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18/12/2018 Prove some inequalities using the mean value theorem - Stumbling Robot

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Prove some inequalities using the mean value theorem

by RoRi Sept e m b er 28, 20 15

Prove the following inequalities using the mean value theorem:

a. .
b. , for .

a. Proof. Define and . Then and are continuous and differentiable everywhere so we may
apply the mean value theorem. We obtain

The final step follows since for all

b. Proof. Let , , then and . So, by the mean-value theorem we have there
exists a such that,

But, since is an increasing function on the positive real axis, and we have we know 1/4
18/12/2018 Prove some inequalities using the mean value theorem - Stumbling Robot

Further, since and is positive we can multiply all of the terms in the equality by without
reversing inequalities to obtain,

Therefore, substituting from above we obtain the requested inequality:


Application of the mean-value Use the weighted mean value Prove the integral from 0 to x of sin t
theorem for integrals theorem to establish an inequality /(t2 + 1) is positive for positive x
( ( (
015/10/23/application-of-the-mean- 015/09/08/use-the-weighted-mean- 015/10/30/prove-the-integral-from-
value-theorem-for-integrals/) value-theorem-to-establish-an- 0-to-x-of-sin-t-t2-1-is-positive-for-
October 23, 2015 inequality/) positive-x/)
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If you are having trouble with math proofs a great book to learn from is How to Prove It by Daniel Velleman: 2/4
18/12/2018 Prove some inequalities using the mean value theorem - Stumbling Robot

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