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Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 275-280, 1987 0731-7247/87 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain (~) 1987 Pergamon Journals Ltd.

Application of radar imagery to structural and geological studies

in the Oban Massif, SE Nigeria

D e p a r t m e n t of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

(Received for publication 19 May 1986)

A b s t r a c t - - R a d a r imageries revealed three m a j o r geomorphological units and a series of long, short and arcuate
lineaments. The different lineament systems seem to delineate blocks containing folded structures. The
m e t a m o r p h o s e d terrain is easily recognisable as a highly deformed area. Including the m e t a m o r p h o s e d rocks,
three lithologic units have been recognised and demarcated in the area; consequently a radar-geological m a p at
1 : 50,000 scale of area 20,000 km 2 based on interpretation of radar imagery and a brief period of field work has
been produced from this study.
The radar imagery studies have disclosed regional lineaments of tectonic origin, and indicate that an
important tectonic episode occurred in the O b a n massif during and post the Precambrian period.

INTRODUCTION well-planned programme. This should also include the

use of aerial photographs and some geophysical
I s MOST suitable terrains, satellite imagery can be used techniques such as aeromagnetic surveys (which the
for the production of reconnaissance geological maps authors are currently working on). These methods
which contain a comprehensive range of lithological and simply help to accelerate actual field work by identifying
structure information. The method is based on that used areas of special interest or difficulty.
in aerial photogeological interpretation, which does not The Oban Massif (Fig. 1) is an area of interest in that
necessarily require extreme sophisticated image process- it constitutes part of the Nigeria Precambrian basement
ing and is most effective when supported by limited field block and formed a continuation of the northeastern
check. Maps produced by this method may be called portion of the South American Plate before continental
'geological maps' to distinguish them from (aerial) drift occurred. More than half the area, however, is
photogeological and conventional geological maps. rainforest region with difficult accessibility. Field work is
In regional mapping projects such as those currently slow and costly, and geological mapping is often
in progress in most parts of Nigeria and Africa, interpre- inefficient and unproductive. Consequently, compara-
tation of satellite imageries should be the first step for a tively little is known of the geology of this area. Radar

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Fig. 1. Generalized geological m a p of Nigeria.

276 M.I. ODIGIand I. P. OKONNY


, . ~ Fold axes - Antiforrn

~ ' Fold axes - Synform
~__ Circular Structure
~ Structural Trends or
Traces of Foliation
Wrench Fault
/ Fracture
/ Major Lineament
',,,J ~-,, Basement Intrusives
/\ / 1"(older plutons)
Metosediments. Gneisses
2 and Migmotites
Cretaceous- Recent
:3 sediments

- - \\


- - o

~ e
0 t0 2Okm \ / c~°

Fig. 2. Geological and structural map of the Oban Massif, S.E. Nigeria.

imagery gives good expression to morphology because Lithologically, the following major groups of rocks are
of the shadowing effects that result from the oblique recognised in the Western Oban Massif:
illumination of the terrain. Inasmuch as geology often (1) Migmatite-gneiss complex; quartzites, para-
has reflection in morphology, radar imagery sometimes schist, amphibolites; foliated pegmatites and
lends itself to geologic interpretation that can capitalize aplites, etc.
on the effective depiction of large areas apparent in (2) Synkinematic to late kinematic Older Granite
radar mosaics. intrusive series comprising rocks ranging in com-
position from diorites, granodiorites and adamel-
lite to granitic rocks, unfoliated pegmatite, aplite
GEOLOGICAL SETTING and quartz veins.
(3) Dolerite intrusives.
The present geological map (Fig. 1, Western Oban The general trend of foliation of the metasediments is
Massif) shows that part of the area under investigation is NW-SE and NE-SW with gentle dips. The metasedi-
underlain by what is known as the Precambrian Base- ments show evidence of polyphase deformation prior to
ment Complex, made up of metamorphosed and de- pegmatite emplacement.
formed rocks of both sedimentary and igneous origin. A number of geological events post-date the emplace-
Overlying the Basement Complex in the northwestern ment of the metasedimentary and granitic rocks of the
part of the area are the slightly deformed Albian and Oban Massif. These resulted in periodic fracturing and
Turonian sediments. the fractures became filled with progressively acidic
It has been suggested by Rahman et al. (1981) that the bodies, including pegmatites.
metasediments were possibly deposited between 1000
and 800 Ma, although the age relationship between the MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS
metasedimentary sequence and the gneissic rocks has
not been ascertained. Three major geomorphological units---landscapes of
The Oban Massif has been subjected to periods of structural origin, landscapes of denudation origin and
regional metamorphism, tectonism and magmatism. alluvial landscapes--are readily distinguished.
Regional metamorphism was followed by tectonic The principal landforms in the area consist of
events leading to the development of fractures, faults (i) highlands;
and folds. Various rock types from the Western Oban (ii) plains;
Massif have been reported by Rahman et al. (1981). (iii) valleys.
Radar imagery in structural studies of the Oban Massif, SE Nigeria 277

Fig. 3. Radar mosaic imagery of the Oban Massif (1 : 250,000).

Fig. 4. A portion of the Oban Massif with highly fractured and sheared rocks.
Radar imagery in structural studies of the Oban Massif, SE Nigeria 279

The highlands occupy the north and central portion of

the area. The elevation increases northwards as the
topography becomes rugged. The north-central portion
comprises highlands made up of highly fractured rocks
(Fig. 1. Highly deformed rocks surround the northern
highlands. These plains are well drained by rivers
originating from the highly fractured, deformed high-
lands (Fig. 2).
The drainage system can be subdivided into two
categories: (1) the major rivers, namely the Calabar,
Cross and Udip Rivers, and (2) many minor streams.
The major rivers can be identified on the radar imagery.
The Cross River flanks the Oban Massif on the west and Fig. 5. Directionalfrequencyrose diagramsof interpreted fractures
constitutes the most prominent topographic landmark in showingon radar imageryof the Oban Massif.
the area. Many tributaries flow south, west and north-
wards to join the Cross river. The drainage pattern of the
tributaries is dendritic and the area is well drained, by the WNW-ESE oriented drainage courses, and some
typifying a granitic terrain. of the rivers tend to flow along a major fold axis of the
The radar imagery of the area of study facilitated the metasedimentary sequence. The principle manifestation
demarcation of the following geological boundaries: of the fold system is the displacement of the limbs of the
(i) basement granites; complex folds into halves in a left-lateral sense. A few of
(ii) metasediments/gneisses and migmatites com- the lineaments trending WNW-ESE have been estab-
plex; lished as probable faults.
(iii) Cretaceous sediments (sandstones and shales). NNE-SSW to ENE-WSW lineaments--these consti-
Additional morphological features significant to the tute a tectonic system. Some of rivers and streams are
structural geological interpretation by visual examina- aligned along this group of lineaments.
tion of the imagery are deep valleys, erosion scarps, the The N-S trending lineaments appear prominent
alignment of knick points in stream courses and the within the metasedimentary belt typical of the Pan-Afri-
distribution of outcrops. can orogenic mobile belt (Kogbe 1981). The NNW-SSE
and NNE-SSW lineaments truncate one another in
Regional lineaments--linear and curvilinear patterns places, suggesting different ages for the lineament
groups. For example, the NNE-SSW lineament L1 is
Lineaments are abundant in the area of investigation. older than the NNW-SSE lineament L 2. The N-S linea-
The length of the lineaments ranges between 5 and 25 ments form another generation of tectonic system which
km. The visual interpretation of the radar mosaics dis- are older than the L 1and L2 lineaments. In other parts of
closed a series of long and curved lineaments often in Nigeria, Kogbe (1981) has been able to establish that L1
regular arrangement (Figs. 3 and 4). They can be sub- and L2 trending lineaments are younger than the N-S
divided into three major sets oriented in N-S, NE-SW lineaments. These tend to suggest that an important
and NW-SE directions. The northern portion of the tectonic episode occurred in this part of West African
imagery exhibits patterns all into high shearing. The Craton during the post-Precambrian period. This is also
N-S, NE-SW and NW-SE lineaments occur together in in an agreement with the work by Odigi and Oti (in
the heavily sheared area (Fig. 4). A quantitative exami- preparation) on the metamorphic and tectonic evolution
nation of the lineaments around the shear outcrops was of some parts of the Oban Massif.
made and a rose plot construction (Fig. 5) shows the Generally, the different lineament systems seem to
maximum stress distribution pattern. Curvilinear pat- delineate blocks containing folded structures. The
terns occur in various zones of the area. The curvilinear metasediments in the area have been affected by more
structures may be caused by dragfolds along major than one episode of folding involving complex deforma-
strike-slip faults or by doming as a result of igneous tion and superimposed folding during the Pan-African.
intrusion and later collapsing. The repetition of long During the early episode, the NE-SW structures were
lineaments' strike direction in a number of quite differ- formed with corresponding fold axial traces. The later
ent structures at totally different scales, and their associ- folding produced WSW-ESE trending structures. The
ation with tectomagmatic phenomena of Precambrian deformational episodes resulted in isoclinal refolded
and Palaeozoic age, would suggest a relationship with folds whose axial traces trend NW-SE and NE-SW
processes of considerable age; the major lineaments respectively.
inferred are shown in Fig. 2. The metasedimentary, gneiss and migmatite complex
WNW-ESE lineaments--this group of lineaments is belt is easily recognisable on radar imagery as the area
based on a series of escarpments in the plutons and that is highly deformed. The granitic intrusion areas are
metasediments, gneisses and migmatite complex. characterised by abundant fractures. The curvilinea-
Generally these rocks have a horizontal to sub- ments seem to be associated with the metasedimentary,
horizontal attitude. The Western area is clearly reflected gneiss and migmatite complex belts. Further field work
280 M . I . ODIGI and I. P. OKONNY

will be needed to confirm or otherwise disprove this A regional investigation--especially airborne

hypothesis. The Cretaceous sediments are recognizable (electro-) magnetic data--is necessary to assist in ascer-
on the basis of sharp lithologic tone variation. taining any mineral potential of the inferred structures.
An image--geological map at a 1 : 500,000 scale of an
area 20,000 km 2 based on interpretation of radar imagery
CONCLUSIONS and on a brief period of fieldwork has been produced
from this study.
It is concluded that the radar mosaic imagery (Fig. 3)
of the Oban Massif can be usefully applied by visual
examination to the delineation of regional lineaments of REFERENCES
tectonic origin. The study reveals that an important
Kogbe, C. A. 1981. Geologicalinterpretation of Landsat imageriesof
tectonic episode occurred in the Oban Massif during and part of Central Nigeria. J. Min. Geol. 18, 66--69.
post the Precambrian period. The tectonic episode Odigi, M. I. and Off, M. N. Metamorphic and structural evolution of
resulted in the presently established structural configura- parts of Oban Massif, south-eastern Nigeria (in preparation).
Rahman, A. A. M. S., Ukpong, E. E. and Azmatullah, M. 1981.
tion. Three lithologic units have been recognised and Geologyof parts of the Oban Massif, south-eastern Nigeria. J. Min.
demarcated in the area. Geol. 18, 60-65.

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