Kenny Werner Lesson

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Kenny Werner Lesson

Practice efficiently!

-small chunks of things

-one phrase for 4 measures

-rhythmically, work on nailing a small phrase-one that is awkward for you

(awkward intervals, key, different harmony)

-practice starting it and ending it on different beats throughout the 4 bars (but
practice it in a tune)

-remove notes from line

-resolve things late/early

-Chords- work specifically on a few types—major (b5 #5, etc) minor (Aeolian,
phryg, maj/min) all kinds of dominants, sus, polychords…..well I guess that’s all of
them, but then pick 4 random notes and plan which qualities you’ll use, a different
one for each note. Do this a whole frickin lot. Eventually, you will be able to free

-another exercise, take a tune, have someone call out random notes, harmonize that
tune to those notes

-Do this, but with a melody, too. Cycle things. Use LH.

-Improvise intervallicaly, but do it with conviction!

- A mix of in and out = something interesting—something on the border is best

-there are three components to music- rhythm, harmony, and melody. Work
individually on each, and things will come together.

-The point of practice is muscle memory. Practice things until your hands know

-Once you have this muscle memory, things you’ve practiced will just pop up in your

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