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Id theoritical = Current I hv[sec]/Iref hv[sec] – Current I lv[sec]/Iref lv[sec].

Characteristic equqtion for the range 0.5. Id> < Ir≤Ir m2

(Id/Iref )=m1. (Ir/Iref) + {(Id>/Iref) . (1- 0.5 x m1) }

[ Diff in Circuit a-c , apply .8 A & reduce it in .001A steps in Circuit-c ]

Id theoritical = Current I hv[sec]/Iref hv[sec] – Current I lv[sec]/Iref lv[sec].

Characteristic equqtion for the range Ir m2< IR

(Id/Iref )=m2. (Ir/Iref) + {(Id>/Iref) . (1- 0.5 x m1) }+ 1.5 (m1-m2)

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