forged iron. Weapons made from this material
filled with rotting black teeth and foul breath. The Wood grant an additional +3 to hit and damage per hit.
Hag can appear as kindly grandmother, or a fetching
young wood nymph as she chooses. The wood hag loves
nothing more than to temp men of good character into a Nymph, Sea
wanton embrace and then switch back to their normal
form before killing them. She is also fond of attacking Medium-Size Fey (Aquatic)
people as they sleep in the woods. Hit Dice: 6d6 (24 hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
The wood hag is more solitary than the other Speed: 20 ft., swim 40 ft.
Hags. More often than not a wood hag will be found AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Deflection)
alone. Wood hags often employ trolls to protect their Attacks: Dagger +6 melee
homes and for mutual protection. At any given time Damage: Dagger 1d4
there will be 2 to 12 trolls around the wood hag’s home. Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
They will fight for the wood hag, but they are not Special Attacks: Blinding beauty, spells, spell-like
commanded to do so. They will retreat or flee if the abilities, unearthly beauty
combat goes against them. The wood hag will also ally Special Qualities: dark vision, unearthly grace
her self with evil witches and warlocks. They have also Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +8
been known to consort with demons and vampires as Abilities: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 19
well. Makva do not get along well with Night Hags. Skills: Animal Empathy +10, Craft (any one) or
Some have theorized that Makva were once part of the Knowledge (any one) +7, Escape Artist +7, Heal +9,
Night Hag “society” but were removed for being too Hide +14, Listen +11, Move Silently +11, Sense Motive
chaotic. +9, Swim +20, Spot +11
Wood Hags have often been confused with Feats: Ability Focus (unearthly beauty), Alertness,
witches and many of the tales told to frighten children Dodge, Iron Will
about witch have been about wood hags. It is almost ______________________________________
certain that the tale of Hansel and Gretel could have Climate/Terrain: Fresh water (Naiad) or Salt water
been about a wood hag (or even the witch Baba Yaga). (Nereids)
Makva are believed to live up to 800 years, but Organization: Solitary
this has never been confirmed. They have been known Challenge Rating: 7
to keep harpies as pets. Wood Hags usually have a grove Treasure: Standard (mostly items related to the sea)
of Elder trees growing nearby. Alignment: Usually chaotic good, some chaotic neutral
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Medium-size)
Combat Level Adjustment: +7
The wood hag is very strong (strength 20) and
will attack with her claws and a bite. She is also a Naiads and Nereids are fresh and salt water
competent spellcaster and may use spells from the nymphs respectively. Like the nymphs of the forest,
witch’s spell list. these “water nymphs” are nature’s personification of the
beauty, grace and mystery of the sea.
Spell-Like Abilities: The Makva can also They always appear female, but the individuals
employ the following spell like powers three times per vary. Most are described as having pale skin and golden
day at will: Ray of Enfeeblement and Magic Missile. They hair, but others are described as having skin colors from
can cast an Advanced Illusion four times per day and can white, to dark tan, to sea foam blues and greens. Her
use the following powers at will, Know Alignment, hair also can range from blonde, to dark brunette, to
Polymorph Self and Sleep. Wood hags are immune to varying shades of blue, green and coral pink. Also some
Sleep, Charm, and Hold spells. water nymphs are described as having the legs of a
mortal woman or even the fins of a mermaid.
Blood drain (Su): The bite of a Wood Hag Naiads occupy fresh water bodies, such as
also drains blood. Any successful bite hit can streams, rivers, lakes and such. Even a small brook or
permanently drain one point of Constitution unless the marsh can contain a naiad. Historically nereids were

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary
believed to be the daughters of Nereus who resides in the Unearthly Beauty (Su): The water nymph can
Mediterranean Sea and were said to helpful to sailors evoke this ability once every 10 minutes. Those within 30
during storms. feet of the water nymph who look directly at it must
Typically shy and reclusive, these nymphs will succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or die.
approach sailors and water traveling mortals if they feel Unearthly Grace (Su): A nymph adds her
that they mean them no harm. While they loathe to Charisma modifier as a bonus on all her saving throws,
physically attack they do have a number of supernatural and as a deflection bonus to her Armor Class. (The
abilities to call on if needed. They are actually fond of statistics block already reflects these bonuses).
mortals, just wary of them. If the mortal meets with their Spell-Like Abilities: Water nymphs can use
approval they will attempt to seduce him. Unless the dimension door once per day as cast by a 7th-level
potential male can breath underwater, the mating process sorcerer. They can also replicate druid spells as 7th-level
usually kills the mortal casters (save DC 13+ spell level).
via drowning. It should In both cases these spells will be
be noted that this ones native to their underwater
doesn’t make the environment. No fireballs for
nymph evil, but rather example.
compelled by her own
desires for mating. The
offspring of a water
nymph and a human
(or humanoid) is always Poludnica
another water nymph.
Like dryads, Medium-size Monstrous
naiads and nereids are Humanoid (Fire)
linked to their body of Hit Dice: 7d8+28 (59 hp)
water. If their stream, Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex,
lake or sea were to dry Improved Initiative)
up, it would kill the Speed: 50 ft.
nymphs linked with it. AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 natural)
They can Attacks: Stinging-nettle + 10/+8
survive a short period melee, or 2 claws + 10 melee
on land, but never Damage: Stinging-nettle 1d4
more than a few hours. Con damage, claw 1d4+3
Typically they can only Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
be removed from their Special Attacks: Stinging-nettle,
body of water for 6 domination
hours. Every hour after Special Qualities: Fire subtype,
that they must make a immunities, bestow immunity,
Fortitude save at a devouring
cumulative –1 or permanently loose 1d6 hit points. Saves: Fort +6, Refl +7, Will +8
These points can not be healed on land. Any Nymph Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 17
reaching zero hit points is forever dead. Even before her Skills: Climb +9, Hide +9, Intimidate +10, Jump +10,
time on land is up a water nymph will be very awkward Listen +9, Wilderness Lore +10
on land. Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Run
Water nymphs speak Aquan and Common. ______________________________________
Climate/Terrain: Any temperate, warm, and
Combat underground
Naiads and nereids will avoid combat whenever Organization: Solitary
they can, preferring to swim away. They do have some Challenge Rating: 7
supernatural abilities to aid them when needed. Treasure: Standard
Blinding Beauty (Su): This ability operates Alignment: Always chaotic evil
continuously, affecting all humanoids within 60 feet of Advancement: By character class
the water nymph. Those who look directly at the nymph
must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be blinded A distant cousin to the more common hags,
permanently as though by the blindness spell. The Poludnica (PO-LOO-DNEE-TSA, from: poludne, podne =
nymph can suppress or resume this ability as a free noon) appears as a very tale, beautiful pale woman with
action. long white hair, but she is in fact anything but. Her skin

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary
is warty and leathery; she resembles an ancient, wrinkled Poppet
woman. Her nose is long and bent downward, and her
chin bends upward, so that they almost meet when she Diminutive Construct
grins. Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
Poludnica lives in vast underground complexes, Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
filled with ovens and roaring fires. Her dominated slaves Speed: 30 ft.
fulfil her wishes, roasting sheep and baking bread for her, AC: 18 (+4 size, +2 Dex, +2 natural)
all day long. poludnica exits her underground lair only Touch AC: 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex)
during sunlight hours. She usually perches in the Flatfooted AC: 16 (+4 size, +2 natural)
immediate vicinity ofher lair, waiting for unwary Attacks: Small halberd -1 melee
travellers to pass. Damage: Small halberd 1 d6-1
Poludnica is always hungry, and always looking Face/Reach: 1 ft. by 1 ft./0
for her next meal. Special Attacks: Assassination
She is not commonly encountered, but parents Special Qualities: Construct, diminutive, find target,
of children commonly warn about her. Any child that immunities, self-repair
wanders off, especially into fields of rye, run the risk of Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will+0
being captured by a poludnica. Parents will often warn Abilities: Str 8, Dex 15, Con -, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 1
“Don’t go to the rye, poludnica will eat you!” or ______________________________________
“Poludnica will burn you up!” Climate/Terrain: Any land
Polucncia advance as witches. Organization: Solitary or collection (2-5)
CR: 1/2
Combat Treasure: None
In combat, poludnica relies on her stealth and Alignment: Always neutral
quickness to surprise opponents, and then render them Advancement: -
unconscious with her stinging-nettle.
Stinging-nettle (Su): With a successful
stinging-nettle attack, poludnica inflicts 1d4 points of Background
Strength damage. When a creature’s Strength drops to 0, (Note: This background information is PI of Eden Studios and
he falls helpless and unconscious on the ground. is used with explicit permisson of Eden Studios. It is not OGC.)
Domination (Sp): Poludnica can dominate person
as per the spell, at will, by breathing on an unconscious The poppet is a tiny animated doll made out of
creature. The Will DC to save against this ability is 18. rags, leather, and the hair of a living thing. Created by a
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double powerful mage or witch, they labor as menial servants for
damage from cold, except on a successful save. their master until dispatched to kill the being from whose
Bestow Immunity (Su): By breathing on a hair they were created.
creature, poludnica can bestow total immunity to fire on Poppet creation utilizes sympathetic magic.
that creature. The immunity lasts for 24 hours. During construction, a tuft of an individual’s hair is
Immunity (Ex): Poludnica has total immunity wound into the poppet’s body, creating a magical link
to poison and disease. between the poppet and the victim. The poppet takes on
Devouring (Ex): Poludnica can devour a sinister caricature of the victim’s personality,
incredible amounts of food, without any ill effects. She mannerisms, and bearing. In addition, when commanded
can eat virtually anything soft enough to chew, but the poppet uses this link to flawlessly track its victim as
prefers roast sheep and bread straight from the oven. long as they are on the same plane.
Poludnica can devour a helpless Medium-size creature in The magic used to create poppets is rare among
but a minute. traditional mages, perhaps because of their crude
appearance and limited capability. Instead, poppets are
Poludnica’s Sheep favorites among adepts, hedge wizards, witches,
The sheep Poludnica keeps are anything but humanoid shamans and followers of similar traditions.
ordinary. Each is a Large sized monstrosity, with wool
the colour of fresh blood.
For Poludnica’s sheep, use statistics for Bison Physilogy/Habitat
from Core Rulebook III (Appendix I: Animals), and add Poppets are small, between six and nine inches
the Fire Subtype. The Poludnica’s sheep creature type tall, each weighing less than a pound. They are made of
changes to Magical Beast. numerous strips of cloth or leather wrapped around a
central core of hair. After many combats ,older poppets -
having employed their self-repair ability-are often very

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary
colorful, incorporating strips from,a variety of fabrics Of course, poppets can succeed in killing their target. A
into their tiny frames. series of mysterious murders around a city prompt an
Like most constructs poppets cannot speak, investigation. People are found dead, stabbed in their
although they can understand any language spoken by the sleep, apparently by dozens of tiny knives. There is no
hair donor. way for a human to get in or out of the victim’s rooms. A
A poppet is commonly found working for a poppet, on the other hand, can easily slip in places no
spellcaster as a servant or laboratory assistant. When normal human could gain access to.
employed as an assassin it is rarely seen until it is too late. Adventure Hook: The PCs discover an
assassination attempt on a local lord when a group of
Combat poppets randomly terrorize the city. The mage who
Poppets are stealthy, relying on their size and created them made too many, and was unable to control
skill at remaining concealed to avoid a straight fight. them all. The tiny golems are little more than a nuisance,
Instead, the poppet attacks its victim while she sleeps. but of significance to a sage. The PCs can learn from a
Poppets must be armed by their creator. They can wield sage what the poppets are for, and then the game’s afoot!
any weapon, even to using knives and forks if proper
weapons are not available. If a poppet is discovered, it
will flee unless a chance it could kill its prey within a Scarecrow Guardian
Poppets can be created and used in bunches. In Medium-Sized Construct
general it takes half again as many poppets to make a Hit Dice: 3d10 (15 hp)
decent as their prey’s hit dice. So a 10th level fighter be Initiative: -2 (Dex)
challenged to some degree by 15 poppets. Speed: 30 ft.
Assassination (Sp): Once per day, a poppet AC: 10 (-2 Dex, +2 Natural)
can attack with true strike, gaining a +20 insight bonus to Attacks: Slam +2
its attack. If it hits with this ability, it automatically scores Damage: Slam 1d6
a critical hit, and triples damage. Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing Special Attacks: Paralyzing Gaze
effects, poison, paralysis, disease, and similar effects. Not Special Qualities: Construct, Fire Vulnerability, damage
subject to stunning, critical hits, subdual damage, ability reduction 15/+1
damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. Saves: Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +4
Diminutive (Ex): While poppets have no Abilities: Str 10, Dex 6, Con --, Int --, Wis 16, Cha 1
skills, their small size makes them difficult to spot. ______________________________________
Opponents must make a Spot check against DC 14 to Climate/Terrain: Any
notice a poppet that is using its Find Target ability. Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)
Find Target (Sp): When ordered to find its Challenge Rating: 4
chosen a poppet does so unerringly, as though guided by Treasure: None
location. When it finds its target, it bides its time attacks Alignment: Always Neutral
with its assassination ability. Advancement: 4-8 HD (Medium) 9-12 HD (Large)
Immunities (Ex): Due to their peculiar
construction, poppets take no damage from blunt attacks Scarecrow Guardians are basic guardians similar
and only half damage from piercing attacks. to golems, but not nearly as powerful. Like typical
Self-repair (Sp): Given enough time, and scarecrows, their bodies are made of straw and cloth. The
access to enough cloth, a poppet can repair itself by stumble about their assigned area poorly and attack most
tearing off strips of cloth and adding them to its own anything that wanders through it. Some Scarecrow
body. This takes one hour per hit point regained, Guardians are bound to a post, and use their paralyzing
although there must be some cloth or fabric nearby. In gaze to imprison any trespassers.
general, if a poppet is not killed and escapes, it will return
the next day fully healed. Combat
Poppets are a great, non-threatening way to Scarecrow Guardians are assigned to protect a
directly attack a PC. They are not very dangerous, but particular area. They never leave the area, even when
they are difficult to attack, tend to scurry away after a chasing an intruder. They will attack anything, humanoid
failed attempt, and generally serve more as a disturbing or animal like in appearance that walks into it’s territory
nuisance. You certainly do not want to kill a PC as she unless otherwise instructed by their creator.
sleeps with no warning, but a poppet attack implies that Paralyzing Gaze: Target can not move, as per
some- one is out to get the PC-someone who may resort the Hold Person spell as cast by a 10th level cleric, 30 ft.,
to something nastier after the initial attacks fail. Will Save DC 15

Liber Mysterium: Bestiary
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing An Undead Scarecrow whose master is killed
effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject has a 10% chance of being freed from his control, 25%
to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy chance of dying and a 65% chance of continuing to
drain, or death from massive damage. guard his specified area.
Fire Vulnerability: Because of their straw
bodies, Scarecrow Guardians are extremely vulnerable to Construction
attacks from fire. They take double damage from all fire A Scarecrow Guardian can be created easily by
attacks. a standard ritual. A basic scarecrow is used for the body.
In addition, a scarecrow guardian will catch fire The material components necessary for creating a
easily after any attack that would normally ignite Scarecrow Guardian costs 2,000 GP and require the
mundane items. A scarecrow on fire receives 2d6 damage Craft Wondrous Item feat. Understanding the ritual
each round (do not double this damage) necessary for creating the Scarecrow can be done by a
caster of at least 10th level.
Undead Scarecrow Completing the ritual drains 500 XP from the
Some Scarecrow Guardians are imbued with a creator and requires the spell Animate Objects. The
spirit of a person. These scarecrows have all the same material components necessary for creating an Undead
traits as a normal Scarecrow Guardian, except their Scarecrow cost 10,000 GP and require the Craft
creature type is undead, and have the same hit dice Wondrous Item feat. Completing the ritual drains the
(though the type of die is changed to d12) and skills as creator of 1,200 XP and requires the spells Trap the Soul,
their previous incarnations. Undead Scarecrows can still Animate Objects, and Animate Dead, not to mention a living
be bound to an area to protect, and still obey the sacrifice (usually a small animal) which must be killed
commands of their creator. An Undead Scarecrow has during the ritual to provide the life force.
the same CR as when he was living +1.

Liber Mysterium: Witch Stories

Chapter VIII: Witch Stories

14:59: The storyteller finds that once the real
“Well-behaved women rarely make history.” life adventurers show up she is no longer needed or
wanted. This most certainly will become a big problem
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, for the once very famous and loved storyteller.
Professor Harvard University
Journey to the Rock
The party is directed to the great Xothia of the
Rock (See NPCs below) for advice. Great for dwarven

Y ou have read about them in fairy tales. You

have heard about them in myth and legend.
They live out there on the edge of the wood,
on a secret island, or a lonely mountain home.

Old City Lady

These are the witches of myth, legend and tale. The old lady living in the small dark house has
Presented to you for your enjoyment and game use are been their as long as any body remembers some say she
the following witch adventures and NPCs. is a witch others a necromancer or worst most think her
Where possible, adventure hooks are included a old lady who is starting to loose her mind.
with each witch. There are also hooks independent of Adventure possibilities: When a witch hunter
the various witches included. comes to town many have reason to fear even if they
have committed no crime though at least in cities and
other areas of civilization proof is required of something
Witch Adventures sinister. The PC’s could be hired not only to prove that
So now you are playing a witch. What can you the witch is a necromancer but also perhaps hired by the
do with her? Here are some adventure ideas to use with witch to prove her magic is only used for good. Either
your witch characters, either featuring the witch as way it means the players gaining access to the witches
protagonist or antagonists. With each adventure seed, house and making a judgment on what is good and evil.
alternate plot lines are also discussed.
Old Lady of the Woods
A Curse on Thee Everyone has heard about her, nearly everyone
A very traditional problem; PC’s or an NPC knows someone that has seen her perform magic, but
wander inadvertently on a witch in her home or out really is the story with the old lady of the woods?
performing a ritual, the witch curses the PC and now Ideas: Use any one of these to flesh out this
they must find the witch and convince her to reverse it. NPC. Who is she? The old lady is a good witch. The old
The effects of the curse while trivial are causing great lady is an evil witch. The old is some other type of
problems. Example, the player speaks in tongues so no spellcaster. The old lady is a hag. The old lady is
one can understand him/her completely mundane.
What is she doing out there in the woods? She is
Fairy Tales waiting for children to wander by so she can eat them.
The PCs come to a new land and discover that She is protecting the local villagers from the things in the
everyone knows everything about them. They are hailed woods. She is protecting the woods from the villagers.
as celebrities, and not as heroes. They discover a young She is investigating some portal to the lower planes so
bard, who is also a witch has been telling tales of the PCs she can unleash a horde of demons. She is investigating
for the local children as fairy stories. She had no idea that some portal to the lower planes so she can seal it up. She
her stories were based on the true lives of the characters. just wants to be left alone.
Adventure possibilities: The might be What about the villagers? They know who she is
celebrities in the eyes of the youth of this land, but the and fear her. They know who she is and respect her.
parents think they are a menace. One group has even They know who she is and don’t really care. They know
decried the stories as corrupting the youth. Now they who she is and are getting ready to aid her home.
have a target for all their hate.
Biggest Fan: The PCs aren’t just popular with Potion Mistress
the children, some of the adults also love the stories; A local noble has fallen ill to the plague and the
some, a little too much. only cure is held by three powerful witches who make up
an infrequent coven, the pc’s not only have to convince

Liber Mysterium: Witch Stories
the witches individually to meet but also gather the homes, but neither will say why. They have been lost for
ingredients for the cure. days and need the PCs to help.
Alternate: The witches are sisters who happen Background and Goal: Saillie and Teamhair
to be fighting amongst themselves over the love of the are not only fleeing because they are witches, but also
same man. because they are lovers. The PC’s job is to get them to
Twist: One of the witch actually poisoned the the safty of the Daughters of the Flame Coven.
noble and is going to set the other witches up for the fall.
The Exile
She Bewitched Me The PCs encounter a lone, young witch. Her
An alternate for the Witch Trial below. A local hometown has thrown her out for her ‘devil-
court case in which the prosecution claims a man worshipping’ ways. She wishes revenge, and tries to get
murdered for money, claims he was bewitched by none the PCs to help her.
other then the judges daughter, was the murder from
witchcraft, beauty, love or as suspect simple greed. The Expert
In the course of adventuring the PCs come in
Strange Brew contact with a powerful magical relic. It seems the only
This one is so classic it is cliché. A witch, one who knows anything about it is this ancient witch.
whose love was scorned by the handsome prince is Alternate: The relic is cursed; only the witch
dealing out love potions to all. Everyone is falling in love can remove it.
with the wrong person. Alternate:
Panic, confusion, fear The relic is cursed by
and doubt rule the land. the witch to lead it
The PC’s, as being new back to her via the
to the town and not party.
effected (yet) need to
help bring order to the The Imbolc
town. Challenge
Twist: The The player’s
prince actually loves the witch is called to
witch; it is the princess return to her coven.
that is handing out the After centuries of
love potions to accuse looking, a new Imbolc
the witch. Mage has been called.
The trouble is not only
The Call do you know, but so
Great for do her enemies of old,
lower level adventures. The Scholmance. To
One of the PCs hears add problems to this,
the Call of the Goddess once the witch returns
to become a witch. home she discovers
The trouble is that the Imbolc Mage,
something in standing the human
in her way. manifestation of the
What the Goddess’ fury, is a
obstacle is will depend on the party. Maybe she does not nine year-old girl.
want to be a witch, or witches are outlawed. Maybe she
does want to be a witch but has prior commitments to The Orphan
her family, church, party or other group. The character An orphan has come to live with the either the
could also be a low level cleric or paladin and this is PC’s or a close friend or relative. The problem is the
coming at a time where she is feeling a crisis of faith. orphan is not at all what they seem. The child is beyond
Alternate: The potential witch is not a player acting strange and you suspect that it might be a demon
character, but an NPC or someone close to the PCs. or some magical creation sent by a witch to kill its
The Lost Alternate: The PC’s while adventuring finds
The PC’s encounter two women, Saillie and the orphan, he/she decides that they PC are heroes and
Teamhair (see NPCs below). They are fleeing their wants their protection.

Liber Mysterium: Witch Stories
Twist: The orphan is magical, but not evil. “That is what I wanted the clan to think.” came
He/She was sent to protect the PC’s from an evil Jornek’s short reply. “We are going to see Royrn, the Xothia of the
warlock, bent on killing them. Works well if one of the Rock.”
players is a witch the warlock is after. Tuir stopped dead in his tracks. “A Xothia!” he cried
out. “what could *she* possibly do? Except maybe to bewitch us
The Quester and make us her slaves!”
She has stumbled upon the ways of the Witch Jornek grabbed his young charge and pulled him back on
(almost always a solitaire), and wants to learn more about to the path. “Put your lips together you fool. You have the tongue
it. She sees the PCs as a good way to help her on her of a gnome but none of their sense! This is why I did not tell you or
quest. anyone. The Xothia of the Rock has been known to our clan for
Alternate: An apprentice ‘wise woman’ centuries. Our problem is magical, no human sage could
approaches the PCs. Before she can take her mistress’ understand!”
place in the village, she must continue her learning by Tuir was so quiet the rest the trip that Jornek almost
broadening her knowledge beyond the boundaries of her regretted not telling him sooner. But soon enough they approached a
village. Going with the PCs should do the trick. small cave opening. Outside was small, but ornate gold gong.
Jornek took the striker and hit the gong three times. Tuir looked at
The Witch Trial the gong quizzingly and then to Jornek. The older dwarf guessing
Another classic, or cliché, storylines to spring his question only replied, “who would *dare* steal it?” Jornek
on your players using a witch. One of the player’s then walked into the cave with a nervous Tuir close behind.
characters is accused of witchcraft. The rest have till The sight that met Tuir’s eyes was almost overwhelming.
sunrise to free her. Complications can occur if the party He had expected the cave to be dark, damp and gloomy, like a
is lawful good since breaking her out of jail would be a goblin’s hole, but instead it seemed, well more “elf” like. There
crime and magic is an offense punishable by death in this were brightly colored lamps hanging from outcroppings in the walls
land. that sent an array of colors everywhere. The floor was amazingly
Twist: Instead of a PC it is a local woman flat and clean. To the back of this chamber were several doors.
accused of witchcraft and not an innocent at all, but a But Tuir was not prepared for what, or rather who, he saw next.
real malefic witch bent on harm. She is playing on the She was young, maybe no older than himself. She wore
PC’s willingness to help. brightly colored clothes that were still dwarven style, but some how
seemed more elfish. Her most striking feature to Tuir was her face.
While she was obviously beautiful, she had no beard. Among his
Non-Player Characters clan a woman without a beard had no prospects of finding a
Here follows a few non-player character husband. This woman seemed not to care.
witches. These may be used in your game to add a bit of “Merry Greetings, Jornek, Gornek’s son.” she said with
background to the witch or they maybe used as players. a voice that sounded musical to Tuir’s ears. “Please do us the honor
Use the witches below as NPCs in your own of your presence.” And with that she bowed slightly.
campaign, and adjust them, as you feel necessary. When “Greetings to you and may I return some of the
using NPCs in your game, avoid using them as “super- hospitality that you show today.” Jornek said as he bowed even
monsters” or just as a simple source of information. lower.
Read the stories that these characters have appeared in, “You’re the…the Xothia of the Rock?” Tuir
they should have the same depth of personality and stammered out. This got him a angry glare from Jornek, but a
motives as the Player Characters. Encounters with these small musical laugh from the woman.
characters should always be memorable. “Not yet young Tuir, that honor belongs to my mistress
and teacher. Come, she is waiting.”
Royrn, Xothia of the Rock The followed the woman to another, even larger chamber
18th level Witch filled with lights. Tuir was surprised to see a few other women, even
a gnome woman. Most were writing in long scrolls, some were to
Dwarven Classical Tradition (Xothia)
Dwarf Female busy starring at the new guests. Then an unbelievably old woman
entered the room. The rest of the women snapped to attention, she
“Where are we headed Jornek?” asked Tuir, a young made a motion with her hand and they all left. Like the first and
the current old woman, none of the women had beards.
hill dwarf of only 80 summers. They were walking in the rain up a
mountain path, and Tuir hated the rain. She repeated the greeting to Jornek as the younger
woman had, only she added his grandfather, great-grandfather and
“We are going to get answers.” repeated the older dwarf
for what seemed like the thousandth time this morning. Jornek did great-great grandfather as well. Jornek had bowed even lower than
he had before, his great beard sweeping the floor. She then
not care for the rain either, but it was not as annoying as his young
nephew’s constant complaining. Were he not his sisters son… addressed Tuir. Jornek, as custom dictated, answered for his young
charge. Tuir was too dazed to say anything or even move. It was
“I thought we were going to go to the human city and
seek out one of their sages?” replied Tuir.

Liber Mysterium: Witch Stories
not till he got a withering glance from the elder dwarf that he too Royrn kicked the old, but beardless woman out
bowed low. of her home. She respected her elders as a good dwarf
Finally the Xothia looked at Tuir, starring at him, or should, but no one told her what she could do in her
through him, as if to divine his need. She seemed to be unbelievably own home. The woman only smiled, even at the
ancient to the young dwarf, and yet he still saw something in her indignanty of being forced out, and told her Royrn would
eyes that spoke of youth. She addressed him in voice that reminded be coming to her soon.
him of the echo of a subterranean pool. Royrn did all she could to forget the encounter.
“Got yourself into a bit of trouble have we Tuir? Magic As the years passed Royrn became highly respected in
trouble no less.” She asked, but not waiting for an answer. “My, her new clan as a woman of both character and
my quite a bit of trouble for one so young.” determination. As she approached her 45th year Royrn
“He is a fool Xothia, were he not my sister’s son.” began to feel discontent in her life. She new something
Jornek started but was cut short by the woman. To Tuir’s surprise, was missing, yet she could not tell what. Now even her
and he admitted delight, Jornek seemed quite taken aback at this. husband was beginning to notice her lack of beard and
“It is the privilege of youth to be foolish, but the she could not help but think back more and more to her
responsibility of the aged to be wise. If we wish not our younge ones visitor, the Xothia. Her discontent must have been
to be fools then we must teach them.” She said without even looking more obvious than she thought, her husband came to her
at Jornek. In their clan no one would have silenced Jornek as if her and asked to seek out the Xothia for advice. She was
were child. But no one in their clan was the Xothia either. about to protest when he told her that the Xothia had
“Now young Tuir” she continued “will you allow a old come to him as a child and told him one day he would be
woman the chance to help and maybe even teach you a thing or two wed to a woman of extreme will and power, he thought
about this world?” at the time she meant wealth, but now he felt different.
He told her that his clan had trusted the Xothia for
Royrn began her life much like every other untold generations. He would abide by her
dwarven woman, she was taught the ways of the dwarven recommendations, but what he wanted was his wife to be
home and hearth, how to raise children and how judge a at peace.
man by his proper qualities in producing good offspring Royrn, praising her luck at finding a good and
and how to provide for them. As a member of the noble understanding husband made arrangements for her
class, Royrn’s husband had been chosen on the day of younger sister to act as governess of her home and
her birth. She felt fortunate that this man was not only children and she sought out the Xothia.
from a well respected, honorable and wealthy family, but What Royrn discovered there she never related
he also seemed to be a good and caring man. She even to anyone. All that is known is some 50 years later, Royrn
felt that in time she could grow to love this man, which returned home. Her homecoming was timed with a war.
would mean she had fared better than her sisters. One in The local goblin population had raided the dwarven
a loveless marriage and the other in a marriage to man settlement for ages, but never has there been all out war.
that could not support her or her children, a crime by That was until the goblins became organized and started
dwarven standards. A man that could not provide was no fighting smarter. A new leader had risen, one with human
man in dwarven society, her sister’s trouble was she blood in his veins. He was clamoring for open war with
loved him. the dwarves. Both armies had gathered in a large
When Royrn was approaching her 30th year time subterranean cavern. The battle was going to be bloody
was near for her coming of age ceremony. She had and the outcome was uncertain, but both sides had made
become to get concerned. She was 30, still very young by up their minds to war. The battle changed when Royrn
dwarven standards, but no sign of her first beard had returned. She was older, no doubt, and there was
shown. If she were not already betrothed, she would something different about her, she still did not have a
have been worried. All of her friends had developed their beard, but she carried herself in a manner that told of her
beards, even her sisters had by the time they were 30. inner power. She walked, amongst the whisperings of
Royrn was married soon after and her husband the troops, right up to the dwarven general. She asked
did not disappoint her. He kept his duties to provide a him for a minute of council, and to everyone’s surprise
good home and she set out on her own task of be the he granted it. After talking she walked into the open
new matriarch of his clan. She brought two sons and towards the goblin army. She spoke and her voice
three daughters into the world and her husband became a echoed throughout the caves like thunder.
wonderful father. “Goblins of the Bloodied Fist tribe! You invade
Then one day she received a visitor. Much to our lands to take what is ours. Return now to your holes
her horror and dismay her visitor was a Xothia. Xothia or you will die on this day!”
were respected, but feared in dwarven culture. And this The goblins seemed taken aback until their
one was telling Royrn that her fate was not with a leader began laughing. He was nearly as tall as a man and
husband, children and a place in dwarven society, but a wide as an orc. “What woman gives me an order!” He
outside of it as a Xothia. cried back.

Liber Mysterium: Witch Stories
“I am Roryn. Xothia of this clan. I am it’s Racial Features: Darkvision 60 ft. *+2 to saves vs.
defender and if needs be your executioner.” This got Poison, *+2 to saves vs. Spells and Spell-like effects, +4
whispers among both armies. to Dodge against Giants, +2 to appraise checks, +2 to
Not to be forced into loosing face to a woman, Craft checks,
the goblin leader motioned to his bowmen. An arrow Class Features: Summon Familiar, Occult Powers,
was sent across the cavern directly to Royrn. Royrn held Create Talisman feat
up her hand and the arrow harmlessly bounced off an Spells Known: (+coven spells, *wisdom bonus)
invisible shield she had magically erected. 0: 6, 1: 5+1 *2 , 2: 5+1 *2, 3: 5+1 *1, 4: 5+1 *1, 5: 4+1
Reports conflict, but it is said that she then *1, 6: 4+1 *1, 7: 3+1, 8: 2+1, 9: 1+1
raised her double bladed axe and struck the ground with Spells Typically Prepared:
it. The earth changed to be like water and swallowed up 0 level: Arcane Mark, Cure Minor Wounds, Dancing Lights,
the screaming goblins before becoming solid again. Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic.
Others say that earth elementals came up out of the 1st Level: Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Endure
stone and smashed the goblin army. In any case it was Elements, Identify, Protection from Evil, Sonic Blast, Magic
known that no goblin survived and no dwarf, other than Stone+
Royrn, lifted a weapon that day. 2nd Level: Aid, Broca’s Curse of Babble, Consecrate, Detect
Royrn returned to the Rock that day. But not Thoughts, Enthrall, Locate Object, Mind Obscure, Soften Earth
before releasing her husband from his marriage duty to and Stone+
her. He had fallen in love with her younger sister anyway. 3rd Level: Continual Fire, Dispel Magic, Elemental Armor,
She bid her own grown children farewell. She told them Major Image, Suggestion, Witch Writing, Stone Shape+
and the entire clan she would be watching and would 4th Level: Cleanse, Divination, Intangible Cloak of Shadows,
come again in their hour of need. Masque, Polymorph Self, Scrying, Spike Stones+
5th Level: Dismissal, False Vision, Major Creation, Primal
Base Bonus Scream, Sending, Wall of Stone+
Strength: 12 +1 6th Level: Find the Path, Legend Lore, Permanency, True Seeing,
Dexterity: 13 +1 Wave of Mutilation, Stone Skin+
Constitution: 19 +4 7th Level: Control Weather, Dominate Person, Planar Binding,
Intelligence: 18 +4 Earthquake+
Wisdom: 22 +6 8th Level: Discern Location, Symbol, Iron Body+
Charisma: 16 +3 9th Level: Foresight, Elemental Swarm (Earth) +
(+ indicates Coven Spell)
HD/HP: 118 hp
AC (normal/flat- Feats/Special Powers:
footed/touch): Feats: Alertness, Charm Resistance, Craft
Melee: +10/+5 Magic Candle, Craft Magic Circle, Craft Wondrous Item,
Ranged: +10/+5 Extend Spell, Fear Resistance, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll,
Initiative: +1 Silent Spell.
Speed: 20’ Occult Powers: Minor: Immune to Fear.
Medial: Spirit of Gaea (Earth).
Fortitude: +6 +4 +2*
Reflex: +6 +1 Skills: Knowledge (Witchcraft) +23, Spellcraft
Will: +11 +6 +22, Knowledge (Arcana) +21, Knowledge (Occult)
Face: 5’ +19, Concentration +18, Craft (stonework) +16, Scry
Alignment: CG +15, Profession (Mid-wifery) +14, Alchemy +13,
Size: M Appraise +12, Heal +12, Sense Motive +12, Spot +11,
Intimidate +9, Intuit Direction +9, Meditative Trance
Patron: The Earth Mother +8, Climb +7, Diplomacy +7, Hide +4
Race/Gender: Dwarf Female
Height: 4”1’ Serith Greenleaf
Weight: 127 lbs 11th level Witch,
Eyes: Black Faerie Tradition,
Hair: Black, w/ gray streaks Astral Touched Coven
Age: At least 300 years old Elf Male

Languages Known: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Serith Greenleaf is a leading scholar of his
Gnomish, Goblinoid, Human Common, Under coven, Astral-Touched, dedicated to worshipping Luna, the
Common, Terran. Goddesses’ aspect of the moon. His coven secretly runs

Liber Mysterium: Witch Stories
a university, where leading scholars from the world teach. Class Features: Summon Familiar, Occult Powers,
He is extremely well versed in most subjects, but takes Create Talisman feat
specail interest in Astronomy and Astrology. Racial Features: Immunity to sleep, Skill Bonus
While certainly he’s earned his reputation as a (Knowledge: Astronomy), Spells, High Secret Order
hard teacher, Serith is well liked by his students, though (Knowledge), Automatic Search check if within 5’ of
is seen as eccentric at times. He is known for his sense secret/concealed door, save +2 vs enchantment spells
of humor and ability to poke fun at himself at times. (2); Vision: Low-light,Normal
He’s often humble, though he is definitely confident in
his abilities. In his spare time he is known to write *Quarterstaff +0/-4/-9 (1d6/1d6 20/x2/2 Both L) or
poetry. The few people who have had the privilege of *Quarterstaff (Head 1 only) +6 / +1 0’/B (1d6 20/x2
reading find that long ago a lover left him due to a rivals Both L, +1d6 during the day ) or *Quarterstaff (Head 2
conspiracy, and Serith still longs for her. only) +6/+1 0’/B (1d6 20/x2 Both L, +1d6 during the
When casting his spells, Serith uses his special night );
staff, a normal wooden staff with a silver ball on one end
and a gold ball on the other. Most offensive spells focus Skills and Feats: Alchemy +18, Concentration +14,
on the gold, or sun, side of the staff. Healing and Knowledge (Arcana) +18, Knowledge (Law) +11,
defensive spells focus on using the silver, or moon, side Knowledge (Literature) +11, Knowledge (Astronomy)
of the staff. His divination spells focus on the twirling of +23, Profession (Astrologer) +18, Profession (Scribe)
the staff, representing the passage of time and space. All +18, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +18; Simple Weapon
witches of his coven use similar means of casting their Proficiency, Create Talisman, Astromancy (+6 bonus to
spells. Spell DC and +4 saving throws during Lunar Eclipse),
The staff can also be wielded as a quarterstaff. Skill Focus (Knowledge: Astronomy), Combat Casting,
The gold staff has the solar property, while the silver side Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Wands, Quicken Spell,
has the lunar property. Craft Staff
Possessions: 0 Outfit (Scholar’s), 1 Quarterstaff, 1 Robe
Strength: 11 + of Stars
Dexterity: 16 +3
Constitution: 10 + Spells Known: (+coven spells, *wisdom bonus) 0: 6, 1:
Intelligence: 18 +4 4+1, 2: 4+1, 3: 3+1, 4: 3+1, 5: 2+1, 6: 1 *1
Wisdom: 19 +4 Spells Typically Prepared: 0 level: All.
Charisma: 15 + 1st Level: Bane, Bless, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages,
Ghostly Slashing, Hypnotism, Minor Image, Sleep, Sonic Blast,
HD/HP: 22 Hp Summon Monster I.
AC (normal/flat- 2nd Level: Aid, Detect Thoughts, Air Walk, Magic Circle
footed/touch): Against Evil, Mind Obscure, Whispering Wind.
Melee: + 3rd Level: Astral Sense, Continual Fire, Major Image, Speak
Ranged: + With Dead, Spirit of Avalon, Wind Wall.
Initiative: +3 4th Level: Charm Monster, Clense, Intangible Cloak of Shadows,
Speed: 30 Lesser Planar Ally, Polymorph Self.
5th Level: Blade Resistance, Dreadful Bloodletting, Major
Fortitude: +4 Creation, Sending.
Reflex: +6 6th Level: Legend Lore, Moonbow
Will: +13
Face: Saillie
Alignment: NG 2nd level Cleric / 5th level Witch,
Size: M Classic Tradition (Celtic),
Daughters of the Flame Coven
Patron: Luna Human Female
Race/Gender: Elf Male
Height: 5’5” Saillie (“SAY-lee”) grew up in a family where
Weight: 120# business came before family or even love. Her father had
Eyes: Violet made no secret his desire for a son and his wife made no
Hair White secret of her desire never to become a mother again. So
Saillie found solace in books and writing. All things
Languages Known: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, different than her own mundane life fascinated her.
Gnomish, Goblinoid, Human Common, Sylvan, Terran. When she got older she looked at her limited options in
life. She could be like her mother and become stuck in a

Liber Mysterium: Witch Stories
loveless marriage and a meaningless existence, or she Goddess chose for her was a wolf. This wolf, named Cú
could join the Abbey in Glastonbury. At least with the Chuliann after the great Irish hero, is fiercely loyal to
former option she would have the chance to be Saillie. He does not allow anyone but Teamhair to come
surrounded by books. close to her.
She found that in the Abbey yes, books
surrounded her, but she also had a patriarchal tyrant Base Bonus
ruling over her that despised her for her knowledge. At Strength: 9 -1
least hear father had nurtured her intelligence when he Dexterity: 11 0
noticed. Constitution: 11 0
One day this all changed when she spied a Intelligence: 18 +4
“fairy woman” in woods. She had heard the other nuns Wisdom: 16 +3
whisper stories about a group of witches that lived in the Charisma: 17 +3
wood and did unspeakable things. But to Saillie this girl,
Teamhair, was not a hideous witch. She was a funny and HD/HP: 28 hp
wise girl of her own age. The two became great, but AC (normal/flat-
secret friends. They would often meet to discuss many footed/touch):
things, their lives, their troubles and soon they were Melee: +4
learning magic. Teamhair taught Saillie the secrets of her Ranged: +4
craft. They shared a laugh that Teamhair was every bit Initiative: +0
the witch that the nuns feared, they just didn’t know Speed: 30
what a witch was. Saillie taught Teamhair how to read
and write, first English and then Latin. The first thing Fortitude: +5
that Teamhair read to Saillie was I Corinthians 13, it Reflex: +1
brought her to tears. Will: +7
Their secret was short lived. Both girls were Face: 5’
discovered. Teamhair had to return to the wood, but Alignment: LG
Saillie was thrown in a dungeon. The Abbot, long Size: M
looking for an excuse to rid himself of Saillie had her
charged with witchcraft, a charge she couldn’t deny, but Patron: Brigit
it did save her from being tortured. The Abbot had her Race/Gender: Human Female
inspected head to toe in the most violating manner Height: 5’3”
possible searching for a witch’s mark. To his anger he Weight: 100#
not only did not find any, but discovered that she was Eyes: Green
also still a virgin. He ordered her immediate execution, Hair: Red
death by hanging as was the law at the time. Age: 19
In the morning Saillie went to the gallows. She
was sad, not that she was going to die, but that would Languages Known: English, Gaelic, Greek, Hebrew,
never get to see Teamhair again or apologize to her for Italian, Latin
getting her into trouble with her mother. Just as the Racial Features: Bonus feat, +1 skill point per level
executioner was ready to carry out the sentence that Class Features: Turn Undead, Summon Familiar, Create
would end her life Saillie did something she had never Talisman feat
done before; she said a small prayer to the Goddess. She Spells Known: Witch: 5 (0), 5 (1), 4 (2), 4 (3). Cleric: 4
fell and expected the rope, and her life, to stop in an (0), 3 (1)
instant. Instead she crashed to the ground in a lump. Spells Typically Prepared: 0 level Witch: Arcane Mark,
The rope had been shot with an arrow. Before she could Ghost Sound, Mending, Resistance,Virtue 1st Level Witch:
praise her luck she felt herself scooped up by Teamhair Cure Light Wounds, Dowse, Identify, Glamour, Sanctuary*. 2nd
on her horse. In the ensuing chaos the girls rode out into Level Witch: Broca’s Curse of Babble, Invisibility, Levitate,
the wood where they lost their pursuers. Protection from Elements* 3rd Level Witch: Fly, Lesser
Teamhair initiated Saillie into the secrets of Strengthening Rite, Witch Wail, Shield Othe* (* indicates
witchcraft that night. In the morning both girls left Coven Spell)
England with Teamhair’s mother’s blessings. They now 0 level Cleric: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Guidance,
live in Kildare, Ireland where they have joined the Light 1st Level Cleric: Bless, Comprehend Languages,
Daughters of the Flame coven. Saillie is becoming a Obscuring Mist, Endure Elements (Cold only).
rather powerful witch in her own right though she still Feats/Special Powers: Turn Undead, Familiar powers
keeps many of the beliefs she had had as a nun. (+2 to Fort Saves)
Saillie summoned a familiar once she became Feats: Extra Turning, Communal Casting,
settled in Kildare. To everyone’s surprise the familiar the Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magical Candle

Liber Mysterium: Witch Stories
Teamhair taught Saillie all about witchcraft and Saillie
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) +15, Knowledge taught her how to read and write. The first thing that
(Arcana) +15, Spellcraft +15, Concentration +10, Heal Saillie taught her to read was the Bible (she lived in an
+13, Diplomacy +11, Knowledge (Witchcraft) +12, Scry Abbey after all).
+10, Profession (Fortune Teller) +7, Meditative Trance Their secret rendezvous were discovered on
+5 both sides. Teamhair’s mother forbade her from seeing
Animals: Cú Chuliann (Wolf, Familiar). Medium Sized the young nun again. Saillie faired worse and was put on
Animal. HD 7d8* (14 hp). Initiative: +2 (DEX). Speed: trial for witchcraft. Teamhair discovered this and she
50ft. AC: 18 (natural +2, dex +2, familiar +4). Att: Bite prepared to leave to rescue her. Her mother interceded,
+3. Dmg: 1d6+1. F/R: 5ft by 5ft/5ft. SpAttacks: Trip. but Teamhair stood her ground. Deirdre saw the resolve
SpQualities: Scent. Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7. in her daughter’s eyes. She released her, not only to save
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 8. Saillie, but also from participating in the Beltane rite.
Skills: Hide +3, Listen +6, Move Silently +4., Spot +4, Harnessing her fastest horse, Teamhair rode to
Wilderness Lore +1 (+4 racial bonus). Feats: Weapon the Abbey. It was dawn and they were preparing to hang
Finesse (bite). Alignment: Neutral (Lawful Good to Saillie. Teamhair took her longbow and whispering a
Saillie and Teamhair). Special Abilities (Familiar): prayer to the Goddess to steady her hand she shot and
Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, cut the rope that would have ended Saillie’s life. Riding
touch, Speak with Master, Speak with other wolves. in she scooped up Saillie in the confusion and rode off.
Appearance: Cú is a smallish for a wolf, but still as large Teamhair and Saillie, now a witch in her own
as a dog. His fur is dark russet and his eyes are yellow. right, have since moved on, with her mother’s blessing,
He is fiercely loyal to Saillie, even beyond that of a to Kildare where they have joined the Daughters of the
normal familiar. He has told Saillie that the Goddess had Flame.
sent him to her to be her protector. He claims that it is
the role he has had in this life and many of their past Base Bonus
lives. He trusts Teamhair but is weary of everyone else. Strength: 12 +1
Dexterity: 9 -1
Teamhair Constitution: 12 +1
7th level Witch, Intelligence: 16 +3
Classic Tradition (Celtic), Wisdom: 18 +4
Daughters of the Flame Coven Charisma: 16 +3
Human Female
HD/HP: 30 hp
Teamhair (“TOHR”) grew up in the relative AC (normal/flat-
peace and quite of the countryside of England in 550 CE. footed/touch):
She practiced her craft, which she learned from her Melee: (sword) +4
mother, Deirdre, and grandmother. She expected that Ranged: (long bow) +2
she would also follow in their craft and become High Initiative: -1
Priestess like her mother had. Her tranquil world was Speed: 30
broken when she was chosen to participate in the Great
Rite during annual Beltane celebration. Teamhair did not Fortitude: +3
want to participate, she knew it was a great honor and Reflex: +1
one her own mother had participate in to conceive her, Will: +9
but she did not want this for herself. Face: 5’
Lacking the courage, at first, to stand up to her Alignment: LG
mother and to tradition, Teamhair would steal away to be Size: M
alone with her thoughts. It was on one of these trips that
she met Saillie. Patron: Brigit
Saillie was a nun at the Abbey in Glastonbury. Race/Gender: Human Female
When Teamhair had found her she had become Height: 5’5”
separated from the other nuns. Teamhair had always Weight: 125#
assumed that the nuns were all old women that no man Eyes: Blue
would want. She was very surprised to find that Saillie Hair: Blond
was not only her own age, but quite attractive and very Age: 20
intelligent. Teamhair also sensed that the girl had a
hidden reserve of her own magic. Languages Known: Speak: Gaelic, English, Latin,
The two girls became fast friends. Both would Sidhe. Write/Read: Latin, English
sneak away from their respective religious duties to meet. Racial Features: Bonus feat, +1 skill point per level

Liber Mysterium: Witch Stories
Class Features: Summon Familiar, Occult Powers,
Create Talisman feat
Spells Known: (+coven spells, *wisdom bonus)
0: 6, 1: 5+1, 2: 5+1, 3: 4+1, 4: 2+1
Spells Typically Prepared: 0 level: Arcane Mark, Cure
Minor Wounds, Dancing Lights, Daze, Guidance, Light.
1st Level: Bless Growth, Change Self, Dowse, Pop Corn,
Sanctuary+. 2nd Level: Calm Emotion, Consecrate, Levitate,
Locate Object, Protection from Elements+ 3rd Level: Astral
Sense, Continual Fire, Shield Other+, Spirit of Avalon 4th Level:
Cleanse, FireShield+ (+ indicates Coven
Spell)Feats/Special Powers:
Feats: Communal Casting, Craft Wondrous
Item, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat
Occult Power: Of The Land

Notes: Teamhair has only recently learned to read. She

will not be caring any scrolls. She only can speak her
native tongue (Gaelic) but not write it.
Also, like many witches raised in this area, Teamhair
believes she has some Sidhe blood in her veins.

Skills: Knowledge (Witchcraft) +14, Heal +14,

Profession (Herbalist) +14, Profession (Midwifery) +12,
Spellcraft +11, Craft (Weaving) +10, Knowledge
(Nature) +10, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Profession
(Fortune Telling -Chiromancy) +8, Handle Animal +6,
Riding (Horse) +4,

Animals: Rhiannon (Horse, Light, Mount). Large Sized

Animal. HD 3d8+6 (21 hp). Initiative: +1 (DEX). Speed:
60ft. AC: 13 (natural +3, dex +1, size -1). Att: 2 hooves
+2. Dmg: hoof 1d4+1. F/R: 5ft by 10ft/5ft. SpQualities:
Scent. Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2. Abilities: Str 13,
Dex 13, Con 15, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 7. Skills: Listen +6,
Spot +4. Alignment: Neutral (devoted to Teamhair).
Rhiannon is a white mare that has been with Teamhair
since both were very young. Teamhair is so devoted to
her that she has chosen not to summon a familiar and no
other animal could take her place in her heart.

Liber Mysterium: Witch Stories

Liber Mysterium: The Witch Team

The Witch Team

“Are you a good witch or a bad witch?”
Glenda the Good Witch to FANCC Contributor ID #83
Dorothy Gale of Kansas. Liaison to the Netbook of Classes Team.
The Wizard of Oz, Frank L. Baum Author of the Malefic Witch Tradition

Debra L. Ruh

ere reads the roll of those who have
contributed, aided or otherwise helped with this
project. We all have shared in the creation FANCC Contributor ID #66
document, and it could not have been done with Subject Matter Expert – Witches in RPGs.
out everyone. When a particular project is listed that Extensive proofreading and content checking.
person either wrote the original version or had significant “A not-so-serious gamer who likes horror and who reads
input into its development. Everyone has, in one way or way too many mystery and romance novels, Debby has
another, contributed to each part of this book. been playing RPGs. since 1980 and playing and writing
LARPs since the early 90’s. She’s been a long time
member of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and
Main Contributors hopes to win the lottery so she can quit her serious day
job and become a professional loafer”.
Timothy S. Brannan Brendan Quinn
FANCC Contributor ID #40
Project Leader, Lead Designer. FANCC Contributor ID #02
“I started this work on the witch class off and on some Assistant Project Leader
10 years ago. Since that time I have released three Authored the Warlock class, most of the feats and many
netbooks that have gotten praise from all over the net. of the traditions. Provided much of the support and
Working with a team this time was a great experience. I editing to the current release.
had to learn to give up a bit of a project that had been
solely mine for more than two years. I have been forced Rod Thompson, aka Nikolai
to rethink the way I did things and why I did them that
way. In the end I feel that this project only benefited FANCC Contributor ID #63
from it”. Subject Matter Expert – Witches and Pagans
Helped us shape the initial views of what a witch is and is
Dominique Crouzet not. Extensive playtesting.
FANCC Contributor ID #31
Liaison to the Netbook of Classes Team.
Other Contributors
Author of the Witch Finder/Hunter Prestige Class.
Gave advice on the classes and was instrumental in Lisa Countryman
keeping our classes as balanced as they could be. Author. Developed the original Imbolc Guard, Imbolc
Mage and its history. Also worked as a subject matter
Ravenscyre Grey Daegmorgan expert on witches and pagans and provided grammar checking.
FANCC Contributor ID #61
Subject Matter Expert – Witch and Pagan practices Michael Filkin
Author of the Witch-knight Prestige Class and artist. Help develop the spell lists for the witch, re-developed
the hedge-witch and adept NPC classes.
Zdravko Ikica Garner Johnson
FANCC Contributor ID #75 Editor and author. Worked on final versions of most
Authored the ‘Craft of the Wise Tradition’. prestige classes and worked out some playability issues.
Also did extensive work on the base witch class.

Duane Nutley

Liber Mysterium: Game Licenses

Game Licenses
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Williams, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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“Witch Knight”, Copyright 2001, Ravenscyre Grey Daegmorgan
Ritual Magic rules from Relics & Rituals Copyright 2001, Clark Peterson, Sword and Sorcery Studios
“Divine Dominion” and “Greater Divine Dominion”, Copyright 2001 Bradely H. Bemis
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“Poppet” and “Create Poppet” from Liber Bestarius, Copyright 2002, Eden Studios
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Daniel Brannan,, Pages 22, 37, 46, 48, 60, 85, 90, 114, 119, 124, 133, 145, 157, 158, 161, 167, Copyright 2003.

Dominique Crouzet,, Pages 65, 149, Copyright 2002.

Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan,, Pages 20, 71, 108, 144, Copyright 2003.

Aitor Gonzalez,, Pages 17, 78, 151, Copyright 2003.

Nichole Marie Grubb,, Pages 14, 24, 29, 44, 49, 63, 68, 80, 88, 155, 166, 173, 178, Copyright 2000.

Carrie Hall,, Page 8, Copyright 2001.

Tommie Leijs,, Page 35, Copyright 1999.

Daniel Rosenberg,, Page 169, Copyright 1999.

Public Domain images and woodcuts, Pages 39, 54, 56, 111, 115.

Liber Mysterium: References

Anonymous. (1974). Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology. Octopus Books Ltd.: London. ISBN 0-

Ashley, Leonard R. N. (1996). The Complete Book of The Devil’s Disciples. Barricade Books Inc. : New York

Buckland, Raymond. (2002). The Witch Book. The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca and Neo-paganism.
Visible Ink Press: Detroit. ISBN 1-57859-114-7

Cabot, Laurie. (1989). The Power of the Witch. Delaorte Press: New York. ISBN: 0-385-29786-6

Coulter, Charles R. & Turner, Patricia. (2000). Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities. McFarland & Company, Inc.:
Jefferson, NC, and London. ISBN: 0-7864-0317-9

Green, Miranda J. (1997). The World of the Druids. Thames and Hudson Ltd, London: London; New York.
ISBN 0-500-05083-X

Finlay, Anthony (1999). Demons! The Devil, Possession & Exorcism. Blandford Books: London. ISBN 0-

Freke, Timothy & Gandy, Peter. (1997). The Hermetica. The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs. Penguin Putnam
Inc.: New York. ISBN: 0-87477-950-2

Froud, Brian and Lee, Alan. (1978). Faeries. Rufus Publication, Inc. Harry N. Abrams, Inc.: New York. ISBN:

Gilbert, R. A. (1997). The Golden Dawn Scrapbook: The Rise and Fall of a Magical Order. Samuel Weiser,
Inc.: York Beach, Maine. ISBN: 1-57869-037-1

Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. (1999). The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft: Second Edition. Checkmark
Books: New York.
ISBN 0-8160-3848-1

Grimassi, Raven (2000). Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft. Llewllyn Publications: St. Paul, MN. ISBN: 1-

K., Amber (1998). Covencraft, Witchcraft for 3 or more. Llewellyn Publications: St. Paul, MN. ISBN 1-56718-

Kaye, Marvin, Eds. (1989). The Penguin book of Witches and Warlocks, tales of black magic old and new.
Penguin Books: New York. ISBN 0-14014991-0

Lehane, Brendan. (1984). The Enchanted World: Wizards and Witches. Time-Life Books: Alexandria, VA.
ISBN 0-8094-5204-9

McIntosh, Chistopher. (1997). The Rosicrucians: The History, Mythology, and Rituals of an Esoteric Order.
Samuel Weiser, Inc.: York Beach, Maine. ISBN: 0-87728-920-4

Michelet, Jules (1995). Witchcraft, Sorcery, and Superstition. Citadel Press, Carol Publishing Group: New York.

Netzley, Patricia D. (2002). The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Witchcraft. Greenhaven Press, Inc., San Diego,
CA. ISBN: 0-7377-0437-3

Liber Mysterium: References
Ogden, Tom (1997). Wizards and Sorcerers: from Abracadabra to Zoroaster. Checkmark Books (Facts on
File): New York. ISBN: 0-8160-3152-5

Pickering, David (1996). The Cassell Dictionary of Witchcraft. Sterling Publishing Co.: New York.

Ramsland, Katherine. (1994). The Witches’ Companion. Ballantine Books: New York. ISBN: 0-345-38947-6

Ravenwolf, Silver. (1999). To Ride a Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft. 14th Printing. Llewellyn
Publications: St. Paul, MN. ISBN: 0-87542-791-X

Robbins, Rossell Hope (1959). The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology. Crown Publishing: New

Rolleston, T. W. (1917). Celtic Myths and Legends. Dover Publications Inc.: New York ISBN 0-486-26507-2

Roob, Alexander. (1997). The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy & Mysticism. Taschen: Köln, Germany. ISBN: 3-

Stewart. R. J. (1990). Celtic Gods, Celtic Goddesses. Blandford: London. ISBN: 0-7137-2108-1

Stewart. R. J. (1996). Celtic Myths, Celtic Legends. Blandford: London. ISBN: 0-7137-2621-0

Time Life Books (1990). Witches and Witchcraft, part of the Mysteries of the Unknown series. Constable, G.,
Editor. Time-Life Books: Morristown, NJ. ISBN: 0-8094-6392-X.

Van Scott, Miriam. (1998). Encyclopedia of Hell. St. Martin’s Press: New York. ISBN:0-312-18574-X

Whitcomb, Bill (1993). The Magician’s Companion. Llewellyn Publications: St. Paul, MN. ISBN: 0-87542-868-1

Liber Mysterium: Index

Fertility Domain Enhanced Taste......................................................... 140
Bless Growth..............................................................134 Escape of the Snake.................................................. 140
Control Outcome of Birth .......................................136 Etherealness............................................................... 141
Crossbreed..................................................................137 False Memory ............................................................ 141
Lust..............................................................................133 Famine ........................................................................ 141
Magickal Conception.................................................145 Feral Spirit.................................................................. 141
Magickal Creation......................................................146 Ghostly Slashing........................................................ 142
Make Fertile................................................................146 Glamour ..................................................................... 142
Strength to the Unborn ............................................135 Grasp of the Endless War........................................ 142
Youthful Vigor...........................................................154 Guard Watch ............................................................. 142
Moon Domain Hallow ........................................................................ 142
Astral Projection ........................................................132 Hold Winds................................................................ 143
Bestow Curse .............................................................134 Holy Steed.................................................................. 143
Curse of Lycanthropy ...............................................138 Immunity.................................................................... 143
Divine Power .............................................................139 Insanity ....................................................................... 143
Etherealness ...............................................................141 Intangible Cloak of Shadows................................... 143
Insanity........................................................................143 Itchweed..................................................................... 144
Moon Stone................................................................148 Lesser Strengthening Rite ........................................ 144
Moonbow ...................................................................147 Lethe ........................................................................... 145
Owl’s Wisdom............................................................148 Magic Circle Against
Spells Fire/Water/Cold/Air/Earth .............................. 145
Air Walk......................................................................131 Magickal Conception ................................................ 145
Analyze Magic ............................................................131 Magickal Creation ..................................................... 146
Arctic Grasp ...............................................................132 Make Fertile ............................................................... 146
Astral Projection ........................................................132 Martyr’s Cry ............................................................... 146
Astral Sense ................................................................132 Masque........................................................................ 147
Aura Manipulation.....................................................133 Mind Obscure............................................................ 147
Babble .........................................................................133 Minor Fighting Prowess........................................... 147
Beguile.........................................................................133 Moon Stone ............................................................... 148
Bestow Curse .............................................................134 Moonbow................................................................... 147
Biting Blade ................................................................134 Mystic Sleep ............................................................... 148
Blade Resistance ........................................................134 Owl’s Wisdom ........................................................... 148
Bless Growth..............................................................134 Phantasmal Spirit....................................................... 148
Blight Growth ............................................................134 Phantom Lacerations................................................ 148
Bounty.........................................................................135 Pop Corn.................................................................... 149
Broca’s Curse of Babel..............................................135 Primal Scream............................................................ 149
Bull of Heaven ...........................................................135 Quick Sleeping........................................................... 149
Cleanse ........................................................................136 Quick Wakening........................................................ 149
Clothes of the Emperor............................................136 Rite of Remote Seeing.............................................. 150
Continual Fire ............................................................136 Shattering the Hourglass .......................................... 150
Control Outcome of Birth .......................................136 Shriek .......................................................................... 150
Create Poppet.............................................................136 Silver Tongue............................................................. 150
Crossbreed..................................................................137 Song of Discord ........................................................ 151
Curse of Lycanthropy ...............................................138 Sonic Blast.................................................................. 151
Dance Macabre ..........................................................138 Spirit of Avalon ......................................................... 151
Death Armor..............................................................138 Spirit of the Season ................................................... 152
Discord .......................................................................138 Spiritual Dagger......................................................... 151
Divine Power .............................................................139 Synthesis..................................................................... 152
Dowse .........................................................................139 Undead Destruction ................................................. 152
Dreadful Bloodletting ...............................................139 Undead Enslavement................................................ 152
Ears of the Bat ...........................................................139 Unholy Steed ............................................................. 152
Elemental Armor.......................................................140 Vertigo........................................................................ 153
Endless Sleep..............................................................140 Vile Extension ........................................................... 153

Liber Mysterium: Index
Virgin Innocence .......................................................153 Calling the Quarters.................................................. 122
Wall of Roses .............................................................153 Consecration Ritual................................................... 120
Wave of Mutilation....................................................153 Descent of the Goddess........................................... 124
Witch Wail ..................................................................154 Drawing Down the Moon ....................................... 121
Witch Writing.............................................................154 Handfasting................................................................ 119
Withering Touch........................................................154 Protection of the Goddess....................................... 123
Youthful Vigor...........................................................154 Rites of Passage ......................................................... 120
TrueRituals Wheel of the Year ..................................................... 121
Binding Ritual.............................................................122

Liber Mysterium
Character’s Name Player’s Name The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
Player Character Record Sheet
Class(es) Race Alignment Patron Coven Tradition

Level Size Age Gender Height Weight Hair Eyes

Ability Ability Ability Temporary Temporary Saving Save Base Ability Magic Misc. Temp
Name Score Modifier Score Modifier Throws Total= Save+ Mod+ Mod+ Mod+ Mod+

Strength Fortitude
Dexterity Reflex
Constitution Will
WIS Modifiers
CHA Resistance

Total = Wounds/Current Subdual Damage Damage Reduction Hit Die Speed

HP d4
Hit Points

AC 10
Armor Class
Total = Base +Armor +Shield +Dex +Size +Natural +Misc Miss Armor Check Penalty
Bonus Bonus Bonus Modifier Armor Mod Chance

Total BAB Strength Size Misc Temp

COMBAT Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier SKILLS
Skill Cross Key Skill Ability Ranks Misc
MELEE Name Class Ability Mod= Mod + + Mod+
Attack Bonus
Attack Bonus
Total BAB Dexterity Size Misc Temp
Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier

Weapon Total Attack Damage Critical

Range Weight Type Size Special Properties

Weapon Total Attack Damage Critical

Range Weight Type Size Special Properties

Weapon Total Attack Damage Critical

Range Weight Type Size Special Properties

Armor / Protection Armor Max Dex Bonus

Type Bonus

Check Pen Spell Fail Speed Weight Special Properties

Shield / Protection Armor Max Dex Bonus

Type Bonus

Check Pen Spell Fail Speed Weight Special Properties


Power Level Powers Name Type Notes
7th Level
13 Level
19th Level


Campaign / Notes

Experience Points


___ Languages = Common + racial languages + Int Bonus.
CP Each additional Language (Speak Language) = 1 skill point

Item Wt Item Wt


Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load

Lift over Head Lift off Ground Push or Drag


Magic Item Market Price Caster Level

Abilities / Uses Bonuses Charges

Magic Item Market Price Caster Level

Abilities / Uses Bonuses Charges

Magic Item Market Price Caster Level

Abilities / Uses Bonuses Charges

Magic Item Market Price Caster Level

Abilities / Uses Bonuses Charges

Ritual Tool Market Price Type


Abilities / Uses Bonuses Notes

Ritual Tool Market Price Type


Abilities / Uses Bonuses Notes

Ritual Tool Market Price Type


Total Weight Carried Abilities / Uses Bonuses Notes


Name Lvl Comp Rng Dur CT AE Sav Notes

Coven Spell 1

Coven Spell 2

Coven Spell 3

Coven Spell 4

Coven Spell 5

Coven Spell 6

Coven Spell 7

Coven Spell 8

Coven Spell 9

Name Lvl Comp Rng Dur CT AE Sav Notes

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