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Mermaid, Rhine Maiden

By Mulletmanalive (GitP)

The Rhine Maiden is, thanks to Richard Wagner, a common name for a type of mermaid
called the Nixie. The difference here is that a true Nix is just a Shyft Horse [albeit, they
seem to be surprisingly intelligent on the continent], while the females associated with them
have only a few specific forms and are genuinely lovely, rather than simply tricky.

Rhine Maidens look like beautiful females from the waist up. They can change whether their
lower part is that of a human or a fish; in the latter case, their fish-like heritage presses
further into their appearance, removing most of their noses and growing them gills where a
human's pectorals would be. Fortunately for their ruse, their gills look rather like sparkly
brassieres from a distance.

Just like their Shyft Horse cousins, Rhine Maidens are predators and lead humans to drown
in the river. What is not clear is what they get out of it, as they don't appear to eat their
victims, unlike the Shyft Horses…

Mermaid, Rhine Maiden

Medium Humanoid [Fae, Shapechanger]
Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: Swim 30 ft.; 30 ft. in human form (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dexterity, +2 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+3
Attack: Trident +3 melee (1d8)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Alternate Form (Human female), Aquatic, Dissolve, DR 4/Natural,
Shroud, Tweening
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int, Wis 12, Cha 14
Skills: Bluff+12 (+22 while Glammered), Perform (Singing) +9 (+19 while Glammered),
Sense Motive +8, Swim +15
Feats: Siren*, Skill Focus (Bluff)
Environment: Rivers or Seas
Organization: Solitary, School [3-50]
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: any
Advancement: by character class
*New Feat (see below)

Dissolve: When slain, a Rhine Maiden breaks up into moss covered rocks and the waters of
the Rhine or Danube.

Shroud (Su): Rhine maidens appear to be stunningly beautiful human females, though
always the same one. This applies even when they are still in hybrid form, unless they are
observed by means that can pierce Glammer. While still so concealed, she gains a +10
bonus on all Charisma based skills. If detected reduce her stats accordingly (i.e. Bluff +12
and Sing +9.
Tweening: A Rhine maiden may enter the Tangle by entering any suitably dense patch of
weed and spending a Swift action.

Rhine Maiden Lore

DC Information
14 Mermaids live in vast castles under the sea and rescue sailors
19 The mermaids will grant you gold and magic if you favour them with a kiss
24 Mermaids, in this case Rhine Maidens, are a breed of binary form fae that are found on
the shores of large rivers and deeps streams
29 They possess an enchanted song that lures men into their clutches, to be carried away
into the water, never to be seen again
34 Mermaids sometimes take on human form. They can be recognised by the wet hems of
their garments and tiny pieces of weed stuck in their hair [Spot 21]. They are allergic
to vinegar and will retreat if the water is contaminated with it [or you throw some in
their faces].
39 The charms of a mermaid are difficult to resist. Ignoring the song doesn't help, but
clenching a scrap of gold between your teeth renders you immune. Rhine maidens are
reckless in their quest to regain a golden treasure lost in times past and will take
stupid risks to get any gold shown to them.

Siren [General]
You are Adept at making things look so provocative as to draw folks to them, even against
their better judgment.
Prerequisites: Bluff 6 ranks, Skill Focus [Bluff]
Benefit: As a Standard action, you may attempt to draw an opponent to you. Make a Bluff
check with a -1 penalty per 5 feet apart you are from the target and compare it to a Sense
Motive Check from the target. If you win, the target moves half their speed towards you. If
they encounter an obstacle, they may make a Will save, DC 11+ Cha to realize the danger
and stop.

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