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Carvalho, g.a. (2015).

Multivariate data analysis of satellite-derived measurements to distinguish

natural from man-made oil slicks on the sea surface of campeche bay (gulf of mexico).
Thesis for the degree of doctor of science (pp. 50-53). Rio de Janeiro : Instituto Alberto
Luiz Coimbra de Pos-Graducao e Pesquisa de Engenharia.

Kalibrasi radiometrik pada radar untuk mengkonversi data SAR atau citra ke dalam nilai backscatter.

Persamaan yang digunakan untuk menghitung radar backscattering (koefisien backscatter) / sigma
naught (𝝈𝟎 ) umumnya berkaitan dengan kecerahan citra SAR (beta naught / 𝜷𝟎 seperti berikut :

𝜎0 = 𝛽0 . sin 𝜃

Kalibrasi radiometrik untuk mengukur nilai backscattering. DN pada pixel untuk dikonversi ke citra beta
dan citra sigma.

CITRA BETA membutuhkan nilai DN tapi tidak memerlukan incident angle, sedangkan

CITRA SIGMA perlu incident angle dan pixel center.

Betta-nought : reflektivitas per unit area dalam slant range, nilai beta-naught tidak tergantung dari
kondisi medan

Sigma-naught : reflektivitas per unit area dalam ground range, energi yang dikembalikan ke antena dari
permukaan, nilai sigma-naught langsung berkaitan dengan permukaan-kalibrasi radiometrik

Sigma-naught didapatkan dari nilai image pixel (DN) atau dari beta-naught

Beta-naught SAR backscatter coefficient (βo) corresponding to the radar cross section (RCS
– σ) normalized by the unit area in the plane of the incident radar beam (i.e.
slant range direction). It is sometimes referred to as radar brightness.
Because it represents the reflectivity in the direction of the incident radar
beam and it is independent of the terrain slope, system design engineers
generally prefer to use measures of βo.

Gamma-naught SAR backscatter coefficient (γo) corresponding to the radar cross section (RCS
– σ) normalized by the unit area in the plane orthogonal to the incident
radar beam (i.e. orthogonal to the slant range direction). It is the power
returned to the antenna from the area orthogonal to the radar beam. This
plane is uniformly distant from the satellite and has equal brightness from near
to far range on the pixel level. In being so, measurements of γo are usually
selected for antenna calibration purposes.

Sigma-naught SAR backscatter coefficient (σo) corresponding to the radar cross section (RCS
– σ) normalized by the unit area in the ground range plane (pixel projected
onto the ground). Although its calculation depends upon the knowledge of
terrain slope (not an issue on the sea surface) and the radar beam incidence
angle, it is directly related to the target’s reflectance per unit area (i.e. pixel
projected onto the ground). For this reason, scientists frequently used σo

C1 Radiometric-calibrated value (given in intensity or amplitude of the received radar beam)

corresponding to the radar cross section (RCS – σ) normalized by the unit area: SAR
backscatter coefficient. This quantitative measurement represents the SAR backscatter
signature in different surface planes: sigma-naught (σo), beta-naught (βo), or gamma-
naught (γo):
C1 = [{DN2}+B]/A
DN: Digital Number.
B: Constant offset (nominally set to zero for SGF products).
A: Range-dependent gain that varies upon the LUT choice (i.e. metadata
files – lutSigma.xml, lutBeta.xml, or lutGamma.xml) to obtain a
corresponding A to calculate σo, βo, or γo.
C2 Radiometric-calibrated value (expressed in decibel units – dB) corresponding to the radar
cross section (RCS – σ) normalized by the unit area: SAR backscatter coefficient. This
quantitative measurement represents the SAR backscatter signature in different surface
planes: sigma-naught (σo), beta-naught (βo), or gamma-naught (γo):
C2 = (10*cc)*Log10(C1)
cc: Equal to 2 for the amplitude of the received radar beam and 1 for pixel
values given in intensity.
C1: Radiometric-calibrated value of σo, βo, or γo given in intensity or
amplitude, by: C1 = [{DN2}+B]/A
DN: Digital Number.
B: Constant offset (nominally set to zero for SGF products).
A: Range-dependent gain that varies upon the LUT choice (i.e. metadata files –
lutSigma.xml, lutBeta.xml, or lutGamma.xml) to obtain a corresponding A to calculate σo,
βo, or γo.

Radar Cross Section (σ) merupakan sifat reflektivitas dari kekuatan sinyal pantulan radar
(intensitas hamburan) terhadap target permukaan dalam arah penerimaan radar.
Satuan : m2 dan merupakan fungsi dari waktu, posisi, geometri, panjang gelombang,
polarisasi (transmitted dan received).
Normalized-RCS menerangkan nilai kuantitatif dari backscatter signature dalam
bidang berbeda : sigma-naught, beta-naught, gamma-naught.

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