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1) What are the advantages of using non – conventional sources of energy?

2) What are solar collectors? Write their applications.
3) Define solar cell on what principle does it work?
4) “Bio – energy is essential now adays”, justify your answer.
5) What is transesterification?
6) Smoking has been prohibited in public places, give reasons.
7) Usage of unleaded petrol & Bio – fuels must be encouraged. Why ?
8) Using the public transport system must be followed, give reasons.
9) What are the methods of controlling water pollution?
10) We should not throw plastics everywhere. Why ?
11) What are the causes for land pollution?
12) What are the causes for the depletion of ozone layer and write the effect of ozone depletion.
13) Write the effects of sound pollution.
14) Which are the factors responsible for Global warming?
15) Mention the green house gases.
16) What are the causes for Acid Rain and write their effects?
17) Write the effects of Radio Active pollution.
18) Mendeleev’s periodic table is the important base for the construction for modern periodic
table. Explain.
19) Atomic size increases when you go from top to bottom in the group and decreases in the
period. Why?
20) What is Ionisation energy? How it related to the atomic size?
21) Explain the extraction of Amorphous silicon.
22) How do the crystalline silicon is extracted? Write the chemical equations of this method.
23) Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions.
a. Coke and silica are heated
b. When silicon burns in Air
24) Mention the uses of any two silicon compounds.
25) Distinguish between gametophyte & sporophyte of Bryophyta.
26) Write the prominent features of gymnosperms.
27) Write the characters of Angiosperms.
28) Draw a diagram of a typical dicot plant.
29) Write the characteristic features of chordata.
30) What are the salient feature of Amphibians?
31) Write the characteristic features of Reptiles.
32) What are the modifications of Birds for their flight?
33) Write the characters of Mammals.
34) Name the tissue which helps in the growth of the plant body. In which regions of the plant
this tissue can be seen?

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35) In Hydrophytes like Lotus, leaves are floating in water. Why ?
36) Xylem tissue if referred as a complex tissue. Why?
37) What are the functions of epidermal tissue in plants?
38) Write the functions of epithelial tissue.
39) What are voluntary & involuntary muscles? Give example.
40) What is the special features of cardiac muscles ?
41) Write the differences between striped muscles & unstriped muscles.
42) What is Lymph? Write its function.
43) Write the difference between the following :-
a. Tendons & Ligaments
b. Bone & cartilage
44) Draw a diagram showing the structure of a neuron.
45) Write the methods of HIV infection or AIDS.
46) What are the methods of controlling HIV infection ? (AIDS)
47) Draw a diagram showing the structure of HIV virus.
48) Explain the structure of HIV virus.
49) Distinguish between longitudinal waves & transverse waves.
50) Write the applications of simple Harmonic motion.
51) Problems based on V = n λ will be asking.
52) Internal combustion engines are better than external combustion engines why?
53) Write the limitations of external combustion engines.
54) Write the differences between petrol engine & diesel engine.
55) Define efficiency of an engine.
Problems on efficiency may be asked
56) Draw a diagram showing the expansion stroke of an external combustion engine.
A diagram showing the exhaust stroke of an external combustion engine.
57) Write a diagram of a typical petrol engine & label the parts.
58) Draw a diagram of the Nuclear power Reactor & label the parts.
59) Environmentalist protest the installation of a Nuclear power Reactor why?
60) Write the functions of the following:-
a. Moderator b. control rods c. coolant
61) What is Annealing? What is its importance?
62) Write the types of glass and mention their uses.
63) Optical fibre is used in telecommunication. Why?
64) What is glazing? What is its advantage.
65) Write the uses of ceramics.
66) Use of paper is preferable than plastics. Why ?
67) What is catenation? Which are the 3 structures by catenation?
68) Explain Isomerism with suitable examples.
69) Write the chemical equations of the combustion of Methane with air (i) complete
combustion (ii) incomplete combustion.
70) Explain the substitution Reactions of Methane & chlorine in the form of chemical equations.
71) Write the structural formula of ethane, ethyne, propane, butyne & pentene.
72) Write the structures of Cyclopropane, Cyclobutane, Cyclopentane, Cyclohexane.

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73) Write the structure of Benzene and mention its uses.
74) Write the structures of Toulene & Naphthalene.
75) What are poly functional compounds? Give examples.
76) Why do the consumption of oils are better than fats ?
77) What is hydrogenation of oils? Why is it necessary?
78) Define saponification value. Write its importance.
79) Name the constituents of sucrose.
80) What is caramel? Where it is used?
81) A Jiggery is healthier than sugar. Why?
82) What is the role of slaked lime & charcoal in the preparation of sugar?
83) Write the functions of enzymes called invertase & zymase in the conversion of molasses in to
ethyl alcohol. Write the chemical equations.
84) What is the frequency range of ultrasonic sound?
85) What are the applications of ultrasonic sound waves?
86) What is Sonar? What are the applications of Sonar?
87) What is a scanner? Write its applications.
88) What is electrocardiography (ECG) ?
89) Define Doppler Effect? What are the applications of the Doppler effect?
90) Which device is used to detect the vehicles crossing the speed limit? On what principle does
it work?
91) An ultrasonic wave sent from a ship reaches the bottom of the sea & returns back in 4 secs.
What is the depth of the sea?
92) Write the balanced chemical equations for the following :
a. Magnesium burns in Air
b. Sodium reacts with water
c. Chlorine reacts with Aluminium powder
d. Zinc reacts with Sulphuric Acid
93) Draw a a diagram of the blast furnace showing the extraction of Iron & label the parts.
94) Draw a diagram of th electrolytic refining of copper & label the parts.
95) Draw a diagram of the extraction of Aluminium & label the parts.
96) Write the constituents of the following alloys
a. Bronze b. brass c. Alnico d. Invar steel
97) The induced e.m.f depends on what factors?
98) State the Faraday’s Laws of electromagnetic induction.
99) What are transformers? On what principle do they work?
100) Mention the types of transformers? Write their symbolic representation.
101) Draw the diagrams of AC Dynamo, DC Dynamo & DC motor & lable the parts.
102) Distinguish between AC Dynamo & DC Dynamo.
103) Draw the diagram of an Induction coil & label the parts.
104) Define semi conductor. Mention its types.
105) Write the differences between n – type & p – type semi conductors.
106) What is a Diode? Write its circuit diagram.
107) What is transistor? Which are the 2 types of transistor? Write the circuit diagrams of
108) Explain the 3 regions of transistor with their functions.

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109) At No Li – 3 and Fluorine is 9 both are placed in same period. But the atomic size of Fluorine
is less than Lithium. Why?
110) State Charle’s Law.
111) State Boyle’s Law.
112) Fishes taken out to the surface of the seas suddenly will die. Give reason. Which Law applies
113) The smell of the cold food cannot be get soon why?
114) State the Law of Diffusions by Graham.
115) What is polyploidy? Name the chemical used for this.
116) What is the disadvantage of polyploidy plants?
117) What is tissue culture? Write its applications.
118) Define genetic modification.
What are transgenic plants or genetically modified plants? Give examples by which
technology they can be obtained?
119) What is Hydroponics & Aeroponics? In which field these methods are applied & why?
120) What are the applications of Roof top gardening?
121) What are additives? Mention their types.
122) Name the growth hormone of man. What is the deficiency if it is secreted in excess? Name
the deficiency if it is secreted very less.
123) Mention the deficiency disorders by the less secretion of thyroxin hormone.
124) Write the function of Paratharmone.
125) Which hormone deficiency causes Diabetes? Write their symptoms.
126) Which is celled as the emergency hormone? Why?
127) Write the function of cerebrum.
128) What is the function of Hypothalamus?
129) What is reflex action? Which is the centre for this?
130) Mention the 3 parts of Hind Brain and write their functions.
131) Draw a diagram of vertical section of Human eye & label the parts.
132) Draw a diagram of the structure of Human ear & label the parts.
133) What is Monohybrid? What is its ratio?
134) Show the phenotypic ratio & genotypic ratio through punet square taking tall plants & dwarf
135) Explain the structure of DNA. Write its significance.
136) What is cloning?
137) “Balance in the nature has been destroyed by the methods of Biotechnology” justify this.
138) What are electrolyte? Give examples.
139) State Faraday’s Laws of electrolysis.
140) Draw a diagram showing the electroplating of brass with silver & label the parts.
141) Write the characters of Australopithecus.
142) What are the characteristic features of Neanderthal man or peeking man.
143) Mention any two Human Races and write their characters.
144) Explain the following :-
a. Red gaint stage b. White dwarfs c. Black holes d. protostar
145) How does a star attains the steady state?

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146) What is a Galaxy? Mention the types of Galaxy. In which Galaxy sun is present.
147) State Hubble’s Law.
148) State the principle of Rockets.
149) Explain the working of Rockets.
150) What is propellant? Mention any 2 propellants.
151) Draw a diagram of a single stage Rocket & label the parts.
152) What is orbital velocity? Write its equation.
153) What is escape velocity? What is its value?
154) What is the relationship of orbital velocity & escape velocity by an equation?
155) What are geostationary satellite? Mention their prominence.
156) Write a short notes on Indian space programme.
157) What are Multistage Rockets? What are the advantages of such Rockets?
158) Nuclear weapons must banned. What are precautions to be taken while disposing the
Nuclear wastes?


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