Hellos 2. ANN Review

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4th Grade Lesson Plan 4.

1. Goal: To review naming the notes on the Treble Clef staff; to learn proper recorder techniques

2. Objectives: SWBAT
 ID and perform the notes B, A, G
 ID the notes on the treble clef staff

3. Materials: recorders; recorder music/worksheets; student folders

4. Procedure
1. Hellos

2. ANN Review
 Play around the world game with note naming

3. Recorder Karate
 Pick up where we left off last week by passing out recorder music, worksheets,
student folders
 Sing through white belt songs
 Sunrise – pass out recorders from last year; review
 HP/LG – pass out new recorders and learn how to make first sounds!
 If time, play through white belt songs and allow students to start working
 Students will keep recorders in school this week

4. Goodbyes

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